2022-12-29 20:28:53 -05:00

1158 lines
47 KiB

import { Reviver, Generic_toJSON, Generic_fromJSON, IReviverValue } from "../utils/JSONReviver";
import { CityName } from "../Enums";
import { IndustryResearchTrees, IndustriesData } from "./IndustryData";
import * as corpConstants from "./data/Constants";
import { EmployeePositions, IndustryType } from "./data/Enums";
import { getRandomInt } from "../utils/helpers/getRandomInt";
import { calculateEffectWithFactors } from "../utils/calculateEffectWithFactors";
import { OfficeSpace } from "./OfficeSpace";
import { Product } from "./Product";
import { dialogBoxCreate } from "../ui/React/DialogBox";
import { isString } from "../utils/helpers/isString";
import { MaterialInfo } from "./MaterialInfo";
import { Warehouse } from "./Warehouse";
import { Corporation } from "./Corporation";
import { CorpMaterialName, CorpResearchName, CorpStateName } from "@nsdefs";
interface IParams {
name?: string;
corp?: Corporation;
type?: IndustryType;
export class Industry {
name: string;
type: IndustryType;
sciResearch = 0;
researched: Partial<Record<CorpResearchName, boolean>> = {};
reqMats: Partial<Record<CorpMaterialName, number>> = {};
//An array of the name of materials being produced
prodMats: CorpMaterialName[];
products: Partial<Record<string, Product>> = {};
makesProducts: boolean;
awareness = 0;
popularity = 0;
startingCost = 0;
/* The following are factors for how much production/other things are increased by
different factors. The production increase always has diminishing returns,
and they are all represented by exponentials of < 1 (e.g x ^ 0.5, x ^ 0.8)
The number for these represent the exponential. A lower number means more
diminishing returns */
reFac: number; //Real estate Factor
sciFac: number; //Scientific Research Factor, affects quality
hwFac: number; //Hardware factor
robFac: number; //Robotics Factor
aiFac: number; //AI Cores factor;
advFac: number; //Advertising factor, affects sales
prodMult = 0; //Production multiplier
lastCycleRevenue: number;
lastCycleExpenses: number;
thisCycleRevenue: number;
thisCycleExpenses: number;
state: CorpStateName = "START";
newInd = true;
//Maps locations to warehouses. 0 if no warehouse at that location
warehouses: Record<CityName, Warehouse | 0>;
//Maps locations to offices. 0 if no office at that location
offices: Record<CityName, OfficeSpace | 0> = {
[CityName.Aevum]: 0,
[CityName.Chongqing]: 0,
[CityName.Sector12]: new OfficeSpace({
loc: CityName.Sector12,
size: corpConstants.officeInitialSize,
[CityName.NewTokyo]: 0,
[CityName.Ishima]: 0,
[CityName.Volhaven]: 0,
numAdVerts = 0;
constructor(params: IParams = {}) {
this.type = params.type || IndustryType.Agriculture; = ? : "";
this.lastCycleRevenue = 0;
this.lastCycleExpenses = 0;
this.thisCycleRevenue = 0;
this.thisCycleExpenses = 0;
this.warehouses = {
[CityName.Aevum]: 0,
[CityName.Chongqing]: 0,
[CityName.Sector12]: new Warehouse({
corp: params.corp,
industry: this,
loc: CityName.Sector12,
size: corpConstants.warehouseInitialSize,
[CityName.NewTokyo]: 0,
[CityName.Ishima]: 0,
[CityName.Volhaven]: 0,
const data = IndustriesData[this.type];
if (!data) throw new Error(`Invalid industry: "${this.type}"`);
this.startingCost = data.startingCost;
this.makesProducts = data.product ? true : false;
this.reFac = data.realEstateFactor ?? 0;
this.sciFac = data.scienceFactor ?? 0;
this.hwFac = data.hardwareFactor ?? 0;
this.robFac = data.robotFactor ?? 0;
this.aiFac = data.aiCoreFactor ?? 0;
this.advFac = data.advertisingFactor ?? 0;
this.reqMats = data.requiredMaterials;
this.prodMats = data.producedMaterials ?? [];
getMaximumNumberProducts(): number {
if (!this.makesProducts) return 0;
// Calculate additional number of allowed Products from Research/Upgrades
let additional = 0;
if (this.hasResearch("uPgrade: Capacity.I")) ++additional;
if (this.hasResearch("uPgrade: Capacity.II")) ++additional;
return corpConstants.maxProductsBase + additional;
hasMaximumNumberProducts(): boolean {
return Object.keys(this.products).length >= this.getMaximumNumberProducts();
//Calculates the values that factor into the production and properties of
//materials/products (such as quality, etc.)
