from hashi_functions import * import hashi_generator as hg import hashi_game import assets.palettes.palette_manager as pm from menu_effect import Circle_effect from game_effect import Rectangle_effect from widget_engine import * from s_engine import * import sounds import pygame import sys import json from pygame.locals import * # basic config pygame.mixer.pre_init(48000, -16, 2, 512) pygame.init() pygame.mixer.set_num_channels(16) available = pygame.font.get_fonts() monitor_size = [pygame.display.Info().current_w, pygame.display.Info().current_h] font = pygame.font.SysFont('calibri', 60, True) small_font = pygame.font.SysFont('calibri', 40, True) tiny_font = pygame.font.SysFont('calibri', 20, True) Window_size = [600, 650] Default_size = Window_size screen = pygame.display.set_mode(Window_size) display = pygame.Surface((600, 650)) pygame.display.set_caption("Hashi") pygame.display.set_icon(pygame.image.load("assets/images/general/hashi_logo.png").convert()) clock = pygame.time.Clock() soundsX = sounds.get_sounds() def main_menu(screenX, Win_size): # PREP WORK # getting setup with open("assets/saves/setup.json", "r") as f: setup = json.load(f) # game variables game = Game() game.game_flow["ac"] = True game.game_flow["custom_string"] = setup["custom_num"] # next 3 lines for arrow buttons game.game_flow["dfs"] = ["easy", "medium", "hard", "extreme", "custom"] game.game_flow["df"] = setup["difficulty"] game.game_flow["df_change"] = False game.game_flow["dp"] = [0, 0] game.game_flow["back_from_game"] = False game.game_flow["Win_size"] = Win_size game.game_flow["cut_click"] = False game.game_flow["change_fs"] = False # mouse mouse = Mouse(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) mouse.update(Win_size, Default_size) # dealing with palettes palette = pm.Palettes("assets/palettes") palette.current_palette = setup["palette"] palette.palette = palette.get_palette() menu_objects = [] # loading images play_images = {"idle": pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/play.png").convert(), "hover": pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/play_hover.png").convert()} # size 200 palette_images = {"idle": pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/palette.png").convert(), "hover": pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/palette_hover.png").convert()} # size 140 new_game_images = {"idle": pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/new_game.png").convert(), "hover": pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/new_game_hover.png").convert()} # size 300 150 difficulty_images = {"idle": pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/template.png").convert(), "hover": pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/template_hover.png").convert()} # size 250 100 right_arrow_images = {"idle": pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/arrow.png").convert(), "hover": pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/arrow_hover.png").convert()} left_arrow_images = {"idle": pygame.transform.flip(pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/arrow.png").convert(), True, False), "hover": pygame.transform.flip( pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/arrow_hover.png").convert(), True, False)} # size 100 100 custom_size_images = {"idle": pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/custom.png").convert(), "hover": pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/custom_pressed.png").convert()} # size 100 100 fs_images = {"idle": pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/fs.png").convert(), "hover": pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/fs_hover.png").convert()} ms_images = {"idle": pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/ms.png").convert(), "hover": pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/ms_hover.png").convert()} # size 60 60 menu_objects.append(CircleButton(200, [200, 220], play_images, play, [game, palette, mouse])) menu_objects.append(CircleButton(200, [440, 20], palette_images, next_palette, [palette])) menu_objects.append(Button([150, 450], [300, 