diff --git a/gravityuse.lua b/gravityuse.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a3eaec..0000000
--- a/gravityuse.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-function portalgun_gravity(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
-	local ob=pointed_thing.ref
-	local at = ob:get_attach()
-	if at and at:get_luaentity() and at:get_luaentity().portalgun_power then
-		ob:set_detach()
-		local target = at:get_luaentity().target
-		if target and target:get_luaentity() and (target:get_luaentity().itemstring or target:get_luaentity().wsc) then
-			target:set_velocity({x=0, y=-1, z=0})
-			target:set_acceleration({x=0, y=-8, z=0})
-		end
-		return  itemstack
-	end
-	if not ob:get_attach() and (ob:is_player() or (ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().powerball~=1)) then
-		--if 4 blocks or closer to player
-		if vector.distance(ob:get_pos(),user:get_pos())<4 then
-			portalgun_power.user=user
-			portalgun_power.target=ob
-			if ob:is_player() then portalgun_power.player=1 end
-			local m=minetest.add_entity(ob:get_pos(), "portalgun:power")
-			ob:set_attach(m, "", {x=0,y=0,z=0}, {x=0,y=0,z=0})
-			return  itemstack
-		end
-	end
-	return itemstack
-	hp_max = 100,
-	physical = false,
-	weight = 0,
-	collisionbox = {-0.2,-0.2,-0.2, 0.2,0.2,0.2},
-	visual = "sprite",
-	visual_size = {x=1, y=1},
-	textures = {"portalgun_gravity.png"},
-	spritediv = {x=1, y=1},
-	is_visible = true,
-	makes_footstep_sound = false,
-	automatic_rotate = 0,
-	timer=0,
-	time=0.1,
-	portalgun_power=1,
-	portalgun=1,
-	lifelime=100,
-on_activate=function(self, staticdata)
-		if portalgun_power.user then
-			self.user=portalgun_power.user
-			self.target=portalgun_power.target
-			self.player=portalgun_power.player
-			portalgun_power={}
-		else
-			self.object:remove()
-		end
-	end,
-on_punch=function(self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir)
-		if self.target and self.target:get_attach() then
-			self.target:set_detach()
-			self.target:set_hp(0)
-		end
-on_step= function(self, dtime)
-		self.timer=self.timer+dtime
-		if self.timer<self.time then return self end
-		self.timer=0
-		if self.target==nil or (not self.target:get_attach()) then
-			self.object:set_hp(0)
-			if self.sound then minetest.sound_stop(self.sound) end
-		end
-		if self.player then
-			self.lifelime=self.lifelime-1
-			if self.lifelime<0 then
-				self.target:set_detach()
-				return self
-			end
-		end
-		local pos = self.user:get_pos()
-		if pos==nil then return self end
-		pos.y=pos.y+1.6
-		local dir = self.user:get_look_dir()
-		local npos={x=pos.x+(dir.x*2), y=pos.y+(dir.y*2), z=pos.z+(dir.z*2)}
-		if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(npos).name].walkable then
-			return self
-		end
-		self.object:move_to(npos)
-		return self
-	end,
-	hp_max = 100,
-	physical = true,
-	weight = 10,
-	collisionbox = {-0.35,0,-0.35, 0.35,1,0.35},
-	visual = "sprite",
-	visual_size = {x=1, y=1},
-	textures = {"portalgun_gravity.png"},
-	spritediv = {x=1, y=1},
-	is_visible = true,
-	makes_footstep_sound = false,
-	automatic_rotate = 0,
-	timer=0,
-	time=0.025,
-	portalgun_power=1,
-	portalgun=1,
-	lifelime=1000,
-	v=0.3,
-	ltime=0,
-on_activate=function(self, staticdata)
-		if portalgun_power.user then
-			self.user=portalgun_power.user
-			self.target=portalgun_power.target
-			self.ltime=portalgun_power_tmp_power
-			portalgun_power={}
-		else
-			self.object:remove()
-		end
-	end,
-on_step= function(self, dtime)
-		local pos=self.object:get_pos()
-		local v=self.object:get_velocity()
-		local v2={x=v.x-self.v,y=(v.y-self.v)*0.99,z=v.z-self.v}
-		if v2.x<0.5 and v2.x>-0.5 then v2.x=0 end
-		if v2.y<0.5 and v2.y>-0.5 then v2.y=0 end
-		if v2.z<0.5 and v2.z>-0.5 then v2.z=0 end
-		self.object:set_velocity(v2)
-		self.ltime=self.ltime-self.v
-		if self.ltime<self.v or (v2.x+v2.y+v2.z==0) then
-			self.lifelime=-1
-		end
-		local nexpos={x=pos.x+(v.x*0.05),y=pos.y+(v.y*0.05)+1,z=pos.z+(v.z*0.05)}
-		if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(nexpos).name].walkable then
-			self.lifelime=-1
-		end
-		self.lifelime=self.lifelime-1
-		if self.lifelime<0 then
-			self.target:set_detach()
-		end
-		if self.target==nil or (not self.target:get_attach()) then
-			self.object:set_hp(0)
-			return self
-		end
-		return self
-	end,
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
index e29f46c..986e4a0 100644
--- a/init.lua
