mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 20:43:47 +01:00
This is the start at separating out UI related work from potentially backend related work. This distinction will help when Web Workers can be introduced to get around the background tab limitation for scripts.
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4063 lines
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import {Augmentations, AugmentationNames} from "./Augmentations";
import {BitNodeMultipliers} from "./BitNode";
import {CONSTANTS} from "./Constants";
import {Engine} from "./engine";
import {Faction, Factions, factionExists,
joinFaction, displayFactionContent} from "./Faction";
import {Locations} from "./Location";
import {Player} from "./Player";
import {hackWorldDaemon, redPillFlag} from "./RedPill";
import {KEY} from "./Terminal";
import {createProgressBarText} from "../utils/helpers/createProgressBarText";
import {dialogBoxCreate} from "../utils/DialogBox";
import {addOffset, clearObject,
createPopup, appendLineBreaks,
removeElementById, removeElement} from "../utils/HelperFunctions";
import {Reviver, Generic_toJSON,
Generic_fromJSON} from "../utils/JSONReviver";
import numeral from "numeral/min/numeral.min";
import {createElement} from "../utils/uiHelpers/createElement";
import {exceptionAlert} from "../utils/helpers/exceptionAlert";
import {formatNumber} from "../utils/StringHelperFunctions";
import {getRandomInt} from "../utils/helpers/getRandomInt";
var CityNames = ["Aevum", "Chongqing", "Sector-12", "New Tokyo", "Ishima", "Volhaven"];
var CyclesPerSecond = 5; //Game cycle is 200 ms
var StaminaGainPerSecond = 0.0085;
var BaseStaminaLoss = 0.285; //Base stamina loss per action. Increased based on difficulty
var MaxStaminaToGainFactor = 70000; //Max Stamina is divided by this to get bonus stamina gain
var DifficultyToTimeFactor = 10; //Action Difficulty divided by this to get base action time
//The difficulty multiplier affects stamina loss and hp loss of an action. Also affects
//experience gain. Its formula is:
//difficulty ^ exponentialFactor + difficulty / linearFactor
var DiffMultExponentialFactor = 0.28;
var DiffMultLinearFactor = 650;
var EffAgiLinearFactor = 90e3;
var EffDexLinearFactor = 90e3;
var EffAgiExponentialFactor = 0.031;
var EffDexExponentialFactor = 0.03;
var BaseRecruitmentTimeNeeded = 300; //Base time needed (s) to complete a Recruitment action
var PopulationThreshold = 1e9; //Population at which success rates start being affected
var ChaosThreshold = 50; //City chaos level after which it starts making tasks harder
var BaseStatGain = 1; //Base stat gain per second
var BaseIntGain = 0.001; //Base intelligence stat gain
var ActionCountGrowthPeriod = 300; //Time (s) it takes for action count to grow by its specified value
var RankToFactionRepFactor = 2; //Delta Faction Rep = this * Delta Rank
var RankNeededForFaction = 25;
var ContractSuccessesPerLevel = 3; //How many successes you need to level up a contract
var OperationSuccessesPerLevel = 2.5; //How many successes you need to level up an op
var RanksPerSkillPoint = 4; //How many ranks needed to get 1 Skill Point
var ContractBaseMoneyGain = 40e3; //Base Money Gained per contract
//DOM related variables
var ActiveActionCssClass = "bladeburner-active-action";
//Console related stuff
var consoleHistory = []; //Console command history
var consoleHistoryIndex = 0;
var consoleHelpText = {
helpList:"Use 'help [command]' to get more information about a particular Bladeburner console command.<br><br>" +
"automate [var] [val] [hi/low] Configure simple automation for Bladeburner tasks<br>" +
"clear/cls Clear the console<br>" +
"help [cmd] Display this help text, or help text for a specific command<br>" +
"log [en/dis] [type] Enable or disable logging for events and actions<br>" +
"skill [action] [name] Level or display info about your Bladeburner skills<br>" +
"start [type] [name] Start a Bladeburner action/task<br>" +
"stop Stops your current Bladeburner action/task<br>",
automate:"automate [var] [val] [hi/low]<br><br>" +
"A simple way to automate your Bladeburner actions. This console command can be used " +
"to automatically start an action when your stamina rises above a certain threshold, and " +
"automatically switch to another action when your stamina drops below another threshold.<br><br>" +
"automate status - Check the current status of your automation and get a brief description of what it'll do<br>" +
"automate en - Enable the automation feature<br>" +
"automate dis - Disable the automation feature<br><br>" +
"There are four properties that must be set for this automation to work properly. Here is how to set them:<br><br>" +
"automate stamina 100 high<br>" +
"automate contract Tracking high<br>" +
"automate stamina 50 low<br>" +
'automate general "Field Analysis" low<br><br>' +
"Using the four console commands above will set the automation to perform Tracking contracts " +
"if your stamina is 100 or higher, and then switch to Field Analysis if your stamina drops below " +
"50. Note that when setting the action, the name of the action is CASE-SENSITIVE. It must " +
"exactly match whatever the name is in the UI.",
clear:"clear<br><br>Clears the console",
cls:"cls<br><br>Clears the console",
help:"help [command]<br><br>" +
"Running 'help' with no arguments displays the general help text, which lists all console commands " +
"and a brief description of what they do. A command can be specified to get more specific help text " +
"about that particular command. For example:<br><br>" +
"help automate<br><br>" +
"will display specific information about using the automate console command",
log:"log [en/dis] [type]<br><br>" +
"Enable or disable logging. By default, the results of completing actions such as contracts/operations are logged " +
"in the console. There are also random events that are logged in the console as well. The five categories of " +
"things that get logged are:<br><br>" +
"[general, contracts, ops, blackops, events]<br><br>" +
"The logging for these categories can be enabled or disabled like so:<br><br>" +
"log dis contracts - Disables logging that occurs when contracts are completed<br>" +
"log en contracts - Enables logging that occurs when contracts are completed<br>" +
"log dis events - Disables logging for Bladeburner random events<br><br>" +
"Logging can be universally enabled/disabled using the 'all' keyword:<br><br>" +
"log dis all<br>" +
"log en all",
skill:"skill [action] [name]<br><br>" +
"Level or display information about your skills.<br><br>" +
"To display information about all of your skills and your multipliers, use:<br><br>" +
"skill list<br><br>" +
"To display information about a specific skill, specify the name of the skill afterwards. " +
"Note that the name of the skill is case-sensitive. Enter it exactly as seen in the UI. If " +
"the name of the skill has whitespace, enclose the name of the skill in double quotation marks:<br><br>" +
"skill list Reaper<br>" +
'skill list "Digital Observer"<br><br>' +
"This console command can also be used to level up skills:<br><br>" +
"skill level [skill name]",
start:"start [type] [name]<br><br>" +
"Start an action. An action is specified by its type and its name. The " +
"name is case-sensitive. It must appear exactly as it does in the UI. If " +
"the name of the action has whitespace, enclose it in double quotation marks. " +
"Valid action types include:<br><br>" +
"[general, contract, op, blackop]<br><br>" +
"Examples:<br><br>" +
'start contract Tracking<br>' +
'start op "Undercover Operation"<br>',
stop:"stop<br><br>" +
"Stop your current action and go idle",
//Keypresses for Console
$(document).keydown(function(event) {
if (Engine.currentPage === Engine.Page.Bladeburner) {
//if (DomElems.consoleInput && !event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.altKey) {
// DomElems.consoleInput.focus();
if (!(Player.bladeburner instanceof Bladeburner)) {return;}
//NOTE: Keycodes imported from Terminal.js
if (event.keyCode === KEY.ENTER) {
var command = DomElems.consoleInput.value;
if (command.length > 0) {
Player.bladeburner.postToConsole("> " + command);
if (event.keyCode === KEY.UPARROW) {
if (DomElems.consoleInput == null) {return;}
var i = consoleHistoryIndex;
var len = consoleHistory.length;
if (len === 0) {return;}
if (i < 0 || i > len) {
consoleHistoryIndex = len;
if (i !== 0) {
var prevCommand = consoleHistory[consoleHistoryIndex];
DomElems.consoleInput.value = prevCommand;
setTimeout(function(){DomElems.consoleInput.selectionStart = DomElems.consoleInput.selectionEnd = 10000; }, 0);
if (event.keyCode === KEY.DOWNARROW) {
if (DomElems.consoleInput == null) {return;}
var i = consoleHistoryIndex;
var len = consoleHistory.length;
if (len == 0) {return;}
if (i < 0 || i > len) {
consoleHistoryIndex = len;
//Latest command, put nothing
if (i == len || i == len-1) {
consoleHistoryIndex = len;
DomElems.consoleInput.value = "";
} else {
var prevCommand = consoleHistory[consoleHistoryIndex];
DomElems.consoleInput.value = prevCommand;
function City(params={}) {
this.name = params.name ? params.name : Locations.Sector12;
//Synthoid population and estimate
this.pop = params.pop ? params.pop : getRandomInt(800e6, 1.2*PopulationThreshold);
this.popEst = this.pop * (Math.random() + 0.5);
//Number of Synthoid communities population and estimate
this.comms = params.comms ? params.comms : getRandomInt(1, 40);
this.commsEst = this.comms + getRandomInt(-2, 2);
if (this.commsEst < 0) {this.commsEst = 0;}
this.chaos = 0;
City.prototype.improvePopulationEstimateByCount = function(n) {
if (isNaN(n)) {throw new Error("NaN passeed into City.improvePopulationEstimateByCount()");}
if (this.popEst < this.pop) {
this.popEst += n;
if (this.popEst > this.pop) {this.popEst = this.pop;}
} else if (this.popEst > this.pop) {
this.popEst -= n;
if (this.popEst < this.pop) {this.popEst = this.pop;}
//@p is the percentage, not the multiplier. e.g. pass in p = 5 for 5%
City.prototype.improvePopulationEstimateByPercentage = function(p, skillMult=1) {
p = p*skillMult;
if (isNaN(p)) {throw new Error("NaN passed into City.improvePopulationEstimateByPercentage()");}
if (this.popEst < this.pop) {
++this.popEst; //In case estimate is 0
this.popEst *= (1 + (p/100));
if (this.popEst > this.pop) {this.popEst = this.pop;}
} else if (this.popEst > this.pop) {
this.popEst *= (1 - (p/100));
if (this.popEst < this.pop) {this.popEst = this.pop;}
City.prototype.improveCommunityEstimate = function(n=1) {
if (isNaN(n)) {throw new Error("NaN passed into City.improveCommunityEstimate()");}
if (this.commsEst < this.comms) {
this.commsEst += n;
if (this.commsEst > this.comms) {this.commsEst = this.comms;}
} else if (this.commsEst > this.comms) {
this.commsEst -= n;
if (this.commsEst < this.comms) {this.commsEst = this.comms;}
//@params options:
// estChange(int): How much the estimate should change by
// estOffset(int): Add offset to estimate (offset by percentage)
City.prototype.changePopulationByCount = function(n, params={}) {
if (isNaN(n)) {throw new Error("NaN passed into City.changePopulationByCount()");}
this.pop += n;
if (params.estChange && !isNaN(params.estChange)) {this.popEst += params.estChange;}
if (params.estOffset) {
this.popEst = addOffset(this.popEst, params.estOffset);
this.popEst = Math.max(this.popEst, 0);
//@p is the percentage, not the multiplier. e.g. pass in p = 5 for 5%
//@params options:
// changeEstEqually(bool) - Change the population estimate by an equal amount
// nonZero (bool) - Set to true to ensure that population always changes by at least 1
City.prototype.changePopulationByPercentage = function(p, params={}) {
if (isNaN(p)) {throw new Error("NaN passed into City.changePopulationByPercentage()");}
if (p === 0) {return;}
var change = Math.round(this.pop * (p/100));
//Population always changes by at least 1
if (params.nonZero && change === 0) {
p > 0 ? change = 1 : change = -1;
this.pop += change;
if (params.changeEstEqually) {
this.popEst += change;
if (this.popEst < 0) {this.popEst = 0;}
return change;
City.prototype.changeChaosByCount = function(n) {
if (isNaN(n)) {throw new Error("NaN passed into City.changeChaosByCount()");}
if (n === 0) {return;}
this.chaos += n;
if (this.chaos < 0) {this.chaos = 0;}
//@p is the percentage, not the multiplier (e.g. pass in p = 5 for 5%)
City.prototype.changeChaosByPercentage = function(p) {
if (isNaN(p)) {throw new Error("NaN passed into City.chaosChaosByPercentage()");}
if (p === 0) {return;}
var change = this.chaos * (p/100);
this.chaos += change;
if (this.chaos < 0) {this.chaos = 0;}
City.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return Generic_toJSON("City", this);
City.fromJSON = function(value) {
return Generic_fromJSON(City, value.data);
Reviver.constructors.City = City;
function Skill(params={name:"foo", desc:"foo"}) {
if (params.name) {
this.name = params.name;
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to initialize Bladeburner Skill. No name was specified in ctor");
if (params.desc) {
this.desc = params.desc;
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to initialize Bladeburner Skills. No desc was specified in ctor");
this.baseCost = params.baseCost ? params.baseCost : 1; //Cost is in Skill Points
this.costInc = params.costInc ? params.costInc : 1; //Additive cost increase per level
if (params.maxLvl) {this.maxLvl = params.maxLvl;}
//These benefits are additive. So total multiplier will be level (handled externally) times the
//effects below
if (params.successChanceAll) {this.successChanceAll = params.successChanceAll;}
if (params.successChanceStealth) {this.successChanceStealth = params.successChanceStealth;}
if (params.successChanceKill) {this.successChanceKill = params.successChanceKill;}
if (params.successChanceContract) {this.successChanceContract = params.successChanceContract;}
if (params.successChanceOperation) {this.successChanceOperation = params.successChanceOperation;}
//This multiplier affects everything that increases synthoid population/community estimate
//e.g. Field analysis, Investigation Op, Undercover Op
if (params.successChanceEstimate) {this.successChanceEstimate = params.successChanceEstimate;}
if (params.actionTime) {this.actionTime = params.actionTime;}
if (params.effHack) {this.effHack = params.effHack;}
if (params.effStr) {this.effStr = params.effStr;}
if (params.effDef) {this.effDef = params.effDef;}
if (params.effDex) {this.effDex = params.effDex;}
if (params.effAgi) {this.effAgi = params.effAgi;}
if (params.effCha) {this.effCha = params.effCha;}
if (params.stamina) {this.stamina = params.stamina;}
if (params.weaponAbility) {this.weaponAbility = params.weaponAbility;}
if (params.gunAbility) {this.gunAbility = params.gunAbility;}
Skill.prototype.calculateCost = function(currentLevel) {
return (this.baseCost + (currentLevel * this.costInc)) * BitNodeMultipliers.BladeburnerSkillCost;
var Skills = {};
var SkillNames = {
BladesIntuition: "Blade's Intuition",
Reaper: "Reaper",
Cloak: "Cloak",
Marksman: "Marksman",
WeaponProficiency: "Weapon Proficiency",
Overclock: "Overclock",
EvasiveSystem: "Evasive System",
ShortCircuit: "Short-Circuit",
DigitalObserver: "Digital Observer",
Datamancer: "Datamancer",
Tracer: "Tracer",
CybersEdge: "Cyber's Edge"
//Base Class for Contracts, Operations, and BlackOps
function Action(params={}) {
this.name = params.name ? params.name : "";
this.desc = params.desc ? params.desc : "";
//Difficulty scales with level
//Exact formula is not set in stone
//Initial design: baseDifficulty * (difficultyFac ^ level)?
