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synced 2025-02-27 15:23:45 +01:00
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826 lines
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import {BitNodeMultipliers} from "./BitNode.js";
import {CONSTANTS} from "./Constants.js";
import {Engine} from "./engine.js";
import {Player} from "./Player.js";
import {dialogBoxCreate} from "../utils/DialogBox.js";
import {clearEventListeners, getRandomInt} from "../utils/HelperFunctions.js";
import {infiltrationBoxCreate} from "../utils/InfiltrationBox.js";
import {formatNumber} from "../utils/StringHelperFunctions.js";
/* Infiltration.js
* Kill
* Knockout (nonlethal)
* Stealth Knockout (nonlethal)
* Assassinate
* Hack Security
* Destroy Security
* Sneak past Security
* Pick the locked door
* Bribe security
* Escape
let InfiltrationScenarios = {
Guards: "You see an armed security guard patrolling the area.",
TechOnly: "The area is equipped with a state-of-the-art security system: cameras, laser tripwires, and sentry turrets.",
TechOrLockedDoor: "The area is equipped with a state-of-the-art security system. There is a locked door on the side of the " +
"room that can be used to bypass security.",
Bots: "You see a few security bots patrolling the area.",
function InfiltrationInstance(companyName, startLevel, val, maxClearance, diff) {
this.companyName = companyName;
this.clearanceLevel = 0;
this.maxClearanceLevel = maxClearance;
this.securityLevel = startLevel;
this.difficulty = diff; //Affects how much security level increases. Represents a percentage
this.baseValue = val; //Base value of company secrets
this.secretsStolen = []; //Numbers representing value of stolen secrets
this.hackingExpGained = 0;
this.strExpGained = 0;
this.defExpGained = 0;
this.dexExpGained = 0;
this.agiExpGained = 0;
this.chaExpGained = 0;
this.intExpGained = 0;
InfiltrationInstance.prototype.gainHackingExp = function(amt) {
if (isNaN(amt)) {return;}
this.hackingExpGained += amt;
InfiltrationInstance.prototype.gainStrengthExp = function(amt) {
if (isNaN(amt)) {return;}
this.strExpGained += amt;
InfiltrationInstance.prototype.gainDefenseExp = function(amt) {
if (isNaN(amt)) {return;}
this.defExpGained += amt;
InfiltrationInstance.prototype.gainDexterityExp = function(amt) {
if (isNaN(amt)) {return;}
this.dexExpGained += amt;
InfiltrationInstance.prototype.gainAgilityExp = function(amt) {
if (isNaN(amt)) {return;}
this.agiExpGained += amt;
InfiltrationInstance.prototype.gainCharismaExp = function(amt) {
if (isNaN(amt)) {return;}
this.chaExpGained += amt;
InfiltrationInstance.prototype.gainIntelligenceExp = function(amt) {
if (isNaN(amt)) {return;}
this.intExpGained += amt;
function beginInfiltration(companyName, startLevel, val, maxClearance, diff) {
var inst = new InfiltrationInstance(companyName, startLevel, val, maxClearance, diff);
function endInfiltration(inst, success) {
if (success) {infiltrationBoxCreate(inst);}
function nextInfiltrationLevel(inst) {
var killButton = clearEventListeners("infiltration-kill");
var knockoutButton = clearEventListeners("infiltration-knockout");
var stealthKnockoutButton = clearEventListeners("infiltration-stealthknockout");
var assassinateButton = clearEventListeners("infiltration-assassinate");
var hackSecurityButton = clearEventListeners("infiltration-hacksecurity");
var destroySecurityButton = clearEventListeners("infiltration-destroysecurity");
var sneakButton = clearEventListeners("infiltration-sneak");
var pickdoorButton = clearEventListeners("infiltration-pickdoor");
var bribeButton = clearEventListeners("infiltration-bribe");
var escapeButton = clearEventListeners("infiltration-escape");
killButton.style.display = "none";
knockoutButton.style.display = "none";
stealthKnockoutButton.style.display = "none";
assassinateButton.style.display = "none";
hackSecurityButton.style.display = "none";
destroySecurityButton.style.display = "none";
sneakButton.style.display = "none";
pickdoorButton.style.display = "none";
bribeButton.style.display = "none";
escapeButton.style.display = "none";
var rand = getRandomInt(0, 5); //This needs to change if more scenarios are added
var scenario = null;
switch (rand) {
case 1:
scenario = InfiltrationScenarios.TechOnly;
hackSecurityButton.style.display = "block";
destroySecurityButton.style.display = "block";
sneakButton.style.display = "block";
escapeButton.style.display = "block";
case 2:
scenario = InfiltrationScenarios.TechOrLockedDoor;
hackSecurityButton.style.display = "block";
destroySecurityButton.style.display = "block";
sneakButton.style.display = "block";
pickdoorButton.style.display = "block";
escapeButton.style.display = "block";
case 3:
scenario = InfiltrationScenarios.Bots;
killButton.style.display = "block";
killButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
var res = attemptInfiltrationKill(inst);
