# Only bugfix are accepted # DELETE THIS AFTER READING # READ CONTRIBUTING.md # PR title Formatted as such: SECTION: PLAYER DESCRIPTION SECTION is something like "API", "UI", "MISC", "STANEK", "CORPORATION" PLAYER DESCRIPTION is what you'd tell a non-contributor to convey what is changed. # Linked issues If your pull request is related to a git issue, please link it in the description using #xyz. If your PR should close the issue when it is merged in, use `fixes #xyz` or `closes #xyz` like this: closes #xxxx closes #yyyy It'll automate the process. # Documentation - DO NOT CHANGE any markdown/\*.md, these files are autogenerated from NetscriptDefinitions.d.ts and will be overwritten - DO NOT re-generate the documentation, makes it harder to review. # Bug fix - Include how it was tested - Include screenshot / gif (if possible) Make sure you run `npm run format` and `npm run lint` before pushing.