2022-09-27 15:35:40 -04:00

575 lines
19 KiB

* Generic helper/utility functions for the Hacknet mechanic:
* - Purchase nodes/upgrades
* - Calculating maximum number of upgrades
* - Processing Hacknet earnings
* - Updating Hash Manager capacity
* - Purchasing hash upgrades
* TODO Should probably split the different types of functions into their own modules
import { HacknetNode } from "./HacknetNode";
import { calculateNodeCost } from "./formulas/HacknetNodes";
import { calculateServerCost } from "./formulas/HacknetServers";
import { HacknetNodeConstants, HacknetServerConstants } from "./data/Constants";
import { HacknetServer } from "./HacknetServer";
import { HashManager } from "./HashManager";
import { HashUpgrades } from "./HashUpgrades";
import { generateRandomContract } from "../CodingContractGenerator";
import { iTutorialSteps, iTutorialNextStep, ITutorial } from "../InteractiveTutorial";
import { Player } from "../Player";
import { GetServer } from "../Server/AllServers";
import { Server } from "../Server/Server";
// Returns a boolean indicating whether the player has Hacknet Servers
// (the upgraded form of Hacknet Nodes)
export function hasHacknetServers(): boolean {
return Player.bitNodeN === 9 || Player.sourceFileLvl(9) > 0;
export function purchaseHacknet(): number {
if (ITutorial.isRunning) {
if (ITutorial.currStep === iTutorialSteps.HacknetNodesIntroduction) {
} else {
return -1;
const numOwned = Player.hacknetNodes.length;
if (hasHacknetServers()) {
const cost = getCostOfNextHacknetServer();
if (isNaN(cost)) {
throw new Error(`Calculated cost of purchasing HacknetServer is NaN`);
if (!Player.canAfford(cost) || numOwned >= HacknetServerConstants.MaxServers) {
return -1;
Player.loseMoney(cost, "hacknet_expenses");
return numOwned;
} else {
const cost = getCostOfNextHacknetNode();
if (isNaN(cost)) {
throw new Error(`Calculated cost of purchasing HacknetNode is NaN`);
if (!Player.canAfford(cost)) {
return -1;
// Auto generate a name for the Node
const name = "hacknet-node-" + numOwned;
const node = new HacknetNode(name, Player.mults.hacknet_node_money);
Player.loseMoney(cost, "hacknet_expenses");
return numOwned;
export function hasMaxNumberHacknetServers(): boolean {
return hasHacknetServers() && Player.hacknetNodes.length >= HacknetServerConstants.MaxServers;
export function getCostOfNextHacknetNode(): number {
return calculateNodeCost(Player.hacknetNodes.length + 1, Player.mults.hacknet_node_purchase_cost);
export function getCostOfNextHacknetServer(): number {
return calculateServerCost(Player.hacknetNodes.length + 1, Player.mults.hacknet_node_purchase_cost);
// Calculate the maximum number of times the Player can afford to upgrade a Hacknet Node's level
export function getMaxNumberLevelUpgrades(nodeObj: HacknetNode | HacknetServer, maxLevel: number): number {
if (maxLevel == null) {
throw new Error(`getMaxNumberLevelUpgrades() called without maxLevel arg`);
if ( < nodeObj.calculateLevelUpgradeCost(1, Player.mults.hacknet_node_level_cost)) {
return 0;
let min = 1;
let max = maxLevel - 1;
const levelsToMax = maxLevel - nodeObj.level;
if ( > nodeObj.calculateLevelUpgradeCost(levelsToMax, Player.mults.hacknet_node_level_cost)) {
return levelsToMax;
while (min <= max) {
const curr = ((min + max) / 2) | 0;
if (
curr !== maxLevel && > nodeObj.calculateLevelUpgradeCost(curr, Player.mults.hacknet_node_level_cost) && < nodeObj.calculateLevelUpgradeCost(curr + 1, Player.mults.hacknet_node_level_cost)
) {
return Math.min(levelsToMax, curr);
} else if ( < nodeObj.calculateLevelUpgradeCost(curr, Player.mults.hacknet_node_level_cost)) {
max = curr - 1;
} else if ( > nodeObj.calculateLevelUpgradeCost(curr, Player.mults.hacknet_node_level_cost)) {
min = curr + 1;
} else {
return Math.min(levelsToMax, curr);
return 0;
// Calculate the maximum number of times the Player can afford to upgrade a Hacknet Node's RAM
export function getMaxNumberRamUpgrades(nodeObj: HacknetNode | HacknetServer, maxLevel: number): number {
if (maxLevel == null) {
throw new Error(`getMaxNumberRamUpgrades() called without maxLevel arg`);
if ( < nodeObj.calculateRamUpgradeCost(1, Player.mults.hacknet_node_ram_cost)) {
