" +
"You have been working for " + Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__["b" /* convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString */])(this.timeWorked) + "
" +
"You will automatically finish after working for 8 hours. You can cancel earlier if you wish, " +
"but you will only gain half of the reputation you've earned so far."
PlayerObject.prototype.startWorkPartTime = function() {
this.isWorking = true;
this.workType = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeCompanyPartTime;
this.workHackExpGainRate = this.getWorkHackExpGain();
this.workStrExpGainRate = this.getWorkStrExpGain();
this.workDefExpGainRate = this.getWorkDefExpGain();
this.workDexExpGainRate = this.getWorkDexExpGain();
this.workAgiExpGainRate = this.getWorkAgiExpGain();
this.workChaExpGainRate = this.getWorkChaExpGain();
this.workRepGainRate = this.getWorkRepGain();
this.workMoneyGainRate = this.getWorkMoneyGain();
this.timeNeededToCompleteWork = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].MillisecondsPer8Hours;
var newCancelButton = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["b" /* clearEventListeners */])("work-in-progress-cancel-button");
newCancelButton.innerHTML = "Stop Working";
newCancelButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
return false;
//Display Work In Progress Screen
PlayerObject.prototype.workPartTime = function(numCycles) {
this.workRepGainRate = this.getWorkRepGain();
this.workHackExpGained += this.workHackExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workStrExpGained += this.workStrExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workDefExpGained += this.workDefExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workDexExpGained += this.workDexExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workAgiExpGained += this.workAgiExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workChaExpGained += this.workChaExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workRepGained += this.workRepGainRate * numCycles;
this.workMoneyGained += this.workMoneyGainRate * numCycles;
var cyclesPerSec = 1000 / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__engine_js__["Engine"]._idleSpeed;
this.timeWorked += __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__engine_js__["Engine"]._idleSpeed * numCycles;
//If timeWorked == 8 hours, then finish. You can only gain 8 hours worth of exp and money
if (this.timeWorked >= __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].MillisecondsPer8Hours) {
var maxCycles = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].GameCyclesPer8Hours;
this.workHackExpGained = this.workHackExpGainRate * maxCycles;
this.workStrExpGained = this.workStrExpGainRate * maxCycles;
this.workDefExpGained = this.workDefExpGainRate * maxCycles;
this.workDexExpGained = this.workDexExpGainRate * maxCycles;
this.workAgiExpGained = this.workAgiExpGainRate * maxCycles;
this.workChaExpGained = this.workChaExpGainRate * maxCycles;
this.workRepGained = this.workRepGainRate * maxCycles;
this.workMoneyGained = this.workMoneyGainRate * maxCycles;
var txt = document.getElementById("work-in-progress-text");
txt.innerHTML = "You are currently working as a " + this.companyPosition.positionName +
" at " + Player.companyName + "
" +
"You have been working for " + Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__["b" /* convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString */])(this.timeWorked) + "
" +
"You will automatically finish after working for 20 hours. You can cancel earlier if you wish. " +
"There is no penalty for cancelling earlier.";
//Money gained per game cycle
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkMoneyGain = function() {
var bn11Mult = 1;
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.companyName];
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__NetscriptFunctions_js__["b" /* hasBn11SF */]) {
bn11Mult = 1 + (company.favor / 100);
return this.companyPosition.baseSalary * company.salaryMultiplier *
this.work_money_mult * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].CompanyWorkMoney * bn11Mult;
//Hack exp gained per game cycle
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkHackExpGain = function() {
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.companyName];
return this.companyPosition.hackingExpGain * company.expMultiplier *
this.hacking_exp_mult * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].CompanyWorkExpGain;
//Str exp gained per game cycle
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkStrExpGain = function() {
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.companyName];
return this.companyPosition.strengthExpGain * company.expMultiplier *
this.strength_exp_mult * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].CompanyWorkExpGain;
//Def exp gained per game cycle
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkDefExpGain = function() {
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.companyName];
return this.companyPosition.defenseExpGain * company.expMultiplier *
this.defense_exp_mult * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].CompanyWorkExpGain;
//Dex exp gained per game cycle
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkDexExpGain = function() {
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.companyName];
return this.companyPosition.dexterityExpGain * company.expMultiplier *
this.dexterity_exp_mult * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].CompanyWorkExpGain;
//Agi exp gained per game cycle
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkAgiExpGain = function() {
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.companyName];
return this.companyPosition.agilityExpGain * company.expMultiplier *
this.agility_exp_mult * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].CompanyWorkExpGain;
//Charisma exp gained per game cycle
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkChaExpGain = function() {
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.companyName];
return this.companyPosition.charismaExpGain * company.expMultiplier *
this.charisma_exp_mult * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].CompanyWorkExpGain;
//Reputation gained per game cycle
PlayerObject.prototype.getWorkRepGain = function() {
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.companyName];
var jobPerformance = this.companyPosition.calculateJobPerformance(this.hacking_skill, this.strength,
this.defense, this.dexterity,
this.agility, this.charisma);
//Intelligence provides a flat bonus to job performance
jobPerformance += (this.intelligence / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].MaxSkillLevel);
//Update reputation gain rate to account for company favor
var favorMult = 1 + (company.favor / 100);
if (isNaN(favorMult)) {favorMult = 1;}
return jobPerformance * this.company_rep_mult * favorMult;
PlayerObject.prototype.getFactionSecurityWorkRepGain = function() {
var t = 0.9 * (this.hacking_skill / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].MaxSkillLevel +
this.strength / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].MaxSkillLevel +
this.defense / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].MaxSkillLevel +
this.dexterity / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].MaxSkillLevel +
this.agility / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].MaxSkillLevel) / 4.5;
return t * this.faction_rep_mult;
PlayerObject.prototype.getFactionFieldWorkRepGain = function() {
var t = 0.9 * (this.hacking_skill / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].MaxSkillLevel +
this.strength / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].MaxSkillLevel +
this.defense / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].MaxSkillLevel +
this.dexterity / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].MaxSkillLevel +
this.agility / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].MaxSkillLevel +
this.charisma / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].MaxSkillLevel +
this.intelligence / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].MaxSkillLevel) / 5.5;
return t * this.faction_rep_mult;
/* Creating a Program */
PlayerObject.prototype.startCreateProgramWork = function(programName, time, reqLevel) {
this.isWorking = true;
this.workType = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeCreateProgram;
//Time needed to complete work affected by hacking skill (linearly based on
//ratio of (your skill - required level) to MAX skill)
//var timeMultiplier = (CONSTANTS.MaxSkillLevel - (this.hacking_skill - reqLevel)) / CONSTANTS.MaxSkillLevel;
//if (timeMultiplier > 1) {timeMultiplier = 1;}
//if (timeMultiplier < 0.01) {timeMultiplier = 0.01;}
this.createProgramReqLvl = reqLevel;
this.timeNeededToCompleteWork = time;
//Check for incomplete program
for (var i = 0; i < this.getHomeComputer().programs.length; ++i) {
var programFile = this.getHomeComputer().programs[i];
if (programFile.startsWith(programName) && programFile.endsWith("%-INC")) {
var res = programFile.split("-");
if (res.length != 3) {break;}
var percComplete = Number(res[1].slice(0, -1));
if (isNaN(percComplete) || percComplete < 0 || percComplete >= 100) {break;}
this.timeWorkedCreateProgram = percComplete / 100 * this.timeNeededToCompleteWork;
this.getHomeComputer().programs.splice(i, 1);
this.createProgramName = programName;
var cancelButton = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["b" /* clearEventListeners */])("work-in-progress-cancel-button");
cancelButton.innerHTML = "Cancel work on creating program";
cancelButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
return false;
//Display Work In Progress Screen
PlayerObject.prototype.createProgramWork = function(numCycles) {
//Higher hacking skill will allow you to create programs faster
var reqLvl = this.createProgramReqLvl;
var skillMult = (this.hacking_skill / reqLvl); //This should always be greater than 1;
skillMult = 1 + ((skillMult - 1) / 5); //The divider constant can be adjusted as necessary
//Skill multiplier directly applied to "time worked"
this.timeWorked += (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__engine_js__["Engine"]._idleSpeed * numCycles);
this.timeWorkedCreateProgram += (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__engine_js__["Engine"]._idleSpeed * numCycles * skillMult);
var programName = this.createProgramName;
if (this.timeWorkedCreateProgram >= this.timeNeededToCompleteWork) {
var txt = document.getElementById("work-in-progress-text");
txt.innerHTML = "You are currently working on coding " + programName + ".
" +
"You have been working for " + Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__["b" /* convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString */])(this.timeWorked) + "
" +
"The program is " + (this.timeWorkedCreateProgram / this.timeNeededToCompleteWork * 100).toFixed(2) + "% complete. " +
"If you cancel, your work will be saved and you can come back to complete the program later.";
PlayerObject.prototype.finishCreateProgramWork = function(cancelled, sing=false) {
var programName = this.createProgramName;
if (cancelled === false) {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("You've finished creating " + programName + "! " +
"The new program can be found on your home computer.");
} else {
var perc = Math.floor(this.timeWorkedCreateProgram / this.timeNeededToCompleteWork * 100).toString();
var incompleteName = programName + "-" + perc + "%-INC";
if (!cancelled) {
this.gainIntelligenceExp(this.createProgramReqLvl / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].IntelligenceProgramBaseExpGain);
var mainMenu = document.getElementById("mainmenu-container");
mainMenu.style.visibility = "visible";
this.isWorking = false;
/* Studying/Taking Classes */
PlayerObject.prototype.startClass = function(costMult, expMult, className) {
this.isWorking = true;
this.workType = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeStudyClass;
this.className = className;
var gameCPS = 1000 / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__engine_js__["Engine"]._idleSpeed;
//Base exp gains per second
var baseStudyComputerScienceExp = 0.5;
var baseDataStructuresExp = 1;
var baseNetworksExp = 2;
var baseAlgorithmsExp = 4;
var baseManagementExp = 2;
var baseLeadershipExp = 4;
var baseGymExp = 1;
//Find cost and exp gain per game cycle
var cost = 0;
var hackExp = 0, strExp = 0, defExp = 0, dexExp = 0, agiExp = 0, chaExp = 0;
switch (className) {
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassStudyComputerScience:
hackExp = baseStudyComputerScienceExp * expMult / gameCPS;
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassDataStructures:
cost = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassDataStructuresBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS;
hackExp = baseDataStructuresExp * expMult / gameCPS;
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassNetworks:
cost = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassNetworksBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS;
hackExp = baseNetworksExp * expMult / gameCPS;
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassAlgorithms:
cost = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassAlgorithmsBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS;
hackExp = baseAlgorithmsExp * expMult / gameCPS;
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassManagement:
cost = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassManagementBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS;
chaExp = baseManagementExp * expMult / gameCPS;
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassLeadership:
cost = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassLeadershipBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS;
chaExp = baseLeadershipExp * expMult / gameCPS;
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassGymStrength:
cost = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassGymBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS;
strExp = baseGymExp * expMult / gameCPS;
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassGymDefense:
cost = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassGymBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS;
defExp = baseGymExp * expMult / gameCPS;
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassGymDexterity:
cost = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassGymBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS;
dexExp = baseGymExp * expMult / gameCPS;
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassGymAgility:
cost = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassGymBaseCost * costMult / gameCPS;
agiExp = baseGymExp * expMult / gameCPS;
throw new Error("ERR: Invalid/unrecognized class name");
this.workMoneyLossRate = cost;
this.workHackExpGainRate = hackExp * this.hacking_exp_mult * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].ClassGymExpGain;
this.workStrExpGainRate = strExp * this.strength_exp_mult * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].ClassGymExpGain;;
this.workDefExpGainRate = defExp * this.defense_exp_mult * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].ClassGymExpGain;;
this.workDexExpGainRate = dexExp * this.dexterity_exp_mult * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].ClassGymExpGain;;
this.workAgiExpGainRate = agiExp * this.agility_exp_mult * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].ClassGymExpGain;;
this.workChaExpGainRate = chaExp * this.charisma_exp_mult * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].ClassGymExpGain;;
var cancelButton = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["b" /* clearEventListeners */])("work-in-progress-cancel-button");
if (className == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassGymStrength ||
className == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassGymDefense ||
className == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassGymDexterity ||
className == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ClassGymAgility) {
cancelButton.innerHTML = "Stop training at gym";
} else {
cancelButton.innerHTML = "Stop taking course";
cancelButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
return false;
//Display Work In Progress Screen
PlayerObject.prototype.takeClass = function(numCycles) {
this.timeWorked += __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__engine_js__["Engine"]._idleSpeed * numCycles;
var className = this.className;
this.workHackExpGained += this.workHackExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workStrExpGained += this.workStrExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workDefExpGained += this.workDefExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workDexExpGained += this.workDexExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workAgiExpGained += this.workAgiExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workChaExpGained += this.workChaExpGainRate * numCycles;
this.workRepGained += this.workRepGainRate * numCycles;
this.workMoneyGained += this.workMoneyGainRate * numCycles;
this.workMoneyGained -= this.workMoneyLossRate * numCycles;
var cyclesPerSec = 1000 / __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__engine_js__["Engine"]._idleSpeed;
var txt = document.getElementById("work-in-progress-text");
txt.innerHTML = "You have been " + className + " for " + Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__["b" /* convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString */])(this.timeWorked) + "
" +
"You gained: "+
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__["c" /* formatNumber */])(this.workHackExpGained, 4) + " hacking experience " +
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__["c" /* formatNumber */])(this.workStrExpGained, 4) + " strength experience " +
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__["c" /* formatNumber */])(this.workDefExpGained, 4) + " defense experience " +
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__["c" /* formatNumber */])(this.workDexExpGained, 4) + " dexterity experience " +
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__["c" /* formatNumber */])(this.workAgiExpGained, 4) + " agility experience " +
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__["c" /* formatNumber */])(this.workChaExpGained, 4) + " charisma experience");
this.committingCrimeThruSingFn = false;
this.singFnCrimeWorkerScript = null;
var mainMenu = document.getElementById("mainmenu-container");
mainMenu.style.visibility = "visible";
this.isWorking = false;
//Cancels the player's current "work" assignment and gives the proper rewards
//Used only for Singularity functions, so no popups are created
PlayerObject.prototype.singularityStopWork = function() {
if (!this.isWorking) {return "";}
var res; //Earnings text for work
switch (this.workType) {
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeStudyClass:
res = this.finishClass(true);
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeCompany:
res = this.finishWork(true, true);
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeCompanyPartTime:
res = this.finishWorkPartTime(true);
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeFaction:
res = this.finishFactionWork(true, true);
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeCreateProgram:
res = this.finishCreateProgramWork(true, true);
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeCrime:
res = this.finishCrime(true);
console.log("ERROR: Unrecognized work type");
return "";
return res;
//Returns true if hospitalized, false otherwise
PlayerObject.prototype.takeDamage = function(amt) {
this.hp -= amt;
if (this.hp <= 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
PlayerObject.prototype.hospitalize = function() {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("You were in critical condition! You were taken to the hospital where " +
"luckily they were able to save your life. You were charged $" +
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__["c" /* formatNumber */])(this.max_hp * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].HospitalCostPerHp, 2));
this.loseMoney(this.max_hp * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].HospitalCostPerHp);
this.hp = this.max_hp;
/********* Company job application **********/
//Determines the job that the Player should get (if any) at the current company
//The 'sing' argument designates whether or not this is being called from
//the applyToCompany() Netscript Singularity function
PlayerObject.prototype.applyForJob = function(entryPosType, sing=false) {
var currCompany = "";
if (this.companyName != "") {
currCompany = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.companyName];
var currPositionName = "";
if (this.companyPosition != "") {
currPositionName = this.companyPosition.positionName;
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.location]; //Company being applied to
if (sing && !(company instanceof __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["b" /* Company */])) {
return "ERROR: Invalid company name: " + this.location + ". applyToCompany() failed";
var pos = entryPosType;
if (!this.isQualified(company, pos)) {
var reqText = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["f" /* getJobRequirementText */])(company, pos);
if (sing) {return false;}
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Unforunately, you do not qualify for this position " + reqText);
while (true) {
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__engine_js__["Engine"].Debug) {console.log("Determining qualification for next Company Position");}
var newPos = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["g" /* getNextCompanyPosition */])(pos);
if (newPos == null) {break;}
//Check if this company has this position
if (company.hasPosition(newPos)) {
if (!this.isQualified(company, newPos)) {
//If player not qualified for next job, break loop so player will be given current job
pos = newPos;
} else {
//Check if the determined job is the same as the player's current job
if (currCompany != "") {
if (currCompany.companyName == company.companyName &&
pos.positionName == currPositionName) {
var nextPos = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["g" /* getNextCompanyPosition */])(pos);
if (nextPos == null) {
if (sing) {return false;}
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("You are already at the highest position for your field! No promotion available");
} else if (company.hasPosition(nextPos)) {
if (sing) {return false;}
var reqText = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["f" /* getJobRequirementText */])(company, nextPos);
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Unfortunately, you do not qualify for a promotion " + reqText);
} else {
if (sing) {return false;}
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("You are already at the highest position for your field! No promotion available");
return; //Same job, do nothing
//Lose reputation from a Company if you are leaving it for another job
var leaveCompany = false;
var oldCompanyName = "";
if (currCompany != "") {
if (currCompany.companyName != company.companyName) {
leaveCompany = true;
oldCompanyName = currCompany.companyName;
company.playerReputation -= 1000;
if (company.playerReputation < 0) {company.playerReputation = 0;}
this.companyName = company.companyName;
this.companyPosition = pos;
if (this.firstJobRecvd === false) {
this.firstJobRecvd = true;
document.getElementById("job-tab").style.display = "list-item";
if (leaveCompany) {
if (sing) {return true;}
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Congratulations! You were offered a new job at " + this.companyName + " as a " +
pos.positionName + "! " +
"You lost 1000 reputation at your old company " + oldCompanyName + " because you left.");
} else {
if (sing) {return true;}
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Congratulations! You were offered a new job at " + this.companyName + " as a " + pos.positionName + "!");
//Returns your next position at a company given the field (software, business, etc.)
PlayerObject.prototype.getNextCompanyPosition = function(company, entryPosType) {
var currCompany = null;
if (this.companyName != "") {
currCompany = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.companyName];
//Not employed at this company, so return the entry position
if (currCompany == null || (currCompany.companyName != company.companyName)) {
return entryPosType;
//If the entry pos type and the player's current position have the same type,
//return the player's "nextCompanyPosition". Otherwise return the entryposType
//Employed at this company, so just return the next position if it exists.
if ((this.companyPosition.isSoftwareJob() && entryPosType.isSoftwareJob()) ||
(this.companyPosition.isITJob() && entryPosType.isITJob()) ||
(this.companyPosition.isBusinessJob() && entryPosType.isBusinessJob()) ||
(this.companyPosition.isSecurityEngineerJob() && entryPosType.isSecurityEngineerJob()) ||
(this.companyPosition.isNetworkEngineerJob() && entryPosType.isNetworkEngineerJob()) ||
(this.companyPosition.isSecurityJob() && entryPosType.isSecurityJob()) ||
(this.companyPosition.isAgentJob() && entryPosType.isAgentJob()) ||
(this.companyPosition.isSoftwareConsultantJob() && entryPosType.isSoftwareConsultantJob()) ||
(this.companyPosition.isBusinessConsultantJob() && entryPosType.isBusinessConsultantJob()) ||
(this.companyPosition.isPartTimeJob() && entryPosType.isPartTimeJob())) {
return Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["g" /* getNextCompanyPosition */])(this.companyPosition);
return entryPosType;
PlayerObject.prototype.applyForSoftwareJob = function(sing=false) {
return this.applyForJob(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].SoftwareIntern, sing);
PlayerObject.prototype.applyForSoftwareConsultantJob = function(sing=false) {
return this.applyForJob(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].SoftwareConsultant, sing);
PlayerObject.prototype.applyForItJob = function(sing=false) {
return this.applyForJob(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].ITIntern, sing);
PlayerObject.prototype.applyForSecurityEngineerJob = function(sing=false) {
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.location]; //Company being applied to
if (this.isQualified(company, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].SecurityEngineer)) {
return this.applyForJob(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].SecurityEngineer, sing);
} else {
if (sing) {return false;}
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Unforunately, you do not qualify for this position");
PlayerObject.prototype.applyForNetworkEngineerJob = function(sing=false) {
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.location]; //Company being applied to
if (this.isQualified(company, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].NetworkEngineer)) {
return this.applyForJob(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].NetworkEngineer, sing);
} else {
if (sing) {return false;}
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Unforunately, you do not qualify for this position");
PlayerObject.prototype.applyForBusinessJob = function(sing=false) {
return this.applyForJob(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].BusinessIntern, sing);
PlayerObject.prototype.applyForBusinessConsultantJob = function(sing=false) {
return this.applyForJob(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].BusinessConsultant, sing);
PlayerObject.prototype.applyForSecurityJob = function(sing=false) {
//TODO If case for POlice departments
return this.applyForJob(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].SecurityGuard, sing);
PlayerObject.prototype.applyForAgentJob = function(sing=false) {
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.location]; //Company being applied to
if (this.isQualified(company, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].FieldAgent)) {
return this.applyForJob(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].FieldAgent, sing);
} else {
if (sing) {return false;}
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Unforunately, you do not qualify for this position");
PlayerObject.prototype.applyForEmployeeJob = function(sing=false) {
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.location]; //Company being applied to
if (this.isQualified(company, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].Employee)) {
if (this.firstJobRecvd === false) {
this.firstJobRecvd = true;
document.getElementById("job-tab").style.display = "list-item";
this.companyName = company.companyName;
this.companyPosition = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].Employee;
if (sing) {return true;}
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Congratulations, you are now employed at " + this.companyName);
} else {
if (sing) {return false;}
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Unforunately, you do not qualify for this position");
PlayerObject.prototype.applyForPartTimeEmployeeJob = function(sing=false) {
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.location]; //Company being applied to
if (this.isQualified(company, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].PartTimeEmployee)) {
if (this.firstJobRecvd === false) {
this.firstJobRecvd = true;
document.getElementById("job-tab").style.display = "list-item";
this.companyName = company.companyName;
this.companyPosition = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].PartTimeEmployee;
if (sing) {return true;}
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Congratulations, you are now employed part-time at " + this.companyName);
} else {
if (sing) {return false;}
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Unforunately, you do not qualify for this position");
PlayerObject.prototype.applyForWaiterJob = function(sing=false) {
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.location]; //Company being applied to
if (this.isQualified(company, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].Waiter)) {
if (this.firstJobRecvd === false) {
this.firstJobRecvd = true;
document.getElementById("job-tab").style.display = "list-item";
this.companyName = company.companyName;
this.companyPosition = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].Waiter;
if (sing) {return true;}
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Congratulations, you are now employed as a waiter at " + this.companyName);
} else {
if (sing) {return false;}
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Unforunately, you do not qualify for this position");
PlayerObject.prototype.applyForPartTimeWaiterJob = function(sing=false) {
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.location]; //Company being applied to
if (this.isQualified(company, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].PartTimeWaiter)) {
if (this.firstJobRecvd === false) {
this.firstJobRecvd = true;
document.getElementById("job-tab").style.display = "list-item";
this.companyName = company.companyName;
this.companyPosition = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].PartTimeWaiter;
if (sing) {return true;}
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Congratulations, you are now employed as a part-time waiter at " + this.companyName);
} else {
if (sing) {return false;}
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Unforunately, you do not qualify for this position");
//Checks if the Player is qualified for a certain position
PlayerObject.prototype.isQualified = function(company, position) {
var offset = company.jobStatReqOffset;
var reqHacking = position.requiredHacking > 0 ? position.requiredHacking+offset : 0;
var reqStrength = position.requiredStrength > 0 ? position.requiredStrength+offset : 0;
var reqDefense = position.requiredDefense > 0 ? position.requiredDefense+offset : 0;
var reqDexterity = position.requiredDexterity > 0 ? position.requiredDexterity+offset : 0;
var reqAgility = position.requiredDexterity > 0 ? position.requiredDexterity+offset : 0;
var reqCharisma = position.requiredCharisma > 0 ? position.requiredCharisma+offset : 0;
if (this.hacking_skill >= reqHacking &&
this.strength >= reqStrength &&
this.defense >= reqDefense &&
this.dexterity >= reqDexterity &&
this.agility >= reqAgility &&
this.charisma >= reqCharisma &&
company.playerReputation >= position.requiredReputation) {
return true;
return false;
/********** Reapplying Augmentations and Source File ***********/
PlayerObject.prototype.reapplyAllAugmentations = function(resetMultipliers=true) {
console.log("Re-applying augmentations");
if (resetMultipliers) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.augmentations.length; ++i) {
//Compatibility with new version
if (this.augmentations[i].name === "HacknetNode NIC Architecture Neural-Upload") {
this.augmentations[i].name = "Hacknet Node NIC Architecture Neural-Upload";
var augName = this.augmentations[i].name;
var aug = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__Augmentations_js__["c" /* Augmentations */][augName];
if (aug == null) {
console.log("WARNING: Invalid augmentation name");
aug.owned = true;
if (aug.name == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__Augmentations_js__["b" /* AugmentationNames */].NeuroFluxGovernor) {
for (let j = 0; j < aug.level; ++j) {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__Augmentations_js__["e" /* applyAugmentation */])(this.augmentations[i], true);
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__Augmentations_js__["e" /* applyAugmentation */])(this.augmentations[i], true);
PlayerObject.prototype.reapplyAllSourceFiles = function() {
console.log("Re-applying source files");
//Will always be called after reapplyAllAugmentations() so multipliers do not have to be reset
for (let i = 0; i < this.sourceFiles.length; ++i) {
var srcFileKey = "SourceFile" + this.sourceFiles[i].n;
var sourceFileObject = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__SourceFile_js__["b" /* SourceFiles */][srcFileKey];
if (sourceFileObject == null) {
console.log("ERROR: Invalid source file number: " + this.sourceFiles[i].n);
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__SourceFile_js__["c" /* applySourceFile */])(this.sourceFiles[i]);
/*************** Check for Faction Invitations *************/
//This function sets the requirements to join a Faction. It checks whether the Player meets
//those requirements and will return an array of all factions that the Player should
//receive an invitation to
PlayerObject.prototype.checkForFactionInvitations = function() {
let invitedFactions = []; //Array which will hold all Factions th eplayer should be invited to
var numAugmentations = this.augmentations.length;
var company = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["a" /* Companies */][this.companyName];
var companyRep = 0;
if (company != null) {
companyRep = company.playerReputation;
var illuminatiFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Illuminati"];
if (!illuminatiFac.isBanned && !illuminatiFac.isMember && !illuminatiFac.alreadyInvited &&
numAugmentations >= 30 &&
this.money.gte(150000000000) &&
this.hacking_skill >= 1500 &&
this.strength >= 1200 && this.defense >= 1200 &&
this.dexterity >= 1200 && this.agility >= 1200) {
var daedalusFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Daedalus"];
if (!daedalusFac.isBanned && !daedalusFac.isMember && !daedalusFac.alreadyInvited &&
numAugmentations >= 30 &&
this.money.gte(100000000000) &&
(this.hacking_skill >= 2500 ||
(this.strength >= 1500 && this.defense >= 1500 &&
this.dexterity >= 1500 && this.agility >= 1500))) {
//The Covenant
var covenantFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["The Covenant"];
if (!covenantFac.isBanned && !covenantFac.isMember && !covenantFac.alreadyInvited &&
numAugmentations >= 30 &&
this.money.gte(75000000000) &&
this.hacking_skill >= 850 &&
this.strength >= 850 &&
this.defense >= 850 &&
this.dexterity >= 850 &&
this.agility >= 850) {
var ecorpFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["ECorp"];
if (!ecorpFac.isBanned && !ecorpFac.isMember && !ecorpFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].AevumECorp && companyRep >= __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
var megacorpFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["MegaCorp"];
if (!megacorpFac.isBanned && !megacorpFac.isMember && !megacorpFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Sector12MegaCorp && companyRep >= __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
//Bachman & Associates
var bachmanandassociatesFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Bachman & Associates"];
