import { CONSTANTS } from "../src/Constants"; import { Player } from "../src/Player"; import { IMap } from "../src/types"; import { Company } from "../src/Company/Company"; import { Server } from "../src/Server/Server"; import { buyStock, sellStock, shortStock, sellShort, } from "../src/StockMarket/BuyingAndSelling"; import { IStockMarket } from "../src/StockMarket/IStockMarket"; import { Order } from "../src/StockMarket/Order"; import { forecastForecastChangeFromCompanyWork, forecastForecastChangeFromHack, influenceStockThroughCompanyWork, influenceStockThroughServerGrow, influenceStockThroughServerHack, } from "../src/StockMarket/PlayerInfluencing"; import { processOrders, IProcessOrderRefs, } from "../src/StockMarket/OrderProcessing"; import { Stock, StockForecastInfluenceLimit } from "../src/StockMarket/Stock"; import { cancelOrder, deleteStockMarket, initStockMarket, initSymbolToStockMap, placeOrder, processStockPrices, StockMarket, SymbolToStockMap, } from "../src/StockMarket/StockMarket"; import { forecastChangePerPriceMovement, getBuyTransactionCost, getSellTransactionGain, processTransactionForecastMovement, } from "../src/StockMarket/StockMarketHelpers"; import { OrderTypes } from "../src/StockMarket/data/OrderTypes"; import { PositionTypes } from "../src/StockMarket/data/PositionTypes"; // import { jest } from "jest"; // jest.mock("../src/ui/React/createPopup.tsx", () => ({ // createPopup: jest.fn(), // })); describe("Stock Market Tests", function () { const commission = CONSTANTS.StockMarketCommission; // Generic Stock object that can be used by each test let stock: Stock; const ctorParams = { b: true, initPrice: 10e3, marketCap: 5e9, mv: 2, name: "MockStock", otlkMag: 20, spreadPerc: 1, shareTxForMovement: 5e3, symbol: "mock", }; beforeEach(function () { function construct(): void { stock = new Stock(ctorParams); } expect(construct).not.throw(); }); describe("Stock Class", function () { describe("constructor", function () { it("should have default parameters", function () { function construct(): void { new Stock(); // eslint-disable-line no-new } expect(construct).not.throw(); const defaultStock = new Stock(); expect(defaultStock).not.equal(null); expect(""); }); it("should properly initialize props from parameters", function () { expect(; expect(stock.symbol).equal(ctorParams.symbol); expect(stock.price).equal(ctorParams.initPrice); expect(stock.lastPrice).equal(ctorParams.initPrice); expect(stock.b).equal(ctorParams.b); expect(; expect(stock.shareTxForMovement).equal(ctorParams.shareTxForMovement); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(ctorParams.shareTxForMovement); expect(stock.maxShares).lessThan(stock.totalShares); expect(stock.spreadPerc).equal(ctorParams.spreadPerc); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(ctorParams.otlkMag); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal( ctorParams.b ? 50 + ctorParams.otlkMag : 50 - ctorParams.otlkMag, ); }); it("should properly initialize props from range-values", function () { const params = { b: true, initPrice: { max: 10e3, min: 1e3, }, marketCap: 5e9, mv: { divisor: 100, max: 150, min: 50, }, name: "MockStock", otlkMag: 10, spreadPerc: { divisor: 10, max: 10, min: 1, }, shareTxForMovement: { max: 10e3, min: 5e3, }, symbol: "mock", }; function construct(): void { new Stock(params); // eslint-disable-line no-new } expect(construct).not.throw(); const stock = new Stock(params); expect(stock).not.equal(null); expect(stock.price).gte(params.initPrice.min); expect(stock.price).lte(params.initPrice.max); expect( /; expect( /; expect(stock.spreadPerc).gte( params.spreadPerc.min / params.spreadPerc.divisor, ); expect(stock.spreadPerc).lte( params.spreadPerc.max / params.spreadPerc.divisor, ); expect(stock.shareTxForMovement).gte(params.shareTxForMovement.min); expect(stock.shareTxForMovement).lte(params.shareTxForMovement.max); }); it("should round the 'totalShare' prop to the nearest 100k", function () { expect(stock.totalShares % 100e3).equal(0); }); }); describe("#changeForecastForecast()", function () { it("should get the stock's second-order forecast property", function () { stock.changeForecastForecast(99); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(99); stock.changeForecastForecast(1); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(1); }); it("should prevent values outside of 0-100", function () { stock.changeForecastForecast(101); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(100); stock.changeForecastForecast(-1); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(0); }); }); describe("#changePrice()", function () { it("should set both the last price and current price properties", function () { const newPrice = 20e3; stock.changePrice(newPrice); expect(stock.lastPrice).equal(ctorParams.initPrice); expect(stock.price).equal(newPrice); }); }); describe("#cycleForecast()", function () { it("should appropriately change the otlkMag by the given amount when b=true", function () { stock.getForecastIncreaseChance = () => { return 1; }; stock.cycleForecast(5); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(ctorParams.otlkMag + 5); stock.getForecastIncreaseChance = () => { return 0; }; stock.cycleForecast(10); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(ctorParams.otlkMag - 5); }); it("should NOT(!) the stock's 'b' property if it causes 'otlkMag' to go below 0", function () { stock.getForecastIncreaseChance = () => { return 0; }; stock.cycleForecast(25); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(5); expect(stock.b).equal(false); }); }); describe("#cycleForecastForecast()", function () { it("should increase the stock's second-order forecast by a given amount", function () { const expected = [65, 75]; stock.cycleForecastForecast(5); expect(expected).contain(stock.otlkMagForecast); }); }); describe("#flipForecastForecast()", function () { it("should flip the 'otlkMagForecast' property around 50", function () { stock.otlkMagForecast = 50; stock.flipForecastForecast(); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(50); stock.otlkMagForecast = 60; stock.flipForecastForecast(); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(40); stock.otlkMagForecast = 90; stock.flipForecastForecast(); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(10); stock.otlkMagForecast = 100; stock.flipForecastForecast(); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(0); stock.otlkMagForecast = 40; stock.flipForecastForecast(); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(60); stock.otlkMagForecast = 0; stock.flipForecastForecast(); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(100); stock.otlkMagForecast = 25; stock.flipForecastForecast(); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(75); }); }); describe("#getAbsoluteForecast()", function () { it("should return the absolute forecast on a 1-100 scale", function () { stock.b = true; stock.otlkMag = 10; expect(stock.getAbsoluteForecast()).equal(60); stock.b = false; expect(stock.getAbsoluteForecast()).equal(40); stock.otlkMag = 30; expect(stock.getAbsoluteForecast()).equal(20); stock.b = true; expect(stock.getAbsoluteForecast()).equal(80); stock.otlkMag = 0; expect(stock.getAbsoluteForecast()).equal(50); stock.b = false; expect(stock.getAbsoluteForecast()).equal(50); }); }); describe("#getAskPrice()", function () { it("should return the price increased by spread percentage", function () { const perc = stock.spreadPerc / 100; expect(perc).lte(1); expect(perc).gte(0); const expected = stock.price * (1 + perc); expect(stock.getAskPrice()).equal(expected); }); }); describe("#getBidPrice()", function () { it("should return the price decreased by spread percentage", function () { const perc = stock.spreadPerc / 100; expect(perc).lte(1); expect(perc).gte(0); const expected = stock.price * (1 - perc); expect(stock.getBidPrice()).equal(expected); }); }); describe("#getForecastIncreaseChance()", function () { it("should return the chance that the stock has of increasing in decimal form", function () { stock.b = true; stock.otlkMagForecast = 90; stock.otlkMag = 20; // Absolute forecast of 70 expect(stock.getForecastIncreaseChance()).equal(0.7); stock.otlkMag = 25; // Absolute forecast of 75 expect(stock.getForecastIncreaseChance()).equal(0.65); stock.otlkMagForecast = 100; stock.otlkMag = 0; // Absolute forecast of 50 expect(stock.getForecastIncreaseChance()).equal(0.95); stock.otlkMagForecast = 60; stock.otlkMag = 25; // Absolute forecast of 75 expect(stock.getForecastIncreaseChance()).equal(0.35); stock.otlkMagForecast = 10; expect(stock.getForecastIncreaseChance()).equal(0.05); stock.b = false; stock.otlkMagForecast = 90; stock.otlkMag = 20; // Absolute forecast of 30 expect(stock.getForecastIncreaseChance()).equal(0.95); stock.otlkMagForecast = 50; stock.otlkMag = 25; // Absolute forecast of 25 expect(stock.getForecastIncreaseChance()).equal(0.75); stock.otlkMagForecast = 100; stock.otlkMag = 0; // Absolute forecast of 50 expect(stock.getForecastIncreaseChance()).equal(0.95); stock.otlkMagForecast = 5; stock.otlkMag = 25; // Absolute forecast of 25 expect(stock.getForecastIncreaseChance()).equal(0.3); stock.otlkMagForecast = 10; expect(stock.getForecastIncreaseChance()).equal(0.35); stock.otlkMagForecast = 50; stock.otlkMag = 0; expect(stock.getForecastIncreaseChance()).equal(0.5); stock.otlkMagForecast = 25; stock.otlkMag = 5; // Asolute forecast of 45 expect(stock.getForecastIncreaseChance()).equal(0.3); }); }); describe("#influenceForecast()", function () { beforeEach(function () { stock.otlkMag = 10; }); it("should change the forecast's value towards 50", function () { stock.influenceForecast(2); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(8); }); it("should not care about whether the stock is in bull or bear mode", function () { stock.b = true; stock.influenceForecast(1); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(9); stock.b = false; stock.influenceForecast(2); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(7); }); it("should not influence the forecast beyond the limit", function () { stock.influenceForecast(10); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(StockForecastInfluenceLimit); stock.influenceForecast(10); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(StockForecastInfluenceLimit); }); }); describe("#influenceForecastForecast()", function () { it("should change the second-order forecast's value towards 50", function () { stock.otlkMagForecast = 75; stock.influenceForecastForecast(15); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(60); stock.otlkMagForecast = 25; stock.influenceForecastForecast(15); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(40); }); it("should not change the second-order forecast past 50", function () { stock.otlkMagForecast = 40; stock.influenceForecastForecast(20); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(50); stock.otlkMagForecast = 60; stock.influenceForecastForecast(20); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(50); }); }); }); describe("StockMarket object", function () { describe("Initialization", function () { // Keeps track of initialized stocks. Contains their symbols const stocks: string[] = []; beforeEach(function () { expect(initStockMarket).not.throw(); expect(initSymbolToStockMap).not.throw(); }); it("should have Stock objects", function () { for (const prop in StockMarket) { const stock = StockMarket[prop]; if (stock instanceof Stock) { stocks.push(stock.symbol); } } // We'll just check that there are some stocks expect(stocks.length).gte(1); }); it("should have an order book in the 'Orders' property", function () { expect(StockMarket)"Orders"); const orderbook = StockMarket["Orders"]; for (const symbol of stocks) { const ordersForStock = orderbook[symbol]; expect(ordersForStock).equal([]); expect(ordersForStock.length).equal(0); } }); it("should have properties for managing game cycles", function () { expect(StockMarket)"storedCycles"); expect(StockMarket["storedCycles"]).equal(0); expect(StockMarket)"lastUpdate"); expect(StockMarket["lastUpdate"]).equal(0); expect(StockMarket)"ticksUntilCycle"); expect(typeof StockMarket["ticksUntilCycle"]).instanceOf("number"); }); }); describe("Deletion", function () { it("should set StockMarket to be an empty object", function () { expect(StockMarket).not.equal({}); deleteStockMarket(); expect(StockMarket).equal({}); }); }); describe("processStockPrices()", function () { beforeEach(function () { deleteStockMarket(); initStockMarket(); initSymbolToStockMap(); }); it("should store cycles until it actually processes", function () { expect(StockMarket["storedCycles"]).equal(0); processStockPrices(10); expect(StockMarket["storedCycles"]).equal(10); }); it("should trigger a price update when it has enough cycles", function () { // Get the initial prices const initialValues: IMap = {}; for (const stockName in StockMarket) { const stock = StockMarket[stockName]; if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) { continue; } initialValues[stock.symbol] = { b: stock.b, otlkMag: stock.otlkMag, price: stock.price, }; } // Don't know or care how many exact cycles are required StockMarket.lastUpdate = new Date().getTime() - 5e3; processStockPrices(1e9); // Both price and 'otlkMag' should be different for (const stockName in StockMarket) { const stock = StockMarket[stockName]; if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) { continue; } const initValue = initialValues[stock.symbol]; expect(initValue.price).not.equal(stock.price); if (initValue.otlkMag === stock.otlkMag && initValue.b === stock.b) { throw new Error("expected either price or otlkMag to be different"); } } }); }); }); describe("StockToSymbolMap", function () { beforeEach(function () { deleteStockMarket(); initStockMarket(); initSymbolToStockMap(); }); it("should map stock symbols to their corresponding Stock Objects", function () { for (const stockName in StockMarket) { const stock = StockMarket[stockName]; if (!(stock instanceof Stock)) { continue; } expect(SymbolToStockMap[stock.symbol]).equal(stock); } }); }); describe("Transaction Cost Calculator Functions", function () { describe("getBuyTransactionCost()", function () { it("should fail on invalid 'stock' argument", function () { const res = getBuyTransactionCost({} as Stock, 10, PositionTypes.Long); expect(res).equal(null); }); it("should fail on invalid 'shares' arg", function () { let res = getBuyTransactionCost(stock, NaN, PositionTypes.Long); expect(res).equal(null); res = getBuyTransactionCost(stock, -1, PositionTypes.Long); expect(res).equal(null); }); it("should properly evaluate LONG transactions", function () { const shares = ctorParams.shareTxForMovement / 2; const res = getBuyTransactionCost(stock, shares, PositionTypes.Long); expect(res).equal(shares * stock.getAskPrice() + commission); }); it("should properly evaluate SHORT transactions", function () { const shares = ctorParams.shareTxForMovement / 2; const res = getBuyTransactionCost(stock, shares, PositionTypes.Short); expect(res).equal(shares * stock.getBidPrice() + commission); }); it("should cap the 'shares' argument at the stock's maximum number of shares", function () { const maxRes = getBuyTransactionCost( stock, stock.maxShares, PositionTypes.Long, ); const exceedRes = getBuyTransactionCost( stock, stock.maxShares * 10, PositionTypes.Long, ); expect(maxRes).equal(exceedRes); }); }); describe("getSellTransactionGain()", function () { it("should fail on invalid 'stock' argument", function () { const res = getSellTransactionGain({} as Stock, 10, PositionTypes.Long); expect(res).equal(null); }); it("should fail on invalid 'shares' arg", function () { let res = getSellTransactionGain(stock, NaN, PositionTypes.Long); expect(res).equal(null); res = getSellTransactionGain(stock, -1, PositionTypes.Long); expect(res).equal(null); }); it("should properly evaluate LONG transactionst", function () { const shares = ctorParams.shareTxForMovement / 2; const res = getSellTransactionGain(stock, shares, PositionTypes.Long); const expected = shares * stock.getBidPrice() - commission; expect(res).equal(expected); }); it("should properly evaluate SHORT transactions", function () { // We need to set this property in order to calculate gains from short position stock.playerAvgShortPx = stock.price * 2; const shares = ctorParams.shareTxForMovement / 2; const res = getSellTransactionGain(stock, shares, PositionTypes.Short); const expected = shares * stock.playerAvgShortPx + shares * (stock.playerAvgShortPx - stock.getAskPrice()) - commission; expect(res).equal(expected); }); it("should cap the 'shares' argument at the stock's maximum number of shares", function () { const maxRes = getSellTransactionGain( stock, stock.maxShares, PositionTypes.Long, ); const exceedRes = getSellTransactionGain( stock, stock.maxShares * 10, PositionTypes.Long, ); expect(maxRes).equal(exceedRes); }); }); }); describe("Forecast Movement Processor Function", function () { // N = 1 is the original forecast function getNthForecast(origForecast: number, n: number): number { return origForecast - forecastChangePerPriceMovement * (n - 1); } function getNthForecastForecast( origForecastForecast: number, n: number, ): number { if (stock.otlkMagForecast > 50) { const expected = origForecastForecast - forecastChangePerPriceMovement * (n - 1) * ( / 100); return expected < 50 ? 50 : expected; } else if (stock.otlkMagForecast < 50) { const expected = origForecastForecast + forecastChangePerPriceMovement * (n - 1) * ( / 100); return expected > 50 ? 