return 0;
let levelsToMax;
if (nodeObj instanceof HacknetServer) {
levelsToMax = Math.round(Math.log2(maxLevel / nodeObj.maxRam));
} else {
levelsToMax = Math.round(Math.log2(maxLevel / nodeObj.ram));
if ( > nodeObj.calculateRamUpgradeCost(levelsToMax, Player.mults.hacknet_node_ram_cost)) {
return levelsToMax;
//We'll just loop until we find the max
for (let i = levelsToMax - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if ( > nodeObj.calculateRamUpgradeCost(i, Player.mults.hacknet_node_ram_cost)) {
return i;
return 0;
// Calculate the maximum number of times the Player can afford to upgrade a Hacknet Node's cores
export function getMaxNumberCoreUpgrades(nodeObj: HacknetNode | HacknetServer, maxLevel: number): number {
if (maxLevel == null) {
throw new Error(`getMaxNumberCoreUpgrades() called without maxLevel arg`);
if ( < nodeObj.calculateCoreUpgradeCost(1, Player.mults.hacknet_node_core_cost)) {
return 0;
let min = 1;
let max = maxLevel - 1;
const levelsToMax = maxLevel - nodeObj.cores;
if ( > nodeObj.calculateCoreUpgradeCost(levelsToMax, Player.mults.hacknet_node_core_cost)) {
return levelsToMax;
// Use a binary search to find the max possible number of upgrades
while (min <= max) {
const curr = ((min + max) / 2) | 0;
if (
curr != maxLevel && > nodeObj.calculateCoreUpgradeCost(curr, Player.mults.hacknet_node_core_cost) && < nodeObj.calculateCoreUpgradeCost(curr + 1, Player.mults.hacknet_node_core_cost)
) {
return Math.min(levelsToMax, curr);
} else if ( < nodeObj.calculateCoreUpgradeCost(curr, Player.mults.hacknet_node_core_cost)) {
max = curr - 1;
} else if ( > nodeObj.calculateCoreUpgradeCost(curr, Player.mults.hacknet_node_core_cost)) {
min = curr + 1;
} else {
return Math.min(levelsToMax, curr);
return 0;
// Calculate the maximum number of times the Player can afford to upgrade a Hacknet Node's cache
export function getMaxNumberCacheUpgrades(nodeObj: HacknetServer, maxLevel: number): number {
if (maxLevel == null) {
throw new Error(`getMaxNumberCacheUpgrades() called without maxLevel arg`);
if (!Player.canAfford(nodeObj.calculateCacheUpgradeCost(1))) {
return 0;
let min = 1;
let max = maxLevel - 1;
const levelsToMax = maxLevel - nodeObj.cache;
if (Player.canAfford(nodeObj.calculateCacheUpgradeCost(levelsToMax))) {
return levelsToMax;
// Use a binary search to find the max possible number of upgrades
while (min <= max) {
const curr = ((min + max) / 2) | 0;
if (
curr != maxLevel &&
Player.canAfford(nodeObj.calculateCacheUpgradeCost(curr)) &&
!Player.canAfford(nodeObj.calculateCacheUpgradeCost(curr + 1))
) {
return Math.min(levelsToMax, curr);
} else if (!Player.canAfford(nodeObj.calculateCacheUpgradeCost(curr))) {
max = curr - 1;
} else if (Player.canAfford(nodeObj.calculateCacheUpgradeCost(curr))) {
min = curr + 1;
} else {
return Math.min(levelsToMax, curr);
return 0;
export function purchaseLevelUpgrade(node: HacknetNode | HacknetServer, levels = 1): boolean {
const sanitizedLevels = Math.round(levels);
const cost = node.calculateLevelUpgradeCost(sanitizedLevels, Player.mults.hacknet_node_level_cost);
if (isNaN(cost) || cost <= 0 || sanitizedLevels < 0) {
return false;
const isServer = node instanceof HacknetServer;
// If we're at max level, return false
if (node.level >= (isServer ? HacknetServerConstants.MaxLevel : HacknetNodeConstants.MaxLevel)) {
return false;
// If the number of specified upgrades would exceed the max level, calculate
// the maximum number of upgrades and use that
if (node.level + sanitizedLevels > (isServer ? HacknetServerConstants.MaxLevel : HacknetNodeConstants.MaxLevel)) {
const diff = Math.max(0, (isServer ? HacknetServerConstants.MaxLevel : HacknetNodeConstants.MaxLevel) - node.level);
return purchaseLevelUpgrade(node, diff);
if (!Player.canAfford(cost)) {
return false;
Player.loseMoney(cost, "hacknet_expenses");
node.upgradeLevel(sanitizedLevels, Player.mults.hacknet_node_money);
return true;
export function purchaseRamUpgrade(node: HacknetNode | HacknetServer, levels = 1): boolean {
const sanitizedLevels = Math.round(levels);
const cost = node.calculateRamUpgradeCost(sanitizedLevels, Player.mults.hacknet_node_ram_cost);
if (isNaN(cost) || cost <= 0 || sanitizedLevels < 0) {
