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[Home](./index.md) &gt; [bitburner](./bitburner.md) &gt; [NS](./bitburner.ns.md) &gt; [flags](./bitburner.ns.flags.md)

## NS.flags() method

Parse command line flags.


flags(schema: [string, string | number | boolean | string[]][]): any;

## Parameters

|  Parameter | Type | Description |
|  --- | --- | --- |
|  schema | \[string, string \| number \| boolean \| string\[\]\]\[\] |  |



## Remarks

RAM cost: 0 GB

Allows unix like flag parsing.

## Example

// example.script
var data = flags([
    ['delay', 0], // a default number means this flag is a number
    ['server', 'foodnstuff'], //  a default string means this flag is a string
    ['exclude', []], // a default array means this flag is a default array of string
    ['help', false], // a default boolean means this flag is a boolean

// example.ns
export async function main(ns) {
  const data = ns.flags([
    ['delay', 0], // a default number means this flag is a number
    ['server', 'foodnstuff'], //  a default string means this flag is a string
    ['exclude', []], // a default array means this flag is a default array of string
    ['help', false], // a default boolean means this flag is a boolean

// [home ~/]> run example.script
// {"_":[],"delay":0,"server":"foodnstuff","exclude":[],"help":false}
// [home ~/]> run example.script --delay 3000
// {"_":[],"server":"foodnstuff","exclude":[],"help":false,"delay":3000}
// [home ~/]> run example.script --delay 3000 --server harakiri-sushi
// {"_":[],"exclude":[],"help":false,"delay":3000,"server":"harakiri-sushi"}
// [home ~/]> run example.script --delay 3000 --server harakiri-sushi hello world
// {"_":["hello","world"],"exclude":[],"help":false,"delay":3000,"server":"harakiri-sushi"}
// [home ~/]> run example.script --delay 3000 --server harakiri-sushi hello world --exclude a --exclude b
// {"_":["hello","world"],"help":false,"delay":3000,"server":"harakiri-sushi","exclude":["a","b"]}
// [home ~/]> run example.script --help
// {"_":[],"delay":0,"server":"foodnstuff","exclude":[],"help":true}