tprint("Beginning testbench. A soft reset MUST be performed before running this."); tprint("This should be run on a Bitnode between 1 and 7, with $100k+, 16GB RAM+ " + "and access to Singularity functions otherwise some tests may fail"); run("tb_basic.script", 1, "OK"); write("tb_results.txt", "tb_start", "w"); while(true) { sleep(10000); res = read("tb_results.txt"); if (res.includes("FAIL")) { tprint("TESTBENCH FAILED"); killall(); } if (res.includes("tb_start") && res.includes("tb_basic") && res.includes("tb_ports") && res.includes("tb_multiarray") && res.includes("tb_functions")) { break; } } //Check remote scp("tb_results.txt", "foodnstuff", "home"); res = read("tb_results.txt"); if (res.includes("FAIL")) { tprint("TESTBENCH FAILED"); killall(); } if (res.includes("tb_remote")) { tprint("TESTBENCH SUCCESS"); } else { tprint("TESTBENCH FAILED"); killall(); }