2020-12-16 20:47:09 +01:00

528 lines
17 KiB

import pygame
import sys
import time
import random
import math
import copy
from pygame.locals import *
# has attributes for basic thing in game
class Game:
def __init__(self, game_maps=None):
self.alive = True
# fs = fullscreen
self.fs = False
self.custom_id_giver = 0
self.game_flow = {}
self.game_maps = None
# checks if there are any maps if there are puts them in self.game_maps
if game_maps is not None:
self.game_maps = game_maps
# stores objects in a sorted way
class Objects:
def __init__(self):
self.game_objects = []
self.collision_objects = []
self.moving_objects = []
# dunno if next att will be useful
# u add ids of objects u want to delete there is no func to delete for now
self.objects_to_delete = []
self.values = {
"pos_to_del": []
def do_collisions(self, objects):
for obj in self.collision_objects:
collision(obj, objects)
def take_out_trash(self, ids):
for trash in self.objects_to_delete:
self.objects_to_delete = []
# Id class just stores all ids of all objects
class Id:
all_ids = []
ids_to_remove = []
def remove_by_id(self, objects):
for item in self.ids_to_remove:
for obj in objects.game_objects:
if obj.object_id == item:
g_index = objects.game_objects.index(obj)
if obj.moving:
m_index = objects.moving_objects.index(obj)
if obj.move.collisions:
c_index = objects.collision_objects.index(obj)
del objects.collision_objects[c_index]
del objects.moving_objects[m_index]
del objects.game_objects[g_index]
self.ids_to_remove = []
class Scroll:
def __init__(self, scroll):
self.scroll = scroll
self.fade = 20
self.safe_fade = 20
self.in_progress = False
self.save_scroll = self.scroll
def move_scroll(self, player, screen, which, space=20):
if which == "y" or which == "both":
self.scroll[1] += (player.rect.y - self.scroll[1] - (screen[1] / 2) + (player.size[1] / 2)) / space
self.scroll[1] = int(self.scroll[1])
if which == "x" or which == "both":
self.scroll[0] += (player.rect.x - self.scroll[0] - (screen[0] / 2) + (player.size[0] / 2)) / space
self.scroll[0] = int(self.scroll[0])
def add_scroll(self, which, how_much, fade=None):
if fade is not None:
self.safe_fade = fade
if self.in_progress is False:
self.save_scroll = self.scroll
self.in_progress = True
how_much[0] /= self.fade
how_much[1] /= self.fade
self.fade += 0.01 * self.fade
if which == "x" or which == "both":
self.scroll[0] += how_much[0]
self.scroll[0] = round(self.scroll[0])
if which == "y" or which == "both":
self.scroll[1] += how_much[1]
self.scroll[1] = round(self.scroll[1])
def load_safe_fade(self):
self.fade = self.safe_fade
self.in_progress = False
# next function is used for mouse scrolling mainly
def move_scroll_based_on_pos(self, pos, screen, which, space=20):
# id used for mouse u can first check mouse pos from mid to create non moving bubble in middle
if which == "y" or which == "both":
self.scroll[1] += (pos[1] - self.scroll[1] - (screen[1] / 2)) / space
self.scroll[1] = int(self.scroll[1])
if which == "x" or which == "both":
self.scroll[0] += (pos[0] - self.scroll[0] - (screen[0] / 2)) / space
self.scroll[0] = int(self.scroll[0])
# for limiting scroll
def scroll_lim(scroll, lim_min, lim_max):
# min lim has priority
if lim_min[0] < lim_max[0]:
if scroll.scroll[0] < lim_min[0]:
scroll.scroll[0] = lim_min[0]
if scroll.scroll[0] > lim_max[0]:
scroll.scroll[0] = lim_max[0]
scroll.scroll[0] = lim_min[0]
if lim_min[1] < lim_max[1]:
if scroll.scroll[1] < lim_min[1]:
scroll.scroll[1] = lim_min[1]
if scroll.scroll[1] > lim_max[1]:
scroll.scroll[1] = lim_max[1]
scroll.scroll[1] = lim_min[1]
class Special:
def __init__(self, object_id):
self.object_id = object_id
self.stage = ""
self.attribute = ""
self.images = []
self.attribute_0 = 0
self.attribute_1 = 0
self.attribute_2 = 0
self.color_r = [0, 0, 0]
self.boolean_attribute = False
self.height = 0
self.power = 0
self.flip = False
self.scroll = False
self.fixed = False
# collisions class take care of collision funcs
# !!!!!!!!!! holds init for Object !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# class purely for inheritance
class Collisions(Id):
def __init__(self, typeX, object_id, x_y, movement, direction, moving, size, special=None):
