[Home](./index.md) > [bitburner](./bitburner.md) > [Product](./bitburner.product.md) ## Product interface Product in a warehouse Signature: ```typescript interface Product ``` ## Properties | Property | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | [cityData](./bitburner.product.citydata.md) | {\[key: string\]:number\[\]} | Data refers to the production, sale, and quantity of the products These values are specific to a city For each city, the data is \[qty, prod, sell\] | | [cmp](./bitburner.product.cmp.md) | number | Competition for the product | | [developmentProgress](./bitburner.product.developmentprogress.md) | number | Creation progress - A number between 0-100 representing percentage | | [dmd](./bitburner.product.dmd.md) | number | Demand for the product | | [name](./bitburner.product.name.md) | string | Name of the product | | [pCost](./bitburner.product.pcost.md) | number | Production cost | | [sCost](./bitburner.product.scost.md) | string \| number | Sell cost, can be "MP+5" |