//Netburner Faction class function factionInit() { $('#faction-donate-input').on('input', function() { if (Engine.currentPage == Engine.Page.Faction) { var val = document.getElementById("faction-donate-input").value; if (isPositiveNumber(val)) { var numMoneyDonate = Number(val); document.getElementById("faction-donate-rep-gain").innerHTML = "This donation will result in " + formatNumber(numMoneyDonate/1000000 * Player.faction_rep_mult, 3) + " reputation gain"; } else { document.getElementById("faction-donate-rep-gain").innerHTML = "This donation will result in 0 reputation gain"; } } }); } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", factionInit, false); function Faction(name) { this.name = name; this.augmentations = []; //Name of augmentation only this.info = ""; //Introductory/informational text about the faction //Player-related properties for faction this.isMember = false; //Whether player is member this.isBanned = false; //Whether or not player is banned from joining this faction this.playerReputation = 0; //"Reputation" within faction //Multipliers for unlocking and purchasing augmentations this.augmentationPriceMult = 1; this.augmentationRepRequirementMult = 1; }; Faction.prototype.setAugmentationMultipliers = function(price, rep) { this.augmentationPriceMult = price; this.augmentationRepRequirementMult = rep; } Faction.prototype.setInfo = function(inf) { this.info = inf; } Faction.prototype.toJSON = function() { return Generic_toJSON("Faction", this); } Faction.fromJSON = function(value) { return Generic_fromJSON(Faction, value.data); } Reviver.constructors.Faction = Faction; //Map of factions indexed by faction name Factions = {} AddToFactions = function(faction) { var name = faction.name; Factions[name] = faction; } //TODO Augmentation price and rep requirement mult are 1 for everything right now, // This might change in the future for balance initFactions = function() { //Endgame var Illuminati = new Faction("Illuminati"); Illuminati.setInfo(FactionInfo.IlluminatiInfo); AddToFactions(Illuminati); var Daedalus = new Faction("Daedalus"); Daedalus.setInfo(FactionInfo.DaedalusInfo); AddToFactions(Daedalus); var Covenant = new Faction("The Covenant"); Covenant.setInfo(FactionInfo.CovenantInfo); AddToFactions(Covenant); //Megacorporations, each forms its own faction var ECorp = new Faction("ECorp"); ECorp.setInfo(FactionInfo.ECorpInfo); AddToFactions(ECorp); var MegaCorp = new Faction("MegaCorp"); MegaCorp.setInfo(FactionInfo.MegaCorpInfo); AddToFactions(MegaCorp); var BachmanAndAssociates = new Faction("Bachman & Associates"); BachmanAndAssociates.setInfo(FactionInfo.BachmanAndAssociatesInfo); AddToFactions(BachmanAndAssociates); var BladeIndustries = new Faction("Blade Industries"); BladeIndustries.setInfo(FactionInfo.BladeIndustriesInfo); AddToFactions(BladeIndustries); var NWO = new Faction("NWO"); NWO.setInfo(FactionInfo.NWOInfo); AddToFactions(NWO); var ClarkeIncorporated = new Faction("Clarke Incorporated"); ClarkeIncorporated.setInfo(FactionInfo.ClarkeIncorporatedInfo); AddToFactions(ClarkeIncorporated); var OmniTekIncorporated = new Faction("OmniTek Incorporated"); OmniTekIncorporated.setInfo(FactionInfo.OmniTekIncorporatedInfo); AddToFactions(OmniTekIncorporated); var FourSigma = new Faction("Four Sigma"); FourSigma.setInfo(FactionInfo.FourSigmaInfo); AddToFactions(FourSigma); var KuaiGongInternational = new Faction("KuaiGong International"); KuaiGongInternational.setInfo(FactionInfo.KuaiGongInternationalInfo); AddToFactions(KuaiGongInternational); //Other corporations var FulcrumTechnologies = new Faction("Fulcrum Secret Technologies"); FulcrumTechnologies.setInfo(FactionInfo.FulcrumSecretTechnologiesInfo); AddToFactions(FulcrumTechnologies); //Hacker groups var BitRunners = new Faction("BitRunners"); BitRunners.setInfo(FactionInfo.BitRunnersInfo); AddToFactions(BitRunners); var BlackHand = new Faction("The Black Hand"); BlackHand.setInfo(FactionInfo.BlackHandInfo); AddToFactions(BlackHand); var NiteSec = new Faction("NiteSec"); NiteSec.setInfo(FactionInfo.NiteSecInfo); AddToFactions(NiteSec); //City factions, essentially