calculateProductionFactors(): void {
let multSum = 0;
for (const city of Object.values(CityName)) {
const warehouse = this.warehouses[city];
if (!warehouse) continue;
const materials = warehouse.materials;
const cityMult =
Math.pow(0.002 * materials["Real Estate"].qty + 1, this.reFac) *
Math.pow(0.002 * materials.Hardware.qty + 1, this.hwFac) *
Math.pow(0.002 * materials.Robots.qty + 1, this.robFac) *
Math.pow(0.002 * materials["AI Cores"].qty + 1, this.aiFac);
multSum += Math.pow(cityMult, 0.73);
multSum < 1 ? (this.prodMult = 1) : (this.prodMult = multSum);
updateWarehouseSizeUsed(warehouse: Warehouse): void {
for (const prodName of Object.keys(this.products)) {
if (this.products.hasOwnProperty(prodName)) {
const prod = this.products[prodName];
if (prod === undefined) continue;
warehouse.sizeUsed +=[warehouse.loc][0] * prod.siz;
process(marketCycles = 1, state: CorpStateName, corporation: Corporation): void {
this.state = state;
//At the start of a cycle, store and reset revenue/expenses
//Then calculate salaries and process the markets
if (state === "START") {
if (isNaN(this.thisCycleRevenue) || isNaN(this.thisCycleExpenses)) {
console.error("NaN in Corporation's computed revenue/expenses");
"Something went wrong when compting Corporation's revenue/expenses. This is a bug. Please report to game developer",
this.thisCycleRevenue = 0;
this.thisCycleExpenses = 0;
this.lastCycleRevenue = this.thisCycleRevenue / (marketCycles * corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle);
this.lastCycleExpenses = this.thisCycleExpenses / (marketCycles * corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle);
this.thisCycleRevenue = 0;
this.thisCycleExpenses = 0;
// Once you start making revenue, the player should no longer be
// considered new, and therefore no longer needs the 'tutorial' UI elements
if (this.lastCycleRevenue > 0) {
this.newInd = false;
// Process offices (and the employees in them)
let employeeSalary = 0;
for (const officeLoc of Object.values(CityName)) {
const office = this.offices[officeLoc];
if (office) employeeSalary += office.process(marketCycles, corporation, this);
this.thisCycleExpenses = this.thisCycleExpenses + employeeSalary;
// Process change in demand/competition of materials/products
// Process loss of popularity
this.popularity -= marketCycles * 0.0001;
this.popularity = Math.max(0, this.popularity);
// Process Dreamsense gains
const popularityGain = corporation.getDreamSenseGain(),
awarenessGain = popularityGain * 4;
if (popularityGain > 0) {
const awareness = this.awareness + awarenessGain * marketCycles;
this.awareness = Math.min(awareness, Number.MAX_VALUE);
const popularity = this.popularity + popularityGain * marketCycles;
this.popularity = Math.min(popularity, Number.MAX_VALUE);
// Process production, purchase, and import/export of materials
let res = this.processMaterials(marketCycles, corporation);
if (Array.isArray(res)) {
this.thisCycleRevenue = this.thisCycleRevenue + res[0];
this.thisCycleExpenses = this.thisCycleExpenses + res[1];
// Process creation, production & sale of products
res = this.processProducts(marketCycles, corporation);
if (Array.isArray(res)) {
this.thisCycleRevenue = this.thisCycleRevenue + res[0];
this.thisCycleExpenses = this.thisCycleExpenses + res[1];
// Process change in demand and competition for this industry's materials
processMaterialMarket(): void {
//References to prodMats and reqMats
const reqMats = this.reqMats,
prodMats = this.prodMats;
//Only 'process the market' for materials that this industry deals with
for (const city of Object.values(CityName)) {
//If this industry has a warehouse in this city, process the market
//for every material this industry requires or produces
if (this.warehouses[city]) {
const wh = this.warehouses[city] as Warehouse; // Warehouse type is known due to if check above
for (const name of Object.keys(reqMats) as CorpMaterialName[]) {
if (reqMats.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
//Produced materials are stored in an array
for (const matName of prodMats) wh.materials[matName].processMarket();
//Process these twice because these boost production
wh.materials["AI Cores"].processMarket();