if (!bachmanandassociatesFac.isBanned && !bachmanandassociatesFac.isMember &&
!bachmanandassociatesFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].AevumBachmanAndAssociates && companyRep >= __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
//Blade Industries
var bladeindustriesFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Blade Industries"];
if (!bladeindustriesFac.isBanned && !bladeindustriesFac.isMember && !bladeindustriesFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Sector12BladeIndustries && companyRep >= __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
var nwoFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["NWO"];
if (!nwoFac.isBanned && !nwoFac.isMember && !nwoFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].VolhavenNWO && companyRep >= __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
//Clarke Incorporated
var clarkeincorporatedFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Clarke Incorporated"];
if (!clarkeincorporatedFac.isBanned && !clarkeincorporatedFac.isMember && !clarkeincorporatedFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].AevumClarkeIncorporated && companyRep >= __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
//OmniTek Incorporated
var omnitekincorporatedFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["OmniTek Incorporated"];
if (!omnitekincorporatedFac.isBanned && !omnitekincorporatedFac.isMember && !omnitekincorporatedFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].VolhavenOmniTekIncorporated && companyRep >= __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
//Four Sigma
var foursigmaFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Four Sigma"];
if (!foursigmaFac.isBanned && !foursigmaFac.isMember && !foursigmaFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Sector12FourSigma && companyRep >= __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
//KuaiGong International
var kuaigonginternationalFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["KuaiGong International"];
if (!kuaigonginternationalFac.isBanned && !kuaigonginternationalFac.isMember &&
!kuaigonginternationalFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.companyName == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].ChongqingKuaiGongInternational && companyRep >= __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].CorpFactionRepRequirement) {
//Fulcrum Secret Technologies - If u've unlocked fulcrum secret technolgoies server and have a high rep with the company
var fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Fulcrum Secret Technologies"];
var fulcrumSecretServer = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__Server_js__["b" /* AllServers */][__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__SpecialServerIps_js__["a" /* SpecialServerIps */][__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__SpecialServerIps_js__["b" /* SpecialServerNames */].FulcrumSecretTechnologies]];
if (fulcrumSecretServer == null) {
console.log("ERROR: Could not find Fulcrum Secret Technologies Server");
} else {
if (!fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac.isBanned && !fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac.isMember &&
!fulcrumsecrettechonologiesFac.alreadyInvited &&
fulcrumSecretServer.manuallyHacked &&
this.companyName == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].AevumFulcrumTechnologies && companyRep >= 250000) {
var bitrunnersFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["BitRunners"];
var homeComp = this.getHomeComputer();
var bitrunnersServer = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__Server_js__["b" /* AllServers */][__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__SpecialServerIps_js__["a" /* SpecialServerIps */][__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__SpecialServerIps_js__["b" /* SpecialServerNames */].BitRunnersServer]];
if (bitrunnersServer == null) {
console.log("ERROR: Could not find BitRunners Server");
} else if (!bitrunnersFac.isBanned && !bitrunnersFac.isMember && bitrunnersServer.manuallyHacked &&
!bitrunnersFac.alreadyInvited && this.hacking_skill >= 500 && homeComp.maxRam >= 128) {
//The Black Hand
var theblackhandFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["The Black Hand"];
var blackhandServer = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__Server_js__["b" /* AllServers */][__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__SpecialServerIps_js__["a" /* SpecialServerIps */][__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__SpecialServerIps_js__["b" /* SpecialServerNames */].TheBlackHandServer]];
if (blackhandServer == null) {
console.log("ERROR: Could not find The Black Hand Server");
} else if (!theblackhandFac.isBanned && !theblackhandFac.isMember && blackhandServer.manuallyHacked &&
!theblackhandFac.alreadyInvited && this.hacking_skill >= 350 && homeComp.maxRam >= 64) {
var nitesecFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["NiteSec"];
var nitesecServer = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__Server_js__["b" /* AllServers */][__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__SpecialServerIps_js__["a" /* SpecialServerIps */][__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__SpecialServerIps_js__["b" /* SpecialServerNames */].NiteSecServer]];
if (nitesecServer == null) {
console.log("ERROR: Could not find NiteSec Server");
} else if (!nitesecFac.isBanned && !nitesecFac.isMember && nitesecServer.manuallyHacked &&
!nitesecFac.alreadyInvited && this.hacking_skill >= 200 && homeComp.maxRam >= 32) {
var chongqingFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Chongqing"];
if (!chongqingFac.isBanned && !chongqingFac.isMember && !chongqingFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.money.gte(20000000) && this.city == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Chongqing) {
var sector12Fac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Sector-12"];
if (!sector12Fac.isBanned && !sector12Fac.isMember && !sector12Fac.alreadyInvited &&
this.money.gte(15000000) && this.city == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Sector12) {
//New Tokyo
var newtokyoFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["New Tokyo"];
if (!newtokyoFac.isBanned && !newtokyoFac.isMember && !newtokyoFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.money.gte(20000000) && this.city == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].NewTokyo) {
var aevumFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Aevum"];
if (!aevumFac.isBanned && !aevumFac.isMember && !aevumFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.money.gte(40000000) && this.city == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Aevum) {
var ishimaFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Ishima"];
if (!ishimaFac.isBanned && !ishimaFac.isMember && !ishimaFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.money.gte(30000000) && this.city == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Ishima) {
var volhavenFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Volhaven"];
if (!volhavenFac.isBanned && !volhavenFac.isMember && !volhavenFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.money.gte(50000000) && this.city == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Volhaven) {
//Speakers for the Dead
var speakersforthedeadFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Speakers for the Dead"];
if (!speakersforthedeadFac.isBanned && !speakersforthedeadFac.isMember && !speakersforthedeadFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.hacking_skill >= 100 && this.strength >= 300 && this.defense >= 300 &&
this.dexterity >= 300 && this.agility >= 300 && this.numPeopleKilled >= 30 &&
this.karma <= -45 && this.companyName != __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Sector12CIA &&
this.companyName != __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Sector12NSA) {
//The Dark Army
var thedarkarmyFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["The Dark Army"];
if (!thedarkarmyFac.isBanned && !thedarkarmyFac.isMember && !thedarkarmyFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.hacking_skill >= 300 && this.strength >= 300 && this.defense >= 300 &&
this.dexterity >= 300 && this.agility >= 300 && this.city == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Chongqing &&
this.numPeopleKilled >= 5 && this.karma <= -45 && this.companyName != __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Sector12CIA &&
this.companyName != __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Sector12NSA) {
//The Syndicate
var thesyndicateFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["The Syndicate"];
if (!thesyndicateFac.isBanned && !thesyndicateFac.isMember && !thesyndicateFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.hacking_skill >= 200 && this.strength >= 200 && this.defense >= 200 &&
this.dexterity >= 200 && this.agility >= 200 &&
(this.city == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Aevum || this.city == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Sector12) &&
this.money.gte(10000000) && this.karma <= -90 &&
this.companyName != __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Sector12CIA && this.companyName != __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Sector12NSA) {
var silhouetteFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Silhouette"];
if (!silhouetteFac.isBanned && !silhouetteFac.isMember && !silhouetteFac.alreadyInvited &&
(this.companyPosition.positionName == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].CTO.positionName ||
this.companyPosition.positionName == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].CFO.positionName ||
this.companyPosition.positionName == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].CEO.positionName) &&
this.money.gte(15000000) && this.karma <= -22) {
var tetradsFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Tetrads"];
if (!tetradsFac.isBanned && !tetradsFac.isMember && !tetradsFac.alreadyInvited &&
(this.city == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Chongqing || this.city == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].NewTokyo ||
this.city == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Ishima) && this.strength >= 75 && this.defense >= 75 &&
this.dexterity >= 75 && this.agility >= 75 && this.karma <= -18) {
var slumsnakesFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Slum Snakes"];
if (!slumsnakesFac.isBanned && !slumsnakesFac.isMember && !slumsnakesFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.strength >= 30 && this.defense >= 30 && this.dexterity >= 30 &&
this.agility >= 30 && this.karma <= -9 && this.money.gte(1000000)) {
var netburnersFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Netburners"];
var totalHacknetRam = 0;
var totalHacknetCores = 0;
var totalHacknetLevels = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.hacknetNodes.length; ++i) {
totalHacknetLevels += this.hacknetNodes[i].level;
totalHacknetRam += this.hacknetNodes[i].ram;
totalHacknetCores += this.hacknetNodes[i].cores;
if (!netburnersFac.isBanned && !netburnersFac.isMember && !netburnersFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.hacking_skill >= 80 && totalHacknetRam >= 8 &&
totalHacknetCores >= 4 && totalHacknetLevels >= 100) {
//Tian Di Hui
var tiandihuiFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["Tian Di Hui"];
if (!tiandihuiFac.isBanned && !tiandihuiFac.isMember && !tiandihuiFac.alreadyInvited &&
this.money.gte(1000000) && this.hacking_skill >= 50 &&
(this.city == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Chongqing || this.city == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].NewTokyo ||
this.city == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Ishima)) {
var cybersecFac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */]["CyberSec"];
var cybersecServer = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__Server_js__["b" /* AllServers */][__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__SpecialServerIps_js__["a" /* SpecialServerIps */][__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__SpecialServerIps_js__["b" /* SpecialServerNames */].CyberSecServer]];
if (cybersecServer == null) {
console.log("ERROR: Could not find CyberSec Server");
} else if (!cybersecFac.isBanned && !cybersecFac.isMember && cybersecServer.manuallyHacked &&
!cybersecFac.alreadyInvited && this.hacking_skill >= 50) {
return invitedFactions;
/*************** Gang ****************/
//Returns true if Player is in a gang and false otherwise
PlayerObject.prototype.inGang = function() {
if (this.gang == null || this.gang == undefined) {return false;}
return (this.gang instanceof __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__Gang_js__["b" /* Gang */]);
PlayerObject.prototype.startGang = function(factionName, hacking) {
this.gang = new __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__Gang_js__["b" /* Gang */](factionName, hacking);
/************* BitNodes **************/
PlayerObject.prototype.setBitNodeNumber = function(n) {
this.bitNodeN = n;
/* Functions for saving and loading the Player data */
function loadPlayer(saveString) {
Player = JSON.parse(saveString, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__utils_JSONReviver_js__["c" /* Reviver */]);
//Parse Decimal.js objects
Player.money = new __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__utils_decimal_js___default.a(Player.money);
Player.total_money = new __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__utils_decimal_js___default.a(Player.total_money);
Player.lifetime_money = new __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__utils_decimal_js___default.a(Player.lifetime_money);
if (Player.corporation instanceof __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__CompanyManagement_js__["a" /* Corporation */]) {
Player.corporation.funds = new __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__utils_decimal_js___default.a(Player.corporation.funds);
Player.corporation.revenue = new __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__utils_decimal_js___default.a(Player.corporation.revenue);
Player.corporation.expenses = new __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__utils_decimal_js___default.a(Player.corporation.expenses);
for (var i = 0; i < Player.corporation.divisions.length; ++i) {
var ind = Player.corporation.divisions[i];
ind.lastCycleRevenue = new __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__utils_decimal_js___default.a(ind.lastCycleRevenue);
ind.lastCycleExpenses = new __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__utils_decimal_js___default.a(ind.lastCycleExpenses);
ind.thisCycleRevenue = new __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__utils_decimal_js___default.a(ind.thisCycleRevenue);
ind.thisCycleExpenses = new __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__utils_decimal_js___default.a(ind.thisCycleExpenses);
PlayerObject.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__utils_JSONReviver_js__["b" /* Generic_toJSON */])("PlayerObject", this);
PlayerObject.fromJSON = function(value) {
return Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__utils_JSONReviver_js__["a" /* Generic_fromJSON */])(PlayerObject, value.data);
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__utils_JSONReviver_js__["c" /* Reviver */].constructors.PlayerObject = PlayerObject;
let Player = new PlayerObject();
/***/ }),
/* 1 */
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function($) {/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return dialogBoxCreate; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return dialogBoxOpened; });
/* Pop up Dialog Box */
let dialogBoxes = [];
//Close dialog box when clicking outside
$(document).click(function(event) {
if (dialogBoxOpened && dialogBoxes.length >= 1) {
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$(document).on('click', '.dialog-box-close-button', function( event ) {
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closeButton.innerHTML = "×"
var textE;
if (preformatted) {
// For text files as they are often computed data that
// shouldn't be wrapped and should retain tabstops.
textE = document.createElement("pre");
textE.innerHTML = txt;
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textE = document.createElement("p");
textE.innerHTML = txt.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, ' ');
if (dialogBoxes.length >= 1) {
container.style.visibility = "hidden";
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/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(__webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__(11)))
/***/ }),
/* 2 */
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* unused harmony export sizeOfObject */
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return addOffset; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return clearEventListeners; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "h", function() { return getRandomInt; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return compareArrays; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "j", function() { return printArray; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "i", function() { return powerOfTwo; });
/* unused harmony export clearEventListenersEl */
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "m", function() { return removeElementById; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "l", function() { return removeElement; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "f", function() { return createElement; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return createAccordionElement; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "k", function() { return removeChildrenFromElement; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "g", function() { return createPopup; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return clearSelector; });
/* unused harmony export exceptionAlert */
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__StringHelperFunctions_js__ = __webpack_require__(6);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__DialogBox_js__ = __webpack_require__(1);
//General helper functions
//Returns the size (number of keys) of an object
function sizeOfObject(obj) {
var size = 0, key;
for (key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++;
return size;
//Adds a random offset to a number within a certain percentage
//e.g. addOffset(100, 5) will return anything from 95 to 105.
//The percentage argument must be between 0 and 100;
function addOffset(n, percentage) {
if (percentage < 0 || percentage > 100) {return n;}
var offset = n * (percentage / 100);
return n + ((Math.random() * (2 * offset)) - offset);
//Given an element by its Id(usually an 'a' element), removes all event listeners
//from that element by cloning and replacing. Then returns the new cloned element
function clearEventListeners(elemId) {
var elem = document.getElementById(elemId);
if (elem == null) {console.log("ERR: Could not find element for: " + elemId); return null;}
var newElem = elem.cloneNode(true);
elem.parentNode.replaceChild(newElem, elem);
return newElem;
//Same as clearEventListeners except it takes a DOM element object rather than an ID
function clearEventListenersEl(el) {
if (el == null) {console.log("ERR: element passed into clearEventListenersEl is null"); return null;}
var newElem = el.cloneNode(true);
el.parentNode.replaceChild(newElem, el);
return newElem;
//Given its id, this function removes an element AND its children
function removeElementById(id) {
var elem = document.getElementById(id);
if (elem == null) {return;}
while(elem.firstChild) {elem.removeChild(elem.firstChild);}
function removeElement(elem) {
if (elem == null) {return;}
while(elem.firstChild) {elem.removeChild(elem.firstChild);}
function removeChildrenFromElement(el) {
if (Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__StringHelperFunctions_js__["f" /* isString */])(el)) {
el = document.getElementById(el);
if (el == null) {return;}
if (el instanceof Element) {
while(el.firstChild) {
function createElement(type, params={}) {
var el = document.createElement(type);
if (params.id) {el.id = params.id;}
if (params.class) {el.className = params.class;}
if (params.innerHTML) {el.innerHTML = params.innerHTML;}
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el.style.backgroundColor = params.backgroundColor
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if (params.tooltip) {
el.className += " tooltip";
el.appendChild(createElement("span", {
} else if (params.tooltipleft) {
el.className += " tooltip";
el.appendChild(createElement("span", {
if (params.href) {el.href = params.href;}
if (params.target) {el.target = params.target;}
if (params.clickListener) {
el.addEventListener("click", params.clickListener);
if (params.inputListener) {
el.addEventListener("input", params.inputListener);
if (params.changeListener) {
el.addEventListener("change", params.changeListener);
if (params.onkeyup) {
el.addEventListener("keyup", params.onkeyup);
return el;
function createPopup(id, elems) {
var container = createElement("div", {
content = createElement("div", {
id:id + "-content",
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; ++i) {
return container;
//Creates both the header and panel element of an accordion and sets the click handler
function createAccordionElement(params) {
var li = document.createElement("li"),
hdr = document.createElement("button"),
panel = document.createElement("div");
if (params.id) {
hdr.id = params.id + "-hdr";
panel.id = params.id + "-panel";
if (params.hdrText) {hdr.innerHTML = params.hdrText;}
if (params.panelText) {panel.innerHTML = params.panelText;}
//Click handler
hdr.onclick = function() {
var tmpPanel = this.nextElementSibling;
if (tmpPanel.style.display === "block") {
tmpPanel.style.display = "none";
} else {
tmpPanel.style.display = "block";
return [li, hdr, panel];
function clearSelector(selector) {
for (var i = selector.options.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
if (min > max) {return getRandomInt(max, min);}
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
//Returns true if all elements are equal, and false otherwise
//Assumes both arguments are arrays and that there are no nested arrays
function compareArrays(a1, a2) {
if (a1.length != a2.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < a1.length; ++i) {
if (a1[i] != a2[i]) {return false;}
return true;
function printArray(a) {
return "[" + a.join(", ") + "]";
//Returns bool indicating whether or not its a power of 2
function powerOfTwo(n) {
if (isNaN(n)) {return false;}
return n && (n & (n-1)) === 0;
function exceptionAlert(e) {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Caught an exception: " + e + "
" +
"This is a bug, please report to game developer with this " +
"message as well as details about how to reproduce the bug.
" +
"If you want to be safe, I suggest refreshing the game WITHOUT saving so that your " +
"safe doesn't get corrupted");
/***/ }),
/* 3 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var support = __webpack_require__(20);
var base64 = __webpack_require__(83);
var nodejsUtils = __webpack_require__(50);
var setImmediate = __webpack_require__(138);
var external = __webpack_require__(37);
* Convert a string that pass as a "binary string": it should represent a byte
* array but may have > 255 char codes. Be sure to take only the first byte
* and returns the byte array.
* @param {String} str the string to transform.
* @return {Array|Uint8Array} the string in a binary format.
function string2binary(str) {
var result = null;
if (support.uint8array) {
result = new Uint8Array(str.length);
} else {
result = new Array(str.length);
return stringToArrayLike(str, result);
* Create a new blob with the given content and the given type.
* @param {String|ArrayBuffer} part the content to put in the blob. DO NOT use
* an Uint8Array because the stock browser of android 4 won't accept it (it
* will be silently converted to a string, "[object Uint8Array]").
* Use only ONE part to build the blob to avoid a memory leak in IE11 / Edge:
* when a large amount of Array is used to create the Blob, the amount of
* memory consumed is nearly 100 times the original data amount.
* @param {String} type the mime type of the blob.
* @return {Blob} the created blob.
exports.newBlob = function(part, type) {
try {
// Blob constructor
return new Blob([part], {
type: type
catch (e) {
try {
// deprecated, browser only, old way
var Builder = self.BlobBuilder || self.WebKitBlobBuilder || self.MozBlobBuilder || self.MSBlobBuilder;
var builder = new Builder();
return builder.getBlob(type);
catch (e) {
// well, fuck ?!
throw new Error("Bug : can't construct the Blob.");
* The identity function.
* @param {Object} input the input.
* @return {Object} the same input.
function identity(input) {
return input;
* Fill in an array with a string.
* @param {String} str the string to use.
* @param {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} array the array to fill in (will be mutated).
* @return {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} the updated array.
function stringToArrayLike(str, array) {
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
array[i] = str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF;
return array;
* An helper for the function arrayLikeToString.
* This contains static informations and functions that
* can be optimized by the browser JIT compiler.
var arrayToStringHelper = {
* Transform an array of int into a string, chunk by chunk.
* See the performances notes on arrayLikeToString.
* @param {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} array the array to transform.
* @param {String} type the type of the array.
* @param {Integer} chunk the chunk size.
* @return {String} the resulting string.
* @throws Error if the chunk is too big for the stack.
stringifyByChunk: function(array, type, chunk) {
var result = [], k = 0, len = array.length;
// shortcut
if (len <= chunk) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array);
while (k < len) {
if (type === "array" || type === "nodebuffer") {
result.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array.slice(k, Math.min(k + chunk, len))));
else {
result.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array.subarray(k, Math.min(k + chunk, len))));
k += chunk;
return result.join("");
* Call String.fromCharCode on every item in the array.
* This is the naive implementation, which generate A LOT of intermediate string.
* This should be used when everything else fail.
* @param {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} array the array to transform.
* @return {String} the result.
stringifyByChar: function(array){
var resultStr = "";
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
resultStr += String.fromCharCode(array[i]);
return resultStr;
applyCanBeUsed : {
* true if the browser accepts to use String.fromCharCode on Uint8Array
uint8array : (function () {
try {
return support.uint8array && String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1)).length === 1;
} catch (e) {
return false;
* true if the browser accepts to use String.fromCharCode on nodejs Buffer.
nodebuffer : (function () {
try {
return support.nodebuffer && String.fromCharCode.apply(null, nodejsUtils.allocBuffer(1)).length === 1;
} catch (e) {
return false;
* Transform an array-like object to a string.
* @param {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} array the array to transform.
* @return {String} the result.
function arrayLikeToString(array) {
// Performances notes :
// --------------------
// String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array) is the fastest, see
// see http://jsperf.com/converting-a-uint8array-to-a-string/2
// but the stack is limited (and we can get huge arrays !).
// result += String.fromCharCode(array[i]); generate too many strings !
// This code is inspired by http://jsperf.com/arraybuffer-to-string-apply-performance/2
// TODO : we now have workers that split the work. Do we still need that ?
var chunk = 65536,
type = exports.getTypeOf(array),
canUseApply = true;
if (type === "uint8array") {
canUseApply = arrayToStringHelper.applyCanBeUsed.uint8array;
} else if (type === "nodebuffer") {
canUseApply = arrayToStringHelper.applyCanBeUsed.nodebuffer;
if (canUseApply) {
while (chunk > 1) {
try {
return arrayToStringHelper.stringifyByChunk(array, type, chunk);
} catch (e) {
chunk = Math.floor(chunk / 2);
// no apply or chunk error : slow and painful algorithm
// default browser on android 4.*
return arrayToStringHelper.stringifyByChar(array);
exports.applyFromCharCode = arrayLikeToString;
* Copy the data from an array-like to an other array-like.
* @param {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} arrayFrom the origin array.
* @param {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} arrayTo the destination array which will be mutated.
* @return {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} the updated destination array.
function arrayLikeToArrayLike(arrayFrom, arrayTo) {
for (var i = 0; i < arrayFrom.length; i++) {
arrayTo[i] = arrayFrom[i];
return arrayTo;
// a matrix containing functions to transform everything into everything.
var transform = {};
// string to ?
transform["string"] = {
"string": identity,
"array": function(input) {
return stringToArrayLike(input, new Array(input.length));
"arraybuffer": function(input) {
return transform["string"]["uint8array"](input).buffer;
"uint8array": function(input) {
return stringToArrayLike(input, new Uint8Array(input.length));
"nodebuffer": function(input) {
return stringToArrayLike(input, nodejsUtils.allocBuffer(input.length));
// array to ?
transform["array"] = {
"string": arrayLikeToString,
"array": identity,
"arraybuffer": function(input) {
return (new Uint8Array(input)).buffer;
"uint8array": function(input) {
return new Uint8Array(input);
"nodebuffer": function(input) {
return nodejsUtils.newBufferFrom(input);
// arraybuffer to ?
transform["arraybuffer"] = {
"string": function(input) {
return arrayLikeToString(new Uint8Array(input));
"array": function(input) {
return arrayLikeToArrayLike(new Uint8Array(input), new Array(input.byteLength));
"arraybuffer": identity,
"uint8array": function(input) {
return new Uint8Array(input);
"nodebuffer": function(input) {
return nodejsUtils.newBufferFrom(new Uint8Array(input));
// uint8array to ?
transform["uint8array"] = {
"string": arrayLikeToString,
"array": function(input) {
return arrayLikeToArrayLike(input, new Array(input.length));
"arraybuffer": function(input) {
return input.buffer;
"uint8array": identity,
"nodebuffer": function(input) {
return nodejsUtils.newBufferFrom(input);
// nodebuffer to ?
transform["nodebuffer"] = {
"string": arrayLikeToString,
"array": function(input) {
return arrayLikeToArrayLike(input, new Array(input.length));
"arraybuffer": function(input) {
return transform["nodebuffer"]["uint8array"](input).buffer;
"uint8array": function(input) {
return arrayLikeToArrayLike(input, new Uint8Array(input.length));
"nodebuffer": identity
* Transform an input into any type.
* The supported output type are : string, array, uint8array, arraybuffer, nodebuffer.
* If no output type is specified, the unmodified input will be returned.
* @param {String} outputType the output type.
* @param {String|Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} input the input to convert.
* @throws {Error} an Error if the browser doesn't support the requested output type.
exports.transformTo = function(outputType, input) {
if (!input) {
// undefined, null, etc
// an empty string won't harm.
input = "";
if (!outputType) {
return input;
var inputType = exports.getTypeOf(input);
var result = transform[inputType][outputType](input);
return result;
* Return the type of the input.
* The type will be in a format valid for JSZip.utils.transformTo : string, array, uint8array, arraybuffer.
* @param {Object} input the input to identify.
* @return {String} the (lowercase) type of the input.
exports.getTypeOf = function(input) {
if (typeof input === "string") {
return "string";
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === "[object Array]") {
return "array";
if (support.nodebuffer && nodejsUtils.isBuffer(input)) {
return "nodebuffer";
if (support.uint8array && input instanceof Uint8Array) {
return "uint8array";
if (support.arraybuffer && input instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
return "arraybuffer";
* Throw an exception if the type is not supported.
* @param {String} type the type to check.
* @throws {Error} an Error if the browser doesn't support the requested type.
exports.checkSupport = function(type) {
var supported = support[type.toLowerCase()];
if (!supported) {
throw new Error(type + " is not supported by this platform");
exports.MAX_VALUE_16BITS = 65535;
exports.MAX_VALUE_32BITS = -1; // well, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF" is parsed as -1
* Prettify a string read as binary.
* @param {string} str the string to prettify.
* @return {string} a pretty string.
exports.pretty = function(str) {
var res = '',
code, i;
for (i = 0; i < (str || "").length; i++) {
code = str.charCodeAt(i);
res += '\\x' + (code < 16 ? "0" : "") + code.toString(16).toUpperCase();
return res;
* Defer the call of a function.
* @param {Function} callback the function to call asynchronously.
* @param {Array} args the arguments to give to the callback.
exports.delay = function(callback, args, self) {
setImmediate(function () {
callback.apply(self || null, args || []);
* Extends a prototype with an other, without calling a constructor with
* side effects. Inspired by nodejs' `utils.inherits`
* @param {Function} ctor the constructor to augment
* @param {Function} superCtor the parent constructor to use
exports.inherits = function (ctor, superCtor) {
var Obj = function() {};
Obj.prototype = superCtor.prototype;
ctor.prototype = new Obj();
* Merge the objects passed as parameters into a new one.
* @private
* @param {...Object} var_args All objects to merge.
* @return {Object} a new object with the data of the others.
exports.extend = function() {
var result = {}, i, attr;
for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { // arguments is not enumerable in some browsers
for (attr in arguments[i]) {
if (arguments[i].hasOwnProperty(attr) && typeof result[attr] === "undefined") {
result[attr] = arguments[i][attr];
return result;
* Transform arbitrary content into a Promise.
* @param {String} name a name for the content being processed.
* @param {Object} inputData the content to process.
* @param {Boolean} isBinary true if the content is not an unicode string
* @param {Boolean} isOptimizedBinaryString true if the string content only has one byte per character.
* @param {Boolean} isBase64 true if the string content is encoded with base64.
* @return {Promise} a promise in a format usable by JSZip.
exports.prepareContent = function(name, inputData, isBinary, isOptimizedBinaryString, isBase64) {
// if inputData is already a promise, this flatten it.
var promise = external.Promise.resolve(inputData).then(function(data) {
var isBlob = support.blob && (data instanceof Blob || ['[object File]', '[object Blob]'].indexOf(Object.prototype.toString.call(data)) !== -1);
if (isBlob && typeof FileReader !== "undefined") {
return new external.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
reader.onerror = function(e) {
} else {
return data;
return promise.then(function(data) {
var dataType = exports.getTypeOf(data);
if (!dataType) {
return external.Promise.reject(
new Error("Can't read the data of '" + name + "'. Is it " +
"in a supported JavaScript type (String, Blob, ArrayBuffer, etc) ?")
// special case : it's way easier to work with Uint8Array than with ArrayBuffer
if (dataType === "arraybuffer") {
data = exports.transformTo("uint8array", data);
} else if (dataType === "string") {
if (isBase64) {
data = base64.decode(data);
else if (isBinary) {
// optimizedBinaryString === true means that the file has already been filtered with a 0xFF mask
if (isOptimizedBinaryString !== true) {
// this is a string, not in a base64 format.
// Be sure that this is a correct "binary string"
data = string2binary(data);
return data;
/***/ }),
/* 4 */
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return CONSTANTS; });
Version: "0.35.2",
//Max level for any skill, assuming no multipliers. Determined by max numerical value in javascript for experience
//and the skill level formula in Player.js. Note that all this means it that when experience hits MAX_INT, then
//the player will have this level assuming no multipliers. Multipliers can cause skills to go above this.
