David Walker 06553d9700 BUGFIX: Fix "Router called before initialization" race (#1474)
If the game takes long enough to load, certain counters can become
eligible to run as soon as Engine.start() runs. When this happens,
eventually is called, which throws an Error since Router
isn't initialized yet. (Dropping a breakpoint before Engine.start() and
waiting at least 30 seconds is enough to reliably repro, but I have seen
this both live and in tests.)

This fixes it so that is valid immediately, returning a
value of Page.LoadingScreen. It also removes the isInitialized field,
since this is now redundant. Trying to switch pages is still an error,
but that doesn't happen without user input, whereas checking the current
page is quite common.

This also consolidates a check for "should we show toasts" behind a
function in Router, making the logic central and equal for a few
usecases. This means (for instance) that the "autosave is disabled"
logic won't run during infiltration. (The toast should have already been
2024-07-07 22:13:37 -07:00

465 lines
16 KiB

import { convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString } from "./utils/StringHelperFunctions";
import { AugmentationName, ToastVariant } from "@enums";
import { initBitNodeMultipliers } from "./BitNode/BitNode";
import { initSourceFiles } from "./SourceFile/SourceFiles";
import { generateRandomContract } from "./CodingContractGenerator";
import { CONSTANTS } from "./Constants";
import { Factions } from "./Faction/Factions";
import { staneksGift } from "./CotMG/Helper";
import { processPassiveFactionRepGain, inviteToFaction } from "./Faction/FactionHelpers";
import { Router } from "./ui/GameRoot";
import "./utils/Protections"; // Side-effect: Protect against certain unrecoverable errors
import "./PersonObjects/Player/PlayerObject"; // For side-effect of creating Player
import {
} from "./PersonObjects/formulas/reputation";
import { hasHacknetServers, processHacknetEarnings } from "./Hacknet/HacknetHelpers";
import { iTutorialStart } from "./InteractiveTutorial";
import { checkForMessagesToSend } from "./Message/MessageHelpers";
import { loadAllRunningScripts, updateOnlineScriptTimes } from "./NetscriptWorker";
import { Player } from "@player";
import { saveObject, loadGame } from "./SaveObject";
import { initForeignServers } from "./Server/AllServers";
import { Settings } from "./Settings/Settings";
import { FormatsNeedToChange } from "./ui/formatNumber";
import { initSymbolToStockMap, processStockPrices } from "./StockMarket/StockMarket";
import { Terminal } from "./Terminal";
import { Money } from "./ui/React/Money";
import { Hashes } from "./ui/React/Hashes";
import { Reputation } from "./ui/React/Reputation";
import { AlertEvents } from "./ui/React/AlertManager";
import { exceptionAlert } from "./utils/helpers/exceptionAlert";
import { startExploits } from "./Exploits/loops";
import { calculateAchievements } from "./Achievements/Achievements";
import React from "react";
import { setupUncaughtPromiseHandler } from "./UncaughtPromiseHandler";
import { Button, Typography } from "@mui/material";
import { SnackbarEvents } from "./ui/React/Snackbar";
import { SaveData } from "./types";
import { Go } from "./Go/Go";
// Only show warning if the time diff is greater than this value.
const thresholdOfTimeDiffForShowingWarningAboutSystemClock = CONSTANTS.MillisecondsPerFiveMinutes;
function showWarningAboutSystemClock(timeDiff: number) {
`Warning: The system clock moved backward: ${convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString(Math.abs(timeDiff))}.`,
/** Game engine. Handles the main game loop. */
const Engine: {
_lastUpdate: number;
updateGame: (numCycles?: number) => void;
Counters: {
[key: string]: number | undefined;
autoSaveCounter: number;
updateSkillLevelsCounter: number;
updateDisplays: number;
updateDisplaysLong: number;
updateActiveScriptsDisplay: number;
createProgramNotifications: number;
augmentationsNotifications: number;
checkFactionInvitations: number;
passiveFactionGrowth: number;
messages: number;
mechanicProcess: number;
contractGeneration: number;
achievementsCounter: number;
decrementAllCounters: (numCycles?: number) => void;
checkCounters: () => void;
load: (saveData: SaveData) => Promise<void>;
start: () => void;
} = {
// Time variables (milliseconds unix epoch time)
_lastUpdate: new Date().getTime(),
updateGame: function (numCycles = 1) {
const time = numCycles * CONSTANTS.MilliPerCycle;
if (Player.totalPlaytime == null) {
Player.totalPlaytime = 0;
if (Player.playtimeSinceLastAug == null) {
Player.playtimeSinceLastAug = 0;
if (Player.playtimeSinceLastBitnode == null) {
Player.playtimeSinceLastBitnode = 0;
Player.totalPlaytime += time;
Player.playtimeSinceLastAug += time;
Player.playtimeSinceLastBitnode += time;
// Update stock prices
if (Player.hasWseAccount) {
// Gang
if (Player.gang) Player.gang.process(numCycles);
// Staneks gift
// Corporation
if (Player.corporation) {
// Bladeburner
if (Player.bladeburner) Player.bladeburner.storeCycles(numCycles);
// Sleeves
Player.sleeves.forEach((sleeve) => sleeve.process(numCycles));
// Update the running time of all active scripts
// Hacknet Nodes
// Counters
// This **MUST** be the last call in the function, because checkCounters()
// can invoke the autosave, so any work done after here risks not getting saved!