governments var Chongqing = new Faction("Chongqing"); Chongqing.setInfo(FactionInfo.ChongqingInfo); AddToFactions(Chongqing); var Sector12 = new Faction("Sector-12"); Sector12.setInfo(FactionInfo.Sector12Info); AddToFactions(Sector12); var NewTokyo = new Faction("New Tokyo"); NewTokyo.setInfo(FactionInfo.NewTokyoInfo); AddToFactions(NewTokyo); var Aevum = new Faction("Aevum"); Aevum.setInfo(FactionInfo.AevumInfo); AddToFactions(Aevum); var Ishima = new Faction("Ishima"); Ishima.setInfo(FactionInfo.IshimaInfo); AddToFactions(Ishima); var Volhaven = new Faction("Volhaven"); Volhaven.setInfo(FactionInfo.VolhavenInfo); AddToFactions(Volhaven); //Criminal Organizations/Gangs var SpeakersForTheDead = new Faction("Speakers for the Dead"); SpeakersForTheDead.setInfo(FactionInfo.SpeakersForTheDeadInfo); AddToFactions(SpeakersForTheDead); var DarkArmy = new Faction("The Dark Army"); DarkArmy.setInfo(FactionInfo.DarkArmyInfo); AddToFactions(DarkArmy); var TheSyndicate = new Faction("The Syndicate"); TheSyndicate.setInfo(FactionInfo.TheSyndicateInfo); AddToFactions(TheSyndicate); var Silhouette = new Faction("Silhouette"); Silhouette.setInfo(FactionInfo.SilhouetteInfo); AddToFactions(Silhouette); var Tetrads = new Faction("Tetrads"); //Low-medium level asian crime gang Tetrads.setInfo(FactionInfo.TetradsInfo); AddToFactions(Tetrads); var SlumSnakes = new Faction("Slum Snakes"); //Low level crime gang SlumSnakes.setInfo(FactionInfo.SlumSnakesInfo); AddToFactions(SlumSnakes); //Earlygame factions - factions the player will prestige with early on that don't //belong in other categories var Netburners = new Faction("Netburners"); Netburners.setInfo(FactionInfo.NetburnersInfo); AddToFactions(Netburners); var TianDiHui = new Faction("Tian Di Hui"); //Society of the Heaven and Earth TianDiHui.setInfo(FactionInfo.TianDiHuiInfo); AddToFactions(TianDiHui); var CyberSec = new Faction("CyberSec"); CyberSec.setInfo(FactionInfo.CyberSecInfo); AddToFactions(CyberSec); } //This function sets the requirements to join a Faction. It checks whether the Player meets //those requirements and will return an array of all factions that the Player should //receive an invitation to PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() { if (Engine.Debug) { console.log("checkForFactionInvitations() called"); console.log("karma: " + this.karma); } invitedFactions = []; //Array which will hold all Factions th eplayer should be invited to var company = Companies[this.companyName]; var companyRep = 0; if (company != null) { companyRep = company.playerReputation; } //Illuminati var illuminatiFac = Factions["Illuminati"]; if (illuminatiFac.isBanned == false && illuminatiFac.isMember == false && this.numAugmentations >= 10 && this.money >= 10000000000 && this.total_money >= 20000000000 && this.hacking_skill >= 800 && this.total_hacking >= 7000 && this.strength >= 900 && this.total_strength >= 10000 && this.defense >= 900 && this.total_defense >= 10000 && this.dexterity >= 900 && this.total_dexterity >= 10000 && this.agility >= 900 && this.total_agility >= 10000) { invitedFactions.push(illuminatiFac); } //Daedalus var daedalusFac = Factions["Daedalus"]; if (daedalusFac.isBanned == false && daedalusFac.isMember == false && this.numAugmentations >= 15 && this.money >= 1000000000 && this.total_money >= 10000000000 && this.hacking_skill >= 1000 && this.total_hacking >= 10000 && this.strength >= 500 && this.total_strength >= 8000 && this.defense >= 500 && this.total_defense >= 8000 && this.dexterity >= 500 && this.total_dexterity >= 8000 && this.agility >= 500 && this.total_agility >= 8000) { invitedFactions.push(daedalusFac); } //The Covenant var covenantFac = Factions["The Covenant"]; if (covenantFac.isBanned == false && covenantFac.isMember == false && this.numAugmentations >= 12 && this.money >= 5000000000 && this.total_money >= 10000000000 && this.hacking_skill >= 850 && this.total_hack >= 5000 && this.strength >= 850 && this.total_strength >= 5000 && this.defense >= 850 && this.total_defense >= 5000 && this.dexterity >= 850 && this.total_dexterity >= 5000 && this.agility >= 850 && this.total_agility >= 5000) { invitedFactions.push(covenantFac); } //ECorp var ecorpFac = Factions["ECorp"]; if (ecorpFac.isBanned == false && ecorpFac.isMember == false && this.companyName == Locations.AevumECorp && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(ecorpFac); } //MegaCorp var megacorpFac = Factions["MegaCorp"]; if (megacorpFac.isBanned == false && megacorpFac.isMember == false && this.companyName == Locations.Sector12MegaCorp && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(megacorpFac); } //Bachman & Associates var bachmanandassociatesFac = Factions["Bachman & Associates"]; if (bachmanandassociatesFac.isBanned == false && bachmanandassociatesFac.isMember == false && this.companyName == Locations.AevumBachmanAndAssociates && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(bachmanandassociatesFac); } //Blade Industries var bladeindustriesFac = Factions["Blade Industries"]; if (bladeindustriesFac.isBanned == false && bladeindustriesFac.isMember == false && this.companyName == Locations.Sector12BladeIndustries && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(bladeindustriesFac); } //NWO var nwoFac = Factions["NWO"]; if (nwoFac.isBanned == false && nwoFac.isMember == false && this.companyName == Locations.VolhavenNWO && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(nwoFac); } //Clarke Incorporated var clarkeincorporatedFac = Factions["Clarke Incorporated"]; if (clarkeincorporatedFac.isBanned == false && clarkeincorporatedFac.isMember == false && this.companyName == Locations.AevumClarkeIncorporated && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(clarkeincorporatedFac); } //OmniTek Incorporated var omnitekincorporatedFac = Factions["OmniTek Incorporated"]; if (omnitekincorporatedFac.isBanned == false && omnitekincorporatedFac.isMember == false && this.companyName == Locations.VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(omnitekincorporatedFac); } //Four Sigma var foursigmaFac = Factions["Four Sigma"]; if (foursigmaFac.isBanned == false && foursigmaFac.isMember == false && this.companyName == Locations.Sector12FourSigma && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(foursigmaFac); } //KuaiGong International var kuaigonginternationalFac = Factions["KuaiGong International"]; if (kuaigonginternationalFac.isBanned == false && kuaigonginternationalFac.isMember == false && this.companyName == Locations.ChongqingKuaiGongInternational && companyRep >= CONSTANTS.CorpFactionRepRequirement) { invitedFactions.push(kuaigonginternationalFac); } //Fulcrum Secret Technologies - If u've unlocked fulcrum secret technolgoies server and have a high rep with the company var fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac = Factions["Fulcrum Secret Technologies"]; var fulcrumSecretServer = AllServers[SpecialServerIps[SpecialServerNames.FulcrumSecretTechnologies]]; if (fulcrumSecretServer == null) { console.log("ERROR: Could not find Fulcrum Secret Technologies Server"); } else { if (fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac.isBanned == false && fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac.isMember == false && fulcrumSecretServer.manuallyHacked && this.companyName == Locations.AevumFulcrumTechnologies && companyRep >= 250000) { invitedFactions.push(fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac); } } //BitRunners var bitrunnersFac = Factions["BitRunners"]; var homeComp = this.getHomeComputer(); var bitrunnersServer = AllServers[SpecialServerIps[SpecialServerNames.BitRunnersServer]]; if (bitrunnersServer == null) { console.log("ERROR: Could not find BitRunners Server"); } else if (bitrunnersFac.isBanned == false && bitrunnersFac.isMember == false && bitrunnersServer.manuallyHacked && this.hacking_skill >= 500 && homeComp.maxRam >= 128) { invitedFactions.push(bitrunnersFac); } //The Black Hand var theblackhandFac = Factions["The Black Hand"]; var blackhandServer = AllServers[SpecialServerIps[SpecialServerNames.TheBlackHandServer]]; if (blackhandServer == null) { console.log("ERROR: Could not find The Black Hand Server"); } else if (!theblackhandFac.isBanned && !theblackhandFac.isMember && blackhandServer.manuallyHacked && this.hacking_skill >= 350 && homeComp.maxRam >= 64) { invitedFactions.push(theblackhandFac); } //NiteSec var nitesecFac = Factions["NiteSec"]; var nitesecServer = AllServers[SpecialServerIps[SpecialServerNames.NiteSecServer]]; if (nitesecServer == null) { console.log("ERROR: Could not find NiteSec Server"); } else if (!nitesecFac.isBanned && !nitesecFac.isMember && nitesecServer.manuallyHacked && this.hacking_skill >= 200 && homeComp.maxRam >= 32) { invitedFactions.push(nitesecFac); } //Chongqing var chongqingFac = Factions["Chongqing"]; if (chongqingFac.isBanned == false && chongqingFac.isMember == false && this.money >= 20000000 && this.city == Locations.Chongqing) { invitedFactions.push(chongqingFac); } //Sector-12 var sector12Fac = Factions["Sector-12"]; if (sector12Fac.isBanned == false && sector12Fac.isMember == false && this.money >= 15000000 && this.city == Locations.Sector12) { invitedFactions.push(sector12Fac); } //New Tokyo var newtokyoFac = Factions["New Tokyo"]; if (newtokyoFac.isBanned == false && newtokyoFac.isMember == false && this.money >= 20000000 && this.city == Locations.NewTokyo) { invitedFactions.push(newtokyoFac); } //Aevum var aevumFac = Factions["Aevum"]; if (aevumFac.isBanned == false && aevumFac.isMember == false && this.money >= 40000000 && this.city == Locations.Aevum) { invitedFactions.push(aevumFac); } //Ishima var ishimaFac = Factions["Ishima"]; if (ishimaFac.isBanned == false && ishimaFac.isMember == false && this.money >= 30000000 && this.city == Locations.Ishima) { invitedFactions.push(ishimaFac); } //Volhaven var volhavenFac = Factions["Volhaven"]; if (volhavenFac.isBanned == false && volhavenFac.isMember == false && this.money >= 50000000 && this.city == Locations.Volhaven) { invitedFactions.push(volhavenFac); } //Speakers for the Dead var speakersforthedeadFac = Factions["Speakers for the Dead"]; if (speakersforthedeadFac.isBanned == false && speakersforthedeadFac.isMember == false && this.hacking_skill >= 100 && this.strength >= 300 && this.defense >= 300 && this.dexterity >= 300 && this.agility >= 300 && this.numPeopleKilled >= 10 && this.numPeopleKilledTotal >= 100 && this.karma <= -45 && this.companyName != Locations.Sector12CIA && this.companyName != Locations.Sector12NSA) { invitedFactions.push(speakersforthedeadFac); } //The Dark Army var thedarkarmyFac = Factions["The Dark Army"]; if (thedarkarmyFac.isBanned == false && thedarkarmyFac.isMember == false && this.hacking_skill >= 300 && this.strength >= 300 && this.defense >= 300 && this.dexterity >= 300 && this.agility >= 300 && this.city == Locations.Chongqing && this.numPeopleKilled >= 5 && this.karma <= -45 && this.companyName != Locations.Sector12CIA && this.companyName != Locations.Sector12NSA) { invitedFactions.push(thedarkarmyFac); } //The Syndicate var thesyndicateFac = Factions["The Syndicate"]; if (thesyndicateFac.isBanned == false && thesyndicateFac.isMember == false && this.hacking_skill >= 200 && this.strength >= 200 && this.defense >= 200 && this.dexterity >= 200 && this.agility >= 200 && (this.city == Locations.Aevum || this.city == Locations.Sector12) && this.money >= 10000000 && this.karma <= -90 && this.companyName != Locations.Sector12CIA && this.companyName != Locations.Sector12NSA) { invitedFactions.push(thesyndicateFac); } //Silhouette var silhouetteFac = Factions["Silhouette"]; if (silhouetteFac.isBanned == false && silhouetteFac.isMember == false && (this.companyPosition.positionName == CompanyPositions.CTO.positionName || this.companyPosition.positionName == CompanyPositions.CFO.positionName || this.companyPosition.positionName == CompanyPositions.CEO.positionName) && this.money >= 15000000 && this.karma <= -22) { invitedFactions.push(silhouetteFac); } //Tetrads var tetradsFac = Factions["Tetrads"]; if (tetradsFac.isBanned == false && tetradsFac.isMember == false && (this.city == Locations.Chongqing || this.city == Locations.NewTokyo || this.city == Locations.Ishima) && this.strength >= 75 && this.defense >= 75 && this.dexterity >= 75 && this.agility >= 75 && this.karma <= -18) { invitedFactions.push(tetradsFac); } //SlumSnakes var slumsnakesFac = Factions["Slum Snakes"]; if (slumsnakesFac.isBanned == false && slumsnakesFac.isMember == false && this.strength >= 30 && this.defense >= 30 && this.dexterity >= 30 && this.agility >= 30 && this.karma <= -9 && this.money >= 1000000) { invitedFactions.push(slumsnakesFac); } //Netburners var netburnersFac = Factions["Netburners"]; var totalHacknetRam = 0; var totalHacknetCores = 0; var totalHacknetLevels = 0; for (var i = 0; i < Player.hacknetNodes.length; ++i) { totalHacknetLevels += Player.hacknetNodes[i].level; totalHacknetRam += Player.hacknetNodes[i].ram; totalHacknetCores += Player.hacknetNodes[i].numCores; } if (netburnersFac.isBanned == false && netburnersFac.isMember == false && this.hacking_skill >= 80 && totalHacknetRam >= 8 && totalHacknetCores >= 4 && totalHacknetLevels >= 100) { invitedFactions.push(netburnersFac); } //Tian Di Hui var tiandihuiFac = Factions["Tian Di Hui"]; if (tiandihuiFac.isBanned == false && tiandihuiFac.isMember == false && this.money >= 1000000 && this.hacking_skill >= 50 && (this.city == Locations.Chongqing || this.city == Locations.NewTokyo || this.city == Locations.Ishima)) { invitedFactions.push(tiandihuiFac); } //CyberSec var cybersecFac = Factions["CyberSec"]; var cybersecServer = AllServers[SpecialServerIps[SpecialServerNames.CyberSecServer]]; if (cybersecServer == null) { console.log("ERROR: Could not find CyberSec Server"); } else if (!cybersecFac.isBanned && !cybersecFac.isMember && cybersecServer.manuallyHacked && this.hacking_skill >= 50) { invitedFactions.push(cybersecFac); } console.log("invited factions: " + invitedFactions); return invitedFactions; } inviteToFaction = function(faction) { if (Engine.Debug) { console.log("inviteToFaction() called with faction: " + faction.name); } factionInvitationBoxCreate(faction); } joinFaction = function(faction) { faction.isMember = true; Player.factions.push(faction.name); //Determine what factions you are banned from now that you have joined this faction if (faction.name == "Chongqing") { Factions["Sector-12"].isBanned = true; Factions["Aevum"].isBanned = true; Factions["Volhaven"].isBanned = true; } else if (faction.name == "Sector-12") { Factions["Chongqing"].isBanned = true; Factions["New Tokyo"].isBanned = true; Factions["Ishima"].isBanned = true; Factions["Volhaven"].isBanned = true; } else if (faction.name == "New Tokyo") { Factions["Sector-12"].isBanned = true; Factions["Aevum"].isBanned = true; Factions["Volhaven"].isBanned = true; } else if (faction.name == "Aevum") { Factions["Chongqing"].isBanned = true; Factions["New Tokyo"].isBanned = true; Factions["Ishima"].isBanned = true; Factions["Volhaven"].isBanned = true; } else if (faction.name == "Ishima") { Factions["Sector-12"].isBanned = true; Factions["Aevum"].isBanned = true; Factions["Volhaven"].isBanned = true; } else if (faction.name == "Volhaven") { Factions["Chongqing"].isBanned = true; Factions["Sector-12"].isBanned = true; Factions["New Tokyo"].isBanned = true; Factions["Aevum"].isBanned = true; Factions["Ishima"].isBanned = true; } } leaveFaction = function(faction) { faction.isMember = false; var i = Player.factions.indexOf(faction.name); if (i > -1) { Player.factions.splice(i, 1); } //Unban from faction if (faction.name == "Chongqing") { Factions["Sector-12"].isBanned = false; Factions["Aevum"].isBanned = false; Factions["Volhaven"].isBanned = false; } else if (faction.name == "Sector-12") { Factions["Chongqing"].isBanned = false; Factions["New Tokyo"].isBanned = false; Factions["Ishima"].isBanned = false; Factions["Volhaven"].isBanned = false; } else if (faction.name == "New Tokyo") { Factions["Sector-12"].isBanned = false; Factions["Aevum"].isBanned = false; Factions["Volhaven"].isBanned = false; } else if (faction.name == "Aevum") { Factions["Chongqing"].isBanned = false; Factions["New Tokyo"].isBanned = false; Factions["Ishima"].isBanned = false; Factions["Volhaven"].isBanned = false; } else if (faction.name == "Ishima") { Factions["Sector-12"].isBanned = false; Factions["Aevum"].isBanned = false; Factions["Volhaven"].isBanned = false; } else if (faction.name == "Volhaven") { Factions["Chongqing"].isBanned = false; Factions["Sector-12"].isBanned = false; Factions["New Tokyo"].isBanned = false; Factions["Aevum"].isBanned = false; Factions["Ishima"].isBanned = false; } } //Displays the HTML content for a specific faction displayFactionContent = function(factionName) { var faction = Factions[factionName]; document.getElementById("faction-name").innerHTML = factionName; document.getElementById("faction-info").innerHTML = "" + faction.info + ""; document.getElementById("faction-reputation").innerHTML = "Reputation: " + formatNumber(faction.playerReputation, 4); var hackDiv = document.getElementById("faction-hack-div"); var fieldWorkDiv = document.getElementById("faction-fieldwork-div"); var securityWorkDiv = document.getElementById("faction-securitywork-div"); var donateDiv = document.getElementById("faction-donate-div"); //Set new event listener for all of the work buttons //The old buttons need to be replaced to clear the old event listeners var newHackButton = clearEventListeners("faction-hack-button"); var newFieldWorkButton = clearEventListeners("faction-fieldwork-button"); var newSecurityWorkButton = clearEventListeners("faction-securitywork-button"); var newDonateWorkButton = clearEventListeners("faction-donate-button"); newHackButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Player.startFactionHackWork(faction); return false; }); newFieldWorkButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Player.startFactionFieldWork(faction); return false; }); newSecurityWorkButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Player.startFactionSecurityWork(faction); return false; }); newDonateWorkButton.addEventListener("click", function() { var donateAmountVal = document.getElementById("faction-donate-input").value; if (isPositiveNumber(donateAmountVal)) { var numMoneyDonate = Number(donateAmountVal); if (Player.money < numMoneyDonate) { dialogBoxCreate("You cannot afford to donate this much money!"); return; } Player.loseMoney(numMoneyDonate); var repGain = numMoneyDonate / 1000000 * Player.faction_rep_mult; faction.playerReputation += repGain; dialogBoxCreate("You just donated $" + formatNumber(numMoneyDonate, 2) + " to " + faction.name + " to gain " + formatNumber(repGain, 3) + " reputation"); displayFactionContent(factionName); } else { dialogBoxCreate("Invalid amount entered!"); } return false; }); //Set new event listener for the purchase augmentation buttons //The old button needs to be replaced to clear the old event listeners var newPurchaseAugmentationsButton = clearEventListeners("faction-purchase-augmentations"); newPurchaseAugmentationsButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.hideAllContent(); Engine.Display.factionAugmentationsContent.style.visibility = "visible"; var newBackButton = clearEventListeners("faction-augmentations-back-button"); newBackButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Engine.loadFactionContent(); displayFactionContent(factionName); return false; }); displayFactionAugmentations(factionName); return false; }); if (faction.isMember) { donateDiv.style.display = "inline"; switch(faction.name) { case "Illuminati": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; break; case "Daedalus": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; break; case "The Covenant": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; break; case "ECorp": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "MegaCorp": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "Bachman & Associates": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "Blade Industries": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "NWO": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "Clarke Incorporated": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "OmniTek Incorporated": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "Four Sigma": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "KuaiGong International": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "BitRunners": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; break; case "The Black Hand": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; break; case "NiteSec": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; break; case "Chongqing": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "Sector-12": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "New Tokyo": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "Aevum": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "Ishima": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "Volhaven": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "Speakers for the Dead": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "The Dark Army": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; break; case "The Syndicate": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "Silhouette": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; break; case "Tetrads": hackDiv.style.display = "none"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "Slum Snakes": hackDiv.style.display = "none"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "Netburners": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; break; case "Tian Di Hui": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "inline"; break; case "CyberSec": hackDiv.style.display = "inline"; fieldWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; securityWorkDiv.style.display = "none"; break; default: console.log("Faction does not exist"); break; } } else { console.log("Not a member of this faction, cannot display faction information"); } } displayFactionAugmentations = function(factionName) { document.getElementById("faction-augmentations-page-desc").innerHTML = "Lists all augmentations that are available to purchase from " + factionName; var faction = Factions[factionName]; var augmentationsList = document.getElementById("faction-augmentations-list"); while (augmentationsList.firstChild) { augmentationsList.removeChild(augmentationsList.firstChild); } for (var i = 0; i < faction.augmentations.length; ++i) { (function () { var aug = Augmentations[faction.augmentations[i]]; var item = document.createElement("li"); var span = document.createElement("span"); var aDiv = document.createElement("div"); var aElem = document.createElement("a"); var pElem = document.createElement("p"); aElem.setAttribute("href", "#"); var req = aug.baseRepRequirement * faction.augmentationRepRequirementMult; if (aug.name != AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor && aug.owned) { aElem.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button-inactive"); pElem.innerHTML = "ALREADY OWNED"; } else if (faction.playerReputation >= req) { aElem.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button"); pElem.innerHTML = "UNLOCKED - $" + formatNumber(aug.baseCost * faction.augmentationPriceMult, 2); } else { aElem.setAttribute("class", "a-link-button-inactive"); pElem.innerHTML = "LOCKED (Requires " + formatNumber(req, 4) + " faction reputation) - $" + formatNumber(aug.baseCost * faction.augmentationPriceMult, 2); pElem.style.color = "red"; } aElem.style.display = "inline"; pElem.style.display = "inline"; aElem.innerHTML = aug.name; if (aug.name == AugmentationNames.NeuroFluxGovernor) { aElem.innerHTML += " - Level " + (aug.level + 1); } span.style.display = "inline-block" //The div will have the tooltip. aDiv.setAttribute("class", "tooltip"); aDiv.innerHTML = '' + aug.info + " "; aDiv.appendChild(aElem); aElem.addEventListener("click", function() { purchaseAugmentationBoxCreate(aug, faction); }); span.appendChild(aDiv); span.appendChild(pElem); item.appendChild(span); augmentationsList.appendChild(item); }()); //Immediate invocation closure } } function processPassiveFactionRepGain(numCycles) { var numTimesGain = (numCycles / 600) * Player.faction_rep_mult; for (var name in Factions) { if (Factions.hasOwnProperty(name)) { var faction = Factions[name]; //TODO Get hard value of 1 rep per "rep gain cycle"" for now.. //maybe later make this based on //a player's 'status' like how powerful they are and how much money they have if (faction.isMember) {faction.playerReputation += numTimesGain;} } } }