150], new_game_images, new_game, [game, palette, mouse])) menu_objects.append(Button([20, 20], [250, 100], difficulty_images, play_click_sound, [])) menu_objects.append(Button([440, 270], [100, 100], right_arrow_images, right_arrow, [game])) menu_objects.append(Button([60, 270], [100, 100], left_arrow_images, left_arrow, [game])) menu_objects.append(Button([480, 400], [100, 100], custom_size_images, activate_edit_text, [game], False)) menu_objects.append(Button([20, 570], [60, 60], fs_images, change_fs, [game])) menu_objects[-1].name = "fs" menu_objects.append(Button([20, 570], [60, 60], ms_images, change_fs, [game], False)) menu_objects[-1].name = "ms" difficulty_text = font.render(setup["difficulty"].capitalize(), False, palette.palette["outline-dark"]) # setting up custom text custom_text = font.render(game.game_flow["custom_string"], False, palette.palette["outline-dark"]) custom_text_hover = font.render(game.game_flow["custom_string"], False, palette.palette["background"]) ct_images = {"idle": create_text_sur(custom_text, [20, 20], [100, 100]), "hover": create_text_sur(custom_text_hover, [20, 20], [100, 100])} menu_objects.append(Button([480, 400], [100, 100], ct_images, activate_edit_text, [game], False)) menu_objects[-1].name = "custom_text" custom_pointer = palette.swap_image(pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/writing.png").convert(), "emerald", setup["palette"]) custom_pointer.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) # setting up custom if setup["difficulty"] == "custom": for item in menu_objects: if item.on_click == activate_edit_text: = True # circle effect cE = Circle_effect cE.generate_circles(50, [-50, 50]) cE.generate_circles(50, [480, 600]) # last config menu_objects, setup = set_palette(setup, palette, setup["palette"], menu_objects, True) palette.create_cycle() game.game_flow["setup"] = setup game.game_flow["screen"] = screenX # checking tutorial if setup["tutorial"]: run_tutorial(screenX, setup, game, palette, mouse) # game loop while game.alive: # checking if returned if game.game_flow["back_from_game"]: game.game_flow["back_from_game"] = False Win_size = game.game_flow["Win_size"] with open("assets/saves/setup.json", "r") as f: setup = json.load(f) game.game_flow["setup"] = setup # background display.fill(palette.palette["background"]) pygame.draw.rect(display, palette.palette["outline-shade"], pygame.Rect(180, 0, 240, 650)) pygame.draw.rect(display, palette.palette["outline"], pygame.Rect(200, 0, 200, 650)) # displaying effect for circle in cE.circles: circle.move(display, palette) if cE.timer == 0: cE.generate_circles(4, [-50, 50]) cE.generate_circles(4, [480, 600]) cE.timer += 10 else: cE.timer -= 1 # displaying widgets for widget in menu_objects: widget.blit(display) # dealing with difficulty if game.game_flow["df_change"]: game.game_flow["df_change"] = False # dealing with json setup["difficulty"] = game.game_flow["df"] with open("assets/saves/setup.json", "w") as f: json.dump(setup, f, indent=4) difficulty_text = font.render(setup["difficulty"].capitalize(), False, palette.palette["outline-dark"]) # changing custom edit text if setup["difficulty"] == "custom": for item in menu_objects: if item.on_click == activate_edit_text: = True else: for item in menu_objects: if item.on_click == activate_edit_text: = False display.blit(difficulty_text, [40, 40]) # checking palette if palette.changed: palette.changed = False menu_objects, setup = set_palette(setup, palette, palette.current_palette, menu_objects) difficulty_text = font.render(setup["difficulty"].capitalize(), False, palette.palette["outline-dark"]) custom_pointer = palette.swap_image(pygame.image.load("assets/images/menu/writing.png").convert(), "emerald", setup["palette"]) custom_pointer.