/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */ const { app, dialog, shell } = require("electron"); const log = require("electron-log"); const achievements = require("./achievements"); const api = require("./api-server"); function reloadAndKill(window, killScripts) { const setStopProcessHandler = global.app_handlers.stopProcess const createWindowHandler = global.app_handlers.createWindow; log.info('Reloading & Killing all scripts...'); setStopProcessHandler(app, window, false); achievements.disableAchievementsInterval(window); api.disable(); window.webContents.forcefullyCrashRenderer(); window.on('closed', () => { // Wait for window to be closed before opening the new one to prevent race conditions log.debug('Opening new window'); createWindowHandler(killScripts); }) window.close(); } function promptForReload(window) { detachUnresponsiveAppHandler(window); dialog.showMessageBox({ type: 'error', title: 'Bitburner > Application Unresponsive', message: 'The application is unresponsive, possibly due to an infinite loop in your scripts.', detail:' Did you forget a ns.sleep(x)?\n\n' + 'The application will be restarted for you, do you want to kill all running scripts?', buttons: ['Restart', 'Cancel'], defaultId: 0, checkboxLabel: 'Kill all running scripts', checkboxChecked: true, noLink: true, }).then(({response, checkboxChecked}) => { if (response === 0) { reloadAndKill(window, checkboxChecked); } else { attachUnresponsiveAppHandler(window); } }); } function attachUnresponsiveAppHandler(window) { window.unresponsiveHandler = () => promptForReload(window); window.on('unresponsive', window.unresponsiveHandler); } function detachUnresponsiveAppHandler(window) { window.off('unresponsive', window.unresponsiveHandler); } function showErrorBox(title, error) { dialog.showErrorBox( title, `${error.name}\n\n${error.message}` ); } function exportSaveFromIndexedDb() { return new Promise((resolve) => { const dbRequest = indexedDB.open("bitburnerSave"); dbRequest.onsuccess = () => { const db = dbRequest.result; const transaction = db.transaction(['savestring'], "readonly"); const store = transaction.objectStore('savestring'); const request = store.get('save'); request.onsuccess = () => { const file = new Blob([request.result], {type: 'text/plain'}); const a = document.createElement("a"); const url = URL.createObjectURL(file); a.href = url; a.download = 'save.json'; document.body.appendChild(a); a.click(); setTimeout(function () { document.body.removeChild(a); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); resolve(); }, 0); } } }); } async function exportSave(window) { await window.webContents .executeJavaScript(`${exportSaveFromIndexedDb.toString()}; exportSaveFromIndexedDb();`, true); } async function writeTerminal(window, message, type = null) { await window.webContents .executeJavaScript(`window.appNotifier.terminal("${message}", "${type}");`, true) } async function writeToast(window, message, type = "info", duration = 2000) { await window.webContents .executeJavaScript(`window.appNotifier.toast("${message}", "${type}", ${duration});`, true) } function openExternal(url) { shell.openExternal(url); global.app_playerOpenedExternalLink = true; } module.exports = { reloadAndKill, showErrorBox, exportSave, attachUnresponsiveAppHandler, detachUnresponsiveAppHandler, openExternal, writeTerminal, writeToast, }