if (res[0]) {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY killed the security bots! Unfortunately you alerted the " +
"rest of the facility's security. The facility's security " +
"level increased by " + formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
Player.karma -= 1;
return false;
} else {
var dmgTaken = Math.max(1, Math.round(1.5 * inst.securityLevel / Player.defense));
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to kill the security bots. The bots fight back " +
"and raise the alarm! You take " + dmgTaken + " damage and " +
"the facility's security level increases by " +
formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
if (Player.takeDamage(dmgTaken)) {
endInfiltration(inst, false);
updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
assassinateButton.style.display = "block";
assassinateButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
var res = attemptInfiltrationAssassinate(inst);
if (res[0]) {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY assassinated the security bots without being detected!");
Player.karma -= 1;
return false;
} else {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to assassinate the security bots. The bots have not detected " +
"you but are now more alert for an intruder. The facility's security level " +
"has increased by " + formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
hackSecurityButton.style.display = "block";
sneakButton.style.display = "block";
escapeButton.style.display = "block";
default: //0, 4-5
scenario = InfiltrationScenarios.Guards;
killButton.style.display = "block";
killButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
var res = attemptInfiltrationKill(inst);
if (res[0]) {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY killed the security guard! Unfortunately you alerted the " +
"rest of the facility's security. The facility's security " +
"level has increased by " + formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
Player.karma -= 3;
return false;
} else {
var dmgTaken = Math.max(1, Math.round(inst.securityLevel / Player.defense));
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to kill the security guard. The guard fights back " +
"and raises the alarm! You take " + dmgTaken + " damage and " +
"the facility's security level has increased by " +
formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
if (Player.takeDamage(dmgTaken)) {
endInfiltration(inst, false);
updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
knockoutButton.style.display = "block";
stealthKnockoutButton.style.display = "block";
assassinateButton.style.display = "block";
assassinateButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
var res = attemptInfiltrationAssassinate(inst);
if (res[0]) {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY assassinated the security guard without being detected!");
Player.karma -= 3;
return false;
} else {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to assassinate the security guard. The guard has not detected " +
"you but is now more alert for an intruder. The facility's security level " +
"has increased by " + formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
sneakButton.style.display = "block";
bribeButton.style.display = "block";
escapeButton.style.display = "block";
knockoutButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
var res = attemptInfiltrationKnockout(inst);
if (res[0]) {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY knocked out the security guard! " +
"Unfortunately you made a lot of noise and alerted other security.");
writeInfiltrationStatusText("The facility's security level increased by " + formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
return false;
} else {
var dmgTaken = Math.max(1, Math.round(inst.securityLevel / Player.defense));
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to knockout the security guard. The guard " +
"raises the alarm and fights back! You take " + dmgTaken + " damage and " +
"the facility's security level increases by " + formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
if (Player.takeDamage(dmgTaken)) {
endInfiltration(inst, false);
updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
return false;
stealthKnockoutButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
var res = attemptInfiltrationStealthKnockout(inst);
if (res[0]) {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY knocked out the security guard without making " +
"any noise!");
return false;
} else {
var dmgTaken = Math.max(1, Math.round(inst.securityLevel / Player.defense));
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to stealthily knockout the security guard. The guard " +
"raises the alarm and fights back! You take " + dmgTaken + " damage and " +