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -1,556 +1,38 @@
-proportal_group_only = false
+--do scripts in folder scripts
-dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/gravityuse.lua") -- the gravity part of portalgun
-dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/stuff.lua") -- security cam
-if disable_portal_stuff==false and minetest.get_modpath("mesecons")~=nil then
-dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/weightedstoragecube.lua") -- weighted storage cube
-dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/powerball.lua") -- the poweball
-dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/other.lua")
-local portalgun_timer=1.2
-local portalgun_time=0
-portalgun_lifelime=1200		--deletes portals that not used after a while
-portalgun_max_use_per_secund_time=4	--destroys the portal if excessive used 
-portalgun_max_use_per_secund=25		--4 & 25 is default = teleported (teleported 25 times in 4 sec)
-function portalgun_param2(pos,param2,r)
-	local pos2={x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}
-	if r then
-		if param2==0 then
-		pos2.x=pos2.x-1
-		elseif param2==1 then pos2.z=pos2.z+1
-		elseif param2==2 then pos2.x=pos2.x+1
-		elseif param2==3 then pos2.z=pos2.z-1
-		end
-	else
-		if param2==0 then
-		pos2.x=pos2.x+1
-		elseif param2==1 then pos2.z=pos2.z-1
-		elseif param2==2 then pos2.x=pos2.x-1
-		elseif param2==3 then pos2.z=pos2.z+1
-		end
-	end
-	return pos2
-local function portalgun_getLength(a)-- get length of an array / table
-	local count = 0
-	for _ in pairs(a) do count = count + 1 end
-	return count
-function portal_delete(name,n)	-- using set_hp & :punch instand of :remove ... no risk for crash if something attach it
-	if portalgun_portal[name]==nil then return end
-	if (n==1 or n==0) and portalgun_portal[name].portal1~=nil then
-		if n==0 then 
-			local pos=portalgun_portal[name].portal1:get_pos()
-			if pos~=nil then minetest.sound_play("portalgun_closeportals", {pos=pos,max_hear_distance = 20, gain = 1}) end
-		end
-		portalgun_portal[name].portal1_active=false
-		portalgun_portal[name].portal1:set_hp(0)
-	end
-	if (n==2 or n==0) and portalgun_portal[name].portal2~=nil then
-		if n==0 then 
-			local pos=portalgun_portal[name].portal2:get_pos()
-			if pos~=nil then minetest.sound_play("portalgun_closeportals", {pos=pos,max_hear_distance = 20, gain = 1}) end
-		end
-		portalgun_portal[name].portal2_active=false
-		portalgun_portal[name].portal2:set_hp(0)
-	end
-	if n==0 then portalgun_portal[name]=nil end
-minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player)-- 	deletes user the profile (saveing memory)
-	local name=player:get_player_name()
-	portal_delete(name,0)
-	portalgun_portal[name]=nil
-	local name=player:get_player_name()
-	portal_delete(name,0)
-	portalgun_portal[name]=nil
-portalgun_on_step=function(self, dtime)
-	local name=self.user
-	if portalgun_portal[self.user]==nil then
-		self.object:remove()
-		return self
-	end
-	if (self.project==1 and self.use~=portalgun_portal[self.user].portal1_use)
-	or (self.project==2 and self.use~=portalgun_portal[self.user].portal2_use) then
-		self.object:remove()
-		return self
-	end
-	if portalgun_portal[name].lifelime<0 then
-		portal_delete(name,0)
-		return self
-	end
-	if portalgun_portal[name].portal1_active and portalgun_portal[name].portal2_active then -- makes lifetime equal when both is acive, or it will be half
-		portalgun_portal[name].lifelime=portalgun_portal[name].lifelime-0.5
-	else
-		portalgun_portal[name].lifelime=portalgun_portal[name].lifelime-1
-		return self						-- abort when only 1 is active (saves cpu)
-	end
-	if portalgun_portal[name].timer>0 then				-- makes teleported stuff wont move back at same time (bug fix)
-		portalgun_portal[name].timer=portalgun_portal[name].timer-dtime
-		return self
-	end
-	if self.portal_max_use>0 then				-- makes teleported stuff wont move back at same time (bug fix)
-		self.portal_max_use_time=self.portal_max_use_time+dtime
-		if self.portal_max_use>=portalgun_max_use_per_secund then
-			portal_delete(name,self.project)
-			return self
-		elseif self.portal_max_use_time>=portalgun_max_use_per_secund_time then
-			self.portal_max_use_time=0
-			self.portal_max_use=0
-		end
-	end
-	local pos1=0
-	local pos2=0
-	local d1=0
-	local d2=0
-	if self.project==1 then
-		pos1=portalgun_portal[name].portal1_pos
-		pos2=portalgun_portal[name].portal2_pos
-		d1=portalgun_portal[name].portal1_dir
