Injecting HTML in the game ========================== Bitburner uses React and Material-UI to render everything. Modifying the UI is possible but not officially supported. To automatically enter commands in the terminal (only works if looking at the terminal): .. code-block:: javascript // Acquire a reference to the terminal text field const terminalInput = document.getElementById("terminal-input"); // Set the value to the command you want to run. terminalInput.value="home;connect n00dles;home;connect n00dles;home;"; // Get a reference to the React event handler. const handler = Object.keys(terminalInput)[1]; // Perform an onChange event to set some internal values. terminalInput[handler].onChange({target:terminalInput}); // Simulate an enter press terminalInput[handler].onKeyDown({keyCode:13,preventDefault:()=>null}); To add lines to the terminal (only works if looking at the terminal): .. code-block:: javascript // Acquire a reference to the terminal list of lines. const list = document.getElementById("generic-react-container").querySelector("ul"); // Inject some HTML. list.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend',`<li><p color=lime>whatever custom html</p></li>`)