"the facility's security level increases by " + formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
if (Player.takeDamage(dmgTaken)) {
endInfiltration(inst, false);
updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
return false;
hackSecurityButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
var res = attemptInfiltrationHack(inst);
if (res[0]) {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY hacked and disabled the security system!");
writeInfiltrationStatusText("The facility's security level increased by " + ((res[1]*100) - 100).toString() + "%");
return false;
} else {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to hack the security system. The facility's " +
"security level increased by " + formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
return false;
destroySecurityButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
var res = attemptInfiltrationDestroySecurity(inst);
if (res[0]) {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY and violently destroy the security system!");
writeInfiltrationStatusText("The facility's security level increased by " + formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
return false;
} else {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to destroy the security system. The facility's " +
"security level increased by " + formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
return false;
sneakButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
var res = attemptInfiltrationSneak(inst);
if (res[0]) {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY sneak past the security undetected!");
return false;
} else {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED and were detected while trying to sneak past security! The facility's " +
"security level increased by " + formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
return false;
pickdoorButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
var res = attemptInfiltrationPickLockedDoor(inst);
if (res[0]) {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY pick the locked door!");
writeInfiltrationStatusText("The facility's security level increased by " + formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
return false;
} else {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to pick the locked door. The facility's security level " +
"increased by " + formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
return false;
bribeButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
var bribeAmt = CONSTANTS.InfiltrationBribeBaseAmount * inst.clearanceLevel;
if (Player.money.lt(bribeAmt)) {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You do not have enough money to bribe the guard. " +
"You need $" + bribeAmt);
return false;
var res = attemptInfiltrationBribe(inst);
if (res[0]) {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY bribed a guard to let you through " +
"to the next clearance level for $" + bribeAmt);
return false;
} else {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to bribe a guard! The guard is alerting " +
"other security guards about your presence! The facility's " +
"security level increased by " + formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
return false;
escapeButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
var res = attemptInfiltrationEscape(inst);
if (res[0]) {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You SUCCESSFULLY escape from the facility with the stolen classified " +
"documents and company secrets!");
endInfiltration(inst, true);
return false;
} else {
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You FAILED to escape from the facility. You took 1 damage. The facility's " +
"security level increased by " + formatNumber((res[1]*100)-100, 2).toString() + "%");
if (Player.takeDamage(1)) {
endInfiltration(inst, false);
updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
return false;
updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario);
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You are now on clearance level " + inst.clearanceLevel + ".<br>" +
function endInfiltrationLevel(inst) {
//Check if you gained any secrets
if (inst.clearanceLevel % 5 == 0) {
var baseSecretValue = inst.baseValue * inst.clearanceLevel / 2;
var secretValue = baseSecretValue * Player.faction_rep_mult *
CONSTANTS.InfiltrationRepValue * BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationRep;
var secretMoneyValue = baseSecretValue * CONSTANTS.InfiltrationMoneyValue *
dialogBoxCreate("You found and stole a set of classified documents from the company. " +
"These classified secrets could probably be sold for money ($" +
formatNumber(secretMoneyValue, 2) + "), or they " +
"could be given to factions for reputation (" + formatNumber(secretValue, 3) + " rep)");
//Increase security level based on difficulty
inst.securityLevel *= (1 + (inst.difficulty / 100));
