Netscript Loops and Conditionals ================================ Netscript loops and conditionals are the same as Javascript. However, the one caveat is that when declaring variables such as the iterator for traversing a loop, you should not use the 'var' or 'let' keyword. For reference, you can see the Javascript documentation for loops/conditionals here: `While loops <>`_ `For loops <>`_ `Conditionals (If/Else statements) <>`_ Here are some simple code examples that show the use of loops and conditionals in Netscript. The following is a while loop that runs the hack() Netscript function ten times:: i = 0; while (i < 10) { hack('foodnstuff'); i = i + 1; } The following is a for loop that runs the hack() Netscript function ten times:: for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { hack("foodnstuff"); } The following is a conditional that uses the getServerMoneyAvailable() Netscript function to check how much money exists on the 'foodnstuff' server. If there is more than $200,000 on the server, then the server will be hacked. Otherwise, the money available on the server will be grown using the grow() Netscript function:: if (getServerMoneyAvailable('foodnstuff') > 200000) { hack("foodnstuff"); } else { grow("foodnstuff"); }