wh.materials["Real Estate"].processMarket();
// Process change in demand and competition for this industry's products
processProductMarket(marketCycles = 1): void {
// Demand gradually decreases, and competition gradually increases
for (const name of Object.keys(this.products)) {
if (this.products.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
const product = this.products[name];
if (product === undefined) continue;
let change = getRandomInt(0, 3) * 0.0004;
if (change === 0) continue;
if (
this.type === IndustryType.Pharmaceutical ||
this.type === IndustryType.Software ||
this.type === IndustryType.Robotics
) {
change *= 3;
change *= marketCycles;
product.dmd -= change;
product.cmp += change;
product.cmp = Math.min(product.cmp, 99.99);
product.dmd = Math.max(product.dmd, 0.001);
//Process production, purchase, and import/export of materials
processMaterials(marketCycles = 1, corporation: Corporation): [number, number] {
let revenue = 0,
expenses = 0;
for (const city of Object.values(CityName)) {
const office = this.offices[city];
if (office === 0) continue;
if (this.warehouses[city]) {
const warehouse = this.warehouses[city];
if (warehouse === 0) continue;
switch (this.state) {
case "PURCHASE": {
/* Process purchase of materials */
for (const matName of Object.values(corpConstants.materialNames)) {
if (!warehouse.materials.hasOwnProperty(matName)) continue;
const mat = warehouse.materials[matName];
let buyAmt = 0;
let maxAmt = 0;
if (warehouse.smartSupplyEnabled && Object.keys(this.reqMats).includes(matName)) {
buyAmt = * corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles;
maxAmt = Math.floor((warehouse.size - warehouse.sizeUsed) / MaterialInfo[matName].size);
buyAmt = Math.min(buyAmt, maxAmt);
if (buyAmt > 0) {
mat.qty += buyAmt;
expenses += buyAmt * mat.bCost;
} //End process purchase of materials
// smart supply
const smartBuy: Partial<Record<CorpMaterialName, number>> = {};
for (const matName of Object.values(corpConstants.materialNames)) {
if (!warehouse.materials.hasOwnProperty(matName)) continue;
if (!warehouse.smartSupplyEnabled || !Object.keys(this.reqMats).includes(matName)) continue;
const mat = warehouse.materials[matName];
//Smart supply tracker is stored as per second rate
const reqMat = this.reqMats[matName];
if (reqMat === undefined) throw new Error(`reqMat "${matName}" is undefined`); = reqMat * warehouse.smartSupplyStore;
let buyAmt = * corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles;
const maxAmt = Math.floor((warehouse.size - warehouse.sizeUsed) / MaterialInfo[matName].size);
buyAmt = Math.min(buyAmt, maxAmt);
if (buyAmt > 0) smartBuy[matName] = buyAmt;
// Find which material were trying to create the least amount of product with.
let worseAmt = 1e99;
for (const matName of Object.keys(smartBuy) as CorpMaterialName[]) {
const buyAmt = smartBuy[matName];
if (buyAmt === undefined) throw new Error(`Somehow smartbuy matname is undefined`);
const reqMat = this.reqMats[matName];
if (reqMat === undefined) throw new Error(`reqMat "${matName}" is undefined`);
const amt = buyAmt / reqMat;
if (amt < worseAmt) worseAmt = amt;
// Align all the materials to the smallest amount.
for (const matName of Object.keys(smartBuy) as CorpMaterialName[]) {
const reqMat = this.reqMats[matName];
if (reqMat === undefined) throw new Error(`reqMat "${matName}" is undefined`);
smartBuy[matName] = worseAmt * reqMat;
// Calculate the total size of all things were trying to buy
let totalSize = 0;
for (const matName of Object.keys(smartBuy) as CorpMaterialName[]) {
const buyAmt = smartBuy[matName];
if (buyAmt === undefined) throw new Error(`Somehow smartbuy matname is undefined`);
totalSize += buyAmt * MaterialInfo[matName].size;
// Shrink to the size of available space.
const freeSpace = warehouse.size - warehouse.sizeUsed;
if (totalSize > freeSpace) {
for (const matName of Object.keys(smartBuy) as CorpMaterialName[]) {
const buyAmt = smartBuy[matName];
if (buyAmt === undefined) throw new Error(`Somehow smartbuy matname is undefined`);
smartBuy[matName] = Math.floor((buyAmt * freeSpace) / totalSize);
// Use the materials already in the warehouse if the option is on.