50 : expected; } else { return 50; } } describe("processTransactionForecastMovement() for buy transactions", function () { const noMvmtShares = Math.round(ctorParams.shareTxForMovement / 2.2); const mvmtShares = ctorParams.shareTxForMovement * 3 + noMvmtShares; it("should do nothing on invalid 'stock' argument", function () { const oldTracker = stock.shareTxUntilMovement; processTransactionForecastMovement({} as Stock, mvmtShares); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(oldTracker); }); it("should do nothing on invalid 'shares' arg", function () { const oldTracker = stock.shareTxUntilMovement; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, NaN); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(oldTracker); processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, -1); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(oldTracker); }); it("should properly evaluate a LONG transaction that doesn't trigger a forecast movement", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, noMvmtShares); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(oldForecast); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal( stock.shareTxForMovement - noMvmtShares, ); }); it("should properly evaluate a SHORT transaction that doesn't trigger a forecast movement", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, noMvmtShares); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(oldForecast); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal( stock.shareTxForMovement - noMvmtShares, ); }); it("should properly evaluate LONG transactions that triggers forecast movements", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; const oldForecastForecast = stock.otlkMagForecast; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, mvmtShares); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(getNthForecast(oldForecast, 4)); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal( getNthForecastForecast(oldForecastForecast, 4), ); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal( stock.shareTxForMovement - noMvmtShares, ); }); it("should properly evaluate SHORT transactions that triggers forecast movements", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; const oldForecastForecast = stock.otlkMagForecast; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, mvmtShares); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(getNthForecast(oldForecast, 4)); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal( getNthForecastForecast(oldForecastForecast, 4), ); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal( stock.shareTxForMovement - noMvmtShares, ); }); it("should properly evaluate LONG transactions of exactly 'shareTxForMovement' shares", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; const oldForecastForecast = stock.otlkMagForecast; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, stock.shareTxForMovement); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(getNthForecast(oldForecast, 2)); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal( getNthForecastForecast(oldForecastForecast, 2), ); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(stock.shareTxForMovement); }); it("should properly evaluate LONG transactions that total to 'shareTxForMovement' shares", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; const oldForecastForecast = stock.otlkMagForecast; processTransactionForecastMovement( stock, Math.round(stock.shareTxForMovement / 2), ); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).lessThan(stock.shareTxForMovement); processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, stock.shareTxUntilMovement); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(getNthForecast(oldForecast, 2)); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal( getNthForecastForecast(oldForecastForecast, 2), ); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(stock.shareTxForMovement); }); it("should properly evaluate LONG transactions that are a multiple of 'shareTxForMovement' shares", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; const oldForecastForecast = stock.otlkMagForecast; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, 3 * stock.shareTxForMovement); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(getNthForecast(oldForecast, 4)); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal( getNthForecastForecast(oldForecastForecast, 4), ); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(stock.shareTxForMovement); }); it("should properly evaluate SHORT transactions of exactly 'shareTxForMovement' shares", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; const oldForecastForecast = stock.otlkMagForecast; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, stock.shareTxForMovement); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(getNthForecast(oldForecast, 2)); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal( getNthForecastForecast(oldForecastForecast, 2), ); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(stock.shareTxForMovement); }); it("should properly evaluate SHORT transactions that total to 'shareTxForMovement' shares", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; const oldForecastForecast = stock.otlkMagForecast; processTransactionForecastMovement( stock, Math.round(stock.shareTxForMovement / 2), ); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).lessThan(stock.shareTxForMovement); processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, stock.shareTxUntilMovement); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(getNthForecast(oldForecast, 2)); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal( getNthForecastForecast(oldForecastForecast, 2), ); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(stock.shareTxForMovement); }); it("should properly evaluate SHORT transactions that