import numeral from 'numeral'; import 'numeral/locales/bg'; import 'numeral/locales/cs'; import 'numeral/locales/da-dk'; import 'numeral/locales/de'; import 'numeral/locales/en-au'; import 'numeral/locales/en-gb'; import 'numeral/locales/es'; import 'numeral/locales/fr'; import 'numeral/locales/hu'; import 'numeral/locales/it'; import 'numeral/locales/lv'; import 'numeral/locales/no'; import 'numeral/locales/pl'; import 'numeral/locales/ru'; /* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */ class NumeralFormatter { // Default Locale defaultLocale = "en"; constructor() { this.defaultLocale = 'en'; } updateLocale(l: string): boolean { if (numeral.locale(l) == null) { console.warn(`Invalid locale for numeral: ${l}`); numeral.locale(this.defaultLocale); return false; } return true; } format(n: number, format: string): string { // numeraljs doesnt properly format numbers that are too big or too small if (Math.abs(n) < 1e-6) { n = 0; } const answer = numeral(n).format(format); if (answer === 'NaN') { return `${n}`; } return answer; } formatBigNumber(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0.000a"); } formatHp(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0"); } formatMoney(n: number): string { if(Math.abs(n) < 1000) { return this.format(n, "$0.00"); } return this.format(n, "$0.000a"); } formatSkill(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0,0"); } formatExp(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0.000a"); } formatHashes(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0.000a"); } formatReputation(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0.000a"); } formatFavor(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0,0"); } formatRAM(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0.00")+"GB"; } formatPercentage(n: number, decimalPlaces = 2): string { const formatter: string = "0." + "0".repeat(decimalPlaces) + "%"; return this.format(n, formatter); } formatServerSecurity(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0,0.000"); } formatRespect(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0.00000a"); } formatWanted(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0.00000a"); } formatMultiplier(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0,0.00"); } formatSleeveShock(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0,0.000"); } formatSleeveSynchro(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0,0.000"); } formatSleeveMemory(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0"); } formatPopulation(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0.000a"); } formatStamina(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0.0"); } formatShares(n: number): string { if (n < 1000) { return this.format(n, "0"); } return this.format(n, "0.000a"); } formatInfiltrationSecurity(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0.000a"); } formatThreads(n: number): string { return this.format(n, "0,0"); } parseMoney(s: string): number { // numeral library does not handle formats like 1e10 well (returns 110), // so if both return a valid number, return the biggest one const numeralValue = numeral(s).value(); const parsed = parseFloat(s); if (isNaN(parsed) && numeralValue === null) { return NaN; } else if (isNaN(parsed)) { return numeralValue; } else if (numeralValue === null) { return parsed; } else { return Math.max(numeralValue, parsed); } } } export const numeralWrapper = new NumeralFormatter();