//difficulty Fac is slightly greater than 1
this.level = 1;
this.maxLevel = 1;
this.autoLevel = true;
this.baseDifficulty = params.baseDifficulty ? addOffset(params.baseDifficulty, 10) : 100;
this.difficultyFac = params.difficultyFac ? params.difficultyFac : 1.01;
//Rank increase/decrease is affected by this exponent
this.rewardFac = params.rewardFac ? params.rewardFac : 1.02;
this.successes = 0;
this.failures = 0;
//All of these scale with level/difficulty
this.rankGain = params.rankGain ? params.rankGain : 0;
if (params.rankLoss) {this.rankLoss = params.rankLoss;}
if (params.hpLoss) {
this.hpLoss = params.hpLoss;
this.hpLost = 0;
//Action Category. Current categories are stealth and kill
this.isStealth = params.isStealth ? true : false;
this.isKill = params.isKill ? true : false;
//Number of this contract remaining, and its growth rate
//Growth rate is an integer and the count will increase by that integer every "cycle"
this.count = params.count ? params.count : getRandomInt(1e3, 25e3);
this.countGrowth = params.countGrowth ? params.countGrowth : getRandomInt(1, 5);
//Weighting of each stat in determining action success rate
var defaultWeights = {hack:1/7,str:1/7,def:1/7,dex:1/7,agi:1/7,cha:1/7,int:1/7};
this.weights = params.weights ? params.weights : defaultWeights;
//Check to make sure weights are summed properly
var sum = 0;
for (var weight in this.weights) {
if (this.weights.hasOwnProperty(weight)) {
sum += this.weights[weight];
if (sum - 1 >= 10 * Number.EPSILON) {
throw new Error("Invalid weights when constructing Action " + this.name +
". The weights should sum up to 1. They sum up to :" + 1);
//Diminishing returns of stats (stat ^ decay where 0 <= decay <= 1)
var defaultDecays = {hack:0.9,str:0.9,def:0.9,dex:0.9,agi:0.9,cha:0.9,int:0.9};
this.decays = params.decays ? params.decays : defaultDecays;
for (var decay in this.decays) {
if (this.decays.hasOwnProperty(decay)) {
if (this.decays[decay] > 1) {
throw new Error("Invalid decays when constructing " +
"Action " + this.name + ". " +
"Decay value cannot be greater than 1");
Action.prototype.getDifficulty = function() {
var difficulty = this.baseDifficulty * Math.pow(this.difficultyFac, this.level-1);
if (isNaN(difficulty)) {throw new Error("Calculated NaN in Action.getDifficulty()");}
return difficulty;
//@inst - Bladeburner Object
//@params - options:
// est (bool): Get success chance estimate instead of real success chance
Action.prototype.getSuccessChance = function(inst, params={}) {
if (inst == null) {throw new Error("Invalid Bladeburner instance passed into Action.getSuccessChance");}
var difficulty = this.getDifficulty();
var competence = 0;
for (var stat in this.weights) {
if (this.weights.hasOwnProperty(stat)) {
var playerStatLvl = Player.queryStatFromString(stat);
var key = "eff" + stat.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + stat.slice(1);
var effMultiplier = inst.skillMultipliers[key];
if (effMultiplier == null) {
console.log("ERROR: Failed to find Bladeburner Skill multiplier for: " + stat);
effMultiplier = 1;
competence += (this.weights[stat] * Math.pow(effMultiplier*playerStatLvl, this.decays[stat]));
competence *= inst.calculateStaminaPenalty();
//For Operations, factor in team members
if (this instanceof Operation || this instanceof BlackOperation) {
if (this.teamCount && this.teamCount > 0) {
this.teamCount = Math.min(this.teamCount, inst.teamSize);
var teamMultiplier = Math.pow(this.teamCount, 0.05);
competence *= teamMultiplier;
//Lower city population results in lower chances
if (!(this instanceof BlackOperation)) {
var city = inst.getCurrentCity();
if (params.est) {
competence *= (city.popEst / PopulationThreshold);
} else {
competence *= (city.pop / PopulationThreshold);
//Too high of a chaos results in lower chances
if (city.chaos > ChaosThreshold) {
var diff = 1 + (city.chaos - ChaosThreshold);
var mult = Math.pow(diff, 0.1);
difficulty *= mult;
//For Raid Operations, no communities = fail
if (this instanceof Operation && this.name === "Raid") {
if (city.comms <= 0) {return 0;}
//Factor skill multipliers into success chance
competence *= inst.skillMultipliers.successChanceAll;
if (this instanceof Operation || this instanceof BlackOperation) {
competence *= inst.skillMultipliers.successChanceOperation;
if (this instanceof Contract) {
competence *= inst.skillMultipliers.successChanceContract;
if (this.isStealth) {
competence *= inst.skillMultipliers.successChanceStealth;
if (this.isKill) {
competence *= inst.skillMultipliers.successChanceKill;
//Augmentation multiplier
competence *= Player.bladeburner_success_chance_mult;
if (isNaN(competence)) {throw new Error("Competence calculated as NaN in Action.getSuccessChance()");}
return Math.min(1, competence / difficulty);
//Tests for success. Should be called when an action has completed
// @inst - Bladeburner Object
Action.prototype.attempt = function(inst) {
return (Math.random() < this.getSuccessChance(inst));
Action.prototype.getActionTime = function(inst) {
var difficulty = this.getDifficulty();
var baseTime = difficulty / DifficultyToTimeFactor;
var skillFac = inst.skillMultipliers.actionTime; //Always < 1
var effAgility = Player.agility * inst.skillMultipliers.effAgi;
var effDexterity = Player.dexterity * inst.skillMultipliers.effDex;
var statFac = 0.5 * (Math.pow(effAgility, EffAgiExponentialFactor) +
Math.pow(effDexterity, EffDexExponentialFactor) +
(effAgility / EffAgiLinearFactor) +
(effDexterity / EffDexLinearFactor)); //Always > 1
baseTime = Math.max(1, baseTime * skillFac / statFac);
if (this instanceof Contract) {
return Math.ceil(baseTime);
} else if (this instanceof Operation) {
return Math.ceil(baseTime);
} else if (this instanceof BlackOperation) {
return Math.ceil(baseTime * 1.5);
} else {
throw new Error("Unrecognized Action Type in Action.getActionTime(this). Must be either Contract, Operation, or BlackOperation");
Action.prototype.getSuccessesNeededForNextLevel = function(baseSuccessesPerLevel) {
return Math.ceil((0.5) * (this.maxLevel) * (2 * baseSuccessesPerLevel + (this.maxLevel-1)));
Action.prototype.setMaxLevel = function(baseSuccessesPerLevel) {
if (this.successes >= this.getSuccessesNeededForNextLevel(baseSuccessesPerLevel)) {
Action.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return Generic_toJSON("Action", this);
Action.fromJSON = function(value) {
return Generic_fromJSON(Action, value.data);
Reviver.constructors.Action = Action;
var GeneralActions = {}; //Training, Field Analysis, Recruitment, etc.
//Action Identifier
var ActionTypes = Object.freeze({
"Idle": 1,
"Contract": 2,
"Operation": 3,
"BlackOp": 4,
"BlackOperation": 4,
"Training": 5,
"Recruitment": 6,
"FieldAnalysis": 7,
"Field Analysis": 7
function ActionIdentifier(params={}) {
if (params.name) {this.name = params.name;}
if (params.type) {this.type = params.type;}
ActionIdentifier.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return Generic_toJSON("ActionIdentifier", this);
ActionIdentifier.fromJSON = function(value) {
return Generic_fromJSON(ActionIdentifier, value.data);
Reviver.constructors.ActionIdentifier = ActionIdentifier;
function Contract(params={}) {
Action.call(this, params);
Contract.prototype = Object.create(Action.prototype);
Contract.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return Generic_toJSON("Contract", this);
Contract.fromJSON = function(value) {
return Generic_fromJSON(Contract, value.data);
Reviver.constructors.Contract = Contract;
function Operation(params={}) {
Action.call(this, params);
this.reqdRank = params.reqdRank ? params.reqdRank : 100;
this.teamCount = params.teamCount ? params.teamCount : 0; //# of team members to use
Operation.prototype = Object.create(Action.prototype);
Operation.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return Generic_toJSON("Operation", this);
Operation.fromJSON = function(value) {
return Generic_fromJSON(Operation, value.data);
Reviver.constructors.Operation = Operation;
//Black Operations
function BlackOperation(params={}) {
Operation.call(this, params);
//Black ops are one time missions
this.count = 1;
this.countGrowth = 0;
BlackOperation.prototype = Object.create(Action.prototype);
BlackOperation.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return Generic_toJSON("BlackOperation", this);
BlackOperation.fromJSON = function(value) {
return Generic_fromJSON(BlackOperation, value.data);
Reviver.constructors.BlackOperation = BlackOperation;
var BlackOperations = {};
function Bladeburner(params={}) {
this.numHosp = 0; //Number of hospitalizations
this.moneyLost = 0; //Money lost due to hospitalizations
this.rank = 0;
this.maxRank = 0; //Used to determine skill points
this.skillPoints = 0;
this.totalSkillPoints = 0;
this.teamSize = 0; //Number of team members
this.teamLost = 0; //Number of team members lost
this.storedCycles = 0;
this.randomEventCounter = getRandomInt(300, 600); //5-10 minutes
//These times are in seconds
this.actionTimeToComplete = 0; //0 or -1 is an infinite running action (like training)
this.actionTimeCurrent = 0;
//ActionIdentifier Object
var idleActionType = ActionTypes["Idle"];
this.action = new ActionIdentifier({type:idleActionType});
this.cities = {};
for (var i = 0; i < CityNames.length; ++i) {
this.cities[CityNames[i]] = new City({name:CityNames[i]});
this.city = Locations.Sector12;
//Map of SkillNames -> level
this.skills = {};
this.skillMultipliers = {};
this.updateSkillMultipliers(); //Calls resetSkillMultipliers()
//Max Stamina is based on stats and Bladeburner-specific bonuses
this.staminaBonus = 0; //Gained from training
this.maxStamina = 0;
this.stamina = this.maxStamina;
//Contracts and Operations objects. These objects have unique
//properties because they are randomized in each instance and have stats like
//successes/failures, so they need to be saved/loaded by the game.
this.contracts = {};
this.operations = {};
//Object that contains name of all Black Operations that have been completed
this.blackops = {};
//Flags for whether these actions should be logged to console
this.logging = {
//Simple automation values
this.automateEnabled = false;
this.automateActionHigh = 0;
this.automateThreshHigh = 0; //Stamina Threshold
this.automateActionLow = 0;
this.automateThreshLow = 0; //Stamina Threshold
if (params.new) {this.create();}
Bladeburner.prototype.prestige = function() {
var bladeburnerFac = Factions["Bladeburners"];
if (this.rank >= RankNeededForFaction) {
Bladeburner.prototype.create = function() {
this.contracts["Tracking"] = new Contract({
desc:"Identify and locate Synthoids. This contract involves reconnaissance " +
"and information-gathering ONLY. Do NOT engage. Stealth is of the utmost importance.<br><br>" +
"Successfully completing Tracking contracts will slightly improve your Synthoid population estimate for " +
"whatever city you are currently in.",
rankGain:0.3, hpLoss:0.5,
count:getRandomInt(300, 800), countGrowth:getRandomInt(1, 5),
weights:{hack:0,str:0.05,def:0.05,dex:0.35,agi:0.35,cha:0.1, int:0.05},
decays:{hack:0,str:0.91,def:0.91,dex:0.91,agi:0.91,cha:0.9, int:1},
this.contracts["Bounty Hunter"] = new Contract({
name:"Bounty Hunter",
desc:"Hunt down and capture fugitive Synthoids. These Synthoids are wanted alive.<br><br>" +
"Successfully completing a Bounty Hunter contract will lower the population in your " +
"current city, and will also increase its chaos level.",
baseDifficulty:250, difficultyFac:1.04,rewardFac:1.085,
rankGain:0.9, hpLoss:1,
count:getRandomInt(200, 750), countGrowth:getRandomInt(1, 3),
weights:{hack:0,str:0.15,def:0.15,dex:0.25,agi:0.25,cha:0.1, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0,str:0.91,def:0.91,dex:0.91,agi:0.91,cha:0.8, int:0.9},
this.contracts["Retirement"] = new Contract({
desc:"Hunt down and retire (kill) rogue Synthoids.<br><br>" +
"Successfully copmleting a Retirement contract will lower the population in your current " +
"city, and will also increase its chaos level.",
baseDifficulty:200, difficultyFac:1.03, rewardFac:1.065,
rankGain:0.6, hpLoss:1,
count:getRandomInt(300, 900), countGrowth:getRandomInt(1,4),
weights:{hack:0,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0.1, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0,str:0.91,def:0.91,dex:0.91,agi:0.91,cha:0.8, int:0.9},
this.operations["Investigation"] = new Operation({
desc:"As a field agent, investigate and identify Synthoid " +
"populations, movements, and operations.<br><br>Successful " +
"Investigation ops will increase the accuracy of your " +
"synthoid data.<br><br>" +
"You will NOT lose HP from failed Investigation ops.",
baseDifficulty:400, difficultyFac:1.03,rewardFac:1.07,reqdRank:25,
rankGain:2, rankLoss:0.2,
count:getRandomInt(50, 400), countGrowth:1,
weights:{hack:0.25,str:0.05,def:0.05,dex:0.2,agi:0.1,cha:0.25, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.85,str:0.9,def:0.9,dex:0.9,agi:0.9,cha:0.7, int:0.9},
this.operations["Undercover Operation"] = new Operation({
name:"Undercover Operation",
desc:"Conduct undercover operations to identify hidden " +
"and underground Synthoid communities and organizations.<br><br>" +
"Successful Undercover ops will increase the accuracy of your synthoid " +
baseDifficulty:500, difficultyFac:1.04, rewardFac:1.09, reqdRank:100,
rankGain:4, rankLoss:0.4, hpLoss:2,
count:getRandomInt(50, 300), countGrowth:1,
weights:{hack:0.2,str:0.05,def:0.05,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0.2, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.8,str:0.9,def:0.9,dex:0.9,agi:0.9,cha:0.7, int:0.9},
this.operations["Sting Operation"] = new Operation({
name:"Sting Operation",
desc:"Conduct a sting operation to bait and capture particularly " +
"notorious Synthoid criminals.",
baseDifficulty:650, difficultyFac:1.04, rewardFac:1.095, reqdRank:500,
rankGain:5, rankLoss:0.5, hpLoss:2.5,
count:getRandomInt(25,400), countGrowth:0.75,
weights:{hack:0.25,str:0.05,def:0.05,dex:0.25,agi:0.1,cha:0.2, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.8,str:0.85,def:0.85,dex:0.85,agi:0.85,cha:0.7, int:0.9},
this.operations["Raid"] = new Operation({
desc:"Lead an assault on a known Synthoid community. Note that " +
"there must be an existing Synthoid community in your current city " +
"in order for this Operation to be successful",
baseDifficulty:800, difficultyFac:1.045, rewardFac:1.1, reqdRank:3000,
count:getRandomInt(25, 150), countGrowth:0.2,
weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.7,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.9},
this.operations["Stealth Retirement Operation"] = new Operation({
name:"Stealth Retirement Operation",
desc:"Lead a covert operation to retire Synthoids. The " +
"objective is to complete the task without " +
"drawing any attention. Stealth and discretion are key.",
baseDifficulty:1000, difficultyFac:1.05, rewardFac:1.11, reqdRank:20e3,
rankGain:20, rankLoss:2, hpLoss:10,
count:getRandomInt(25, 250), countGrowth:0.1,
weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.1,def:0.1,dex:0.3,agi:0.3,cha:0, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.7,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.9},
