import React from "react"; import { newWorkStats, WorkStats } from "../../Work/WorkStats"; interface IGeneral { desc: JSX.Element; exp: WorkStats; } export const GeneralActions: { [key: string]: IGeneral | undefined; } = { Training: { desc: ( <> Improve your abilities at the Bladeburner unit's specialized training center. Doing this gives experience for all combat stats and also increases your max stamina. ), exp: newWorkStats({ strExp: 30, defExp: 30, dexExp: 30, agiExp: 30, }), }, "Field Analysis": { desc: ( <> Mine and analyze Synthoid-related data. This improves the Bladeburner unit's intelligence on Synthoid locations and activities. Completing this action will improve the accuracy of your Synthoid population estimated in the current city.

Does NOT require stamina. ), exp: newWorkStats({ hackExp: 20, chaExp: 20, }), }, Recruitment: { desc: ( <> Attempt to recruit members for your Bladeburner team. These members can help you conduct operations.

Does NOT require stamina. ), exp: newWorkStats({ chaExp: 120, }), }, Diplomacy: { desc: ( <> Improve diplomatic relations with the Synthoid population. Completing this action will reduce the Chaos level in your current city.

Does NOT require stamina. ), exp: newWorkStats({ chaExp: 120, }), }, "Hyperbolic Regeneration Chamber": { desc: ( <> Enter cryogenic stasis using the Bladeburner division's hi-tech Regeneration Chamber. This will slowly heal your wounds and slightly increase your stamina.

), exp: newWorkStats(), }, "Incite Violence": { desc: ( <> Purposefully stir trouble in the synthoid community in order to gain a political edge. This will generate additional contracts and operations, at the cost of increased Chaos. ), exp: newWorkStats({ strExp: 10, defExp: 10, dexExp: 10, agiExp: 10, chaExp: 10, }), }, };