return false;
if (node instanceof HacknetServer && node.maxRam >= HacknetServerConstants.MaxRam) {
return false;
if (node instanceof HacknetNode && node.ram >= HacknetNodeConstants.MaxRam) {
return false;
// If the number of specified upgrades would exceed the max RAM, calculate the
// max possible number of upgrades and use that
if (node instanceof HacknetServer) {
if (node.maxRam * Math.pow(2, sanitizedLevels) > HacknetServerConstants.MaxRam) {
const diff = Math.max(0, Math.log2(Math.round(HacknetServerConstants.MaxRam / node.maxRam)));
return purchaseRamUpgrade(node, diff);
} else if (node instanceof HacknetNode) {
if (node.ram * Math.pow(2, sanitizedLevels) > HacknetNodeConstants.MaxRam) {
const diff = Math.max(0, Math.log2(Math.round(HacknetNodeConstants.MaxRam / node.ram)));
return purchaseRamUpgrade(node, diff);
if (!Player.canAfford(cost)) {
return false;
Player.loseMoney(cost, "hacknet_expenses");
node.upgradeRam(sanitizedLevels, Player.mults.hacknet_node_money);
return true;
export function purchaseCoreUpgrade(node: HacknetNode | HacknetServer, levels = 1): boolean {
const sanitizedLevels = Math.round(levels);
const cost = node.calculateCoreUpgradeCost(sanitizedLevels, Player.mults.hacknet_node_core_cost);
if (isNaN(cost) || cost <= 0 || sanitizedLevels < 0) {
return false;
const isServer = node instanceof HacknetServer;
// Fail if we're already at max
if (node.cores >= (isServer ? HacknetServerConstants.MaxCores : HacknetNodeConstants.MaxCores)) {
return false;
// If the specified number of upgrades would exceed the max Cores, calculate
// the max possible number of upgrades and use that
if (node.cores + sanitizedLevels > (isServer ? HacknetServerConstants.MaxCores : HacknetNodeConstants.MaxCores)) {
const diff = Math.max(0, (isServer ? HacknetServerConstants.MaxCores : HacknetNodeConstants.MaxCores) - node.cores);
return purchaseCoreUpgrade(node, diff);
if (!Player.canAfford(cost)) {
return false;
Player.loseMoney(cost, "hacknet_expenses");
node.upgradeCore(sanitizedLevels, Player.mults.hacknet_node_money);
return true;
export function purchaseCacheUpgrade(node: HacknetServer, levels = 1): boolean {
const sanitizedLevels = Math.round(levels);
const cost = node.calculateCacheUpgradeCost(sanitizedLevels);
if (isNaN(cost) || cost <= 0 || sanitizedLevels < 0) {
return false;
if (!(node instanceof HacknetServer)) {
console.warn(`purchaseCacheUpgrade() called for a non-HacknetNode`);
return false;
// Fail if we're already at max
if (node.cache + sanitizedLevels > HacknetServerConstants.MaxCache) {
const diff = Math.max(0, HacknetServerConstants.MaxCache - node.cache);
return purchaseCacheUpgrade(node, diff);
if (!Player.canAfford(cost)) {
return false;
Player.loseMoney(cost, "hacknet_expenses");
return true;
export function processHacknetEarnings(numCycles: number): number {
// Determine if player has Hacknet Nodes or Hacknet Servers, then
// call the appropriate function
if (Player.hacknetNodes.length === 0) {
return 0;
if (hasHacknetServers()) {
return processAllHacknetServerEarnings(numCycles);
} else if (Player.hacknetNodes[0] instanceof HacknetNode) {
return processAllHacknetNodeEarnings(numCycles);
} else {
return 0;
function processAllHacknetNodeEarnings(numCycles: number): number {
let total = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < Player.hacknetNodes.length; ++i) {
const node = Player.hacknetNodes[i];
if (typeof node === "string") throw new Error("player node should not be ip string");
total += processSingleHacknetNodeEarnings(numCycles, node);
return total;
function processSingleHacknetNodeEarnings(numCycles: number, nodeObj: HacknetNode): number {
const totalEarnings = nodeObj.process(numCycles);
Player.gainMoney(totalEarnings, "hacknet");
return totalEarnings;
function processAllHacknetServerEarnings(numCycles: number): number {
if (!(Player.hashManager instanceof HashManager)) {
throw new Error(`Player does not have a HashManager (should be in 'hashManager' prop)`);
let hashes = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < Player.hacknetNodes.length; ++i) {
// hacknetNodes array only contains the IP addresses of the servers.