isStealth:true, isKill:true
this.operations["Assassination"] = new Operation({
desc:"Assassinate Synthoids that have been identified as " +
"important, high-profile social and political leaders " +
"in the Synthoid communities.",
baseDifficulty:1500, difficultyFac:1.06, rewardFac:1.14, reqdRank:50e3,
rankGain:40, rankLoss:4, hpLoss:5,
count:getRandomInt(25, 200), countGrowth:0.1,
weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.1,def:0.1,dex:0.3,agi:0.3,cha:0, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.8},
isStealth:true, isKill:true
Bladeburner.prototype.storeCycles = function(numCycles=1) {
this.storedCycles += numCycles;
Bladeburner.prototype.process = function() {
//Extreme condition...if Operation Daedalus is complete trigger the BitNode
if (redPillFlag === false && this.blackops.hasOwnProperty("Operation Daedalus")) {
return hackWorldDaemon(Player.bitNodeN);
//If the Player starts doing some other actions, set action to idle and alert
if (Augmentations[AugmentationNames.BladesSimulacrum].owned === false && Player.isWorking) {
if (this.action.type !== ActionTypes["Idle"]) {
dialogBoxCreate("Your Bladeburner action was cancelled because you started " +
"doing something else");
//A 'tick' for this mechanic is one second (= 5 game cycles)
if (this.storedCycles >= CyclesPerSecond) {
var seconds = Math.floor(this.storedCycles / CyclesPerSecond);
seconds = Math.min(seconds, 5); //Max of 5 'ticks'
this.storedCycles -= seconds * CyclesPerSecond;
this.stamina += (this.calculateStaminaGainPerSecond() * seconds);
this.stamina = Math.min(this.maxStamina, this.stamina);
//Count increase for contracts/operations
for (var contractName in this.contracts) {
if (this.contracts.hasOwnProperty(contractName)) {
var contract = this.contracts[contractName];
contract.count += (seconds * contract.countGrowth/ActionCountGrowthPeriod);
for (var operationName in this.operations) {
if (this.operations.hasOwnProperty(operationName)) {
var op = this.operations[operationName];
op.count += (seconds * op.countGrowth/ActionCountGrowthPeriod);
//Chaos goes down very slowly
for (var i = 0; i < CityNames.length; ++i) {
var city = this.cities[CityNames[i]];
if (!(city instanceof City)) {throw new Error("Invalid City object when processing passive chaos reduction in Bladeburner.process");}
city.chaos -= (0.0001 * seconds);
city.chaos = Math.max(0, city.chaos);
//Random Events
this.randomEventCounter -= seconds;
if (this.randomEventCounter <= 0) {
this.randomEventCounter = getRandomInt(300, 600);
if (this.automateEnabled) {
if (this.stamina <= this.automateThreshLow) {
if (this.action.name !== this.automateActionLow.name || this.action.type !== this.automateActionLow.type) {
this.action = this.automateActionLow;
} else if (this.stamina >= this.automateThreshHigh) {
if (this.action.name !== this.automateActionHigh.name || this.action.type !== this.automateActionHigh.type) {
this.action = this.automateActionHigh;
if (Engine.currentPage === Engine.Page.Bladeburner) {
Bladeburner.prototype.calculateMaxStamina = function() {
var effAgility = Player.agility * this.skillMultipliers.effAgi;
var maxStamina = (Math.pow(effAgility, 0.8) + this.staminaBonus);
maxStamina *= this.skillMultipliers.stamina;
maxStamina *= Player.bladeburner_max_stamina_mult;
if (isNaN(maxStamina)) {throw new Error("Max Stamina calculated to be NaN in Bladeburner.calculateMaxStamina()");}
this.maxStamina = maxStamina;
Bladeburner.prototype.calculateStaminaGainPerSecond = function() {
var effAgility = Player.agility * this.skillMultipliers.effAgi;
var maxStaminaBonus = this.maxStamina / MaxStaminaToGainFactor;
var gain = (StaminaGainPerSecond + maxStaminaBonus) * Math.pow(effAgility, 0.17);
return gain * (this.skillMultipliers.stamina * Player.bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult);
Bladeburner.prototype.calculateStaminaPenalty = function() {
return Math.min(1, this.stamina / (0.5 * this.maxStamina));
Bladeburner.prototype.changeRank = function(change) {
if (isNaN(change)) {throw new Error("NaN passed into Bladeburner.changeRank()");}
this.rank += change;
if (this.rank < 0) {this.rank = 0;}
this.maxRank = Math.max(this.rank, this.maxRank);
var bladeburnersFactionName = "Bladeburners";
if (factionExists(bladeburnersFactionName)) {
var bladeburnerFac = Factions[bladeburnersFactionName];
if (!(bladeburnerFac instanceof Faction)) {
throw new Error("Could not properly get Bladeburner Faction object in Bladeburner UI Overview Faction button");
if (bladeburnerFac.isMember) {
var favorBonus = 1 + (bladeburnerFac.favor / 100);
bladeburnerFac.playerReputation += (RankToFactionRepFactor * change * Player.faction_rep_mult * favorBonus);
//Gain skill points. You get 1 every 4 ranks
var rankNeededForSp = (this.totalSkillPoints+1) * RanksPerSkillPoint;
if (this.maxRank >= rankNeededForSp) {
//Calculate how many skill points to gain
var gainedSkillPoints = Math.floor((this.maxRank - rankNeededForSp) / RanksPerSkillPoint + 1);
this.skillPoints += gainedSkillPoints;
this.totalSkillPoints += gainedSkillPoints;
Bladeburner.prototype.getCurrentCity = function() {
var city = this.cities[this.city];
if (!(city instanceof City)) {
throw new Error("Bladeburner.getCurrentCity() did not properly return a City object");
return city;
Bladeburner.prototype.resetSkillMultipliers = function() {
this.skillMultipliers = {
Bladeburner.prototype.updateSkillMultipliers = function() {
for (var skillName in this.skills) {
if (this.skills.hasOwnProperty(skillName)) {
var skill = Skills[skillName];
if (skill == null) {
throw new Error("Could not find Skill Object for: " + skillName);
var level = this.skills[skillName];
if (level == null || level <= 0) {continue;} //Not upgraded
var multiplierNames = Object.keys(this.skillMultipliers);
for (var i = 0; i < multiplierNames.length; ++i) {
var multiplierName = multiplierNames[i];
if (skill[multiplierName] != null && !isNaN(skill[multiplierName])) {
var value = skill[multiplierName] * level;
var multiplierValue = 1 + (value / 100);
if (multiplierName === "actionTime") {
multiplierValue = 1 - (value / 100);
this.skillMultipliers[multiplierName] *= multiplierValue;
Bladeburner.prototype.upgradeSkill = function(skill) {
//This does NOT handle deduction of skill points
var skillName = skill.name;
if (this.skills[skillName]) {
} else {
this.skills[skillName] = 1;
if (isNaN(this.skills[skillName]) || this.skills[skillName] < 0) {
throw new Error("Level of Skill " + skillName + " is invalid: " + this.skills[skillName]);
Bladeburner.prototype.getActionObject = function(actionId) {
//Given an ActionIdentifier object, returns the corresponding
//Contract, Operation, or BlackOperation object
switch (actionId.type) {
case ActionTypes["Contract"]:
return this.contracts[actionId.name];
case ActionTypes["Operation"]:
return this.operations[actionId.name];
case ActionTypes["BlackOp"]:
case ActionTypes["BlackOperation"]:
return BlackOperations[actionId.name];
return null;
console.log("WARNING: Bladeburner.getActionObject() called with an unexpected " +
"ActionIdentifier type: " + actionId.type);
//Sets the player to the "IDLE" action
Bladeburner.prototype.resetAction = function() {
this.action = new ActionIdentifier({type:ActionTypes.Idle});
Bladeburner.prototype.startAction = function(actionId) {
if (actionId == null) {return;}
this.action = actionId;
this.actionTimeCurrent = 0;
switch (actionId.type) {
case ActionTypes["Idle"]:
this.actionTimeToComplete = 0;
case ActionTypes["Contract"]:
try {
var action = this.getActionObject(actionId);
if (action == null) {
throw new Error("Failed to get Contract Object for: " + actionId.name);
if (action.count < 1) {return this.resetAction();}
this.actionTimeToComplete = action.getActionTime(this);
} catch(e) {
case ActionTypes["Operation"]:
try {
var action = this.getActionObject(actionId);
if (action == null) {
throw new Error ("Failed to get Operation Object for: " + actionId.name);
if (action.count < 1) {return this.resetAction();}
this.actionTimeToComplete = action.getActionTime(this);
} catch(e) {
case ActionTypes["BlackOp"]:
case ActionTypes["BlackOperation"]:
try {
var action = this.getActionObject(actionId);
if (action == null) {
throw new Error("Failed to get BlackOperation object for: " + actionId.name);
this.actionTimeToComplete = action.getActionTime(this);
} catch(e) {
case ActionTypes["Training"]:
this.actionTimeToComplete = 30;
case ActionTypes["Recruitment"]:
this.actionTimeToComplete = this.getRecruitmentTime();
case ActionTypes["FieldAnalysis"]:
case ActionTypes["Field Analysis"]:
this.actionTimeToComplete = 30;
throw new Error("Invalid Action Type in Bladeburner.startAction(): " + actionId.type);
Bladeburner.prototype.processAction = function(seconds) {
if (this.action.type === ActionTypes["Idle"]) {return;}
if (this.actionTimeToComplete <= 0) {
console.log("action.type: " + this.action.type);
throw new Error("Invalid actionTimeToComplete value: " + this.actionTimeToComplete);
if (!(this.action instanceof ActionIdentifier)) {
throw new Error("Bladeburner.action is not an ActionIdentifier Object");
this.actionTimeCurrent += seconds;
if (this.actionTimeCurrent >= this.actionTimeToComplete) {
return this.completeAction();
Bladeburner.prototype.completeAction = function() {
switch (this.action.type) {
case ActionTypes["Contract"]:
case ActionTypes["Operation"]:
try {
var isOperation = (this.action.type === ActionTypes["Operation"]);
var action = this.getActionObject(this.action);
if (action == null) {
throw new Error("Failed to get Contract/Operation Object for: " + this.action.name);
var difficulty = action.getDifficulty();
var difficultyMultiplier = Math.pow(difficulty, DiffMultExponentialFactor) + difficulty / DiffMultLinearFactor;
var rewardMultiplier = Math.pow(action.rewardFac, action.level-1);
//Stamina loss is based on difficulty
this.stamina -= (BaseStaminaLoss * difficultyMultiplier);
if (this.stamina < 0) {this.stamina = 0;}
//Process Contract/Operation success/failure
if (action.attempt(this)) {
this.gainActionStats(action, true);
//Earn money for contracts
var moneyGain = 0;
if (!isOperation) {
moneyGain = ContractBaseMoneyGain * rewardMultiplier;
if (isOperation) {
} else {
if (action.rankGain) {
var gain = addOffset(action.rankGain * rewardMultiplier * BitNodeMultipliers.BladeburnerRank, 10);
if (isOperation && this.logging.ops) {
this.log(action.name + " successfully completed! Gained " + formatNumber(gain, 3) + " rank");
} else if (!isOperation && this.logging.contracts) {
this.log(action.name + " contract successfully completed! Gained " + formatNumber(gain, 3) + " rank and " + numeral(moneyGain).format("$0.000a"));
isOperation ? this.completeOperation(true) : this.completeContract(true);
} else {
this.gainActionStats(action, false);
var loss = 0, damage = 0;
if (action.rankLoss) {
loss = addOffset(action.rankLoss * rewardMultiplier, 10);
this.changeRank(-1 * loss);
if (action.hpLoss) {
damage = action.hpLoss * difficultyMultiplier;
damage = Math.ceil(addOffset(damage, 10));
this.hpLost += damage;
if (Player.takeDamage(damage)) {
this.moneyLost += (CONSTANTS.HospitalCostPerHp * Player.max_hp);
var logLossText = "";
if (loss > 0) {logLossText += "Lost " + formatNumber(loss, 3) + " rank.";}
if (damage > 0) {logLossText += "Took " + formatNumber(damage, 0) + " damage.";}
if (isOperation && this.logging.ops) {
this.log(action.name + " failed! " + logLossText);
} else if (!isOperation && this.logging.contracts) {
this.log(action.name + " contract failed! " + logLossText);
isOperation ? this.completeOperation(false) : this.completeContract(false);
if (action.autoLevel) {action.level = action.maxLevel;} //Autolevel
this.startAction(this.action); //Repeat action
} catch(e) {
case ActionTypes["BlackOp"]:
case ActionTypes["BlackOperation"]:
try {
var action = this.getActionObject(this.action);
if (action == null || !(action instanceof BlackOperation)) {
throw new Error("Failed to get BlackOperation Object for: " + this.action.name);
var difficulty = action.getDifficulty();
var difficultyMultiplier = Math.pow(difficulty, DiffMultExponentialFactor) + difficulty / DiffMultLinearFactor;
//Stamina loss is based on difficulty
this.stamina -= (BaseStaminaLoss * difficultyMultiplier);
if (this.stamina < 0) {this.stamina = 0;}
//Team loss variables
var teamCount = action.teamCount, teamLossMax;
if (action.attempt(this)) {
this.gainActionStats(action, true);
action.count = 0;
this.blackops[action.name] = true;
var rankGain = 0;
if (action.rankGain) {
rankGain = addOffset(action.rankGain * BitNodeMultipliers.BladeburnerRank, 10);
teamLossMax = Math.ceil(teamCount/2);
//Operation Daedalus
if (action.name === "Operation Daedalus") {
return hackWorldDaemon(Player.bitNodeN);
if (Engine.currentPage === Engine.Page.Bladeburner) {
if (this.logging.blackops) {
this.log(action.name + " successful! Gained " + formatNumber(rankGain, 1) + " rank");
} else {
this.gainActionStats(action, false);
var rankLoss = 0, damage = 0;
if (action.rankLoss) {
rankLoss = addOffset(action.rankLoss, 10);
this.changeRank(-1 * rankLoss);
if (action.hpLoss) {
damage = action.hpLoss * difficultyMultiplier;
damage = Math.ceil(addOffset(damage, 10));
if (Player.takeDamage(damage)) {
this.moneyLost += (CONSTANTS.HospitalCostPerHp * Player.max_hp);
teamLossMax = Math.floor(teamCount);
if (this.logging.blackops) {
this.log(action.name + " failed! Lost " + formatNumber(rankLoss, 1) + " rank and took" + formatNumber(damage, 0) + " damage");
this.resetAction(); //Stop regardless of success or fail
//Calculate team lossses
if (teamCount >= 1) {
var losses = getRandomInt(1, teamLossMax);
this.teamSize -= losses;
this.teamLost += losses;
if (this.logging.blackops) {
this.log("You lost " + formatNumber(losses, 0) + " team members during " + action.name);
} catch(e) {
case ActionTypes["Training"]:
this.stamina -= (0.5 * BaseStaminaLoss);
var strExpGain = 30 * Player.strength_exp_mult,
defExpGain = 30 * Player.defense_exp_mult,
dexExpGain = 30 * Player.dexterity_exp_mult,
agiExpGain = 30 * Player.agility_exp_mult,
staminaGain = 0.04 * this.skillMultipliers.stamina;
this.staminaBonus += (staminaGain);
if (this.logging.general) {
this.log("Training completed. Gained: " +
formatNumber(strExpGain, 1) + " str exp, " +
formatNumber(defExpGain, 1) + " def exp, " +
formatNumber(dexExpGain, 1) + " dex exp, " +
formatNumber(agiExpGain, 1) + " agi exp, " +
formatNumber(staminaGain, 3) + " max stamina");
this.startAction(this.action); //Repeat action
case ActionTypes["FieldAnalysis"]:
case ActionTypes["Field Analysis"]:
//Does not use stamina. Effectiveness depends on hacking, int, and cha
var eff = 0.04 * Math.pow(Player.hacking_skill, 0.3) +
0.04 * Math.pow(Player.intelligence, 0.9) +
0.02 * Math.pow(Player.charisma, 0.3);
eff *= Player.bladeburner_analysis_mult;
if (isNaN(eff) || eff < 0) {
throw new Error("Field Analysis Effectiveness calculated to be NaN or negative");
var hackingExpGain = 20 * Player.hacking_exp_mult,