for (const matName of Object.keys(smartBuy) as CorpMaterialName[]) {
if (!warehouse.smartSupplyUseLeftovers[matName]) continue;
const mat = warehouse.materials[matName];
const buyAmt = smartBuy[matName];
if (buyAmt === undefined) throw new Error(`Somehow smartbuy matname is undefined`);
smartBuy[matName] = Math.max(0, buyAmt - mat.qty);
// buy them
for (const [matName, buyAmt] of Object.entries(smartBuy) as [CorpMaterialName, number][]) {
const mat = warehouse.materials[matName];
if (buyAmt === undefined) throw new Error(`Somehow smartbuy matname is undefined`);
mat.qty += buyAmt;
expenses += buyAmt * mat.bCost;
warehouse.smartSupplyStore = 0; //Reset smart supply amount
/* Process production of materials */
if (this.prodMats.length > 0) {
const mat = warehouse.materials[this.prodMats[0]];
//Calculate the maximum production of this material based
//on the office's productivity
const maxProd =
this.getOfficeProductivity(office) *
this.prodMult * // Multiplier from materials
corporation.getProductionMultiplier() *
this.getProductionMultiplier(); // Multiplier from Research
let prod;
if (mat.prdman[0]) {
//Production is manually limited
prod = Math.min(maxProd, mat.prdman[1]);
} else {
prod = maxProd;
prod *= corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles; //Convert production from per second to per market cycle
// Calculate net change in warehouse storage making the produced materials will cost
let totalMatSize = 0;
for (let tmp = 0; tmp < this.prodMats.length; ++tmp) {
totalMatSize += MaterialInfo[this.prodMats[tmp]].size;
for (const reqMatName of Object.keys(this.reqMats) as CorpMaterialName[]) {
const normQty = this.reqMats[reqMatName];
if (normQty === undefined) continue;
totalMatSize -= MaterialInfo[reqMatName].size * normQty;
// If not enough space in warehouse, limit the amount of produced materials
if (totalMatSize > 0) {
const maxAmt = Math.floor((warehouse.size - warehouse.sizeUsed) / totalMatSize);
prod = Math.min(maxAmt, prod);
if (prod < 0) {
prod = 0;
// Keep track of production for smart supply (/s)
warehouse.smartSupplyStore += prod / (corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles);
// Make sure we have enough resource to make our materials
let producableFrac = 1;
for (const reqMatName of Object.keys(this.reqMats) as CorpMaterialName[]) {
if (this.reqMats.hasOwnProperty(reqMatName)) {
const reqMat = this.reqMats[reqMatName];
if (reqMat === undefined) continue;
const req = reqMat * prod;
if (warehouse.materials[reqMatName].qty < req) {
producableFrac = Math.min(producableFrac, warehouse.materials[reqMatName].qty / req);
if (producableFrac <= 0) {
producableFrac = 0;
prod = 0;
// Make our materials if they are producable
if (producableFrac > 0 && prod > 0) {
for (const reqMatName of Object.keys(this.reqMats) as CorpMaterialName[]) {
const reqMat = this.reqMats[reqMatName];
if (reqMat === undefined) continue;
const reqMatQtyNeeded = reqMat * prod * producableFrac;
warehouse.materials[reqMatName].qty -= reqMatQtyNeeded;
warehouse.materials[reqMatName].prd = 0;
warehouse.materials[reqMatName].prd -=
reqMatQtyNeeded / (corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles);
for (let j = 0; j < this.prodMats.length; ++j) {
warehouse.materials[this.prodMats[j]].qty += prod * producableFrac;
warehouse.materials[this.prodMats[j]].qlt =
office.employeeProd[EmployeePositions.Engineer] / 90 +
Math.pow(this.sciResearch, this.sciFac) +
Math.pow(warehouse.materials["AI Cores"].qty, this.aiFac) / 10e3;
} else {
for (const reqMatName of Object.keys(this.reqMats) as CorpMaterialName[]) {
if (this.reqMats.hasOwnProperty(reqMatName)) {
warehouse.materials[reqMatName].prd = 0;
//Per second
const fooProd = (prod * producableFrac) / (corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles);
for (let fooI = 0; fooI < this.prodMats.length; ++fooI) {
warehouse.materials[this.prodMats[fooI]].prd = fooProd;
} else {
//If this doesn't produce any materials, then it only creates
//Products. Creating products will consume materials. The
//Production of all consumed materials must be set to 0
for (const reqMatName of Object.keys(this.reqMats) as CorpMaterialName[]) {
warehouse.materials[reqMatName].prd = 0;
case "SALE":
/* Process sale of materials */
for (const matName of Object.values(corpConstants.materialNames)) {
if (warehouse.materials.hasOwnProperty(matName)) {
const mat = warehouse.materials[matName];
if (mat.sCost < 0 || mat.sllman[0] === false) {
mat.sll = 0;
// Sale multipliers
const businessFactor = this.getBusinessFactor(office); //Business employee productivity
const advertisingFactor = this.getAdvertisingFactors()[0]; //Awareness + popularity
const marketFactor = this.getMarketFactor(mat); //Competition + demand
