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[Home](./index.md) &gt; [bitburner](./bitburner.md) &gt; [Gang](./bitburner.gang.md) &gt; [getEquipmentStats](./bitburner.gang.getequipmentstats.md)

## Gang.getEquipmentStats() method

If you are not in BitNode-2, then you must have Source-File 2 in order to use this function.

Get the specified equipment stats.


getEquipmentStats(equipName: GangEquipment | GangAugmentations): GangEquipmentStats;

## Parameters

|  Parameter | Type | Description |
|  --- | --- | --- |
|  equipName | [GangEquipment](./bitburner.gangequipment.md) \| [GangAugmentations](./bitburner.gangaugmentations.md) | Name of equipment. |



A dictionary containing the stats of the equipment.

## Remarks

RAM cost: 2 GB