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synced 2024-12-05 22:13:20 +01:00
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168 lines
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import type { BoardState, OpponentStats, SimpleBoard } from "./Types";
import type { PartialRecord } from "../Types/Record";
import { Truthy } from "lodash";
import { GoColor, GoOpponent } from "@enums";
import { Go } from "./Go";
import { boardStateFromSimpleBoard, simpleBoardFromBoard } from "./boardAnalysis/boardAnalysis";
import { assertLoadingType } from "../utils/TypeAssertion";
import { getEnumHelper } from "../utils/EnumHelper";
import { boardSizes } from "./Constants";
import { isInteger, isNumber } from "../types";
type PreviousGameSaveData = { ai: GoOpponent; board: SimpleBoard; previousPlayer: GoColor | null } | null;
type CurrentGameSaveData = PreviousGameSaveData & {
cheatCount: number;
passCount: number;
type SaveFormat = {
previousGame: PreviousGameSaveData;
currentGame: CurrentGameSaveData;
stats: PartialRecord<GoOpponent, OpponentStats>;
export function getGoSave(): SaveFormat {
return {
previousGame: Go.previousGame
? {
ai: Go.previousGame.ai,
board: simpleBoardFromBoard(Go.previousGame.board),
previousPlayer: Go.previousGame.previousPlayer,
: null,
currentGame: {
ai: Go.currentGame.ai,
board: simpleBoardFromBoard(Go.currentGame.board),
previousPlayer: Go.currentGame.previousPlayer,
cheatCount: Go.currentGame.cheatCount,
passCount: Go.currentGame.passCount,
stats: Go.stats,
export function loadGo(data: unknown): boolean {
/** Function for ending the loading process, showing an error if there is one, and indicating load success/failure */
function showError(error: unknown): boolean {
console.warn("Encountered the following issue while loading Go savedata:");
return false;
if (!data) return showError("There was no go savedata");
// Parsing the savedata
if (typeof data !== "string") return showError("Savedata was not a string");
let parsedData;
try {
parsedData = JSON.parse(data) as unknown;
} catch (e) {
return showError(`Cannot JSON.parse the savedata: ${data}`);
if (!parsedData || typeof parsedData !== "object") return showError("Parsed savedata was not an object");
// currentGame
const currentGame = loadCurrentGame(parsedData.currentGame);
if (typeof currentGame === "string") return showError(currentGame);
// previousGame
const previousGame = loadPreviousGame(parsedData.previousGame);
if (typeof previousGame === "string") return showError(previousGame);
// stats
const stats = loadStats(parsedData.stats);
if (typeof stats === "string") return showError(stats);
Go.currentGame = currentGame;
Go.previousGame = previousGame;
Go.stats = stats;
return true;
/** Loading for Go.currentGame
* @returns The currentGame object if it can be loaded with no issues. IF there is an issue, a string is returned instead describing the issue. */
function loadCurrentGame(currentGame: unknown): BoardState | string {
if (!currentGame) return "Savedata did not contain a currentGame";
const ai = getEnumHelper("GoOpponent").getMember(currentGame.ai);
if (!ai) return `currentGame had an invalid opponent: ${currentGame.ai}`;
if (!Array.isArray(currentGame.board)) return "Non-array encountered while trying to load a board.";
const requiredSize = currentGame.board.length;
const board = loadSimpleBoard(currentGame.board, requiredSize);
if (typeof board === "string") return board;
const previousPlayer = getEnumHelper("GoColor").getMember(currentGame.previousPlayer) ?? null;
if (!isInteger(currentGame.cheatCount) || currentGame.cheatCount < 0)
return "invalid number for currentGame.cheatCount";
if (!isInteger(currentGame.passCount) || currentGame.passCount < 0) return "invalid number for currentGame.passCount";
const boardState = boardStateFromSimpleBoard(board, ai);
boardState.previousPlayer = previousPlayer;
boardState.cheatCount = currentGame.cheatCount;
boardState.passCount = currentGame.passCount;
boardState.previousBoards = [];
return boardState;
/** Loading for Go.previousGame
* @returns The previousGame object if it can be loaded with no issues. IF there is an issue, a string is returned instead describing the issue. */
function loadPreviousGame(previousGame: unknown): BoardState | null | string {
if (!previousGame) return null;
const ai = getEnumHelper("GoOpponent").getMember(previousGame.ai);
if (!ai) return `currentGame had an invalid opponent: ${previousGame.ai}`;
if (!Array.isArray(previousGame.board)) return "Non-array encountered while trying to load a board.";
const board = loadSimpleBoard(previousGame.board);
if (typeof board === "string") return board;
const previousPlayer = getEnumHelper("GoColor").getMember(previousGame.previousPlayer) ?? null;
const boardState = boardStateFromSimpleBoard(board, ai);
boardState.previousPlayer = previousPlayer;
return boardState;
/** Loading for Go.stats
* @returns The stats object if it can be loaded with no issues. IF there is an issue, a string is returned instead describing the issue. */
function loadStats(stats: unknown): PartialRecord<GoOpponent, OpponentStats> | string {
const finalStats: PartialRecord<GoOpponent, OpponentStats> = {};
if (!stats) return "Savedata did not contain a stats object.";
if (typeof stats !== "object") return "Non-object encountered for Go.stats";
const entries = Object.entries(stats);
for (const [opponent, opponentStats] of entries) {
if (!getEnumHelper("GoOpponent").isMember(opponent)) return `Invalid opponent in Go.stats: ${opponent}`;
if (!opponentStats || typeof opponentStats !== "object") "Non-object encountered for an opponent's stats";
const { favor, highestWinStreak, losses, nodes, wins, oldWinStreak, winStreak, nodePower } = opponentStats;
// Integers >= 0. Todo: make a better helper for this.
if (!isInteger(favor) || favor < 0) return "A favor entry in Go.stats was invalid";
if (!isInteger(highestWinStreak) || highestWinStreak < 0) return "A highestWinStreak entry in Go.stats was invalid";
if (!isInteger(losses) || losses < 0) return "A losses entry in Go.stats was invalid";
if (!isInteger(nodes) || nodes < 0) return "A nodes entry in Go.stats was invalid";
if (!isInteger(wins) || wins < 0) return "A wins entry in Go.stats was invalid";
// Integers with no clamping
if (!isInteger(oldWinStreak)) return "An oldWinStreak entry in Go.stats was invalid";
if (!isInteger(winStreak)) return "An oldWinStreak entry in Go.stats was invalid";
// Numbers >= 0
if (!isNumber(nodePower) || nodePower < 0) return "A nodePower entry in Go.stats was invalid";
finalStats[opponent] = { favor, highestWinStreak, losses, nodes, wins, oldWinStreak, winStreak, nodePower };
return finalStats;
/** Loading for a SimpleBoard. Also used to load real boards, which are converted from simple boards higher up.
* @returns The SimpleBoard object if it can be loaded with no issues. If there is an issue, a string is returned instead describing the issue. */
function loadSimpleBoard(simpleBoard: unknown, requiredSize?: number): SimpleBoard | string {
if (!Array.isArray(simpleBoard)) return "Non-array encountered while trying to load a SimpleBoard.";
requiredSize ??= simpleBoard.length;
if (!boardSizes.includes(requiredSize)) return `Invalid board size when loading a SimpleBoard: ${requiredSize}`;
if (simpleBoard.length !== requiredSize) return "Incorrect size while trying to load a SimpleBoard";
if (!simpleBoard.every((column) => typeof column === "string" && column.length === requiredSize)) {
return "Incorrect types or column size while loading a SimpleBoard.";
return simpleBoard;