// Determine the cost that the material will be sold at
const markupLimit = mat.getMarkupLimit();
let sCost;
if (mat.marketTa2) {
const prod = mat.prd;
// Reverse engineer the 'maxSell' formula
// 1. Set 'maxSell' = prod
// 2. Substitute formula for 'markup'
// 3. Solve for 'sCost'
const numerator = markupLimit;
const sqrtNumerator = prod;
const sqrtDenominator =
(mat.qlt + 0.001) *
marketFactor *
businessFactor *
corporation.getSalesMultiplier() *
advertisingFactor *
const denominator = Math.sqrt(sqrtNumerator / sqrtDenominator);
let optimalPrice;
if (sqrtDenominator === 0 || denominator === 0) {
if (sqrtNumerator === 0) {
optimalPrice = 0; // No production
} else {
optimalPrice = mat.bCost + markupLimit;
console.warn(`In Corporation, found illegal 0s when trying to calculate MarketTA2 sale cost`);
} else {
optimalPrice = numerator / denominator + mat.bCost;
// We'll store this "Optimal Price" in a property so that we don't have
// to re-calculate it for the UI
mat.marketTa2Price = optimalPrice;
sCost = optimalPrice;
} else if (mat.marketTa1) {
sCost = mat.bCost + markupLimit;
} else if (isString(mat.sCost)) {
sCost = (mat.sCost as string).replace(/MP/g, mat.bCost + "");
sCost = eval(sCost);
} else {
sCost = mat.sCost;
// Calculate how much of the material sells (per second)
let markup = 1;
if (sCost > mat.bCost) {
//Penalty if difference between sCost and bCost is greater than markup limit
if (sCost - mat.bCost > markupLimit) {
markup = Math.pow(markupLimit / (sCost - mat.bCost), 2);
} else if (sCost < mat.bCost) {
if (sCost <= 0) {
markup = 1e12; //Sell everything, essentially discard
} else {
//Lower prices than market increases sales
markup = mat.bCost / sCost;
mat.maxsll =
(mat.qlt + 0.001) *
marketFactor *
markup *
businessFactor *
corporation.getSalesMultiplier() *
advertisingFactor *
let sellAmt;
if (isString(mat.sllman[1])) {
//Dynamically evaluated
let tmp = (mat.sllman[1] as string).replace(/MAX/g, (mat.maxsll + "").toUpperCase());
tmp = tmp.replace(/PROD/g, mat.prd + "");
try {
sellAmt = eval(tmp);
} catch (e) {
`Error evaluating your sell amount for material ${} in ${}'s ${city} office. The sell amount is being set to zero`,
sellAmt = 0;
sellAmt = Math.min(mat.maxsll, sellAmt);
} else if (mat.sllman[1] === -1) {
//Backwards compatibility, -1 = MAX
sellAmt = mat.maxsll;
} else {
//Player's input value is just a number
sellAmt = Math.min(mat.maxsll, mat.sllman[1] as number);
sellAmt = sellAmt * corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles;
sellAmt = Math.min(mat.qty, sellAmt);
if (sellAmt < 0) {
console.warn(`sellAmt calculated to be negative for ${matName} in ${city}`);
mat.sll = 0;
if (sellAmt && sCost >= 0) {
mat.qty -= sellAmt;
revenue += sellAmt * sCost;
mat.sll = sellAmt / (corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles);
} else {
mat.sll = 0;
} //End processing of sale of materials
case "EXPORT":
for (const matName of Object.values(corpConstants.materialNames)) {
if (warehouse.materials.hasOwnProperty(matName)) {
const mat = warehouse.materials[matName];
mat.totalExp = 0; //Reset export
for (let expI = 0; expI < mat.exp.length; ++expI) {
const exp = mat.exp[expI];
const amtStr = exp.amt.replace(
(mat.qty / (corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles) + "").toUpperCase(),
let amt = 0;
try {
amt = eval(amtStr);
} catch (e) {
`Calculating export for ${} in ${}'s ${city} division failed with error: ${e}`,
if (isNaN(amt)) {
`Error calculating export amount for ${} in ${}'s ${city} division.`,
amt = amt * corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles;
if (mat.qty < amt) {
amt = mat.qty;
if (amt === 0) {
break; //None left
for (let foo = 0; foo < corporation.divisions.length; ++foo) {
if (corporation.divisions[foo].name === exp.ind) {
const expIndustry = corporation.divisions[foo];
const expWarehouse = expIndustry.warehouses[];
if (!expWarehouse) {
console.error(`Invalid export! ${} ${}`);
// Make sure theres enough space in warehouse
if (expWarehouse.sizeUsed >= expWarehouse.size) {
// Warehouse at capacity. Exporting doesn't
// affect revenue so just return 0's
return [0, 0];
} else {
const maxAmt = Math.floor(
(expWarehouse.size - expWarehouse.sizeUsed) / MaterialInfo[matName].size,
amt = Math.min(maxAmt, amt);
expWarehouse.materials[matName].imp += amt / (corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles);
expWarehouse.materials[matName].qty += amt;
expWarehouse.materials[matName].qlt = mat.qlt;
mat.qty -= amt;
mat.totalExp += amt;
//totalExp should be per second
mat.totalExp /= corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles;
case "START":
console.error(`Invalid state: ${this.state}`);
} //End switch(this.state)
} // End warehouse
//Produce Scientific Research based on R&D employees