are a multiple of 'shareTxForMovement' shares", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; const oldForecastForecast = stock.otlkMagForecast; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, 3 * stock.shareTxForMovement); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(getNthForecast(oldForecast, 4)); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal( getNthForecastForecast(oldForecastForecast, 4), ); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(stock.shareTxForMovement); }); }); describe("processTransactionForecastMovement() for sell transactions", function () { const noMvmtShares = Math.round(ctorParams.shareTxForMovement / 2.2); const mvmtShares = ctorParams.shareTxForMovement * 3 + noMvmtShares; it("should do nothing on invalid 'stock' argument", function () { const oldTracker = stock.shareTxUntilMovement; processTransactionForecastMovement({} as Stock, mvmtShares); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(oldTracker); }); it("should do nothing on invalid 'shares' arg", function () { const oldTracker = stock.shareTxUntilMovement; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, NaN); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(oldTracker); processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, -1); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(oldTracker); }); it("should properly evaluate a LONG transaction that doesn't trigger a price movement", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, noMvmtShares); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(oldForecast); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal( stock.shareTxForMovement - noMvmtShares, ); }); it("should properly evaluate a SHORT transaction that doesn't trigger a price movement", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, noMvmtShares); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(oldForecast); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal( stock.shareTxForMovement - noMvmtShares, ); }); it("should properly evaluate LONG transactions that trigger price movements", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, mvmtShares); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(getNthForecast(oldForecast, 4)); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal( stock.shareTxForMovement - noMvmtShares, ); }); it("should properly evaluate SHORT transactions that trigger price movements", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, mvmtShares); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(getNthForecast(oldForecast, 4)); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal( stock.shareTxForMovement - noMvmtShares, ); }); it("should properly evaluate LONG transactions of exactly 'shareTxForMovement' shares", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, stock.shareTxForMovement); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(getNthForecast(oldForecast, 2)); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(stock.shareTxForMovement); }); it("should properly evaluate LONG transactions that total to 'shareTxForMovement' shares", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; processTransactionForecastMovement( stock, Math.round(stock.shareTxForMovement / 2), ); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).lessThan(stock.shareTxForMovement); processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, stock.shareTxUntilMovement); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(getNthForecast(oldForecast, 2)); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(stock.shareTxForMovement); }); it("should properly evaluate LONG transactions that are a multiple of 'shareTxForMovement' shares", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, 3 * stock.shareTxForMovement); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(getNthForecast(oldForecast, 4)); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(stock.shareTxForMovement); }); it("should properly evaluate SHORT transactions of exactly 'shareTxForMovement' shares", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, stock.shareTxForMovement); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(getNthForecast(oldForecast, 2)); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(stock.shareTxForMovement); }); it("should properly evaluate SHORT transactions that total to 'shareTxForMovement' shares", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; processTransactionForecastMovement( stock, Math.round(stock.shareTxForMovement / 2), ); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).lessThan(stock.shareTxForMovement); processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, stock.shareTxUntilMovement); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(getNthForecast(oldForecast, 2)); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(stock.shareTxForMovement); }); it("should properly evaluate SHORT transactions that are a multiple of 'shareTxForMovement' shares", function () { const oldForecast = stock.otlkMag; processTransactionForecastMovement(stock, 3 * stock.shareTxForMovement); expect(stock.otlkMag).equal(getNthForecast(oldForecast, 4)); expect(stock.shareTxUntilMovement).equal(stock.shareTxForMovement); }); }); }); describe("Transaction (Buy/Sell) Functions", function () { const suppressDialogOpt = { suppressDialog: true }; describe("buyStock()", function () { it("should fail for invalid arguments", function () { expect(buyStock({} as Stock, 1, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); expect(buyStock(stock, 0, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); expect(buyStock(stock, -1, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); expect(buyStock(stock, NaN, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); }); it("should fail if player doesn't have enough money", function () { Player.setMoney(0); expect(buyStock(stock, 1, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); }); it("should not allow for transactions that exceed the maximum shares", function () { const maxShares = stock.maxShares; expect(buyStock(stock, maxShares + 1, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal( false, ); }); it("should return true and properly update stock properties for successful transactions", function () { const shares = 1e3; const cost = getBuyTransactionCost(stock, shares, PositionTypes.Long); expect(cost).not.null; // Checked above // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion Player.setMoney(cost!); expect(buyStock(stock, shares, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(true); expect(stock.playerShares).equal(shares); expect(stock.playerAvgPx).greaterThan(0); expect(; }); }); describe("sellStock()", function () { it("should fail for invalid arguments", function () { expect(sellStock({} as Stock, 1, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); expect(sellStock(stock, 0, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); expect(sellStock(stock, -1, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); expect(sellStock(stock, NaN, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); }); it("should fail if player doesn't have any shares", function () { Player.setMoney(0); expect(sellStock(stock, 1, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); }); it("should not allow for transactions that exceed the maximum shares", function () { const maxShares = stock.maxShares; expect(sellStock(stock, maxShares + 1, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal( false, ); }); it("should return true and properly update stock properties for successful transactions", function () { const shares = 1e3; stock.playerShares = shares; stock.playerAvgPx = stock.price; const gain = getSellTransactionGain(stock, shares, PositionTypes.Long); Player.setMoney(0); expect(sellStock(stock, shares, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(true); expect(stock.playerShares).equal(0); expect(stock.playerAvgPx).equal(0); expect(; }); it("should cap the number of sharse sold to however many the player owns", function () { const attemptedShares = 2e3; const actualShares = 1e3; stock.playerShares = actualShares; stock.playerAvgPx = stock.price; const gain = getSellTransactionGain( stock, actualShares, PositionTypes.Long, ); Player.setMoney(0); expect( sellStock(stock, attemptedShares, null, suppressDialogOpt), ).equal(true); expect(stock.playerShares).equal(0); expect(stock.playerAvgPx).equal(0); expect(; }); it("should properly update stock properties for partial transactions", function () { const shares = 1e3; const origPrice = stock.price; stock.playerShares = 2 * shares; stock.playerAvgPx = origPrice; const gain = getSellTransactionGain(stock, shares, PositionTypes.Long); Player.setMoney(0); expect(sellStock(stock, shares, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(true); expect(stock.playerShares).equal(shares); expect(stock.playerAvgPx).equal(origPrice); expect(; }); }); describe("shortStock()", function () { it("should fail for invalid arguments", function () { expect(shortStock({} as Stock, 1, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal( false, ); expect(shortStock(stock, 0, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); expect(shortStock(stock, -1, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); expect(shortStock(stock, NaN, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); }); it("should fail if player doesn't have enough money", function () { Player.setMoney(0); expect(shortStock(stock, 1, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); }); it("should not allow for transactions that exceed the maximum shares", function () { const maxShares = stock.maxShares; expect(shortStock(stock, maxShares + 1, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal( false, ); }); it("should return true and properly update stock properties for successful transactions", function () { const shares = 1e3; const cost = getBuyTransactionCost(stock, shares, PositionTypes.Short); expect(cost).not.null; // Checked above // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion Player.setMoney(cost!); expect(shortStock(stock, shares, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(true); expect(stock.playerShortShares).equal(shares); expect(stock.playerAvgShortPx).greaterThan(0); expect(; }); }); describe("sellShort()", function () { it("should fail for invalid arguments", function () { expect(sellShort({} as Stock, 1, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); expect(sellShort(stock, 0, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); expect(sellShort(stock, -1, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); expect(sellShort(stock, NaN, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); }); it("should fail if player doesn't have any shares", function () { Player.setMoney(0); expect(sellShort(stock, 1, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(false); }); it("should not allow for transactions that exceed the maximum shares", function () { const maxShares = stock.maxShares; expect(sellShort(stock, maxShares + 1, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal( false, ); }); it("should return true and properly update stock properties for successful transactions", function () { const shares = 1e3; stock.playerShortShares = shares; stock.playerAvgShortPx = stock.price; const gain = getSellTransactionGain(stock, shares, PositionTypes.Short); Player.setMoney(0); expect(sellShort(stock, shares, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(true); expect(stock.playerShortShares).equal(0); expect(stock.playerAvgShortPx).equal(0); expect(; }); it("should cap the number of sharse sold to however