writeInfiltrationStatusText("You move on to the facility's next clearance level. This " +
"clearance level has " + inst.difficulty + "% higher security");
//If this is max level, force endInfiltration
if (inst.clearanceLevel >= inst.maxClearanceLevel) {
endInfiltration(inst, true);
} else {
function writeInfiltrationStatusText(txt) {
var statusTxt = document.getElementById("infiltration-status-text");
statusTxt.innerHTML += (txt + "<br>");
statusTxt.parentElement.scrollTop = statusTxt.scrollHeight;
function clearInfiltrationStatusText() {
document.getElementById("infiltration-status-text").innerHTML = "";
function updateInfiltrationLevelText(inst) {
var totalValue = 0;
var totalMoneyValue = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < inst.secretsStolen.length; ++i) {
totalValue += (inst.secretsStolen[i] * Player.faction_rep_mult *
CONSTANTS.InfiltrationRepValue * BitNodeMultipliers.InfiltrationRep);
totalMoneyValue += inst.secretsStolen[i] * CONSTANTS.InfiltrationMoneyValue *
var expMultiplier = 2 * inst.clearanceLevel / inst.maxClearanceLevel;
document.getElementById("infiltration-level-text").innerHTML =
"Facility name: " + inst.companyName + "<br>" +
"Clearance Level: " + inst.clearanceLevel + "<br>" +
"Security Level: " + formatNumber(inst.securityLevel, 3) + "<br><br>" +
"Total reputation value of secrets stolen: " + formatNumber(totalValue, 3) + "<br>" +
"Total monetary value of secrets stolen: $" + formatNumber(totalMoneyValue, 2) + "<br><br>" +
"Hack exp gained: " + formatNumber(inst.hackingExpGained * expMultiplier, 3) + "<br>" +
"Str exp gained: " + formatNumber(inst.strExpGained * expMultiplier, 3) + "<br>" +
"Def exp gained: " + formatNumber(inst.defExpGained * expMultiplier, 3) + "<br>" +
"Dex exp gained: " + formatNumber(inst.dexExpGained * expMultiplier, 3) + "<br>" +
"Agi exp gained: " + formatNumber(inst.agiExpGained * expMultiplier, 3) + "<br>" +
"Cha exp gained: " + formatNumber(inst.chaExpGained * expMultiplier, 3);
function updateInfiltrationButtons(inst, scenario) {
var killChance = getInfiltrationKillChance(inst);
var knockoutChance = getInfiltrationKnockoutChance(inst);
var stealthKnockoutChance = getInfiltrationStealthKnockoutChance(inst);
var assassinateChance = getInfiltrationAssassinateChance(inst);
var destroySecurityChance = getInfiltrationDestroySecurityChance(inst);
var hackChance = getInfiltrationHackChance(inst);
var sneakChance = getInfiltrationSneakChance(inst);
var lockpickChance = getInfiltrationPickLockedDoorChance(inst);
var bribeChance = getInfiltrationBribeChance(inst);
var escapeChance = getInfiltrationEscapeChance(inst);
document.getElementById("infiltration-escape").innerHTML = "Escape" +
"<span class='tooltiptext'>" +
"Attempt to escape the facility with the classified secrets and " +
"documents you have stolen. You have a " +
formatNumber(escapeChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. If you fail, " +
"the security level will increase by 5%.</span>";
switch(scenario) {
case InfiltrationScenarios.TechOrLockedDoor:
document.getElementById("infiltration-pickdoor").innerHTML = "Lockpick" +
"<span class='tooltiptext'>" +
"Attempt to pick the locked door. You have a " +
formatNumber(lockpickChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
"If you succeed, the security level will increased by 1%. If you fail, the " +
"security level will increase by 3%.</span>";
case InfiltrationScenarios.TechOnly:
document.getElementById("infiltration-hacksecurity").innerHTML = "Hack" +
"<span class='tooltiptext'>" +
"Attempt to hack and disable the security system. You have a " +
formatNumber(hackChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
"If you succeed, the security level will increase by 3%. If you fail, " +
"the security level will increase by 5%.</span>";
document.getElementById("infiltration-destroysecurity").innerHTML = "Destroy security" +
"<span class='tooltiptext'>" +
"Attempt to violently destroy the security system. You have a " +
formatNumber(destroySecurityChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
"If you succeed, the security level will increase by 5%. If you fail, the " +
"security level will increase by 10%. </span>";
document.getElementById("infiltration-sneak").innerHTML = "Sneak" +
"<span class='tooltiptext'>" +
"Attempt to sneak past the security system. You have a " +
formatNumber(sneakChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
"If you fail, the security level will increase by 8%. </span>";
case InfiltrationScenarios.Bots:
document.getElementById("infiltration-kill").innerHTML = "Destroy bots" +
"<span class='tooltiptext'>" +
"Attempt to destroy the security bots through combat. You have a " +
formatNumber(killChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
"If you succeed, the security level will increase by 5%. If you fail, " +