MaxSkillLevel: 975,
//How much reputation is needed to join a megacorporation's faction
CorpFactionRepRequirement: 250000,
/* Base costs */
BaseCostFor1GBOfRamHome: 32000,
BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer: 55000, //1 GB of RAM
BaseCostFor1GBOfRamHacknetNode: 30000,
BaseCostForHacknetNode: 1000,
BaseCostForHacknetNodeCore: 500000,
/* Hacknet Node constants */
HacknetNodeMoneyGainPerLevel: 1.6,
HacknetNodePurchaseNextMult: 1.85, //Multiplier when purchasing an additional hacknet node
HacknetNodeUpgradeLevelMult: 1.04, //Multiplier for cost when upgrading level
HacknetNodeUpgradeRamMult: 1.28, //Multiplier for cost when upgrading RAM
HacknetNodeUpgradeCoreMult: 1.48, //Multiplier for cost when buying another core
HacknetNodeMaxLevel: 200,
HacknetNodeMaxRam: 64,
HacknetNodeMaxCores: 16,
/* Faction and Company favor */
FactionReputationToFavorBase: 500,
FactionReputationToFavorMult: 1.02,
CompanyReputationToFavorBase: 500,
CompanyReputationToFavorMult: 1.02,
/* Augmentation */
//NeuroFlux Governor cost multiplier as you level up
NeuroFluxGovernorLevelMult: 1.14,
/* Netscript Constants */
//RAM Costs for different commands
ScriptWhileRamCost: 0.2,
ScriptForRamCost: 0.2,
ScriptIfRamCost: 0.15,
ScriptHackRamCost: 0.1,
ScriptGrowRamCost: 0.15,
ScriptWeakenRamCost: 0.15,
ScriptScanRamCost: 0.2,
ScriptPortProgramRamCost: 0.05,
ScriptRunRamCost: 1.0,
ScriptExecRamCost: 1.3,
ScriptSpawnRamCost: 2.0,
ScriptScpRamCost: 0.6,
ScriptKillRamCost: 0.5, //Kill and killall
ScriptHasRootAccessRamCost: 0.05,
ScriptGetHostnameRamCost: 0.05, //getHostname() and getIp()
ScriptGetHackingLevelRamCost: 0.05, //getHackingLevel()
ScriptGetMultipliersRamCost: 4.0, //getHackingMultipliers() and getBitNodeMultipliers()
ScriptGetServerRamCost: 0.1,
ScriptFileExistsRamCost: 0.1,
ScriptIsRunningRamCost: 0.1,
ScriptPurchaseHacknetRamCost: 1.5,
ScriptHacknetNodesRamCost: 4.0, //Base cost for accessing hacknet nodes array
ScriptHNUpgLevelRamCost: 0.4,
ScriptHNUpgRamRamCost: 0.6,
ScriptHNUpgCoreRamCost: 0.8,
ScriptGetStockRamCost: 2.0,
ScriptBuySellStockRamCost: 2.5,
ScriptPurchaseServerRamCost: 2.25,
ScriptRoundRamCost: 0.05,
ScriptReadWriteRamCost: 1.0,
ScriptArbScriptRamCost: 1.0, //Functions that apply to all scripts regardless of args
ScriptGetScriptRamCost: 0.1,
ScriptGetHackTimeRamCost: 0.05,
ScriptSingularityFn1RamCost: 1,
ScriptSingularityFn2RamCost: 2,
ScriptSingularityFn3RamCost: 3,
MultithreadingRAMCost: 1,
NumNetscriptPorts: 20,
//Server constants
ServerBaseGrowthRate: 1.03, //Unadjusted Growth rate
ServerMaxGrowthRate: 1.0035, //Maximum possible growth rate (max rate accounting for server security)
ServerFortifyAmount: 0.002, //Amount by which server's security increases when its hacked/grown
ServerWeakenAmount: 0.05, //Amount by which server's security decreases when weakened
PurchasedServerLimit: 25,
//Augmentation Constants
AugmentationCostMultiplier: 5, //Used for balancing costs without having to readjust every Augmentation cost
AugmentationRepMultiplier: 2.5, //Used for balancing rep cost without having to readjust every value
MultipleAugMultiplier: 1.9,
//How much a TOR router costs
TorRouterCost: 200000,
//Infiltration constants
InfiltrationBribeBaseAmount: 100000, //Amount per clearance level
InfiltrationMoneyValue: 2500, //Convert "secret" value to money
InfiltrationRepValue: 1.4, //Convert "secret" value to faction reputation
//Stock market constants
WSEAccountCost: 200e6,
TIXAPICost: 5e9,
StockMarketCommission: 100e3,
HospitalCostPerHp: 100e3,
//Intelligence-related constants
IntelligenceCrimeWeight: 0.05, //Weight for how much int affects crime success rates
IntelligenceInfiltrationWeight: 0.1, //Weight for how much int affects infiltration success rates
IntelligenceCrimeBaseExpGain: 0.001,
IntelligenceProgramBaseExpGain: 500, //Program required hack level divided by this to determine int exp gain
IntelligenceTerminalHackBaseExpGain: 200, //Hacking exp divided by this to determine int exp gain
IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain: 0.002,
IntelligenceClassBaseExpGain: 0.000001,
IntelligenceHackingMissionBaseExpGain: 0.03, //Hacking Mission difficulty multiplied by this to get exp gain
//Hacking Missions
HackingMissionRepToDiffConversion: 10000, //Faction rep is divided by this to get mission difficulty
HackingMissionRepToRewardConversion: 7, //Faction rep divided byt his to get mission rep reward
HackingMissionSpamTimeIncrease: 25000, //How much time limit increase is gained when conquering a Spam Node (ms)
HackingMissionTransferAttackIncrease: 1.05, //Multiplier by which the attack for all Core Nodes is increased when conquering a Transfer Node
HackingMissionMiscDefenseIncrease: 1.05, //The amount by which every misc node's defense is multiplied when one is conquered
HackingMissionDifficultyToHacking: 135, //Difficulty is multiplied by this to determine enemy's "hacking" level (to determine effects of scan/attack, etc)
HackingMissionHowToPlay: "Hacking missions are a minigame that, if won, will reward you with faction reputation.
" +
"In this game you control a set of Nodes and use them to try and defeat an enemy. Your Nodes " +
"are colored blue, while the enemy's are red. There are also other nodes on the map colored gray " +
"that initially belong to neither you nor the enemy. The goal of the game is " +
"to capture all of the enemy's Database nodes within the time limit. " +
"If you fail to do this, you will lose.
" +
"Each Node has three stats: Attack, Defense, and HP. There are five different actions that " +
"a Node can take:
" +
"Attack - Targets an enemy Node and lowers its HP. The effectiveness is determined by the owner's Attack, the Player's " +
"hacking level, and the enemy's defense.
" +
"Scan - Targets an enemy Node and lowers its Defense. The effectiveness is determined by the owner's Attack, the Player's hacking level, and the " +
"enemy's defense.
" +
"Weaken - Targets an enemy Node and lowers its Attack. The effectiveness is determined by the owner's Attack, the Player's hacking level, and the enemy's " +
" +
"Fortify - Raises the Node's Defense. The effectiveness is determined by your hacking level.
" +
"Overflow - Raises the Node's Attack but lowers its Defense. The effectiveness is determined by your hacking level.
" +
"Note that when determining the effectiveness of the above actions, the TOTAL Attack or Defense of the team is used, not just the " +
"Attack/Defense of the individual Node that is performing the action.
" +
"To capture a Node, you must lower its HP down to 0.
" +
"There are six different types of Nodes:
" +
"CPU Core - These are your main Nodes that are used to perform actions. Capable of performing every action
" +
"Firewall - Nodes with high defense. These Nodes can 'Fortify'
" +
"Database - A special type of Node. The player's objective is to conquer all of the enemy's Database Nodes within " +
"the time limit. These Nodes cannot perform any actions
" +
"Spam - Conquering one of these Nodes will slow the enemy's trace, giving the player additional time to complete " +
"the mission. These Nodes cannot perform any actions
" +
"Transfer - Conquering one of these nodes will increase the Attack of all of your CPU Cores by a small fixed percentage. " +
"These Nodes are capable of performing every action except the 'Attack' action
" +
"Shield - Nodes with high defense. These Nodes can 'Fortify'
" +
"To assign an action to a Node, you must first select one of your Nodes. This can be done by simply clicking on it. Double-clicking " +
"a node will select all of your Nodes of the same type (e.g. select all CPU Core Nodes or all Transfer Nodes). Note that only Nodes " +
"that can perform actions (CPU Core, Transfer, Shield, Firewall) can be selected. Selected Nodes will be denoted with a white highlight. After selecting a Node or multiple Nodes, " +
"select its action using the Action Buttons near the top of the screen. Every action also has a corresponding keyboard " +
" +
"For certain actions such as attacking, scanning, and weakening, the Node performing the action must have a target. To target " +
"another node, simply click-and-drag from the 'source' Node to a target. A Node can only have one target, and you can target " +
"any Node that is adjacent to one of your Nodes (immediately above, below, or to the side. NOT diagonal). Furthermore, only CPU Cores and Transfer Nodes " +
"can target, since they are the only ones that can perform the related actions. To remove a target, you can simply click on the line that represents " +
"the connection between one of your Nodes and its target. Alternatively, you can select the 'source' Node and click the 'Drop Connection' button, " +
"or press 'd'.
" +
"Other Notes:
" +
"-Whenever a miscellenaous Node (not owned by the player or enemy) is conquered, the defense of all remaining miscellaneous Nodes that " +
"are not actively being targeted will increase by a fixed percentage.
" +
"-Whenever a Node is conquered, its stats are significantly reduced
" +
"-Miscellaneous Nodes slowly raise their defense over time
" +
"-Nodes slowly regenerate health over time.",
//Gang constants
GangRespectToReputationRatio: 2, //Respect is divided by this to get rep gain
MaximumGangMembers: 20,
GangRecruitCostMultiplier: 2,
GangTerritoryUpdateTimer: 150,
MillisecondsPer20Hours: 72000000,
GameCyclesPer20Hours: 72000000 / 200,
MillisecondsPer10Hours: 36000000,
GameCyclesPer10Hours: 36000000 / 200,
MillisecondsPer8Hours: 28800000,
GameCyclesPer8Hours: 28800000 / 200,
MillisecondsPer4Hours: 14400000,
GameCyclesPer4Hours: 14400000 / 200,
MillisecondsPer2Hours: 7200000,
GameCyclesPer2Hours: 7200000 / 200,
MillisecondsPerHour: 3600000,
GameCyclesPerHour: 3600000 / 200,
MillisecondsPerHalfHour: 1800000,
GameCyclesPerHalfHour: 1800000 / 200,
MillisecondsPerQuarterHour: 900000,
GameCyclesPerQuarterHour: 900000 / 200,
MillisecondsPerFiveMinutes: 300000,
GameCyclesPerFiveMinutes: 300000 / 200,
FactionWorkHacking: "Faction Hacking Work",
FactionWorkField: "Faction Field Work",
FactionWorkSecurity: "Faction Security Work",
WorkTypeCompany: "Working for Company",
WorkTypeCompanyPartTime: "Working for Company part-time",
WorkTypeFaction: "Working for Faction",
WorkTypeCreateProgram: "Working on Create a Program",
WorkTypeStudyClass: "Studying or Taking a class at university",
WorkTypeCrime: "Committing a crime",
ClassStudyComputerScience: "studying Computer Science",
ClassDataStructures: "taking a Data Structures course",
ClassNetworks: "taking a Networks course",
ClassAlgorithms: "taking an Algorithms course",
ClassManagement: "taking a Management course",
ClassLeadership: "taking a Leadership course",
ClassGymStrength: "training your strength at a gym",
ClassGymDefense: "training your defense at a gym",
ClassGymDexterity: "training your dexterity at a gym",
ClassGymAgility: "training your agility at a gym",
ClassDataStructuresBaseCost: 40,
ClassNetworksBaseCost: 80,
ClassAlgorithmsBaseCost: 320,
ClassManagementBaseCost: 160,
ClassLeadershipBaseCost: 320,
ClassGymBaseCost: 120,
CrimeSingFnDivider: 2, //Factor by which exp/profit is reduced when commiting crime through Sing Fn
CrimeShoplift: "shoplift",
CrimeRobStore: "rob a store",
CrimeMug: "mug someone",
CrimeLarceny: "commit larceny",
CrimeDrugs: "deal drugs",
CrimeBondForgery: "forge corporate bonds",
CrimeTraffickArms: "traffick illegal arms",
CrimeHomicide: "commit homicide",
CrimeGrandTheftAuto: "commit grand theft auto",
CrimeKidnap: "kidnap someone for ransom",
CrimeAssassination: "assassinate a high-profile target",
CrimeHeist: "pull off the ultimate heist",
/* Tutorial related things */
TutorialNetworkingText: "Servers are a central part of the game. You start with a single personal server (your home computer) " +
"and you can purchase additional servers as you progress through the game. Connecting to other servers " +
"and hacking them can be a major source of income and experience. Servers can also be used to run " +
"scripts which can automatically hack servers for you.
" +
"In order to navigate between machines, use the 'scan' or 'scan-analyze' Terminal command to see all servers " +
"that are reachable from your current server. Then, you can use the 'connect [hostname/ip]' " +
"command to connect to one of the available machines.
" +
"The 'hostname' and 'ifconfig' commands can be used to display the hostname/IP of the " +
"server you are currently connected to.",
TutorialHackingText: "In the year 2077, currency has become digital and decentralized. People and corporations " +
"store their money on servers. By hacking these servers, you can steal their money and gain " +
" +
Gaining root access
" +
"The key to hacking a server is to gain root access to that server. This can be done using " +
"the NUKE virus (NUKE.exe). You start the game with a copy of the NUKE virus on your home " +
"computer. The NUKE virus attacks the target server's open ports using buffer overflow " +
"exploits. When successful, you are granted root administrative access to the machine.
" +
"Typically, in order for the NUKE virus to succeed, the target server needs to have at least " +
"one of its ports opened. Some servers have no security and will not need any ports opened. Some " +
"will have very high security and will need many ports opened. In order to open ports on another " +
"server, you will need to run programs that attack the server to open specific ports. These programs " +
"can be coded once your hacking skill gets high enough, or they can be purchased if you can find " +
"a seller.
" +
"In order to determine how many ports need to be opened to successfully NUKE a server, connect to " +
"that server and run the 'analyze' command. This will also show you which ports have already been " +
" +
"Once you have enough ports opened and have ran the NUKE virus to gain root access, the server " +
"can then be hacked by simply calling the 'hack' command through terminal, or by using a script.
" +
Hacking mechanics
" +
"When you execute the hack command, either manually through the terminal or automatically through " +
"a script, you attempt to hack the server. This action takes time. The more advanced a server's " +
"security is, the more time it will take. Your hacking skill level also affects the hacking time, " +
"with a higher hacking skill leading to shorter hacking times. Also, running the hack command " +
"manually through terminal is faster than hacking from a script.
" +
"Your attempt to hack a server will not always succeed. The chance you have to successfully hack a " +
"server is also determined by the server's security and your hacking skill level. Even if your " +
"hacking attempt is unsuccessful, you will still gain experience points.
" +
"When you successfully hack a server. You steal a certain percentage of that server's total money. This " +
"percentage is determined by the server's security and your hacking skill level. The amount of money " +
"on a server is not limitless. So, if you constantly hack a server and deplete its money, then you will " +
"encounter diminishing returns in your hacking (since you are only hacking a certain percentage). You can " +
"increase the amount of money on a server using a script and the grow() function in Netscript.
" +
Server Security
" +
"Each server has a security level, typically between 1 and 100. A higher number means the server has stronger security. " +
"It is possible for a server to have a security level of 100 or higher, in which case hacking that server " +
"will become impossible (0% chance to hack).
" +
"As mentioned above, a server's security level is an important factor " +
"to consider when hacking. You can check a server's security level using the 'analyze' command, although this " +
"only gives an estimate (with 5% uncertainty). You can also check a server's security in a script, using the " +
"getServerSecurityLevel(server) function in Netscript. See the Netscript documentation for more details. " +
"This function will give you an exact value for a server's security.
" +
"Whenever a server is hacked manually or through a script, its security level increases by a small amount. Calling " +
"the grow() command in a script will also increase security level of the target server. These actions will " +
"make it harder for you to hack the server, and decrease the amount of money you can steal. You can lower a " +
"server's security level in a script using the weaken(server) function in Netscript. See the Netscript " +
"documentation for more details.
" +
"A server has a minimum security level that is equal to one third of its starting security, rounded to the " +
"nearest integer. To be more precise:
" +
"This means that a server's security will not fall below this value if you are trying to weaken it.",
TutorialScriptsText: "Scripts can be used to automate the hacking process. Scripts must be written in the Netscript language. " +
"Documentation about the Netscript language can be found in the 'Netscript Programming Language' " +
"section of this 'Tutorial' page.
" +
"It is highly recommended that you have a basic background in programming to start writing scripts. " +
"You by no means need to be an expert. All you need is some familiarity with basic programming " +
"constructs like for/while loops, if statements, " +
"functions, variables, etc. The Netscript programming language most resembles the Javascript language. " +
"Therefore, a good beginner's programming tutorial to read might be " +
"this one. Note that while the Netscript language is similar to Javascript, it is not the exact same, so the " +
"syntax will vary a little bit.
" +
"Running a script requires RAM. The more complex a script is, the more RAM " +
"it requires to run. Scripts can be run on any server you have root access to.
" +
"Here are some Terminal commands that are useful when working with scripts:
" +
"check [script] [args...] Prints the logs of the script specified by the name and arguments to Terminal. Arguments should be separated " +
"by a space. Note that scripts are uniquely " +
"identified by their arguments as well as their name. For example, if you ran a script 'foo.script' with the argument 'foodnstuff' then in order to 'check' it you must " +
"also add the 'foodnstuff' argument to the check command as so: check foo.script foodnstuff
" +
"free Shows the current server's RAM usage and availability
" +
"kill [script] [args...] Stops a script that is running with the specified script name and arguments. " +
"Arguments should be separated by a space. Note that " +
"scripts are uniquely identified by their arguments as well as their name. For example, if you ran a script 'foo.script' with the " +
"argument 1 and 2, then just typing 'kill foo.script' will not work. You have to use 'kill foo.script 1 2'.
" +
"mem [script] [-t] [n] Check how much RAM a script requires to run with n threads
" +
"nano [script] Create/Edit a script. The name of the script must end with the '.script' extension
" +
"ps Displays all scripts that are actively running on the current server
" +
"rm [script] Delete a script
" +
"run [script] [-t] [n] [args...] Run a script with n threads and the specified arguments. Each argument should be separated by a space. " +
"Both the arguments and thread specification are optional. If neither are specified, then the script will be run single-threaded with no arguments. " +
"Examples: run foo.script The command above will run 'foo.script' single-threaded with no arguments." +
" run foo.script -t 10 The command above will run 'foo.script' with 10 threads and no arguments." +
" run foo.script foodnstuff sigma-cosmetics 10 The command above will run 'foo.script' single-threaded with three arguments: [foodnstuff, sigma-cosmetics, 10]" +
" run foo.script -t 50 foodnstuff The command above will run 'foo.script' with 50 threads and a single argument: [foodnstuff]
" +
"tail [script] [args...] Displays the logs of the script specified by the name and arguments. Note that scripts are uniquely " +
"identified by their arguments as well as their name. For example, if you ran a script 'foo.script' with the argument 'foodnstuff' then in order to 'tail' it you must " +
"also add the 'foodnstuff' argument to the tail command as so: tail foo.script foodnstuff
" +
"top Displays all active scripts and their RAM usage
" +
Multithreading scripts
" +
"Scripts can be multithreaded. A multithreaded script runs the script's code once in each thread. The result is that " +
"every call to the hack(), grow(), and weaken() Netscript functions will have its effect multiplied by the number of threads. " +
"For example, if a normal single-threaded script is able to hack $10,000, then running the same script with 5 threads would " +
"yield $50,000.
" +
"When multithreading a script, the total RAM cost can be calculated by simply multiplying the base RAM cost of the script " +
"with the number of threads, where the base cost refers to the amount of RAM required to run the script single-threaded. " +
"In the terminal, you can run the " +
"'mem [scriptname] -t n' command to see how much RAM a script requires with n threads.
" +
"Every method for running a script has an option for making it multihreaded. To run a script with " +
"n threads from a Terminal: " +
"run [scriptname] -t n
" +
" The scripts that you write and execute are interpreted in Javascript. For this " +
"reason, it is not possible for these scripts to run while offline (when the game is closed). " +
"It is important to note that for this reason, conditionals such as if/else statements and certain " +
"commands such as purchaseHacknetNode() or nuke() will not work while the game is offline.
" +
"However, Scripts WILL continue to generate money and hacking exp for you while the game is offline. This " +
"offline production is based off of the scripts' production while the game is online.
" +
"grow() and weaken() are two Netscript commands that will also be applied when the game is offline, although at a slower rate " +
"compared to if the game was open. This is done by having each script keep track of the " +
"rate at which the grow() and weaken() commands are called when the game is online. These calculated rates are used to determine how many times " +
"these function calls would be made while the game is offline.
" +
"Also, note that because of the way the Netscript interpreter is implemented, " +
"whenever you reload or re-open the game all of the scripts that you are running will " +
"start running from the BEGINNING of the code. The game does not keep track of where exactly " +
"the execution of a script is when it saves/loads.
TutorialNetscriptText: "Netscript is a programming language implemented for this game. The language has " +
"your basic programming constructs and several built-in commands that are used to hack.
" +
Official Documentation
" +
"Check out Bitburner's official Netscript documentation" +
". This official documentation will contain more details and " +
"code examples than this documentation page. Also, it can be opened up in another tab/window for convenience!
" +
Variables and data types
" +
"The following data types are supported by Netscript: " +
"numeric - Integers and floats (eg. 6, 10.4999) " +
"string - Encapsulated by single or double quotes (eg. 'this is a string') " +
"boolean - true or false
" +
"Strings are fully functional Javascript strings, " +
"which means that all of the member functions of Javascript strings such as toLowerCase() and includes() are also " +
"available in Netscript!
" +
"To create a variable, use the assign (=) operator. The language is not strongly typed. Examples: " +
"i = 5; " +
"s = 'this game is awesome!';
" +
"In the first example above, we are creating the variable i and assigning it a value of 5. In the second, " +
"we are creating the variable s and assigning it the value of a string. Note that all expressions must be " +
"ended with a semicolon.
" +
" +
"The following operators are supported by Netscript: " +
" + " +
" - " +
" * " +
" / " +
" % " +
" && " +
" || " +
" < " +
" > " +
" <= " +
" >= " +
" == " +
" != " +
" ++ (Note: This ONLY pre-increments. Post-increment does not work) " +
" -- (Note: This ONLY pre-decrements. Post-decrement does not work) " +
" - (Negation operator) " +
" !
" +
" +
"Netscript arrays have the same properties and functions as javascript arrays. For information see javascripts array documentation.
Script Arguments
" +
"Arguments passed into a script can be accessed using a special array called 'args'. The arguments can be accessed like a normal array using the [] " +
"operator. (args[0], args[1], args[2]...)
" +
"For example, let's say we want to make a generic script 'generic-run.script' and we plan to pass two arguments into that script. The first argument will be the name of " +
"another script, and the second argument will be a number. This generic script will run the script specified in the first argument " +
"with the amount of threads specified in the second element. The code would look like:
" +
"run(args[0], args[1]);
" +
"It is also possible to get the number of arguments that was passed into a script using:
" +
" +
"Note that none of the other functions that typically work with arrays, such as remove(), insert(), clear(), etc., will work on the " +
"args array.
" +
Javascript Modules
" +
"Netscript supports the following Javascript Modules:
" +
"Math Date (static functions only)
" +
" +
"You can NOT define you own functions in Netscript (yet), but there are several built in functions that " +
"you may use:
" +
"hack(hostname/ip) Core function that is used to try and hack servers to steal money and gain hacking experience. The argument passed in must be a string with " +
"either the IP or hostname of the server you want to hack. The runtime for this command depends on your hacking level and the target server's security level. " +
" A script can hack a server from anywhere. It does not need to be running on the same server to hack that server. " +
"For example, you can create a script that hacks the 'foodnstuff' server and run that script on any server in the game. A successful hack() on " +
"a server will raise that server's security level by 0.002. Returns the amount of money stolen if the hack is successful and " +
"0 if the hack fails. " +
"Examples: hack('foodnstuff'); or hack('');
" +
"sleep(n) Suspends the script for n milliseconds. Example: sleep(5000);
" +
"grow(hostname/ip) Use your hacking skills to increase the amount of money available on a server. The argument passed in " +
"must be a string with either the IP or hostname of the target server. The runtime for this command depends on your hacking level and the target server's security level. " +
"When grow() completes, the money available on a target server will be increased by a certain, fixed percentage. This percentage " +
"is determined by the server's growth rate and varies between servers. Generally, higher-level servers have higher growth rates.
" +
"Like hack(), grow() can be called on any server, regardless of where the script is running. " +
"The grow() command requires root access to the target server, but there is no required hacking level to run the command. " +
"It also raises the security level of the target server by 0.004. " +
"Returns the number by which the money on the server was multiplied for the growth. " +
"Works offline at a slower rate. Example: grow('foodnstuff');
" +
"weaken(hostname/ip) Use your hacking skills to attack a server's security, lowering the server's security level. The argument passed " +
"in must be a string with either the IP or hostname of the target server. The runtime for this command depends on your " +
"hacking level and the target server's security level. This function lowers the security level of the target server by " +
Like hack() and grow(), weaken() can be called on " +
"any server, regardless of where the script is running. This command requires root access to the target server, but " +
"there is no required hacking level to run the command. Returns " +
"0.1. Works offline at a slower rate Example: weaken('foodnstuff');
" +
"print(x) Prints a value or a variable to the scripts logs (which can be viewed with the 'tail [script]' terminal command ).
" +
"tprint(x) Prints a value or a variable to the Terminal
" +
"clearLog() Clears the script's logs.
" +
"disableLog(fn) Disables logging for the given function. Logging can be disabled for every function " +
"by passing 'ALL' as an argument.
" +
"Note that this does not completely remove all logging functionality. This only stops a function from logging " +
"when the function is successful. If the function fails, it will still log the reason for failure.
" +
"Notable functions that cannot have their logs disabled: run, exec, exit
" +
"enableLog(fn) Re-enables logging for the given function. If 'ALL' is passed into this function " +
"as an argument, then it will revert the effects of disableLog('ALL')
" +
"scan(hostname/ip, [hostnames=true]) Returns an array containing the hostnames or IPs of all servers that are one node away from the specified server. " +
"The argument must be a string containing the IP or hostname of the target server. The second argument is a boolean that specifies whether " +
"the hostnames or IPs of the scanned servers should be output. If it is true then hostnames will be returned, and if false then IP addresses will. " +
"This second argument is optional and, if ommitted, the function will output " +
"the hostnames of the scanned servers. The hostnames/IPs in the returned array are strings.
" +
"nuke(hostname/ip) Run NUKE.exe on the target server. NUKE.exe must exist on your home computer. Example: nuke('foodnstuff');
" +
"brutessh(hostname/ip) Run BruteSSH.exe on the target server. BruteSSH.exe must exist on your home computer. Example: brutessh('foodnstuff');
" +
"ftpcrack(hostname/ip) Run FTPCrack.exe on the target server. FTPCrack.exe must exist on your home computer. Example: ftpcrack('foodnstuff');
" +
"relaysmtp(hostname/ip) Run relaySMTP.exe on the target server. relaySMTP.exe must exist on your home computer. Example: relaysmtp('foodnstuff');
" +
"httpworm(hostname/ip) Run HTTPWorm.exe on the target server. HTTPWorm.exe must exist on your home computer. Example: httpworm('foodnstuff');
" +
"sqlinject(hostname/ip) Run SQLInject.exe on the target server. SQLInject.exe must exist on your home computer. Example: sqlinject('foodnstuff');
" +
"run(script, [numThreads], [args...]) Run a script as a separate process. The first argument that is passed in is the name of the script as a string. This function can only " +
"be used to run scripts located on the current server (the server running the script that calls this function). The second argument " +
"is optional, and it specifies how many threads to run the script with. This argument must be a number greater than 0. If it is omitted, then the script will be run single-threaded. Any additional arguments will specify " +
"arguments to pass into the new script that is being run. If arguments are specified for the new script, then the second argument numThreads argument must be filled in with a value.
" +
"Returns true if the script is successfully started, and false otherwise. Requires a significant amount " +
"of RAM to run this command.
" +
"The simplest way to use the run command is to call it with just the script name. The following example will run 'foo.script' single-threaded with no arguments:
" +
" +
"The following example will run 'foo.script' but with 5 threads instead of single-threaded:
" +
"run('foo.script', 5);
" +
"The following example will run 'foo.script' single-threaded, and will pass the string 'foodnstuff' into the script as an argument:
" +
"run('foo.script', 1, 'foodnstuff');
" +
"exec(script, hostname/ip, [numThreads], [args...]) Run a script as a separate process on another server. The first argument is the name of the script as a string. The " +
"second argument is a string with the hostname or IP of the 'target server' on which to run the script. The specified script must exist on the target server. " +
"The third argument is optional, and it specifies how many threads to run the script with. If it is omitted, then the script will be run single-threaded. " +
"This argument must be a number that is greater than 0. Any additional arguments will specify arguments to pass into the new script that is being run. If " +
"arguments are specified for the new script, then the third argument numThreads must be filled in with a value.
Returns " +
"true if the script is successfully started, and false otherwise.