many the player owns", function () { const attemptedShares = 2e3; const actualShares = 1e3; stock.playerShortShares = actualShares; stock.playerAvgShortPx = stock.price; const gain = getSellTransactionGain( stock, actualShares, PositionTypes.Short, ); Player.setMoney(0); expect( sellShort(stock, attemptedShares, null, suppressDialogOpt), ).equal(true); expect(stock.playerShortShares).equal(0); expect(stock.playerAvgShortPx).equal(0); expect(; }); it("should properly update stock properties for partial transactions", function () { const shares = 1e3; const origPrice = stock.price; stock.playerShortShares = 2 * shares; stock.playerAvgShortPx = origPrice; const gain = getSellTransactionGain(stock, shares, PositionTypes.Short); Player.setMoney(0); expect(sellShort(stock, shares, null, suppressDialogOpt)).equal(true); expect(stock.playerShortShares).equal(shares); expect(stock.playerAvgShortPx).equal(origPrice); expect(; }); }); }); describe("Order Class", function () { it("should throw on invalid arguments", function () { function invalid1(): Order { return new Order( {} as string, 1, 1, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Long, ); } function invalid2(): Order { return new Order( "FOO", "z" as any as number, 0, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Short, ); } function invalid3(): Order { return new Order( "FOO", 1, {} as number, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Short, ); } function invalid4(): Order { return new Order( "FOO", 1, NaN, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Short, ); } function invalid5(): Order { return new Order( "FOO", NaN, 0, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Short, ); } expect(invalid1).throw(); expect(invalid2).throw(); expect(invalid3).throw(); expect(invalid4).throw(); expect(invalid5).throw(); }); }); describe("Order Placing & Processing", function () { beforeEach(function () { expect(initStockMarket).not.throw(); expect(initSymbolToStockMap).not.throw(); // Create an order book for our mock stock StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol] = []; }); describe("placeOrder()", function () { it("should return false when it's called with invalid arguments", function () { const invalid1 = placeOrder( {} as Stock, 1, 1, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Long, ); const invalid2 = placeOrder( stock, "foo" as any as number, 2, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Long, ); const invalid3 = placeOrder( stock, 1, "foo" as any as number, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Long, ); expect(invalid1).equal(false); expect(invalid2).equal(false); expect(invalid3).equal(false); expect(StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol]).equal([]); }); it("should return true and update the order book for valid arguments", function () { const res = placeOrder( stock, 1e3, 9e3, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Long, ); expect(res).equal(true); expect(StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol]).length(1); const order = StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol][0]; expect(order).instanceOf(Order); expect(order.stockSymbol).equal(ctorParams.symbol); expect(order.shares).equal(1e3); expect(order.price).equal(9e3); expect(order.type).equal(OrderTypes.LimitBuy); expect(order.pos).equal(PositionTypes.Long); }); }); describe("cancelOrder()", function () { beforeEach(function () { StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol] = []; const res = placeOrder( stock, 1e3, 9e3, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Long, ); expect(res).equal(true); expect(StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol]).length(1); }); it("returns true & removes an Order from the order book", function () { const order = StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol][0]; const res = cancelOrder({ order }); expect(res).equal(true); expect(StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol]).length(0); }); it("should also work when passing in order parameters separately", function () { const res = cancelOrder({ stock, shares: 1e3, price: 9e3, type: OrderTypes.LimitBuy, pos: PositionTypes.Long, }); expect(res).equal(true); expect(StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol]).length(0); }); it("should return false and do nothing when the specified order doesn't exist", function () { // Same parameters, but its a different object const order = new Order( stock.symbol, 1e3, 9e3, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Long, ); const res = cancelOrder({ order }); expect(res).equal(false); expect(StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol]).length(1); const res2 = cancelOrder({ stock, shares: 999, price: 9e3, type: OrderTypes.LimitBuy, pos: PositionTypes.Long, }); expect(res2).equal(false); expect(StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol]).length(1); }); }); describe("processOrders()", function () { let processOrdersRefs: IProcessOrderRefs; beforeEach(function () { expect(initStockMarket).not.throw(); expect(initSymbolToStockMap).not.throw(); StockMarket[] = stock; SymbolToStockMap[stock.symbol] = stock; StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol] = []; stock.playerShares = 1e3; stock.playerShortShares = 1e3; Player.setMoney(100e9); processOrdersRefs = { rerenderFn: () => undefined, stockMarket: StockMarket as IStockMarket, symbolToStockMap: SymbolToStockMap, }; }); function checkThatOrderExists(placeOrderRes?: boolean): void { if (typeof placeOrderRes === "boolean") { expect(placeOrderRes).equal(true); } expect(StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol]).length(1); } function checkThatOrderExecuted(): void { expect(StockMarket["Orders"][stock.symbol]).length(0); } it("should execute LONG Limit Buy orders when price <= order price", function () { const res = placeOrder( stock, 1e3, 9e3, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Long, ); checkThatOrderExists(res); stock.changePrice(9e3); processOrders( stock, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Long, processOrdersRefs, ); checkThatOrderExecuted(); expect(stock.playerShares).equal(2e3); }); it("should execute SHORT Limit Buy Orders when price >= order price", function () { const res = placeOrder( stock, 1e3, 11e3, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Short, ); checkThatOrderExists(res); stock.changePrice(11e3); processOrders( stock, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Short, processOrdersRefs, ); checkThatOrderExecuted(); expect(stock.playerShortShares).equal(2e3); }); it("should execute LONG Limit Sell Orders when price >= order price", function () { const res = placeOrder( stock, 1e3, 11e3, OrderTypes.LimitSell, PositionTypes.Long, ); checkThatOrderExists(res); stock.changePrice(11e3); processOrders( stock, OrderTypes.LimitSell, PositionTypes.Long, processOrdersRefs, ); checkThatOrderExecuted(); expect(stock.playerShares).equal(0); }); it("should execute SHORT Limit Sell Orders when price <= order price", function () { const res = placeOrder( stock, 1e3, 9e3, OrderTypes.LimitSell, PositionTypes.Short, ); checkThatOrderExists(res); stock.changePrice(9e3); processOrders( stock, OrderTypes.LimitSell, PositionTypes.Short, processOrdersRefs, ); checkThatOrderExecuted(); expect(stock.playerShortShares).equal(0); }); it("should execute LONG Stop Buy Orders when price >= order price", function () { const res = placeOrder( stock, 1e3, 11e3, OrderTypes.StopBuy, PositionTypes.Long, ); checkThatOrderExists(res); stock.changePrice(11e3); processOrders( stock, OrderTypes.StopBuy, PositionTypes.Long, processOrdersRefs, ); checkThatOrderExecuted(); expect(stock.playerShares).equal(2e3); }); it("should execute SHORT Stop Buy Orders when price <= order price", function () { const res = placeOrder( stock, 1e3, 9e3, OrderTypes.StopBuy, PositionTypes.Short, ); checkThatOrderExists(res); stock.changePrice(9e3); processOrders( stock, OrderTypes.StopBuy, PositionTypes.Short, processOrdersRefs, ); checkThatOrderExecuted(); expect(stock.playerShortShares).equal(2e3); }); it("should execute LONG Stop Sell Orders when price <= order price", function () { const res = placeOrder( stock, 1e3, 9e3, OrderTypes.StopSell, PositionTypes.Long, ); checkThatOrderExists(res); stock.changePrice(9e3); processOrders( stock, OrderTypes.StopSell, PositionTypes.Long, processOrdersRefs, ); checkThatOrderExecuted(); expect(stock.playerShares).equal(0); }); it("should execute SHORT Stop Sell Orders when price >= order price", function () { const res = placeOrder( stock, 1e3, 11e3, OrderTypes.StopSell, PositionTypes.Short, ); checkThatOrderExists(res); stock.changePrice(11e3); processOrders( stock, OrderTypes.StopSell, PositionTypes.Short, processOrdersRefs, ); checkThatOrderExecuted(); expect(stock.playerShortShares).equal(0); }); it("should execute immediately if their conditions are satisfied", function () { placeOrder(stock, 1e3, 11e3, OrderTypes.LimitBuy, PositionTypes.Long); checkThatOrderExecuted(); expect(stock.playerShares).equal(2e3); }); }); }); // TODO describe("Player Influencing", function () { const server = new Server({ hostname: "mockserver", moneyAvailable: 1e6, organizationName: "MockStock", }); const company = new Company({ name: "MockStock", info: "", companyPositions: {}, expMultiplier: 1, salaryMultiplier: 1, jobStatReqOffset: 1, }); beforeEach(function () { expect(initStockMarket).not.throw(); expect(initSymbolToStockMap).not.throw(); StockMarket[] = stock; }); describe("influenceStockThroughServerHack()", function () { it("should decrease a stock's second-order forecast when all of its money is hacked", function () { const oldSecondOrderForecast = stock.otlkMagForecast; influenceStockThroughServerHack(server, server.moneyMax); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal( oldSecondOrderForecast - forecastForecastChangeFromHack, ); }); it("should not decrease the stock's second-order forecast when no money is stolen", function () { const oldSecondOrderForecast = stock.otlkMagForecast; influenceStockThroughServerHack(server, 0); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(oldSecondOrderForecast); }); }); describe("influenceStockThroughServerGrow()", function () { it("should increase a stock's second-order forecast when all of its money is grown", function () { const oldSecondOrderForecast = stock.otlkMagForecast; influenceStockThroughServerGrow(server, server.moneyMax); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal( oldSecondOrderForecast + forecastForecastChangeFromHack, ); }); it("should not increase the stock's second-order forecast when no money is grown", function () { const oldSecondOrderForecast = stock.otlkMagForecast; influenceStockThroughServerGrow(server, 0); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal(oldSecondOrderForecast); }); }); describe("influenceStockThroughCompanyWork()", function () { it("should increase the server's second order forecast", function () { const oldSecondOrderForecast = stock.otlkMagForecast; // Use 1e3 for numCycles to force a change // (This may break later if numbers are rebalanced); influenceStockThroughCompanyWork(company, 1, 500); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal( oldSecondOrderForecast + forecastForecastChangeFromCompanyWork, ); }); it("should be affected by performanceMult", function () { const oldSecondOrderForecast = stock.otlkMagForecast; // Use 1e3 for numCycles to force a change // (This may break later if numbers are rebalanced); influenceStockThroughCompanyWork(company, 4, 1e3); expect(stock.otlkMagForecast).equal( oldSecondOrderForecast + 4 * forecastForecastChangeFromCompanyWork, ); }); }); }); });