-		d2=portalgun_portal[name].portal2_dir
-	else
-		pos1=portalgun_portal[name].portal2_pos
-		pos2=portalgun_portal[name].portal1_pos
-		d1=portalgun_portal[name].portal2_dir
-		d2=portalgun_portal[name].portal1_dir
-	end
--- portalgun_front_of_field should fix teleport through walls, but is not working in all directions
--- waiting with this issue
-	if pos2~=0 and pos1~=0 then
-		for ii, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos1, self.area)) do
-			if pos2~=0 then 		--and portalgun_front_of_field(self.object,ob) 
-				if (ob:is_player() ) or (ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().portalgun~=1 and ob:get_luaentity().name:find(":text",4)==nil) then
-				if ob:get_attach() then
-					ob:set_detach()
-					ob:set_acceleration({x=0, y=-10, z=0})
-				end
-						--set velocity then teleport
-				local p=pos2
-				local x=0
-				local y=0
-				local z=0
-				local dis=2
-				if p==nil or p.x==nil then
-					return self
-				end
-				if ob:is_player() then
-					local v=ob:get_player_velocity()
-					local player_name=ob:get_player_name()
-					portalgun_power.user=player_name
-					portalgun_power.target=ob
-					local vv={x=v.x,y=v.y,z=v.z}
-									-- get the highest velocity
-					dis=2
-					if vv.x+vv.y+vv.z<=0.3 then
-						if self.small==true then
-						vv.x=1.4
-					else
-						vv.x=2
-						end
-					end
-					if vv.x+vv.y+vv.z==0 then vv.x=2 end
-					if vv.x<0 then vv.x=vv.x*-1 end
-					if vv.y<0 then vv.y=vv.y*-1 end
-					if vv.z<0 then vv.z=vv.z*-1 end
-					if vv.x>vv.z then vv.a=vv.x else vv.a=vv.z end
-					if vv.a<vv.y then vv.a=vv.y end
-					portalgun_power_tmp_power=vv.a
-					local m=minetest.add_entity(ob:get_pos(), "portalgun:power2")
-					ob:set_attach(m, "", {x=0,y=0,z=0}, {x=0,y=0,z=0})
-					m:set_velocity(v)
-					m:set_acceleration({x=0,y=-10,z=0})
-					ob=m
-				end
-				if ob:is_player()==false then
-					local v=ob:get_velocity() 
-					if v.x<0 then v.x=v.x*-1 end
-					if v.y<0 then v.y=v.y*-1 end
-					if v.z<0 then v.z=v.z*-1 end
-					local vv=0		-- get the highest velocity
-					if v.x>v.z then vv=v.x else vv=v.z end
-					if vv<v.y then vv=v.y end
-					v.x=0
-					v.y=0
-					v.z=0
-					if d2=="x+" then v.x=vv end
-					if d2=="x-" then v.x=vv*-1 end
-					if d2=="y+" then v.y=vv end
-					if d2=="y-" then v.y=vv*-1 end
-					if d2=="z+" then v.z=vv end
-					if d2=="z-" then v.z=vv*-1 end
-					ob:set_velocity({x=v.x, y=v.y, z=v.z})
-				end
-					if d2=="x+" then x=2
-					elseif d2=="x-" then x=-dis
-					elseif d2=="y+" then y=dis
-					elseif d2=="y-" then y=-dis
-					elseif d2=="z+" then z=dis
-					elseif d2=="z-" then z=-dis
-					end
-				local obpos={x=p.x+x,y=p.y+y,z=p.z+z}
-				portalgun_portal[name].timer=0.2
-				self.portal_max_use=self.portal_max_use+1
-				ob:set_pos(obpos,false)
-				portalgun_portal[name].lifelime=portalgun_lifelime
-				minetest.sound_play("portalgun_teleport", {pos=portalgun_portal[name].portal1_pos,max_hear_distance = 10, gain = 30})
-				minetest.sound_play("portalgun_teleport", {pos=portalgun_portal[name].portal2_pos,max_hear_distance = 10, gain = 30})
-				end		--end of set velocity part then teleport
-			end
-		end
-	end
-minetest.register_entity("portalgun:portal",{		-- the portals
-	hp_max=10000,
-	visual = "mesh",
-	mesh = "portalgun_portal_xp.obj",
-	physical = false,
-	textures ={"portalgun_blue.png"},
-	visual_size = {x=1, y=1},
-	spritediv = {x=7, y=0},
-	collisionbox = {0,0,0,0,0,0},
-	timer=0,
-	user="",
-	project=1,
-	portalgun=1,
-	portal_max_use=0,
-	portal_max_use_time=0,
-	area=2,
-	small=false,
-get_staticdata = function(self)
-                return minetest.serialize({
-		user= self.user,
-		project=self.project,
-		use=self.use
-                })
-        end,
-on_activate= function(self, staticdata)
-	local data=minetest.deserialize(staticdata)
-	if data and type(data) == "table" then
-		self.user = data.user
-		self.project = data.project
-		self.use=data.use
-		if portalgun_portal[self.user]==nil then
-			self.object:remove()
-			return self
-		end
-		if (self.project==1 and self.use~=portalgun_portal[self.user].portal1_use)
-		or (self.project==2 and self.use~=portalgun_portal[self.user].portal2_use) then 
-			self.object:remove()
-			return self
-		end
-	elseif portalgun_portal_tmp_user~="" then
-		self.user=portalgun_portal_tmp_user
-		portalgun_portal_tmp_user=""
-		self.project=portalgun_portal[self.user].project
