import { ITerminal } from "../ITerminal"; import { IRouter } from "../../ui/Router"; import { IPlayer } from "../../PersonObjects/IPlayer"; import { BaseServer } from "../../Server/BaseServer"; import { isScriptFilename } from "../../Script/isScriptFilename"; export function cp( terminal: ITerminal, router: IRouter, player: IPlayer, server: BaseServer, args: (string | number | boolean)[], ): void { try { if (args.length !== 2) { terminal.error("Incorrect usage of cp command. Usage: cp [src] [dst]"); return; } const src = args[0] + ""; const dst = args[1] + ""; if (src === dst) { terminal.error("src and dst cannot be the same"); return; } const srcExt = src.slice(src.lastIndexOf(".")); const dstExt = dst.slice(dst.lastIndexOf(".")); if (srcExt !== dstExt) { terminal.error("src and dst must have the same extension."); return; } const filename = terminal.getFilepath(src); if (!isScriptFilename(filename) && !filename.endsWith(".txt")) { terminal.error("cp only works for scripts and .txt files"); return; } // Scp for txt files if (filename.endsWith(".txt")) { let txtFile = null; for (let i = 0; i < server.textFiles.length; ++i) { if (server.textFiles[i].fn === filename) { txtFile = server.textFiles[i]; break; } } if (txtFile === null) { return terminal.error("No such file exists!"); } const tRes = server.writeToTextFile(dst, txtFile.text); if (!tRes.success) { terminal.error("scp failed"); return; } if (tRes.overwritten) { terminal.print(`WARNING: ${dst} already exists and will be overwriten`); terminal.print(`${dst} overwritten`); return; } terminal.print(`${dst} copied`); return; } // Get the current script let sourceScript = null; for (let i = 0; i < server.scripts.length; ++i) { if (filename == server.scripts[i].filename) { sourceScript = server.scripts[i]; break; } } if (sourceScript == null) { terminal.error("cp() failed. No such script exists"); return; } const sRes = server.writeToScriptFile(dst, sourceScript.code); if (!sRes.success) { terminal.error(`scp failed`); return; } if (sRes.overwritten) { terminal.print(`WARNING: ${dst} already exists and will be overwritten`); terminal.print(`${dst} overwritten`); return; } terminal.print(`${dst} copied`); } catch (e) { terminal.error(e + ""); } }