charismaExpGain = 20 * Player.charisma_exp_mult;
console.log("DEBUG: Field Analysis effectiveness is " + (eff * this.skillMultipliers.successChanceEstimate));
this.getCurrentCity().improvePopulationEstimateByPercentage(eff * this.skillMultipliers.successChanceEstimate);
if (this.logging.general) {
this.log("Field analysis completed. Gained 0.1 rank, " + formatNumber(hackingExpGain, 1) + " hacking exp, and " + formatNumber(charismaExpGain, 1) + " charisma exp");
this.startAction(this.action); //Repeat action
case ActionTypes["Recruitment"]:
var successChance = this.getRecruitmentSuccessChance();
console.log("Bladeburner recruitment success chance: " + successChance);
if (Math.random() < successChance) {
var expGain = 2 * BaseStatGain * this.actionTimeToComplete;
if (this.logging.general) {
this.log("Successfully recruited a team member! Gained " + formatNumber(expGain, 1) + " charisma exp");
} else {
var expGain = BaseStatGain * this.actionTimeToComplete;
if (this.logging.general) {
this.log("Failed to recruit a team member. Gained " + formatNumber(expGain, 1) + " charisma exp");
this.startAction(this.action); //Repeat action
Bladeburner.prototype.completeContract = function(success) {
if (this.action.type !== ActionTypes.Contract) {
throw new Error("completeContract() called even though current action is not a Contract");
var city = this.getCurrentCity();
if (success) {
switch (this.action.name) {
case "Tracking":
//Increase estimate accuracy by a relatively small amount
city.improvePopulationEstimateByCount(getRandomInt(100, 1e3));
case "Bounty Hunter":
city.changePopulationByCount(-1, {estChange:-1});
case "Retirement":
city.changePopulationByCount(-1, {estChange:-1});
throw new Error("Invalid Action name in completeContract: " + this.action.name);
Bladeburner.prototype.completeOperation = function(success) {
if (this.action.type !== ActionTypes.Operation) {
throw new Error("completeOperation() called even though current action is not an Operation");
var action = this.getActionObject(this.action);
if (action == null) {
throw new Error("Failed to get Contract/Operation Object for: " + this.action.name);
//Calculate team losses
var teamCount = action.teamCount, max;
if (teamCount >= 1) {
if (success) {
max = Math.ceil(teamCount/2);
} else {
max = Math.floor(teamCount)
var losses = getRandomInt(0, max);
this.teamSize -= losses;
this.teamLost += losses;
if (this.logging.ops && losses > 0) {
this.log("Lost " + formatNumber(losses, 0) + " team members during this " + action.name);
var city = this.getCurrentCity();
if (this.logging.ops) {
if (success) {
this.log(action.name + " completed successfully! ")
} else {
switch (action.name) {
case "Investigation":
if (success) {
city.improvePopulationEstimateByPercentage(0.4 * this.skillMultipliers.successChanceEstimate);
if (Math.random() < (0.02 * this.skillMultipliers.successChanceEstimate)) {
} else {
this.triggerPotentialMigration(this.city, 0.1);
case "Undercover Operation":
if (success) {
city.improvePopulationEstimateByPercentage(0.8 * this.skillMultipliers.successChanceEstimate);
if (Math.random() < (0.02 * this.skillMultipliers.successChanceEstimate)) {
} else {
this.triggerPotentialMigration(this.city, 0.15);
case "Sting Operation":
if (success) {
city.changePopulationByPercentage(-0.1, {changeEstEqually:true, nonZero:true});
case "Raid":
if (success) {
city.changePopulationByPercentage(-1, {changeEstEqually:true, nonZero:true});
} else {
var change = getRandomInt(-3, -1);
city.changePopulationByPercentage(change, {nonZero:true});
city.changeChaosByPercentage(getRandomInt(1, 5));
case "Stealth Retirement Operation":
if (success) {
city.changePopulationByPercentage(-0.5, {changeEstEqually:true,nonZero:true});
city.changeChaosByPercentage(getRandomInt(-3, -1));
case "Assassination":
if (success) {
city.changePopulationByCount(-1, {estChange:-1});
city.changeChaosByPercentage(getRandomInt(-5, 5));
throw new Error("Invalid Action name in completeOperation: " + this.action.name);
Bladeburner.prototype.getRecruitmentTime = function() {
var effCharisma = Player.charisma * this.skillMultipliers.effCha;
var charismaFactor = Math.pow(effCharisma, 0.81) + effCharisma / 90;
return Math.max(10, Math.round(BaseRecruitmentTimeNeeded - charismaFactor));
Bladeburner.prototype.getRecruitmentSuccessChance = function() {
return Math.pow(Player.charisma, 0.45) / (this.teamSize + 1);
//Process stat gains from Contracts, Operations, and Black Operations
//@action(Action obj) - Derived action class
//@success(bool) - Whether action was successful
Bladeburner.prototype.gainActionStats = function(action, success) {
var difficulty = action.getDifficulty();
//Gain multiplier based on difficulty. If this changes then the
//same variable calculated in completeAction() needs to change too
var difficultyMult = Math.pow(difficulty, DiffMultExponentialFactor) + difficulty / DiffMultLinearFactor;
var time = this.actionTimeToComplete;
var successMult = success ? 1 : 0.5;
var unweightedGain = time * BaseStatGain * successMult * difficultyMult;
var unweightedIntGain = time * BaseIntGain * successMult * difficultyMult;
Player.gainHackingExp(unweightedGain * action.weights.hack * Player.hacking_exp_mult);
Player.gainStrengthExp(unweightedGain * action.weights.str * Player.strength_exp_mult);
Player.gainDefenseExp(unweightedGain * action.weights.def * Player.defense_exp_mult);
Player.gainDexterityExp(unweightedGain * action.weights.dex * Player.dexterity_exp_mult);
Player.gainAgilityExp(unweightedGain * action.weights.agi * Player.agility_exp_mult);
Player.gainCharismaExp(unweightedGain * action.weights.cha * Player.charisma_exp_mult);
Player.gainIntelligenceExp(unweightedIntGain * action.weights.int);
Bladeburner.prototype.randomEvent = function() {
var chance = Math.random();
//Choose random source/destination city for events
var sourceCityName = CityNames[getRandomInt(0, 5)];
var sourceCity = this.cities[sourceCityName];
if (!(sourceCity instanceof City)) {
throw new Error("sourceCity was not a City object in Bladeburner.randomEvent()");
var destCityName = CityNames[getRandomInt(0, 5)];
while (destCityName === sourceCityName) {
destCityName = CityNames[getRandomInt(0, 5)];
var destCity = this.cities[destCityName];
if (!(sourceCity instanceof City) || !(destCity instanceof City)) {
throw new Error("sourceCity was not a City object in Bladeburner.randomEvent()");
if (chance <= 0.05) {
//New Synthoid Community, 5%
var percentage = getRandomInt(10, 20) / 100;
var count = Math.round(sourceCity.pop * percentage);
sourceCity.pop += count;
if (this.logging.events) {
this.log("Intelligence indicates that a new Synthoid community was formed in a city");
} else if (chance <= 0.1) {
//Synthoid Community Migration, 5%
if (sourceCity.comms <= 0) {
//If no comms in source city, then instead trigger a new Synthoid community event
var percentage = getRandomInt(10, 20) / 100;
var count = Math.round(sourceCity.pop * percentage);
sourceCity.pop += count;
if (this.logging.events) {
this.log("Intelligence indicates that a new Synthoid community was formed in a city");
} else {
//Change pop
var percentage = getRandomInt(10, 20) / 100;
var count = Math.round(sourceCity.pop * percentage);
sourceCity.pop -= count;
destCity.pop += count;
if (this.logging.events) {
this.log("Intelligence indicates that a Synthoid community migrated from " + sourceCityName + " to some other city");
} else if (chance <= 0.3) {
//New Synthoids (non community), 20%
var percentage = getRandomInt(8, 24) / 100;
var count = Math.round(sourceCity.pop * percentage);
sourceCity.pop += count;
if (this.logging.events) {
this.log("Intelligence indicates that the Synthoid population of " + sourceCityName + " just changed significantly");
} else if (chance <= 0.5) {
//Synthoid migration (non community) 20%
if (this.logging.events) {
this.log("Intelligence indicates that a large number of Synthoids migrated from " + sourceCityName + " to some other city");
} else if (chance <= 0.7) {
//Synthoid Riots (+chaos), 20%
sourceCity.chaos += 1;
sourceCity.chaos *= (1 + getRandomInt(5, 10) / 100);
if (this.logging.events) {
this.log("Tensions between Synthoids and humans lead to riots in " + sourceCityName + "! Chaos increased");
} else if (chance <= 0.9) {
//Less Synthoids, 20%
var percentage = getRandomInt(5, 20) / 100;
var count = Math.round(sourceCity.pop * percentage);
sourceCity.pop -= count;
if (this.logging.events) {
this.log("Intelligence indicates that the Synthoid population of " + sourceCityName + " just changed significantly");
//20% chance of nothing happening
Bladeburner.prototype.triggerPotentialMigration = function(sourceCityName, chance) {
if (chance == null || isNaN(chance)) {
console.log("ERROR: Invalid 'chance' parameter passed into Bladeburner.triggerPotentialMigration()");
if (chance > 1) {chance /= 100;}
if (Math.random() < chance) {this.triggerMigration(sourceCityName);}
Bladeburner.prototype.triggerMigration = function(sourceCityName) {
var destCityName = CityNames[getRandomInt(0, 5)];
while (destCityName === sourceCityName) {
destCityName = CityNames[getRandomInt(0, 5)];
var destCity = this.cities[destCityName];
var sourceCity = this.cities[sourceCityName];
if (destCity == null || sourceCity == null) {
throw new Error("Failed to find City with name: " + destCityName);
var rand = Math.random(), percentage = getRandomInt(3, 15) / 100;
if (rand < 0.05 && sourceCity.comms > 0) { //5% chance for community migration
percentage *= getRandomInt(2, 4); //Migration increases population change
var count = Math.round(sourceCity.pop * percentage);
sourceCity.pop -= count;
destCity.pop += count;
var DomElems = {};
Bladeburner.prototype.initializeDomElementRefs = function() {
DomElems = {
bladeburnerDiv: null,
//Main Divs
overviewConsoleParentDiv: null,
overviewDiv: null, //Overview of stats that stays fixed on left
actionAndSkillsDiv: null, //Panel for different sections (contracts, ops, skills)
currentTab: null, //Contracts, Operations, Black Ops, Skills
consoleDiv: null,
consoleTable: null,
consoleInputRow: null, //tr
consoleInputCell: null, //td
consoleInputHeader: null, //"> "
consoleInput: null, //Actual input element
//Overview Content
overviewRank: null,
overviewStamina: null,
overviewStaminaHelpTip: null,
overviewGen1: null, //Stamina Penalty, Team, Hospitalized stats, current city
overviewEstPop: null,
overviewEstPopHelpTip: null,
overviewEstComms: null,
overviewChaos: null,
overviewSkillPoints: null,
overviewAugSuccessMult: null,
overviewAugMaxStaminaMult: null,
overviewAugStaminaGainMult: null,
overviewAugAnalysisMult: null,
//Actions and Skills Content
actionsAndSkillsDesc: null,
actionsAndSkillsList: null, //ul element of all UI elements in this panel
generalActions: {},
contracts: {},
operations: {},
blackops: {},
skills: {},
skillPointsDisplay: null,
Bladeburner.prototype.createContent = function() {
DomElems.bladeburnerDiv = createElement("div", {
id:"bladeburner-container", position:"fixed", class:"generic-menupage-container",
//Parent Div for Overview and Console
DomElems.overviewConsoleParentDiv = createElement("div", {
height:"60%", display:"block", position:"relative",
//Overview and Action/Skill pane
DomElems.overviewDiv = createElement("div", {
width:"30%", display:"inline-block", border:"1px solid white",
DomElems.actionAndSkillsDiv = createElement("div", {
height:"60%", width:"70%", display:"block",
border:"1px solid white", margin:"6px", padding:"6px",
DomElems.currentTab = "general";
DomElems.consoleDiv = createElement("div", {
if (DomElems.consoleInput instanceof Element) {
return false;
DomElems.consoleTable = createElement("table", {class:"bladeburner-console-table"});
DomElems.consoleInputRow = createElement("tr", {class:"bladeburner-console-input-row", id:"bladeubrner-console-input-row"});
DomElems.consoleInputCell = createElement("td", {class:"bladeburner-console-input-cell"});
DomElems.consoleInputHeader = createElement("pre", {innerText:"> "});
DomElems.consoleInput = createElement("input", {
type:"text", class:"bladeburner-console-input", tabIndex:1,
onfocus:()=>{DomElems.consoleInput.value = DomElems.consoleInput.value}
this.postToConsole("Bladeburner Console BETA");
this.postToConsole("Type 'help' to see console commands");
Bladeburner.prototype.clearContent = function() {
if (DomElems.bladeburnerDiv instanceof Element) {
Bladeburner.prototype.createOverviewContent = function() {
if (DomElems.overviewDiv == null) {
throw new Error("Bladeburner.createOverviewContent() called with DomElems.overviewDiv = null");
DomElems.overviewRank = createElement("p", {
innerText:"Rank: ",
tooltip:"Your rank within the Bladeburner division",
DomElems.overviewStamina = createElement("p", {
DomElems.overviewStaminaHelpTip = createElement("div", {
innerText:"?", class:"help-tip",
dialogBoxCreate("Performing actions will use up your stamina.<br><br>" +
"Your max stamina is determined primarily by your agility stat.<br><br>" +
"Your stamina gain rate is determined by both your agility and your " +
"max stamina. Higher max stamina leads to a higher gain rate.<br><br>" +
"Once your " +
"stamina falls below 50% of its max value, it begins to negatively " +
"affect the success rate of your contracts/operations. This penalty " +
"is shown in the overview panel. If the penalty is 15%, then this means " +
"your success rate would be multipled by 85% (100 - 15).<br><br>" +
"Your max stamina and stamina gain rate can also be increased by " +
"training, or through skills and Augmentation upgrades.");
DomElems.overviewGen1 = createElement("p", {
DomElems.overviewEstPop = createElement("p", {
innerText:"Est. Synthoid Population: ",
tooltip:"This is your Bladeburner division's estimate of how many Synthoids exist " +
"in your current city."
DomElems.overviewEstPopHelpTip = createElement("div", {
innerText:"?", class:"help-tip",
dialogBoxCreate("The success rate of your contracts/operations depends on " +
"the population of Synthoids in your current city. " +
"The success rate that is shown to you is only an estimate, " +
"and it is based on your Synthoid population estimate.<br><br>" +
"Therefore, it is important that this Synthoid population estimate " +
"is accurate so that you have a better idea of your " +
"success rate for contracts/operations. Certain " +
"actions will increase the accuracy of your population " +
"estimate.<br><br>" +
"The Synthoid populations of cities can change due to your " +
"actions or random events. If random events occur, they will " +
"be logged in the Bladeburner Console.");
DomElems.overviewEstComms = createElement("p", {
innerText:"Est. Synthoid Communities: ",
tooltip:"This is your Bladeburner divison's estimate of how many Synthoid " +
"communities exist in your current city.",
DomElems.overviewChaos = createElement("p", {
innerText:"City Chaos: ",
tooltip:"The city's chaos level due to tensions and conflicts between humans and Synthoids. " +
"Having too high of a chaos level can make contracts and operations harder."