//Scientific Research can be produced without a warehouse
if (office) {
this.sciResearch +=
0.004 *
Math.pow(office.employeeProd[EmployeePositions.RandD], 0.5) *
corporation.getScientificResearchMultiplier() *
return [revenue, expenses];
//Process production & sale of this industry's FINISHED products (including all of their stats)
processProducts(marketCycles = 1, corporation: Corporation): [number, number] {
let revenue = 0;
const expenses = 0;
//Create products
if (this.state === "PRODUCTION") {
for (const prodName of Object.keys(this.products)) {
const prod = this.products[prodName];
if (prod === undefined) continue;
if (!prod.fin) {
const city = prod.createCity;
const office = this.offices[city];
if (office === 0) continue;
prod.createProduct(marketCycles, office.employeeProd);
if (prod.prog >= 100) {
//Produce Products
for (const prodName of Object.keys(this.products)) {
if (this.products.hasOwnProperty(prodName)) {
const prod = this.products[prodName];
if (prod && prod.fin) {
revenue += this.processProduct(marketCycles, prod, corporation);
return [revenue, expenses];
//Processes FINISHED products
processProduct(marketCycles = 1, product: Product, corporation: Corporation): number {
let totalProfit = 0;
for (const city of Object.values(CityName)) {
const office = this.offices[city];
if (office === 0) continue;
const warehouse = this.warehouses[city];
if (warehouse) {
switch (this.state) {
case "PRODUCTION": {
//Calculate the maximum production of this material based
//on the office's productivity
const maxProd =
this.getOfficeProductivity(office, { forProduct: true }) *
corporation.getProductionMultiplier() *
this.prodMult * // Multiplier from materials
this.getProductionMultiplier() * // Multiplier from research
this.getProductProductionMultiplier(); // Multiplier from research
let prod;
//Account for whether production is manually limited
if (product.prdman[city][0]) {
prod = Math.min(maxProd, product.prdman[city][1]);
} else {
prod = maxProd;
prod *= corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles;
//Calculate net change in warehouse storage making the Products will cost
let netStorageSize = product.siz;
for (const reqMatName of Object.keys(product.reqMats) as CorpMaterialName[]) {
if (product.reqMats.hasOwnProperty(reqMatName)) {
const normQty = product.reqMats[reqMatName] as number;
netStorageSize -= MaterialInfo[reqMatName].size * normQty;
//If there's not enough space in warehouse, limit the amount of Product
if (netStorageSize > 0) {
const maxAmt = Math.floor((warehouse.size - warehouse.sizeUsed) / netStorageSize);
prod = Math.min(maxAmt, prod);
warehouse.smartSupplyStore += prod / (corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles);
//Make sure we have enough resources to make our Products
let producableFrac = 1;
for (const [reqMatName, reqQty] of Object.entries(product.reqMats) as [CorpMaterialName, number][]) {
const req = reqQty * prod;
if (warehouse.materials[reqMatName].qty < req) {
producableFrac = Math.min(producableFrac, warehouse.materials[reqMatName].qty / req);
//Make our Products if they are producable
if (producableFrac > 0 && prod > 0) {
for (const [reqMatName, reqQty] of Object.entries(product.reqMats) as [CorpMaterialName, number][]) {
const reqMatQtyNeeded = reqQty * prod * producableFrac;
warehouse.materials[reqMatName].qty -= reqMatQtyNeeded;
warehouse.materials[reqMatName].prd -=
reqMatQtyNeeded / (corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles);
//Quantity[city][0] += prod * producableFrac;
//Keep track of production Per second[city][1] = (prod * producableFrac) / (corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles);
case "SALE": {
//Process sale of Products
product.pCost = 0; //Estimated production cost
for (const [reqMatName, reqQty] of Object.entries(product.reqMats) as [CorpMaterialName, number][]) {
product.pCost += reqQty * warehouse.materials[reqMatName].bCost;
// Since its a product, its production cost is increased for labor
product.pCost *= corpConstants.baseProductProfitMult;
// Sale multipliers
const businessFactor = this.getBusinessFactor(office); //Business employee productivity
const advertisingFactor = this.getAdvertisingFactors()[0]; //Awareness + popularity
const marketFactor = this.getMarketFactor(product); //Competition + demand
// Calculate Sale Cost (sCost), which could be dynamically evaluated
const markupLimit = product.rat / product.mku;
let sCost;
if (product.marketTa2) {
const prod =[city][1];
// Reverse engineer the 'maxSell' formula
// 1. Set 'maxSell' = prod
// 2. Substitute formula for 'markup'
// 3. Solve for 'sCost', product.pCost = sCost
const numerator = markupLimit;
const sqrtNumerator = prod;
const sqrtDenominator =
0.5 *
Math.pow(product.rat, 0.65) *
marketFactor *
