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* Implements functions for purchasing servers or purchasing more RAM for
* the home computer
import { AddToAllServers, createUniqueRandomIp, GetServer, renameServer } from "./AllServers";
import { safelyCreateUniqueServer } from "./ServerHelpers";
import { currentNodeMults } from "../BitNode/BitNodeMultipliers";
import { ServerConstants } from "./data/Constants";
import { Player } from "@player";
import { dialogBoxCreate } from "../ui/React/DialogBox";
import { isPowerOfTwo } from "../utils/helpers/isPowerOfTwo";
import { workerScripts } from "../Netscript/WorkerScripts";
// Returns the cost of purchasing a server with the given RAM
// Returns Infinity for invalid 'ram' arguments
* @param ram Amount of RAM on purchased server (GB)
* @returns Cost of purchasing the given server. Returns infinity for invalid arguments
export function getPurchaseServerCost(ram: number): number {
// TODO shift checks into
const sanitizedRam = Math.round(ram);
if (isNaN(sanitizedRam) || !isPowerOfTwo(sanitizedRam) || !(Math.sign(sanitizedRam) === 1)) {
return Infinity;
if (sanitizedRam > getPurchaseServerMaxRam()) {
return Infinity;
const upg = Math.max(0, Math.log(sanitizedRam) / Math.log(2) - 6);
return (
sanitizedRam *
ServerConstants.BaseCostFor1GBOfRamServer *
currentNodeMults.PurchasedServerCost *
Math.pow(currentNodeMults.PurchasedServerSoftcap, upg)
export const getPurchasedServerUpgradeCost = (hostname: string, ram: number): number => {
const server = GetServer(hostname);
if (!server) throw new Error(`Server '${hostname}' not found.`);
if (!Player.purchasedServers.includes(hostname)) throw new Error(`Server '${hostname}' not a purchased server.`);
if (isNaN(ram) || !isPowerOfTwo(ram) || !(Math.sign(ram) === 1))
throw new Error(`${ram} is not a positive power of 2`);
if (server.maxRam >= ram)
throw new Error(`'${hostname}' current ram (${server.maxRam}) is not bigger than new ram (${ram})`);
return getPurchaseServerCost(ram) - getPurchaseServerCost(server.maxRam);
export const upgradePurchasedServer = (hostname: string, ram: number): void => {
const server = GetServer(hostname);
if (!server) throw new Error(`Server '${hostname}' not found.`);
const cost = getPurchasedServerUpgradeCost(hostname, ram);
if (!Player.canAfford(cost)) throw new Error(`You don't have enough money to upgrade '${hostname}'.`);
Player.loseMoney(cost, "servers");
server.maxRam = ram;
export const renamePurchasedServer = (hostname: string, newName: string): void => {
const server = GetServer(hostname);
if (!server) throw new Error(`Server '${hostname}' doesn't exists.`);
if (GetServer(newName)) throw new Error(`Server '${newName}' already exists.`);
if (!Player.purchasedServers.includes(hostname)) throw new Error(`Server '${hostname}' is not a player server.`);
if (newName.startsWith("hacknet-node-") || newName.startsWith("hacknet-server-")) {
throw new Error(`'${newName}' is a reserved hostname.`);
const replace = (arr: string[], old: string, next: string): string[] => {
return arr.map((v) => (v === old ? next : v));
Player.purchasedServers = replace(Player.purchasedServers, hostname, newName);
if (Player.currentServer === hostname) Player.currentServer = newName;
const home = Player.getHomeComputer();
home.serversOnNetwork = replace(home.serversOnNetwork, hostname, newName);
server.serversOnNetwork = replace(server.serversOnNetwork, hostname, newName);
for (const byPid of server.runningScriptMap.values()) {
for (const r of byPid.values()) {
r.server = newName;
const ws = workerScripts.get(r.pid);
if (!ws) continue;
ws.hostname = newName;
server.scripts.forEach((r) => (r.server = newName));
server.hostname = newName;
renameServer(hostname, newName);
export function getPurchaseServerLimit(): number {
return Math.round(ServerConstants.PurchasedServerLimit * currentNodeMults.PurchasedServerLimit);
export function getPurchaseServerMaxRam(): number {
const ram = Math.round(ServerConstants.PurchasedServerMaxRam * currentNodeMults.PurchasedServerMaxRam);
// Round this to the nearest power of 2
return 1 << (31 - Math.clz32(ram));
// Manually purchase a server (NOT through Netscript)
export function purchaseServer(hostname: string, ram: number, cost: number): void {
//Check if player has enough money
if (!Player.canAfford(cost)) {
dialogBoxCreate("You don't have enough money to purchase this server!");
//Maximum server limit
if (Player.purchasedServers.length >= getPurchaseServerLimit()) {
"You have reached the maximum limit of " +
getPurchaseServerLimit() +
" servers. " +
"You cannot purchase any more. You can " +
"delete some of your purchased servers using the deleteServer() Netscript function in a script",
if (hostname == "") {
dialogBoxCreate("You must enter a hostname for your new server!");
if (hostname.startsWith("hacknet-node-") || hostname.startsWith("hacknet-server-")) {
dialogBoxCreate(`'${hostname}' is a reserved hostname, please try again.`);
// Create server
const newServ = safelyCreateUniqueServer({
adminRights: true,
hostname: hostname,
ip: createUniqueRandomIp(),
isConnectedTo: false,
maxRam: ram,
organizationName: "",
purchasedByPlayer: true,
// Add to Player's purchasedServers array
// Connect new server to home computer
const homeComputer = Player.getHomeComputer();
Player.loseMoney(cost, "servers");
dialogBoxCreate("Server successfully purchased with hostname " + newServ.hostname);
// Manually upgrade RAM on home computer (NOT through Netscript)
export function purchaseRamForHomeComputer(): void {
const cost = Player.getUpgradeHomeRamCost();
if (!Player.canAfford(cost)) {
dialogBoxCreate("You do not have enough money to purchase additional RAM for your home computer");
const homeComputer = Player.getHomeComputer();
if (
(Player.bitNodeOptions.restrictHomePCUpgrade && homeComputer.maxRam >= 128) ||
homeComputer.maxRam >= ServerConstants.HomeComputerMaxRam
) {
dialogBoxCreate(`You cannot upgrade your home computer RAM because it is at its maximum possible value`);
homeComputer.maxRam *= 2;
Player.loseMoney(cost, "servers");