DomElems.overviewSkillPoints = createElement("p", {display:"block"});
DomElems.overviewAugSuccessMult = createElement("p", {display:"block"});
DomElems.overviewAugMaxStaminaMult = createElement("p", {display:"block"});
DomElems.overviewAugStaminaGainMult = createElement("p", {display:"block"});
DomElems.overviewAugAnalysisMult = createElement("p", {display:"block"});
appendLineBreaks(DomElems.overviewDiv, 1);
appendLineBreaks(DomElems.overviewDiv, 1);
appendLineBreaks(DomElems.overviewDiv, 1);
appendLineBreaks(DomElems.overviewDiv, 2);
appendLineBreaks(DomElems.overviewDiv, 1);
//Travel to new city button
appendLineBreaks(DomElems.overviewDiv, 1);
DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(createElement("a", {
innerHTML:"Travel", class:"a-link-button", display:"inline-block",
var popupId = "bladeburner-travel-popup-cancel-btn";
var popupArguments = [];
popupArguments.push(createElement("a", { //Cancel Button
innerText:"Cancel", class:"a-link-button",
removeElementById(popupId); return false;
popupArguments.push(createElement("p", { //Info Text
innerText:"Travel to a different city for your Bladeburner " +
"activities. This does not cost any money. The city you are " +
"in for your Bladeburner duties does not affect " +
"your location in the game otherwise",
for (var i = 0; i < CityNames.length; ++i) {
(function(inst, i) {
popupArguments.push(createElement("div", {
//Reusing this css class...it adds a border and makes it
//so that background color changes when you hover
inst.city = CityNames[i];
return false;
})(this, i);
createPopup(popupId, popupArguments);
//Faction button
const bladeburnersFactionName = "Bladeburners";
if (factionExists(bladeburnersFactionName)) {
var bladeburnerFac = Factions[bladeburnersFactionName];
if (!(bladeburnerFac instanceof Faction)) {
throw new Error("Could not properly get Bladeburner Faction object in Bladeburner UI Overview Faction button");
DomElems.overviewDiv.appendChild(createElement("a", {
innerText:"Faction", class:"a-link-button", display:"inline-block",
tooltip:"Apply to the Bladeburner Faction, or go to the faction page if you are already a member",
if (bladeburnerFac.isMember) {
} else {
if (this.rank >= RankNeededForFaction) {
dialogBoxCreate("Congratulations! You were accepted into the Bladeburners faction");
} else {
dialogBoxCreate("You need a rank of 25 to join the Bladeburners Faction!")
return false;
Bladeburner.prototype.createActionAndSkillsContent = function() {
if (DomElems.currentTab == null) {DomElems.currentTab = "general";}
//Navigation buttons
var currTab = DomElems.currentTab.toLowerCase();
var buttons = ["General", "Contracts", "Operations", "BlackOps", "Skills"];
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; ++i) {
(function(buttons, i, inst, currTab) {
DomElems.actionAndSkillsDiv.appendChild(createElement("a", {
class:currTab === buttons[i].toLowerCase() ? "bladeburner-nav-button-inactive" : "bladeburner-nav-button",
DomElems.currentTab = buttons[i].toLowerCase();
return false;
}) (buttons, i, this, currTab);
//General info/description for each action
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc = createElement("p", {
display:"block", margin:"4px", padding:"4px"
//List for actions/skills
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList = createElement("ul");
switch(currTab) {
case "general":
case "contracts":
case "operations":
case "blackops":
case "skills":
throw new Error("Invalid value for DomElems.currentTab in Bladeburner.createActionAndSkillsContent");
Bladeburner.prototype.createGeneralActionsContent = function() {
if (DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList == null || DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc == null) {
throw new Error("Bladeburner.createGeneralActionsContent called with either " +
"DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList or DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc = null");
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerText =
"These are generic actions that will assist you in your Bladeburner " +
"duties. They will not affect your Bladeburner rank in any way."
for (var actionName in GeneralActions) {
if (GeneralActions.hasOwnProperty(actionName)) {
DomElems.generalActions[actionName] = createElement("div", {
class:"bladeburner-action", name:actionName
Bladeburner.prototype.createContractsContent = function() {
if (DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList == null || DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc == null) {
throw new Error("Bladeburner.createContractsContent called with either " +
"DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList or DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc = null");
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML =
"Complete contracts in order to increase your Bitburner rank and earn money. " +
"Failing a contract will cause you to lose HP, which can lead to hospitalization.<br><br>" +
"You can unlock higher-level contracts by successfully completing them. " +
"Higher-level contracts are more difficult, but grant more rank, experience, and money.";
for (var contractName in this.contracts) {
if (this.contracts.hasOwnProperty(contractName)) {
DomElems.contracts[contractName] = createElement("div", {
class:"bladeburner-action", name:contractName
Bladeburner.prototype.createOperationsContent = function() {
if (DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList == null || DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc == null) {
throw new Error("Bladeburner.createOperationsContent called with either " +
"DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList or DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc = null");
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML =
"Carry out operations for the Bladeburner division. " +
"Failing an operation will reduce your Bladeburner rank. It will also " +
"cause you to lose HP, which can lead to hospitalization. In general, " +
"operations are harder and more punishing than contracts, " +
"but are also more rewarding.<br><br>" +
"Operations can affect the chaos level and Synthoid population of your " +
"current city. The exact effects vary between different Operations.<br><br>" +
"For operations, you can use a team. You must first recruit team members. " +
"Having a larger team will improves your chances of success.<br><br>" +
"You can unlock higher-level operations by successfully completing them. " +
"Higher-level operations are more difficult, but grant more rank and experience.";
for (var operationName in this.operations) {
if (this.operations.hasOwnProperty(operationName)) {
DomElems.operations[operationName] = createElement("div", {
class:"bladeburner-action", name:operationName
Bladeburner.prototype.createBlackOpsContent = function() {
if (DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList == null || DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc == null) {
throw new Error("Bladeburner.createBlackOpsContent called with either " +
"DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList or DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc = null");
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML =
"Black Operations (Black Ops) are special, one-time covert operations. " +
"Each Black Op must be unlocked successively by completing " +
"the one before it.<br><br>" +
"Like normal operations, you may use a team for Black Ops. Failing " +
"a black op will incur heavy HP and rank losses.";
//Put Black Operations in sequence of required rank
var blackops = [];
for (var blackopName in BlackOperations) {
if (BlackOperations.hasOwnProperty(blackopName)) {
blackops.sort(function(a, b) {
return (a.reqdRank - b.reqdRank);
for (var i = 0; i < blackops.length; ++i) {
DomElems.blackops[blackops[i].name] = createElement("div", {
class:"bladeburner-action", name:blackops[i].name
if (this.blackops[[blackops[i].name]] == null) {break;} //Can't be found in completed blackops
Bladeburner.prototype.createSkillsContent = function() {
if (DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList == null || DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc == null) {
throw new Error("Bladeburner.createSkillsContent called with either " +
"DomElems.actionsAndSkillsList or DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc = null");
//Display Current multipliers
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML =
"You will gain one skill point every " + RanksPerSkillPoint + " ranks.<br><br>" +
"Note that when upgrading a skill, the benefit for that skill is additive. " +
"However, the effects of different skills with each other is multiplicative.<br><br>"
var multKeys = Object.keys(this.skillMultipliers);
for (var i = 0; i < multKeys.length; ++i) {
var mult = this.skillMultipliers[multKeys[i]];
if (mult && mult !== 1) {
mult = formatNumber(mult, 3);
switch(multKeys[i]) {
case "successChanceAll":
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Total Success Chance: x" + mult + "<br>";
case "successChanceStealth":
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Stealth Success Chance: x" + mult + "<br>";
case "successChanceKill":
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Retirement Success Chance: x" + mult + "<br>";
case "successChanceContract":
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Contract Success Chance: x" + mult + "<br>";
case "successChanceOperation":
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Operation Success Chance: x" + mult + "<br>";
case "successChanceEstimate":
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Synthoid Data Estimate: x" + mult + "<br>";
case "actionTime":
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Action Time: x" + mult + "<br>";
case "effHack":
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Hacking Skill: x" + mult + "<br>";
case "effStr":
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Strength: x" + mult + "<br>";
case "effDef":
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Defense: x" + mult + "<br>";
case "effDex":
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Dexterity: x" + mult + "<br>";
case "effAgi":
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Agility: x" + mult + "<br>";
case "effCha":
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Charisma: x" + mult + "<br>";
case "effInt":
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Intelligence: x" + mult + "<br>";
case "stamina":
DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML += "Stamina: x" + mult + "<br>";
case "weaponAbility":
//DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML +=
case "gunAbility":
console.log("Warning: Unrecognized SkillMult Key: " + multKeys[i]);
//Skill Points
DomElems.skillPointsDisplay = createElement("p", {
innerHTML:"<br><strong>Skill Points: " + formatNumber(this.skillPoints, 0) + "</strong>"
//UI Element for each skill
for (var skillName in Skills) {
if (Skills.hasOwnProperty(skillName)) {
DomElems.skills[skillName] = createElement("div", {
class:"bladeburner-action", name:skillName
Bladeburner.prototype.updateContent = function() {
Bladeburner.prototype.updateOverviewContent = function() {
if (Engine.currentPage !== Engine.Page.Bladeburner) {return;}
DomElems.overviewRank.childNodes[0].nodeValue = "Rank: " + formatNumber(this.rank, 2);
DomElems.overviewStamina.innerText = "Stamina: " + formatNumber(this.stamina, 3) + " / " + formatNumber(this.maxStamina, 3);
DomElems.overviewGen1.innerHTML =
"Stamina Penalty: " + formatNumber((1-this.calculateStaminaPenalty())*100, 1) + "%<br><br>" +
"Team Size: " + formatNumber(this.teamSize, 0) + "<br>" +
"Team Members Lost: " + formatNumber(this.teamLost, 0) + "<br><br>" +
"Num Times Hospitalized: " + this.numHosp + "<br>" +
"Money Lost From Hospitalizations: " + numeral(this.moneyLost).format("$0.000a") + "<br><br>" +
"Current City: " + this.city + "<br>";
DomElems.overviewEstPop.childNodes[0].nodeValue = "Est. Synthoid Population: " + numeral(this.getCurrentCity().popEst).format("0.000a");
DomElems.overviewEstComms.childNodes[0].nodeValue = "Est. Synthoid Communities: " + formatNumber(this.getCurrentCity().comms, 0);
DomElems.overviewChaos.childNodes[0].nodeValue = "City Chaos: " + formatNumber(this.getCurrentCity().chaos);
DomElems.overviewSkillPoints.innerText = "Skill Points: " + formatNumber(this.skillPoints, 0);
DomElems.overviewAugSuccessMult.innerText = "Aug. Success Chance Mult: " + formatNumber(Player.bladeburner_success_chance_mult*100, 1) + "%";
DomElems.overviewAugMaxStaminaMult.innerText = "Aug. Max Stamina Mult: " + formatNumber(Player.bladeburner_max_stamina_mult*100, 1) + "%";
DomElems.overviewAugStaminaGainMult.innerText = "Aug. Stamina Gain Mult: " + formatNumber(Player.bladeburner_stamina_gain_mult*100, 1) + "%";
DomElems.overviewAugAnalysisMult.innerText = "Aug. Field Analysis Mult: " + formatNumber(Player.bladeburner_analysis_mult*100, 1) + "%";
Bladeburner.prototype.updateActionAndSkillsContent = function() {
if (DomElems.currentTab == null) {DomElems.currentTab = "general";}
switch(DomElems.currentTab.toLowerCase()) {
case "general":
var actionElems = Object.keys(DomElems.generalActions);
for (var i = 0; i < actionElems.length; ++i) {
var actionElem = DomElems.generalActions[actionElems[i]];
var name = actionElem.name;
var actionObj = GeneralActions[name];
if (actionObj == null) {
throw new Error("Could not find Object " + name + " in Bladeburner.updateActionAndSkillsContent()");
if (this.action.type === ActionTypes[name]) {
} else {
this.updateGeneralActionsUIElement(actionElem, actionObj);
case "contracts":
var contractElems = Object.keys(DomElems.contracts);
for (var i = 0; i < contractElems.length; ++i) {
var contractElem = DomElems.contracts[contractElems[i]];
var name = contractElem.name;
if (this.action.type === ActionTypes["Contract"] && name === this.action.name) {
} else {
var contract = this.contracts[name];
if (contract == null) {
throw new Error("Could not find Contract " + name + " in Bladeburner.updateActionAndSkillsContent()");
this.updateContractsUIElement(contractElem, contract);
case "operations":
var operationElems = Object.keys(DomElems.operations);
for (var i = 0; i < operationElems.length; ++i) {
var operationElem = DomElems.operations[operationElems[i]];
var name = operationElem.name;
if (this.action.type === ActionTypes["Operation"] && name === this.action.name) {
} else {
var operation = this.operations[name];
if (operation == null) {
throw new Error("Could not find Operation " + name + " in Bladeburner.updateActionAndSkillsContent()");
this.updateOperationsUIElement(operationElem, operation);
case "blackops":
var blackopsElems = Object.keys(DomElems.blackops);
for (var i = 0; i < blackopsElems.length; ++i) {
var blackopElem = DomElems.blackops[blackopsElems[i]];
var name = blackopElem.name;
if (this.action.type === ActionTypes["BlackOperation"] && name === this.action.name) {
} else {
var blackop = BlackOperations[name];
if (blackop == null) {
throw new Error("Could not find BlackOperation " + name + " in Bladeburner.updateActionAndSkillsContent()");
this.updateBlackOpsUIElement(blackopElem, blackop);
case "skills":
DomElems.skillPointsDisplay.innerHTML = "<br><strong>Skill Points: " + formatNumber(this.skillPoints, 0) + "</strong>";
var skillElems = Object.keys(DomElems.skills);
for (var i = 0; i < skillElems.length; ++i) {
var skillElem = DomElems.skills[skillElems[i]];
var name = skillElem.name;
var skill = Skills[name];
if (skill == null) {
throw new Error("Could not find Skill " + name + " in Bladeburner.updateActionAndSkillsContent()");
this.updateSkillsUIElement(skillElem, skill);
throw new Error("Invalid value for DomElems.currentTab in Bladeburner.createActionAndSkillsContent");
Bladeburner.prototype.updateGeneralActionsUIElement = function(el, action) {
var isActive = el.classList.contains(ActiveActionCssClass);
el.appendChild(createElement("h2", { //Header
innerText:isActive ? action.name + " (IN PROGRESS - " +
formatNumber(this.actionTimeCurrent, 0) + " / " +
formatNumber(this.actionTimeToComplete, 0) + ")"
: action.name,
if (isActive) { //Progress bar if its active
var progress = this.actionTimeCurrent / this.actionTimeToComplete;
el.appendChild(createElement("p", {
} else {
//Start button
el.appendChild(createElement("a", {
innerText:"Start", class: "a-link-button",
margin:"3px", padding:"3px",
this.action.type = ActionTypes[action.name];
this.action.name = action.name;
return false;
appendLineBreaks(el, 2);
el.appendChild(createElement("pre", { //Info
innerHTML:action.desc, display:"inline-block"
Bladeburner.prototype.updateContractsUIElement = function(el, action) {
var isActive = el.classList.contains(ActiveActionCssClass);
var estimatedSuccessChance = action.getSuccessChance(this, {est:true});
el.appendChild(createElement("h2", { //Header
innerText:isActive ? action.name + " (IN PROGRESS - " +
formatNumber(this.actionTimeCurrent, 0) + " / " +
formatNumber(this.actionTimeToComplete, 0) + ")"
: action.name,
if (isActive) { //Progress bar if its active
var progress = this.actionTimeCurrent / this.actionTimeToComplete;
el.appendChild(createElement("p", {
} else { //Start button
el.appendChild(createElement("a", {
innerText:"Start", class: "a-link-button",
padding:"3px", margin:"3px",
this.action.type = ActionTypes.Contract;
this.action.name = action.name;
return false;
//Level and buttons to change level
var maxLevel = (action.level >= action.maxLevel);
appendLineBreaks(el, 2);
el.appendChild(createElement("pre", {
innerText:"Level: " + action.level + " / " + action.maxLevel,
tooltip:action.getSuccessesNeededForNextLevel(ContractSuccessesPerLevel) + " successes " +
"needed for next level"
el.appendChild(createElement("a", {
class: maxLevel ? "a-link-button-inactive" : "a-link-button", innerHTML:"↑",
padding:"2px", margin:"2px",
tooltip: isActive ? "WARNING: changing the level will restart the contract" : "",
if (isActive) {this.startAction(this.action);} //Restart Action
this.updateContractsUIElement(el, action);
return false;
el.appendChild(createElement("a", {
class: (action.level <= 1) ? "a-link-button-inactive" : "a-link-button", innerHTML:"↓",
padding:"2px", margin:"2px",
tooltip: isActive ? "WARNING: changing the level will restart the contract" : "",
if (isActive) {this.startAction(this.action);} //Restart Action
this.updateContractsUIElement(el, action);
return false;
var actionTime = action.getActionTime(this);
appendLineBreaks(el, 2);
el.appendChild(createElement("pre", { //Info
innerHTML:action.desc + "\n\n" +
"Estimated success chance: " + formatNumber(estimatedSuccessChance*100, 1) + "%\n" +
"Time Required (s): " + formatNumber(actionTime, 0) + "\n" +
"Contracts remaining: " + Math.floor(action.count) + "\n" +
"Successes: " + action.successes + "\n" +
"Failures: " + action.failures,
//Autolevel Checkbox
var autolevelCheckboxId = "bladeburner-" + action.name + "-autolevel-checkbox";
el.appendChild(createElement("label", {
for:autolevelCheckboxId, innerText:"Autolevel",color:"white",
tooltip:"Automatically increase contract level when possible"
var autolevelCheckbox = createElement("input", {
type:"checkbox", id:autolevelCheckboxId, margin:"4px",
action.autoLevel = autolevelCheckbox.checked;
Bladeburner.prototype.updateOperationsUIElement = function(el, action) {
var isActive = el.classList.contains(ActiveActionCssClass);
var estimatedSuccessChance = action.getSuccessChance(this, {est:true});
el.appendChild(createElement("h2", { //Header
innerText:isActive ? action.name + " (IN PROGRESS - " +
formatNumber(this.actionTimeCurrent, 0) + " / " +
formatNumber(this.actionTimeToComplete, 0) + ")"
: action.name,
if (isActive) { //Progress bar if its active
var progress = this.actionTimeCurrent / this.actionTimeToComplete;
el.appendChild(createElement("p", {
} else { //Start button and set Team Size button
el.appendChild(createElement("a", {
innerText:"Start", class: "a-link-button",
margin:"3px", padding:"3px",
this.action.type = ActionTypes.Operation;
this.action.name = action.name;
return false;
el.appendChild(createElement("a", {
innerText:"Set Team Size (Curr Size: " + formatNumber(action.teamCount, 0) + ")", class:"a-link-button",
margin:"3px", padding:"3px",
var popupId = "bladeburner-operation-set-team-size-popup";
var txt = createElement("p", {
innerText:"Enter the amount of team members you would like to take on these " +
"operations. If you do not have the specified number of team members, " +
"then as many as possible will be used. Note that team members may " +
"be lost during operations."