* Counters for the main event loop. Represent the number of game cycles that
* are required for something to happen. These counters are in game cycles,
* which is once every 200ms
Counters: {
autoSaveCounter: 300,
updateSkillLevelsCounter: 10,
updateDisplays: 3,
updateDisplaysLong: 15,
updateActiveScriptsDisplay: 5,
createProgramNotifications: 10,
augmentationsNotifications: 10,
checkFactionInvitations: 100,
passiveFactionGrowth: 5,
messages: 150,
mechanicProcess: 5, // Process Bladeburner
contractGeneration: 3000, // Generate Coding Contracts
achievementsCounter: 60, // Check if we have new achievements
decrementAllCounters: function (numCycles = 1) {
for (const [counterName, counter] of Object.entries(Engine.Counters)) {
if (counter === undefined) throw new Error("counter should not be undefined");
Engine.Counters[counterName] = counter - numCycles;
* Checks if any counters are 0. If they are, executes whatever
* is necessary and then resets the counter
checkCounters: function () {
if (Engine.Counters.checkFactionInvitations <= 0) {
const invitedFactions = Player.checkForFactionInvitations();
for (const invitedFaction of invitedFactions) {
Engine.Counters.checkFactionInvitations = 100;
if (Engine.Counters.passiveFactionGrowth <= 0) {
const adjustedCycles = Math.floor(5 - Engine.Counters.passiveFactionGrowth);
Engine.Counters.passiveFactionGrowth = 5;
if (Engine.Counters.messages <= 0) {
if (Player.hasAugmentation(AugmentationName.TheRedPill)) {
Engine.Counters.messages = 4500; // 15 minutes for Red pill message
} else {
Engine.Counters.messages = 150;
if (Engine.Counters.mechanicProcess <= 0) {
if (Player.bladeburner) {
try {
} catch (e) {
exceptionAlert("Exception caught in Bladeburner.process(): " + e);
Engine.Counters.mechanicProcess = 5;
if (Engine.Counters.contractGeneration <= 0) {
// X% chance of a contract being generated
if (Math.random() <= 0.25) {
Engine.Counters.contractGeneration = 3000;
if (Engine.Counters.achievementsCounter <= 0) {
Engine.Counters.achievementsCounter = 300;
// This **MUST** remain the last block in the function!
// Otherwise, any work done after this point won't be saved!
// Due to the way most of these counters are reset, that would probably be
// OK, but it's much simpler to reason about if we can assume that the
// entire function has been performed after a save.
if (Engine.Counters.autoSaveCounter <= 0) {
if (Settings.AutosaveInterval == null) {
Settings.AutosaveInterval = 60;
if (Settings.AutosaveInterval === 0) {
Engine.Counters.autoSaveCounter = 60 * 5; // Let's check back in a bit
} else {
Engine.Counters.autoSaveCounter = Settings.AutosaveInterval * 5;
load: async function (saveData) {
// Source files must be initialized early because save-game translation in
// loadGame() needs them sometimes.
// Load game from save or create new game
if (await loadGame(saveData)) {
if (Player.hasWseAccount) {
// Apply penalty for entropy accumulation
// Calculate the number of cycles have elapsed while offline
Engine._lastUpdate = new Date().getTime();
const lastUpdate = Player.lastUpdate;
let timeOffline = Engine._lastUpdate - lastUpdate;
if (timeOffline < 0) {
if (Math.abs(timeOffline) > thresholdOfTimeDiffForShowingWarningAboutSystemClock) {
const timeDiff = timeOffline;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 250);
timeOffline = 0;
const numCyclesOffline = Math.floor(timeOffline / CONSTANTS.MilliPerCycle);
// Calculate the number of chances for a contract the player had whilst offline
const contractChancesWhileOffline = Math.floor(timeOffline / (1000 * 60 * 10));
// Generate coding contracts
let numContracts = 0;
if (contractChancesWhileOffline > 100) {
numContracts += Math.floor(contractChancesWhileOffline * 0.25);
if (contractChancesWhileOffline > 0 && contractChancesWhileOffline <= 100) {
for (let i = 0; i < contractChancesWhileOffline; ++i) {
if (Math.random() <= 0.25) {
for (let i = 0; i < numContracts; i++) {
let offlineReputation = 0;
const offlineHackingIncome =
(Player.moneySourceA.hacking / Player.playtimeSinceLastAug) * timeOffline * CONSTANTS.OfflineHackingIncome;
Player.gainMoney(offlineHackingIncome, "hacking");
// Process offline progress
loadAllRunningScripts(); // This also takes care of offline production for those scripts
if (Player.currentWork !== null) {
Player.focus = true;
} else if (Player.bitNodeN !== 2) {
for (let i = 0; i < Player.factions.length; i++) {
const facName = Player.factions[i];
if (!Object.hasOwn(Factions, facName)) continue;
const faction = Factions[facName];
if (!faction.isMember) continue;
// No rep for special factions.
