/** * Generic Game Constants * * Constants for specific mechanics or features will NOT be here. */ export const CONSTANTS: { VersionString: string; VersionNumber: number; _idleSpeed: number; MaxSkillLevel: number; MilliPerCycle: number; CorpFactionRepRequirement: number; BaseFocusBonus: number; BaseCostFor1GBOfRamHome: number; BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer: number; TravelCost: number; BaseFavorToDonate: number; DonateMoneyToRepDivisor: number; FactionReputationToFavorBase: number; FactionReputationToFavorMult: number; CompanyReputationToFavorBase: number; CompanyReputationToFavorMult: number; NeuroFluxGovernorLevelMult: number; NumNetscriptPorts: number; HomeComputerMaxRam: number; ServerBaseGrowthRate: number; ServerMaxGrowthRate: number; ServerFortifyAmount: number; ServerWeakenAmount: number; PurchasedServerLimit: number; PurchasedServerMaxRam: number; MultipleAugMultiplier: number; TorRouterCost: number; WSEAccountCost: number; TIXAPICost: number; MarketData4SCost: number; MarketDataTixApi4SCost: number; StockMarketCommission: number; HospitalCostPerHp: number; IntelligenceCrimeWeight: number; IntelligenceInfiltrationWeight: number; IntelligenceCrimeBaseExpGain: number; IntelligenceProgramBaseExpGain: number; IntelligenceTerminalHackBaseExpGain: number; IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain: number; IntelligenceClassBaseExpGain: number; MillisecondsPer20Hours: number; GameCyclesPer20Hours: number; MillisecondsPer10Hours: number; GameCyclesPer10Hours: number; MillisecondsPer8Hours: number; GameCyclesPer8Hours: number; MillisecondsPer4Hours: number; GameCyclesPer4Hours: number; MillisecondsPer2Hours: number; GameCyclesPer2Hours: number; MillisecondsPerHour: number; GameCyclesPerHour: number; MillisecondsPerHalfHour: number; GameCyclesPerHalfHour: number; MillisecondsPerQuarterHour: number; GameCyclesPerQuarterHour: number; MillisecondsPerFiveMinutes: number; GameCyclesPerFiveMinutes: number; FactionWorkHacking: string; FactionWorkField: string; FactionWorkSecurity: string; WorkTypeCompany: string; WorkTypeCompanyPartTime: string; WorkTypeFaction: string; WorkTypeCreateProgram: string; WorkTypeStudyClass: string; WorkTypeCrime: string; ClassStudyComputerScience: string; ClassDataStructures: string; ClassNetworks: string; ClassAlgorithms: string; ClassManagement: string; ClassLeadership: string; ClassGymStrength: string; ClassGymDefense: string; ClassGymDexterity: string; ClassGymAgility: string; ClassDataStructuresBaseCost: number; ClassNetworksBaseCost: number; ClassAlgorithmsBaseCost: number; ClassManagementBaseCost: number; ClassLeadershipBaseCost: number; ClassGymBaseCost: number; ClassStudyComputerScienceBaseExp: number; ClassDataStructuresBaseExp: number; ClassNetworksBaseExp: number; ClassAlgorithmsBaseExp: number; ClassManagementBaseExp: number; ClassLeadershipBaseExp: number; CrimeShoplift: string; CrimeRobStore: string; CrimeMug: string; CrimeLarceny: string; CrimeDrugs: string; CrimeBondForgery: string; CrimeTraffickArms: string; CrimeHomicide: string; CrimeGrandTheftAuto: string; CrimeKidnap: string; CrimeAssassination: string; CrimeHeist: string; CodingContractBaseFactionRepGain: number; CodingContractBaseCompanyRepGain: number; CodingContractBaseMoneyGain: number; TotalNumBitNodes: number; LatestUpdate: string; } = { VersionString: "1.3.0", VersionNumber: 9, // Speed (in ms) at which the main loop is updated _idleSpeed: 200, /** Max level for any skill, assuming no multipliers. Determined by max numerical value in javascript for experience * and the skill level formula in Player.js. Note that all this means it that when experience hits MAX_INT, then * the player will have this level assuming no multipliers. Multipliers can cause skills to go above this. */ MaxSkillLevel: 975, // Milliseconds per game cycle MilliPerCycle: 200, // How much reputation is needed to join a megacorporation's faction CorpFactionRepRequirement: 200e3, // Base RAM costs BaseCostFor1GBOfRamHome: 32000, BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer: 55000, //1 GB of RAM // Cost to travel to another city TravelCost: 