corporation.getSalesMultiplier() *
businessFactor *
advertisingFactor *
const denominator = Math.sqrt(sqrtNumerator / sqrtDenominator);
let optimalPrice;
if (sqrtDenominator === 0 || denominator === 0) {
if (sqrtNumerator === 0) {
optimalPrice = 0; // No production
} else {
optimalPrice = product.pCost + markupLimit;
console.warn(`In Corporation, found illegal 0s when trying to calculate MarketTA2 sale cost`);
} else {
optimalPrice = numerator / denominator + product.pCost;
// Store this "optimal Price" in a property so we don't have to re-calculate for UI
product.marketTa2Price[city] = optimalPrice;
sCost = optimalPrice;
} else if (product.marketTa1) {
sCost = product.pCost + markupLimit;
} else if (isString(product.sCost)) {
const sCostString = product.sCost as string;
if (product.mku === 0) {
console.error(`mku is zero, reverting to 1 to avoid Infinity`);
product.mku = 1;
sCost = sCostString.replace(/MP/g, product.pCost + product.rat / product.mku + "");
sCost = Math.max(product.pCost, eval(sCost));
} else {
sCost = product.sCost;
let markup = 1;
if (sCost > product.pCost) {
if (sCost - product.pCost > markupLimit) {
markup = markupLimit / (sCost - product.pCost);
product.maxsll =
0.5 *
Math.pow(product.rat, 0.65) *
marketFactor *
corporation.getSalesMultiplier() *
Math.pow(markup, 2) *
businessFactor *
advertisingFactor *
let sellAmt;
if (product.sllman[city][0] && isString(product.sllman[city][1])) {
//Sell amount is dynamically evaluated
let tmp = product.sllman[city][1].replace(/MAX/g, (product.maxsll + "").toUpperCase());
tmp = tmp.replace(/PROD/g,[city][1]);
try {
tmp = eval(tmp);
} catch (e) {
`Error evaluating your sell price expression for ${} in ${}'s ${city} office. Sell price is being set to MAX`,
tmp = product.maxsll;
sellAmt = Math.min(product.maxsll, tmp);
} else if (product.sllman[city][0] && product.sllman[city][1] > 0) {
//Sell amount is manually limited
sellAmt = Math.min(product.maxsll, product.sllman[city][1]);
} else if (product.sllman[city][0] === false) {
sellAmt = 0;
} else {
sellAmt = product.maxsll;
if (sellAmt < 0) {
sellAmt = 0;
sellAmt = sellAmt * corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles;
sellAmt = Math.min([city][0], sellAmt); //data[0] is qty
if (sellAmt && sCost) {[city][0] -= sellAmt; //data[0] is qty
totalProfit += sellAmt * sCost;[city][2] = sellAmt / (corpConstants.secondsPerMarketCycle * marketCycles); //data[2] is sell property
} else {[city][2] = 0; //data[2] is sell property
case "START":
case "PURCHASE":
case "EXPORT":
console.error(`Invalid State: ${this.state}`);
} //End switch(this.state)
return totalProfit;
resetImports(state: string): void {
//At the start of the export state, set the imports of everything to 0
if (state === "EXPORT") {
for (const city of Object.values(CityName)) {
if (!this.warehouses[city]) continue;
const warehouse = this.warehouses[city];
if (warehouse === 0) continue;
for (const matName of Object.values(corpConstants.materialNames)) {
if (warehouse.materials.hasOwnProperty(matName)) {
const mat = warehouse.materials[matName];
mat.imp = 0;
discontinueProduct(product: Product): void {
for (const productName of Object.keys(this.products)) {
if (this.products.hasOwnProperty(productName)) {
if (product === this.products[productName]) {
delete this.products[productName];
getAdVertCost(): number {
return 1e9 * Math.pow(1.06, this.numAdVerts);
applyAdVert(corporation: Corporation): void {
const advMult = corporation.getAdvertisingMultiplier() * this.getAdvertisingMultiplier();
const awareness = (this.awareness + 3 * advMult) * (1.01 * advMult);
this.awareness = Math.min(awareness, Number.MAX_VALUE);
const popularity = (this.popularity + 1 * advMult) * ((1 + getRandomInt(1, 3) / 100) * advMult);
this.popularity = Math.min(popularity, Number.MAX_VALUE);
// Returns how much of a material can be produced based of office productivity (employee stats)
getOfficeProductivity(office: OfficeSpace, params: { forProduct?: boolean } = {}): number {
const opProd = office.employeeProd[EmployeePositions.Operations];
const engrProd = office.employeeProd[EmployeePositions.Engineer];
const mgmtProd = office.employeeProd[EmployeePositions.Management];
const total = opProd + engrProd + mgmtProd;
if (total <= 0) return 0;
// Management is a multiplier for the production from Operations and Engineers
const mgmtFactor = 1 + mgmtProd / (1.2 * total);
// For production, Operations is slightly more important than engineering
// Both Engineering and Operations have diminishing returns
const prod = (Math.pow(opProd, 0.4) + Math.pow(engrProd, 0.3)) * mgmtFactor;
// Generic multiplier for the production. Used for game-balancing purposes
const balancingMult = 0.05;
if (params && params.forProduct) {