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) game.game_flow["setup"] = setup # custom pointer if game.game_flow["ac"] is False: display.blit(custom_pointer, [480, 350]) # event loop for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit(0) # keydown elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() sys.exit(0) elif event.key == K_f: game.fs = not game.fs if game.fs is False: Win_size = Default_size screenX = pygame.display.set_mode(Win_size) game.game_flow["dp"] = [0, 0] mouse.mouse_scroll = game.game_flow["dp"] game.game_flow["Win_size"] = Win_size game.game_flow["screen"] = screenX else: screenX = pygame.display.set_mode(monitor_size, pygame.FULLSCREEN) d = screenX ratio = [Default_size[1] / Default_size[0], Default_size[0] / Default_size[1]] # u chose width or height here if Default_size[0] > Default_size[1]: Win_size = [d.get_width(), int(d.get_width() * ratio[0])] d = d.get_height() dd = Win_size[1] game.game_flow["dp"][1] = (d - dd) / 2 mouse.mouse_scroll = game.game_flow["dp"] else: Win_size = [int(d.get_height() * ratio[1]), d.get_height()] d = pygame.display.get_surface().get_width() dd = Win_size[0] game.game_flow["dp"][0] = (d - dd) / 2 mouse.mouse_scroll = game.game_flow["dp"] game.game_flow["Win_size"] = Win_size game.game_flow["screen"] = screenX if game.game_flow["ac"]: # mouse stuff if event.type == MOUSEMOTION: mouse.update(Win_size, Default_size) for widget in menu_objects: widget.hover_check(mouse.mouse_pos) # click if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: for widget in menu_objects: widget.click_check(mouse.mouse_pos) if game.game_flow["cut_click"]: game.game_flow["cut_click"] = False break else: if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse.update(Win_size, Default_size) game.game_flow["ac"] = True for widget in menu_objects: widget.hover_check(mouse.mouse_pos) soundsX["click"].play() # checking if num big enough try: if int(game.game_flow["custom_string"]) < 2 or len( game.game_flow["custom_string"]) == 0: game.game_flow["custom_string"] = "2" except: game.game_flow["custom_string"] = "2" menu_objects, setup = update_text(menu_objects, setup, game, palette) if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_BACKSPACE: try: game.game_flow["custom_string"] = game.game_flow["custom_string"][:-1] menu_objects, setup = update_text(menu_objects, setup, game, palette) except: pass elif event.key == K_RETURN: mouse.update(Win_size, Default_size) game.game_flow["ac"] = True for widget in menu_objects: widget.hover_check(mouse.mouse_pos) soundsX["click"].play() # checking if num big enough try: if int(game.game_flow["custom_string"]) < 2 or len(game.game_flow["custom_string"]) == 0: game.game_flow["custom_string"] = "2" except: game.game_flow["custom_string"] = "2" menu_objects, setup = update_text(menu_objects, setup, game, palette) else: if len(game.game_flow["custom_string"]) < 2: try: int(event.unicode) game.game_flow["custom_string"] += event.unicode menu_objects, setup = update_text(menu_objects, setup, game, palette) except: pass # checking fs change if game.game_flow["change_fs"]: game.game_flow["change_fs"] = False for obj in menu_objects: if in ["fs", "ms"]: = not game.fs = not game.fs if game.fs is False: Win_size = Default_size screenX = pygame.display.set_mode(Win_size) game.game_flow["dp"] = [0, 0] mouse.mouse_scroll = game.game_flow["dp"] game.game_flow["Win_size"] = Win_size game.game_flow["screen"] = screenX else: screenX = pygame.display.set_mode(monitor_size, pygame.FULLSCREEN) d = screenX ratio = [Default_size[1] / Default_size[0], Default_size[0] / Default_size[1]] # u chose width or height here if Default_size[0] > Default_size[1]: Win_size = [d.get_width(), int(d.get_width() * ratio[0])] d = d.get_height() dd = Win_size[1] game.game_flow["dp"][1] = (d - dd) / 2 mouse.mouse_scroll = game.game_flow["dp"] else: Win_size = [int(d.get_height() * ratio[1]), d.get_height()] d = pygame.display.get_surface().get_width() dd = Win_size[0] game.game_flow["dp"][0] = (d - dd) / 2 mouse.mouse_scroll = game.game_flow["dp"] game.game_flow["Win_size"] = Win_size game.game_flow["screen"] = screenX # basic loop config screenX.blit(pygame.transform.scale(display, Win_size), game.game_flow["dp"]) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(60) # new_game_btn def new_game(args): game = args[0] palette = args[1] mouse = args[2] setup = game.game_flow["setup"] screenX = game.game_flow["screen"] setup[setup["difficulty"]] = True if