-		if self.project==1 then-- if inactivated then activated and another portal is created: remove
-			self.use=portalgun_portal[self.user].portal1_use
-		else
-			self.use=portalgun_portal[self.user].portal2_use
-		end
-	else
-		self.object:remove()
-		return self
-	end
-	if portalgun_portal[self.user]==nil then
-		self.object:remove()
-		return self
-	end
-	local d=""
-	if self.project==1 then
-		d=portalgun_portal[self.user].portal1_dir
-		self.object:set_properties({textures = {"portalgun_blue.png"}})
-	else
-		d=portalgun_portal[self.user].portal2_dir
-		self.object:set_properties({textures = {"portalgun_orange.png"}})
-	end
-	if d=="x+" then self.object:set_yaw(math.pi * 0)
-	elseif d=="x-" then self.object:set_yaw(math.pi * 1)
-	elseif d=="y+" then self.object:set_properties({mesh = "portalgun_portal_yp.obj",}) -- becaouse there is no "setpitch"
-	elseif d=="y-" then self.object:set_properties({mesh = "portalgun_portal_ym.obj",}) -- becaouse there is no "setpitch"
-	elseif d=="z+" then self.object:set_yaw(math.pi * 0.5) 
-	elseif d=="z-" then self.object:set_yaw(math.pi * 1.5)
-	end
-	if d=="y+" then
-		local pos1={}
-		if self.project==1 then
-			pos1=portalgun_portal[self.user].portal1_pos
-		else
-			pos1=portalgun_portal[self.user].portal2_pos
-		end
-		if portalgun_portal[self.user].y>8 then
-			pos1.y=pos1.y+1
-		end
-		if portalgun_portal[self.user].y>12 then
-			pos1.y=pos1.y+1
-		end
-		if self.project==1 then
-			portalgun_portal[self.user].portal1_pos=pos1
-		else
-			portalgun_portal[self.user].portal2_pos=pos1
-		end
-	elseif string.find(d,"y",1)==nil and (portalgun_portal[self.user].x+portalgun_portal[self.user].z<2.5) then
-		self.area=1.2
-		self.small=true
-		self.object:set_properties({visual_size = {x=0.7, y=0.7},})
-	end
-	end,
-minetest.register_craftitem(":", {
-	description = "Portalgun",
-	range = 100,
-	inventory_image = "portalgun_gun0_rndr.png",
-	wield_image = "portalgun_gun0_rndr.png",
-	tool_capabilities = {
-		full_punch_interval = 0.5,
-		max_drop_level = 3,
-		groupcaps = {
-			fleshy = {times={[2]=0.80, [3]=0.40}, uses=100, maxlevel=3},
-			oddly_breakable_by_hand = {times={[1]=1}, uses=100, maxlevel=1},
-		},
-		damage_groups = {fleshy=1},
-	},
-	on_place=function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
-		local node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under)
-		if node.name=="portalgun:button"then
-			--use the item normally
-			minetest.item_place(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
-		else
-			portalgun_onuse(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, 2)
-		end
-		return itemstack
-	end,
-	on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
-		--if pointing at turret then start breaking it
-		if pointed_thing.type=="node" then
-			local node=minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under)
-			if node.name=="portalgun:turretgun" or node.name=="portalgun:turretgun2" then
-				minetest.remove_node(pointed_thing.under)
-			end
-		end
-		portalgun_onuse(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, 1)
-		return itemstack
-	end
-local function rnd(r)
-return math.floor(r+ 0.5)
-function portalgun_onuse(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, mode) -- using the gun
-		if pointed_thing.type=="object" then
-			portalgun_gravity(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
-			return itemstack
-		end
-		local pos = user:get_pos()
-		local dir = user:get_look_dir()
-		local key = user:get_player_control()
-		local name=user:get_player_name()
-		local exist=0
-		local item=itemstack:to_table()
-		local ob={}
-		ob.project=1
-		ob.lifelime=portalgun_lifelime
-		ob.portal1=0
-		ob.portal2=0
-		ob.portal1_dir=0
-		ob.portal2_dir=0
-		ob.portal2_pos=0
-		ob.portal1_pos=0
-		ob.user = user:get_player_name()
-		if portalgun_portal[name]==nil then	--	new portal profile
-			portalgun_portal[name]={lifelime=portalgun_lifelime,project=1,timer=0,portal1_active=false,portal2_active=false,portal1_use=0,portal2_use=0}
-		end
-		if key.sneak then
-			portal_delete(name,0)
-			return itemstack
-		end
-		pos.y=pos.y+1.5
--- the project
-	for i=1, portalgun_max_rage,0.5 do
-		local nname=minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(dir.x*i), y=pos.y+(dir.y*i), z=pos.z+(dir.z*i)}).name
-		if minetest.registered_nodes[nname].walkable then
-			portalgun_portal[name].lifelime=portalgun_lifelime
-			if not proportal_group_only and minetest.get_node_group(nname, "antiportal") > 0 then