" +
"The simplest way to use the exec command is to call it with just the script name and the target server. The following example will try to run 'generic-hack.script' " +
"on the 'foodnstuff' server:
" +
"exec('generic-hack.script', 'foodnstuff');
" +
"The following example will try to run the script 'generic-hack.script' on the 'joesguns' server with 10 threads:
" +
"exec('generic-hack.script', 'joesguns', 10);
" +
"The following example will try to run the script 'foo.script' on the 'foodnstuff' server with 5 threads. It will also pass the number 1 and the string 'test' in as arguments " +
"to the script.
" +
"spawn(script, numThreads, [args...]) Terminates the current script, and then after a delay of about 20 seconds " +
"it will execute the newly specified script. The purpose of this function is to execute a new script without being constrained " +
"by the RAM usage of the current one. This function can only be used to run scripts on the local server.
" +
"The first argument must be a string with the name of the script. The second argument must be an integer specifying the number " +
"of threads to run the script with. Any additional arguments will specify arguments to pass into the 'newly-spawned' script." +
"Because this function immediately terminates the script, it does not have a return value.
" +
"The following example will execute the script 'foo.script' with 10 threads and the arguments 'foodnstuff' and 90:
" +
"spawn('foo.script', 10, 'foodnstuff', 90);
" +
"kill(script, hostname/ip, [args...]) Kills the script on the target server specified by the script's name and arguments. Remember that " +
"scripts are uniquely identified by both their name and arguments. For example, if 'foo.script' is run with the argument 1, then this is not the " +
"same as 'foo.script' run with the argument 2, even though they have the same code.
" +
"The first argument must be a string with the name of the script. The name is case-sensitive. " +
"The second argument must be a string with the hostname or IP of the target server. Any additional arguments to the function will specify the arguments passed " +
"into the script that should be killed.
The function will try to kill the specified script on the target server. " +
"If the script is found on the specified server and is running, then it will be killed and this function " +
"will return true. Otherwise, this function will return false.
" +
"Examples: " +
"If you are trying to kill a script named 'foo.script' on the 'foodnstuff' server that was ran with no arguments, use this:
" +
"kill('foo.script', 'foodnstuff');
" +
"If you are trying to kill a script named 'foo.script' on the current server that was ran with no arguments, use this:
" +
"kill('foo.script', getHostname());
" +
"If you are trying to kill a script named 'foo.script' on the current server that was ran with the arguments 1 and 'foodnstuff', use this:
" +
"killall(hostname/ip) Kills all running scripts on the specified server. This function takes a single argument which " +
"must be a string containing the hostname or IP of the target server. This function returns true if any scripts were killed, and false otherwise.
" +
"exit() Terminates the script immediately
" +
"scp(script, [source], destination) Copies a script or literature (.lit) file to another server. The first argument is a string with " +
"the filename of the script or literature file " +
"to be copied, or an array of filenames to be copied. The next two arguments are strings containing the hostname/IPs of the source and target server. " +
"The source refers to the server from which the script/literature file will be copied, while the destination " +
"refers to the server to which it will be copied. The source server argument is optional, and if ommitted the source " +
"will be the current server (the server on which the script is running). Returns true if the script/literature file is " +
"successfully copied over and false otherwise. If the first argument passed in is an array, then the function " +
"will return if at least one of the files in the array is successfully copied over.
" +
"Example: scp('hack-template.script', 'foodnstuff'); //Copies hack-template.script from the current server to foodnstuff " +
"Example: scp('foo.lit', 'helios', 'home'); //Copies foo.lit from the helios server to the home computer
" +
"ls(hostname/ip) Returns an array containing the names of all files on the specified server. The argument must be a " +
"string with the hostname or IP of the target server.
" +
"hasRootAccess(hostname/ip) Returns a boolean (true or false) indicating whether or not the Player has root access to a server. " +
"The argument passed in must be a string with either the hostname or IP of the target server. " +
"Example: if (hasRootAccess('foodnstuff') == false) { nuke('foodnstuff'); }
" +
"getIp() Returns a string with the IP Address of the server that the script is running on
" +
"getHostname() Returns a string with the hostname of the server that the script is running on
" +
"getHackingLevel() Returns the Player's current hacking level.
" +
"getHackingMultipliers() Returns an object containing the Player's hacking related multipliers. " +
"These multipliers are returned in integer forms, not percentages (e.g. 1.5 instead of 150%). " +
"The object has the following structure:
" +
"getBitNodeMultipliers() Returns an object containing the current BitNode multipliers. " +
"This function requires Source-File 5 in order to run. The multipliers are returned in integer forms, not percentages " +
"(e.g. 1.5 instead of 150%). The multipliers represent the difference between the current BitNode and the " +
"original BitNode (BitNode-1). For example, if the 'CrimeMoney' multiplier has a value of 0.1 then that means " +
"that committing crimes in the current BitNode will only give 10% of the money you would have received in " +
"BitNode-1. The object has the following structure (subject to change in the future):
" +
"getServerMoneyAvailable(hostname/ip) Returns the amount of money available on a server. The argument passed in must be a string with either the " +
"hostname or IP of the target server. Example: getServerMoneyAvailable('foodnstuff');
" +
"getServerMaxMoney(hostname/ip) Returns the maximum amount of money that can be available on a server. The argument passed in must be a string with " +
"the hostname or IP of the target server. Example: getServerMaxMoney('foodnstuff');
" +
"getServerGrowth(hostname/ip) Returns the server's intrinsic 'growth parameter'. This growth parameter is a number " +
"between 1 and 100 that represents how quickly the server's money grows. This parameter affects the percentage by which this server's " +
"money is increased when using the grow() function. A higher growth parameter will result in a higher percentage from grow().
" +
"The argument passed in must be a string with the hostname or IP of the target server.
" +
"getServerSecurityLevel(hostname/ip) Returns the security level of a server. The argument passed in must be a string with either the " +
"hostname or IP of the target server. A server's security is denoted by a number, typically between 1 and 100.
" +
"getServerBaseSecurityLevel(hostname/ip) Returns the base security level of a server. This is the security level that the server starts out with. " +
"This is different than getServerSecurityLevel() because getServerSecurityLevel() returns the current security level of a server, which can constantly change " +
"due to hack(), grow(), and weaken() calls on that server. The base security level will stay the same until you reset by installing an Augmentation.
" +
"The argument passed in must be a string with either the hostname or IP of the target server. A server's base security is denoted by a number, typically between 1 and 100. " +
" +
"getServerMinSecurityLevel(hostname/ip)Returns the minimum security level of a server. The argument passed in must be a string with " +
"either the hostname or IP of the target server.
" +
"getServerRequiredHackingLevel(hostname/ip) Returns the required hacking level of a server. The argument passed in must be a string with either the " +
"hostname or IP or the target server.
" +
"getServerNumPortsRequired(hostname/ip) Returns the number of open ports required to successfully run NUKE.exe on a server. The argument " +
"passed in must be a string with either the hostname or IP of the target server.
" +
"getServerRam(hostname/ip) Returns an array with two elements that gives information about the target server's RAM. The first " +
"element in the array is the amount of RAM that the server has (in GB). The second element in the array is the amount of RAM that " +
"is currently being used on the server.
" +
"serverExists(hostname/ip) Returns a boolean denoting whether or not the specified server exists. The argument " +
"must be a string with the hostname or IP of the target server.
" +
"fileExists(filename, [hostname/ip]) Returns a boolean (true or false) indicating whether the specified file exists on a server. " +
"The first argument must be a string with the filename. A file can either be a script, program, literature file, or a text file. The filename for a script is case-sensitive, but " +
"for the other files it is not. For example, fileExists('brutessh.exe') will work fine, even though the actual program is named BruteSSH.exe.
" +
"The second argument is a string with the hostname or IP of the server on which to search for the program. This second argument is optional. " +
"If it is omitted, then the function will search through the current server (the server running the script that calls this function) for the file. " +
"Example: fileExists('foo.script', 'foodnstuff'); " +
"Example: fileExists('ftpcrack.exe');
" +
"The first example above will return true if the script named 'foo.script' exists on the 'foodnstuff' server, and false otherwise. The second example above will " +
"return true if the current server (the server on which this function runs) contains the FTPCrack.exe program, and false otherwise.
" +
"isRunning(filename, hostname/ip, [args...]) Returns a boolean (true or false) indicating whether the specified script is running on a server. " +
"Remember that a script is uniquely identified by both its name and its arguments.
" +
"The first argument must be a string with the name of the script. The script name is case sensitive. The second argument is a string with the " +
"hostname or IP of the target server. Any additional arguments passed to the function will specify the arguments passed into the target script. " +
"The function will check whether the script is running on that target server. " +
"Example: isRunning('foo.script', 'foodnstuff'); " +
"Example: isRunning('foo.script', getHostname()); " +
"Example: isRunning('foo.script', 'joesguns', 1, 5, 'test');
" +
"The first example above will return true if there is a script named 'foo.script' with no arguments running on the 'foodnstuff' server, and false otherwise. The second " +
"example above will return true if there is a script named 'foo.script' with no arguments running on the current server, and false otherwise. " +
"The third example above will return true if there is a script named 'foo.script' with the arguments 1, 5, and 'test' running on the 'joesguns' server, and " +
"false otherwise.
" +
"getNextHacknetNodeCost() Returns the cost of purchasing a new Hacknet Node
" +
"purchaseHacknetNode() Purchases a new Hacknet Node. Returns a number with the index of the Hacknet Node. This index is equivalent to the number " +
"at the end of the Hacknet Node's name (e.g The Hacknet Node named 'hacknet-node-4' will have an index of 4). If the player cannot afford to purchase " +
"a new Hacknet Node then the function will return false. Does NOT work offline
" +
"purchaseServer(hostname, ram) Purchases a server with the specified hostname and amount of RAM. The first argument can be any data type, " +
"but it will be converted to a string using Javascript's String function. Anything that resolves to an empty string will cause the function to fail. " +
"The second argument specified the amount of RAM (in GB) for the server. This argument must resolve to a numeric and it must be a power of 2 " +
"(2, 4, 8, etc...).
" +
"This function returns the hostname of the newly purchased server as a string. If the function fails to purchase a server, then it will return " +
"an empty string. The function will fail if the arguments passed in are invalid or if the player does not have enough money to purchase the specified server.
" +
"deleteServer(hostname) Deletes one of the servers you've purchased with the specified hostname. The function will fail if " +
"there are any scripts running on the specified server. Returns true if successful and false otherwise
" +
"getPurchasedServers([hostname=true]) Returns an array with either the hostname or IPs of all of the servers you " +
"have purchased. It takes an optional parameter specifying whether the hostname or IP addresses will be returned. If this " +
"parameter is not specified, it is true by default and hostnames will be returned
" +
"write(port/fn, data='', mode='a') This function can be used to either write data to a port or to a text file (.txt).
" +
"If the first argument is a number between 1 and 10, then it specifies a port and this function will write data to a port. If the second " +
"argument is not specified then it will write an empty string to the port. The third argument, mode, is not used when writing data to a port.
" +
"If the first argument is a string, then it specifies the name of a text file (.txt) and this function will write data to a text file. " +
"The second argument defines the data to be written to the text file. If it is not specified then it is an empty string by default. " +
"This third argument, mode, defines how the data will be written to the text file. If mode is set to 'w', then the data is written in 'write' " +
"mode which means that it will overwrite the existing data on the file, or it will create a new file if it does not already exist. Otherwise, " +
"the data will be written in 'append' mode which means that the data will be added at the end of the existing file, or it will create a new file if it " +
"does not already exist. If mode isn't specified then it will be 'a' for 'append' mode by default.
" +
"read(port/fn) This function is used to read data from a port or from a text file (.txt).
" +
"This function takes a single argument. If this argument is a number between 1 and 10, then it specifies a port and it will read data from " +
"a port. A port is a serialized queue. This function will remove the first element from the queue and return it. If the queue is empty, " +
"then the string 'NULL PORT DATA' will be returned.
" +
"If the first argument is a string, then it specifies the name of a text file and this function will return the data in the " +
"specified text file. If the text file does not exist, an empty string will be returned
" +
"peek(port) This function is used to peek data from a port. It returns the first element from the specified " +
"Netscript Port without removing that element. If the port is empty, then the string 'NULL PORT DATA' will be returned.
" +
"The argument must be an integer between 1 and 10.
" +
"clear(port/fn) This function is used to clear a Netscript Port or a text file.
" +
"It takes a single argument. If this argument is a number between 1 and 10, then it specifies a port and will clear it (deleting all data from it). " +
"If the argument is a string, then it specifies the name of a text file (.txt) and will clear the text file so that it is empty.
" +
"rm(fn) This function is used to remove a file. It takes a string with the filename as the argument. Returns " +
"true if it successfully deletes the given file, and false otherwise. This function works for every file type except message files (.msg).
" +
"scriptRunning(scriptname, hostname/ip) Returns a boolean indicating whether any instance of the specified script is running " +
"on a server, regardless of its arguments. This is different than the isRunning() function because it does not " +
"try to identify a specific instance of a running script by its arguments.
" +
"The first argument must be a string with the name of the script. The script name is case sensitive. The second argument is " +
"a string with the hostname or IP of the target server. Both arguments are required.
" +
"scriptKill(scriptname, hostname/ip) Kills all scripts with the specified filename that are running on the server specified by the " +
"hostname/ip, regardless of arguments. Returns true if one or more scripts were successfully killed, and false if there were none.
" +
"The first argument must be a string with the name of the script. The script name is case sensitive. The second argument is " +
"a string with the hostname or IP of the target server. Both arguments are required.
" +
"getScriptRam(scriptname, hostname/ip) Returns the amount of RAM required to run the specified script on the " +
"target server. The first argument must be a string with the name of the script. The script name is case sensitive. " +
"The second argument is a string with the hostname or IP of the server where that script is. Both arguments are required.
" +
"getHackTime(hostname/ip) Returns the amount of time in seconds it takes to execute the hack() Netscript function " +
"on the server specified by the hostname/ip. The argument must be a string with the hostname/ip of the target server.
" +
"getGrowTime(hostname/ip) Returns the amount of time in seconds it takes to execute the grow() Netscript function " +
"on the server specified by the hostname/ip. The argument must be a string with the hostname/ip of the target server.
" +
"getWeakenTime(hostname/ip) Returns the amount of time in seconds it takes to execute the weaken() Netscript function " +
"on the server specified by the hostname/ip. The argument must be a string with the hostname/ip of the target server.
" +
"getScriptIncome([scriptname], [hostname/ip], [args...]) " +
"Returns the amount of income the specified script generates while online (when the game is open, does not apply for " +
"offline income). This function can also be called with no arguments. If called with no arguments, then this function " +
"will return an array of two values. The first value is the total income ($/sec) of all of your active scripts (currently running). " +
"The second value is the total income ($/sec) from scripts since you last installed Augmentations (or destroyed a BitNode).
" +
"Remember that a script is uniquely identified by both its name and its arguments. So for example if you ran a script " +
"with the arguments 'foodnstuff' and '5' then in order to use this function to get that script's income you must " +
"specify those arguments in this function call.
" +
"The first argument, if specified, must be a string with the name of the script (including the .script extension). " +
"The second argument must be a string with the hostname/IP of the target server. If the first argument is specified " +
"then the second argument must be specified as well. Any additional arguments passed to the function will specify " +
"the arguments passed into the target script.
" +
"getScriptExpGain([scriptname], [hostname/ip], [args...]) " +
"Returns the amount of hacking experience the specified script generates while online (when the game is open, does not apply for " +
"offline experience gains). This function can also return the total experience gain rate of all of your active scripts by running the function " +
"with no arguments.
" +
"Remember that a script is uniquely identified by both its name and its arguments. So for example if you ran a script " +
"with the arguments 'foodnstuff' and '5' then in order to use this function to get that script's income you must " +
"specify those arguments in this function call.
" +
"The first argument, if specified, must be a string with the name of the script (including the .script extension). " +
"The second argument must be a string with the hostname/IP of the target server. If the first argument is specified " +
"then the second argument must be specified as well. Any additional arguments passed to the function will specify " +
"the arguments passed into the target script.
" +
"getTimeSinceLastAug() " +
"Returns the amount of time in milliseconds that have passed since you last installed Augmentations (or destroyed a BitNode).
" +
"prompt(message) " +
"Prompts the player with a dialog box with two options: 'Yes' and 'No'. This function will returns true if " +
"the player clicks 'Yes' and false if the player click's 'No'. The script's execution is halted until the " +
"player selects 'Yes' or 'No'. The function takes a single string as an argument which specifies the text " +
"that appears on the dialog box.
" +
Hacknet Nodes API
" +
"Netscript provides the following API for accessing and upgrading your Hacknet Nodes through scripts. This API does NOT work offline.
" +
"hacknetnodes A special variable. This is an array that maps to the Player's Hacknet Nodes. The Hacknet Nodes are accessed through " +
"indexes. These indexes correspond to the number at the end of the name of the Hacknet Node. For example, the first Hacknet Node you purchase " +
"will have the same 'hacknet-node-0' and can be accessed with hacknetnodes[0]. The fourth Hacknet Node you purchase will have the name " +
"'hacknet-node-3' and can be accessed with hacknetnodes[3].
" +
"hacknetnodes.length Returns the number of Hacknet Nodes that the player owns
" +
"hacknetnodes[i].level Returns the level of the corresponding Hacknet Node
" +
"hacknetnodes[i].ram Returns the amount of RAM on the corresponding Hacknet Node
" +
"hacknetnodes[i].cores Returns the number of cores on the corresponding Hacknet Node
" +
"hacknetnodes[i].totalMoneyGenerated Returns the total amount of money that the corresponding Hacknet Node has earned
" +
"hacknetnodes[i].onlineTimeSeconds Returns the total amount of time that the corresponding Hacknet Node has existed
" +
"hacknetnodes[i].moneyGainRatePerSecond Returns the income ($ / sec) that the corresponding Hacknet Node earns
" +
"hacknetnodes[i].upgradeLevel(n) Tries to upgrade the level of the corresponding Hacknet Node n times. The argument n must be a " +
"positive integer. Returns true if the Hacknet Node's level is successfully upgraded n times or up to the max level (200), and false otherwise.
" +
"hacknetnodes[i].upgradeRam() Tries to upgrade the amount of RAM on the corresponding Hacknet Node. Returns true if the " +
"RAM is successfully upgraded, and false otherwise.
" +
"hacknetnodes[i].upgradeCore() Attempts to purchase an additional core for the corresponding Hacknet Node. Returns true if the " +
"additional core is successfully purchase, and false otherwise.
" +
"Example: The following is an example of one way a script can be used to automate the purchasing and upgrading of Hacknet Nodes. " +
"This script purchases new Hacknet Nodes until the player has four. Then, it iteratively upgrades each of those four Hacknet Nodes " +
"to a level of at least 75, RAM to at least 8GB, and number of cores to at least 2.
" +
"getStockPrice(sym) Returns the price of a stock. The argument passed in must be the stock's symbol (NOT THE COMPANY NAME!). The symbol " +
"is a sequence of two to four capital letters. The symbol argument must be a string.
" +
"Example: getStockPrice('FSIG');
" +
"getStockPosition(sym) Returns an array of two elements that represents the player's position in a stock. The first element " +
"in the array is the number of shares the player owns of the specified stock. The second element in the array is the average price of the player's " +
"shares. Both elements are numbers. The argument passed in must be the stock's symbol, which is a sequence of two to four capital letters.
"buyStock(sym, shares) Attempts to purchase shares of a stock using a Market Order. The first argument must be a string with the stock's symbol. The second argument " +
"must be the number of shares to purchase.
" +
"If the player does not have enough money to purchase specified number of shares, then no shares will be purchased (it will not purchase the most you can afford). " +
"Remember that every transaction on the stock exchange costs a certain commission fee.
" +
"If this function successfully purchases the shares, it will return the stock price at which each share was purchased. Otherwise, it will return 0.
" +
"sellStock(sym, shares) Attempts to sell shares of a stock using a Market Order. The first argument must be a string with the stock's symbol. The second argument " +
"must be the number of shares to sell.
" +
"If the specified number of shares in the function exceeds the amount that the player actually owns, then this function will sell all owned shares. " +
"Remember that every transaction on the stock exchange costs a certain commission fee.
" +
"The net profit made from selling stocks with this function is reflected in the script's statistics. This net profit is calculated as:
" +
"shares * (sell price - average price of purchased shares)
" +
"If the sale is successful, this function will return the stock price at which each share was sold. Otherwise, it will return 0.
" +
"shortStock(sym, shares) " +
"Attempts to purchase a short position of a stock using a Market Order. The first argument must be a string with the stock's symbol. The second argument " +
"must be the number of shares to purchase.
" +
"In order to use this function the player must be in BitNode-8 or must have Level 2 of Source-File 8.
" +
"If the player does not have enough money to purchase the specified number of shares, then no shares will be purchased. Remember that every " +
"every transaction on the stock exchange costs a certain commission fee.
" +
"If the purchase is successful, this function will return the stock price at which each share was purchased. Otherwise, it will return 0.
" +
"sellShort(sym, shares) " +
"Attempts to sell a short position of a stock using a Market Order. The first argument must be a string with the stock's symbol. The second argument must be the " +
"number of shares to sell.
" +
"In order to use this function the player must be in BitNode-8 or must have Level 2 of Source-File 8.
" +
"If the specified number of shares exceeds the amount that the player actually owns, then this function will sell all owned shares. " +
"Remember that every transaction on the stock exchange costs a certain commission fee.
" +
"If the sale was successful, this function will return the stock price at which each sale was sold. Otherwise, it will return 0.
" +
"placeOrder(sym, shares, price, type, pos) " +
"Places an order on the stock market. This function only works for Limit and Stop Orders. Use the buyStock/sellStock/shortStock/sellShort functions " +
"to place Market Orders. In order to use this function the player must be in BitNode-8 or must have Level 3 of Source-File 8.
" +
"The 'sym' argument must be a string with the symbol of the stock. The 'shares' and 'price' arguments " +
"specify the number of shares and the execution price for the order. They must be numeric.
" +
"The 'type' argument is a string that specifies the type of order. It must specify either 'limit' or 'stop', and must " +
"also specify 'buy' or 'sell'. This argument is NOT case-sensitive. Here are four examples that will work:
" +
"limitbuy, limitsell, stopbuy, stopsell
" +
"The last argument, 'pos', is a string that specifies whether the order is a 'Long' or 'Short' position. The values 'L' and " +
"'S' can also be used. This argument is NOT case-sensitive.
" +
"Returns true if the order is successfully placed, and false otherwise.
" +
"cancelOrder(sym, shares, price, type, pos) " +
"Cancels an oustanding order on the stock market. In order to use this function the player must be in BitNode-8 or must have " +
"Level 3 of Source-File 8. This function uses the same arguments as placeOrder()
" +
While loops
" +
"A while loop is a control flow statement that repeatedly executes code as long as a condition is met.
" +
"while ([cond]) { [code] }
" +
"As long as [cond] remains true, the code block [code] will continuously execute. Example:
" +
"i = 0; while (i < 10) { hack('foodnstuff'); i = i + 1; }
" +
"This code above repeats the 'hack('foodnstuff')' command 10 times before it stops and exits.
" +
"while(true) { hack('foodnstuff'); }
" +
"This while loop above is an infinite loop (continuously runs until the script is manually stopped) that repeatedly runs the 'hack('foodnstuff')' command. " +
"Note that a semicolon is needed at closing bracket of the while loop, UNLESS it is at the end of the code
" +
For loops
" +
"A for loop is another control flow statement that allows code to be repeated by iterations. The structure is:
" +
"for ([init]; [cond]; [post]) { code }
" +
"The [init] expression evaluates before the for loop begins. The for loop will continue to execute " +
"as long as [cond] is met. The [post] expression will evaluate at the end of every iteration " +
"of the for loop. The following example shows code that will run the 'hack('foodnstuff');' command 10 times " +
" using a for loop:
" +
"for (i = 0; i < 10; i = i++) { hack('foodnstuff'); }
" +
If statements
" +
"If/Else if/Else statements are conditional statements used to perform different actions based on different conditions:
" +
"In the code above, first condition1 will be checked. If this condition is true, then code1 will execute and the " +
"rest of the if/else if/else statement will be skipped. If condition1 is NOT true, then the code will then go on to check " +
"condition2. If condition2 is true, then code2 will be executed, and the rest of the if/else if/else statement " +
"will be skipped. If none of the conditions are true, then the code within the else block (code3) will be executed. " +
"Note that a conditional statement can have any number of 'else if' statements.
" +
"The code above will use the getServerMoneyAvailable() function to check how much money there is on the 'foodnstuff' server. " +
"If there is more than $200,000, then it will try to hack that server. If there is $200,000 or less on the server, " +
"then the code will call grow('foodnstuff') instead and add more money to the server.
TutorialSingularityFunctionsText: "
Singularity Functions
" +
"The Singularity Functions are a special set of Netscript functions that are unlocked in BitNode-4. " +
"These functions allow you to control many additional aspects of the game through scripts, such as " +
"working for factions/companies, purchasing/installing Augmentations, and creating programs.
" +
"If you are in BitNode-4, then you will automatically have access to all of these functions. " +
"You can use the Singularity Functions in other BitNodes if and only if you have the Source-File " +
"for BitNode-4 (aka Source-File 4). Each level of Source-File 4 will open up additional Singularity " +
"Functions that you can use in other BitNodes. If your Source-File 4 is upgraded all the way to level 3, " +
"then you will be able to access all of the Singularity Functions.
" +
"Note that Singularity Functions require a lot of RAM outside of BitNode-4 (their RAM costs are multiplied by " +
"10 if you are not in BitNode-4).
" +
"universityCourse(universityName, courseName) " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 1 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function will automatically set you to start taking a course at a university. If you are already " +
"in the middle of some 'working' action (such as working at a company, for a faction, or on a program), " +
"then running this function will automatically cancel that action and give you your earnings.
" +
"The first argument must be a string with the name of the university. The names are NOT case-sensitive. " +
"Note that you must be in the correct city for whatever university you specify. The three universities are:
" +
"Summit University Rothman University ZB Institute of Technology
" +
"The second argument must be a string with the name of the course you are taking. These names are NOT case-sensitive. " +
"The available courses are:
" +
"The cost and experience gains for all of these universities and classes are the same as if you were to manually " +
"visit and take these classes.
" +
"This function will return true if you successfully start taking the course, and false otherwise.
" +
"gymWorkout(gymName, stat) " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 1 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function will automatically set you to start working out at a gym to train a particular stat. If you are " +
"already in the middle of some 'working' action (such as working at a company, for a faction, or on a program), then " +
"running this function will automatically cancel that action and give you your earnings.
" +
"The first argument must be a string with the name of the gym. The names are NOT case-sensitive. Note that you must " +
"be in the correct city for whatever gym you specify. The available gyms are:
" +
"The second argument must be a string with the stat you want to work out. These are NOT case-sensitive. " +
"The valid stats are:
strength OR str defense OR def dexterity OR dex agility OR agi
" +
"The cost and experience gains for all of these gyms are the same as if you were to manually visit these gyms and train " +
"This function will return true if you successfully start working out at the gym, and false otherwise.
" +
"travelToCity(cityname) " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 1 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function allows the player to travel to any city. The cost for using this function is the same as the cost for traveling through the Travel Agency.
" +
"The argument passed into this must be a string with the name of the city to travel to. Note that this argument IS CASE SENSITIVE. The valid cities are:
" +
"Aevum Chongqing Sector-12 New Tokyo Ishima Volhaven
" +
"This function will return true if you successfully travel to the specified city and false otherwise.
" +
"purchaseTor() " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 1 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function allows you to automatically purchase a TOR router. The cost for purchasing a TOR router using this " +
"function is the same as if you were to manually purchase one.
" +
"This function will return true if it successfully purchase a TOR router and false otherwise.
" +
"purchaseProgram(programName) " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 1 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function allows you to automatically purchase programs. You MUST have a TOR router in order to use this function.
" +
"The argument passed in must be a string with the name of the program (including the '.exe' extension). This argument is " +
"NOT case-sensitive.
Example: " +
" +
"The cost of purchasing programs using this function is the same as if you were purchasing them through the Dark Web (using " +
"the buy Terminal command).
" +
"This function will return true if the specified program is purchased, and false otherwise.
" +
"getStats() If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 1 of Source-File 4 in order to run this " +
Returns an object with the Player's stats. The object has the following properties:
" +
"isBusy() If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 1 of Source-File 4 in order to run this " +
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the player is currently performing an 'action'. " +
"These actions include working for a company/faction, studying at a univeristy, working out at a gym, " +
"creating a program, or committing a crime.
" +
"stopAction() If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 1 of Source-File 4 in order to " +
"run this function.
This function is used to end whatever 'action' the player is currently performing. The player " +
"will receive whatever money/experience/etc. he has earned from that action. The actions that can be stopped with this function " +
" +
"-Studying at a university -Working for a company/faction -Creating a program -Committing a Crime
" +
"This function will return true if the player's action was ended. It will return false if the player was not " +
"performing an action when this function was called.