var input = createElement("input", {
type:"number", placeholder: "Team Members"
var setBtn = createElement("a", {
innerText:"Confirm", class:"a-link-button",
var num = Math.round(parseFloat(input.value));
if (isNaN(num)) {
dialogBoxCreate("Invalid value entered for number of Team Members (must be numeric)")
} else {
action.teamCount = num;
this.updateOperationsUIElement(el, action);
return false;
var cancelBtn = createElement("a", {
innerText:"Cancel", class:"a-link-button",
return false;
createPopup(popupId, [txt, input, setBtn, cancelBtn]);
//Level and buttons to change level
var maxLevel = (action.level >= action.maxLevel);
appendLineBreaks(el, 2);
el.appendChild(createElement("pre", {
innerText:"Level: " + action.level + " / " + action.maxLevel,
tooltip:action.getSuccessesNeededForNextLevel(OperationSuccessesPerLevel) + " successes " +
"needed for next level"
el.appendChild(createElement("a", {
class: maxLevel ? "a-link-button-inactive" : "a-link-button", innerHTML:"↑",
padding:"2px", margin:"2px",
tooltip: isActive ? "WARNING: changing the level will restart the Operation" : "",
if (isActive) {this.startAction(this.action);} //Restart Action
this.updateOperationsUIElement(el, action);
return false;
el.appendChild(createElement("a", {
class: (action.level <= 1) ? "a-link-button-inactive" : "a-link-button", innerHTML:"↓",
padding:"2px", margin:"2px",
tooltip: isActive ? "WARNING: changing the level will restart the Operation" : "",
if (isActive) {this.startAction(this.action);} //Restart Action
this.updateOperationsUIElement(el, action);
return false;
//General Info
var difficulty = action.getDifficulty();
var actionTime = action.getActionTime(this);
appendLineBreaks(el, 2);
el.appendChild(createElement("pre", {
innerHTML:action.desc + "\n\n" +
"Estimated success chance: " + formatNumber(estimatedSuccessChance*100, 1) + "%\n" +
"Time Required(s): " + formatNumber(actionTime, 1) + "\n" +
"Operations remaining: " + Math.floor(action.count) + "\n" +
"Successes: " + action.successes + "\n" +
"Failures: " + action.failures,
//Autolevel Checkbox
var autolevelCheckboxId = "bladeburner-" + action.name + "-autolevel-checkbox";
el.appendChild(createElement("label", {
for:autolevelCheckboxId, innerText:"Autolevel",color:"white",
tooltip:"Automatically increase operation level when possible"
var autolevelCheckbox = createElement("input", {
type:"checkbox", id:autolevelCheckboxId, margin:"4px",
action.autoLevel = autolevelCheckbox.checked;
Bladeburner.prototype.updateBlackOpsUIElement = function(el, action) {
var isActive = el.classList.contains(ActiveActionCssClass);
var isCompleted = (this.blackops[action.name] != null);
var estimatedSuccessChance = action.getSuccessChance(this, {est:true});
var difficulty = action.getDifficulty();
var actionTime = action.getActionTime(this);
var hasReqdRank = this.rank >= action.reqdRank;
//UI for Completed Black Op
if (isCompleted) {
el.appendChild(createElement("h2", {
innerText:action.name + " (COMPLETED)", display:"block",
el.appendChild(createElement("h2", { //Header
innerText:isActive ? action.name + " (IN PROGRESS - " +
formatNumber(this.actionTimeCurrent, 0) + " / " +
formatNumber(this.actionTimeToComplete, 0) + ")"
: action.name,
if (isActive) { //Progress bar if its active
var progress = this.actionTimeCurrent / this.actionTimeToComplete;
el.appendChild(createElement("p", {
} else {
el.appendChild(createElement("a", { //Start button
innerText:"Start", margin:"3px", padding:"3px",
class:hasReqdRank ? "a-link-button" : "a-link-button-inactive",
this.action.type = ActionTypes.BlackOperation;
this.action.name = action.name;
return false;
el.appendChild(createElement("a", { //Set Team Size Button
innerText:"Set Team Size (Curr Size: " + formatNumber(action.teamCount, 0) + ")", class:"a-link-button",
margin:"3px", padding:"3px",
var popupId = "bladeburner-operation-set-team-size-popup";
var txt = createElement("p", {
innerText:"Enter the amount of team members you would like to take on this " +
"BlackOp. If you do not have the specified number of team members, " +
"then as many as possible will be used. Note that team members may " +
"be lost during operations."
var input = createElement("input", {
type:"number", placeholder: "Team Members"
var setBtn = createElement("a", {
innerText:"Confirm", class:"a-link-button",
var num = Math.round(parseFloat(input.value));
if (isNaN(num)) {
dialogBoxCreate("Invalid value entered for number of Team Members (must be numeric)")
} else {
action.teamCount = num;
this.updateBlackOpsUIElement(el, action);
return false;
var cancelBtn = createElement("a", {
innerText:"Cancel", class:"a-link-button",
return false;
createPopup(popupId, [txt, input, setBtn, cancelBtn]);
appendLineBreaks(el, 2);
el.appendChild(createElement("p", {
innerHTML:"<br>" + action.desc + "<br><br>",
el.appendChild(createElement("p", {
display:"block", color:hasReqdRank ? "white" : "red",
innerHTML:"Required Rank: " + formatNumber(action.reqdRank, 0) + "<br>"
el.appendChild(createElement("p", {
innerHTML:"Estimated Success Chance: " + formatNumber(estimatedSuccessChance*100, 1) + "%\n" +
"Time Required(s): " + formatNumber(actionTime, 1),
Bladeburner.prototype.updateSkillsUIElement = function(el, skill) {
var skillName = skill.name;
var currentLevel = 0;
if (this.skills[skillName] && !isNaN(this.skills[skillName])) {
currentLevel = this.skills[skillName];
var pointCost = skill.calculateCost(currentLevel);
el.appendChild(createElement("h2", { //Header
innerText:skill.name + " (Lvl " + currentLevel + ")", display:"inline-block"
var canLevel = this.skillPoints >= pointCost;
var maxLvl = skill.maxLvl ? currentLevel >= skill.maxLvl : false;
el.appendChild(createElement("a", { //Level up button
innerText:"Level", display:"inline-block",
class: canLevel && !maxLvl ? "a-link-button" : "a-link-button-inactive",
margin:"3px", padding:"3px",
if (this.skillPoints < pointCost) {return;}
this.skillPoints -= pointCost;
return false;
appendLineBreaks(el, 2);
if (maxLvl) {
el.appendChild(createElement("p", {
color:"red", display:"block",
innerText:"MAX LEVEL"
} else {
el.appendChild(createElement("p", {
innerText:"Skill Points required: " + formatNumber(pointCost, 0),
el.appendChild(createElement("p", { //Info/Description
innerHTML:skill.desc, display:"inline-block",
//Bladeburner Console Window
Bladeburner.prototype.postToConsole = function(input) {
if (input == null || DomElems.consoleDiv == null) {return;}
$("#bladeubrner-console-input-row").before('<tr><td class="bladeburner-console-line" style="color: var(--my-font-color); white-space:pre-wrap;">' + input + '</td></tr>');
if (DomElems.consoleTable.childNodes.length > 200) {
Bladeburner.prototype.updateConsoleScroll = function() {
DomElems.consoleDiv.scrollTop = DomElems.consoleDiv.scrollHeight;
Bladeburner.prototype.resetConsoleInput = function() {
DomElems.consoleInput.value = "";
Bladeburner.prototype.clearConsole = function() {
while (DomElems.consoleTable.childNodes.length > 1) {
Bladeburner.prototype.log = function(input) {
//Adds a timestamp and then just calls postToConsole
var d = new Date();
var timestamp = d.getMonth() + "/" + d.getDay() + " " + d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes();
this.postToConsole("[" + timestamp + "] " + input);
//Handles a potential series of commands (comm1; comm2; comm3;)
Bladeburner.prototype.executeConsoleCommands = function(commands) {
try {
//Console History
if (consoleHistory[consoleHistory.length-1] != commands) {
if (consoleHistory.length > 50) {
consoleHistory.splice(0, 1);
consoleHistoryIndex = consoleHistory.length;
var arrayOfCommands = commands.split(";");
for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfCommands.length; ++i) {
} catch(e) {
//A single command
Bladeburner.prototype.executeConsoleCommand = function(command) {
command = command.trim();
command = command.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' '); //Replace all whitespace w/ a single space
var args = this.parseCommandArguments(command);
if (args.length <= 0) {return;} //Log an error?
switch(args[0].toLowerCase()) {
case "automate":
case "clear":
case "cls":
case "help":
case "log":
case "skill":
case "start":
case "stop":
this.postToConsole("Invalid console command");
Bladeburner.prototype.parseCommandArguments = function(command) {
//Returns an array with command and its arguments in each index.
//e.g. skill "blade's intuition" foo returns [skill, blade's intuition, foo]
//The input to this fn will be trimmed and will have all whitespace replaced w/ a single space
var args = [];
var start = 0, i = 0;
while (i < command.length) {
var c = command.charAt(i);
if (c === '"') {
var endQuote = command.indexOf('"', i+1);
if (endQuote !== -1 && (endQuote === command.length-1 || command.charAt(endQuote+1) === " ")) {
args.push(command.substr(i+1, (endQuote - i - 1)));
if (endQuote === command.length-1) {
start = i = endQuote+1;
} else {
start = i = endQuote+2; //Skip the space
} else if (c === " ") {
args.push(command.substr(start, i-start));
start = i+1;
if (start !== i) {args.push(command.substr(start, i-start));}
console.log("Bladeburner.parseCommandArguments returned: " + args);
return args;
Bladeburner.prototype.executeAutomateConsoleCommand = function(args) {
if (args.length !== 2 && args.length !== 4) {
this.postToConsole("Invalid use of 'automate' command: automate [var] [val] [hi/low]. Use 'help automate' for more info");
if (args.length === 2) {
var flag = args[1];
if (flag.toLowerCase() === "status") {
this.postToConsole("Automation: " + (this.automateEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
if (this.automateEnabled) {
this.postToConsole("When your stamina drops to " + formatNumber(this.automateThreshLow, 0) +
", you will automatically switch to " + this.automateActionLow.name +
". When your stamina recovers to " +
formatNumber(this.automateThreshHigh, 0) + ", you will automatically " +
"switch to " + this.automateActionHigh.name + ".");
} else if (flag.toLowerCase().includes("en")) {
if (!(this.automateActionLow instanceof ActionIdentifier) ||
!(this.automateActionHigh instanceof ActionIdentifier)) {
return this.log("Failed to enable automation. Actions were not set");
this.automateEnabled = true;
this.log("Bladeburner automation enabled");
} else if (flag.toLowerCase().includes("d")) {
this.automateEnabled = false;
this.log("Bladeburner automation disabled");
} else {
this.log("Invalid argument for 'automate' console command: " + args[1]);
//Set variables
if (args.length === 4) {
var variable = args[1], val = args[2];
var highLow = false; //True for high, false for low
if (args[3].toLowerCase().includes("hi")) {highLow = true;}
switch (variable) {
case "general":
case "gen":
if (GeneralActions[val] != null) {
var action = new ActionIdentifier({
type:ActionTypes[val], name:val
if (highLow) {
this.automateActionHigh = action;
} else {
this.automateActionLow = action;
this.log("Automate (" + (highLow ? "HIGH" : "LOW") + ") action set to " + val);
} else {
this.postToConsole("Invalid action name specified: " + val);
case "contract":
case "contracts":
if (this.contracts[val] != null) {
var action = new ActionIdentifier({
type:ActionTypes.Contract, name:val
if (highLow) {
this.automateActionHigh = action;
} else {
this.automateActionLow = action;
this.log("Automate (" + (highLow ? "HIGH" : "LOW") + ") action set to " + val);
} else {
this.postToConsole("Invalid contract name specified: " + val);
case "ops":
case "op":
case "operations":
case "operation":
if (this.operations[val] != null) {
var action = new ActionIdentifier({
type:ActionTypes.Operation, name:val
if (highLow) {
this.automateActionHigh = action;
} else {
this.automateActionLow = action;
this.log("Automate (" + (highLow ? "HIGH" : "LOW") + ") action set to " + val);
} else {
this.postToConsole("Invalid Operation name specified: " + val);
case "stamina":
if (isNaN(val)) {
this.postToConsole("Invalid value specified for stamina threshold (must be numeric): " + val);
} else {
if (highLow) {
this.automateThreshHigh = Number(val);
} else {
this.automateThreshLow = Number(val);
this.log("Automate (" + (highLow ? "HIGH" : "LOW") + ") stamina threshold set to " + val);
Bladeburner.prototype.executeHelpConsoleCommand = function(args) {
if (args.length === 1) {
} else {
for (var i = 1; i < args.length; ++i) {
var commandText = consoleHelpText[args[i]];
if (commandText != null) {
Bladeburner.prototype.executeLogConsoleCommand = function(args) {
if (args.length < 3) {
this.postToConsole("Invalid usage of log command: log [enable/disable] [action/event]");
this.postToConsole("Use 'help log' for more details and examples");
var flag = true;
if (args[1].toLowerCase().includes("d")) {flag = false;} //d for disable
switch (args[2].toLowerCase()) {
case "general":
case "gen":
this.logging.general = flag;
this.log("Logging " + (flag ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " for general actions");
case "contract":
case "contracts":
this.logging.contracts = flag;
this.log("Logging " + (flag ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " for Contracts");
case "ops":
case "op":
case "operations":
case "operation":
this.logging.ops = flag;
this.log("Logging " + (flag ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " for Operations");
case "blackops":
case "blackop":
case "black operations":
case "black operation":
this.logging.blackops = flag;
this.log("Logging " + (flag ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " for BlackOps");
case "event":
case "events":
this.logging.events = flag;
this.log("Logging " + (flag ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " for events");
case "all":
this.logging.general = flag;
this.logging.contracts = flag;
this.logging.ops = flag;
this.logging.blackops = flag;
this.logging.events = flag;
this.log("Logging " + (flag ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " for everything");
this.postToConsole("Invalid action/event type specified: " + args[2]);
this.postToConsole("Examples of valid action/event identifiers are: [general, contracts, ops, blackops, events]");
Bladeburner.prototype.executeSkillConsoleCommand = function(args) {
switch (args.length) {
case 1:
//Display Skill Help Command
this.postToConsole("Invalid usage of 'skill' console command: skill [action] [name]");
this.postToConsole("Use 'help skill' for more info");
case 2:
if (args[1].toLowerCase() === "list") {
//List all skills and their level
this.postToConsole("Skills: ");
var skillNames = Object.keys(Skills);
for(var i = 0; i < skillNames.length; ++i) {
var skill = Skills[skillNames[i]];
var level = 0;
if (this.skills[skill.name] != null) {level = this.skills[skill.name];}
this.postToConsole(skill.name + ": Level " + formatNumber(level, 0));
this.postToConsole(" ");
this.postToConsole("Effects: ");
var multKeys = Object.keys(this.skillMultipliers);
for (var i = 0; i < multKeys.length; ++i) {
var mult = this.skillMultipliers[multKeys[i]];
if (mult && mult !== 1) {
mult = formatNumber(mult, 3);
switch(multKeys[i]) {
case "successChanceAll":
this.postToConsole("Total Success Chance: x" + mult);
case "successChanceStealth":
this.postToConsole("Stealth Success Chance: x" + mult);
case "successChanceKill":
this.postToConsole("Retirement Success Chance: x" + mult);
case "successChanceContract":
this.postToConsole("Contract Success Chance: x" + mult);
case "successChanceOperation":
this.postToConsole("Operation Success Chance: x" + mult);
case "successChanceEstimate":
this.postToConsole("Synthoid Data Estimate: x" + mult);
case "actionTime":
this.postToConsole("Action Time: x" + mult);
case "effHack":
this.postToConsole("Hacking Skill: x" + mult);
case "effStr":
this.postToConsole("Strength: x" + mult);
case "effDef":
this.postToConsole("Defense: x" + mult);
case "effDex":
this.postToConsole("Dexterity: x" + mult);
case "effAgi":
this.postToConsole("Agility: x" + mult);
case "effCha":
this.postToConsole("Charisma: x" + mult);
case "effInt":
this.postToConsole("Intelligence: x" + mult);
case "stamina":
this.postToConsole("Stamina: x" + mult);
case "weaponAbility":
//DomElems.actionsAndSkillsDesc.innerHTML +=
case "gunAbility":
console.log("Warning: Unrecognized SkillMult Key: " + multKeys[i]);
} else {
this.postToConsole("Invalid usage of 'skill' console command: skill [action] [name]");
this.postToConsole("Use 'help skill' for more info");
case 3:
var skillName = args[2];
var skill = Skills[skillName];
if (skill == null || !(skill instanceof Skill)) {
return this.postToConsole("Invalid skill name (Note that this is case-sensitive): " + skillName);
if (args[1].toLowerCase() === "list") {
