import React from "react"; import { DarkWebItems } from "./DarkWebItems"; import { Player } from "../Player"; import { Terminal } from "../Terminal"; import { SpecialServers } from "../Server/data/SpecialServers"; import { Money } from "../ui/React/Money"; //Posts a "help" message if connected to DarkWeb export function checkIfConnectedToDarkweb(): void { const server = Player.getCurrentServer(); if (server !== null && SpecialServers.DarkWeb == server.hostname) { Terminal.print( "You are now connected to the dark web. From the dark web you can purchase illegal items. " + "Use the 'buy -l' command to display a list of all the items you can buy. Use 'buy [item-name] " + "to purchase an item.", ); } } export function listAllDarkwebItems(): void { for (const key in DarkWebItems) { const item = DarkWebItems[key]; Terminal.printRaw( <> {item.program} - - {item.description} , ); } } export function buyDarkwebItem(itemName: string): void { itemName = itemName.toLowerCase(); // find the program that matches, if any let item = null; for (const key in DarkWebItems) { const i = DarkWebItems[key]; if (i.program.toLowerCase() == itemName) { item = i; } } // return if invalid if (item === null) { Terminal.error("Unrecognized item: " + itemName); return; } // return if the player already has it. if (Player.hasProgram(item.program)) { Terminal.print("You already have the " + item.program + " program"); return; } // return if the player doesn't have enough money if ( { Terminal.error("Not enough money to purchase " + item.program); return; } // buy and push Player.loseMoney(item.price, "other"); Player.getHomeComputer().programs.push(item.program); Terminal.print( "You have purchased the " + item.program + " program. The new program can be found on your home computer.", ); }