" +
"upgradeHomeRam() " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 2 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function will upgrade amount of RAM on the player's home computer. The cost is the same as if you were to do it manually.
" +
"This function will return true if the player's home computer RAM is successfully upgraded, and false otherwise.
" +
"getUpgradeHomeRamCost() " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 2 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"Returns the cost of upgrading the player's home computer RAM.
" +
"workForCompany() " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 2 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function will automatically set you to start working at the company at which you are employed. If you are already " +
"in the middle of some 'working' action (such as working for a faction, training at a gym, or creating a program), then " +
"running this function will automatically cancel that action and give you your earnings.
" +
"This function will return true if the player starts working, and false otherwise.
" +
"applyToCompany(companyName, field) " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 2 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function will automatically try to apply to the specified company for a position in the specified field. This " +
"function can also be used to apply for promotions by specifying the company and field you are already employed at.
" +
"The first argument must be a string with the name of the company. This argument IS CASE-SENSITIVE. The second argument must " +
"be a string representing the 'field' to which you want to apply. This second argument is NOT case-sensitive. Valid values for " +
"the second argument are:
" +
"software software consultant it security engineer network engineer business business consultant " +
"security agent employee part-time employee waiter part-time waiter
" +
"This function will return true if you successfully get a job/promotion, and false otherwise. Note " +
"that if you are trying to use this function to apply for a promotion and you don't get one, it will return false.
" +
"getCompanyRep(companyName) " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 2 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function will return the amount of reputation you have at the specified company. If the company passed in as " +
"an argument is invalid, -1 will be returned.
" +
"The argument passed in must be a string with the name of the company. This argument IS CASE-SENSITIVE.
" +
"checkFactionInvitations() " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 2 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"Returns an array with the name of all Factions you currently have oustanding invitations from.
" +
"joinFaction(name) " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 2 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function will automatically accept an invitation from a faction and join it.
" +
"The argument must be a string with the name of the faction. This name IS CASE-SENSITIVE.
" +
"workForFaction(factionName, workType) " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 2 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function will automatically set you to start working for the specified Faction. Obviously, you " +
"must be a member of the Faction or else this function will fail. If you are already in the middle of " +
"some 'working' action (such as working for a company, training at a gym, or creating a program), then running " +
"this function will automatically cancel that action and give you your earnings.
" +
"The first argument must be a string with the name of the faction. This argument IS CASE-SENSITIVE. The second argument " +
"must be a string with the type of work you want to perform for the faction. The valid values for this argument are:
" +
" hacking/hacking contracts/hackingcontracts field/fieldwork/field work security/securitywork/security work
" +
"This function will return true if you successfully start working for the specified faction, and false otherwise.
" +
"getFactionRep(factionName) " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 2 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function returns the amount of reputation you have for the specified Faction. The argument must be a " +
"string with the name of the Faction. The argument IS CASE-SENSITIVE.
" +
"createProgram(programName) " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 3 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function will automatically set you to start working on creating the specified program. If you are already in " +
"the middle of some 'working' action (such as working for a company, training at a gym, or taking a course), then " +
"running this function will automatically cancel that action and give you your earnings.
" +
"The argument passed in must be a string designating the name of the program. This argument is NOT case-sensitive.
" +
" +
"Note that creating a program using this function has the same hacking level requirements as it normally would. These level requirements are:
" +
"This function returns true if you successfully start working on the specified program, and false otherwise.
" +
"commitCrime(crime) " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 3 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function is used to automatically attempt to commit crimes. If you are already in the middle of some 'working' " +
"action (such as working for a company or training at a gym), then running this function will automatically cancel " +
"that action and give you your earnings.
" +
"The function takes a string that specifies what crime to attempt. This argument is not case-sensitive and is fairly " +
"lenient in terms of what inputs it accepts. Here is a list of valid inputs for all of the crimes:
" +
"shoplift, rob store, mug, larceny, deal drugs, bond forgery, traffick arms, homicide, grand theft auto, " +
"kidnap, assassinate, heist
" +
"Crimes committed using this function will have all of their earnings halved (this applies for both money and experience!)
" +
"This function returns the number of seconds it takes to attempt the specified crime (e.g It takes 60 seconds to attempt " +
"the 'Rob Store' crime, so running commitCrime('rob store') will return 60). Warning: I do not recommend using the time " +
"returned from this function to try and schedule your crime attempts. Instead, I would use the isBusy() Singularity function " +
"to check whether you have finished attempting a crime. This is because although the game sets a certain crime to be X amount of seconds, " +
"there is no guarantee that your browser will follow that time limit.
" +
"getCrimeChance(crime) If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 3 of Source-File 4 in order to " +
"use this function.
" +
"This function returns your chance of success at commiting the specified crime. The chance is returned as a decimal " +
"(i.e. 60% would be returned as 0.6). The argument for this function is a string. It is not case-sensitive and is fairly " +
"lenient in terms of what inputs it accepts. Check the documentation for the commitCrime() Singularity Function to see " +
"examples of valid inputs.
" +
"getOwnedAugmentations(purchased=false) " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 3 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function returns an array of the names of all Augmentations you own as strings. It takes a single optional " +
"boolean argument that specifies whether the returned array should include Augmentations you have purchased " +
"but not yet installed. If it is true, then the returned array will include these Augmentations. By default, " +
"this argument is false.
" +
"getAugmentationsFromFaction(facName) " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 3 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"Returns an array containing the names (as strings) of all Augmentations that are available from the specified faction. " +
"The argument must be a string with the faction's name. This argument is case-sensitive.
" +
"getAugmentationCost(augName) " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 3 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function returns an array with two elements that gives the cost for the specified Augmentation" +
". The first element in the returned array is the reputation requirement of the Augmentation, and the second element " +
"is the money cost.
" +
"The argument passed in must be a string with the name of the Augmentation. This argument IS CASE-SENSITIVE. " +
"If an invalid Augmentation name is passed in, this function will return the array [-1, -1].
" +
"purchaseAugmentation(factionName, augName) " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 3 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function will try to purchase the specified Augmentation through the given Faction.
" +
"The two arguments must be strings specifying the name of the Faction and Augmentation, respectively. These arguments are both CASE-SENSITIVE.
" +
"This function will return true if the Augmentation is successfully purchased, and false otherwise.
" +
"installAugmentations(cbScript) " +
"If you are not in BitNode-4, then you must have Level 3 of Source-File 4 in order to use this function.
" +
"This function will automatically install your Augmentations, resetting the game as usual.
" +
"It will return true if successful, and false otherwise.
" +
"This function takes a single optional parameter that specifies a callback script. This is " +
"a script that will automatically be run after Augmentations are installed (after the reset). " +
"This script will be run with no arguments and 1 thread. It must be located on your home computer. This argument, if used, " +
"must be a string with the name of the script.",
TutorialTravelingText:"There are six major cities in the world that you are able to travel to:
" +
"To travel between cities, visit your current city's travel agency through the 'World' page. " +
"From the travel agency you can travel to any other city. Doing so costs money.
" +
"Each city has its own set of companies and unique locations. Also, certain content is only available to you " +
"if you are in certain cities, so get exploring!",
TutorialCompaniesText: "Hacking is not the only way to gain money and experience! Located around the world are many " +
"different companies which you can work for. By working for a company you can earn money, " +
"train your various labor skills, and unlock powerful passive perks.
" +
"To apply for a job, visit the company you want to work for through the 'World' menu. The company " +
"page will have options that let you apply to positions in the company. There might be several different " +
"positions you can apply for, ranging from software engineer to business analyst to security officer.
" +
"When you apply for a job, you will get the offer if your stats are high enough. Your first position at " +
"a company will be an entry-level position such as 'intern'. Once you get the job, an button will appear on " +
"the company page that allows you to work for the company. Click this button to start working.
" +
"Working occurs in 8 hour shifts. Once you start working, you will begin earning money, experience, " +
"and reputation. The rate at which you money and experience depends on the company and your position. " +
"The amount of reputation you gain for your company is based on your job performance, which is affected by " +
"your stats. Different positions value different stats. When you are working, you are unable to perform any " +
"other actions such as using your terminal or visiting other locations (However, note that any scripts you have " +
"running on servers will continue to run as you work!). It is possible to cancel your work shift before the " +
"8 hours is up. However, if you have a full-time job, then cancelling a shift early will result in you gaining " +
"only half of the reputation " +
"that you had earned up to that point. There are also part-time/consultant jobs available where you will not " +
" be penalized if you cancel a work shift early. However, these positions pay less than full-time positions.
" +
"As you continue to work at a company, you will gain more and more reputation at that company. When your stats " +
"and reputation are high enough, you can get a promotion. You can apply for a promotion on the company page, just like " +
"you applied for the job originally. Higher positions at a company provide better salaries and stat gains.
" +
Infiltrating Companies
" +
"Many companies have facilities that you can attempt to infiltrate. By infiltrating, you can steal classified company secrets " +
"and then sell these for money or for faction reputation. To try and infiltrate a company, visit a company through the " +
"'World' menu. There will be an option that says 'Infiltrate Company'.
" +
"When infiltrating a company, you must progress through clearance levels in the facility. Every clearance level " +
"has some form of security that you must get past. There are several forms of security, ranging from high-tech security systems to " +
"armed guards. For each form of security, there are a variety of options that you can choose to try and bypass the security. Examples " +
"include hacking the security, engaging in combat, assassination, or sneaking past the security. The chance to succeed for each option " +
"is determined in part by your stats. So, for example, trying to hack the security system relies on your hacking skill, whereas trying to " +
"sneak past the security relies on your agility level.
" +
"The facility has a 'security level' that affects your chance of success when trying to get past a clearance level. " +
"Every time you advance to the next clearance level, the facility's security level will increase by a fixed amount. Furthermore " +
"the options you choose and whether you succeed or fail will affect the security level as well. For example, " +
"if you try to kill a security guard and fail, the security level will increase by a lot. If you choose to sneak past " +
"security and succeed, the security level will not increase at all.
" +
"Every 5 clearance levels, you will steal classified company secrets that can be sold for money or faction reputation. However, " +
"in order to sell these secrets you must successfully escape the facility using the 'Escape' option. Furthermore, companies have " +
"a max clearance level. If you reach the max clearance level you will automatically escape the facility with all of your " +
"stolen secrets.
TutorialFactionsText: "Throughout the game you may receive invitations from factions. There are many different factions, and each faction " +
"has different criteria for determining its potential members. Joining a faction and furthering its cause is crucial " +
"to progressing in the game and unlocking endgame content.
" +
"It is possible to join multiple factions if you receive invitations from them. However, note that joining a faction " +
"may prevent you from joining other rival factions.
" +
"The 'Factions' link on the menu brings up a list of all factions that you have joined. " +
"You can select a Faction on this list to go to that Faction page. This page displays general " +
"information about the Faction and also lets you perform work for the faction. " +
"Working for a Faction is similar to working for a company except that you don't get paid a salary. " +
"You will only earn reputation in your Faction and train your stats. Also, cancelling work early " +
"when working for a Faction does NOT result in reduced experience/reputation earnings.
" +
"Earning reputation for a Faction unlocks powerful Augmentations. Purchasing and installing these Augmentations will " +
"upgrade your abilities. The Augmentations that are available to unlock vary from faction to faction.",
TutorialAugmentationsText: "Advances in science and medicine have lead to powerful new technologies that allow people to augment themselves " +
"beyond normal human capabilities. There are many different types of Augmentations, ranging from cybernetic to " +
"genetic to biological. Acquiring these Augmentations enhances the user's physical and mental faculties.
" +
"Because of how powerful these Augmentations are, the technology behind them is kept private and secret by the " +
"corporations and organizations that create them. Therefore, the only way for the player to obtain Augmentations is " +
"through Factions. After joining a Faction and earning enough reputation in it, you will be able to purchase " +
"its Augmentations. Different Factions offer different Augmentations. Augmentations must be purchased in order to be installed, " +
"and they are fairly expensive.
" +
"When you purchase an Augmentation, the price of purchasing another Augmentation increases by 90%. This multiplier stacks for " +
"each Augmentation you purchase. You will not gain the benefits of your purchased Augmentations until you install them. You can " +
"choose to install Augmentations through the 'Augmentations' menu tab. Once you install your purchased Augmentations, " +
"their costs are reset back to the original price.
" +
"Unfortunately, installing Augmentations has side effects. You will lose most of the progress you've made, including your " +
"skills, stats, and money. You will have to start over, but you will have all of the Augmentations you have installed to " +
"help you progress.
" +
"To summarize, here is a list of everything you will LOSE when you install an Augmentation:
" +
"Stats/Skills " +
"Money " +
"Scripts on all servers EXCEPT your home computer " +
"Purchased servers " +
"Hacknet Nodes " +
"Company/faction reputation " +
"Jobs and Faction memberships " +
"Programs " +
"Stocks " +
"TOR router
" +
"Here is everything you will KEEP when you install an Augmentation:
" +
"Every Augmentation you have installed " +
"Scripts on your home computer " +
"RAM and CPU Core Upgrades on your home computer " +
"World Stock Exchange account and TIX API Access ",
"v0.35.2 " +
"* Corporation Changes: " +
"*** Fixed an issue with Warehouse upgrade cost. Should now be significantly cheaper than before. " +
"*** Scientific Research now has a slightly more significant effect on Product quality " +
"*** The Energy and Water Utilities industries are now slightly more profitable " +
"*** The Robotics and Computer Hardware industries are now less profitable " +
"*** The Software industry is slightly less profitable " +
"*** When selling Materials and Products, the 'PROD' qualifier can now be used " +
"to set dynamic sell amounts based on your production " +
"*** Exporting MAX should now work properly " +
"*** You can no longer export past storage limits " +
"*** Scientific Research production reduced " +
"*** Effects of AdVert. Inc upgrade were reduced, but the effect that popularity and " +
"awareness have on sales was increased to compensate (popularity/awareness numbers were getting " +
"too big with Advert. Inc) " +
"*** Bug Fix: Products from Computer Hardware division should now properly have ratings " +
"* Improved Augmentation UI/UX. Now contains collapsible headers and sort buttons " +
"* Improved Faction Augmentations display UI/UX. Now contains sort buttons. There is also an option " +
"to disable confirmation when purchasing Augmentations "
/***/ }),
/* 5 */
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/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__ = __webpack_require__(18);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__Gang_js__ = __webpack_require__(45);
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/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__Prestige_js__ = __webpack_require__(59);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__RedPill_js__ = __webpack_require__(58);
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/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__StockMarket_js__ = __webpack_require__(46);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__Terminal_js__ = __webpack_require__(24);
/* Shortcuts to navigate through the game
* Alt-t - Terminal
* Alt-c - Character
* Alt-e - Script editor
* Alt-s - Active scripts
* Alt-h - Hacknet Nodes
* Alt-w - City
* Alt-j - Job
* Alt-r - Travel Agency of current city
* Alt-p - Create program
* Alt-f - Factions
* Alt-a - Augmentations
* Alt-u - Tutorial
* Alt-o - Options
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
if (!__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].isWorking && !__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_26__RedPill_js__["b" /* redPillFlag */] && !__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__Missions_js__["c" /* inMission */]) {
if (e.keyCode == 84 && e.altKey) {
} else if (e.keyCode == 67 && e.altKey) {
} else if (e.keyCode == 69 && e.altKey) {
} else if (e.keyCode == 83 && e.altKey) {
} else if (e.keyCode == 72 && e.altKey) {
} else if (e.keyCode == 87 && e.altKey) {
} else if (e.keyCode == 74 && e.altKey) {
} else if (e.keyCode == 82 && e.altKey) {
} else if (e.keyCode == 80 && e.altKey) {
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//Overriden by Fconf
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} else if (e.keyCode == 65 && e.altKey) {
} else if (e.keyCode == 85 && e.altKey) {
if (e.keyCode == 79 && e.altKey) {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_GameOptions_js__["b" /* gameOptionsBoxOpen */])();
let Engine = {
version: "",
Debug: true,
//Clickable objects
Clickables: {
//Main menu buttons
terminalMainMenuButton: null,
characterMainMenuButton: null,
scriptEditorMainMenuButton: null,
activeScriptsMainMenuButton: null,
hacknetNodesMainMenuButton: null,
worldMainMenuButton: null,
travelMainMenuButton: null,
jobMainMenuButton: null,
createProgramMainMenuButton: null,
factionsMainMenuButton: null,
augmentationsMainMenuButton: null,
tutorialMainMenuButton: null,
saveMainMenuButton: null,
deleteMainMenuButton: null,
//Tutorial buttons
tutorialNetworkingButton: null,
tutorialHackingButton: null,
tutorialScriptsButton: null,
tutorialNetscriptButton: null,
tutorialTravelingButton: null,
tutorialCompaniesButton: null,
tutorialFactionsButton: null,
tutorialAugmentationsButton: null,
tutorialBackButton: null,
//Display objects
Display: {
//Progress bar
progress: null,
//Display for status text (such as "Saved" or "Loaded")
statusText: null,
hacking_skill: null,
//Main menu content
terminalContent: null,
characterContent: null,
scriptEditorContent: null,
activeScriptsContent: null,
hacknetNodesContent: null,
worldContent: null,
createProgramContent: null,
factionsContent: null,
factionContent: null,
factionAugmentationsContent: null,
augmentationsContent: null,
tutorialContent: null,
infiltrationContent: null,
stockMarketContent: null,
locationContent: null,
workInProgressContent: null,
redPillContent: null,
missionContent: null,
//Character info
characterInfo: null,
//Current page status
Page: {
Terminal: "Terminal",
CharacterInfo: "CharacterInfo",
ScriptEditor: "ScriptEditor",
ActiveScripts: "ActiveScripts",
HacknetNodes: "HacknetNodes",
World: "World",
CreateProgram: "CreateProgram",
Factions: "Factions",
Faction: "Faction",
Augmentations: "Augmentations",
Tutorial: "Tutorial",
Location: "Location",
workInProgress: "WorkInProgress",
RedPill: "RedPill",
Infiltration: "Infiltration",
StockMarket: "StockMarket",
Gang: "Gang",
Mission: "Mission",
Corporation: "Corporation",
currentPage: null,
//Time variables (milliseconds unix epoch time)
_lastUpdate: new Date().getTime(),
_idleSpeed: 200, //Speed (in ms) at which the main loop is updated
/* Load content when a main menu button is clicked */
loadTerminalContent: function() {
Engine.Display.terminalContent.style.display = "block";
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Terminal;
loadCharacterContent: function() {
Engine.Display.characterContent.style.display = "block";
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.CharacterInfo;
loadScriptEditorContent: function(filename = "", code = "") {
Engine.Display.scriptEditorContent.style.display = "block";
var editor = ace.edit('javascript-editor');
if (filename != "") {
document.getElementById("script-editor-filename").value = filename;
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__Script_js__["g" /* updateScriptEditorContent */])();
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.ScriptEditor;
loadActiveScriptsContent: function() {
Engine.Display.activeScriptsContent.style.display = "block";
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ActiveScriptsUI_js__["c" /* setActiveScriptsClickHandlers */])();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ActiveScriptsUI_js__["d" /* updateActiveScriptsItems */])();
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.ActiveScripts;
loadHacknetNodesContent: function() {
Engine.Display.hacknetNodesContent.style.display = "block";
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__HacknetNode_js__["b" /* displayHacknetNodesContent */])();
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.HacknetNodes;
loadWorldContent: function() {
Engine.Display.worldContent.style.display = "block";
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.World;
loadCreateProgramContent: function() {
Engine.Display.createProgramContent.style.display = "block";
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__CreateProgram_js__["b" /* displayCreateProgramContent */])();
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.CreateProgram;
loadFactionsContent: function() {
Engine.Display.factionsContent.style.display = "block";
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Factions;
loadFactionContent: function() {
Engine.Display.factionContent.style.display = "block";
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Faction;
loadAugmentationsContent: function() {
Engine.Display.augmentationsContent.style.display = "block";
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__Augmentations_js__["g" /* displayAugmentationsContent */])();
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Augmentations;
loadTutorialContent: function() {
Engine.Display.tutorialContent.style.display = "block";
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Tutorial;
loadLocationContent: function() {
Engine.Display.locationContent.style.display = "block";
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["b" /* displayLocationContent */])();
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Location;
loadTravelContent: function() {
switch(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].city) {
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Aevum:
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].location = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].AevumTravelAgency;
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Chongqing:
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].location = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].ChongqingTravelAgency;
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Sector12:
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].location = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Sector12TravelAgency;
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].NewTokyo:
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].location = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].NewTokyoTravelAgency;
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Ishima:
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].location = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].IshimaTravelAgency;
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Volhaven:
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].location = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].VolhavenTravelAgency;
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("ERROR: Invalid city. This is a bug please contact game dev");
loadJobContent: function() {
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].companyName == "") {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("You do not currently have a job! You can visit various companies " +
"in the city and try to find a job.");
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].location = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].companyName;
loadWorkInProgressContent: function() {
var mainMenu = document.getElementById("mainmenu-container");
//mainMenu.style.visibility = "hidden";
mainMenu.style.visibility = "hidden";
Engine.Display.workInProgressContent.style.display = "block";
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.WorkInProgress;
loadRedPillContent: function() {
var mainMenu = document.getElementById("mainmenu-container");
mainMenu.style.visibility = "hidden";
Engine.Display.redPillContent.style.display = "block";
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.RedPill;
loadInfiltrationContent: function() {
Engine.Display.infiltrationContent.style.display = "block";
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Infiltration;
loadStockMarketContent: function() {
Engine.Display.stockMarketContent.style.display = "block";
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.StockMarket;
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__StockMarket_js__["f" /* displayStockMarketContent */])();
loadGangContent: function() {
if (document.getElementById("gang-container") || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].inGang()) {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__Gang_js__["d" /* displayGangContent */])();
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Gang;
} else {
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Terminal;
loadMissionContent: function() {
document.getElementById("mainmenu-container").style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("character-overview-wrapper").style.visibility = "hidden";
Engine.Display.missionContent.style.display = "block";
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Mission;
loadCorporationContent: function() {
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].corporation instanceof __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__CompanyManagement_js__["a" /* Corporation */]) {
document.getElementById("character-overview-wrapper").style.visibility = "hidden";
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].corporation.createUI();
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Corporation;
//Helper function that hides all content
hideAllContent: function() {
Engine.Display.terminalContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.characterContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.scriptEditorContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.activeScriptsContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.hacknetNodesContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.worldContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.createProgramContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.factionsContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.factionContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.factionAugmentationsContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.augmentationsContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.tutorialContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.locationContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.workInProgressContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.redPillContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.infiltrationContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.stockMarketContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.missionContent.style.display = "none";
if (document.getElementById("gang-container")) {
document.getElementById("gang-container").style.display = "none";
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].corporation instanceof __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__CompanyManagement_js__["a" /* Corporation */]) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].corporation.clearUI();
//Location lists
Engine.aevumLocationsList.style.display = "none";
Engine.chongqingLocationsList.style.display = "none";
Engine.sector12LocationsList.style.display = "none";
Engine.newTokyoLocationsList.style.display = "none";
Engine.ishimaLocationsList.style.display = "none";
Engine.volhavenLocationsList.style.display = "none";
//Make nav menu tabs inactive
displayCharacterOverviewInfo: function() {
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].hp == null) {__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].hp = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].max_hp;}
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].intelligence >= 1) {
document.getElementById("character-overview-text").innerHTML =
("Hp: " + __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].hp + " / " + __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].max_hp + " " +
"Money: " + __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_numeral_min_js___default()(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].money.toNumber()).format('($0.000a)') + " " +
"Hack: " + (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].hacking_skill).toLocaleString() + " " +
"Str: " + (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].strength).toLocaleString() + " " +
"Def: " + (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].defense).toLocaleString() + " " +
"Dex: " + (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].dexterity).toLocaleString() + " " +
"Agi: " + (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].agility).toLocaleString() + " " +
"Cha: " + (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].charisma).toLocaleString() + " " +
"Int: " + (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].intelligence).toLocaleString()
).replace( / /g, " " );
} else {
document.getElementById("character-overview-text").innerHTML =
("Hp: " + __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].hp + " / " + __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].max_hp + " " +
"Money: " + __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__utils_numeral_min_js___default()(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].money.toNumber()).format('($0.000a)') + " " +
"Hack: " + (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].hacking_skill).toLocaleString() + " " +
"Str: " + (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].strength).toLocaleString() + " " +
"Def: " + (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].defense).toLocaleString() + " " +
"Dex: " + (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].dexterity).toLocaleString() + " " +
"Agi: " + (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].agility).toLocaleString() + " " +
"Cha: " + (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].charisma).toLocaleString()
).replace( / /g, " " );
/* Display character info */
displayCharacterInfo: function() {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["k" /* removeChildrenFromElement */])(Engine.Display.characterInfo);
var companyPosition = "";
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].companyPosition != "") {
companyPosition = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].companyPosition.positionName;
var intText = "";
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].intelligence > 0) {
intText = 'Intelligence: ' + (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].intelligence).toLocaleString() + "
' +
'Servers owned: ' + __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].purchasedServers.length + ' ' +
'Hacknet Nodes owned: ' + __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].hacknetNodes.length + ' ' +
'Augmentations installed: ' + __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].augmentations.length + ' ' +
'Time played since last Augmentation: ' + Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__["b" /* convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString */])(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].playtimeSinceLastAug) + ' ' +
'Time played: ' + Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__["b" /* convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString */])(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].totalPlaytime),
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].sourceFiles.length !== 0) {
var index = "BitNode" + __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].bitNodeN;
Engine.Display.characterInfo.appendChild(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("p", {
" Current BitNode: " + __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].bitNodeN + " (" + __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__BitNode_js__["b" /* BitNodes */][index].name + ")
Engine.Display.characterInfo.appendChild(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("p", {
width:"60%", fontSize: "13px", marginLeft:"4%",
innerHTML:__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__BitNode_js__["b" /* BitNodes */][index].info,
/* Display locations in the world*/
aevumLocationsList: null,
chongqingLocationsList: null,
sector12LocationsList: null,
newTokyoLocationsList: null,
ishimaLocationsList: null,
volhavenLocationsList: null,
displayWorldInfo: function() {
Engine.aevumLocationsList.style.display = "none";
Engine.chongqingLocationsList.style.display = "none";
Engine.sector12LocationsList.style.display = "none";
Engine.newTokyoLocationsList.style.display = "none";
Engine.ishimaLocationsList.style.display = "none";
Engine.volhavenLocationsList.style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("world-city-name").innerHTML = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].city;
var cityDesc = document.getElementById("world-city-desc"); //TODO
switch(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].city) {
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Aevum:
Engine.aevumLocationsList.style.display = "inline";
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Chongqing:
Engine.chongqingLocationsList.style.display = "inline";
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Sector12:
Engine.sector12LocationsList.style.display = "inline";
//City hall only in BitNode-3/with Source-File 3
if ((__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].bitNodeN === 3 || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__NetscriptFunctions_js__["c" /* hasCorporationSF */]) && __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].bitNodeN !== 8) {
document.getElementById("sector12-cityhall-li").style.display = "block";
} else {
document.getElementById("sector12-cityhall-li").style.display = "none";
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].NewTokyo:
Engine.newTokyoLocationsList.style.display = "inline";
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Ishima:
Engine.ishimaLocationsList.style.display = "inline";
case __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].Volhaven:
Engine.volhavenLocationsList.style.display = "inline";
console.log("Invalid city value in Player object!");
//Generic Locations (common to every city):
// World Stock Exchange
// Corporation (if applicable)
var genericLocationsList = document.getElementById("generic-locations-list");
genericLocationsList.style.display = "inline";
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["k" /* removeChildrenFromElement */])(genericLocationsList);
var li = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("li");
li.appendChild(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("a", {
innerText:"World Stock Exchange", class:"a-link-button",
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].location = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["a" /* Locations */].WorldStockExchange;
return false;
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].corporation instanceof __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__CompanyManagement_js__["a" /* Corporation */] && document.getElementById("location-corporation-button") == null) {
var li = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("li");
li.appendChild(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("a", {
innerText:__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].corporation.name, id:"location-corporation-button",
return false;
displayFactionsInfo: function() {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["k" /* removeChildrenFromElement */])(Engine.Display.factionsContent);
Engine.Display.factionsContent.appendChild(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("h1", {
Engine.Display.factionsContent.appendChild(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("p", {
innerText:"Lists all factions you have joined"
var factionsList = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("ul");
Engine.Display.factionsContent.appendChild(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("br"));
//Add a button for each faction you are a member of
for (var i = 0; i < __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].factions.length; ++i) {
(function () {
var factionName = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].factions[i];
factionsList.appendChild(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("a", {
class:"a-link-button", innerText:factionName, padding:"4px", margin:"4px",
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__Faction_js__["c" /* displayFactionContent */])(factionName);
return false;
factionsList.appendChild(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("br"));
}()); //Immediate invocation
Engine.Display.factionsContent.appendChild(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("br"));
//Invited Factions
Engine.Display.factionsContent.appendChild(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("h1", {
innerText:"Outstanding Faction Invitations"
Engine.Display.factionsContent.appendChild(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("p", {
innerText:"Lists factions you have been invited to, as well as " +
"factions you have previously rejected. You can accept " +
"these faction invitations at any time."
