2019-01-10 00:20:04 -08:00

267 lines
7.6 KiB

// Base class representing a person-like object
import { BitNodeMultipliers } from "../BitNodeMultipliers";
import { Cities } from "../Locations/Cities";
import { CONSTANTS } from "../Constants";
// Interface for an object that represents the player (PlayerObject)
// Used because at the time of implementation, the PlayerObject
// cant be converted to TypeScript.
// Only contains the needed properties for Sleeve implementation
export interface IPlayer {
companyName: string;
factions: string[];
money: any;
gainHackingExp(exp: number): void;
gainStrengthExp(exp: number): void;
gainDefenseExp(exp: number): void;
gainDexterityExp(exp: number): void;
gainAgilityExp(exp: number): void;
gainCharismaExp(exp: number): void;
gainMoney(money: number): void;
loseMoney(money: number): void;
// Interface for a Crime object
// Used because at the time of implementation, the Crime object has not been converted
// to Typescript
export interface ICrime {
name: string;
type: string;
time: number;
money: number;
difficulty: number;
karma: number;
hacking_success_weight: number;
strength_success_weight: number;
defense_success_weight: number;
dexterity_success_weight: number;
agility_success_weight: number;
charisma_success_weight: number;
hacking_exp: number;
strength_exp: number;
defense_exp: number;
dexterity_exp: number;
agility_exp: number;
charisma_exp: number;
intelligence_exp: number;
kills: number;
// Interface that defines a generic object used to track experience/money
// earnings for tasks
export interface ITaskTracker {
hack: number;
str: number;
def: number;
dex: number;
agi: number;
cha: number;
money: number;
export function createTaskTracker(): ITaskTracker {
return {
hack: 0,
str: 0,
def: 0,
dex: 0,
agi: 0,
cha: 0,
money: 0,
export abstract class Person {
* Stats
hacking_skill: number;
strength: number;
defense: number;
dexterity: number;
agility: number;
charisma: number;
hp: number;
max_hp: number;
* Multipliers
hacking_exp: number;
strength_exp: number;
defense_exp: number;
dexterity_exp: number;
agility_exp: number;
charisma_exp: number;
intelligence_exp: number;
hacking_mult: number;
strength_mult: number;
defense_mult: number;
dexterity_mult: number;
agility_mult: number;
charisma_mult: number;
hacking_exp_mult: number;
strength_exp_mult: number;
defense_exp_mult: number;
dexterity_exp_mult: number;
agility_exp_mult: number;
charisma_exp_mult: number;
company_rep_mult: number;
faction_rep_mult: number;
crime_money_mult: number;
crime_success_mult: number;
work_money_mult: number;
* Augmentations
this.augmentations = [];
this.queuedAugmentations = [];
* City that the person is in
city: string;
constructor() {
this.hacking_skill = 1;
this.strength = 1;
this.defense = 1;
this.dexterity = 1;
this.agility = 1;
this.charisma = 1;
this.hp = 10;
this.max_hp = 10;
// Multipliers
this.hacking_exp = 0;
this.strength_exp = 0;
this.defense_exp = 0;
this.dexterity_exp = 0;
this.agility_exp = 0;
this.charisma_exp = 0;
this.intelligence_exp = 0;
this.hacking_mult = 1;
this.strength_mult = 1;
this.defense_mult = 1;
this.dexterity_mult = 1;
this.agility_mult = 1;
this.charisma_mult = 1;
this.hacking_exp_mult = 1;
this.strength_exp_mult = 1;
this.defense_exp_mult = 1;
this.dexterity_exp_mult = 1;
this.agility_exp_mult = 1;
this.charisma_exp_mult = 1;
this.company_rep_mult = 1;
this.faction_rep_mult = 1;
this.crime_money_mult = 1;
this.crime_success_mult = 1;
this.work_money_mult = 1; = Cities.Sector12;
* Given an experience amount and stat multiplier, calculates the
* stat level. Stat-agnostic (same formula for every stat)
calculateStat(exp: number, mult: number=1): number {
return Math.max(Math.floor(mult*(32 * Math.log(exp + 534.5) - 200)), 1);
* Calculate and return the amount of faction reputation earned per cycle
* when doing Field Work for a faction
getFactionFieldWorkRepGain(): number {
const t = 0.9 * (this.hacking_skill / CONSTANTS.MaxSkillLevel +
this.strength / CONSTANTS.MaxSkillLevel +
this.defense / CONSTANTS.MaxSkillLevel +
this.dexterity / CONSTANTS.MaxSkillLevel +
this.agility / CONSTANTS.MaxSkillLevel +
this.charisma / CONSTANTS.MaxSkillLevel) / 5.5;
return t * this.faction_rep_mult;
* Calculate and return the amount of faction reputation earned per cycle
* when doing Hacking Work for a faction
getFactionHackingWorkRepGain(): number {
return this.hacking_skill / CONSTANTS.MaxSkillLevel * this.faction_rep_mult;
* Calculate and return the amount of faction reputation earned per cycle
* when doing Security Work for a faction
getFactionSecurityWorkRepGain(): number {
const t = 0.9 * (this.hacking_skill / CONSTANTS.MaxSkillLevel +
this.strength / CONSTANTS.MaxSkillLevel +
this.defense / CONSTANTS.MaxSkillLevel +
this.dexterity / CONSTANTS.MaxSkillLevel +
this.agility / CONSTANTS.MaxSkillLevel) / 4.5;
return t * this.faction_rep_mult;
* Reset all multipliers to 1
resetMultipliers(): void {
this.hacking_mult = 1;
this.strength_mult = 1;
this.defense_mult = 1;
this.dexterity_mult = 1;
this.agility_mult = 1;
this.charisma_mult = 1;
this.hacking_exp_mult = 1;
this.strength_exp_mult = 1;
this.defense_exp_mult = 1;
this.dexterity_exp_mult = 1;
this.agility_exp_mult = 1;
this.charisma_exp_mult = 1;
this.company_rep_mult = 1;
this.faction_rep_mult = 1;
this.crime_money_mult = 1;
this.crime_success_mult = 1;
this.work_money_mult = 1;
* Update all stat levels
updateStatLevels(): void {
this.hacking_skill = Math.max(1, Math.floor(this.calculateStat(this.hacking_exp, this.hacking_mult * BitNodeMultipliers.HackingLevelMultiplier)));
this.strength = Math.max(1, Math.floor(this.calculateStat(this.strength_exp, this.strength_mult)));
this.defense = Math.max(1, Math.floor(this.calculateStat(this.defense_exp, this.defense_mult)));
this.dexterity = Math.max(1, Math.floor(this.calculateStat(this.dexterity_exp, this.dexterity_mult)));
this.agility = Math.max(1, Math.floor(this.calculateStat(this.agility_exp, this.agility_mult)));
this.charisma = Math.max(1, Math.floor(this.calculateStat(this.charisma_exp, this.charisma_mult)));
const ratio: number = this.hp / this.max_hp;
this.max_hp = Math.floor(10 + this.defense / 10);
this.hp = Math.round(this.max_hp * ratio);