import { Bladeburner } from "../../../src/Bladeburner/Bladeburner"; import { PlayerObject } from "../../../src/PersonObjects/Player/PlayerObject"; import { Player, setPlayer } from "@player"; import { BlackOperation, Contract, GeneralAction, Operation } from "../../../src/Bladeburner/Actions"; import { BladeburnerActionType, BladeburnerContractName, BladeburnerGeneralActionName, BladeburnerOperationName, CityName, CrimeType, } from "@enums"; import { FormatsNeedToChange } from "../../../src/ui/formatNumber"; import { CrimeWork } from "../../../src/Work/CrimeWork"; import type { Action, ActionIdentifier } from "../../../src/Bladeburner/Types"; import type { Skills } from "@nsdefs"; import { BlackOperations } from "../../../src/Bladeburner/data/BlackOperations"; describe("Bladeburner Actions", () => { const SampleContract = Contract.createId(BladeburnerContractName.Tracking); const SampleGeneralAction = GeneralAction.createId(BladeburnerGeneralActionName.Diplomacy); const SampleOperation = Operation.createId(BladeburnerOperationName.Assassination); const SampleBlackOp = BlackOperations["Operation Centurion"].id; const ENOUGH_TIME_TO_FINISH_ACTION = 1e5; const BASE_STAT_EXP = 1e6; let bb: Bladeburner; const cities = Object.keys(new Bladeburner().cities); const contracts = Object.values(new Bladeburner().contracts); const operations = Object.values(new Bladeburner().operations); const nonGeneralActions = [contracts, operations, Object.values(BlackOperations)].flat(); describe("Without Simulacrum", () => { it("Starting an action cancels player's work immediately", () => { Player.startWork(new CrimeWork({ crimeType: CrimeType.assassination, singularity: false })); start(SampleGeneralAction); expect(Player.currentWork).toBeNull(); }); }); describe("Upon successful completion", () => { /** Repetitive snapshot declarations in most tests below */ let pop, before, after; describe(BladeburnerGeneralActionName.Training, () => { const train = GeneralAction.createId(BladeburnerGeneralActionName.Training); it("increases max stamina", () => { before = bb.maxStamina; complete(train); expect(bb.maxStamina).toBeGreaterThan(before); }); it.each(<(keyof Skills)[]>["strength", "dexterity", "agility"])("awards %s exp", (stat: keyof Skills) => { before = Player.exp[stat]; complete(train); expect(Player.exp[stat]).toBeGreaterThan(before); }); }); describe(BladeburnerGeneralActionName.HyperbolicRegen, () => { const regen = GeneralAction.createId(BladeburnerGeneralActionName.HyperbolicRegen); it("heals the player", () => { Player.takeDamage(Player.hp.max / 2); before = Player.hp.current; complete(regen); expect(Player.hp.current).toBeGreaterThan(before); }); it("regains stamina", () => { bb.stamina = 0; complete(regen); expect(bb.stamina).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); }); describe(BladeburnerGeneralActionName.Diplomacy, () => { const diplomacy = GeneralAction.createId(BladeburnerGeneralActionName.Diplomacy); it("mildly reduces chaos in the current city", () => { allCitiesHighChaos(); let { chaos } = bb.getCurrentCity(); complete(diplomacy); expect(bb.getCurrentCity().chaos).toBeGreaterThan(chaos * 0.9); expect(bb.getCurrentCity().chaos).toBeLessThan(chaos); }); it("effect scales significantly with player charisma", () => { Player.gainCharismaExp(1e500); allCitiesHighChaos(); complete(diplomacy); expect(bb.getCurrentCity().chaos).toBe(0); }); it("does NOT affect chaos in other cities", () => { const otherCity = cities.find((c) => c !== bb.getCurrentCity().name); /** Testing against a guaranteed 0-chaos level of charisma */ Player.gainCharismaExp(1e500); allCitiesHighChaos(); complete(diplomacy); expect(bb.cities[otherCity].chaos).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); }); describe(BladeburnerGeneralActionName.FieldAnalysis, () => { const fa = GeneralAction.createId(BladeburnerGeneralActionName.FieldAnalysis); it("improves population estimate", () => { ({ pop, popEst: before } = bb.getCurrentCity()); complete(fa); ({ popEst: after } = bb.getCurrentCity()); expect(Math.abs(after - pop)).toBeLessThan(Math.abs(before - pop)); }); it.each(<(keyof Skills)[]>["hacking", "charisma"])("awards %s exp", (stat: keyof Skills) => { before = Player.exp[stat]; complete(fa, forceSuccess); expect(Player.exp[stat]).toBeGreaterThan(before); }); it("provides a minor increase in rank", () => { before = bb.rank; complete(fa, forceSuccess); expect(bb.rank).toBeGreaterThan(before); }); }); describe.each([SampleContract, SampleOperation, BlackOperations["Operation Archangel"].id])( "non-general actions increase rank", (id) => { it(`${id.type}`, () => { before = bb.rank; complete(id, forceSuccess); expect(bb.rank).toBeGreaterThan(before); }); }, ); describe("non-general actions increase rank", () => { let beforeMinor, minorGain, beforeMajor, majorGain; it.each([ { major: SampleBlackOp, minor: SampleOperation }, { major: SampleOperation, minor: SampleContract }, ])("$major.type reward significantly more rank