var invitationsList = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("ul");
//Add a button to accept for each faction you have invitiations for
for (var i = 0; i < __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].factionInvitations.length; ++i) {
(function () {
var factionName = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].factionInvitations[i];
var item = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("li", {padding:"6px", margin:"6px"});
item.appendChild(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("p", {
innerText:factionName, display:"inline", margin:"4px", padding:"4px"
item.appendChild(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["f" /* createElement */])("a", {
innerText:"Accept Faction Invitation",
class:"a-link-button", display:"inline", margin:"4px", padding:"4px",
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__Faction_js__["h" /* joinFaction */])(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */][factionName]);
for (var i = 0; i < __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].factionInvitations.length; ++i) {
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].factionInvitations[i] == factionName) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].factionInvitations.splice(i, 1);
return false;
displayTutorialContent: function() {
document.getElementById("tutorial-getting-started-link").style.display = "block";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialNetworkingButton.style.display = "block";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialHackingButton.style.display = "block";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialScriptsButton.style.display = "block";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialNetscriptButton.style.display = "block";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialTravelingButton.style.display = "block";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialCompaniesButton.style.display = "block";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialFactionsButton.style.display = "block";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialAugmentationsButton.style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("tutorial-shortcuts-link").style.display = "block";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialBackButton.style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("tutorial-text").style.display = "none";
//Displays the text when a section of the Tutorial is opened
displayTutorialPage: function(text) {
document.getElementById("tutorial-getting-started-link").style.display = "none";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialNetworkingButton.style.display = "none";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialHackingButton.style.display = "none";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialScriptsButton.style.display = "none";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialNetscriptButton.style.display = "none";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialTravelingButton.style.display = "none";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialCompaniesButton.style.display = "none";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialFactionsButton.style.display = "none";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialAugmentationsButton.style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("tutorial-shortcuts-link").style.display = "none";
Engine.Clickables.tutorialBackButton.style.display = "inline-block";
document.getElementById("tutorial-text").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("tutorial-text").innerHTML = text;
/* Main Event Loop */
idleTimer: function() {
//Get time difference
var _thisUpdate = new Date().getTime();
var diff = _thisUpdate - Engine._lastUpdate;
var offset = diff % Engine._idleSpeed;
//Divide this by cycle time to determine how many cycles have elapsed since last update
diff = Math.floor(diff / Engine._idleSpeed);
if (diff > 0) {
//Update the game engine by the calculated number of cycles
Engine._lastUpdate = _thisUpdate - offset;
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].lastUpdate = _thisUpdate - offset;
updateGame: function(numCycles = 1) {
//Update total playtime
var time = numCycles * Engine._idleSpeed;
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].totalPlaytime == null) {__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].totalPlaytime = 0;}
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].playtimeSinceLastAug == null) {__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].playtimeSinceLastAug = 0;}
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].totalPlaytime += time;
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].playtimeSinceLastAug += time;
//Start Manual hack
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].startAction == true) {
Engine._totalActionTime = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].actionTime;
Engine._actionTimeLeft = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].actionTime;
Engine._actionInProgress = true;
Engine._actionProgressBarCount = 1;
Engine._actionProgressStr = "[ ]";
Engine._actionTimeStr = "Time left: ";
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].startAction = false;
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].isWorking) {
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workType == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeFaction) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workForFaction(numCycles);
} else if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workType == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeCreateProgram) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].createProgramWork(numCycles);
} else if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workType == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeStudyClass) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].takeClass(numCycles);
} else if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workType == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeCrime) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].commitCrime(numCycles);
} else if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workType == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeCompanyPartTime) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workPartTime(numCycles);
} else {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].work(numCycles);
//Gang, if applicable
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].bitNodeN == 2 && __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].inGang()) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].gang.process(numCycles);
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__Missions_js__["c" /* inMission */] && __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__Missions_js__["b" /* currMission */]) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_21__Missions_js__["b" /* currMission */].process(numCycles);
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].corporation instanceof __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__CompanyManagement_js__["a" /* Corporation */]) {
//Stores cycles in a "buffer". Processed separately using Engine Counters
//This is to avoid constant DOM redraws when Corporation is catching up
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].corporation.storeCycles(numCycles);
//Manual hacks
if (Engine._actionInProgress == true) {
//Update the running time of all active scripts
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__NetscriptWorker_js__["g" /* updateOnlineScriptTimes */])(numCycles);
//Hacknet Nodes
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__HacknetNode_js__["d" /* processAllHacknetNodeEarnings */])(numCycles);
//Counters for the main event loop. Represent the number of game cycles are required
//for something to happen.
Counters: {
autoSaveCounter: 300, //Autosave every minute
updateSkillLevelsCounter: 10, //Only update skill levels every 2 seconds. Might improve performance
updateDisplays: 3, //Update displays such as Active Scripts display and character display
updateDisplaysMed: 9,
updateDisplaysLong: 15,
createProgramNotifications: 10, //Checks whether any programs can be created and notifies
checkFactionInvitations: 100, //Check whether you qualify for any faction invitations
passiveFactionGrowth: 600,
messages: 150,
stockTick: 30, //Update stock prices
sCr: 1500,
corpProcess: 5,
decrementAllCounters: function(numCycles = 1) {
for (var counter in Engine.Counters) {
if (Engine.Counters.hasOwnProperty(counter)) {
Engine.Counters[counter] = Engine.Counters[counter] - numCycles;
//Checks if any counters are 0 and if they are, executes whatever
//is necessary and then resets the counter
checkCounters: function() {
if (Engine.Counters.autoSaveCounter <= 0) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__SaveObject_js__["b" /* saveObject */].saveGame(indexedDb);
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__Settings_js__["a" /* Settings */].AutosaveInterval == null) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__Settings_js__["a" /* Settings */].AutosaveInterval = 60;
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__Settings_js__["a" /* Settings */].AutosaveInterval === 0) {
Engine.Counters.autoSaveCounter = Infinity;
} else {
Engine.Counters.autoSaveCounter = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__Settings_js__["a" /* Settings */].AutosaveInterval * 5;
if (Engine.Counters.updateSkillLevelsCounter <= 0) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].updateSkillLevels();
Engine.Counters.updateSkillLevelsCounter = 10;
if (Engine.Counters.updateDisplays <= 0) {
if (Engine.currentPage == Engine.Page.CharacterInfo) {
} else if (Engine.currentPage == Engine.Page.HacknetNodes) {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__HacknetNode_js__["f" /* updateHacknetNodesContent */])();
} else if (Engine.currentPage == Engine.Page.CreateProgram) {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__CreateProgram_js__["b" /* displayCreateProgramContent */])();
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__utils_LogBox_js__["b" /* logBoxOpened */]) {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__utils_LogBox_js__["c" /* logBoxUpdateText */])();
Engine.Counters.updateDisplays = 3;
if (Engine.Counters.updateDisplaysMed <= 0) {
if (Engine.currentPage == Engine.Page.ActiveScripts) {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ActiveScriptsUI_js__["d" /* updateActiveScriptsItems */])();
} else if (Engine.currentPage === Engine.Page.Corporation) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].corporation.updateUIContent();
Engine.Counters.updateDisplaysMed = 9;
if (Engine.Counters.updateDisplaysLong <= 0) {
if (Engine.currentPage === Engine.Page.Gang) {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_16__Gang_js__["g" /* updateGangContent */])();
} else if (Engine.currentPage === Engine.Page.ScriptEditor) {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__Script_js__["g" /* updateScriptEditorContent */])();
Engine.Counters.updateDisplaysLong = 15;
if (Engine.Counters.createProgramNotifications <= 0) {
var num = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__CreateProgram_js__["c" /* getNumAvailableCreateProgram */])();
var elem = document.getElementById("create-program-notification");
if (num > 0) {
elem.innerHTML = num;
elem.setAttribute("class", "notification-on");
} else {
elem.innerHTML = "";
elem.setAttribute("class", "notification-off");
Engine.Counters.createProgramNotifications = 10;
if (Engine.Counters.checkFactionInvitations <= 0) {
var invitedFactions = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].checkForFactionInvitations();
if (invitedFactions.length > 0) {
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].firstFacInvRecvd === false) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].firstFacInvRecvd = true;
document.getElementById("factions-tab").style.display = "list-item";
var randFaction = invitedFactions[Math.floor(Math.random() * invitedFactions.length)];
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__Faction_js__["g" /* inviteToFaction */])(randFaction);
Engine.Counters.checkFactionInvitations = 100;
if (Engine.Counters.passiveFactionGrowth <= 0) {
var adjustedCycles = Math.floor((600 - Engine.Counters.passiveFactionGrowth));
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__Faction_js__["j" /* processPassiveFactionRepGain */])(adjustedCycles);
Engine.Counters.passiveFactionGrowth = 600;
if (Engine.Counters.messages <= 0) {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__Message_js__["c" /* checkForMessagesToSend */])();
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__Augmentations_js__["c" /* Augmentations */][__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__Augmentations_js__["b" /* AugmentationNames */].TheRedPill].owned) {
Engine.Counters.messages = 4500; //15 minutes for Red pill message
} else {
Engine.Counters.messages = 150;
if (Engine.Counters.stockTick <= 0) {
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].hasWseAccount) {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__StockMarket_js__["q" /* updateStockPrices */])();
Engine.Counters.stockTick = 30;
if (Engine.Counters.sCr <= 0) {
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].hasWseAccount) {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__StockMarket_js__["o" /* stockMarketCycle */])();
Engine.Counters.sCr = 1500;
if (Engine.Counters.corpProcess <= 0) {
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].corporation instanceof __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__CompanyManagement_js__["a" /* Corporation */]) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].corporation.process();
Engine.Counters.corpProcess = 5;
/* Calculates the hack progress for a manual (non-scripted) hack and updates the progress bar/time accordingly */
_totalActionTime: 0,
_actionTimeLeft: 0,
_actionTimeStr: "Time left: ",
_actionProgressStr: "[ ]",
_actionProgressBarCount: 1,
_actionInProgress: false,
updateHackProgress: function(numCycles = 1) {
var timeElapsedMilli = numCycles * Engine._idleSpeed;
Engine._actionTimeLeft -= (timeElapsedMilli/ 1000); //Substract idle speed (ms)
Engine._actionTimeLeft = Math.max(Engine._actionTimeLeft, 0);
//Calculate percent filled
var percent = Math.round((1 - Engine._actionTimeLeft / Engine._totalActionTime) * 100);
//Update progress bar
while (Engine._actionProgressBarCount * 2 <= percent) {
Engine._actionProgressStr = Engine._actionProgressStr.replaceAt(Engine._actionProgressBarCount, "|");
Engine._actionProgressBarCount += 1;
//Update hack time remaining
Engine._actionTimeStr = "Time left: " + Math.max(0, Math.round(Engine._actionTimeLeft)).toString() + "s";
document.getElementById("hack-progress").innerHTML = Engine._actionTimeStr;
//Dynamically update progress bar
document.getElementById("hack-progress-bar").innerHTML = Engine._actionProgressStr.replace( / /g, " " );
//Once percent is 100, the hack is completed
if (percent >= 100) {
Engine._actionInProgress = false;
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__Terminal_js__["a" /* Terminal */].finishAction();
_prevTimeout: null,
createStatusText: function(txt) {
if (Engine._prevTimeout != null) {
Engine._prevTimeout = null;
var statusText = document.getElementById("status-text")
statusText.style.display = "inline-block";
statusText.setAttribute("class", "status-text");
statusText.innerHTML = txt;
Engine._prevTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
statusText.style.display = "none";
statusText.innerHTML = "";
}, 3000);
removeLoadingScreen: function() {
var loader = document.getElementById("loader");
if (!loader) {return;}
while(loader.firstChild) {
document.getElementById("entire-game-container").style.visibility = "visible";
//Used when initializing a game
//elems should be an array of all DOM elements under the header
closeMainMenuHeader: function(elems) {
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; ++i) {
elems[i].style.maxHeight = null;
elems[i].style.opacity = 0;
elems[i].style.pointerEvents = "none";
//Used when initializing the game
//elems should be an array of all DOM elements under the header
openMainMenuHeader: function(elems) {
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; ++i) {
elems[i].style.maxHeight = elems[i].scrollHeight + "px";
elems[i].style.display = "block";
//Used in game when clicking on a main menu header (NOT FOR INITIALIZATION)
//open is a boolean specifying whether its being opened or closed
//elems is an array of DOM elements for main menu tabs (li)
//links is an array of DOM elements for main menu links (a)
toggleMainMenuHeader: function(open, elems, links) {
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; ++i) {
if (open) {
elems[i].style.opacity = 1;
elems[i].style.maxHeight = elems[i].scrollHeight + "px";
} else {
elems[i].style.opacity = 0;
elems[i].style.maxHeight = null;
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) {
if (open) {
links[i].style.opacity = 1;
links[i].style.maxHeight = links[i].scrollHeight + "px";
links[i].style.pointerEvents = "auto";
} else {
links[i].style.opacity = 0;
links[i].style.maxHeight = null;
links[i].style.pointerEvents = "none";
load: function(saveString) {
//Initialize main menu accordion panels to all start as "open"
var terminal = document.getElementById("terminal-tab");
var createScript = document.getElementById("create-script-tab");
var activeScripts = document.getElementById("active-scripts-tab");
var createProgram = document.getElementById("create-program-tab");
var stats = document.getElementById("stats-tab");
var factions = document.getElementById("factions-tab");
var augmentations = document.getElementById("augmentations-tab");
var hacknetnodes = document.getElementById("hacknet-nodes-tab");
var city = document.getElementById("city-tab");
var travel = document.getElementById("travel-tab");
var job = document.getElementById("job-tab");
var tutorial = document.getElementById("tutorial-tab");
var options = document.getElementById("options-tab");
//Load game from save or create new game
if (Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__SaveObject_js__["a" /* loadGame */])(saveString)) {
console.log("Loaded game from save");
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__BitNode_js__["d" /* initBitNodes */])();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__BitNode_js__["c" /* initBitNodeMultipliers */])();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__SourceFile_js__["d" /* initSourceFiles */])();
Engine.setDisplayElements(); //Sets variables for important DOM elements
Engine.init(); //Initialize buttons, work, etc.
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].init();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__Augmentations_js__["h" /* initAugmentations */])(); //Also calls Player.reapplyAllAugmentations()
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].reapplyAllSourceFiles();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__StockMarket_js__["h" /* initStockSymbols */])();
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].hasWseAccount) {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__StockMarket_js__["i" /* initSymbolToStockMap */])();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__Literature_js__["a" /* initLiterature */])();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__NetscriptFunctions_js__["f" /* initSingularitySFFlags */])();
console.log(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].intelligence_exp);
//Calculate the number of cycles have elapsed while offline
Engine._lastUpdate = new Date().getTime();
var lastUpdate = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].lastUpdate;
var numCyclesOffline = Math.floor((Engine._lastUpdate - lastUpdate) / Engine._idleSpeed);
/* Process offline progress */
var offlineProductionFromScripts = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__Script_js__["e" /* loadAllRunningScripts */])(); //This also takes care of offline production for those scripts
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].isWorking) {
console.log("work() called in load() for " + numCyclesOffline * Engine._idleSpeed + " milliseconds");
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workType == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeFaction) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workForFaction(numCyclesOffline);
} else if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workType == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeCreateProgram) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].createProgramWork(numCyclesOffline);
} else if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workType == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeStudyClass) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].takeClass(numCyclesOffline);
} else if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workType == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeCrime) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].commitCrime(numCyclesOffline);
} else if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workType == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeCompanyPartTime) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workPartTime(numCyclesOffline);
} else {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].work(numCyclesOffline);
//Hacknet Nodes offline progress
var offlineProductionFromHacknetNodes = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_17__HacknetNode_js__["d" /* processAllHacknetNodeEarnings */])(numCyclesOffline);
//Passive faction rep gain offline
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__Faction_js__["j" /* processPassiveFactionRepGain */])(numCyclesOffline);
//Gang progress for BitNode 2
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].bitNodeN != null && __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].bitNodeN === 2 && __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].inGang()) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].gang.process(numCyclesOffline);
//Update total playtime
var time = numCyclesOffline * Engine._idleSpeed;
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].totalPlaytime == null) {__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].totalPlaytime = 0;}
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].playtimeSinceLastAug == null) {__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].playtimeSinceLastAug = 0;}
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].totalPlaytime += time;
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].playtimeSinceLastAug += time;
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].lastUpdate = Engine._lastUpdate;
Engine.start(); //Run main game loop and Scripts loop
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("While you were offline, your scripts generated $" +
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__["c" /* formatNumber */])(offlineProductionFromScripts, 2) + " and your Hacknet Nodes generated $" +
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__utils_StringHelperFunctions_js__["c" /* formatNumber */])(offlineProductionFromHacknetNodes, 2));
//Close main menu accordions for loaded game
var visibleMenuTabs = [terminal, createScript, activeScripts, stats,
hacknetnodes, city, tutorial, options];
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].firstFacInvRecvd) {visibleMenuTabs.push(factions);}
else {factions.style.display = "none";}
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].firstAugPurchased) {visibleMenuTabs.push(augmentations);}
else {augmentations.style.display = "none";}
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].firstJobRecvd) {visibleMenuTabs.push(job);}
else {job.style.display = "none";}
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].firstTimeTraveled) {visibleMenuTabs.push(travel);}
else {travel.style.display = "none";}
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].firstProgramAvailable) {visibleMenuTabs.push(createProgram);}
else {createProgram.style.display = "none";}
} else {
//No save found, start new game
console.log("Initializing new game");
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__BitNode_js__["d" /* initBitNodes */])();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__BitNode_js__["c" /* initBitNodeMultipliers */])();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_31__SourceFile_js__["d" /* initSourceFiles */])();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__SpecialServerIps_js__["c" /* initSpecialServerIps */])();
Engine.setDisplayElements(); //Sets variables for important DOM elements
Engine.start(); //Run main game loop and Scripts loop
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].init();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_29__Server_js__["f" /* initForeignServers */])();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__Company_js__["h" /* initCompanies */])();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__Faction_js__["f" /* initFactions */])();
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__Company_js__["d" /* CompanyPositions */].init();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__Augmentations_js__["h" /* initAugmentations */])();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_20__Message_js__["d" /* initMessages */])();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_33__StockMarket_js__["h" /* initStockSymbols */])();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_19__Literature_js__["a" /* initLiterature */])();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__NetscriptFunctions_js__["f" /* initSingularitySFFlags */])();
//Open main menu accordions for new game
//Main menu accordions
var hackingHdr = document.getElementById("hacking-menu-header");
var characterHdr = document.getElementById("character-menu-header");
var worldHdr = document.getElementById("world-menu-header");
var helpHdr = document.getElementById("help-menu-header");
//Hide tabs that wont be revealed until later
factions.style.display = "none";
augmentations.style.display = "none";
job.style.display = "none";
travel.style.display = "none";
createProgram.style.display = "none";
[terminal, createScript, activeScripts, stats,
hacknetnodes, city,
tutorial, options]
//Start interactive tutorial
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_18__InteractiveTutorial_js__["d" /* iTutorialStart */])();
//Initialize labels on game settings
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_30__Settings_js__["d" /* setSettingsLabels */])();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_28__Script_js__["f" /* scriptEditorInit */])();
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__Terminal_js__["a" /* Terminal */].resetTerminalInput();
setDisplayElements: function() {
//Content elements
Engine.Display.terminalContent = document.getElementById("terminal-container");
Engine.currentPage = Engine.Page.Terminal;
Engine.Display.characterContent = document.getElementById("character-container");
Engine.Display.characterContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.scriptEditorContent = document.getElementById("script-editor-container");
Engine.Display.scriptEditorContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.activeScriptsContent = document.getElementById("active-scripts-container");
Engine.Display.activeScriptsContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.hacknetNodesContent = document.getElementById("hacknet-nodes-container");
Engine.Display.hacknetNodesContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.worldContent = document.getElementById("world-container");
Engine.Display.worldContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.createProgramContent = document.getElementById("create-program-container");
Engine.Display.createProgramContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.factionsContent = document.getElementById("factions-container");
Engine.Display.factionsContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.factionContent = document.getElementById("faction-container");
Engine.Display.factionContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.factionAugmentationsContent = document.getElementById("faction-augmentations-container");
Engine.Display.factionAugmentationsContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.augmentationsContent = document.getElementById("augmentations-container");
Engine.Display.augmentationsContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.tutorialContent = document.getElementById("tutorial-container");
Engine.Display.tutorialContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.infiltrationContent = document.getElementById("infiltration-container");
Engine.Display.infiltrationContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.stockMarketContent = document.getElementById("stock-market-container");
Engine.Display.stockMarketContent.style.display = "none";
Engine.Display.missionContent = document.getElementById("mission-container");
Engine.Display.missionContent.style.display = "none";
//Character info
Engine.Display.characterInfo = document.getElementById("character-content");
//Location lists
Engine.aevumLocationsList = document.getElementById("aevum-locations-list");
Engine.chongqingLocationsList = document.getElementById("chongqing-locations-list");
Engine.sector12LocationsList = document.getElementById("sector12-locations-list");
Engine.newTokyoLocationsList = document.getElementById("newtokyo-locations-list");
Engine.ishimaLocationsList = document.getElementById("ishima-locations-list");
Engine.volhavenLocationsList = document.getElementById("volhaven-locations-list");
//Location page (page that shows up when you visit a specific location in World)
Engine.Display.locationContent = document.getElementById("location-container");
//Engine.Display.locationContent.style.visibility = "hidden";
Engine.Display.locationContent.style.display = "none";
//Work In Progress
Engine.Display.workInProgressContent = document.getElementById("work-in-progress-container");
//Engine.Display.workInProgressContent.style.visibility = "hidden";
Engine.Display.workInProgressContent.style.display = "none";
//Red Pill / Hack World Daemon
Engine.Display.redPillContent = document.getElementById("red-pill-container");
//Engine.Display.redPillContent.style.visibility = "hidden";
Engine.Display.redPillContent.style.display = "none";
//Init Location buttons
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_15__Location_js__["c" /* initLocationButtons */])();
//Tutorial buttons
Engine.Clickables.tutorialNetworkingButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-networking-link");
Engine.Clickables.tutorialNetworkingButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
Engine.displayTutorialPage(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].TutorialNetworkingText);
Engine.Clickables.tutorialHackingButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-hacking-link");
Engine.Clickables.tutorialHackingButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
Engine.displayTutorialPage(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].TutorialHackingText);
Engine.Clickables.tutorialScriptsButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-scripts-link");
Engine.Clickables.tutorialScriptsButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
Engine.displayTutorialPage(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].TutorialScriptsText);
Engine.Clickables.tutorialNetscriptButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-netscript-link");
Engine.Clickables.tutorialNetscriptButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].bitNodeN === 4 || __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_22__NetscriptFunctions_js__["d" /* hasSingularitySF */]) {
Engine.displayTutorialPage(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].TutorialNetscriptText + __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].TutorialSingularityFunctionsText);
} else {
Engine.displayTutorialPage(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].TutorialNetscriptText);
Engine.Clickables.tutorialTravelingButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-traveling-link");
Engine.Clickables.tutorialTravelingButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
Engine.displayTutorialPage(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].TutorialTravelingText);
Engine.Clickables.tutorialCompaniesButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-jobs-link");
Engine.Clickables.tutorialCompaniesButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
Engine.displayTutorialPage(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].TutorialCompaniesText);
Engine.Clickables.tutorialFactionsButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-factions-link");
Engine.Clickables.tutorialFactionsButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
Engine.displayTutorialPage(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].TutorialFactionsText);
Engine.Clickables.tutorialAugmentationsButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-augmentations-link");
Engine.Clickables.tutorialAugmentationsButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
Engine.displayTutorialPage(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].TutorialAugmentationsText);
Engine.Clickables.tutorialBackButton = document.getElementById("tutorial-back-button");
Engine.Clickables.tutorialBackButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
//If DarkWeb already purchased, disable the button
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_32__SpecialServerIps_js__["a" /* SpecialServerIps */].hasOwnProperty("Darkweb Server")) {
document.getElementById("location-purchase-tor").setAttribute("class", "a-link-button-inactive");
/* Initialization */
init: function() {
//Import game link
document.getElementById("import-game-link").onclick = function() {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__SaveObject_js__["b" /* saveObject */].importGame();
//Main menu accordions
var hackingHdr = document.getElementById("hacking-menu-header");
var characterHdr = document.getElementById("character-menu-header");
var worldHdr = document.getElementById("world-menu-header");
var helpHdr = document.getElementById("help-menu-header");
hackingHdr.onclick = function() {
var terminal = document.getElementById("terminal-tab");
var terminalLink = document.getElementById("terminal-menu-link");
var createScript = document.getElementById("create-script-tab");
var createScriptLink = document.getElementById("create-script-menu-link");
var activeScripts = document.getElementById("active-scripts-tab");
var activeScriptsLink = document.getElementById("active-scripts-menu-link");
var createProgram = document.getElementById("create-program-tab");
var createProgramLink = document.getElementById("create-program-menu-link");
var createProgramNot = document.getElementById("create-program-notification");
if (terminal.style.maxHeight) {
[terminal, createScript, activeScripts, createProgram],
[terminalLink, createScriptLink, activeScriptsLink, createProgramLink]
createProgramNot.style.display = "none";
} else {
[terminal, createScript, activeScripts, createProgram],
[terminalLink, createScriptLink, activeScriptsLink, createProgramLink]
createProgramNot.style.display = "block"
characterHdr.onclick = function() {
var stats = document.getElementById("stats-tab");
var statsLink = document.getElementById("stats-menu-link");
var factions = document.getElementById("factions-tab");
var factionsLink = document.getElementById("factions-menu-link");
var augmentations = document.getElementById("augmentations-tab");
var augmentationsLink = document.getElementById("augmentations-menu-link");
var hacknetnodes = document.getElementById("hacknet-nodes-tab");
var hacknetnodesLink = document.getElementById("hacknet-nodes-menu-link");
if (stats.style.maxHeight) {
[stats, factions, augmentations, hacknetnodes],
[statsLink, factionsLink, augmentationsLink, hacknetnodesLink]
} else {
[stats, factions, augmentations, hacknetnodes],
[statsLink, factionsLink, augmentationsLink, hacknetnodesLink]
worldHdr.onclick = function() {
var city = document.getElementById("city-tab");
var cityLink = document.getElementById("city-menu-link");
var travel = document.getElementById("travel-tab");
var travelLink = document.getElementById("travel-menu-link");
var job = document.getElementById("job-tab");
var jobLink = document.getElementById("job-menu-link");
if (city.style.maxHeight) {
[city, travel, job],
[cityLink, travelLink, jobLink]
} else {
[city, travel, job],
[cityLink, travelLink, jobLink]
helpHdr.onclick = function() {
var tutorial = document.getElementById("tutorial-tab");
var tutorialLink = document.getElementById("tutorial-menu-link");
var options = document.getElementById("options-tab");
var optionsLink = document.getElementById("options-menu-link");
if (tutorial.style.maxHeight) {
[tutorial, options],
[tutorialLink, optionsLink]
} else {
[tutorial, options],
[tutorialLink, optionsLink]
//Main menu buttons and content
Engine.Clickables.terminalMainMenuButton = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["b" /* clearEventListeners */])("terminal-menu-link");
Engine.Clickables.terminalMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
return false;
Engine.Clickables.characterMainMenuButton = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["b" /* clearEventListeners */])("stats-menu-link");
Engine.Clickables.characterMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
return false;
Engine.Clickables.scriptEditorMainMenuButton = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["b" /* clearEventListeners */])("create-script-menu-link");
Engine.Clickables.scriptEditorMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
return false;
Engine.Clickables.activeScriptsMainMenuButton = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["b" /* clearEventListeners */])("active-scripts-menu-link");
Engine.Clickables.activeScriptsMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
return false;
Engine.Clickables.hacknetNodesMainMenuButton = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["b" /* clearEventListeners */])("hacknet-nodes-menu-link");
Engine.Clickables.hacknetNodesMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
return false;
Engine.Clickables.worldMainMenuButton = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["b" /* clearEventListeners */])("city-menu-link");
Engine.Clickables.worldMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
return false;
Engine.Clickables.travelMainMenuButton = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["b" /* clearEventListeners */])("travel-menu-link");
Engine.Clickables.travelMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
return false;
Engine.Clickables.jobMainMenuButton = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["b" /* clearEventListeners */])("job-menu-link");
Engine.Clickables.jobMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
return false;
Engine.Clickables.createProgramMainMenuButton = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["b" /* clearEventListeners */])("create-program-menu-link");
Engine.Clickables.createProgramMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
return false;
Engine.Clickables.factionsMainMenuButton = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["b" /* clearEventListeners */])("factions-menu-link");
Engine.Clickables.factionsMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
return false;
Engine.Clickables.augmentationsMainMenuButton = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["b" /* clearEventListeners */])("augmentations-menu-link");
Engine.Clickables.augmentationsMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
return false;
Engine.Clickables.tutorialMainMenuButton = Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["b" /* clearEventListeners */])("tutorial-menu-link");
Engine.Clickables.tutorialMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
return false;
//Active scripts list
Engine.ActiveScriptsList = document.getElementById("active-scripts-list");
//Save, Delete, Import/Export buttons
Engine.Clickables.saveMainMenuButton = document.getElementById("save-game-link");
Engine.Clickables.saveMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__SaveObject_js__["b" /* saveObject */].saveGame(indexedDb);
return false;
Engine.Clickables.deleteMainMenuButton = document.getElementById("delete-game-link");
Engine.Clickables.deleteMainMenuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__SaveObject_js__["b" /* saveObject */].deleteGame(indexedDb);
return false;
document.getElementById("export-game-link").addEventListener("click", function() {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__SaveObject_js__["b" /* saveObject */].exportGame();
return false;
//Character Overview buttons
document.getElementById("character-overview-save-button").addEventListener("click", function() {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_27__SaveObject_js__["b" /* saveObject */].saveGame(indexedDb);
return false;
document.getElementById("character-overview-options-button").addEventListener("click", function() {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_GameOptions_js__["b" /* gameOptionsBoxOpen */])();
return false;
//Create Program buttons
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__CreateProgram_js__["d" /* initCreateProgramButtons */])();
//Message at the top of terminal
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_34__Terminal_js__["c" /* postNetburnerText */])();
//Player was working cancel button
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].isWorking) {
var cancelButton = document.getElementById("work-in-progress-cancel-button");
cancelButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workType == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeFaction) {
var fac = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__Faction_js__["b" /* Factions */][__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].currentWorkFactionName];
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].finishFactionWork(true);
} else if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workType == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeCreateProgram) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].finishCreateProgramWork(true);
} else if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workType == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeStudyClass) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].finishClass();
} else if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workType == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeCrime) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].finishCrime(true);
} else if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].workType == __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].WorkTypeCompanyPartTime) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].finishWorkPartTime();
} else {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].finishWork(true);
//character overview screen
document.getElementById("character-overview-container").style.display = "block";
//Remove classes from links (they might be set from tutorial)
//DEBUG Delete active Scripts on home
document.getElementById("debug-delete-scripts-link").addEventListener("click", function() {
console.log("Deleting running scripts on home computer");
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_24__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].getHomeComputer().runningScripts = [];
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Forcefully deleted all running scripts on home computer. Please save and refresh page");
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_GameOptions_js__["a" /* gameOptionsBoxClose */])();
return false;
//DEBUG Soft Reset
document.getElementById("debug-soft-reset").addEventListener("click", function() {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__utils_DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("Soft Reset!");
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__Prestige_js__["a" /* prestigeAugmentation */])();
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__utils_GameOptions_js__["a" /* gameOptionsBoxClose */])();
return false;
start: function() {
//Run main loop
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_23__NetscriptWorker_js__["f" /* runScriptsLoop */])();
var indexedDb, indexedDbRequest;
window.onload = function() {
if (!window.indexedDB) {
return Engine.load(null); //Will try to load from localstorage
//DB is called bitburnerSave
//Object store is called savestring
//key for the Object store is called save
indexedDbRequest = window.indexedDB.open("bitburnerSave", 1);
indexedDbRequest.onerror = function(e) {
console.log("Error opening indexedDB: ");
return Engine.load(null); //Try to load from localstorage
indexedDbRequest.onsuccess = function(e) {
console.log("Opening bitburnerSave database successful!");
indexedDb = e.target.result;
var transaction = indexedDb.transaction(["savestring"]);
var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("savestring");
var request = objectStore.get("save");
request.onerror = function(e) {
console.log("Error in Database request to get savestring: " + e);
return Engine.load(null); //Try to load from localstorage
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
Engine.load(request.result); //Is this right?