setup["difficulty"] == "easy": hashi = hg.Hashi(5) elif setup["difficulty"] == "medium": hashi = hg.Hashi(10) elif setup["difficulty"] == "hard": hashi = hg.Hashi(15) elif setup["difficulty"] == "extreme": hashi = hg.Hashi(20) elif setup["difficulty"] == "custom": hashi = hg.Hashi(int(setup["custom_num"])) else: sys.exit(55) hashi.generate_map()"assets/maps/{setup['difficulty']}.txt") soundsX["click"].play() run_game(screenX, setup, game, palette, mouse, "new") game.game_flow["cut_click"] = True # play_btn def play(args): game = args[0] palette = args[1] mouse = args[2] setup = game.game_flow["setup"] screenX = game.game_flow["screen"] if setup[setup["difficulty"]] is False: new_game(args) else: soundsX["click"].play() run_game(screenX, setup, game, palette, mouse, "continue") game.game_flow["cut_click"] = True # at this point the whole menu is done and the game is ready to be run so here we go def run_game(screenX, setup, gameMenu, palette, mouse, state): game = Game() game.game_flow["dp"] = gameMenu.game_flow["dp"] game.fs = gameMenu.fs hashi = None Win_size = gameMenu.game_flow["Win_size"] game.game_flow["scroll_length"] = (Win_size[0] - 60) / 2 game.game_flow["quit"] = False scroll = Scroll([-20, -20]) mid_point_scroll_mouse = [game.game_flow["dp"][0] + (Win_size[0] / 2), game.game_flow["dp"][1] + (Win_size[1] / 2)] back_btn = Button([200, 350], [200, 100], get_back_images(palette), go_back, [game]) win_image = get_win_image() # initing rectangle effect rE = Rectangle_effect rE.generate_rects() # initializing game by state if state == "new": hashi = hashi_game.HashiG("file.txt", f"assets/maps/{setup['difficulty']}.txt", palette, mouse) elif state == "continue": hashi = hashi_game.HashiG("file.json", f"assets/saves/game_saves/{setup['difficulty']}.json", palette, mouse) hashi_top_lim = [(hashi.get_length() + 40) - 600, (hashi.get_length() + 40) - 650] # pre scrolling scroll.move_scroll_based_on_pos(mouse.get_scrolled(scroll), [600, 650], "both", 40) scroll.scroll_lim(scroll, [-40, -40], hashi_top_lim) while game.alive: # dealing with hashi locked if hashi.locked: hashi.on_locked(mouse, scroll) # background display.fill(palette.palette["background"]) # dealing with bg effect for item in rE.rects: item.move(display, palette) if rE.timer == 0: rE.generate_rects(5, [1, 3]) rE.timer = 10 else: rE.timer -= 1 # dealing with scroll # not using mouse.mouse_pos because screen size affects if distance_indicator(pygame.mouse.get_pos(), mid_point_scroll_mouse) > game.game_flow["scroll_length"]: scroll.move_scroll_based_on_pos(mouse.get_scrolled(scroll), [600, 650], "both", 40) scroll.scroll_lim(scroll, [-40, -40], hashi_top_lim) # game hashi.blit(display, palette, scroll) # win screen if display.blit(win_image, [50, 50]) back_btn.blit(display) setup[setup["difficulty"]] = False # event loop for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: # saving before quiting with open("assets/saves/setup.json", "w") as f: json.dump(setup, f, indent=4) if is False: pygame.quit() sys.exit(0) # keydown if event.type == KEYDOWN: if hashi.locked is False: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: gameMenu.fs = game.fs gameMenu.game_flow["dp"] = game.game_flow["dp"] gameMenu.game_flow["back_from_game"] = True gameMenu.game_flow["Win_size"] = Win_size game.alive = False with open("assets/saves/setup.json", "w") as f: json.dump(setup, f, indent=4) if is False: else: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: hashi.locked = False hashi.clear_temp() hashi.clear_temp_remove() mouse.update(Win_size, Default_size) hashi.hover(mouse, scroll) if event.key == K_f: game.fs = not game.fs if game.fs is False: Win_size = Default_size screenX = pygame.display.set_mode(Win_size) game.game_flow["dp"] = [0, 0] mouse.mouse_scroll = game.game_flow["dp"] # specifics mid_point_scroll_mouse = [game.game_flow["dp"][0] + (Win_size[0] / 2), game.game_flow["dp"][1] + (Win_size[1] / 2)] game.game_flow["scroll_length"] = (Win_size[0] - 100) / 2 else: screenX = pygame.display.set_mode(monitor_size, pygame.FULLSCREEN) d = screenX ratio = [Default_size[1] / Default_size[0], Default_size[0] / Default_size[1]] # u