than $minor.type", ({ major, minor }) => { beforeMinor = bb.rank; complete(minor, forceSuccess); minorGain = bb.rank - beforeMinor; beforeMajor = bb.rank; complete(major, forceSuccess); majorGain = bb.rank - beforeMajor; expect(majorGain).toBeGreaterThan(minorGain); }); }); describe(BladeburnerGeneralActionName.InciteViolence, () => { const iv = GeneralAction.createId(BladeburnerGeneralActionName.InciteViolence); let chaos; it("generates available contracts", () => { const { count } = bb.getActionObject(SampleContract); complete(iv, forceSuccess); expect(bb.getActionObject(SampleContract).count).toBeGreaterThan(count); }); it("generates available operations", () => { const { count } = bb.getActionObject(SampleOperation); complete(iv, forceSuccess); expect(bb.getActionObject(SampleOperation).count).toBeGreaterThan(count); }); /** Relates to all issues mentioned in PR-1586: * - changing chaos rate of incite violence * - having chaos rate affect only one city */ it.each(cities)("SIGNIFICANTLY increases chaos in all cities when chaos is LOW: %s", (city: CityName) => { ({ chaos } = bb.cities[city]); complete(iv, forceSuccess); expect(bb.cities[city].chaos).toBeGreaterThan(chaos * 2); }); /** Relates to all issues mentioned in PR-1586: * - changing chaos rate of incite violence * - having chaos rate affect only one city */ it.each(cities)("MILDLY increases chaos in all cities when chaos is HIGH: %s", (city: CityName) => { allCitiesHighChaos(); ({ chaos } = bb.cities[city]); complete(iv, forceSuccess); expect(bb.cities[city].chaos).toBeGreaterThan(chaos * 1.05); }); }); describe(BladeburnerGeneralActionName.Recruitment, () => { const recruit = GeneralAction.createId(BladeburnerGeneralActionName.Recruitment); it("awards charisma exp", () => { before = Player.exp.charisma; complete(recruit, forceSuccess); expect(Player.exp.charisma).toBeGreaterThan(before); }); it("hires team member", () => { complete(recruit, forceSuccess); expect(bb.teamSize).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); }); describe.each({ id }) => ({ id })))("$", ({ id }) => { it("all contracts award money", () => { before =; complete(id, forceSuccess); expect(; }); }); /** Stat EXP check for all actions */ /** Checking all of them to avoid regressions */ describe.each(nonGeneralActions.flatMap(actionIdWithIndividualStat))("$", ({ id, stat }) => { it(`awards ${stat} exp`, () => { before = Player.exp[stat]; complete(id, forceSuccess); expect(Player.exp[stat]).toBeGreaterThan(before); }); }); }); describe("Upon failed completion", () => { let before; describe.each([SampleOperation, SampleBlackOp])("operations and black operations decrease rank", (id) => { it(`${id.type}`, () => { before = bb.rank; complete(id, forceFailure); expect(bb.rank).toBeLessThan(before); }); }); }); it("have a minimum duration of 1 second", () => { complete(SampleContract); expect(bb.actionTimeToComplete).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1); }); beforeAll(() => { /* Initialise Formatters. Dependency of Bladeburner Logs/Console */ FormatsNeedToChange.emit(); }); beforeEach(() => { setPlayer(new PlayerObject()); /** Need BN5 to receive Int EXP */ Player.sourceFiles.set(5, 3); if (initBladeburner(Player)) { bb = Player.bladeburner; bb.clearConsole(); } basicStats(); }); function initBladeburner(player: PlayerObject): player is PlayerObject & { bladeburner: Bladeburner } { player.startBladeburner(); return true; } function basicStats() { bb.rank = 1; bb.changeRank(Player, 400e3); Player.gainStrengthExp(BASE_STAT_EXP); Player.gainDefenseExp(BASE_STAT_EXP); Player.gainAgilityExp(BASE_STAT_EXP); Player.gainDexterityExp(BASE_STAT_EXP); bb.calculateMaxStamina(); bb.stamina = bb.maxStamina; resetCity(); } function resetCity() { bb.cities[].chaos = 0; bb.cities[].comms = 100; bb.cities[].pop = 1e9; /** Disable random event */ bb.randomEventCounter = Infinity; } function allCitiesHighChaos() { for (const city of Object.values(bb.cities)) { city.chaos = 1e12; } } function complete(id: ActionIdentifier, modifySuccessRate?: typeof forceSuccess | typeof forceFailure) { start(id); if (modifySuccessRate) modifySuccessRate(id); finish(); } function forceSuccess(id: ActionIdentifier) { const action = bb.getActionObject(id); const success = jest.spyOn(action, "getSuccessChance"); success.mockReturnValueOnce(1); } function forceFailure() { bb.stamina = 0; } function start(id: ActionIdentifier) { const action = bb.getActionObject(id); if ("count" in action) action.count = 1; if (action.type === BladeburnerActionType.Operation) action.autoLevel = true; if (id.type === "Black Operations") bb.numBlackOpsComplete = (action).n; bb.startAction(id); } function finish() { bb.processAction(ENOUGH_TIME_TO_FINISH_ACTION); bb.calculateMaxStamina(); } function actionIdWithIndividualStat(action: Action) { return Object.entries(action.weights) .filter(([__, value]) => value > 0) .map(([stat]) => ({ id:, stat } as { id: ActionIdentifier; stat: keyof Skills })); } });