// Products are harder to create and therefore have less production
return 0.5 * balancingMult * prod;
} else {
return balancingMult * prod;
// Returns a multiplier based on the office' 'Business' employees that affects sales
getBusinessFactor(office: OfficeSpace): number {
const businessProd = 1 + office.employeeProd[EmployeePositions.Business];
return calculateEffectWithFactors(businessProd, 0.26, 10e3);
//Returns a set of multipliers based on the Industry's awareness, popularity, and advFac. This
//multiplier affects sales. The result is:
// [Total sales mult, total awareness mult, total pop mult, awareness/pop ratio mult]
getAdvertisingFactors(): [number, number, number, number] {
const awarenessFac = Math.pow(this.awareness + 1, this.advFac);
const popularityFac = Math.pow(this.popularity + 1, this.advFac);
const ratioFac = this.awareness === 0 ? 0.01 : Math.max((this.popularity + 0.001) / this.awareness, 0.01);
const totalFac = Math.pow(awarenessFac * popularityFac * ratioFac, 0.85);
return [totalFac, awarenessFac, popularityFac, ratioFac];
//Returns a multiplier based on a materials demand and competition that affects sales
getMarketFactor(mat: { dmd: number; cmp: number }): number {
return Math.max(0.1, (mat.dmd * (100 - mat.cmp)) / 100);
// Returns a boolean indicating whether this Industry has the specified Research
hasResearch(name: CorpResearchName): boolean {
return this.researched[name] === true;
updateResearchTree(): void {
const researchTree = IndustryResearchTrees[this.type];
if (researchTree === undefined) throw new Error(`Invalid industry "${this.type}"`);
// Since ResearchTree data isn't saved, we'll update the Research Tree data
// based on the stored 'researched' property in the Industry object
if (Object.keys(researchTree.researched).length !== Object.keys(this.researched).length) {
for (const research of Object.keys(this.researched) as CorpResearchName[]) {
// Get multipliers from Research
getAdvertisingMultiplier(): number {
const researchTree = IndustryResearchTrees[this.type];
if (researchTree === undefined) throw new Error(`Invalid industry: "${this.type}"`);
return researchTree.getAdvertisingMultiplier();
getEmployeeChaMultiplier(): number {
const researchTree = IndustryResearchTrees[this.type];
if (researchTree === undefined) throw new Error(`Invalid industry: "${this.type}"`);
return researchTree.getEmployeeChaMultiplier();
getEmployeeCreMultiplier(): number {
const researchTree = IndustryResearchTrees[this.type];
if (researchTree === undefined) throw new Error(`Invalid industry: "${this.type}"`);
return researchTree.getEmployeeCreMultiplier();
getEmployeeEffMultiplier(): number {
const researchTree = IndustryResearchTrees[this.type];
if (researchTree === undefined) throw new Error(`Invalid industry: "${this.type}"`);
return researchTree.getEmployeeEffMultiplier();
getEmployeeIntMultiplier(): number {
const researchTree = IndustryResearchTrees[this.type];
if (researchTree === undefined) throw new Error(`Invalid industry: "${this.type}"`);
return researchTree.getEmployeeIntMultiplier();
getProductionMultiplier(): number {
const researchTree = IndustryResearchTrees[this.type];
if (researchTree === undefined) throw new Error(`Invalid industry: "${this.type}"`);
return researchTree.getProductionMultiplier();
getProductProductionMultiplier(): number {
const researchTree = IndustryResearchTrees[this.type];
if (researchTree === undefined) throw new Error(`Invalid industry: "${this.type}"`);
return researchTree.getProductProductionMultiplier();
getSalesMultiplier(): number {
const researchTree = IndustryResearchTrees[this.type];
if (researchTree === undefined) throw new Error(`Invalid industry: "${this.type}"`);
return researchTree.getSalesMultiplier();
getScientificResearchMultiplier(): number {
const researchTree = IndustryResearchTrees[this.type];
if (researchTree === undefined) throw new Error(`Invalid industry: "${this.type}"`);
return researchTree.getScientificResearchMultiplier();
getStorageMultiplier(): number {
const researchTree = IndustryResearchTrees[this.type];
if (researchTree === undefined) throw new Error(`Invalid industry: "${this.type}"`);
return researchTree.getStorageMultiplier();
/** Serialize the current object to a JSON save state. */
toJSON(): IReviverValue {
return Generic_toJSON("Industry", this);
/** Initializes a Industry object from a JSON save state. */
static fromJSON(value: IReviverValue): Industry {
//Gracefully load saves which have old names for industries
if ( === "RealEstate") = IndustryType.RealEstate;
if ( === "Utilities") = IndustryType.Utilities;
if ( === "Computers") = IndustryType.Computers;
if ( === "Computer") = IndustryType.Computers;
return Generic_fromJSON(Industry,;
Reviver.constructors.Industry = Industry;