chose width or height here if Default_size[0] > Default_size[1]: Win_size = [d.get_width(), int(d.get_width() * ratio[0])] d = d.get_height() dd = Win_size[1] game.game_flow["dp"][1] = (d - dd) / 2 else: Win_size = [int(d.get_height() * ratio[1]), d.get_height()] d = pygame.display.get_surface().get_width() dd = Win_size[0] game.game_flow["dp"][0] = (d - dd) / 2 mouse.mouse_scroll = game.game_flow["dp"] # specifics mid_point_scroll_mouse = [game.game_flow["dp"][0] + (Win_size[0] / 2), game.game_flow["dp"][1] + (Win_size[1] / 2)] game.game_flow["scroll_length"] = (Win_size[0] - 60) / 2 if is False: if hashi.locked is False: # mouse stuff if event.type == MOUSEMOTION: mouse.update(Win_size, Default_size) hashi.hover(mouse, scroll) # click elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:, scroll) if hashi.locked: soundsX["click"].play() else: if event.type == MOUSEMOTION: mouse.update(Win_size, Default_size) elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: hashi.locked = False hashi.click_on_locked(mouse, scroll) hashi.check_win() mouse.update(Win_size, Default_size) hashi.hover(mouse, scroll) else: if event.type == MOUSEMOTION: mouse.update(Win_size, Default_size) back_btn.hover_check(mouse.mouse_pos) elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: back_btn.click_check(mouse.mouse_pos) # quiting on back button (same as esc) if game.game_flow["quit"]: gameMenu.fs = game.fs gameMenu.game_flow["dp"] = game.game_flow["dp"] gameMenu.game_flow["back_from_game"] = True gameMenu.game_flow["Win_size"] = Win_size game.alive = False with open("assets/saves/setup.json", "w") as f: json.dump(setup, f, indent=4) # basic loop config screenX.blit(pygame.transform.scale(display, Win_size), game.game_flow["dp"]) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(60) # tutorial def run_tutorial(screenX, setup, gameMenu, palette, mouse): game = Game() game.game_flow["dp"] = gameMenu.game_flow["dp"] game.fs = gameMenu.fs Win_size = gameMenu.game_flow["Win_size"] game.game_flow["scroll_length"] = (Win_size[0] - 60) / 2 game.game_flow["quit"] = False game.game_flow["tf"] = False # tutorial forward game.game_flow["t_step"] = 0 scroll = Scroll([-20, -20]) mid_point_scroll_mouse = [game.game_flow["dp"][0] + (Win_size[0] / 2), game.game_flow["dp"][1] + (Win_size[1] / 2)] back_btn = Button([200, 350], [200, 100], get_back_images(palette), go_back, [game]) win_image = get_win_image() # initing rectangle effect rE = Rectangle_effect rE.generate_rects() # initializing tutorial hashi = hashi_game.HashiG("file.json", f"assets/tutorial/tutorial.json", palette, mouse) hashi_top_lim = [(hashi.get_length() + 40) - 600, (hashi.get_length() + 40) - 650] # preparing tutorial circle tutorial_circle_images, size = get_tutorial_circle_images(math.sqrt(hashi.indent/hashi.indent_default)**1.5) tutorial_circle = CircleButton(size, [120 - (size/2), 120 - (size/2)], tutorial_circle_images, move_in_tutorial, [game]) # pre scrolling scroll.move_scroll_based_on_pos(mouse.get_scrolled(scroll), [600, 650], "both", 40) scroll.scroll_lim(scroll, [-40, -40], hashi_top_lim) while game.alive: # dealing with tutorial if game.game_flow['tf']: game.game_flow["tf"] = False if game.game_flow["t_step"] == 0: game.game_flow["t_step"] += 1, scroll) tutorial_circle.move([0, 240]) tutorial_circle.hover_check(mouse.get_scrolled(scroll)) soundsX["click"].play() elif game.game_flow["t_step"] == 1: game.game_flow["t_step"] += 1 hashi.locked = False hashi.click_on_locked(mouse, scroll) hashi.check_win() mouse.update(Win_size, Default_size) hashi.hover(mouse, scroll) tutorial_circle.move([240, -240]) tutorial_circle.hover_check(mouse.get_scrolled(scroll)) soundsX["join"].play() elif game.game_flow["t_step"] == 2: game.game_flow["t_step"] += 1, scroll) tutorial_circle.move([0, -60]) tutorial_circle.hover_check(mouse.get_scrolled(scroll)) soundsX["click"].play() elif game.game_flow["t_step"] == 3: game.game_flow["t_step"] += 1 hashi.locked = False hashi.click_on_locked(mouse, scroll) hashi.check_win() mouse.update(Win_size, Default_size) hashi.hover(mouse, scroll) tutorial_circle.move([0, -60]) tutorial_circle.hover_check(mouse.get_scrolled(scroll)) soundsX["join"].play() elif