self.type = typeX
self.object_id = object_id
self.object_pos = x_y
self.movement = movement
self.direction = direction
self.moving = moving
self.size = size
self.dir_movement = [0.0, 0.0]
self.memory = []
self.special = special
if self.object_id != self.all_ids:
print("duplicate/ linked object")
# giving it bonus classes
if self.moving:
self.move = Moving_Object()
if self.special:
self.specific = Special(self.object_id)
self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.object_pos[0], self.object_pos[1], self.size[0], self.size[1])
# theres a function for every type of collisions
# edit collisions here (I added some basic ones just so u can see)
# self if objects that it hit and obj is the object that hit smt
# always add both side of collisions (ask who collided with whom)
def hit_bottom(self, obj, objects):
if self.type == "solid":
if obj.type == "player":
obj.rect.bottom = self.rect.top
obj.object_pos = [obj.rect.x, obj.rect.y]
self.memory[0] -= 1
if self.memory[0] == 0:
opposite = obj.move.get_final_vector()
opp = [-opposite[0] * 0.4, -opposite[1] * 0.8]
def hit_top(self, obj, objects):
if self.type == "solid":
if obj.type == "player":
obj.rect.top = self.rect.bottom
obj.object_pos = [obj.rect.x, obj.rect.y]
self.memory[0] -= 1
if self.memory[0] == 0:
opposite = obj.move.get_final_vector()
opp = [-opposite[0] * 0.4, -opposite[1] * 0.8]
def hit_left(self, obj, objects):
if self.type == "solid":
if obj.type == "player":
obj.rect.left = self.rect.right
obj.object_pos = [obj.rect.x, obj.rect.y]
self.memory[0] -= 1
if self.memory[0] == 0:
opposite = obj.move.get_final_vector()
opp = [-opposite[0] * 0.4, -opposite[1] * 0.8]
def hit_right(self, obj, objects):
if self.type == "solid":
if obj.type == "player":
obj.rect.right = self.rect.left
obj.object_pos = [obj.rect.x, obj.rect.y]
self.memory[0] -= 1
if self.memory[0] == 0:
opposite = obj.move.get_final_vector()
opp = [-opposite[0] * 0.4, -opposite[1] * 0.8]
# next 2 classes are for object class
class Moving_Object:
def __init__(self):
# consts
self.degree = 0.0174533
self.pi = math.pi
self.half_pi = round(math.pi / 2, 6)
self.two_pi = round(math.pi * 2, 6)
self.three_halves_pi = round(3 * (math.pi / 2), 6)
self.speed = 1
self.force = 3
self.offset = 0
self.vectors = []
self.forward = False
self.backwards = False
self.left = False
self.right = False
self.collisions = False
def move(self, dir_movement):
movement = dir_movement
return movement
# dir is the angle the player is facing
def change_dir(self, direction, angle):
new_vector = [0, 0]
if self.left:
direction -= angle
if direction < 0:
direction += self.two_pi
new_vector[0] = round(math.cos(direction) * self.speed, 2)
new_vector[1] = round(math.sin(direction) * self.speed, 2)
elif self.right:
direction += angle
if direction > self.two_pi:
direction -= self.two_pi
new_vector[0] = round(math.cos(direction) * self.speed, 2)
new_vector[1] = round(math.sin(direction) * self.speed, 2)
elif self.forward:
new_vector[0] = round(math.cos(direction) * self.speed, 2)
new_vector[1] = round(math.sin(direction) * self.speed, 2)
return direction, self.get_final_vector()
# used for setting things before game loop
def set_start_dir_movement(self, direction, dir_movement):
dir_movement[0] = round(math.cos(direction + (self.offset * self.degree)) * self.speed, 2)
dir_movement[1] = round(math.sin(direction + (self.offset * self.degree)) * self.speed, 2)
return dir_movement
def get_final_vector(self):
to_remove = []
for i in range(len(self.vectors)-1):
self.vectors[i][0] *= 0.96
self.vectors[i][1] *= 0.96
if abs(self.vectors[i][0]) < 0.2 and abs(self.vectors[i][1]) < 0.2:
for item in to_remove:
final_vector = [0, 0]
for vector in self.vectors:
final_vector[0] += vector[0]
final_vector[1] += vector[1]
return final_vector
class Object(Collisions):
def __init__(self, typeX, object_id, x_y, movement, direction, moving, size, special=None):
super().__init__(typeX, object_id, x_y, movement, direction, moving, size, special)
def __str__(self):
return self.type
# changes position along with the rect
def change_pos(self, x_y):
self.object_pos = x_y
self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.object_pos[0], self.object_pos[1], self.size[0], self.size[1])
