omuretsu 7a384d53f4 typefix netscriptFunctions (see desc)
* Types for InternalFunction and ExternalFunction have been modified to actually typecheck ns functions against docs.
* Internal functions are required to use unknown for any params on the inner function.
* Return types for internal function inner-function must match the respective external function.
* Added new typecheck assertion function for asserting dynamic object types, to allow unknownifying params that were previously hardcoded objec structures.
* Because type assertion for parameter types and return types is enforced by InternalAPI, removed all duplicate type declarations on NetscriptFunction params and returns.
2022-10-12 08:49:27 -04:00

104 lines
4.7 KiB

import { Player as player } from "../Player";
import { CodingContract } from "../CodingContracts";
import { CodingAttemptOptions, CodingContract as ICodingContract } from "../ScriptEditor/NetscriptDefinitions";
import { InternalAPI, NetscriptContext } from "../Netscript/APIWrapper";
import { helpers, assertObjectType } from "../Netscript/NetscriptHelpers";
import { codingContractTypesMetadata } from "../data/codingcontracttypes";
import { generateDummyContract } from "../CodingContractGenerator";
export function NetscriptCodingContract(): InternalAPI<ICodingContract> {
const getCodingContract = function (ctx: NetscriptContext, hostname: string, filename: string): CodingContract {
const server = helpers.getServer(ctx, hostname);
const contract = server.getContract(filename);
if (contract == null) {
throw helpers.makeRuntimeErrorMsg(ctx, `Cannot find contract '${filename}' on server '${hostname}'`);
return contract;
return {
attempt: (ctx) => (answer, _filename, _hostname?, opts?) => {
const filename = helpers.string(ctx, "filename", _filename);
const hostname = _hostname ? helpers.string(ctx, "hostname", _hostname) : ctx.workerScript.hostname;
const contract = getCodingContract(ctx, hostname, filename);
const optsValidator: CodingAttemptOptions = { returnReward: true };
opts ??= optsValidator;
assertObjectType(ctx, "opts", opts, optsValidator);
if (typeof answer !== "number" && typeof answer !== "string" && !Array.isArray(answer))
throw new Error("The answer provided was not a number, string, or array");
// Convert answer to string.
const answerStr = typeof answer === "string" ? answer : JSON.stringify(answer);
const creward = contract.reward;
const serv = helpers.getServer(ctx, hostname);
if (contract.isSolution(answerStr)) {
const reward = player.gainCodingContractReward(creward, contract.getDifficulty());
helpers.log(ctx, () => `Successfully completed Coding Contract '${filename}'. Reward: ${reward}`);
return opts.returnReward ? reward : true;
} else {
if (contract.tries >= contract.getMaxNumTries()) {
helpers.log(ctx, () => `Coding Contract attempt '${filename}' failed. Contract is now self-destructing`);
} else {
() =>
`Coding Contract attempt '${filename}' failed. ${
contract.getMaxNumTries() - contract.tries
} attempts remaining.`,
return opts.returnReward ? "" : false;
getContractType: (ctx) => (_filename, _hostname?) => {
const filename = helpers.string(ctx, "filename", _filename);
const hostname = _hostname ? helpers.string(ctx, "hostname", _hostname) : ctx.workerScript.hostname;
const contract = getCodingContract(ctx, hostname, filename);
return contract.getType();
getData: (ctx) => (_filename, _hostname?) => {
const filename = helpers.string(ctx, "filename", _filename);
const hostname = _hostname ? helpers.string(ctx, "hostname", _hostname) : ctx.workerScript.hostname;
const contract = getCodingContract(ctx, hostname, filename);
const data = contract.getData();
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
// For two dimensional arrays, we have to copy the internal arrays using
// slice() as well. As of right now, no contract has arrays that have
// more than two dimensions
const copy = data.slice();
for (let i = 0; i < copy.length; ++i) {
if (data[i].constructor === Array) {
copy[i] = data[i].slice();
return copy;
} else return data;
getDescription: (ctx) => (_filename, _hostname?) => {
const filename = helpers.string(ctx, "filename", _filename);
const hostname = _hostname ? helpers.string(ctx, "hostname", _hostname) : ctx.workerScript.hostname;
const contract = getCodingContract(ctx, hostname, filename);
return contract.getDescription();
getNumTriesRemaining: (ctx) => (_filename, _hostname?) => {
const filename = helpers.string(ctx, "filename", _filename);
const hostname = _hostname ? helpers.string(ctx, "hostname", _hostname) : ctx.workerScript.hostname;
const contract = getCodingContract(ctx, hostname, filename);
return contract.getMaxNumTries() - contract.tries;
createDummyContract: (ctx) => (_type) => {
const type = helpers.string(ctx, "type", _type);
getContractTypes: () => () => =>,