import { dialogBoxCreate } from "./ui/React/DialogBox"; import { BaseServer } from "./Server/BaseServer"; import { Generic_fromJSON, Generic_toJSON, IReviverValue, Reviver } from "./utils/JSONReviver"; import { removeLeadingSlash, isInRootDirectory } from "./Terminal/DirectoryHelpers"; /** Represents a plain text file that is typically stored on a server. */ export class TextFile { /** The full file name. */ fn: string; /** The content of the file. */ text: string; //TODO: Why are we using getter/setter for fn as filename? /** The full file name. */ get filename(): string { return this.fn; } /** The full file name. */ set filename(value: string) { this.fn = value; } constructor(fn = "", txt = "") { this.fn = (fn.endsWith(".txt") ? fn : `${fn}.txt`).replace(/\s+/g, ""); this.text = txt; } /** Concatenates the raw values to the end of current content. */ append(txt: string): void { this.text += txt; } /** Serves the file to the user as a downloadable resource through the browser. */ download(): void { const file: Blob = new Blob([this.text], { type: "text/plain" }); const a: HTMLAnchorElement = document.createElement("a"); const url: string = URL.createObjectURL(file); a.href = url; = this.fn; document.body.appendChild(a);; setTimeout(() => { document.body.removeChild(a); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 0); } /** Retrieve the content of the file. */ read(): string { return this.text; } /** Shows the content to the user via the game's dialog box. */ show(): void { dialogBoxCreate(`${this.fn}

${this.text}`); } /** Serialize the current file to a JSON save state. */ toJSON(): IReviverValue { return Generic_toJSON("TextFile", this); } /** Replaces the current content with the text provided. */ write(txt: string): void { this.text = txt; } /** Initializes a TextFile from a JSON save state. */ static fromJSON(value: IReviverValue): TextFile { return Generic_fromJSON(TextFile,; } } Reviver.constructors.TextFile = TextFile; /** * Retrieve the file object for the filename on the specified server. * @param fn The file name to look for * @param server The server object to look in * @returns The file object, or null if it couldn't find it. */ export function getTextFile(fn: string, server: BaseServer): TextFile | null { let filename: string = !fn.endsWith(".txt") ? `${fn}.txt` : fn; if (isInRootDirectory(filename)) { filename = removeLeadingSlash(filename); } for (const file of server.textFiles) { if (file.fn === filename) { return file; } } return null; } /** * Creates a TextFile on the target server. * @param fn The file name to create. * @param txt The contents of the file. * @param server The server that the file should be created on. * @returns The instance of the file. */ export function createTextFile(fn: string, txt: string, server: BaseServer): TextFile | undefined { if (getTextFile(fn, server) !== null) { // This should probably be a `throw`... /* tslint:disable-next-line:no-console */ console.error(`A file named "${fn}" already exists on server ${server.hostname}.`); return undefined; } const file: TextFile = new TextFile(fn, txt); server.textFiles.push(file); return file; }