200e3, // Faction and Company favor-related things BaseFavorToDonate: 150, DonateMoneyToRepDivisor: 1e6, FactionReputationToFavorBase: 500, FactionReputationToFavorMult: 1.02, CompanyReputationToFavorBase: 500, CompanyReputationToFavorMult: 1.02, // NeuroFlux Governor Augmentation cost multiplier NeuroFluxGovernorLevelMult: 1.14, NumNetscriptPorts: 20, // Server-related constants HomeComputerMaxRam: 1073741824, // 2 ^ 30 ServerBaseGrowthRate: 1.03, // Unadjusted Growth rate ServerMaxGrowthRate: 1.0035, // Maximum possible growth rate (max rate accounting for server security) ServerFortifyAmount: 0.002, // Amount by which server's security increases when its hacked/grown ServerWeakenAmount: 0.05, // Amount by which server's security decreases when weakened PurchasedServerLimit: 25, PurchasedServerMaxRam: 1048576, // 2^20 // Augmentation Constants MultipleAugMultiplier: 1.9, // TOR Router TorRouterCost: 200e3, // Stock market WSEAccountCost: 200e6, TIXAPICost: 5e9, MarketData4SCost: 1e9, MarketDataTixApi4SCost: 25e9, StockMarketCommission: 100e3, // Hospital/Health HospitalCostPerHp: 100e3, // Intelligence-related constants IntelligenceCrimeWeight: 0.025, // Weight for how much int affects crime success rates IntelligenceInfiltrationWeight: 0.1, // Weight for how much int affects infiltration success rates IntelligenceCrimeBaseExpGain: 0.05, IntelligenceProgramBaseExpGain: 0.1, // Program required hack level divided by this to determine int exp gain IntelligenceTerminalHackBaseExpGain: 200, // Hacking exp divided by this to determine int exp gain IntelligenceSingFnBaseExpGain: 1.5, IntelligenceClassBaseExpGain: 0.01, // Time-related constants MillisecondsPer20Hours: 72000000, GameCyclesPer20Hours: 72000000 / 200, MillisecondsPer10Hours: 36000000, GameCyclesPer10Hours: 36000000 / 200, MillisecondsPer8Hours: 28800000, GameCyclesPer8Hours: 28800000 / 200, MillisecondsPer4Hours: 14400000, GameCyclesPer4Hours: 14400000 / 200, MillisecondsPer2Hours: 7200000, GameCyclesPer2Hours: 7200000 / 200, MillisecondsPerHour: 3600000, GameCyclesPerHour: 3600000 / 200, MillisecondsPerHalfHour: 1800000, GameCyclesPerHalfHour: 1800000 / 200, MillisecondsPerQuarterHour: 900000, GameCyclesPerQuarterHour: 900000 / 200, MillisecondsPerFiveMinutes: 300000, GameCyclesPerFiveMinutes: 300000 / 200, // Player Work & Action BaseFocusBonus: 0.8, FactionWorkHacking: "Faction Hacking Work", FactionWorkField: "Faction Field Work", FactionWorkSecurity: "Faction Security Work", WorkTypeCompany: "Working for Company", WorkTypeCompanyPartTime: "Working for Company part-time", WorkTypeFaction: "Working for Faction", WorkTypeCreateProgram: "Working on Create a Program", WorkTypeStudyClass: "Studying or Taking a class at university", WorkTypeCrime: "Committing a crime", ClassStudyComputerScience: "studying Computer Science", ClassDataStructures: "taking a Data Structures course", ClassNetworks: "taking a Networks course", ClassAlgorithms: "taking an Algorithms course", ClassManagement: "taking a Management course", ClassLeadership: "taking a Leadership course", ClassGymStrength: "training your strength at a gym", ClassGymDefense: "training your defense at a gym", ClassGymDexterity: "training your dexterity at a gym", ClassGymAgility: "training your agility at a gym", ClassDataStructuresBaseCost: 40, ClassNetworksBaseCost: 80, ClassAlgorithmsBaseCost: 320, ClassManagementBaseCost: 160, ClassLeadershipBaseCost: 320, ClassGymBaseCost: 120, ClassStudyComputerScienceBaseExp: 0.5, ClassDataStructuresBaseExp: 1, ClassNetworksBaseExp: 2, ClassAlgorithmsBaseExp: 4, ClassManagementBaseExp: 2, ClassLeadershipBaseExp: 4, CrimeShoplift: "shoplift", CrimeRobStore: "rob a store", CrimeMug: "mug someone", CrimeLarceny: "commit larceny", CrimeDrugs: "deal drugs", CrimeBondForgery: "forge corporate bonds", CrimeTraffickArms: "traffick illegal arms", CrimeHomicide: "commit homicide", CrimeGrandTheftAuto: "commit grand theft auto", CrimeKidnap: "kidnap someone for ransom", CrimeAssassination: "assassinate a high-profile target", CrimeHeist: "pull off the ultimate heist", // Coding Contract // TODO: Move this into Coding contract