indexedDbRequest.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
var db = e.target.result;
var objectStore = db.createObjectStore("savestring");
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(__webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__(11)))
/***/ }),
/* 6 */
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* unused harmony export getIndicesOf */
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "g", function() { return longestCommonStart; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "f", function() { return isString; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return containsAllStrings; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return formatNumber; });
/* unused harmony export numOccurrences */
/* unused harmony export numNetscriptOperators */
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return isHTML; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return generateRandomString; });
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__DialogBox_js__ = __webpack_require__(1);
//Netburner String helper functions
//Searches for every occurence of searchStr within str and returns an array of the indices of
//all these occurences
function getIndicesOf(searchStr, str, caseSensitive) {
var searchStrLen = searchStr.length;
if (searchStrLen == 0) {
return [];
var startIndex = 0, index, indices = [];
if (!caseSensitive) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
searchStr = searchStr.toLowerCase();
while ((index = str.indexOf(searchStr, startIndex)) > -1) {
startIndex = index + searchStrLen;
return indices;
//Replaces the character at an index with a new character
String.prototype.replaceAt=function(index, character) {
return this.substr(0, index) + character + this.substr(index+character.length);
//Converts a date representing time in milliseconds to a string with the format
// H hours M minutes and S seconds
// e.g. 10000 -> "0 hours 0 minutes and 10 seconds"
// 120000 -> "0 0 hours 2 minutes and 0 seconds"
function convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString(time) {
//Convert ms to seconds, since we only have second-level precision
time = Math.floor(time / 1000);
var days = Math.floor(time / 86400);
time %= 86400;
var hours = Math.floor(time / 3600);
time %= 3600;
var minutes = Math.floor(time / 60);
time %= 60;
var seconds = time;
var res = "";
if (days) {res += days + " days ";}
if (hours) {res += hours + " hours ";}
if (minutes) {res += minutes + " minutes ";}
res += seconds + " seconds ";
return res;
//Finds the longest common starting substring in a set of strings
function longestCommonStart(strings) {
if (!containsAllStrings(strings)) {return;}
if (strings.length == 0) {return;}
var A = strings.concat().sort(),
a1= A[0], a2= A[A.length-1], L= a1.length, i= 0;
while(i= 0) {
pos += step;
} else break;
return n;
//Counters the number of Netscript operators in a string
function numNetscriptOperators(string) {
var total = 0;
total += numOccurrences(string, "+");
total += numOccurrences(string, "-");
total += numOccurrences(string, "*");
total += numOccurrences(string, "/");
total += numOccurrences(string, "%");
total += numOccurrences(string, "&&");
total += numOccurrences(string, "||");
total += numOccurrences(string, "<");
total += numOccurrences(string, ">");
total += numOccurrences(string, "<=");
total += numOccurrences(string, ">=");
total += numOccurrences(string, "==");
total += numOccurrences(string, "!=");
if (isNaN(total)) {
Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__DialogBox_js__["a" /* dialogBoxCreate */])("ERROR in counting number of operators in script. This is a bug, please report to game developer");
total = 0;
return total;
//Checks if a string contains HTML elements
function isHTML(str) {
var a = document.createElement('div');
a.innerHTML = str;
for (var c = a.childNodes, i = c.length; i--; ) {
if (c[i].nodeType == 1) return true;
return false;
//Generates a random alphanumeric string with N characters
function generateRandomString(n) {
var str = "",
chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
str += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length));
return str;
/***/ }),
/* 7 */
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return Server; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return AllServers; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "e", function() { return getServer; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return GetServerByHostname; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "g", function() { return loadAllServers; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return AddToAllServers; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "j", function() { return processSingleServerGrowth; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "f", function() { return initForeignServers; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "h", function() { return prestigeAllServers; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "i", function() { return prestigeHomeComputer; });
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__BitNode_js__ = __webpack_require__(8);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__Constants_js__ = __webpack_require__(4);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__CreateProgram_js__ = __webpack_require__(19);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Player_js__ = __webpack_require__(0);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__Script_js__ = __webpack_require__(23);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__ = __webpack_require__(16);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__ = __webpack_require__(2);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__ = __webpack_require__(26);
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__utils_JSONReviver_js__ = __webpack_require__(9);
function Server(ip=Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), hostname="", organizationName="",
isConnectedTo=false, adminRights=false, purchasedByPlayer=false, maxRam=0) {
/* Properties */
//Connection information
this.ip = ip;
var i = 0;
var suffix = "";
while (GetServerByHostname(hostname+suffix) != null) {
//Server already exists
suffix = "-" + i;
this.hostname = hostname + suffix;
this.organizationName = organizationName;
this.isConnectedTo = isConnectedTo; //Whether the player is connected to this server
//Access information
this.hasAdminRights = adminRights; //Whether player has admin rights
this.purchasedByPlayer = purchasedByPlayer;
this.manuallyHacked = false; //Flag that tracks whether or not the server has been hacked at least once
//RAM, CPU speed and Scripts
this.maxRam = maxRam; //GB
this.ramUsed = 0;
this.cpuCores = 1; //Max of 8, affects hacking times and Hacking Mission starting Cores
this.scripts = [];
this.runningScripts = []; //Stores RunningScript objects
this.programs = [];
this.messages = [];
this.textFiles = [];
this.dir = 0; //new Directory(this, null, "");
/* Hacking information (only valid for "foreign" aka non-purchased servers) */
//Skill required to attempt a hack. Whether a hack is successful will be determined
//by a separate formula
this.requiredHackingSkill = 1;
//Total money available on this server
this.moneyAvailable = 0;
this.moneyMax = 0;
//Parameters used in formulas that dictate how moneyAvailable and requiredHackingSkill change.
this.hackDifficulty = 1; //Affects hack success rate and how the requiredHackingSkill increases over time (1-100)
this.baseDifficulty = 1; //Starting difficulty
this.minDifficulty = 1;
this.serverGrowth = 0; //Affects how the moneyAvailable increases (0-100)
//The IP's of all servers reachable from this one (what shows up if you run scan/netstat)
// NOTE: Only contains IP and not the Server objects themselves
this.serversOnNetwork = [];
//Port information, required for porthacking servers to get admin rights
this.numOpenPortsRequired = 5;
this.sshPortOpen = false; //Port 22
this.ftpPortOpen = false; //Port 21
this.smtpPortOpen = false; //Port 25
this.httpPortOpen = false; //Port 80
this.sqlPortOpen = false; //Port 1433
this.openPortCount = 0;
//Set the hacking properties of a server
Server.prototype.setHackingParameters = function(requiredHackingSkill, moneyAvailable, hackDifficulty, serverGrowth) {
this.requiredHackingSkill = requiredHackingSkill;
if (isNaN(moneyAvailable)) {
this.moneyAvailable = 1e6;
} else {
this.moneyAvailable = moneyAvailable * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].ServerStartingMoney;
this.moneyMax = 25 * this.moneyAvailable * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].ServerMaxMoney;
this.hackDifficulty = hackDifficulty * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].ServerStartingSecurity;
this.baseDifficulty = hackDifficulty * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].ServerStartingSecurity;
this.minDifficulty = Math.max(1, Math.round(this.hackDifficulty / 3));
this.serverGrowth = serverGrowth;
//Set the port properties of a server
//Right now its only the number of open ports needed to PortHack the server.
Server.prototype.setPortProperties = function(numOpenPortsReq) {
this.numOpenPortsRequired = numOpenPortsReq;
Server.prototype.setMaxRam = function(ram) {
this.maxRam = ram;
//The serverOnNetwork array holds the IP of all the servers. This function
//returns the actual Server objects
Server.prototype.getServerOnNetwork = function(i) {
if (i > this.serversOnNetwork.length) {
console.log("Tried to get server on network that was out of range");
return AllServers[this.serversOnNetwork[i]];
//Given the name of the script, returns the corresponding
//script object on the server (if it exists)
Server.prototype.getScript = function(scriptName) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.scripts.length; i++) {
if (this.scripts[i].filename == scriptName) {
return this.scripts[i];
return null;
//Strengthens a server's security level (difficulty) by the specified amount
Server.prototype.fortify = function(amt) {
this.hackDifficulty += amt;
//Place some arbitrarily limit that realistically should never happen unless someone is
//screwing around with the game
if (this.hackDifficulty > 1000000) {this.hackDifficulty = 1000000;}
Server.prototype.weaken = function(amt) {
this.hackDifficulty -= (amt * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].ServerWeakenRate);
if (this.hackDifficulty < this.minDifficulty) {this.hackDifficulty = this.minDifficulty;}
if (this.hackDifficulty < 1) {this.hackDifficulty = 1;}
//Functions for loading and saving a Server
Server.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__utils_JSONReviver_js__["b" /* Generic_toJSON */])("Server", this);
Server.fromJSON = function(value) {
return Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__utils_JSONReviver_js__["a" /* Generic_fromJSON */])(Server, value.data);
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__utils_JSONReviver_js__["c" /* Reviver */].constructors.Server = Server;
function initForeignServers() {
var ECorpServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "ecorp", "ECorp", false, false, false, 0);
ECorpServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1150, 1300), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(30000000000, 70000000000), 99, 99);
var MegaCorpServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "megacorp", "MegaCorp", false, false, false, 0);
MegaCorpServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1150, 1300), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(40000000000, 60000000000), 99, 99);
var BachmanAndAssociatesServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "b-and-a", "Bachman & Associates", false, false, false, 0);
BachmanAndAssociatesServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1000, 1050), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(20000000000, 25000000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(75, 85), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(65, 75));
var BladeIndustriesServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "blade", "Blade Industries", false, false, false, 2);
BladeIndustriesServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1000, 1100), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(12000000000, 20000000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(90, 95), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(60, 75));
var NWOServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "nwo", "New World Order", false, false, false, 2);
NWOServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1000, 1200), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(25000000000, 35000000000), 99, Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(75, 85));
var ClarkeIncorporatedServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "clarkeinc", "Clarke Incorporated", false, false, false, 2);
ClarkeIncorporatedServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1000, 1200), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(15000000000, 25000000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(50, 60), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(50, 70));
var OmniTekIncorporatedServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "omnitek", "OmniTek Incorporated", false, false, false, 2);
OmniTekIncorporatedServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(900, 1100), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(15000000000, 20000000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(90, 99), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(95, 99));
var FourSigmaServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "4sigma", "FourSigma", false, false, false, 0);
FourSigmaServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(950, 1200), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(15000000000, 25000000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(60, 70), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(75, 99));
var KuaiGongInternationalServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "kuai-gong", "KuaiGong International", false, false, false, 0);
KuaiGongInternationalServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1000, 1250), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(20000000000, 30000000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(95, 99), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(90, 99));
//Technology and communications companies (large targets)
var FulcrumTechnologiesServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "fulcrumtech", "Fulcrum Technologies", false, false, false, 64);
FulcrumTechnologiesServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1000, 1200), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1400000000, 1800000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(85, 95), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(80, 99));
var FulcrumSecretTechnologiesServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "fulcrumassets", "Fulcrum Technologies Assets", false, false, false, 0);
FulcrumSecretTechnologiesServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1200, 1500), 1000000, 99, 1);
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["a" /* SpecialServerIps */].addIp(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["b" /* SpecialServerNames */].FulcrumSecretTechnologies, FulcrumSecretTechnologiesServer.ip);
var StormTechnologiesServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "stormtech", "Storm Technologies", false, false, false, 0);
StormTechnologiesServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(900, 1050), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1000000000, 1200000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(80, 90), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70, 90));
var DefCommServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "defcomm", "DefComm", false, false, false, 0);
DefCommServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(900, 1000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(800000000, 950000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(85, 95), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(50, 70));
var InfoCommServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "infocomm", "InfoComm", false, false, false, 0);
InfoCommServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(875, 950), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(600000000, 900000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70, 90), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(35, 75));
var HeliosLabsServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "helios", "Helios Labs", false, false, false, 2);
HeliosLabsServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(800, 900), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(550000000, 750000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(85, 95), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70, 80));
var VitaLifeServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "vitalife", "VitaLife", false, false, false, 32);
VitaLifeServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(775, 900), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(700000000, 800000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(80, 90), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(60, 80));
var IcarusMicrosystemsServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "icarus", "Icarus Microsystems", false, false, false, 0);
IcarusMicrosystemsServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(850, 925), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(900000000, 1000000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(85, 95), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(85, 95));
var UniversalEnergyServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "univ-energy", "Universal Energy", false, false, false, 32);
UniversalEnergyServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(800, 900), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1100000000, 1200000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(80, 90), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(80, 90));
var TitanLabsServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "titan-labs", "Titan Laboratories", false, false, false, 32);
TitanLabsServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(800, 875), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(750000000, 900000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70, 80), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(60, 80));
var MicrodyneTechnologiesServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "microdyne", "Microdyne Technologies", false, false, false, 16);
MicrodyneTechnologiesServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(800, 875), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(500000000, 700000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(65, 75), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70, 90));
var TaiYangDigitalServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "taiyang-digital", "Taiyang Digital", false, false, false, 2);
TaiYangDigitalServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(850, 950), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(800000000, 900000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70, 80), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70, 80));
var GalacticCyberSystemsServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "galactic-cyber", "Galactic Cybersystems", false, false, false, 0);
GalacticCyberSystemsServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(825, 875), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(750000000, 850000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(55, 65), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70, 90));
//Defense Companies ("Large" Companies)
var AeroCorpServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "aerocorp", "AeroCorp", false, false, false, 2);
AeroCorpServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(850, 925), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1000000000, 1200000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(80, 90), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(55, 65));
var OmniaCybersystemsServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "omnia", "Omnia Cybersystems", false, false, false, 0);
OmniaCybersystemsServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(850, 950), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(900000000, 1000000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(85, 95), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(60, 70));
var ZBDefenseServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "zb-def", "ZB Defense Industries", false, false, false, 2);
ZBDefenseServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(775, 825), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(900000000, 1100000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(55, 65), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(65, 75));
var AppliedEnergeticsServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "applied-energetics", "Applied Energetics", false, false, false, 0);
AppliedEnergeticsServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(775, 850), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(700000000, 1000000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(60, 80), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70, 75));
var SolarisSpaceSystemsServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "solaris", "Solaris Space Systems", false, false, false, 2);
SolarisSpaceSystemsServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(750, 850), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(700000000, 900000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70, 80), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70, 80));
var DeltaOneServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "deltaone", "Delta One", false, false, false, 0);
DeltaOneServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(800, 900), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1300000000, 1700000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(75, 85), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(50, 70));
//Health, medicine, pharmaceutical companies ("Large" targets)
var GlobalPharmaceuticalsServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "global-pharm", "Global Pharmaceuticals", false, false, false, 16);
GlobalPharmaceuticalsServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(750, 850), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1500000000, 1750000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(75, 85), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(80, 90));
var NovaMedicalServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "nova-med", "Nova Medical", false, false, false, 0);
NovaMedicalServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(775, 850), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1100000000, 1250000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(60, 80), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(65, 85));
var ZeusMedicalServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "zeus-med", "Zeus Medical", false, false, false, 0);
ZeusMedicalServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(800, 850), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1300000000, 1500000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70, 90), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70, 80));
var UnitaLifeGroupServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "unitalife", "UnitaLife Group", false, false, false, 32);
UnitaLifeGroupServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(775, 825), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(1000000000, 1100000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70, 80), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70, 80));
//"Medium level" targets
var LexoCorpServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "lexo-corp", "Lexo Corporation", false, false, false, 16);
LexoCorpServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(650, 750), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(700000000, 800000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(60, 80), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(55, 65));
var RhoConstructionServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "rho-construction", "Rho Construction", false, false, false, 0);
RhoConstructionServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(475, 525), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(500000000, 700000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(40, 60), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(40, 60));
var AlphaEnterprisesServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "alpha-ent", "Alpha Enterprises", false, false, false, 2);
AlphaEnterprisesServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(500, 600), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(600000000, 750000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(50, 70), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(50, 60));
var AevumPoliceServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "aevum-police", "Aevum Police Network", false, false, false, 0);
AevumPoliceServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(400, 450), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(200000000, 400000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70, 80), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(30, 50));
var RothmanUniversityServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "rothman-uni", "Rothman University Network", false, false, false, 4);
RothmanUniversityServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(370, 430), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(175000000, 250000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(45, 55), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(35, 45));
var ZBInstituteOfTechnologyServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "zb-institute", "ZB Institute of Technology Network", false, false, false, 4);
ZBInstituteOfTechnologyServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(725, 775), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(800000000, 1100000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(65, 85), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(75, 85));
var SummitUniversityServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "summit-uni", "Summit University Network", false, false, false, 4);
SummitUniversityServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(425, 475), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(200000000, 350000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(45, 65), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(40, 60));
var SysCoreSecuritiesServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "syscore", "SysCore Securities", false, false, false, 0);
SysCoreSecuritiesServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(550, 650), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(400000000, 600000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(60, 80), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(60, 70));
var CatalystVenturesServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "catalyst", "Catalyst Ventures", false, false, false, 2);
CatalystVenturesServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(400, 450), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(300000000, 550000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(60, 70), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(25, 55));
var TheHubServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "the-hub", "The Hub", false, false, false, 0);
TheHubServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(275, 325), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(150000000, 200000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(35, 45), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(45, 55));
var CompuTekServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "comptek", "CompuTek", false, false, false, 8);
CompuTekServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(300, 400), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(220000000, 250000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(55, 65), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(45, 65));
var NetLinkTechnologiesServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "netlink", "NetLink Technologies", false, false, false, 2);
NetLinkTechnologiesServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(375, 425), 275000000, Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(60, 80), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(45, 75));
var JohnsonOrthopedicsServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "johnson-ortho", "Johnson Orthopedics", false, false, false, 4);
JohnsonOrthopedicsServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(250, 300), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(70000000, 85000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(35, 65), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(35, 65));
//"Low level" targets
var FoodNStuffServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "foodnstuff", "Food N Stuff Supermarket", false, false, false, 16);
FoodNStuffServer.setHackingParameters(1, 2000000, 10, 5);
var SigmaCosmeticsServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "sigma-cosmetics", "Sigma Cosmetics", false, false, false, 16);
SigmaCosmeticsServer.setHackingParameters(5, 2300000, 10, 10);
var JoesGunsServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "joesguns", "Joe's Guns", false, false, false, 16);
JoesGunsServer.setHackingParameters(10, 2500000, 15, 20);
var Zer0NightclubServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "zer0", "ZER0 Nightclub", false, false, false, 32);
Zer0NightclubServer.setHackingParameters(75, 7500000, 25, 40);
var NectarNightclubServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "nectar-net", "Nectar Nightclub Network", false, false, false, 8);
NectarNightclubServer.setHackingParameters(20, 2750000, 20, 25);
var NeoNightclubServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "neo-net", "Neo Nightclub Network", false, false, false, 32);
NeoNightclubServer.setHackingParameters(50, 5000000, 25, 25);
var SilverHelixServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "silver-helix", "Silver Helix", false, false, false, 64);
SilverHelixServer.setHackingParameters(150, 45000000, 30, 30);
var HongFangTeaHouseServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "hong-fang-tea", "HongFang Teahouse", false, false, false, 16);
HongFangTeaHouseServer.setHackingParameters(30, 3000000, 15, 20);
var HaraKiriSushiBarServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "harakiri-sushi", "HaraKiri Sushi Bar Network", false, false, false, 16);
HaraKiriSushiBarServer.setHackingParameters(40, 4000000, 15, 40);
var PhantasyServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "phantasy", "Phantasy Club", false, false, false, 32);
PhantasyServer.setHackingParameters(100, 24000000, 20, 35);
var MaxHardwareServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "max-hardware", "Max Hardware Store", false, false, false, 32);
MaxHardwareServer.setHackingParameters(80, 10000000, 15, 30);
var OmegaSoftwareServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "omega-net", "Omega Software", false, false, false, 32);
OmegaSoftwareServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(180, 220), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(60000000, 70000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(25, 35), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(30, 40));
var CrushFitnessGymServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "crush-fitness", "Crush Fitness", false, false, false, 0);
CrushFitnessGymServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(225, 275), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(40000000, 60000000), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(35, 45), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(27, 33));
var IronGymServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "iron-gym", "Iron Gym Network", false, false, false, 32);
IronGymServer.setHackingParameters(100, 20000000, 30, 20);
var MilleniumFitnessGymServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "millenium-fitness", "Millenium Fitness Network", false, false, false, 0);
MilleniumFitnessGymServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(475, 525), 250000000, Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(45, 55), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(25, 45));
var PowerhouseGymServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "powerhouse-fitness", "Powerhouse Fitness", false, false, false, 0);
PowerhouseGymServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(950, 1100), 900000000, Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(55, 65), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(50, 60));
var SnapFitnessGymServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "snap-fitness", "Snap Fitness", false, false, false, 0);
SnapFitnessGymServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(675, 800), 450000000, Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(40, 60), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(40, 60));
//Faction servers, cannot hack money from these
var BitRunnersServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "run4theh111z", "The Runners", false, false, false, 2);
BitRunnersServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(505, 550), 0, 0, 0);
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["a" /* SpecialServerIps */].addIp(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["b" /* SpecialServerNames */].BitRunnersServer, BitRunnersServer.ip);
var TheBlackHandServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "I.I.I.I", "I.I.I.I", false, false, false, 2);
TheBlackHandServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(340, 365), 0, 0, 0);
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["a" /* SpecialServerIps */].addIp(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["b" /* SpecialServerNames */].TheBlackHandServer, TheBlackHandServer.ip);
var NiteSecServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "avmnite-02h", "NiteSec", false, false, false, 2);
NiteSecServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(202, 220), 0, 0, 0);
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["a" /* SpecialServerIps */].addIp(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["b" /* SpecialServerNames */].NiteSecServer, NiteSecServer.ip);
var DarkArmyServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), ".", ".", false, false, false, 0);
DarkArmyServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(505, 550), 0, 0, 0);
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["a" /* SpecialServerIps */].addIp(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["b" /* SpecialServerNames */].TheDarkArmyServer, DarkArmyServer.ip);
var CyberSecServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "CSEC", "CyberSec", false, false, false, 2);
CyberSecServer.setHackingParameters(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__utils_HelperFunctions_js__["h" /* getRandomInt */])(51, 60), 0, 0, 0);
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["a" /* SpecialServerIps */].addIp(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["b" /* SpecialServerNames */].CyberSecServer, CyberSecServer.ip);
var DaedalusServer = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), "The-Cave", "Helios", false, false, false, 2);
DaedalusServer.setHackingParameters(925, 0, 0, 0);
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["a" /* SpecialServerIps */].addIp(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["b" /* SpecialServerNames */].DaedalusServer, DaedalusServer.ip);
//Super special Servers
var WorldDaemon = new Server(Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["a" /* createRandomIp */])(), __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["b" /* SpecialServerNames */].WorldDaemon, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["b" /* SpecialServerNames */].WorldDaemon, false, false, false, 0);
WorldDaemon.setHackingParameters(3000, 0, 0, 0);
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["a" /* SpecialServerIps */].addIp(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__SpecialServerIps_js__["b" /* SpecialServerNames */].WorldDaemon, WorldDaemon.ip);
/* Create a randomized network for all the foreign servers */
//Groupings for creating a randomized network
var NetworkGroup1 = [IronGymServer, FoodNStuffServer, SigmaCosmeticsServer, JoesGunsServer, HongFangTeaHouseServer, HaraKiriSushiBarServer];
var NetworkGroup2 = [MaxHardwareServer, NectarNightclubServer, Zer0NightclubServer, CyberSecServer];
var NetworkGroup3 = [OmegaSoftwareServer, PhantasyServer, SilverHelixServer, NeoNightclubServer];
var NetworkGroup4 = [CrushFitnessGymServer, NetLinkTechnologiesServer, CompuTekServer, TheHubServer, JohnsonOrthopedicsServer, NiteSecServer];
var NetworkGroup5 = [CatalystVenturesServer, SysCoreSecuritiesServer, SummitUniversityServer, ZBInstituteOfTechnologyServer, RothmanUniversityServer, TheBlackHandServer];
var NetworkGroup6 = [LexoCorpServer, RhoConstructionServer, AlphaEnterprisesServer, AevumPoliceServer, MilleniumFitnessGymServer];
var NetworkGroup7 = [GlobalPharmaceuticalsServer, AeroCorpServer, GalacticCyberSystemsServer, SnapFitnessGymServer];
var NetworkGroup8 = [DeltaOneServer, UnitaLifeGroupServer, OmniaCybersystemsServer];
var NetworkGroup9 = [ZeusMedicalServer, SolarisSpaceSystemsServer, UniversalEnergyServer, IcarusMicrosystemsServer, DefCommServer];
var NetworkGroup10 = [NovaMedicalServer, ZBDefenseServer, TaiYangDigitalServer, InfoCommServer];
var NetworkGroup11 = [AppliedEnergeticsServer, MicrodyneTechnologiesServer, TitanLabsServer, BitRunnersServer];
var NetworkGroup12 = [VitaLifeServer, HeliosLabsServer, StormTechnologiesServer, FulcrumTechnologiesServer];
var NetworkGroup13 = [KuaiGongInternationalServer, FourSigmaServer, OmniTekIncorporatedServer, DarkArmyServer];
var NetworkGroup14 = [PowerhouseGymServer, ClarkeIncorporatedServer, NWOServer, BladeIndustriesServer, BachmanAndAssociatesServer];
var NetworkGroup15 = [FulcrumSecretTechnologiesServer, MegaCorpServer, ECorpServer, DaedalusServer];
for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup2.length; i++) {
var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup1[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup1.length)];
for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup3.length; i++) {
var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup2[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup2.length)];
for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup4.length; i++) {
var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup3[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup3.length)];
for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup5.length; i++) {
var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup4[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup4.length)];
for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup6.length; i++) {
var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup5[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup5.length)];
for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup7.length; i++) {
var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup6[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup6.length)];
for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup8.length; i++) {
var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup7[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup7.length)];
for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup9.length; i++) {
var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup8[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup8.length)];
for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup10.length; i++) {
var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup9[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup9.length)];
for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup11.length; i++) {
var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup10[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup10.length)];
for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup12.length; i++) {
var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup11[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup11.length)];
for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup13.length; i++) {
var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup12[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup12.length)];
for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup14.length; i++) {
var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup13[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup13.length)];
for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup15.length; i++) {
var randomServerFromPrevGroup = NetworkGroup14[Math.floor(Math.random() * NetworkGroup14.length)];
//Connect the first tier of servers to the player's home computer
for (var i = 0; i < NetworkGroup1.length; i++) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].getHomeComputer().serversOnNetwork.push(NetworkGroup1[i].ip);
NetworkGroup1[i].serversOnNetwork.push(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].homeComputer);
//Applied server growth for a single server. Returns the percentage growth
function processSingleServerGrowth(server, numCycles) {
//Server growth processed once every 450 game cycles
var numServerGrowthCycles = Math.max(Math.floor(numCycles / 450), 0);
//Get adjusted growth rate, which accounts for server security
var growthRate = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ServerBaseGrowthRate;
var adjGrowthRate = 1 + (growthRate - 1) / server.hackDifficulty;
if (adjGrowthRate > __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ServerMaxGrowthRate) {adjGrowthRate = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ServerMaxGrowthRate;}
//Calculate adjusted server growth rate based on parameters
var serverGrowthPercentage = server.serverGrowth / 100;
var numServerGrowthCyclesAdjusted = numServerGrowthCycles * serverGrowthPercentage * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__BitNode_js__["a" /* BitNodeMultipliers */].ServerGrowthRate;
//Apply serverGrowth for the calculated number of growth cycles
var serverGrowth = Math.pow(adjGrowthRate, numServerGrowthCyclesAdjusted * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].hacking_grow_mult);
if (serverGrowth < 1) {
console.log("WARN: serverGrowth calculated to be less than 1");
serverGrowth = 1;
var oldMoneyAvailable = server.moneyAvailable;
server.moneyAvailable *= serverGrowth;
if (server.moneyMax && isNaN(server.moneyAvailable)) {
server.moneyAvailable = server.moneyMax;
if (server.moneyMax && server.moneyAvailable > server.moneyMax) {
server.moneyAvailable = server.moneyMax;
return server.moneyAvailable / oldMoneyAvailable;
//Growing increases server security twice as much as hacking
server.fortify(2 * __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__Constants_js__["a" /* CONSTANTS */].ServerFortifyAmount * numServerGrowthCycles);
return serverGrowth;
function prestigeHomeComputer(homeComp) {
homeComp.programs.length = 0; //Remove programs
homeComp.runningScripts = [];
homeComp.serversOnNetwork = [];
homeComp.isConnectedTo = true;
homeComp.ramUsed = 0;
homeComp.programs.push(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__CreateProgram_js__["a" /* Programs */].NukeProgram);
//Update RAM usage on all scripts
homeComp.scripts.forEach(function(script) {
homeComp.messages.length = 0; //Remove .lit and .msg files
//List of all servers that exist in the game, indexed by their ip
let AllServers = {};
function prestigeAllServers() {
for (var member in AllServers) {
delete AllServers[member];
AllServers = {};
function loadAllServers(saveString) {
AllServers = JSON.parse(saveString, __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__utils_JSONReviver_js__["c" /* Reviver */]);
function SizeOfAllServers() {
var size = 0, key;
for (key in AllServers) {
if (AllServers.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++;
return size;
//Add a server onto the map of all servers in the game
function AddToAllServers(server) {
var serverIp = server.ip;
if (Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["b" /* ipExists */])(serverIp)) {
console.log("IP of server that's being added: " + serverIp);
console.log("Hostname of the server thats being added: " + server.hostname);
console.log("The server that already has this IP is: " + AllServers[serverIp].hostname);
throw new Error("Error: Trying to add a server with an existing IP");
AllServers[serverIp] = server;
//Returns server object with corresponding hostname
// Relatively slow, would rather not use this a lot
function GetServerByHostname(hostname) {
for (var ip in AllServers) {
if (AllServers.hasOwnProperty(ip)) {
if (AllServers[ip].hostname == hostname) {
return AllServers[ip];
return null;
//Get server by IP or hostname. Returns null if invalid
function getServer(s) {
if (!Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__utils_IPAddress_js__["c" /* isValidIPAddress */])(s)) {
return GetServerByHostname(s);
} else {
return AllServers[s];
//Debugging tool
function PrintAllServers() {
for (var ip in AllServers) {
if (AllServers.hasOwnProperty(ip)) {
console.log("Ip: " + ip + ", hostname: " + AllServers[ip].hostname);
// Directory object (folders)
function Directory(server, parent, name) {
this.s = server; //Ref to server
this.p = parent; //Ref to parent directory
this.c = []; //Subdirs
this.n = name;
this.d = parent.d + 1; //We'll only have a maximum depth of 3 or something
this.scrs = []; //Holds references to the scripts in server.scripts
this.pgms = [];
this.msgs = [];
Directory.prototype.createSubdir = function(name) {
var subdir = new Directory(this.s, this, name);
Directory.prototype.getPath = function(name) {
var res = [];
var i = this;
while (i !== null) {
res.unshift(i.n, "/");
i = i.parent;
return res.join("");
/***/ }),
/* 8 */
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "d", function() { return initBitNodes; });
/* unused harmony export BitNode */
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return BitNodes; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return BitNodeMultipliers; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return initBitNodeMultipliers; });
/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__Player_js__ = __webpack_require__(0);
function BitNode(n, name, desc="", info="") {
this.number = n;
this.name = name;
this.desc = desc;
this.info = info;
let BitNodes = {};
function initBitNodes() {
BitNodes = {};
BitNodes["BitNode1"] = new BitNode(1, "Source Genesis", "The original BitNode",
"The first BitNode created by the Enders to imprison the minds of humans. It became " +
"the prototype and testing-grounds for all of the BitNodes that followed.
