import { AugmentationNames } from "./Augmentation/data/AugmentationNames"; import { CodingContractTypes } from "./CodingContracts"; import { generateContract, generateRandomContract, generateRandomContractOnHome } from "./CodingContractGenerator"; import { Companies } from "./Company/Companies"; import { Company } from "./Company/Company"; import { Programs } from "./Programs/Programs"; import { Factions } from "./Faction/Factions"; import { Player } from "./Player"; import { PlayerOwnedSourceFile } from "./SourceFile/PlayerOwnedSourceFile"; import { AllServers } from "./Server/AllServers"; import { GetServerByHostname } from "./Server/ServerHelpers"; import { hackWorldDaemon } from "./RedPill"; import { StockMarket, SymbolToStockMap } from "./StockMarket/StockMarket"; import { Stock } from "./StockMarket/Stock"; import { Terminal } from "./Terminal"; import { numeralWrapper } from "./ui/numeralFormat"; import { dialogBoxCreate } from "../utils/DialogBox"; import { exceptionAlert } from "../utils/helpers/exceptionAlert"; import { createElement } from "../utils/uiHelpers/createElement"; import { createOptionElement } from "../utils/uiHelpers/createOptionElement"; import { getSelectText } from "../utils/uiHelpers/getSelectData"; import { removeElementById } from "../utils/uiHelpers/removeElementById"; import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; const Component = React.Component; const validSFN = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12]; class DevMenuComponent extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.setSF = this.setSF.bind(this); this.setAllSF = this.setAllSF.bind(this); this.processStocks = this.processStocks.bind(this); this.setStockPrice = this.setStockPrice.bind(this); this.viewStockCaps = this.viewStockCaps.bind(this); } addMoney(n) { return function() { Player.gainMoney(n); } } upgradeRam() { Player.getHomeComputer().maxRam *= 2; } b1tflum3() { hackWorldDaemon(Player.bitNodeN, true); } hackW0r1dD43m0n() { hackWorldDaemon(Player.bitNodeN); } modifyExp(stat, modifier) { return function() { let field = null; let exp = 0; switch(stat) { case "hacking": field = document.getElementById('dev-hacking-exp'); exp = parseInt(field.value); if(exp) { Player.gainHackingExp(exp*modifier); } break; case "strength": field = document.getElementById('dev-strength-exp'); exp = parseInt(field.value); if(exp) { Player.gainStrengthExp(exp*modifier); } break; case "defense": field = document.getElementById('dev-defense-exp'); exp = parseInt(field.value); if(exp) { Player.gainDefenseExp(exp*modifier); } break; case "dexterity": field = document.getElementById('dev-dexterity-exp'); exp = parseInt(field.value); if(exp) { Player.gainDexterityExp(exp*modifier); } break; case "agility": field = document.getElementById('dev-agility-exp'); exp = parseInt(field.value); if(exp) { Player.gainAgilityExp(exp*modifier); } break; case "charisma": field = document.getElementById('dev-charisma-exp'); exp = parseInt(field.value); if(exp) { Player.gainCharismaExp(exp*modifier); } break; case "intelligence": field = document.getElementById('dev-intelligence-exp'); exp = parseInt(field.value); if(exp) { Player.gainIntelligenceExp(exp*modifier); } break; } Player.updateSkillLevels(); } } tonsOfExp() { Player.gainHackingExp(1e27); Player.gainStrengthExp(1e27); Player.gainDefenseExp(1e27); Player.gainDexterityExp(1e27); Player.gainAgilityExp(1e27); Player.gainCharismaExp(1e27); Player.gainIntelligenceExp(1e27); Player.updateSkillLevels(); } resetAllExp() { Player.hacking_exp = 0; Player.strength_exp = 0; Player.defense_exp = 0; Player.dexterity_exp = 0; Player.agility_exp = 0; Player.charisma_exp = 0; Player.intelligence_exp = 0; Player.updateSkillLevels(); } resetExperience(stat) { return function() { switch(stat) { case "hacking": Player.hacking_exp = 0; break; case "strength": Player.strength_exp = 0; break; case "defense": Player.defense_exp = 0; break; case "dexterity": Player.dexterity_exp = 0; break; case "agility": Player.agility_exp = 0; break; case "charisma": Player.charisma_exp = 0; break; case "intelligence": Player.intelligence_exp = 0; break; } Player.updateSkillLevels(); } } enableIntelligence() { if(Player.intelligence === 0) { Player.intelligence = 1; Player.updateSkillLevels(); } } disableIntelligence() { Player.intelligence_exp = 0; Player.intelligence = 0; Player.updateSkillLevels(); } factionNames() { for (const i in