import re from ipaddress import ( IPv4Address, IPv4Interface, IPv4Network, IPv6Address, IPv6Interface, IPv6Network, _BaseAddress, _BaseNetwork, ) from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, FrozenSet, Generator, Optional, Pattern, Set, Tuple, Type, Union, cast, no_type_check, ) from . import errors from .utils import Representation, update_not_none from .validators import constr_length_validator, str_validator if TYPE_CHECKING: import email_validator from .fields import ModelField from .main import BaseConfig # noqa: F401 from .typing import AnyCallable CallableGenerator = Generator[AnyCallable, None, None] else: email_validator = None NetworkType = Union[str, bytes, int, Tuple[Union[str, bytes, int], Union[str, int]]] __all__ = [ 'AnyUrl', 'AnyHttpUrl', 'HttpUrl', 'stricturl', 'EmailStr', 'NameEmail', 'IPvAnyAddress', 'IPvAnyInterface', 'IPvAnyNetwork', 'PostgresDsn', 'RedisDsn', 'validate_email', ] _url_regex_cache = None _ascii_domain_regex_cache = None _int_domain_regex_cache = None def url_regex() -> Pattern[str]: global _url_regex_cache if _url_regex_cache is None: _url_regex_cache = re.compile( r'(?:(?P[a-z][a-z0-9+\-.]+)://)?' # scheme r'(?:(?P[^\s:/]*)(?::(?P[^\s/]*))?@)?' # user info r'(?:' r'(?P(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})|' # ipv4 r'(?P\[[A-F0-9]*:[A-F0-9:]+\])|' # ipv6 r'(?P[^\s/:?#]+)' # domain, validation occurs later r')?' r'(?::(?P\d+))?' # port r'(?P/[^\s?#]*)?' # path r'(?:\?(?P[^\s#]+))?' # query r'(?:#(?P\S+))?', # fragment re.IGNORECASE, ) return _url_regex_cache def ascii_domain_regex() -> Pattern[str]: global _ascii_domain_regex_cache if _ascii_domain_regex_cache is None: ascii_chunk = r'[_0-9a-z](?:[-_0-9a-z]{0,61}[_0-9a-z])?' ascii_domain_ending = r'(?P\.[a-z]{2,63})?\.?' _ascii_domain_regex_cache = re.compile( fr'(?:{ascii_chunk}\.)*?{ascii_chunk}{ascii_domain_ending}', re.IGNORECASE ) return _ascii_domain_regex_cache def int_domain_regex() -> Pattern[str]: global _int_domain_regex_cache if _int_domain_regex_cache is None: int_chunk = r'[_0-9a-\U00040000](?:[-_0-9a-\U00040000]{0,61}[_0-9a-\U00040000])?' int_domain_ending = r'(?P(\.[^\W\d_]{2,63})|(\.(?:xn--)[_0-9a-z-]{2,63}))?\.?' _int_domain_regex_cache = re.compile(fr'(?:{int_chunk}\.)*?{int_chunk}{int_domain_ending}', re.IGNORECASE) return _int_domain_regex_cache class AnyUrl(str): strip_whitespace = True min_length = 1 max_length = 2 ** 16 allowed_schemes: Optional[Set[str]] = None tld_required: bool = False user_required: bool = False __slots__ = ('scheme', 'user', 'password', 'host', 'tld', 'host_type', 'port', 'path', 'query', 'fragment') @no_type_check def __new__(cls, url: Optional[str], **kwargs) -> object: return str.__new__(cls,**kwargs) if url is None else url) def __init__( self, url: str, *, scheme: str, user: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, host: str, tld: Optional[str] = None, host_type: str = 'domain', port: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, fragment: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: str.__init__(url) self.scheme = scheme self.user = user self.password = password = host self.tld = tld self.host_type = host_type self.port = port self.path = path self.query = query self.fragment = fragment @classmethod def build( cls, *, scheme: str, user: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, host: str, port: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, fragment: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: str, ) -> str: url = scheme + '://' if user: url += user if password: url += ':' + password if user or password: url += '@' url += host if port: url += ':' + port if path: url += path if query: url += '?' + query if fragment: url += '#' + fragment return url @classmethod def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: update_not_none(field_schema, minLength=cls.min_length, maxLength=cls.max_length, format='uri') @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls) -> 'CallableGenerator': yield cls.validate @classmethod def validate(cls, value: Any, field: 'ModelField', config: 'BaseConfig') -> 'AnyUrl': if value.__class__ == cls: return value value = str_validator(value) if cls.strip_whitespace: value = value.strip() url: str = cast(str, constr_length_validator(value, field, config)) m = url_regex().match(url) # the regex should always match, if it doesn't please report with details of the URL tried assert m, 'URL regex failed unexpectedly' parts = m.groupdict() parts = cls.validate_parts(parts) host, tld, host_type, rebuild = cls.validate_host(parts) if m.end() != len(url): raise errors.UrlExtraError(extra=url[m.end() :]) return cls( None if rebuild else url, scheme=parts['scheme'], user=parts['user'], password=parts['password'], host=host, tld=tld, host_type=host_type, port=parts['port'], path=parts['path'], query=parts['query'], fragment=parts['fragment'], ) @classmethod def validate_parts(cls, parts: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]: """ A method used to validate parts of an URL. Could be overridden to set default values for parts if missing """ scheme = parts['scheme'] if scheme is None: raise errors.UrlSchemeError() if cls.allowed_schemes and scheme.lower() not in cls.allowed_schemes: raise errors.UrlSchemePermittedError(cls.allowed_schemes) port = parts['port'] if port is not None and int(port) > 65_535: raise errors.UrlPortError() user = parts['user'] if cls.user_required and user is None: raise errors.UrlUserInfoError() return parts @classmethod def validate_host(cls, parts: Dict[str, str]) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str], str, bool]: host, tld, host_type, rebuild = None, None, None, False for f in ('domain', 'ipv4', 'ipv6'): host = parts[f] if host: host_type = f break if host is None: raise errors.UrlHostError() elif host_type == 'domain': is_international = False d = ascii_domain_regex().fullmatch(host) if d is None: d = int_domain_regex().fullmatch(host) if d is None: raise errors.UrlHostError() is_international = True tld ='tld') if tld is None and not is_international: d = int_domain_regex().fullmatch(host) tld ='tld') is_international = True if tld is not None: tld = tld[1:] elif cls.tld_required: raise errors.UrlHostTldError() if is_international: host_type = 'int_domain' rebuild = True host = host.encode('idna').decode('ascii') if tld is not None: tld = tld.encode('idna').decode('ascii') return host, tld, host_type, rebuild # type: ignore def __repr__(self) -> str: extra = ', '.join(f'{n}={getattr(self, n)!r}' for n in self.