hydroflame 52a80ad236 v0.51.6 (#905)
* Make command `cd` without arguments an alias for `cd /` (#853)

In most shells `cd` without arguments takes you to the home directory
of the current user. I keep trying to do this due to muscle memory
from working in terminals, so I figured I'd make it do something useful.

There is no home directory in the game, but going to / is the closest
thing we have, since that is the starting point for the user in the

* Add new `backdoor` terminal command (#852)

* Add the backdoor command to the terminal

This command will perform a manual hack without rewarding money. It will be used for the story, mainly for faction hacking tests

* Add tab completion for backdoor command

* Add help text for backdoor command

* Change condition syntax to be more consistent with others

* Extract reused code block so it is always called after actions

* Update documentation for new backdoor command

Modified references to manual hack as it isn't for factions anymore

* Remove extra parenthesis

* Rename manuallyHacked to backdoorInstalled

* Fix typo

* Change faction test messages to use backdoor instad of hack

* Rename more instances of manuallyHacked

* fixed typo in helptext of darkweb buy (#858)

* Fix typos and unify descriptions of augmentations (#859)

Made an attempt to...
- give all "+rep% company/faction" the same text
- make all augmentations with a single effect use a single line to describe the effect
- make all effects end with a period

* Made Cashroot starter kit display its tooltip with the money formatted properly and in gold

* fix typo in docs (#860)

* Initial code for Casino Card Deck implementation

* Casino Blackjack Implementation

* Update some tools (eslint, typescript)

* Blackjack code cleanup

* Update README_contribution

* Update ScriptHelpers.js (#861)

expand error message

* More augmentation typo fixes (#862)

* Add Netscript function getCurrentScript (#856)

Add netscript function that returns the current script.

* Added milestones menu to guide new players. (#865)

Milestone menu

* fix typos in milestones (#866)

Co-authored-by: sschmidTU <>

* Corrupt location title when backdoor is installed (#864)

* Add corruptableText component

* Corrupt location title if backdoor is installed

* Formatting

* Add helper to check value of backdoorInstalled

Helper could be oneline but it would make it less readable

* Fix some formatting

* Add settings option to disable text effects

* Import useState

* getRunningScript (#867)

* Replaced getCurrentScript with getRunningScript

* Bunch of smaller fixes (#904)

Fix #884
Fix #879
Fix #878
Fix #876
Fix #874
Fix #873
Fix #887
Fix #891
Fix #895

* rework the early servers to be more noob friendly (#903)

* v0.51.6

Co-authored-by: Andreas Eriksson <>
Co-authored-by: Jack <>
Co-authored-by: Teun Pronk <>
Co-authored-by: Pimvgd <>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Xie <>
Co-authored-by: Simon <>
Co-authored-by: sschmidTU <>
2021-04-28 20:07:26 -04:00

2 lines
2.4 KiB

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