" +
"This is the first BitNode that you play through. It has no special " +
"modifications or mechanics.
" +
"Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 1, or if you already have " +
"this Source-File it will upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File " +
"lets the player start with 32GB of RAM on his/her home computer when entering a " +
"new BitNode, and also increases all of the player's multipliers by:
" +
"Level 1: 16% " +
"Level 2: 24% " +
"Level 3: 28%");
BitNodes["BitNode2"] = new BitNode(2, "Rise of the Underworld", "From the shadows, they rose", //Gangs
"From the shadows, they rose.
Organized crime groups quickly filled the void of power " +
"left behind from the collapse of Western government in the 2050's. As society and civlization broke down, " +
"people quickly succumbed to the innate human impulse of evil and savagery. The organized crime " +
"factions quickly rose to the top of the modern world.
" +
"In this BitNode:
The maximum amount of money available on a server is significantly decreased " +
"The amount of money gained from crimes and Infiltration is tripled " +
"Certain Factions (Slum Snakes, Tetrads, The Syndicate, The Dark Army, Speakers for the Dead, " +
"NiteSec, The Black Hand) give the player the ability to form and manage their own gangs. These gangs " +
"will earn the player money and reputation with the corresponding Faction " +
"Every Augmentation in the game will be available through the Factions listed above " +
"For every Faction NOT listed above, reputation gains are halved " +
"You will no longer gain passive reputation with Factions
" +
"Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 2, or if you already have this Source-File it will " +
"upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File increases the player's crime success rate, " +
"crime money, and charisma multipliers by:
" +
"Level 1: 20% " +
"Level 2: 30% " +
"Level 3: 35%");
BitNodes["BitNode3"] = new BitNode(3, "Corporatocracy", "The Price of Civilization",
"Our greatest illusion is that a healthy society can revolve around a " +
"single-minded pursuit of wealth.
" +
"Sometime in the early 21st century economic and political globalization turned " +
"the world into a corporatocracy, and it never looked back. Now, the privileged " +
"elite will happily bankrupt their own countrymen, decimate their own community, " +
"and evict their neighbors from houses in their desperate bid to increase their wealth.
" +
"In this BitNode you can create and manage your own corporation. Running a successful corporation " +
"has the potential of generating massive profits. All other forms of income are reduced by 75%. Furthermore:
" +
"The price and reputation cost of all Augmentations is tripled " +
"The starting and maximum amount of money on servers is reduced by 75% " +
"Server growth rate is reduced by 80% " +
"You will start out with $150b so that you can start your corporation " +
"You now only need 75 reputation with a faction in order to donate to it, rather than 150
" +
"Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 3, or if you already have this Source-File it will " +
"upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File lets you create corporations on other BitNodes (although " +
"some BitNodes will disable this mechanic). This Source-File also increases your charisma and company salary multipliers by: " +
"Level 1: 8% " +
"Level 2: 12% " +
"Level 3: 14%");
BitNodes["BitNode4"] = new BitNode(4, "The Singularity", "The Man and the Machine", "The Singularity has arrived. The human race is gone, replaced " +
"by artificially superintelligent beings that are more machine than man.
" +
"In this BitNode, progressing is significantly harder. Experience gain rates " +
"for all stats are reduced. Most methods of earning money will now give significantly less.
" +
"In this BitNode you will gain access to a new set of Netscript Functions known as Singularity Functions. " +
"These functions allow you to control most aspects of the game through scripts, including working for factions/companies, " +
"purchasing/installing Augmentations, and creating programs.
" +
"Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 4, or if you already have this Source-File it will " +
"upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File lets you access and use the Singularity " +
"Functions in other BitNodes. Each level of this Source-File will open up more Singularity Functions " +
"that you can use.");
BitNodes["BitNode5"] = new BitNode(5, "Artificial Intelligence", "Posthuman", "They said it couldn't be done. They said the human brain, " +
"along with its consciousness and intelligence, couldn't be replicated. They said the complexity " +
"of the brain results from unpredictable, nonlinear interactions that couldn't be modeled " +
"by 1's and 0's. They were wrong.
" +
"In this BitNode:
" +
"The base security level of servers is doubled " +
"The starting money on servers is halved, but the maximum money remains the same " +
"Most methods of earning money now give significantly less " +
"Infiltration gives 50% more reputation and money " +
"Corporations have 50% lower valuations and are therefore less profitable " +
"Augmentations are more expensive " +
"Hacking experience gain rates are reduced
" +
"Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 5, or if you already have this Source-File it will " +
"upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File grants you a special new stat called Intelligence. " +
"Intelligence is unique because it is permanent and persistent (it never gets reset back to 1). However " +
"gaining Intelligence experience is much slower than other stats, and it is also hidden (you won't know " +
"when you gain experience and how much). Higher Intelligence levels will boost your production for many actions " +
"in the game.
" +
"In addition, this Source-File will unlock the getBitNodeMultipliers() Netscript function, " +
"and will also raise all of your hacking-related multipliers by:
" +
"Level 1: 4% " +
"Level 2: 6% " +
"Level 3: 7%");
BitNodes["BitNode6"] = new BitNode(6, "Do Androids Dream?", "COMING SOON"); //Build androids for automation
BitNodes["BitNode7"] = new BitNode(7, "Bladeburners", "COMING SOON"); //Blade burner
BitNodes["BitNode8"] = new BitNode(8, "Ghost of Wall Street", "Money never sleeps",
"You are trying to make a name for yourself as an up-and-coming hedge fund manager on Wall Street.
" +
"In this BitNode:
" +
"You start with $100 million " +
"The only way to earn money is by trading on the stock market " +
"You start with a WSE membership and access to the TIX API " +
"You are able to short stocks and place different types of orders (limit/stop) " +
"You can immediately donate to factions to gain reputation
" +
"Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 8, or if you already have this Source-File it will " +
"upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File grants the following benefits:
" +
"Level 1: Permanent access to WSE and TIX API " +
"Level 2: Ability to short stocks in other BitNodes " +
"Level 3: Ability to use limit/stop orders in other BitNodes
" +
"This Source-File also increases your hacking growth multipliers by: " +
" Level 1: 8% Level 2: 12% Level 3: 14%");
BitNodes["BitNode9"] = new BitNode(9, "Hacktocracy", "COMING SOON"); //Healthy Hacknet balancing mechanic
BitNodes["BitNode10"] = new BitNode(10, "MegaCorp", "COMING SOON"); //Not sure yet
BitNodes["BitNode11"] = new BitNode(11, "The Big Crash", "Okay. Sell it all.",
"The 2050s was defined by the massive amounts of violent civil unrest and anarchic rebellion that rose all around the world. It was this period " +
"of disorder that eventually lead to the governmental reformation of many global superpowers, most notably " +
"the USA and China. But just as the world was slowly beginning to recover from these dark times, financial catastrophe hit.
" +
"In many countries, the high cost of trying to deal with the civil disorder bankrupted the governments. In all of this chaos and confusion, hackers " +
"were able to steal billions of dollars from the world's largest electronic banks, prompting an international banking crisis as " +
"governments were unable to bail out insolvent banks. Now, the world is slowly crumbling in the middle of the biggest economic crisis of all time.
" +
"In this BitNode:
" +
"The starting and maximum amount of money available on servers is significantly decreased " +
"The growth rate of servers is halved " +
"Weakening a server is twice as effective " +
"Company wages are decreased by 50% " +
"Corporation valuations are 99% lower and are therefore significantly less profitable " +
"Hacknet Node production is significantly decreased " +
"Crime and Infiltration are more lucrative " +
"Augmentations are twice as expensive
" +
"Destroying this BitNode will give you Source-File 11, or if you already have this Source-File it will " +
"upgrade its level up to a maximum of 3. This Source-File makes it so that company favor increases BOTH " +
"the player's salary and reputation gain rate at that company by 1% per favor (rather than just the reputation gain). " +
"This Source-File also increases the player's company salary and reputation gain multipliers by:
" +
"Level 1: 24% " +
"Level 2: 36% " +
"Level 3: 42%");
//Books: Frontera, Shiner
BitNodes["BitNode12"] = new BitNode(12, "fOS", "COMING SOON"); //Unlocks the new game mode and the rest of the BitNodes
BitNodes["BitNode13"] = new BitNode(13, "", "COMING SOON");
BitNodes["BitNode14"] = new BitNode(14, "", "COMING SOON");
BitNodes["BitNode15"] = new BitNode(15, "", "COMING SOON");
BitNodes["BitNode16"] = new BitNode(16, "", "COMING SOON");
BitNodes["BitNode17"] = new BitNode(17, "", "COMING SOON");
BitNodes["BitNode18"] = new BitNode(18, "", "COMING SOON");
BitNodes["BitNode19"] = new BitNode(19, "", "COMING SOON");
BitNodes["BitNode20"] = new BitNode(20, "", "COMING SOON");
BitNodes["BitNode21"] = new BitNode(21, "", "COMING SOON");
BitNodes["BitNode22"] = new BitNode(22, "", "COMING SOON");
BitNodes["BitNode23"] = new BitNode(23, "", "COMING SOON");
BitNodes["BitNode24"] = new BitNode(24, "", "COMING SOON");
let BitNodeMultipliers = {
ServerMaxMoney: 1,
ServerStartingMoney: 1,
ServerGrowthRate: 1,
ServerWeakenRate: 1,
ServerStartingSecurity: 1,
ManualHackMoney: 1,
ScriptHackMoney: 1,
CompanyWorkMoney: 1,
CrimeMoney: 1,
HacknetNodeMoney: 1,
CompanyWorkExpGain: 1,
ClassGymExpGain: 1,
FactionWorkExpGain: 1,
HackExpGain: 1,
CrimeExpGain: 1,
FactionWorkRepGain: 1,
FactionPassiveRepGain: 1,
RepToDonateToFaction: 1,
AugmentationRepCost: 1,
AugmentationMoneyCost: 1,
InfiltrationMoney: 1,
InfiltrationRep: 1,
CorporationValuation: 1,
function initBitNodeMultipliers() {
if (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].bitNodeN == null) {
__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].bitNodeN = 1;
for (var mult in BitNodeMultipliers) {
if (BitNodeMultipliers.hasOwnProperty(mult)) {
BitNodeMultipliers[mult] = 1;
switch (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__Player_js__["a" /* Player */].bitNodeN) {
case 1: //Source Genesis (every multiplier is 1)
case 2: //Rise of the Underworld
BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 0.2;
BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.4;
BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 3;
BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney = 3;
BitNodeMultipliers.FactionWorkRepGain = 0.5;
BitNodeMultipliers.FactionPassiveRepGain = 0;
case 3: //Corporatocracy
BitNodeMultipliers.RepToDonateToFaction = 0.5;
BitNodeMultipliers.AugmentationRepCost = 3;
BitNodeMultipliers.AugmentationMoneyCost = 3;
BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 0.25;
BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.25;
BitNodeMultipliers.ServerGrowthRate = 0.20;
BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoney = 0.25;
BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkMoney = 0.25;
BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 0.25;
BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0.25;
case 4: //The Singularity
BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 0.15;
BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.75;
BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoney = 0.2;
BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkMoney = 0.1;
BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 0.2;
BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0.05;
BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkExpGain = 0.5;
BitNodeMultipliers.ClassGymExpGain = 0.5;
BitNodeMultipliers.FactionWorkExpGain = 0.5;
BitNodeMultipliers.HackExpGain = 0.4;
BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeExpGain = 0.5;
BitNodeMultipliers.FactionWorkRepGain = 0.75;
case 5: //Artificial intelligence
BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 2;
BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingSecurity = 2;
BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.5;
BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoney = 0.15;
BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0.2;
BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 0.5;
BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationRep = 1.5;
BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney = 1.5;
BitNodeMultipliers.AugmentationMoneyCost = 2;
BitNodeMultipliers.HackExpGain = 0.5;
BitNodeMultipliers.CorporationValuation = 0.5;
case 8: //Ghost of Wall Street
BitNodeMultipliers.ScriptHackMoney = 0;
BitNodeMultipliers.ManualHackMoney = 0;
BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkMoney = 0;
BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 0;
BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0;
BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney = 0;
BitNodeMultipliers.RepToDonateToFaction = 0;
BitNodeMultipliers.CorporationValuation = 0;
case 11: //The Big Crash
BitNodeMultipliers.ServerMaxMoney = 0.1;
BitNodeMultipliers.ServerStartingMoney = 0.1;
BitNodeMultipliers.ServerGrowthRate = 0.5;
BitNodeMultipliers.ServerWeakenRate = 2;
BitNodeMultipliers.CrimeMoney = 3;
BitNodeMultipliers.CompanyWorkMoney = 0.5;
BitNodeMultipliers.HacknetNodeMoney = 0.1;
BitNodeMultipliers.AugmentationMoneyCost = 2;
BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationMoney = 2.5;
BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationRep = 2.5;
BitNodeMultipliers.CorporationValuation = 0.01;
console.log("WARNING: Player.bitNodeN invalid");
/***/ }),
/* 9 */
/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return Reviver; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "b", function() { return Generic_toJSON; });
/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return Generic_fromJSON; });
/* Generic Reviver, toJSON, and fromJSON functions used for saving and loading objects */
// A generic "smart reviver" function.
// Looks for object values with a `ctor` property and
// a `data` property. If it finds them, and finds a matching
// constructor that has a `fromJSON` property on it, it hands
// off to that `fromJSON` fuunction, passing in the value.
function Reviver(key, value) {
var ctor;
if (value == null) {
console.log("Reviver WRONGLY called with key: " + key + ", and value: " + value);
return 0;
if (typeof value === "object" &&
typeof value.ctor === "string" &&
typeof value.data !== "undefined") {
ctor = Reviver.constructors[value.ctor] || window[value.ctor];
if (typeof ctor === "function" &&
typeof ctor.fromJSON === "function") {
return ctor.fromJSON(value);
return value;
Reviver.constructors = {}; // A list of constructors the smart reviver should know about
// A generic "toJSON" function that creates the data expected
// by Reviver.
// `ctorName` The name of the constructor to use to revive it
// `obj` The object being serialized
// `keys` (Optional) Array of the properties to serialize,
// if not given then all of the objects "own" properties
// that don't have function values will be serialized.
// (Note: If you list a property in `keys`, it will be serialized
// regardless of whether it's an "own" property.)
// Returns: The structure (which will then be turned into a string
// as part of the JSON.stringify algorithm)
function Generic_toJSON(ctorName, obj, keys) {
var data, index, key;
if (!keys) {
keys = Object.keys(obj); // Only "own" properties are included
data = {};
for (index = 0; index < keys.length; ++index) {
key = keys[index];
data[key] = obj[key];
return {ctor: ctorName, data: data};
// A generic "fromJSON" function for use with Reviver: Just calls the
// constructor function with no arguments, then applies all of the
// key/value pairs from the raw data to the instance. Only useful for
// constructors that can be reasonably called without arguments!
// `ctor` The constructor to call
// `data` The data to apply
// Returns: The object
function Generic_fromJSON(ctor, data) {
var obj, name;
obj = new ctor();
for (name in data) {
obj[name] = data[name];
return obj;
/***/ }),
/* 10 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
* A worker that does nothing but passing chunks to the next one. This is like
* a nodejs stream but with some differences. On the good side :
* - it works on IE 6-9 without any issue / polyfill
* - it weights less than the full dependencies bundled with browserify
* - it forwards errors (no need to declare an error handler EVERYWHERE)
* A chunk is an object with 2 attributes : `meta` and `data`. The former is an
* object containing anything (`percent` for example), see each worker for more
* details. The latter is the real data (String, Uint8Array, etc).
* @constructor
* @param {String} name the name of the stream (mainly used for debugging purposes)
function GenericWorker(name) {
// the name of the worker
this.name = name || "default";
// an object containing metadata about the workers chain
this.streamInfo = {};
// an error which happened when the worker was paused
this.generatedError = null;
// an object containing metadata to be merged by this worker into the general metadata
this.extraStreamInfo = {};
// true if the stream is paused (and should not do anything), false otherwise
this.isPaused = true;
// true if the stream is finished (and should not do anything), false otherwise
this.isFinished = false;
// true if the stream is locked to prevent further structure updates (pipe), false otherwise
this.isLocked = false;
// the event listeners
this._listeners = {
// the previous worker, if any
this.previous = null;
GenericWorker.prototype = {
* Push a chunk to the next workers.
* @param {Object} chunk the chunk to push
push : function (chunk) {
this.emit("data", chunk);
* End the stream.
* @return {Boolean} true if this call ended the worker, false otherwise.
end : function () {
if (this.isFinished) {
return false;
try {
this.isFinished = true;
} catch (e) {
this.emit("error", e);
return true;
* End the stream with an error.
* @param {Error} e the error which caused the premature end.
* @return {Boolean} true if this call ended the worker with an error, false otherwise.
error : function (e) {
if (this.isFinished) {
return false;
if(this.isPaused) {
this.generatedError = e;
} else {
this.isFinished = true;
this.emit("error", e);
// in the workers chain exploded in the middle of the chain,
// the error event will go downward but we also need to notify
// workers upward that there has been an error.
if(this.previous) {
return true;
* Add a callback on an event.
* @param {String} name the name of the event (data, end, error)
* @param {Function} listener the function to call when the event is triggered
* @return {GenericWorker} the current object for chainability
on : function (name, listener) {
return this;
* Clean any references when a worker is ending.
cleanUp : function () {
this.streamInfo = this.generatedError = this.extraStreamInfo = null;
this._listeners = [];
* Trigger an event. This will call registered callback with the provided arg.
* @param {String} name the name of the event (data, end, error)
* @param {Object} arg the argument to call the callback with.
emit : function (name, arg) {
if (this._listeners[name]) {
for(var i = 0; i < this._listeners[name].length; i++) {
this._listeners[name][i].call(this, arg);
* Chain a worker with an other.
* @param {Worker} next the worker receiving events from the current one.
* @return {worker} the next worker for chainability
pipe : function (next) {
return next.registerPrevious(this);
* Same as `pipe` in the other direction.
* Using an API with `pipe(next)` is very easy.
* Implementing the API with the point of view of the next one registering
* a source is easier, see the ZipFileWorker.
* @param {Worker} previous the previous worker, sending events to this one
* @return {Worker} the current worker for chainability
registerPrevious : function (previous) {
if (this.isLocked) {
throw new Error("The stream '" + this + "' has already been used.");
// sharing the streamInfo...
this.streamInfo = previous.streamInfo;
// ... and adding our own bits
this.previous = previous;
var self = this;
previous.on('data', function (chunk) {
previous.on('end', function () {
previous.on('error', function (e) {
return this;
* Pause the stream so it doesn't send events anymore.
* @return {Boolean} true if this call paused the worker, false otherwise.
pause : function () {
if(this.isPaused || this.isFinished) {
return false;
this.isPaused = true;
if(this.previous) {
return true;
* Resume a paused stream.
* @return {Boolean} true if this call resumed the worker, false otherwise.
resume : function () {
if(!this.isPaused || this.isFinished) {
return false;
this.isPaused = false;
// if true, the worker tried to resume but failed
var withError = false;
if(this.generatedError) {
withError = true;
if(this.previous) {
return !withError;
* Flush any remaining bytes as the stream is ending.
flush : function () {},
* Process a chunk. This is usually the method overridden.
* @param {Object} chunk the chunk to process.
processChunk : function(chunk) {
* Add a key/value to be added in the workers chain streamInfo once activated.
* @param {String} key the key to use
* @param {Object} value the associated value
* @return {Worker} the current worker for chainability
withStreamInfo : function (key, value) {
this.extraStreamInfo[key] = value;
return this;
* Merge this worker's streamInfo into the chain's streamInfo.
mergeStreamInfo : function () {
for(var key in this.extraStreamInfo) {
if (!this.extraStreamInfo.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
this.streamInfo[key] = this.extraStreamInfo[key];
* Lock the stream to prevent further updates on the workers chain.
* After calling this method, all calls to pipe will fail.
lock: function () {
if (this.isLocked) {
throw new Error("The stream '" + this + "' has already been used.");
this.isLocked = true;
if (this.previous) {
* Pretty print the workers chain.
toString : function () {
var me = "Worker " + this.name;
if (this.previous) {
return this.previous + " -> " + me;
} else {
return me;
module.exports = GenericWorker;
/***/ }),
/* 11 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
* jQuery JavaScript Library v3.3.1
* https://jquery.com/
* Includes Sizzle.js
* https://sizzlejs.com/
* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license
* https://jquery.org/license
* Date: 2018-01-20T17:24Z
( function( global, factory ) {
"use strict";
if ( typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object" ) {
// For CommonJS and CommonJS-like environments where a proper `window`
// is present, execute the factory and get jQuery.
// For environments that do not have a `window` with a `document`
// (such as Node.js), expose a factory as module.exports.
// This accentuates the need for the creation of a real `window`.
// e.g. var jQuery = require("jquery")(window);
// See ticket #14549 for more info.
module.exports = global.document ?
factory( global, true ) :
function( w ) {
if ( !w.document ) {
throw new Error( "jQuery requires a window with a document" );
return factory( w );
} else {
factory( global );
// Pass this if window is not defined yet
} )( typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function( window, noGlobal ) {
// Edge <= 12 - 13+, Firefox <=18 - 45+, IE 10 - 11, Safari 5.1 - 9+, iOS 6 - 9.1
// throw exceptions when non-strict code (e.g., ASP.NET 4.5) accesses strict mode
// arguments.callee.caller (trac-13335). But as of jQuery 3.0 (2016), strict mode should be common
// enough that all such attempts are guarded in a try block.
"use strict";
var arr = [];
var document = window.document;
var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var slice = arr.slice;
var concat = arr.concat;
var push = arr.push;
var indexOf = arr.indexOf;
var class2type = {};
var toString = class2type.toString;
var hasOwn = class2type.hasOwnProperty;
var fnToString = hasOwn.toString;
var ObjectFunctionString = fnToString.call( Object );
var support = {};
var isFunction = function isFunction( obj ) {
// Support: Chrome <=57, Firefox <=52
// In some browsers, typeof returns "function" for HTML