import { ITerminal } from "../ITerminal"; import { IRouter } from "../../ui/Router"; import { IPlayer } from "../../PersonObjects/IPlayer"; import { BaseServer } from "../../Server/BaseServer"; import { listAllDarkwebItems, buyAllDarkwebItems, buyDarkwebItem } from "../../DarkWeb/DarkWeb"; import { SpecialServers } from "../../Server/data/SpecialServers"; import { GetServer } from "../../Server/AllServers"; export function buy( terminal: ITerminal, router: IRouter, player: IPlayer, server: BaseServer, args: (string | number | boolean)[], ): void { if (!GetServer(SpecialServers.DarkWeb)) { terminal.error( "You need to be able to connect to the Dark Web to use the buy command. (Maybe there's a TOR router you can buy somewhere)", ); return; } if (args.length != 1) { terminal.print("Incorrect number of arguments. Usage: "); terminal.print("buy -l"); terminal.print("buy -a"); terminal.print("buy [item name]"); return; } const arg = args[0] + ""; if (arg == "-l" || arg == "-1" || arg == "--list") { listAllDarkwebItems(); } else if (arg == "-a" || arg == "--all") { buyAllDarkwebItems(); } else { buyDarkwebItem(arg); } }