"the security level will increase by 10%. </span>";
document.getElementById("infiltration-assassinate").innerHTML = "Assassinate bots" +
"<span class='tooltiptext'>" +
"Attempt to stealthily destroy the security bots through assassination. You have a " +
formatNumber(assassinateChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
"If you fail, the security level will increase by 10%. </span>";
document.getElementById("infiltration-hacksecurity").innerHTML = "Hack bots" +
"<span class='tooltiptext'>" +
"Attempt to disable the security bots by hacking them. You have a " +
formatNumber(hackChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
"If you succeed, the security level will increase by 3%. If you fail, " +
"the security level will increase by 5%. </span>";
document.getElementById("infiltration-sneak").innerHTML = "Sneak" +
"<span class='tooltiptext'>" +
"Attempt to sneak past the security bots. You have a " +
formatNumber(sneakChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
"If you fail, the security level will increase by 8%. </span>";
case InfiltrationScenarios.Guards:
document.getElementById("infiltration-kill").innerHTML = "Kill" +
"<span class='tooltiptext'>" +
"Attempt to kill the security guard. You have a " +
formatNumber(killChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
"If you succeed, the security level will increase by 5%. If you fail, " +
"the security level will decrease by 10%. </span>";
document.getElementById("infiltration-knockout").innerHTML = "Knockout" +
"<span class='tooltiptext'>" +
"Attempt to knockout the security guard. You have a " +
formatNumber(knockoutChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
"If you succeed, the security level will increase by 3%. If you fail, the " +
"security level will increase by 10%. </span>";
document.getElementById("infiltration-stealthknockout").innerHTML = "Stealth Knockout" +
"<span class='tooltiptext'>" +
"Attempt to stealthily knockout the security guard. You have a " +
formatNumber(stealthKnockoutChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
"If you fail, the security level will increase by 10%. </span>";
document.getElementById("infiltration-assassinate").innerHTML = "Assassinate" +
"<span class='tooltiptext'>" +
"Attempt to assassinate the security guard. You have a " +
formatNumber(assassinateChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
"If you fail, the security level will increase by 5%. </span>";
document.getElementById("infiltration-sneak").innerHTML = "Sneak" +
"<span class='tooltiptext'>" +
"Attempt to sneak past the security guard. You have a " +
formatNumber(sneakChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
"If you fail, the security level will increase by 8%. </span>";
document.getElementById("infiltration-bribe").innerHTML = "Bribe" +
"<span class='tooltiptext'>" +
"Attempt to bribe the security guard. You have a " +
formatNumber(bribeChance*100, 2) + "% chance of success. " +
"If you fail, the security level will increase by 15%. </span>";
let intWgt = CONSTANTS.IntelligenceInfiltrationWeight;
//Success: 5%, Failure 10%, -Karma
function attemptInfiltrationKill(inst) {
var chance = getInfiltrationKillChance(inst);
inst.gainStrengthExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * Player.strength_exp_mult;
inst.gainDefenseExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * Player.defense_exp_mult;
inst.gainDexterityExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * Player.dexterity_exp_mult;
inst.gainAgilityExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * Player.agility_exp_mult;
if (Math.random() <= chance) {
inst.securityLevel *= 1.05;
return [true, 1.05];
} else {
inst.securityLevel *= 1.1;
return [false, 1.1];
function getInfiltrationKillChance(inst) {
var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
return Math.min(0.95,
(Player.strength +
Player.dexterity +
Player.agility) / (1.45 * lvl));
//Success: 3%, Failure: 10%
function attemptInfiltrationKnockout(inst) {
var chance = getInfiltrationKnockoutChance(inst);
inst.gainStrengthExp(inst.securityLevel / 80) * Player.strength_exp_mult;
inst.gainDefenseExp(inst.securityLevel / 80) * Player.defense_exp_mult;
inst.gainDexterityExp(inst.securityLevel / 80) * Player.dexterity_exp_mult;
inst.gainAgilityExp(inst.securityLevel / 80) * Player.agility_exp_mult;
if (Math.random() <= chance) {
inst.securityLevel *= 1.03;
return [true, 1.03];
} else {
inst.securityLevel *= 1.1;
return [false, 1.1];
function getInfiltrationKnockoutChance(inst) {
var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
return Math.min(0.95,
(Player.strength +
Player.dexterity +
Player.agility) / (1.7 * lvl));
//Stealth knockout
//Success: 0%, Failure: 10%
function attemptInfiltrationStealthKnockout(inst) {
var chance = getInfiltrationStealthKnockoutChance(inst);