__slots__ if getattr(self, n) is not None) return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({super().__repr__()}, {extra})' class AnyHttpUrl(AnyUrl): allowed_schemes = {'http', 'https'} class HttpUrl(AnyUrl): allowed_schemes = {'http', 'https'} tld_required = True # max_length = 2083 class PostgresDsn(AnyUrl): allowed_schemes = {'postgres', 'postgresql'} user_required = True class RedisDsn(AnyUrl): allowed_schemes = {'redis', 'rediss'} @classmethod def validate_parts(cls, parts: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]: defaults = { 'domain': 'localhost' if not (parts['ipv4'] or parts['ipv6']) else '', 'port': '6379', 'path': '/0', } for key, value in defaults.items(): if not parts[key]: parts[key] = value return super().validate_parts(parts) def stricturl( *, strip_whitespace: bool = True, min_length: int = 1, max_length: int = 2 ** 16, tld_required: bool = True, allowed_schemes: Optional[Union[FrozenSet[str], Set[str]]] = None, ) -> Type[AnyUrl]: # use kwargs then define conf in a dict to aid with IDE type hinting namespace = dict( strip_whitespace=strip_whitespace, min_length=min_length, max_length=max_length, tld_required=tld_required, allowed_schemes=allowed_schemes, ) return type('UrlValue', (AnyUrl,), namespace) def import_email_validator() -> None: global email_validator try: import email_validator except ImportError as e: raise ImportError('email-validator is not installed, run `pip install pydantic[email]`') from e class EmailStr(str): @classmethod def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: field_schema.update(type='string', format='email') @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls) -> 'CallableGenerator': # included here and below so the error happens straight away import_email_validator() yield str_validator yield cls.validate @classmethod def validate(cls, value: Union[str]) -> str: return validate_email(value)[1] class NameEmail(Representation): __slots__ = 'name', 'email' def __init__(self, name: str, email: str): = name = email def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return isinstance(other, NameEmail) and (, == (, @classmethod def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: field_schema.update(type='string', format='name-email') @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls) -> 'CallableGenerator': import_email_validator() yield cls.validate @classmethod def validate(cls, value: Any) -> 'NameEmail': if value.__class__ == cls: return value value = str_validator(value) return cls(*validate_email(value)) def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{} <{}>' class IPvAnyAddress(_BaseAddress): @classmethod def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: field_schema.update(type='string', format='ipvanyaddress') @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls) -> 'CallableGenerator': yield cls.validate @classmethod def validate(cls, value: Union[str, bytes, int]) -> Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address]: try: return IPv4Address(value) except ValueError: pass try: return IPv6Address(value) except ValueError: raise errors.IPvAnyAddressError() class IPvAnyInterface(_BaseAddress): @classmethod def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: field_schema.update(type='string', format='ipvanyinterface') @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls) -> 'CallableGenerator': yield cls.validate @classmethod def validate(cls, value: NetworkType) -> Union[IPv4Interface, IPv6Interface]: try: return IPv4Interface(value) except ValueError: pass try: return IPv6Interface(value) except ValueError: raise errors.IPvAnyInterfaceError() class IPvAnyNetwork(_BaseNetwork): # type: ignore @classmethod def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: field_schema.update(type='string', format='ipvanynetwork') @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls) -> 'CallableGenerator': yield cls.validate @classmethod def validate(cls, value: NetworkType) -> Union[IPv4Network, IPv6Network]: # Assume IP Network is defined with a default value for ``strict`` argument. # Define your own class if you want to specify network address check strictness. try: return IPv4Network(value) except ValueError: pass try: return IPv6Network(value) except ValueError: raise errors.IPvAnyNetworkError() pretty_email_regex = re.compile(r'([\w ]*?) *<(.*)> *') def validate_email(value: Union[str]) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Brutally simple email address validation. Note unlike most email address validation * raw ip address (literal) domain parts are not allowed. * "John Doe " style "pretty" email addresses are processed * the local part check is extremely basic. This raises the possibility of unicode spoofing, but no better solution is really possible. * spaces are striped from the beginning and end of addresses but no error is raised See RFC 5322 but treat it with suspicion, there seems to exist no universally acknowledged test for a valid email! """ if email_validator is None: import_email_validator() m = pretty_email_regex.fullmatch(value) name: Optional[str] = None if m: name, value = m.groups() email = value.strip() try: email_validator.validate_email(email, check_deliverability=False) except email_validator.EmailNotValidError as e: raise errors.EmailError() from e at_index = email.index('@') local_part = email[:at_index] # RFC 5321, local part must be case-sensitive. global_part = email[at_index:].lower() return name or local_part, local_part + global_part