Factions) { factionsDropdown.options[factionsDropdown.options.length] = new Option(Factions[i].name, Factions[i].name); } return } receiveInvite() { const factionsDropdown = document.getElementById('factions-dropdown'); const facName = factionsDropdown.options[factionsDropdown.selectedIndex].value; Player.receiveInvite(facName); } receiveAllInvites() { for (const i in Factions) { Player.receiveInvite(Factions[i].name); } } modifyRep(modifier) { return function() { const field = document.getElementById('dev-faction-rep'); const factionsDropdown = document.getElementById('factions-dropdown'); const facName = factionsDropdown.options[factionsDropdown.selectedIndex].value; const fac = Factions[facName]; const rep = parseFloat(field.value); if (fac != null && !isNaN(rep)) { fac.playerReputation += rep*modifier; } } } resetRep() { const factionsDropdown = document.getElementById('factions-dropdown'); const facName = factionsDropdown.options[factionsDropdown.selectedIndex].value; const fac = Factions[facName]; if (fac != null) { fac.playerReputation = 0; } } modifyFactionFavor(modifier) { return function() { const field = document.getElementById('dev-faction-favor'); const factionsDropdown = document.getElementById('factions-dropdown'); const facName = factionsDropdown.options[factionsDropdown.selectedIndex].value; const fac = Factions[facName]; const rep = parseFloat(field.value); if (fac != null && !isNaN(rep)) { fac.favor += rep*modifier; } } } resetFactionFavor() { const factionsDropdown = document.getElementById('factions-dropdown'); const facName = factionsDropdown.options[factionsDropdown.selectedIndex].value; const fac = Factions[facName]; if (fac != null) { fac.favor = 0; } } tonsOfRep() { for (const i in Factions) { Factions[i].playerReputation = 1e27; } } resetAllRep() { for (const i in Factions) { Factions[i].playerReputation = 0; } } tonsOfFactionFavor() { for (const i in Factions) { Factions[i].favor = 1e27; } } resetAllFactionFavor() { for (const i in Factions) { Factions[i].favor = 0; } } queueAug() { const augsDropdown = document.getElementById('dev-augs-dropdown'); const augName = augsDropdown.options[augsDropdown.selectedIndex].value; Player.queueAugmentation(augName); } queueAllAugs() { for (const i in AugmentationNames) { const augName = AugmentationNames[i]; Player.queueAugmentation(augName); } } setSF(sfN, sfLvl) { return function() { if (sfLvl === 0) { Player.sourceFiles = Player.sourceFiles.filter((sf) => sf.n !== sfN); return; } if(!Player.sourceFiles.some((sf) => sf.n === sfN)) { Player.sourceFiles.push(new PlayerOwnedSourceFile(sfN, sfLvl)); return; } for(let i = 0; i < Player.sourceFiles.length; i++) { if (Player.sourceFiles[i].n === sfN) { Player.sourceFiles[i].lvl = sfLvl; } } } } setAllSF(sfLvl) { const component = this; return function(){ for (let i = 0; i < validSFN.length; i++) { component.setSF(validSFN[i], sfLvl)(); } } } addProgram() { const programDropdown = document.getElementById('dev-programs-dropdown'); const program = programDropdown.options[programDropdown.selectedIndex].value; if(!Player.hasProgram(program)) { Player.getHomeComputer().programs.push(program); } } addAllPrograms() { for (const i in Programs) { if(!Player.hasProgram(Programs[i].name)) { Player.getHomeComputer().programs.push(Programs[i].name); } } } rootServer() { const serverDropdown = document.getElementById('dev-servers-dropdown'); const serverName = serverDropdown.options[serverDropdown.selectedIndex].value; const server = GetServerByHostname(serverName); server.hasAdminRights = true; server.sshPortOpen = true; server.ftpPortOpen = true; server.smtpPortOpen = true; server.httpPortOpen = true; server.sqlPortOpen = true; server.openPortCount = 5; } rootAllServers() { for (const i in AllServers) { AllServers[i].hasAdminRights = true; AllServers[i].sshPortOpen = true; AllServers[i].ftpPortOpen = true; AllServers[i].smtpPortOpen = true; AllServers[i].httpPortOpen = true; AllServers[i].sqlPortOpen = true; AllServers[i].openPortCount = 5; } } minSecurity() { const serverDropdown = document.getElementById('dev-servers-dropdown'); const serverName = serverDropdown.options[serverDropdown.selectedIndex].value; const server = GetServerByHostname(serverName); server.hackDifficulty = server.minDifficulty; } minAllSecurity() { for (const i in AllServers) { AllServers[i].hackDifficulty = AllServers[i].minDifficulty; } } maxMoney() { const serverDropdown = document.getElementById('dev-servers-dropdown'); const serverName = serverDropdown.options[serverDropdown.selectedIndex].value; const server = GetServerByHostname(serverName); server.moneyAvailable = server.moneyMax; } maxAllMoney() { for (const i in AllServers) { AllServers[i].moneyAvailable = AllServers[i].moneyMax; } } modifyCompanyRep(modifier) { return function() { const field = document.getElementById('dev-company-rep'); const companyDropdown = document.getElementById('dev-companies-dropdown'); const companyName = companyDropdown.options[companyDropdown.selectedIndex].value; const company = Companies[companyName]; const rep = parseFloat(field.value); if (company != null && !isNaN(rep)) { company.playerReputation += rep*modifier; } } } resetCompanyRep() { const companyDropdown = document.getElementById('dev-companies-dropdown'); const companyName = companyDropdown.options[companyDropdown.selectedIndex].value; const company = Companies[companyName]; company.playerReputation = 0; } modifyCompanyFavor(modifier) { return function() { const field = document.getElementById('dev-company-favor'); const companyDropdown = document.getElementById('dev-companies-dropdown'); const companyName = companyDropdown.options[companyDropdown.selectedIndex].value; const company = Companies[companyName]; const rep = parseFloat(field.value); if (company != null && !isNaN(rep)) { company.favor += rep*modifier; console.log(company.favor); } } } resetCompanyFavor() { const companyDropdown = document.getElementById('dev-companies-dropdown'); const companyName = companyDropdown.options[companyDropdown.selectedIndex].value; const company = Companies[companyName]; company.favor = 0; } tonsOfRepCompanies() { for (const c in Companies) { Companies[c].playerReputation = 1e12; } } resetAllRepCompanies() { for (const c in Companies) { Companies[c].playerReputation = 0; } } tonsOfFavorCompanies() { for (const c in Companies) { Companies[c].favor = 1e12; } } resetAllFavorCompanies() { for (const c in Companies) { Companies[c].favor = 0; } } modifyBladeburnerRank(modify) { return function() { const field = document.getElementById('dev-bladeburner-rank'); const rank = parseInt(field.value); if (!!Player.bladeburner) { Player.bladeburner.changeRank(rank*modify); } } } resetBladeburnerRank() { Player.bladeburner.rank = 0; Player.bladeburner.maxRank = 0; } addTonsBladeburnerRank() { if (!!Player.bladeburner) { Player.bladeburner.changeRank(1e12); } } modifyBladeburnerCycles(modify) { return function() { if (!!Player.bladeburner) { const field = document.getElementById('dev-bladeburner-cycles'); const cycles = parseInt(field.value); Player.bladeburner.storedCycles += cycles*modify; } } } resetBladeburnerCycles() { if (!!Player.bladeburner) { Player.bladeburner.storedCycles = 0; } } addTonsBladeburnerCycles() { if (!!Player.bladeburner) { Player.bladeburner.storedCycles += 1e12; } } addTonsGangCycles() { if (!!Player.gang) { Player.gang.storedCycles = 1e12; } } modifyGangCycles(modify) { return function() { if (!!Player.gang) { const field = document.getElementById('dev-gang-cycles'); const cycles = parseInt(field.value); Player.gang.storedCycles += cycles*modify; } } } resetGangCycles() { if (!!Player.gang) { Player.gang.storedCycles = 0; } } addTonsCorporationCycles() { if (!!Player.corporation) { Player.corporation.storedCycles = 1e12; } } modifyCorporationCycles(modify) { return function() { if (!!Player.corporation) { const field = document.getElementById('dev-corporation-cycles'); const cycles = parseInt(field.value); Player.corporation.storedCycles += cycles*modify; } } } resetCorporationCycles() { if (!!Player.corporation) { Player.corporation.storedCycles = 0; } } specificContract() { const contractDropdown = document.getElementById('contract-types-dropdown'); const contractType = contractDropdown.options[contractDropdown.selectedIndex].value; generateContract({ problemType: contractType, server: "home", }); } processStocks(cb) { const inputSymbols = document.getElementById('dev-stock-symbol').value.toString().replace(/\s/g, ''); let match = function(symbol) { return true; } if (inputSymbols !== '' && inputSymbols !== 'all') { match = function(symbol) { return inputSymbols.split(',').includes(symbol); }; } for (const name in StockMarket) { if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) { const stock = StockMarket[name]; if (stock instanceof Stock && match(stock.symbol)) { cb(stock); } } } } setStockPrice() { const price = parseFloat(document.getElementById('dev-stock-price').value); if (!isNaN(price)) { this.processStocks((stock) => { stock.price = price; }); } } viewStockCaps() { let text = ""; this.processStocks((stock) => { text += `${stock.symbol}: ${numeralWrapper.format(stock.cap, '$0.000a')}