inst.gainStrengthExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * Player.strength_exp_mult;
inst.gainDexterityExp(inst.securityLevel / 65) * Player.dexterity_exp_mult;
inst.gainAgilityExp(inst.securityLevel / 65) * Player.agility_exp_mult;
if (Math.random() <= chance) {
return [true, 1];
} else {
inst.securityLevel *= 1.1;
return [false, 1.1];
function getInfiltrationStealthKnockoutChance(inst) {
var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
return Math.min(0.95,
(0.55 * Player.strength +
2 * Player.dexterity +
2 * Player.agility +
intWgt * Player.intelligence) / (3 * lvl));
//Success: 0%, Failure: 5%, -Karma
function attemptInfiltrationAssassinate(inst) {
var chance = getInfiltrationAssassinateChance(inst);
inst.gainStrengthExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * Player.strength_exp_mult;
inst.gainDexterityExp(inst.securityLevel / 65) * Player.dexterity_exp_mult;
inst.gainAgilityExp(inst.securityLevel / 65) * Player.agility_exp_mult;
if (Math.random() <= chance) {
return [true, 1];
} else {
inst.securityLevel *= 1.05;
return [false, 1.05];
function getInfiltrationAssassinateChance(inst) {
var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
return Math.min(0.95,
(Player.dexterity +
0.5 * Player.agility +
intWgt * Player.intelligence) / (2 * lvl));
//Destroy security
//Success: 5%, Failure: 10%
function attemptInfiltrationDestroySecurity(inst) {
var chance = getInfiltrationDestroySecurityChance(inst);
inst.gainStrengthExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * Player.strength_exp_mult;
inst.gainDefenseExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * Player.defense_exp_mult;
inst.gainDexterityExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * Player.dexterity_exp_mult;
inst.gainAgilityExp(inst.securityLevel / 85) * Player.agility_exp_mult;
if (Math.random() <= chance) {
inst.securityLevel *= 1.05;
return [true, 1.05];
} else {
inst.securityLevel *= 1.1;
return [false, 1.1];
function getInfiltrationDestroySecurityChance(inst) {
var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
return Math.min(0.95,
(Player.strength +
Player.dexterity +
Player.agility) / (2 * lvl));
//Hack security
//Success: 3%, Failure: 5%
function attemptInfiltrationHack(inst) {
var chance = getInfiltrationHackChance(inst);
inst.gainHackingExp(inst.securityLevel / 40) * Player.hacking_exp_mult;
inst.gainIntelligenceExp(inst.securityLevel / 690);
if (Math.random() <= chance) {
inst.securityLevel *= 1.03;
return [true, 1.03];
} else {
inst.securityLevel *= 1.05;
return [false, 1.05];
function getInfiltrationHackChance(inst) {
var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
return Math.min(0.95,
(Player.hacking_skill +
(intWgt * Player.intelligence)) / lvl);
//Sneak past security
//Success: 0%, Failure: 8%
function attemptInfiltrationSneak(inst) {
var chance = getInfiltrationSneakChance(inst);
inst.gainAgilityExp(inst.securityLevel / 40) * Player.agility_exp_mult;
if (Math.random() <= chance) {
return [true, 1];
} else {
inst.securityLevel *= 1.08;
return [false, 1.08];
function getInfiltrationSneakChance(inst) {
var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
return Math.min(0.95,
(Player.agility +
0.5 * Player.dexterity +
intWgt * Player.intelligence) / (2 * lvl));
//Pick locked door
//Success: 1%, Failure: 3%
function attemptInfiltrationPickLockedDoor(inst) {
var chance = getInfiltrationPickLockedDoorChance(inst);
inst.gainDexterityExp(inst.securityLevel / 30) * Player.dexterity_exp_mult;
if (Math.random() <= chance) {
inst.securityLevel *= 1.01;
return [true, 1.01];
} else {
inst.securityLevel *= 1.03;
return [false, 1.03];
function getInfiltrationPickLockedDoorChance(inst) {
var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
return Math.min(0.95,
(Player.dexterity +
intWgt * Player.intelligence) / lvl);
//Success: 0%, Failure: 15%,
function attemptInfiltrationBribe(inst) {
var chance = getInfiltrationBribeChance(inst);
inst.gainCharismaExp(inst.securityLevel / 10) * Player.charisma_exp_mult;
if (Math.random() <= chance) {
return [true, 1];
} else {
inst.securityLevel *= 1.15;
return [false, 1.15];
function getInfiltrationBribeChance(inst) {
var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
return Math.min(0.95,
(Player.charisma) / lvl);
//Failure: 5%
function attemptInfiltrationEscape(inst) {
var chance = getInfiltrationEscapeChance(inst);
inst.gainAgilityExp(inst.securityLevel / 35) * Player.agility_exp_mult;
inst.gainDexterityExp(inst.securityLevel / 35) * Player.dexterity_exp_mult;
if (Math.random() <= chance) {
return [true, 1];
} else {
inst.securityLevel *= 1.05;
return [false, 1.05];
function getInfiltrationEscapeChance(inst) {
var lvl = inst.securityLevel;
return Math.min(0.95,
(2 * Player.agility +
Player.dexterity +
intWgt * Player.intelligence) / lvl);
export {beginInfiltration};