implementation? CodingContractBaseFactionRepGain: 2500, CodingContractBaseCompanyRepGain: 4000, CodingContractBaseMoneyGain: 75e6, // BitNode/Source-File related stuff TotalNumBitNodes: 24, LatestUpdate: ` v1.3.0 - 2022-01-04 Cleaning up ------------------------------- ** External IDE integration ** * The Steam version has a webserver that allows integration with external IDEs. A VSCode extension is available on the market place. (The documentation for the ext. isn't written yet) ** Source-Files ** * SF4 has been reworked. * New SF -1. ** UI ** * Fix some edge case with skill bat tooltips (@MartinFournier) * Made some background match theme color (@Kejikus) * Fix problem with script editor height not adjusting correctly (@billyvg) * Fix some formatting issues with Bladeburner (@MartinFournier, @nickofolas) * Fix some functions like 'alert' format messages better (@MageKing17) * Many community themes added. * New script editor theme (@Hedrauta, @Dexalt142) * Improvements to tail windows (@theit8514) * Training is more consise (@mikomyazaki) * Fix Investopedia not displaying properly (@JotaroS) * Remove alpha from theme editor (@MartinFournier) * Fix corporation tooltip not displaying properly (@MartinFournier) * Add tooltip on backdoored location names (@MartinFournier) * Allow toasts to be dismissed by clicking them (@nickofolas) * Darkweb item listing now shows what you own. (@hexnaught) ** Bug fix ** * Fix unit tests (@MartinFournier) * Fixed issue with 'cat' and 'read' not finding foldered files (@Nick-Colclasure) * Buying on the dark web will remove incomplete exe (@hexnaught) * Fix bug that would cause the game to crash trying to go to a job without a job (@hexnaught) * purchaseServer validation (@nickofolas) * Script Editor focuses code when changing tab (@MartinFournier) * Fix script editor for .txt files (@65-7a) * Fix 'buy' command not displaying correctly. (@hexnaught) * Fix hackAnalyzeThread returning NaN (@mikomyazaki) * Electron handles exceptions better (@MageKing17) * Electron will handle 'unresponsive' event and present the opportunity to reload the game with no scripts (@MartinFournier) * Fix 'cp' between folders (@theit8514) * Fix throwing null/undefined errors (@nickofolas) * Allow shortcuts to work when unfocused (@MageKing17) * Fix some dependency issue (@locriacyber) * Fix corporation state returning an object instead of a string (@antonvmironov) * Fix 'mv' overwriting files (@theit8514) * Fix joesguns not being influenced by hack/grow (@dou867, @MartinFournier) * Added warning when opening external links. (@MartinFournier) * Prevent applying for positions that aren't offered (@TheMas3212) * Import has validation (@MartinFournier) ** Misc. ** * Added vim mode to script editor (@billyvg) * Clean up script editor code (@Rez855) * 'cat' works on scripts (@65-7a) * Add wordWrap for Monaco (@MartinFournier) * Include map bundles in electron for easier debugging (@MartinFournier) * Fix importing very large files (@MartinFournier) * Cache program blob, reducing ram usage of the game (@theit8514) * Dev menu can set server to $0 (@mikomyazaki) * 'backdoor' allows direct connect (@mikomyazaki) * Github workflow work (@MartinFournier) * workForFaction / workForCompany have a new parameter (@theit8514) * Alias accept single quotes (@sporkwitch, @FaintSpeaker) * Add grep options to 'ps' (@maxtimum) * Added buy all option to 'buy' (@anthonydroberts) * Added more shortcuts to terminal input (@Frank-py) * Refactor some port code (@ErzengelLichtes) * Settings to control GiB vs GB (@ErzengelLichtes) * Add electron option to export save game (@MartinFournier) * Electron improvements (@MartinFournier) * Expose some notifications functions to electron (@MartinFournier) * Documentation (@MartinFournier, @cyn, @millennIumAMbiguity, @2PacIsAlive, @TheCoderJT, @hexnaught, @sschmidTU, @FOLLGAD, @Hedrauta, @Xynrati, @mikomyazaki, @Icehawk78, @aaronransley, @TheMas3212, @Hedrauta, @alkemann, @ReeseJones, @amclark42, @thadguidry, @jasonhaxstuff, @pan-kuleczka, @jhollowe, @ApatheticsAnonymous, @erplsf, @daanflore, @nickofolas, @Kebap, @smolgumball, @woody-lam-cwl) `, };