`; }); dialogBoxCreate(text); } sleeveMaxAllShock() { for (let i = 0; i < Player.sleeves.length; ++i) { Player.sleeves[i].shock = 0; } } sleeveClearAllShock() { for (let i = 0; i < Player.sleeves.length; ++i) { Player.sleeves[i].shock = 100; } } sleeveMaxAllSync() { for (let i = 0; i < Player.sleeves.length; ++i) { Player.sleeves[i].sync = 100; } } sleeveClearAllSync() { for (let i = 0; i < Player.sleeves.length; ++i) { Player.sleeves[i].sync = 0; } } render() { let factions = []; for (const i in Factions) { factions.push(); } let augs = []; for (const i in AugmentationNames) { augs.push(); } let programs = []; for (const i in Programs) { programs.push(); } let sourceFiles = []; validSFN.forEach( i => sourceFiles.push( SF-{i}: )); let servers = []; for (const i in AllServers) { const hn = AllServers[i].hostname; servers.push(); } let companies = []; for (const c in Companies) { const name = Companies[c].name; companies.push(); } const contractTypes = []; const contractTypeNames = Object.keys(CodingContractTypes) for (let i = 0; i < contractTypeNames.length; i++) { const name = contractTypeNames[i]; contractTypes.push(); } return (


Experience / Stats



All Reputation:
All Favor:










All Reputation:
All Favor:







Coding Contracts

Stock Market



); } } const devMenuContainerId = "dev-menu-container"; export function createDevMenu() { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "development") { throw new Error("Cannot create Dev Menu because you are not in a dev build"); } const devMenuText = createElement("h1", { display: "block", innerText: "Development Menu - Only meant to be used for testing/debugging", }); // Generic const genericHeader = createElement("h2", { display: "block", innerText: "Generic" }); const addMoney = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { Player.gainMoney(1e15); }, display: "block", innerText: "Add $1000t", }); const addMoney2 = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { Player.gainMoney(1e12); }, display: "block", innerText: "Add $1t", }) const addRam = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { Player.getHomeComputer().maxRam *= 2; }, display: "block", innerText: "Double Home Computer RAM", }); const triggerBitflume = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { hackWorldDaemon(Player.bitNodeN, true); }, innerText: "Trigger BitFlume", }); const destroyCurrentBitnode = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { hackWorldDaemon(Player.bitNodeN); }, innerText: "Destroy Current BitNode", tooltip: "Will grant Source-File for the BitNode", }); // Experience / stats const statsHeader = createElement("h2", { display: "block", innerText: "Experience/Stats" }); const statsHackingExpInput = createElement("input", { class: "text-input", margin: "5px", placeholder: "+/- hacking exp", type: "number", }); const statsHackingExpButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { const exp = parseInt(statsHackingExpInput.value); Player.gainHackingExp(exp); Player.updateSkillLevels(); }, innerText: "Add Hacking Exp", }); const statsStrengthExpInput = createElement("input", { class: "text-input", margin: "5px", placeholder: "+/- strength exp", type: "number", }); const statsStrengthExpButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { const exp = parseInt(statsStrengthExpInput.value); Player.gainStrengthExp(exp); Player.updateSkillLevels(); }, innerText: "Add Strength Exp", }); const statsDefenseExpInput = createElement("input", { class: "text-input", margin: "5px", placeholder: "+/- defense exp", type: "number", }); const statsDefenseExpButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { const exp = parseInt(statsDefenseExpInput.value); Player.gainDefenseExp(exp); Player.updateSkillLevels(); }, innerText: "Add Defense Exp", }); const statsDexterityExpInput = createElement("input", { class: "text-input", margin: "5px", placeholder: "+/- dexterity exp", type: "number", }); const statsDexterityExpButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { const exp = parseInt(statsDexterityExpInput.value); Player.gainDexterityExp(exp); Player.updateSkillLevels(); }, innerText: "Add Dexterity Exp", }); const statsAgilityExpInput = createElement("input", { class: "text-input", margin: "5px", placeholder: "+/- agility exp", type: "number", }); const statsAgilityExpButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { const exp = parseInt(statsAgilityExpInput.value); Player.gainAgilityExp(exp); Player.updateSkillLevels(); }, innerText: "Add Agility Exp", }); const statsCharismaExpInput = createElement("input", { class: "text-input", margin: "5px", placeholder: "+/- charisma exp", type: "number", }); const statsCharismaExpButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { const exp = parseInt(statsCharismaExpInput.value); Player.gainCharismaExp(exp); Player.updateSkillLevels(); }, innerText: "Add Charisma Exp", }); const statsIntelligenceExpInput = createElement("input", { class: "text-input", margin: "5px", placeholder: "+/- intelligence exp", type: "number", }); const statsIntelligenceExpButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { const exp = parseInt(statsIntelligenceExpInput.value); Player.gainIntelligenceExp(exp); Player.updateSkillLevels(); }, innerText: "Add Intelligence Exp", }); const statsEnableIntelligenceButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { Player.intelligence = 1; }, innerText: "Enable Intelligence" }); const statsDisableIntelligenceButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { Player.intelligence = 0; }, innerText: "Disable Intelligence" }); // Factions const factionsHeader = createElement("h2", {innerText: "Factions"}); const factionsDropdown = createElement("select", { class: "dropdown", margin: "5px", }); for (const i in Factions) { factionsDropdown.options[factionsDropdown.options.length] = new Option(Factions[i].name, Factions[i].name); } const factionsAddButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { const facName = factionsDropdown.options[factionsDropdown.selectedIndex].value; Player.receiveInvite(facName); }, innerText: "Receive Invite to Faction", }); const factionsReputationInput = createElement("input", { placeholder: "Rep to add to faction", type: "number", }); const factionsReputationButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", innerText: "Add rep to faction", clickListener: () => { const facName = getSelectText(factionsDropdown); const fac = Factions[facName]; const rep = parseFloat(factionsReputationInput.value); if (fac != null && !isNaN(rep)) { fac.playerReputation += rep; } }, }); // Augmentations const augmentationsHeader = createElement("h2", {innerText: "Augmentations"}); const augmentationsDropdown = createElement("select", { class: "dropdown", margin: "5px", }); for (const i in AugmentationNames) { const augName = AugmentationNames[i]; augmentationsDropdown.options[augmentationsDropdown.options.length] = new Option(augName, augName); } const augmentationsQueueButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { Player.queueAugmentation(augmentationsDropdown.options[augmentationsDropdown.selectedIndex].value); }, innerText: "Queue Augmentation", }); const giveAllAugmentationsButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { for (const i in AugmentationNames) { const augName = AugmentationNames[i]; Player.queueAugmentation(augName); } }, display: "block", innerText: "Queue All Augmentations", }); // Source Files const sourceFilesHeader = createElement("h2", { innerText: "Source-Files" }); const removeSourceFileDropdown = createElement("select", { class: "dropdown", margin: "5px", }); for (let i = 0; i < 24; ++i) { removeSourceFileDropdown.add(createOptionElement(String(i))); } const removeSourceFileButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { const numToRemove = parseInt(getSelectText(removeSourceFileDropdown)); for (let i = 0; i < Player.sourceFiles.length; ++i) { if (Player.sourceFiles[i].n === numToRemove) { Player.sourceFiles.splice(i, 1); hackWorldDaemon(Player.bitNodeN, true); return; } } }, innerText: "Remove Source File and Trigger Bitflume", }); // Programs const programsHeader = createElement("h2", {innerText: "Programs"}); const programsAddDropdown = createElement("select", { class: "dropdown", margin: "5px", }); for (const i in Programs) { const progName = Programs[i].name; programsAddDropdown.options[programsAddDropdown.options.length] = new Option(progName, progName); } const programsAddButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { const program = programsAddDropdown.options[programsAddDropdown.selectedIndex].value; if(!Player.hasProgram(program)) { Player.getHomeComputer().programs.push(program); } }, innerText: "Add Program", }) // Servers const serversHeader = createElement("h2", {innerText: "Servers"}); const serversOpenAll = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { for (const i in AllServers) { AllServers[i].hasAdminRights = true; AllServers[i].sshPortOpen = true; AllServers[i].ftpPortOpen = true; AllServers[i].smtpPortOpen = true; AllServers[i].httpPortOpen = true; AllServers[i].sqlPortOpen = true; AllServers[i].openPortCount = 5; } }, display: "block", innerText: "Get Admin Rights to all servers", }); const serversMinSecurityAll = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { for (const i in AllServers) { AllServers[i].hackDifficulty = AllServers[i].minDifficulty; } }, display: "block", innerText: "Set all servers to min security", }); const serversMaxMoneyAll = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { for (const i in AllServers) { AllServers[i].moneyAvailable = AllServers[i].moneyMax; } }, display: "block", innerText: "Set all servers to max money", }); const serversConnectToDropdown = createElement("select", {class: "dropdown"}); for (const i in AllServers) { const hn = AllServers[i].hostname; serversConnectToDropdown.options[serversConnectToDropdown.options.length] = new Option(hn, hn); } const serversConnectToButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { const host = serversConnectToDropdown.options[serversConnectToDropdown.selectedIndex].value; Terminal.connectToServer(host); }, innerText: "Connect to server", }); // Companies const companiesHeader = createElement("h2", { innerText: "Companies" }); const companiesDropdown = createElement("select", { class: "dropdown", margin: "5px", }); for (const c in Companies) { companiesDropdown.add(createOptionElement(Companies[c].name)); } const companyReputationInput = createElement("input", { margin: "5px", placeholder: "Rep to add to company", type: "number", }); const companyReputationButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", innerText: "Add rep to company", clickListener: () => { const compName = getSelectText(companiesDropdown); const company = Companies[compName]; const rep = parseFloat(companyReputationInput.value); if (company != null && !isNaN(rep)) { company.playerReputation += rep; } else { console.warn(`Invalid input for Dev Menu Company Rep. Company Name: ${compName}. Rep: ${rep}`); } } }); // Bladeburner const bladeburnerHeader = createElement("h2", {innerText: "Bladeburner"}); const bladeburnerGainRankInput = createElement("input", { class: "text-input", margin: "5px", placeholder: "Rank to gain (or negative to lose rank)", type: "number", }); const bladeburnerGainRankButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { try { const rank = parseInt(bladeburnerGainRankInput.value); Player.bladeburner.changeRank(rank); } catch(e) { exceptionAlert(`Failed to change Bladeburner Rank in dev menu: ${e}`); } }, innerText: "Gain Bladeburner Rank", }); const bladeburnerStoredCyclesInput = createElement("input", { class: "text-input", margin: "5px", placeholder: "# Cycles to Add", type: "number", }); const bladeburnerStoredCyclesButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { try { const cycles = parseInt(bladeburnerStoredCyclesInput.value); Player.bladeburner.storedCycles += cycles; } catch(e) { exceptionAlert(`Failed to add cycles to Bladeburner in dev menu: ${e}`); } }, innerText: "Add Cycles to Bladeburner mechanic", }); // Gang const gangHeader = createElement("h2", {innerText: "Gang"}); const gangStoredCyclesInput = createElement("input", { class: "text-input", margin: "5px", placeholder: "# Cycles to add", type: "number", }); const gangAddStoredCycles = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { try { const cycles = parseInt(gangStoredCyclesInput.value); Player.gang.storedCycles += cycles; } catch(e) { exceptionAlert(`Failed to add stored cycles to gang mechanic: ${e}`); } }, innerText: "Add cycles to Gang mechanic", }); // Corporation const corpHeader = createElement("h2", { innerText: "Corporation" }); const corpStoredCyclesInput = createElement("input", { class: "text-input", margin: "5px", placeholder: "# Cycles to Add", type: "number", }); const corpStoredCyclesButton = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { try { const cycles = parseInt(bladeburnerStoredCyclesInput.value); Player.corporation.storeCycles(cycles); } catch(e) { exceptionAlert(`Failed to add cycles to Bladeburner in dev menu: ${e}`); } }, innerText: "Add Cycles to Corporation mechanic", }); // Coding Contracts const contractsHeader = createElement("h2", {innerText: "Coding Contracts"}); const generateRandomContractBtn = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { generateRandomContract(); }, innerText: "Generate Random Contract", }); const generateRandomContractOnHomeBtn = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { generateRandomContractOnHome(); }, innerText: "Generate Random Contract on Home Comp", }); const generateContractWithTypeSelector = createElement("select", { margin: "5px" }); const contractTypes = Object.keys(CodingContractTypes); for (let i = 0; i < contractTypes.length; ++i) { generateContractWithTypeSelector.add(createOptionElement(contractTypes[i])); } const generateContractWithTypeBtn = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { generateContract({ problemType: getSelectText(generateContractWithTypeSelector), server: "home", }); }, innerText: "Generate Specified Contract Type on Home Comp", }); // Stock Market const stockmarketHeader = createElement("h2", {innerText: "Stock Market"}); const stockInput = createElement("input", { class: "text-input", display: "block", placeholder: "Stock symbol(s), or 'all'", }); function processStocks(cb) { const input = stockInput.value.toString().replace(/\s/g, ''); // Empty input, or "all", will process all stocks if (input === "" || input.toLowerCase() === "all") { for (const name in StockMarket) { if (StockMarket.hasOwnProperty(name)) { const stock = StockMarket[name]; if (stock instanceof Stock) { cb(stock); } } } return; } const stockSymbols = input.split(","); for (let i = 0; i < stockSymbols.length; ++i) { const stock = SymbolToStockMap[stockSymbols]; if (stock instanceof Stock) { cb(stock); } } } const stockPriceChangeInput = createElement("input", { class: "text-input", margin: "5px", placeholder: "Price to change stock(s) to", type: "number", }); const stockPriceChangeBtn = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { const price = parseInt(stockPriceChangeInput.value); if (isNaN(price)) { return; } processStocks((stock) => { stock.price = price; }); dialogBoxCreate(`Stock Prices changed to ${price}`); }, innerText: "Change Stock Price(s)", }); const stockViewPriceCapBtn = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", clickListener: () => { let text = ""; processStocks((stock) => { text += `${stock.symbol}: ${numeralWrapper.format(stock.cap, '$0.000a')}
`; }); dialogBoxCreate(text); }, innerText: "View Stock Price Caps", }); // Sleeves const sleevesHeader = createElement("h2", { innerText: "Sleeves" }); const sleevesRemoveAllShockRecovery = createElement("button", { class: "std-button", display: "block", innerText: "Set Shock Recovery of All Sleeves to 0", clickListener: () => { for (let i = 0; i < Player.sleeves.length; ++i) { Player.sleeves[i].shock = 100; } } }); // Add everything to container, then append to main menu const devMenuContainer = createElement("div", { class: "generic-menupage-container", id: devMenuContainerId, }); devMenuContainer.appendChild(devMenuText); /*devMenuContainer.appendChild(genericHeader); devMenuContainer.appendChild(addMoney); devMenuContainer.appendChild(addMoney2); devMenuContainer.appendChild(addRam); devMenuContainer.appendChild(triggerBitflume); devMenuContainer.appendChild(destroyCurrentBitnode); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsHeader); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsHackingExpInput); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsHackingExpButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(createElement("br")); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsStrengthExpInput); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsStrengthExpButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(createElement("br")); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsDefenseExpInput); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsDefenseExpButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(createElement("br")); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsDexterityExpInput); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsDexterityExpButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