# Mabasej_Team We are working on system, that will help tourists in cities to get information about city more easily. ## Hardware - Raspberry PI (for now tested only on rpi4. Works on rpi zero too, but it will be slow if more devices are connected) - External/Internal WiFi antena ## Software - python 3.9.2 compatible server with basic web interface - Kotlin based mobile app ## Install Wikispot is in testing stages, but it is possible to install it using our .img file (link coming soon) based on DietPi or custom script. | Device | Server compatible | Instalation | | :-------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :-----------: | | Ubuntu (I7, 16GB ram) | :heavy_check_mark: WORKING (Only server) | Manual/script | | RPI 4b (2GB) | :heavy_check_mark: WORKING | .img/script | | RPI 400 (4GB) | :grey_question: Untested. Should work. | .img/script | | RPI 3b+ | :grey_question: Untested. Should work. | .img/script | | RPI zero w | :white_check_mark: Working with fewer devices (Only server. No AP, Computer vision) | .img/script | | RPI 2 | :question: Untested. | :x: | | RPI | :question: Untested. | :x: | ### Fresh istall (.img) Only RPI login credentials > login: dietpi > password: WikiSpot2021 requirements: 1. WikiSpot image file (download: *soon*) 2. MicroSd card (recommended: >=16GB, :exclamation: ALL DATA STORED ON SD CARD WILL BE FORMATED :exclamation:) 3. BalenaEtcher (or another sd card flasher) *link:* https://www.balena.io/etcher/ 4. SD card reader Install: 1. Download all required files (wikispot.img and balenaetcher) and install BalenaEtcher 2. Insert SD card into computer/reader, open BalenaEtcher -> chose Flash from file -> chose downloaded wikispot.img -> Select your sd in *Select target* -> Flash! 3. :exclamation: WINDOWS will show unformated drive. Cancel it. It is because of uncompatible format for windows :exclamation: 4. After flashing open partition *boot* (should apear as USB), find file *dietpi.txt* and open it in text editor. - Accept license by changing `AUTO_SETUP_ACCEPT_LICENSE=0` to `AUTO_SETUP_ACCEPT_LICENSE=1` - Change name of WikiSpot `AUTO_SETUP_NET_HOSTNAME=WikiSpot-CHANGE_ME` by changing only *CHANGE_ME* - You can set static ip address by changing `AUTO_SETUP_NET_USESTATIC=0` to `AUTO_SETUP_NET_USESTATIC=1` And entering your setting into required lines. - If you want to use computer vision plugin with rpi camera set `ENABLE_COMPUTER_VISION_PLUGIN=0` to `ENABLE_COMPUTER_VISION_PLUGIN=1` (*recommended only on RPI4) - If you want to use RPI as access point to WikiSpot change `#AUTO_SETUP_INSTALL_SOFTWARE_ID=60` to `AUTO_SETUP_INSTALL_SOFTWARE_ID=60` - *wifi setup in testing* 5. :grey_exclamation:For advanced users:grey_exclamation: You can now change contens of WikiSpot server in `/boot/WikiSpot`according to an example (*coming soon*) 6. Eject sd card from computer, insert it in Raspberry Pi and power it on. :bangbang:Raspberry Pi needs to be connected to intenet via Ethernet (*wifi coming soon*) othervise the setup will crash. 7. The setup will take approximately 25-40 min (RPI 4b (2gb) and 70 mb download speed) 8. Done you can start using WikiSpot and edit contents of WikiSpot with our app (*coming soon*) This is not finished product