-				minetest.sound_play("portalgun_error", {pos=pos,max_hear_distance = 5, gain = 3})
-				return itemstack
-			elseif proportal_group_only and minetest.get_node_group(nname, "proportal") == 0 then
-				minetest.sound_play("portalgun_error", {pos=pos,max_hear_distance = 5, gain = 3})
-				return itemstack
-			end
-			if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=rnd(pos.x+(dir.x*i)), y=rnd(pos.y+(dir.y*i)+1), z=rnd(pos.z+(dir.z*i))}).name].walkable==false and rnd(user:get_pos().y)>rnd(pos.y+(dir.y*i)) then
-				portalgun_setportal(pos,name,dir,i,mode,"y+")
-				return itemstack
-			elseif minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=rnd(pos.x+(dir.x*i)), y=rnd(pos.y+(dir.y*i)-1), z=rnd(pos.z+(dir.z*i))}).name].walkable==false and rnd(user:get_pos().y)<rnd(pos.y+(dir.y*i)) then
-				portalgun_setportal(pos,name,dir,i,mode,"y-")
-				return itemstack
-			elseif minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=rnd(pos.x+(dir.x*i)-1), y=rnd(pos.y+(dir.y*i)), z=rnd(pos.z+(dir.z*i))}).name].walkable==false  and rnd(user:get_pos().x)<rnd(pos.x+(dir.x*i)) then
-				portalgun_setportal(pos,name,dir,i,mode,"x-")
-				return itemstack
-			elseif minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=rnd(pos.x+(dir.x*i))+1, y=rnd(pos.y+(dir.y*i)), z=rnd(pos.z+(dir.z*i))}).name].walkable==false and rnd(user:get_pos().x)>rnd(pos.x+(dir.x*i)) then
-				portalgun_setportal(pos,name,dir,i,mode,"x+")
-				return itemstack
-			elseif minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=rnd(pos.x+(dir.x*i)), y=rnd(pos.y+(dir.y*i)), z=rnd(pos.z+(dir.z*i)-1)}).name].walkable==false and rnd(user:get_pos().z)<rnd(pos.z+(dir.z*i)) then
-				portalgun_setportal(pos,name,dir,i,mode,"z-")
-				return itemstack
-			elseif minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=rnd(pos.x+(dir.x*i)), y=rnd(pos.y+(dir.y*i)), z=rnd(pos.z+(dir.z*i)+1)}).name].walkable==false and rnd(user:get_pos().z)>rnd(pos.z+(dir.z*i)) then
-				portalgun_setportal(pos,name,dir,i,mode,"z+")
-				return itemstack
-			end
-			minetest.sound_play("portalgun_error", {pos=pos,max_hear_distance = 20, gain = 3})
-			return itemstack
-		end
-	end
-	return itemstack
-function portalgun_setportal(pos,name,dir,i,mode,portal_dir)
-	local lpos={x=pos.x+(dir.x*(i-1)), y=pos.y+(dir.y*(i-1)), z=pos.z+(dir.z*(i-1))}	-- last pos
-	local cpos={x=pos.x+(dir.x*i), y=pos.y+(dir.y*i), z=pos.z+(dir.z*i)}		-- corrent poss
-	if portal_dir=="y+" then
-		cpos.y=(math.floor(cpos.y+ 0.5))+0.524
-	elseif portal_dir=="y-" then
-		cpos.y=(math.floor(cpos.y+ 0.5))-0.524
-	elseif portal_dir=="z+" then
-		cpos.z=(math.floor(cpos.z+ 0.5))+0.524
-	elseif portal_dir=="z-" then
-		cpos.z=(math.floor(cpos.z+ 0.5))-0.524
-	elseif portal_dir=="x+" then
-		cpos.x=(math.floor(cpos.x+ 0.5))+0.524
-	elseif portal_dir=="x-" then
-		cpos.x=(math.floor(cpos.x+ 0.5))-0.524
-	end
-	if portal_dir=="x+" or portal_dir=="x-" then -- auto correct (place in center)
-		cpos.y=(math.floor(cpos.y+ 0.5))
-		cpos.z=(math.floor(cpos.z+ 0.5))
-	elseif portal_dir=="y+" or portal_dir=="y-" then
-		cpos.x=(math.floor(cpos.x+ 0.5))
-		cpos.z=(math.floor(cpos.z+ 0.5))
-	elseif portal_dir=="z+" or portal_dir=="z-" then
-		cpos.x=(math.floor(cpos.x+ 0.5))
-		cpos.y=(math.floor(cpos.y+ 0.5))
-	end
-	if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(cpos).name].walkable then
-		minetest.sound_play("portalgun_error", {pos=pos,max_hear_distance = 5, gain = 3})
-		return false
-	end
-	if string.find(portal_dir,"x",1) or string.find(portal_dir,"z",1) then-- auto correct (move from bottom / top)
-		local testpos1={x=cpos.x,y=cpos.y-1,z=cpos.z}
-		local testpos2={x=cpos.x,y=cpos.y+1,z=cpos.z}
-		if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(testpos1).name].walkable 
-		and minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(testpos2).name].walkable==false then
-		cpos.y=cpos.y+0.5
-		elseif minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(testpos2).name].walkable 
-		and minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(testpos1).name].walkable==false then
-			cpos.y=cpos.y-0.5
-		end
-	end
-	portalgun_portal_tmp_user=name
-	portalgun_portal[name].x=pos.x-lpos.x
-	portalgun_portal[name].y=pos.y-lpos.y
-	portalgun_portal[name].z=pos.z-lpos.z 
-	portalgun_portal[name].project=mode
-	if portalgun_portal[name].x<0 then
-		portalgun_portal[name].x=portalgun_portal[name].x*-1
-	end
