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## HacknetNodesFormulas interface

Hacknet Node formulas


interface HacknetNodesFormulas 

## Methods

|  Method | Description |
|  --- | --- |
|  [constants()](./bitburner.hacknetnodesformulas.constants.md) | All constants used by the game. |
|  [coreUpgradeCost(startingCore, extraCores, costMult)](./bitburner.hacknetnodesformulas.coreupgradecost.md) | Calculate cost of upgrading hacknet node cores. |
|  [hacknetNodeCost(n, mult)](./bitburner.hacknetnodesformulas.hacknetnodecost.md) | Calculate the cost of a hacknet node. |
|  [levelUpgradeCost(startingLevel, extraLevels, costMult)](./bitburner.hacknetnodesformulas.levelupgradecost.md) | Calculate cost of upgrading hacknet node level. |
|  [moneyGainRate(level, ram, cores, mult)](./bitburner.hacknetnodesformulas.moneygainrate.md) | Calculate money gain rate. |
|  [ramUpgradeCost(startingRam, extraLevels, costMult)](./bitburner.hacknetnodesformulas.ramupgradecost.md) | Calculate cost of upgrading hacknet node ram. |