import { ISelfInitializer, ISelfLoading } from "../types"; import { OwnedAugmentationsOrderSetting, PurchaseAugmentationsOrderSetting } from "./SettingEnums"; /** * Represents the default settings the player could customize. */ interface IDefaultSettings { /** * How many servers per page */ ActiveScriptsServerPageSize: number; /** * How many scripts per page */ ActiveScriptsScriptPageSize: number; /** * How often the game should autosave the player's progress, in seconds. */ AutosaveInterval: number; /** * How many milliseconds between execution points for Netscript 1 statements. */ CodeInstructionRunTime: number; /** * Render city as list of buttons. */ DisableASCIIArt: boolean; /** * Whether global keyboard shortcuts should be recognized throughout the game. */ DisableHotkeys: boolean; /** * Whether text effects such as corruption should be visible. */ DisableTextEffects: boolean; /** * Enable bash hotkeys */ EnableBashHotkeys: boolean; /** * Enable timestamps */ EnableTimestamps: boolean; /** * Locale used for display numbers */ Locale: string; /** * Limit the number of log entries for each script being executed on each server. */ MaxLogCapacity: number; /** * Limit how many entries can be written to a Netscript Port before entries start to get pushed out. */ MaxPortCapacity: number; /** * Limit the number of entries in the terminal. */ MaxTerminalCapacity: number; /** * Whether the player should be asked to confirm purchasing each and every augmentation. */ SuppressBuyAugmentationConfirmation: boolean; /** * Whether the user should be prompted to join each faction via a dialog box. */ SuppressFactionInvites: boolean; /** * Whether to show a popup message when player is hospitalized from taking too much damage */ SuppressHospitalizationPopup: boolean; /** * Whether the user should be shown a dialog box whenever they receive a new message file. */ SuppressMessages: boolean; /** * Whether the user should be asked to confirm travelling between cities. */ SuppressTravelConfirmation: boolean; /** * Whether the user should be displayed a popup message when his Bladeburner actions are cancelled. */ SuppressBladeburnerPopup: boolean; /* * Theme colors */ theme: { [key: string]: string | undefined; primarylight: string; primary: string; primarydark: string; errorlight: string; error: string; errordark: string; secondarylight: string; secondary: string; secondarydark: string; warninglight: string; warning: string; warningdark: string; infolight: string; info: string; infodark: string; welllight: string; well: string; white: string; black: string; hp: string; money: string; hack: string; combat: string; cha: string; int: string; rep: string; disabled: string; }; } /** * Represents all possible settings the player wants to customize to their play style. */ interface ISettings extends IDefaultSettings { /** * What order the player's owned Augmentations/Source Files should be displayed in */ OwnedAugmentationsOrder: OwnedAugmentationsOrderSetting; /** * What order the Augmentations should be displayed in when purchasing from a Faction */ PurchaseAugmentationsOrder: PurchaseAugmentationsOrderSetting; MonacoTheme: string; MonacoInsertSpaces: boolean; } export const defaultSettings: IDefaultSettings = { ActiveScriptsServerPageSize: 10, ActiveScriptsScriptPageSize: 10, AutosaveInterval: 60, CodeInstructionRunTime: 50, DisableASCIIArt: false, DisableHotkeys: false, DisableTextEffects: false, EnableBashHotkeys: false, EnableTimestamps: false, Locale: "en", MaxLogCapacity: 50, MaxPortCapacity: 50, MaxTerminalCapacity: 200, SuppressBuyAugmentationConfirmation: false, SuppressFactionInvites: false, SuppressHospitalizationPopup: false, SuppressMessages: false, SuppressTravelConfirmation: false, SuppressBladeburnerPopup: false, theme: { primarylight: "#0f0", primary: "#0c0", primarydark: "#090", errorlight: "#f00", error: "#c00", errordark: "#900", secondarylight: "#AAA", secondary: "#888", secondarydark: "#666", warninglight: "#ff0", warning: "#cc0", warningdark: "#990", infolight: "#69f", info: "#36c", infodark: "#039", welllight: "#444", well: "#222", white: "#fff", black: "#000", hp: "#dd3434", money: "#ffd700", hack: "#adff2f", combat: "#faffdf", cha: "#a671d1", int: "#6495ed", rep: "#faffdf", disabled: "#66cfbc", }, }; /** * The current options the player has customized to their play style. */ // tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name export const Settings: ISettings & ISelfInitializer & ISelfLoading = { ActiveScriptsServerPageSize: defaultSettings.ActiveScriptsServerPageSize, ActiveScriptsScriptPageSize: defaultSettings.ActiveScriptsScriptPageSize, AutosaveInterval: defaultSettings.AutosaveInterval, CodeInstructionRunTime: 25, DisableASCIIArt: defaultSettings.DisableASCIIArt, DisableHotkeys: defaultSettings.DisableHotkeys, DisableTextEffects: defaultSettings.DisableTextEffects, EnableBashHotkeys: defaultSettings.EnableBashHotkeys, EnableTimestamps: defaultSettings.EnableTimestamps, Locale: "en", MaxLogCapacity: defaultSettings.MaxLogCapacity, MaxPortCapacity: defaultSettings.MaxPortCapacity, MaxTerminalCapacity: defaultSettings.MaxTerminalCapacity, OwnedAugmentationsOrder: OwnedAugmentationsOrderSetting.AcquirementTime, PurchaseAugmentationsOrder: PurchaseAugmentationsOrderSetting.Default, SuppressBuyAugmentationConfirmation: defaultSettings.SuppressBuyAugmentationConfirmation, SuppressFactionInvites: defaultSettings.SuppressFactionInvites, SuppressHospitalizationPopup: defaultSettings.SuppressHospitalizationPopup, SuppressMessages: defaultSettings.SuppressMessages, SuppressTravelConfirmation: defaultSettings.SuppressTravelConfirmation, SuppressBladeburnerPopup: defaultSettings.SuppressBladeburnerPopup, MonacoTheme: "vs-dark", MonacoInsertSpaces: false, theme: { primarylight: defaultSettings.theme.primarylight, primary: defaultSettings.theme.primary, primarydark: defaultSettings.theme.primarydark, errorlight: defaultSettings.theme.errorlight, error: defaultSettings.theme.error, errordark: defaultSettings.theme.errordark, secondarylight: defaultSettings.theme.secondarylight, secondary: defaultSettings.theme.secondary, secondarydark: defaultSettings.theme.secondarydark, warninglight: defaultSettings.theme.warninglight, warning: defaultSettings.theme.warning, warningdark: defaultSettings.theme.warningdark, infolight: defaultSettings.theme.infolight, info:, infodark: defaultSettings.theme.infodark, welllight: defaultSettings.theme.welllight, well: defaultSettings.theme.well, white: defaultSettings.theme.white, black:, hp: defaultSettings.theme.hp, money:, hack: defaultSettings.theme.hack, combat: defaultSettings.theme.combat, cha: defaultSettings.theme.cha, int:, rep: defaultSettings.theme.rep, disabled: defaultSettings.theme.disabled, }, init() { Object.assign(Settings, defaultSettings); }, load(saveString: string) { Object.assign(Settings, JSON.parse(saveString)); }, };