-	if portalgun_portal[name].z<0 then
-		portalgun_portal[name].z=portalgun_portal[name].z*-1
-	end
-	if mode==1 then
-		portal_delete(name,1)
-		portalgun_portal[name].portal1_use=portalgun_portal[name].portal1_use+1
-		portalgun_portal[name].portal1_dir=portal_dir
-		portalgun_portal[name].portal1_pos=cpos
-		portalgun_portal[name].portal1=minetest.add_entity(cpos, "portalgun:portal")
-		portalgun_portal[name].portal1_active=true
-		minetest.sound_play("portalgun_portalblue", {pos=cpos, max_hear_distance = 20, gain = 1})
-	else
-		portal_delete(name,2)
-		portalgun_portal[name].portal2_use=portalgun_portal[name].portal2_use+1
-		portalgun_portal[name].portal2_dir=portal_dir
-		portalgun_portal[name].portal2_pos=cpos
-		portalgun_portal[name].portal2=minetest.add_entity(cpos, "portalgun:portal")
-		portalgun_portal[name].portal2_active=true
-		minetest.sound_play("portalgun_portalorange", {pos=cpos,max_hear_distance = 20, gain = 1})
-	end
-	local pos2=ob2:get_pos()
-	return vector.distance(ob:get_pos(),pos2)>vector.distance(portalgun_pointat(ob),pos2)
-	local pos=ob:get_pos()
-	local yaw=ob:get_yaw()
-	if yaw ~= yaw or type(yaw)~="number" then
-		yaw=0
-	end
-	local z =math.sin(yaw) * -0.1
-	local x =math.cos(yaw) * 0.1
-	return {x=pos.x+x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z+z}
+	--portalgun
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/portalgun.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/gravityuse.lua")
+	--powerball
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/powerball.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/powerballspawner.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/powerballtarget.lua")
+	--cubes
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/weightedstoragecube.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/cubespawners.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/pressureplatforms.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/fizzlers.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/checkpoint.lua")
+	--misc
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/buildingblocks.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/warntape.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/cake.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/editingtools.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/portaltarget.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/signs.lua")
+	--hazardous
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/toxicwater.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/turrets.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/camera.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/damageblock.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/objectdestroyer.lua")
+	--logic
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/delayer.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/button.lua")
+	dofile(minetest.get_modpath("portalgun") .. "/scripts/doors.lua")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod.conf b/mod.conf
index f1cc4ca..3b628e0 100644
--- a/mod.conf
+++ b/mod.conf
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 name = portalgun
 description = Portals and stuff
-optional_depends = mesecons
\ No newline at end of file
+depends = mesecons
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models/torret.blend b/models/turret.blend
similarity index 100%
rename from models/torret.blend
rename to models/turret.blend
diff --git a/models/torret1.obj b/models/turret1.obj
similarity index 100%
rename from models/torret1.obj
rename to models/turret1.obj
diff --git a/models/torret2.obj b/models/turret2.obj
similarity index 100%
rename from models/torret2.obj
rename to models/turret2.obj
diff --git a/other.lua b/other.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d42a453..0000000
--- a/other.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,637 +0,0 @@
-local pgad_rules={{x = 1, y = 0, z = 0},{x =-1, y = 0, z = 0},{x = 0, y = 1, z = 0},{x = 0, y =-1, z = 0},{x = 0, y = 0, z = 1},{x = 0, y = 0, z =-1}}
-stone_sounds = {}
-stone_sounds.footstep = {name="stone_walk", gain=1.0}
-stone_sounds.dug = {name="stone_break", gain=1.0}
-stone_sounds.place = {name="block_place", gain=1.0}
-glass_sounds = {}
-glass_sounds.footstep = {name="glass_walk", gain=1.0}
-glass_sounds.dug = {name="glass_break", gain=1.0}
-glass_sounds.place = {name="block_place", gain=1.0}