class Mouse:
points = 0
def __init__(self, mouse_pos):
self.mouse_pos = mouse_pos
self.mouse_scroll = [0, 0]
def update(self, Win_size, Default_size):
self.mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
self.mouse_pos = [((self.mouse_pos[0] - self.mouse_scroll[0]) * (Default_size[0] / Win_size[0])),
((self.mouse_pos[1] - self.mouse_scroll[1]) * (Default_size[1] / Win_size[1]))]
def get_scrolled(self, scroll):
scrolled_pos = [self.mouse_pos[0] + scroll.scroll[0],
self.mouse_pos[1] + scroll.scroll[1]]
return scrolled_pos
def distance_indicator(coords1, coords2):
x_distance = abs(coords1[0] - coords2[0])
y_distance = abs(coords1[1] - coords2[1])
distance = math.sqrt((x_distance ** 2) + (y_distance ** 2))
return round(distance, 4)
def load_images(path, name, number_of_images, file_type=".png"):
images = []
for i in range(number_of_images):
images.append(pygame.image.load("{}/{}{}{}".format(path, name, i, file_type)).convert())
return images
def load_map(path):
f = open(path, "r")
data = f.read()
data = data.split('\n')
product = []
for line in data:
return product
# next func sorts object into objects class so the objects is stored where it should be
def sort(obj, objects):
if obj.moving:
if obj.move.collisions:
def find_collisions(obj, objects):
hit_list = []
for element in objects.game_objects:
if element.object_id != obj.object_id:
if element.rect.colliderect(obj.rect):
return hit_list
def collision(obj, objects):
# collisions for left/right
obj.change_pos([obj.object_pos[0] + obj.movement[0], obj.object_pos[1]])
hit_list = find_collisions(obj, objects)
for item in hit_list:
if obj.movement[0] > 0:
item.hit_right(obj, objects)
elif obj.movement[0] < 0:
item.hit_left(obj, objects)
# collisions for top/bottom
obj.change_pos([obj.object_pos[0], obj.object_pos[1] + obj.movement[1]])
hit_list = find_collisions(obj, objects)
for item in hit_list:
if obj.movement[1] > 0:
item.hit_bottom(obj, objects)
elif obj.movement[1] < 0:
item.hit_top(obj, objects)
# !!!!!!!!!!! config this function for every program !!!!!!!!!!
def load_objects(game_map, width, height, objects, game):
x, y = 0, 0
for line in game_map:
for obj in line:
# this is just to be efficient normaly u can use elif and put another obj to another num
if obj == "1":
obj = Object("solid", game.custom_id_giver, [x, y], [0, 0], 0, False, [width, height])
sort(obj, objects)
game.custom_id_giver += 1
x += width
y += height
x = 0
def load_textures(objects, dictionary, display, scroll):
for object in objects.game_objects:
if object.special:
[object.object_pos[0] - scroll.scroll[0], object.object_pos[1] - scroll.scroll[1]])
[object.object_pos[0] - scroll.scroll[0], object.object_pos[1] - scroll.scroll[1]])
def load_sp_texture(objects, type_x, image):
for object in objects.special_objects:
if object.type == type_x:
def load_bg(image, y_x, width, height, display):
pos = [0, 0]
for i in range(y_x[0]):
for j in range(y_x[1]):
display.blit(image, pos)
pos[0] += width
pos[0] = 0
pos[1] += height
def find_angle_between_points(center, point):
dists = distances(center, point)
angle = math.atan(dists[1] / dists[0])
if point[0] < center[0]:
if point[1] < center[1]:
return angle + math.pi
return (math.pi / 2 - angle) + (math.pi / 2)
if point[1] < center[1]:
return (math.pi / 2 - angle) + 3 * (math.pi / 2)
return angle
except ZeroDivisionError:
return False
def distances(cords1, cords2):
return [abs(cords1[0] - cords2[0]), abs(cords1[1] - cords2[1])]
def average(*args):
sumX = 0
for item in args:
sumX += item
return sumX/len(args)
def area_intersection_of_circles(points, radius_list):
dist = distance_indicator(points[0], points[1])
alpha_cos = (pow(radius_list[1], 2) + pow(dist, 2) - pow(radius_list[0], 2)) / (2 * radius_list[1] * dist)
alpha = math.acos(alpha_cos)
beta_cos = (dist - alpha_cos * radius_list[1]) / radius_list[0]
beta = math.acos(beta_cos)
triangles = (alpha_cos * pow(radius_list[1], 2) * math.sin(alpha)) + (
beta_cos * pow(radius_list[0], 2) * math.sin(beta))
arcs = ((math.pi * pow(radius_list[0], 2) * beta * 2) / math.tau) + (
(math.pi * pow(radius_list[1], 2) * alpha * 2) / math.tau)
return arcs - triangles
return False