this.postToConsole(skill.name + ": Level " + formatNumber(this.skills[skill.name]), 0);
} else if (args[1].toLowerCase() === "level") {
var currentLevel = 0;
if (this.skills[skillName] && !isNaN(this.skills[skillName])) {
currentLevel = this.skills[skillName];
var pointCost = skill.calculateCost(currentLevel);
if (this.skillPoints >= pointCost) {
this.skillPoints -= pointCost;
this.log(skill.name + " upgraded to Level " + this.skills[skillName]);
} else {
this.postToConsole("You do not have enough Skill Points to upgrade this. You need " + formatNumber(pointCost, 0));
} else {
this.postToConsole("Invalid usage of 'skill' console command: skill [action] [name]");
this.postToConsole("Use 'help skill' for more info");
this.postToConsole("Invalid usage of 'skill' console command: skill [action] [name]");
this.postToConsole("Use 'help skill' for more info");
Bladeburner.prototype.executeStartConsoleCommand = function(args) {
if (args.length !== 3) {
this.postToConsole("Invalid usage of 'start' console command: start [type] [name]");
this.postToConsole("Use 'help start' for more info");
var name = args[2];
switch (args[1].toLowerCase()) {
case "general":
case "gen":
if (GeneralActions[name] != null) {
this.action.type = ActionTypes[name];
this.action.name = name;
} else {
this.postToConsole("Invalid action name specified: " + args[2]);
case "contract":
case "contracts":
if (this.contracts[name] != null) {
this.action.type = ActionTypes.Contract;
this.action.name = name;
} else {
this.postToConsole("Invalid contract name specified: " + args[2]);
case "ops":
case "op":
case "operations":
case "operation":
if (this.operations[name] != null) {
this.action.type = ActionTypes.Operation;
this.action.name = name;
} else {
this.postToConsole("Invalid Operation name specified: " + args[2]);
case "blackops":
case "blackop":
case "black operations":
case "black operation":
if (BlackOperations[name] != null) {
this.action.type = ActionTypes.BlackOperation;
this.action.name = name;
} else {
this.postToConsole("Invalid BlackOp name specified: " + args[2]);
this.postToConsole("Invalid action/event type specified: " + args[1]);
this.postToConsole("Examples of valid action/event identifiers are: [general, contract, op, blackop]");
Bladeburner.prototype.getActionIdFromTypeAndName = function(type="", name="") {
if (type === "" || name === "") {return null;}
var action = new ActionIdentifier();
var convertedType = type.toLowerCase().trim();
var convertedName = name.toLowerCase().trim();
switch (convertedType) {
case "contract":
case "contracts":
case "contr":
action.type = ActionTypes["Contract"];
if (this.contracts.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
action.name = name;
return action;
} else {
return null;
case "operation":
case "operations":
case "op":
case "ops":
action.type = ActionTypes["Operation"];
if (this.operations.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
action.name = name;
return action;
} else {
return null;
case "blackoperation":
case "black operation":
case "black operations":
case "black op":
case "black ops":
case "blackop":
case "blackops":
action.type = ActionTypes["BlackOp"];
if (BlackOperations.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
action.name = name;
return action;
} else {
return null;
case "general":
case "general action":
case "gen":
return null;
if (convertedType.startsWith("gen")) {
switch (convertedName) {
case "training":
action.type = ActionTypes["Training"];
case "recruitment":
case "recruit":
action.type = ActionTypes["Recruitment"];
case "field analysis":
case "fieldanalysis":
action.type = ActionTypes["Field Analysis"];
return null;
return action;
Bladeburner.prototype.getContractNamesNetscriptFn = function() {
return Object.keys(this.contracts);
Bladeburner.prototype.getOperationNamesNetscriptFn = function() {
return Object.keys(this.operations);
Bladeburner.prototype.getBlackOpNamesNetscriptFn = function() {
return Object.keys(BlackOperations);
Bladeburner.prototype.getGeneralActionNamesNetscriptFn = function() {
return Object.keys(GeneralActions);
Bladeburner.prototype.getSkillNamesNetscriptFn = function() {
return Object.keys(Skills);
Bladeburner.prototype.startActionNetscriptFn = function(type, name, workerScript) {
var errorLogText = "ERROR: Bladeburner.startAction() failed due to an invalid action specified. " +
"Type: " + type + ", Name: " + name + ". Note that for contracts and operations, the " +
"name of the operation is case-sensitive.";
var actionId = this.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name);
if (actionId == null) {
return false;
try {
if (workerScript.shouldLog("startAction")) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("Starting Bladeburner action with type " + type + " and name " + name);
return true;
} catch(e) {
workerScript.scriptRef.log("ERROR: Bladeburner.startAction() failed to start action of type " + type + " due to invalid name: " + name +
"Note that this name is case-sensitive and whitespace-sensitive");
return false;
Bladeburner.prototype.getActionTimeNetscriptFn = function(type, name, workerScript) {
var errorLogText = "ERROR: Bladeburner.getActionTime() failed due to an invalid action specified. " +
"Type: " + type + ", Name: " + name + ". Note that for contracts and operations, the " +
"name of the operation is case-sensitive.";
var actionId = this.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name);
if (actionId == null) {
return -1;
var actionObj = this.getActionObject(actionId);
if (actionObj == null) {
return -1;
switch (actionId.type) {
case ActionTypes["Contract"]:
case ActionTypes["Operation"]:
case ActionTypes["BlackOp"]:
case ActionTypes["BlackOperation"]:
return actionObj.getActionTime(this);
case ActionTypes["Training"]:
case ActionTypes["Field Analysis"]:
case ActionTypes["FieldAnalysis"]:
return 30;
case ActionTypes["Recruitment"]:
return this.getRecruitmentTime();
return -1;
Bladeburner.prototype.getActionEstimatedSuccessChanceNetscriptFn = function(type, name, workerScript) {
var errorLogText = "ERROR: Bladeburner.getActionEstimatedSuccessChance() failed due to an invalid action specified. " +
"Type: " + type + ", Name: " + name + ". Note that for contracts and operations, the " +
"name of the operation is case-sensitive.";
var actionId = this.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name);
if (actionId == null) {
return -1;
var actionObj = this.getActionObject(actionId);
if (actionObj == null) {
return -1;
switch (actionId.type) {
case ActionTypes["Contract"]:
case ActionTypes["Operation"]:
case ActionTypes["BlackOp"]:
case ActionTypes["BlackOperation"]:
return actionObj.getSuccessChance(this, {est:true});
case ActionTypes["Training"]:
case ActionTypes["Field Analysis"]:
case ActionTypes["FieldAnalysis"]:
return 1;
case ActionTypes["Recruitment"]:
return this.getRecruitmentSuccessChance();
return -1;
Bladeburner.prototype.getActionCountRemainingNetscriptFn = function(type, name, workerScript) {
var errorLogText = "ERROR: Bladeburner.getActionCountRemaining() failed due to an invalid action specified. " +
"Type: " + type + ", Name: " + name + ". Note that for contracts and operations, the " +
"name of the operation is case-sensitive.";
var actionId = this.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name);
if (actionId == null) {
return -1;
var actionObj = this.getActionObject(actionId);
if (actionObj == null) {
return -1;
switch (actionId.type) {
case ActionTypes["Contract"]:
case ActionTypes["Operation"]:
case ActionTypes["BlackOp"]:
case ActionTypes["BlackOperation"]:
return actionObj.count;
case ActionTypes["Training"]:
case ActionTypes["Field Analysis"]:
case ActionTypes["FieldAnalysis"]:
return Infinity;
return -1;
Bladeburner.prototype.getSkillLevelNetscriptFn = function(skillName, workerScript) {
var errorLogText = "ERROR: Bladeburner.getSkillLevel() failed due to an invalid skill specified: " +
skillName + ". Note that the name of the skill is case-sensitive";
if (skillName === "") {
//If skill name isn't specified, return an object with all of the player's skill levels
let copy = Object.assign({}, this.Skills);
return copy;
if (!Skills.hasOwnProperty(skillName)) {
return -1;
if (this.skills[skillName] == null) {
return 0;
} else {
return this.skills[skillName];
Bladeburner.prototype.upgradeSkillNetscriptFn = function(skillName, workerScript) {
var errorLogText = "ERROR: Bladeburner.upgradeSkill() failed due to an invalid skill specified: " +
skillName + ". Note that the name of the skill is case-sensitive";
if (!Skills.hasOwnProperty(skillName)) {
return false;
var skill = Skills[skillName];
var currentLevel = 0;
if (this.skills[skillName] && !isNaN(this.skills[skillName])) {
currentLevel = this.skills[skillName];
var cost = skill.calculateCost(currentLevel);
if (this.skillPoints < cost) {
if (workerScript.shouldLog("upgradeSkill")) {
workerScript.log("Bladeburner.upgradeSkill() failed because you do not have enough " +
"skill points to upgrade " + skillName + " (You have " +
this.skillPoints + ", you need " + cost + ")");
return false;
this.skillPoints -= cost;
if (Engine.currentPage === Engine.Page.Bladeburner && DomElems.currentTab.toLowerCase() === "skills") {
if (workerScript.shouldLog("upgradeSkill")) {
workerScript.log(skillName + " successfully upgraded to level " + this.skills[skillName]);
return true;
Bladeburner.prototype.getTeamSizeNetscriptFn = function(type, name, workerScript) {
if (type === "" && name === "") {
return this.teamSize;
var errorLogText = "ERROR: Bladeburner.getTeamSize() failed due to an invalid action specified. " +
"Type: " + type + ", Name: " + name + ". Note that for contracts and operations, the " +
"name of the operation is case-sensitive.";
var actionId = this.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name);
if (actionId == null) {
return -1;
var actionObj = this.getActionObject(actionId);
if (actionObj == null) {
return -1;
if (actionId.type === ActionTypes["Operation"] ||
actionId.type === ActionTypes["BlackOp"] ||
actionId.type === ActionTypes["BlackOperation"]) {
return actionObj.teamCount;
} else {
return 0;
Bladeburner.prototype.setTeamSizeNetscriptFn = function(type, name, size, workerScript) {
var errorLogText = "ERROR: Bladeburner.setTeamSize() failed due to an invalid action specified. " +
"Type: " + type + ", Name: " + name + ". Note that for contracts and operations, the " +
"name of the operation is case-sensitive.";
var actionId = this.getActionIdFromTypeAndName(type, name);
if (actionId == null) {
return -1;
if (actionId.type !== ActionTypes["Operation"] &&
actionId.type !== ActionTypes["BlackOp"] &&
actionId.type !== ActionTypes["BlackOperation"]) {
workerScript.log("ERROR: Bladeburner.setTeamSize() failed. This function " +
"only works for Operations and BlackOps");
return -1;
var actionObj = this.getActionObject(actionId);
if (actionObj == null) {
return -1;
var sanitizedSize = Math.round(size);
if (isNaN(sanitizedSize)) {
workerScript.log("ERROR: Bladeburner.setTeamSize() failed due to an invalid 'size' argument: " + size);
return -1;
if (this.teamSize < sanitizedSize) {sanitizedSize = this.teamSize;}
actionObj.teamCount = sanitizedSize;
if (workerScript.shouldLog("setTeamSize")) {
workerScript.log("Team size for " + name + " set to " + sanitizedSize);
return sanitizedSize;
Bladeburner.prototype.getCityEstimatedPopulationNetscriptFn = function(cityName, workerScript) {
if (!this.cities.hasOwnProperty(cityName)) {
workerScript.log("ERROR: Bladeburner.getCityEstimatedPopulation() failed because the specified " +
"city was invalid: " + cityName + ". Note that this city argument is case-sensitive");
return -1;
return this.cities[cityName].popEst;
Bladeburner.prototype.getCityEstimatedCommunitiesNetscriptFn = function(cityName, workerScript) {
if (!this.cities.hasOwnProperty(cityName)) {
workerScript.log("ERROR: Bladeburner.getCityEstimatedCommunities() failed because the specified " +
"city was invalid: " + cityName + ". Note that this city argument is case-sensitive");
return -1;
return this.cities[cityName].commsEst;
Bladeburner.prototype.getCityChaosNetscriptFn = function(cityName, workerScript) {
if (!this.cities.hasOwnProperty(cityName)) {
workerScript.log("ERROR: Bladeburner.getCityChaos() failed because the specified " +
"city was invalid: " + cityName + ". Note that this city argument is case-sensitive");
return -1;
return this.cities[cityName].chaos;
Bladeburner.prototype.switchCityNetscriptFn = function(cityName, workerScript) {
if (!this.cities.hasOwnProperty(cityName)) {
workerScript.log("ERROR: Bladeburner.switchCity() failed because the specified " +
"city was invalid: " + cityName + ". Note that this city argument is case-sensitive");
return false;
this.city = cityName;
return true;
Bladeburner.prototype.joinBladeburnerFactionNetscriptFn = function(workerScript) {
var bladeburnerFac = Factions["Bladeburners"];
if (bladeburnerFac.isMember) {
return true;
} else if (this.rank >= RankNeededForFaction) {
if (workerScript.shouldLog("joinBladeburnerFaction")) {
workerScript.log("Joined Bladeburners Faction");
if (Engine.currentPage === Engine.Page.Bladeburner) {
return true;
} else {
if (workerScript.shouldLog("joinBladeburnerFaction")) {
workerScript.log("Failed to join Bladeburners Faction because " +
"you do not have the required " + RankNeededForFaction + " rank");
return false;
Bladeburner.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return Generic_toJSON("Bladeburner", this);
Bladeburner.fromJSON = function(value) {
return Generic_fromJSON(Bladeburner, value.data);
Reviver.constructors.Bladeburner = Bladeburner;
//This initialized Bladeburner-related data that is NOT saved/loaded
// eg: Skill Objects, BLack Operations
//Any data that is saved/loaded should go in Bladeburner object
// eg: contracts, operations
function initBladeburner() {
Skills[SkillNames.BladesIntuition] = new Skill({
desc:"Each level of this skill increases your success chance " +
"for all contracts and operations by 3%",
baseCost:5, costInc:2,
Skills[SkillNames.Reaper] = new Skill({
desc:"Each level of this skill increases your " +
"effective combat stats for Bladeburner actions by 3%",
baseCost:3, costInc:2,
effStr:3, effDef:3, effDex:3, effAgi:3
Skills[SkillNames.Cloak] = new Skill({
desc:"Each level of this skill increases your " +
"success chance in stealth-related contracts and operations by 5.5%",
baseCost:3, costInc:1,
//TODO Marksman
//TODO Weapon Proficiency
Skills[SkillNames.Overclock] = new Skill({
desc:"Each level of this skill decreases the time it takes " +
"to attempt a contract or operation by 1% (Max Level: 95)",
baseCost:5, costInc:1, maxLvl:95,
Skills[SkillNames.EvasiveSystem] = new Skill({
desc:"Each level of this skill increases your effective " +
"dexterity and agility for Bladeburner actions by 5%",
baseCost:2, costInc: 1,
effDex:5, effAgi:5
Skills[SkillNames.ShortCircuit] = new Skill({
desc:"Each level of this skill increases your success chance " +
"in contracts and operations that involve retirement by 5.5%",
baseCost:3, costInc:2,
Skills[SkillNames.DigitalObserver] = new Skill({
desc:"Each level of this skill increases your success chance in " +
"all operations by 4%",
baseCost:5, costInc:2,
Skills[SkillNames.Datamancer] = new Skill({
desc:"Each level of this skill increases your effectiveness in " +
"synthoid population analysis and investigation by 5%. " +
"This affects all actions that can potentially increase " +
"the accuracy of your synthoid population/community estimates.",
Skills[SkillNames.Tracer] = new Skill({
desc:"Each level of this skill increases your success chance in " +
"all contracts by 4%",
baseCost:3, costInc:2,
Skills[SkillNames.CybersEdge] = new Skill({
desc:"Each level of this skill increases your max " +
"stamina by 2%",
baseCost:1, costInc:3,
//General Actions
var actionName = "Training";
GeneralActions[actionName] = new Action({
desc:"Improve your abilities at the Bladeburner unit's specialized training " +
"center. Doing this gives experience for all combat stats and also " +
"increases your max stamina."
var actionName = "Field Analysis";
GeneralActions[actionName] = new Action({
desc:"Mine and analyze Synthoid-related data. This improve the " +
"Bladeburner's unit intelligence on Synthoid locations and " +
"activities. Completing this action will improve the accuracy " +
"of your Synthoid population estimated in the current city.<br><br>" +
"Does NOT require stamina."
var actionName = "Recruitment";
GeneralActions[actionName] = new Action({
desc:"Attempt to recruit members for your Bladeburner team. These members " +
"can help you conduct operations.<br><br>" +
"Does NOT require stamina."
