/* eslint-disable no-process-exit */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */ const { app, BrowserWindow, Menu, shell, dialog } = require("electron"); const log = require('electron-log'); const greenworks = require("./greenworks"); log.catchErrors(); log.info(`Started app: ${JSON.stringify(process.argv)}`); process.on('uncaughtException', function () { // The exception will already have been logged by electron-log process.exit(1); }); if (greenworks.init()) { log.info("Steam API has been initialized."); } else { log.warn("Steam API has failed to initialize."); } const debug = false; let win = null; require("http") .createServer(async function (req, res) { let body = ""; req.on("data", (chunk) => { body += chunk.toString(); // convert Buffer to string }); req.on("end", () => { const data = JSON.parse(body); win.webContents.executeJavaScript(`document.saveFile("${data.filename}", "${data.code}")`).then((result) => { res.write(result); res.end(); }); }); }) .listen(9990, ""); function createWindow(killall) { win = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, backgroundThrottling: false, backgroundColor: "#000000", }); win.removeMenu(); win.maximize(); noScripts = killall ? { query: { noScripts: killall } } : {}; win.loadFile("index.html", noScripts); win.show(); if (debug) win.webContents.openDevTools(); win.webContents.on("new-window", function (e, url) { // make sure local urls stay in electron perimeter if (url.substr(0, "file://".length) === "file://") { return; } // and open every other protocols on the browser e.preventDefault(); shell.openExternal(url); }); win.webContents.backgroundThrottling = false; // This is backward but the game fills in an array called `document.achievements` and we retrieve it from // here. Hey if it works it works. const achievements = greenworks.getAchievementNames(); const intervalID = setInterval(async () => { const achs = await win.webContents.executeJavaScript("document.achievements"); for (const ach of achs) { if (!achievements.includes(ach)) continue; greenworks.activateAchievement(ach, () => undefined); } }, 1000); win.achievementsIntervalID = intervalID; const reloadAndKill = (killScripts = true) => { log.info('Reloading & Killing all scripts...'); setStopProcessHandler(app, win, false); if (intervalID) clearInterval(intervalID); win.webContents.forcefullyCrashRenderer(); win.close(); createWindow(killScripts); }; const promptForReload = () => { win.off('unresponsive', promptForReload); dialog.showMessageBox({ type: 'error', title: 'Bitburner > Application Unresponsive', message: 'The application is unresponsive, possibly due to an infinite loop in your scripts.', detail:' Did you forget a ns.sleep(x)?\n\n' + 'The application will be restarted for you, do you want to kill all running scripts?', buttons: ['Restart', 'Cancel'], defaultId: 0, checkboxLabel: 'Kill all running scripts', checkboxChecked: true, noLink: true, }).then(({response, checkboxChecked}) => { if (response === 0) { reloadAndKill(checkboxChecked); } else { win.on('unresponsive', promptForReload) } }); } win.on('unresponsive', promptForReload); // Create the Application's main menu Menu.setApplicationMenu( Menu.buildFromTemplate([ { label: "Edit", submenu: [ { label: "Undo", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+Z", selector: "undo:" }, { label: "Redo", accelerator: "Shift+CmdOrCtrl+Z", selector: "redo:" }, { type: "separator" }, { label: "Cut", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+X", selector: "cut:" }, { label: "Copy", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+C", selector: "copy:" }, { label: "Paste", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+V", selector: "paste:" }, { label: "Select All", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+A", selector: "selectAll:" }, ], }, { label: "reloads", submenu: [ { label: "reload", accelerator: "f5", click: () => { win.loadFile("index.html"); }, }, { label: "reload & kill all scripts", click: reloadAndKill }, ], }, { label: "fullscreen", submenu: [ { label: "toggle", accelerator: "f9", click: (() => { let full = false; return () => { full = !full; win.setFullScreen(full); }; })(), }, ], }, { label: "debug", submenu: [ { label: "activate", click: () => win.webContents.openDevTools(), }, ], }, ]), ); return win; } function setStopProcessHandler(app, window, enabled) { const clearWindowHandler = () => { if (window.achievementsIntervalID) { clearInterval(window.achievementsIntervalID); } window = null; }; const stopProcessHandler = () => { log.info('Quitting the app...'); app.isQuiting = true; app.quit(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-process-exit process.exit(0); }; if (enabled) { window.on("closed", clearWindowHandler); app.on("window-all-closed", stopProcessHandler); } else { window.removeListener("closed", clearWindowHandler); app.removeListener("window-all-closed", stopProcessHandler); } } app.whenReady().then(() => { log.info('Application is ready!'); const win = createWindow(process.argv.includes("--no-scripts")); setStopProcessHandler(app, win, true); });