
176 lines
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* Class representing a Script instance that is actively running.
* A Script can have multiple active instances
import type React from "react";
import { Script } from "./Script";
import { ScriptURL } from "./LoadedModule";
import { Settings } from "../Settings/Settings";
import { Terminal } from "../Terminal";
import { Generic_fromJSON, Generic_toJSON, IReviverValue, constructorsForReviver } from "../utils/JSONReviver";
import { formatTime } from "../utils/helpers/formatTime";
import { ScriptArg } from "@nsdefs";
import { RamCostConstants } from "../Netscript/RamCostGenerator";
import { PositiveInteger } from "../types";
import { getKeyList } from "../utils/helpers/getKeyList";
import { ScriptFilePath } from "../Paths/ScriptFilePath";
import { ScriptKey, scriptKey } from "../utils/helpers/scriptKey";
import type { LogBoxProperties } from "../ui/React/LogBoxManager";
export class RunningScript {
// Script arguments
args: ScriptArg[] = [];
// Map of [key: hostname] -> Hacking data. Used for offline progress calculations.
// Hacking data format: [MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken]
dataMap: Record<string, number[]> = {};
// Script filename
filename = "default.js" as ScriptFilePath;
// This script's logs. An array of log entries
logs: React.ReactNode[] = [];
// Flag indicating whether the logs have been updated since
// the last time the UI was updated
logUpd = false;
// Total amount of hacking experience earned from this script when offline
offlineExpGained = 0;
// Total amount of money made by this script when offline
offlineMoneyMade = 0;
// Number of seconds that the script has been running offline
offlineRunningTime = 0.01;
// Total amount of hacking experience earned from this script when online
onlineExpGained = 0;
// Total amount of money made by this script when online
onlineMoneyMade = 0;
// Number of seconds that this script has been running online
onlineRunningTime = 0.01;
// Process ID. Must be an integer and equals the PID of corresponding WorkerScript
pid = -1;
// How much RAM this script uses for ONE thread
ramUsage = RamCostConstants.Base;
// hostname of the server on which this script is running
server = "";
// Cached key for ByArgs lookups. Will be overwritten by a correct ScriptKey in fromJSON or constructor
scriptKey = "" as ScriptKey;
// Access to properties of the tail window. Can be used to get/set size, position, etc.
tailProps = null as LogBoxProperties | null;
// The title, as shown in the script's log box. Defaults to the name + args,
// but can be changed by the user. If it is set to a React element (only by the user),
// that will not be persisted, and will be restored to default on load.
title = "" as string | React.ReactElement;
// Number of threads that this script is running with
threads = 1 as PositiveInteger;
// Whether this RunningScript is excluded from saves
temporary = false;
// Script urls for the current running script for translating urls back to file names in errors
dependencies = new Map<ScriptURL, Script>();
constructor(script?: Script, ramUsage?: number, args: ScriptArg[] = []) {
if (!script) return;
if (!ramUsage) throw new Error("Must provide a ramUsage for RunningScript initialization.");
this.filename = script.filename;
this.args = args;
this.scriptKey = scriptKey(this.filename, args);
this.server = script.server;
this.ramUsage = ramUsage;
this.dependencies = script.dependencies;
this.title = `${this.filename} ${args.join(" ")}`;
log(txt: React.ReactNode): void {
if (this.logs.length > Settings.MaxLogCapacity) {
let logEntry = txt;
if (Settings.TimestampsFormat && typeof txt === "string") {
logEntry = "[" + formatTime(Settings.TimestampsFormat) + "] " + logEntry;
this.logUpd = true;
displayLog(): void {
for (const log of this.logs) {
if (typeof log === "string") {
} else {
clearLog(): void {
this.logs.length = 0;
// Update the moneyStolen and numTimesHack maps when hacking
recordHack(hostname: string, moneyGained: number, n = 1): void {
if (this.dataMap[hostname] == null || this.dataMap[hostname].constructor !== Array) {
this.dataMap[hostname] = [0, 0, 0, 0];
this.dataMap[hostname][0] += moneyGained;
this.dataMap[hostname][1] += n;
// Update the grow map when calling grow()
recordGrow(hostname: string, n = 1): void {
if (this.dataMap[hostname] == null || this.dataMap[hostname].constructor !== Array) {
this.dataMap[hostname] = [0, 0, 0, 0];
this.dataMap[hostname][2] += n;
// Update the weaken map when calling weaken() {
recordWeaken(hostname: string, n = 1): void {
if (this.dataMap[hostname] == null || this.dataMap[hostname].constructor !== Array) {
this.dataMap[hostname] = [0, 0, 0, 0];
this.dataMap[hostname][3] += n;
// Serialize the current object to a JSON save state
toJSON(): IReviverValue {
// Omit the title if it's a ReactNode, it will be filled in with the default on load.
return Generic_toJSON(
typeof this.title === "string" ? includedProperties : includedPropsNoTitle,
// Initializes a RunningScript Object from a JSON save state
static fromJSON(value: IReviverValue): RunningScript {
const runningScript = Generic_fromJSON(RunningScript,, includedProperties);
if (!runningScript.scriptKey) runningScript.scriptKey = scriptKey(runningScript.filename, runningScript.args);
if (!runningScript.title) runningScript.title = `${runningScript.filename} ${runningScript.args.join(" ")}`;
return runningScript;
const includedProperties = getKeyList(RunningScript, {
removedKeys: ["logs", "dependencies", "logUpd", "pid", "tailProps"],
const includedPropsNoTitle = includedProperties.filter((x) => x !== "title");
constructorsForReviver.RunningScript = RunningScript;