//Black Operations
BlackOperations["Operation Typhoon"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Typhoon",
desc:"Obadiah Zenyatta is the leader of a RedWater PMC. It has long " +
"been known among the intelligence community that Zenyatta, along " +
"with the rest of the PMC, is a Synthoid.<br><br>" +
"The goal of Operation Typhoon is to find and eliminate " +
"Zenyatta and RedWater by any means necessary. After the task " +
"is completed, the actions must be covered up from the general public.",
baseDifficulty:2000, reqdRank:2.5e3,
rankGain:50, rankLoss:10, hpLoss:100,
weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Zero"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Zero",
desc:"AeroCorp is one of the world's largest defense contractors. " +
"It's leader, Steve Watataki, is thought to be a supporter of " +
"Synthoid rights. He must be removed.<br><br>" +
"The goal of Operation Zero is to covertly infiltrate AeroCorp and " +
"uncover any incriminating evidence or " +
"information against Watataki that will cause him to be removed " +
"from his position at AeroCorp. Incriminating evidence can be " +
"fabricated as a last resort. Be warned that AeroCorp has some of " +
"the most advanced security measures in the world.",
baseDifficulty:2500, reqdRank:5e3,
rankGain:60, rankLoss:15, hpLoss:50,
weights:{hack:0.2,str:0.15,def:0.15,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation X"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation X",
desc:"We have recently discovered an underground publication " +
"group called Samizdat. Even though most of their publications " +
"are nonsensical conspiracy theories, the average human is " +
"gullible enough to believe them. Many of their works discuss " +
"Synthoids and pose a threat to society. The publications are spreading " +
"rapidly in China and other Eastern countries.<br><br>" +
"Samizdat has done a good job of keeping hidden and anonymous. " +
"However, we've just received intelligence that their base of " +
"operations is in Ishima's underground sewer systems. Your task is to " +
"investigate the sewer systems, and eliminate Samizdat. They must " +
"never publish anything again.",
baseDifficulty:3000, reqdRank:7.5e3,
rankGain:75, rankLoss:15, hpLoss:100,
weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Titan"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Titan",
desc:"Several months ago Titan Laboratories' Bioengineering department " +
"was infiltrated by Synthoids. As far as we know, Titan Laboratories' " +
"management has no knowledge about this. We don't know what the " +
"Synthoids are up to, but the research that they could " +
"be conducting using Titan Laboraties' vast resources is potentially " +
"very dangerous.<br><br>" +
"Your goal is to enter and destroy the Bioengineering department's " +
"facility in Aevum. The task is not just to retire the Synthoids there, but " +
"also to destroy any information or research at the facility that " +
"is relevant to the Synthoids and their goals.",
baseDifficulty:4000, reqdRank:10e3,
rankGain:100, rankLoss:20, hpLoss:100,
weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Ares"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Ares",
desc:"One of our undercover agents, Agent Carter, has informed us of a " +
"massive weapons deal going down in Dubai between rogue Russian " +
"militants and a radical Synthoid community. These weapons are next-gen " +
"plasma and energy weapons. It is critical for the safety of humanity " +
"that this deal does not happen.<br><br>" +
"Your task is to intercept the deal. Leave no survivors.",
baseDifficulty:5000, reqdRank:12.5e3,
rankGain:125, rankLoss:20, hpLoss:200,
weights:{hack:0,str:0.25,def:0.25,dex:0.25,agi:0.25,cha:0, int:0},
decays:{hack:0,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Archangel"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Archangel",
desc:"Our analysts have discovered that the popular Red Rabbit brothel in " +
"Amsterdam is run and 'staffed' by MK-VI Synthoids. Intelligence " +
"suggests that the profit from this brothel is used to fund a large " +
"black market arms trafficking operation.<br><br>" +
"The goal of this operation is to take out the leaders that are running " +
"the Red Rabbit brothel. Try to limit the number of other casualties, " +
"but do what you must to complete the mission.",
baseDifficulty:7500, reqdRank:15e3,
rankGain:200, rankLoss:20, hpLoss:25,
weights:{hack:0,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.3,agi:0.3,cha:0, int:0},
decays:{hack:0,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Juggernaut"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Juggernaut",
desc:"The CIA has just encountered a new security threat. A new " +
"criminal group, lead by a shadowy operative who calls himself " +
"Juggernaut, has been smuggling drugs and weapons (including " +
"suspected bioweapons) into Sector-12. We also have reason " +
"to believe the tried to break into one of Universal Energy's " +
"facilities in order to cause a city-wide blackout. The CIA " +
"suspects that Juggernaut is a heavily-augmented Synthoid, and " +
"have thus enlisted our help.<br><br>" +
"Your mission is to eradicate Juggernaut and his followers.",
baseDifficulty:10e3, reqdRank:20e3,
rankGain:300, rankLoss:40, hpLoss:300,
weights:{hack:0,str:0.25,def:0.25,dex:0.25,agi:0.25,cha:0, int:0},
decays:{hack:0,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Red Dragon"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Red Dragon",
desc:"The Tetrads criminal organization is suspected of " +
"reverse-engineering the MK-VI Synthoid design. We believe " +
"they altered and possibly improved the design and began " +
"manufacturing their own Synthoid models in order to bolster " +
"their criminal activities.<br><br>" +
"Your task is to infiltrate and destroy the Tetrads' base of operations " +
"in Los Angeles. Intelligence tells us that their base houses " +
"one of their Synthoid manufacturing units.",
baseDifficulty:12.5e3, reqdRank:25e3,
rankGain:500, rankLoss:50, hpLoss:500,
weights:{hack:0.05,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.25,agi:0.25,cha:0, int:0.05},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation K"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation K",
desc:"CODE RED SITUATION. Our intelligence tells us that VitaLife " +
"has discovered a new android cloning technology. This technology " +
"is supposedly capable of cloning Synthoid, not only physically " +
"but also their advanced AI modules. We do not believe that " +
"VitaLife is trying to use this technology illegally or " +
"maliciously, but if any Synthoids were able to infiltrate the " +
"corporation and take advantage of this technology then the " +
"results would be catastrophic.<br><br>" +
"We do not have the power or jurisdiction to shutdown this down " +
"through legal or political means, so we must resort to a covert " +
"operation. Your goal is to destroy this technology and eliminate" +
"anyone who was involved in its creation.",
baseDifficulty:15e3, reqdRank:30e3,
rankGain:750, rankLoss:60, hpLoss:1000,
weights:{hack:0.05,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.25,agi:0.25,cha:0, int:0.05},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Deckard"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Deckard",
desc:"Despite your success in eliminating VitaLife's new android-replicating " +
"technology in Operation K, we've discovered that a small group of " +
"MK-VI Synthoids were able to make off with the schematics and design " +
"of the technology before the Operation. It is almost a certainty that " +
"these Synthoids are some of the rogue MK-VI ones from the Synthoid Uprising." +
"The goal of Operation Deckard is to hunt down these Synthoids and retire " +
"them. I don't need to tell you how critical this mission is.",
baseDifficulty:20e3, reqdRank:40e3,
rankGain:1e3, rankLoss:75, hpLoss:200,
weights:{hack:0,str:0.24,def:0.24,dex:0.24,agi:0.24,cha:0, int:0.04},
decays:{hack:0,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Tyrell"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Tyrell",
desc:"A week ago Blade Industries reported a small break-in at one " +
"of their Aevum Augmentation storage facitilities. We figured out " +
"that The Dark Army was behind the heist, and didn't think any more " +
"of it. However, we've just discovered that several known MK-VI Synthoids " +
"were part of that break-in group.<br><br>" +
"We cannot have Synthoids upgrading their already-enhanced abilities " +
"with Augmentations. Your task is to hunt down the associated Dark Army " +
"members and eliminate them.",
baseDifficulty:25e3, reqdRank:50e3,
rankGain:1.5e3, rankLoss:100, hpLoss:500,
weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Wallace"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Wallace",
desc:"Based on information gathered from Operation Tyrell, we've discovered " +
"that The Dark Army was well aware that there were Synthoids amongst " +
"their ranks. Even worse, we believe that The Dark Army is working " +
"together with other criminal organizations such as The Syndicate and " +
"that they are planning some sort of large-scale takeover of multiple major " +
"cities, most notably Aevum. We suspect that Synthoids have infiltrated " +
"the ranks of these criminal factions and are trying to stage another " +
"Synthoid uprising.<br><br>" +
"The best way to deal with this is to prevent it before it even happens. " +
"The goal of Operation Wallace is to destroy the Dark Army and " +
"Syndicate factions in Aevum immediately. Leave no survivors.",
baseDifficulty:30e3, reqdRank:75e3,
rankGain:2e3, rankLoss:150, hpLoss:1500,
weights:{hack:0,str:0.24,def:0.24,dex:0.24,agi:0.24,cha:0, int:0.04},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Shoulder of Orion"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Shoulder of Orion",
desc:"China's Solaris Space Systems is secretly launching the first " +
"manned spacecraft in over a decade using Synthoids. We believe " +
"China is trying to establish the first off-world colonies.<br><br>" +
"The mission is to prevent this launch without instigating an " +
"international conflict. When you accept this mission you will be " +
"officially disavowed by the NSA and the national government until after you " +
"successfully return. In the event of failure, all of the operation's " +
"team members must not let themselves be captured alive.",
baseDifficulty:35e3, reqdRank:100e3,
rankGain:2.5e3, rankLoss:500, hpLoss:1500,
weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Hyron"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Hyron",
desc:"Our intelligence tells us that Fulcrum Technologies is developing " +
"a quantum supercomputer using human brains as core " +
"processors. This supercomputer " +
"is rumored to be able to store vast amounts of data and " +
"perform computations unmatched by any other supercomputer on the " +
"planet. But more importantly, the use of organic human brains " +
"means that the supercomputer may be able to reason abstractly " +
"and become self-aware.<br><br>" +
"I do not need to remind you why sentient-level AIs pose a serious " +
"thread to all of mankind.<br><br>" +
"The research for this project is being conducted at one of Fulcrum " +
"Technologies secret facilities in Aevum, codenamed 'Alpha Ranch'. " +
"Infiltrate the compound, delete and destroy the work, and then find and kill the " +
"project lead.",
baseDifficulty:40e3, reqdRank:125e3,
rankGain:3e3, rankLoss:1e3, hpLoss:500,
weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Morpheus"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Morpheus",
desc:"DreamSense Technologies is an advertising company that uses " +
"special technology to transmit their ads into the peoples " +
"dreams and subconcious. They do this using broadcast transmitter " +
"towers. Based on information from our agents and informants in " +
"Chonqging, we have reason to believe that one of the broadcast " +
"towers there has been compromised by Synthoids and is being used " +
"to spread pro-Synthoid propaganda.<br><br>" +
"The mission is to destroy this broadcast tower. Speed and " +
"stealth are of the upmost important for this.",
baseDifficulty:45e3, reqdRank:150e3,
rankGain:4e3, rankLoss:1e3, hpLoss:100,
weights:{hack:0.05,str:0.15,def:0.15,dex:0.3,agi:0.3,cha:0, int:0.05},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Ion Storm"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Ion Storm",
desc:"Our analysts have uncovered a gathering of MK-VI Synthoids " +
"that have taken up residence in the Sector-12 Slums. We " +
"don't know if they are rogue Synthoids from the Uprising, " +
"but we do know that they have been stockpiling " +
"weapons, money, and other resources. This makes them dangerous.<br><br>" +
"This is a full-scale assault operation to find and retire all of these " +
"Synthoids in the Sector-12 Slums.",
baseDifficulty:50e3, reqdRank:175e3,
rankGain:5e3, rankLoss:1e3, hpLoss:5000,
weights:{hack:0,str:0.24,def:0.24,dex:0.24,agi:0.24,cha:0, int:0.04},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Annihilus"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Annihilus",
desc:"Our superiors have ordered us to eradicate everything and everyone " +
"in an underground facility located in Aevum. They tell us " +
"that the facility houses many dangerous Synthoids and " +
"belongs to a terrorist organization called " +
"'The Covenant'. We have no prior intelligence about this " +
"organization, so you are going in blind.",
baseDifficulty:55e3, reqdRank:200e3,
rankGain:7.5e3, rankLoss:1e3, hpLoss:10e3,
weights:{hack:0,str:0.24,def:0.24,dex:0.24,agi:0.24,cha:0, int:0.04},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Ultron"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Ultron",
desc:"OmniTek Incorporated, the original designer and manufacturer of Synthoids, " +
"has notified us of a malfunction in their AI design. This malfunction, " +
"when triggered, causes MK-VI Synthoids to become radicalized and seek out " +
"the destruction of humanity. They say that this bug affects all MK-VI Synthoids, " +
"not just the rogue ones from the Uprising.<br><br>" +
"OmniTek has also told us they they believe someone has triggered this " +
"malfunction in a large group of MK-VI Synthoids, and that these newly-radicalized Synthoids " +
"are now amassing in Volhaven to form a terrorist group called Ultron.<br><br>" +
"Intelligence suggests Ultron is heavily armed and that their members are " +
"augmented. We believe Ultron is making moves to take control of " +
"and weaponize DeltaOne's Tactical High-Energy Satellite Laser Array (THESLA).<br><br>" +
"Your task is to find and destroy Ultron.",
baseDifficulty:60e3, reqdRank:250e3,
rankGain:10e3, rankLoss:2e3, hpLoss:10e3,
weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Centurion"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Centurion",
desc:"D)@#)($M)C0293c40($*)@#D0JUMP3Rm0C<*@#)*$)#02c94830c(#$*D)<br><br>" +
"Throughout all of humanity's history, we have relied on " +
"technology to survive, conquer, and progress. Its advancement became our primary goal. " +
"And at the peak of human civilization technology turned into " +
"power. Global, absolute power.<br><br>" +
"It seems that the universe is not without a sense of irony.<br><br>" +
baseDifficulty:70e3, reqdRank:300e3,
rankGain:15e3, rankLoss:5e3, hpLoss:10e3,
weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Vindictus"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Vindictus",
desc:"D)@#)($M)C0293c40($*)@#D0JUMP3Rm0C<*@#)*$)#02c94830c(#$*D)<br><br>" +
"The bits are all around us. The daemons that hold the Node " +
"together can manifest themselves in many different ways.<br><br>" +
baseDifficulty:75e3, reqdRank:350e3,
rankGain:20e3, rankLoss:20e3, hpLoss:20e3,
weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
BlackOperations["Operation Daedalus"] = new BlackOperation({
name:"Operation Daedalus",
desc:"Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our neck to emperors. " +
"Today we kneel only to truth.",
baseDifficulty:80e3, reqdRank:400e3,
rankGain:40e3, rankLoss:10e3, hpLoss:100e3,
weights:{hack:0.1,str:0.2,def:0.2,dex:0.2,agi:0.2,cha:0, int:0.1},
decays:{hack:0.6,str:0.8,def:0.8,dex:0.8,agi:0.8,cha:0, int:0.75},
export {Bladeburner};