game.game_flow["t_step"] == 4: game.game_flow["t_step"] += 1, scroll) tutorial_circle.move([-240, 0]) tutorial_circle.hover_check(mouse.get_scrolled(scroll)) soundsX["click"].play() elif game.game_flow["t_step"] == 5: hashi.locked = False hashi.click_on_locked(mouse, scroll) hashi.check_win() mouse.update(Win_size, Default_size) hashi.hover(mouse, scroll) soundsX["join"].play() = False # dealing with hashi locked if hashi.locked: hashi.on_locked(mouse, scroll) # background display.fill(palette.palette["background"]) # dealing with bg effect for item in rE.rects: item.move(display, palette) if rE.timer == 0: rE.generate_rects(5, [1, 3]) rE.timer = 10 else: rE.timer -= 1 # dealing with scroll # not using mouse.mouse_pos because screen size affects if distance_indicator(pygame.mouse.get_pos(), mid_point_scroll_mouse) > game.game_flow["scroll_length"]: scroll.move_scroll_based_on_pos(mouse.get_scrolled(scroll), [600, 650], "both", 40) scroll.scroll_lim(scroll, [-40, -40], hashi_top_lim) # game hashi.blit(display, palette, scroll) # tutorial tutorial_circle.blit(display, scroll) # win screen if display.blit(win_image, [50, 50]) back_btn.blit(display) setup["tutorial"] = False # event loop for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit(0) # keydown if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: gameMenu.fs = game.fs gameMenu.game_flow["dp"] = game.game_flow["dp"] gameMenu.game_flow["back_from_game"] = True gameMenu.game_flow["Win_size"] = Win_size game.alive = False with open("assets/saves/setup.json", "w") as f: json.dump(setup, f, indent=4) if event.key == K_f: game.fs = not game.fs if game.fs is False: Win_size = Default_size screenX = pygame.display.set_mode(Win_size) game.game_flow["dp"] = [0, 0] mouse.mouse_scroll = game.game_flow["dp"] # specifics mid_point_scroll_mouse = [game.game_flow["dp"][0] + (Win_size[0] / 2), game.game_flow["dp"][1] + (Win_size[1] / 2)] game.game_flow["scroll_length"] = (Win_size[0] - 100) / 2 else: screenX = pygame.display.set_mode(monitor_size, pygame.FULLSCREEN) d = screenX ratio = [Default_size[1] / Default_size[0], Default_size[0] / Default_size[1]] # u chose width or height here if Default_size[0] > Default_size[1]: Win_size = [d.get_width(), int(d.get_width() * ratio[0])] d = d.get_height() dd = Win_size[1] game.game_flow["dp"][1] = (d - dd) / 2 else: Win_size = [int(d.get_height() * ratio[1]), d.get_height()] d = pygame.display.get_surface().get_width() dd = Win_size[0] game.game_flow["dp"][0] = (d - dd) / 2 mouse.mouse_scroll = game.game_flow["dp"] # specifics mid_point_scroll_mouse = [game.game_flow["dp"][0] + (Win_size[0] / 2), game.game_flow["dp"][1] + (Win_size[1] / 2)] game.game_flow["scroll_length"] = (Win_size[0] - 60) / 2 if is False: if hashi.locked is False: # mouse stuff if event.type == MOUSEMOTION: mouse.update(Win_size, Default_size) hashi.hover(mouse, scroll) tutorial_circle.hover_check(mouse.get_scrolled(scroll)) # click elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: tutorial_circle.click_check(mouse.get_scrolled(scroll)) else: if event.type == MOUSEMOTION: mouse.update(Win_size, Default_size) tutorial_circle.hover_check(mouse.get_scrolled(scroll)) elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: tutorial_circle.click_check(mouse.get_scrolled(scroll)) else: if event.type == MOUSEMOTION: mouse.update(Win_size, Default_size) back_btn.hover_check(mouse.mouse_pos) elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: back_btn.click_check(mouse.mouse_pos) # quiting on back button (same as esc) if game.game_flow["quit"]: gameMenu.fs = game.fs gameMenu.game_flow["dp"] = game.game_flow["dp"] gameMenu.game_flow["back_from_game"] = True gameMenu.game_flow["Win_size"] = Win_size game.alive = False with open("assets/saves/setup.json", "w") as f: json.dump(setup, f, indent=4) # basic loop config screenX.blit(pygame.transform.scale(display, Win_size), game.game_flow["dp"]) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(60) main_menu(screen, Window_size)