-wood_sounds = {}
-wood_sounds.footstep = {name="wood_walk", gain=1.0}
-wood_sounds.dug = {name="wood_break", gain=1.0}
-wood_sounds.place = {name="block_place", gain=1.0}
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:cplps1", {
-	description = "Close player portal",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_gray.png"},
-	groups = {mesecon=2,snappy = 3, not_in_creative_inventory=0},
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	mesecons = {effector = {
-		action_on = function (pos, node)
-		for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 6)) do
-			if ob and ob:is_player() then
-				portal_delete(ob:get_player_name(),0)
-			end
-		end
-		minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="portalgun:cplps2"})
-		minetest.after((2), function(pos)
-			minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="portalgun:cplps1"})
-		end, pos)
-		return false
-	end,
-	}}
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:cplps3", {
-	description = "Close player portal when player is near",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_gray.png"},
-	groups = {snappy = 3, not_in_creative_inventory=0},
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	--every 2 seconds, check if player is near and close portal if so
-	on_timer = function (pos, elapsed)
-		for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 4)) do
-			if ob and ob:is_player() then
-				minetest.sound_play("portalgun_close", {pos=pos, gain=1.0, max_hear_distance = 10,})
-				portal_delete(ob:get_player_name(),0)
-			end
-			--destroy Weighted storage cubes
-			--if name starts with '''portalgun:wsc'''
-			if ob and ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().name and string.sub(ob:get_luaentity().name,1,13) == "portalgun:wsc" then
-				ob:remove()
-			end
-		end
-		local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
-		timer:start(2)
-		return true
-	end,
-	after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing)
-		local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
-		timer:start(2)
-	end,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:cplps2", {
-	description = "Close player portal",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_gray.png^[colorize:#ffe85977"},
-	groups = {mesecon=2,snappy = 3, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	paramtype = "light",
-	light_source = 4,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:sign_v", {
-	description = "Sign V",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_v.png"},
-	inventory_image = "portalgun_v.png",
-	drop="portalgun:sign_x",
-	drawtype = "nodebox",
-	groups = {mesecon=2,snappy = 3, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-	sounds = wood_sounds,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	paramtype = "light",
-	light_source = 5,
-	node_box = {
-	type="fixed",
-	fixed={-0.5,-0.5,0.45,0.5,0.5,0.5}},
-	mesecons = {effector = {
-		action_off = function (pos, node)
-		minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="portalgun:sign_x", param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
-	end,
-	}}
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:sign_x", {
-	description = "Sign X",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_x.png"},
-	inventory_image = "portalgun_x.png",
-	drawtype = "nodebox",
-	groups = {mesecon=2,snappy = 3, not_in_creative_inventory=0},
-	sounds = wood_sounds,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	paramtype = "light",
-	light_source = 3,
-	node_box = {
-	type="fixed",
-	fixed={-0.5,-0.5,0.45,0.5,0.5,0.5}},
-	mesecons = {effector = {
-		action_on = function (pos, node)
-		minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="portalgun:sign_v", param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
-		end,
-	}}
-local portaltarget_sig={
-for ii = 1, #portaltarget_sig, 1 do
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:portaltarget_" .. portaltarget_sig[ii][1], {
-	description = "Portal target " .. portaltarget_sig[ii][1] ,
-	tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png^" .. portaltarget_sig[ii][2]},
-	groups = {mesecon = 2,cracky=2},
-	mesecons = {receptor = {state = "off"}},
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	paramtype = "light",
-	on_timer = function (pos, elapsed)
-		for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 2)) do