const info = faction.getInfo();
if (!info.offersWork()) continue;
// No rep for gangs.
if (Player.getGangName() === facName) continue;
const hRep = getHackingWorkRepGain(Player, faction.favor);
const sRep = getFactionSecurityWorkRepGain(Player, faction.favor);
const fRep = getFactionFieldWorkRepGain(Player, faction.favor);
// can be infinite, doesn't matter.
const reputationRate = Math.max(hRep, sRep, fRep) / Player.factions.length;
const rep = reputationRate * numCyclesOffline;
faction.playerReputation += rep;
offlineReputation += rep;
// Hacknet Nodes offline progress
const offlineProductionFromHacknetNodes = processHacknetEarnings(numCyclesOffline);
const hacknetProdInfo = hasHacknetServers() ? (
<Hashes hashes={offlineProductionFromHacknetNodes} /> hashes
) : (
<Money money={offlineProductionFromHacknetNodes} />
// Passive faction rep gain offline
// Stock Market offline progress
if (Player.hasWseAccount) {
// Gang progress for BitNode 2
if (Player.gang) Player.gang.process(numCyclesOffline);
// Corporation offline progress
if (Player.corporation) Player.corporation.storeCycles(numCyclesOffline);
// Bladeburner offline progress
if (Player.bladeburner) Player.bladeburner.storeCycles(numCyclesOffline);
// Sleeves offline progress
Player.sleeves.forEach((sleeve) => sleeve.process(numCyclesOffline));
// Update total playtime
const time = numCyclesOffline * CONSTANTS.MilliPerCycle;
Player.totalPlaytime ??= 0;
Player.playtimeSinceLastAug ??= 0;
Player.playtimeSinceLastBitnode ??= 0;
Player.totalPlaytime += time;
Player.playtimeSinceLastAug += time;
Player.playtimeSinceLastBitnode += time;
Player.lastUpdate = Engine._lastUpdate;
Engine.start(); // Run main game loop and Scripts loop
const timeOfflineString = convertTimeMsToTimeElapsedString(time);
() =>
<Typography>Offline for {timeOfflineString}. While you were offline:</Typography>
Your scripts generated <Money money={offlineHackingIncome} />
<Typography>Your Hacknet Nodes generated {hacknetProdInfo}</Typography>
You gained <Reputation reputation={offlineReputation} /> reputation divided amongst your factions
} else {
// No save found, start new game
Engine.start(); // Run main game loop and Scripts loop
// Start interactive tutorial
start: function () {
// Get time difference
const _thisUpdate = new Date().getTime();
let diff = _thisUpdate - Engine._lastUpdate;
if (diff < 0) {
if (Math.abs(diff) > thresholdOfTimeDiffForShowingWarningAboutSystemClock) {
diff = 0;
Engine._lastUpdate = _thisUpdate;
Player.lastUpdate = _thisUpdate;
const offset = diff % CONSTANTS.MilliPerCycle;
// Divide this by cycle time to determine how many cycles have elapsed since last update
diff = Math.floor(diff / CONSTANTS.MilliPerCycle);
if (diff > 0) {
// Update the game engine by the calculated number of cycles
Engine._lastUpdate = _thisUpdate - offset;
Player.lastUpdate = _thisUpdate - offset;
window.setTimeout(Engine.start, CONSTANTS.MilliPerCycle - offset);
/** Shows a toast warning that lets the player know that auto-saves are disabled, with an button to re-enable them. */
function warnAutosaveDisabled(): void {
// If the player has suppressed those warnings let's just exit right away.
if (Settings.SuppressAutosaveDisabledWarnings) return;
// We don't want this warning to show up on certain pages.
// When in recovery or importing we want to keep autosave disabled.
if (Router.hidingMessages()) return;
const warningToast = (
Auto-saves are <strong>disabled</strong>!
sx={{ ml: 1 }}
onClick={() => {
// We reset the value to a default
Settings.AutosaveInterval = 60;
SnackbarEvents.emit(warningToast, ToastVariant.WARNING, 5000);
export { Engine };