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* Uses the acorn.js library to parse a script's code into an AST and
* recursively walk through that AST to replace import urls with blobs
import * as walk from "acorn-walk";
import { parse } from "acorn";
import { LoadedModule, type ScriptURL, type ScriptModule } from "./Script/LoadedModule";
import type { Script } from "./Script/Script";
import type { ScriptFilePath } from "./Paths/ScriptFilePath";
import { FileType, getFileType, getModuleScript, transformScript } from "./utils/ScriptTransformer";
// Acorn type def is straight up incomplete so we have to fill with our own.
export type Node = any;
// Makes a blob that contains the code of a given script.
function makeScriptBlob(code: string): Blob {
return new Blob([code], { type: "text/javascript" });
// Webpack likes to turn the import into a require, which sort of
// but not really behaves like import. So we use a "magic comment"
// to disable that and leave it as a dynamic import.
// However, we need to be able to replace this implementation in tests. Ideally
// it would be fine, but Jest causes segfaults when using dynamic import: see
// https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/35889 and
// https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/11438
// import() is not a function, so it can't be replaced. We need this separate
// config object to provide a hook point.
export const config = {
doImport(url: ScriptURL): Promise<ScriptModule> {
return import(/*webpackIgnore:true*/ url) as Promise<ScriptModule>;
// Maps code to LoadedModules, so we can reuse compiled code across servers,
// or possibly across files (if someone makes two copies of the same script,
// or changes a script and then changes it back).
// Modules can never be garbage collected by Javascript, so it's good to try
// to keep from making more than we need.
const moduleCache = new Map<string, WeakRef<LoadedModule>>();
const cleanup = new FinalizationRegistry((mapKey: string) => {
// A new entry can be created with the same key, before this callback is called.
if (moduleCache.get(mapKey)?.deref() === undefined) {
export function compile(script: Script, scripts: Map<ScriptFilePath, Script>): Promise<ScriptModule> {
// Return the module if it already exists
if (script.mod) return script.mod.module;
script.mod = generateLoadedModule(script, scripts, []);
return script.mod.module;
/** Add the necessary dependency relationships for a script.
* Dependents are used only for passing invalidation up an import tree, so only direct dependents need to be stored.
* Direct and indirect dependents need to have the current url/script added to their dependency map for error text.
* This should only be called once the script has a LoadedModule. */
function addDependencyInfo(script: Script, seenStack: Script[]) {
if (!script.mod) throw new Error(`addDependencyInfo called without a LoadedModule (${script.filename})`);
if (seenStack.length) {
script.dependents.add(seenStack[seenStack.length - 1]);
for (const dependent of seenStack) dependent.dependencies.set(script.mod.url, script);
// Add self to dependencies (it's not part of the stack, since we don't want
// it in dependents.)
script.dependencies.set(script.mod.url, script);
* @param script the script that needs a URL assigned
* @param scripts array of other scripts on the server
* @param seenStack A stack of scripts that were higher up in the import tree in a recursive call.
function generateLoadedModule(script: Script, scripts: Map<ScriptFilePath, Script>, seenStack: Script[]): LoadedModule {
// Early return for recursive calls where the script already has a URL
if (script.mod) {
addDependencyInfo(script, seenStack);
return script.mod;
let scriptCode;
const fileType = getFileType(script.filename);
switch (fileType) {
case FileType.JS:
scriptCode = script.code;
case FileType.JSX:
case FileType.TS:
case FileType.TSX:
scriptCode = transformScript(script.code, fileType);
throw new Error(`Invalid file type: ${fileType}. Filename: ${script.filename}, server: ${script.server}.`);
if (!scriptCode) {
throw new Error(`Cannot transform script. Filename: ${script.filename}, server: ${script.server}.`);
// Inspired by: https://stackoverflow.com/a/43834063/91401
const ast = parse(scriptCode, { sourceType: "module", ecmaVersion: "latest", ranges: true });
interface importNode {
filename: string;
start: number;
end: number;
const importNodes: importNode[] = [];
// Walk the nodes of this tree and find any import declaration statements.
walk.simple(ast, {
ImportDeclaration(node: Node) {
// Push this import onto the stack to replace
if (!node.source) return;
filename: node.source.value,
start: node.source.range[0] + 1,
end: node.source.range[1] - 1,
ExportNamedDeclaration(node: Node) {
if (!node.source) return;
filename: node.source.value,
start: node.source.range[0] + 1,
end: node.source.range[1] - 1,
ExportAllDeclaration(node: Node) {
if (!node.source) return;
filename: node.source.value,
start: node.source.range[0] + 1,
end: node.source.range[1] - 1,
// Sort the nodes from last start index to first. This replaces the last import with a blob first,
// preventing the ranges for other imports from being shifted.
importNodes.sort((a, b) => b.start - a.start);
let newCode = scriptCode;
// Loop through each node and replace the script name with a blob url.
for (const node of importNodes) {
const importedScript = getModuleScript(node.filename, script.filename, scripts);
importedScript.mod = generateLoadedModule(importedScript, scripts, seenStack);
newCode = newCode.substring(0, node.start) + importedScript.mod.url + newCode.substring(node.end);
const cachedMod = moduleCache.get(newCode)?.deref();
if (cachedMod) {
script.mod = cachedMod;
} else {
// Add an inline source-map to make debugging nicer. This won't be right
// in all cases, since we can share the same script across multiple
// servers; it will be listed under the first server it was compiled for.
// We don't include this in the cache key, so that other instances of the
// script dedupe properly.
const adjustedCode = newCode + `\n//# sourceURL=${script.server}/${script.filename}`;
// At this point we have the full code and can construct a new blob / assign the URL.
const url = URL.createObjectURL(makeScriptBlob(adjustedCode)) as ScriptURL;
const module = config.doImport(url).catch((e) => {
console.error(`Error occurred while attempting to compile ${script.filename} on ${script.server}:`);
throw e;
// We can *immediately* invalidate the Blob, because we've already started the fetch
// by starting the import. From now on, any imports using the blob's URL *must*
// directly return the module, without even attempting to fetch, due to the way
// modules work.
script.mod = new LoadedModule(url, module);
moduleCache.set(newCode, new WeakRef(script.mod));
cleanup.register(script.mod, newCode);
addDependencyInfo(script, seenStack);
return script.mod;