// Also, update the hash rate before processing
const ip = Player.hacknetNodes[i];
if (ip instanceof HacknetNode) throw new Error(`player nodes should not be HacketNode`);
const hserver = GetServer(ip);
if (!(hserver instanceof HacknetServer)) throw new Error(`player nodes shoud not be Server`);
const h = hserver.process(numCycles);
hashes += h;
const wastedHashes = Player.hashManager.storeHashes(hashes);
if (wastedHashes > 0) {
const upgrade = HashUpgrades["Sell for Money"];
if (upgrade === null) throw new Error("Could not get the hash upgrade");
if (!upgrade.cost) throw new Error("Upgrade is not properly configured");
const multiplier = wastedHashes / upgrade.cost;
if (multiplier > 0) {
Player.gainMoney(upgrade.value * multiplier, "hacknet");
return hashes;
export function updateHashManagerCapacity(): void {
if (!(Player.hashManager instanceof HashManager)) {
console.error(`Player does not have a HashManager`);
const nodes = Player.hacknetNodes;
if (nodes.length === 0) {
let total = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
if (typeof nodes[i] !== "string") {
const ip = nodes[i];
if (ip instanceof HacknetNode) throw new Error(`player nodes should be string but isn't`);
const h = GetServer(ip);
if (!(h instanceof HacknetServer)) {
total += h.hashCapacity;
export function purchaseHashUpgrade(upgName: string, upgTarget: string, count = 1): boolean {
if (!(Player.hashManager instanceof HashManager)) {
console.error(`Player does not have a HashManager`);
return false;
// HashManager handles the transaction. This just needs to actually implement
// the effects of the upgrade
if (Player.hashManager.upgrade(upgName, count)) {
const upg = HashUpgrades[upgName];
switch (upgName) {
case "Sell for Money": {
Player.gainMoney(upg.value * count, "hacknet");
case "Sell for Corporation Funds": {
const corp = Player.corporation;
if (corp === null) {
Player.hashManager.refundUpgrade(upgName, count);
return false;
corp.funds = corp.funds + upg.value * count;
case "Reduce Minimum Security": {
try {
const target = GetServer(upgTarget);
if (target == null) {
console.error(`Invalid target specified in purchaseHashUpgrade(): ${upgTarget}`);
throw new Error(`'${upgTarget}' is not a server.`);
if (!(target instanceof Server)) throw new Error(`'${upgTarget}' is not a normal server.`);
target.changeMinimumSecurity(upg.value ** count, true);
} catch (e) {
Player.hashManager.refundUpgrade(upgName, count);
return false;
case "Increase Maximum Money": {
try {
const target = GetServer(upgTarget);
if (target == null) {
console.error(`Invalid target specified in purchaseHashUpgrade(): ${upgTarget}`);
throw new Error(`'${upgTarget}' is not a server.`);
if (!(target instanceof Server)) throw new Error(`'${upgTarget}' is not a normal server.`);
//Manually loop the change so as to properly handle the softcap
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
} catch (e) {
Player.hashManager.refundUpgrade(upgName, count);
return false;
case "Improve Studying": {
// Multiplier handled by HashManager
case "Improve Gym Training": {
// Multiplier handled by HashManager
case "Exchange for Corporation Research": {
// This will throw if player doesn't have a corporation
const corp = Player.corporation;
if (corp === null) {
Player.hashManager.refundUpgrade(upgName, count);
return false;
for (const division of corp.divisions) {
division.sciResearch.qty += upg.value * count;
case "Exchange for Bladeburner Rank": {
// This will throw if player isnt in Bladeburner
const bladeburner = Player.bladeburner;
if (bladeburner === null) {
Player.hashManager.refundUpgrade(upgName, count);
return false;
bladeburner.changeRank(Player, upg.value * count);
case "Exchange for Bladeburner SP": {
// This will throw if player isnt in Bladeburner
const bladeburner = Player.bladeburner;
if (bladeburner === null) {
Player.hashManager.refundUpgrade(upgName, count);
return false;
bladeburner.skillPoints += upg.value * count;
case "Generate Coding Contract": {
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
console.warn(`Unrecognized upgrade name ${upgName}. Upgrade has no effect`);
return false;
return true;
return false;