(createElement("br")); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsAgilityExpInput); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsAgilityExpButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(createElement("br")); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsCharismaExpInput); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsCharismaExpButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(createElement("br")); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsIntelligenceExpInput); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsIntelligenceExpButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(createElement("br")); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsEnableIntelligenceButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(statsDisableIntelligenceButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(factionsHeader); devMenuContainer.appendChild(factionsDropdown); devMenuContainer.appendChild(factionsAddButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(createElement("br")); devMenuContainer.appendChild(factionsReputationInput); devMenuContainer.appendChild(factionsReputationButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(augmentationsHeader); devMenuContainer.appendChild(augmentationsDropdown); devMenuContainer.appendChild(augmentationsQueueButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(giveAllAugmentationsButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(sourceFilesHeader); devMenuContainer.appendChild(removeSourceFileDropdown); devMenuContainer.appendChild(removeSourceFileButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(programsHeader); devMenuContainer.appendChild(programsAddDropdown); devMenuContainer.appendChild(programsAddButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(serversHeader); devMenuContainer.appendChild(serversOpenAll); devMenuContainer.appendChild(serversMinSecurityAll); devMenuContainer.appendChild(serversMaxMoneyAll); devMenuContainer.appendChild(serversConnectToDropdown); devMenuContainer.appendChild(serversConnectToButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(companiesHeader); devMenuContainer.appendChild(companiesDropdown); devMenuContainer.appendChild(createElement("br")); devMenuContainer.appendChild(companyReputationInput); devMenuContainer.appendChild(companyReputationButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(bladeburnerHeader); devMenuContainer.appendChild(bladeburnerGainRankInput); devMenuContainer.appendChild(bladeburnerGainRankButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(createElement("br")); devMenuContainer.appendChild(bladeburnerStoredCyclesInput); devMenuContainer.appendChild(bladeburnerStoredCyclesButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(createElement("br")); devMenuContainer.appendChild(gangHeader); devMenuContainer.appendChild(gangStoredCyclesInput); devMenuContainer.appendChild(gangAddStoredCycles); devMenuContainer.appendChild(createElement("br")); devMenuContainer.appendChild(corpHeader); devMenuContainer.appendChild(corpStoredCyclesInput); devMenuContainer.appendChild(corpStoredCyclesButton); devMenuContainer.appendChild(createElement("br")); devMenuContainer.appendChild(contractsHeader); devMenuContainer.appendChild(generateRandomContractBtn); devMenuContainer.appendChild(generateRandomContractOnHomeBtn); devMenuContainer.appendChild(createElement("br")); devMenuContainer.appendChild(generateContractWithTypeSelector); devMenuContainer.appendChild(generateContractWithTypeBtn); devMenuContainer.appendChild(stockmarketHeader); devMenuContainer.appendChild(stockInput); devMenuContainer.appendChild(stockPriceChangeInput); devMenuContainer.appendChild(stockPriceChangeBtn); devMenuContainer.appendChild(createElement("br")); devMenuContainer.appendChild(stockViewPriceCapBtn); devMenuContainer.appendChild(sleevesHeader); devMenuContainer.appendChild(sleevesRemoveAllShockRecovery);*/ const entireGameContainer = document.getElementById("entire-game-container"); if (entireGameContainer == null) { throw new Error("Could not find entire-game-container DOM element"); } entireGameContainer.appendChild(devMenuContainer); //react devMenuContainer.appendChild(createElement("div", { id: "react-dev-menu", })); ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('react-dev-menu')); } export function closeDevMenu() { removeElementById(devMenuContainerId); }