-			if ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().portalgun and ob:get_luaentity().project==portaltarget_sig[ii][1] then
-				mesecon.receptor_on(pos)
-				return true
-			end
-		end
-		mesecon.receptor_off(pos)
-		return true
-	end,
-	on_construct = function(pos)
-		if not mesecon then return false end
-		minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(2)
-	end,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:button", {
-	description = "Button",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_bu.png"},
-	groups = {cracky = 3,mesecon=1},
-	paramtype = "light",
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	selection_box = {type = "fixed",fixed = { -0.2, -0.5, -0.2, 0.2, 0.85, 0.2 }},
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	mesecons = {receptor = {state = "off"}},
-	on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker)
-		mesecon.receptor_on(pos)
-		minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(2)
-		minetest.sound_play("button_press", {pos=pos,max_hear_distance = 10, gain = 1})
-	end,
-	on_timer = function (pos, elapsed)
-		mesecon.receptor_off(pos)
-	end,
-	drawtype = "nodebox",
-	node_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{-0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.25, 0.7, 0.25},
-			{-0.125, 0.5, -0.125, 0.125, 0.77, 0.125},
-		}}
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:dmgblock_1", {
-	description = "Damage block (hurts when not active)",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_powerwall.png"},
-	groups = {cracky = 1,mesecon=2},
-	drawtype="glasslike",
-	paramtype="light",
-	alpha = 50,
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	walkable=false,
-	damage_per_second = 5,
-	mesecons = {conductor = {
-		state = mesecon.state.off,
-		onstate = "portalgun:dmgblock_2",
-		rules = pgad_rules
-	}},
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:dmgblock_2", {
-	description = "Damage block",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_gravity.png"},
-	groups = {mesecon=2,not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-	drawtype="airlike",
-	pointable=false,
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	drop="portalgun:dmgblock_1",
-	paramtype="light",
-	walkable=false,
-	mesecons = {conductor = {
-		state = mesecon.state.on,
-		offstate = "portalgun:dmgblock_1",
-		rules = pgad_rules
-	}},
-	local name=player:get_player_name()
-	minetest.after(1, function(name)
-		if portalgun.checkpoints[name]~=nil then
-			player:move_to(portalgun.checkpoints[name])
-		end
-	end, name)
-	local name=player:get_player_name()
-	if portalgun.checkpoints[name]~=nil then
-		portalgun.checkpoints[name]=nil
-	end
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:autocheckpoint", {
-	description = "Checkpoint (teleports to here on death)",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_checkpoint.png"},
-	groups = {cracky = 3,not_in_creative_inventory=0},
-	paramtype = "light",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	light_source = 5,
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	drawtype="nodebox",
-	node_box = {
-	type="fixed",
-	fixed={-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.4,0.5}},
-	on_construct = function(pos)
-		minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("infotext","Checkpoint")
-		minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(2)
-	end,
-	on_timer = function (pos, elapsed)
-		for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1.5)) do
-			if ob:is_player() then
-				local name=ob:get_player_name()
-				if portalgun.checkpoints[name]~=nil then
-					local cp=portalgun.checkpoints[name]
-					if cp.x==pos.x and cp.y==pos.y and cp.z==pos.z then
-						return true
-					end
-				end
-				portal_delete(name,0)
-				portalgun_portal[name]=nil
-				portalgun.checkpoints[name]=pos
-				minetest.sound_play("portalgun_checkpoint", {pos=pos,max_hear_distance = 5, gain = 1})
-				minetest.chat_send_player(name, "<Portalgun> You will spawn here next time you die")
-			end
-		end
-		return true
-	end,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:powerdoor1_1", {
-	description = "Power door",
-	inventory_image = "portalgun_powerwall.png",
-	wield_image = "portalgun_powerwall.png",
-	groups = {mesecon=1,unbreakable = 1,not_in_creative_inventory=0},
-	paramtype = "light",
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	drawtype="nodebox",
-	alpha = 160,
-	node_box = {
-	type="fixed",
-	fixed={-0.5,-0.5,0.4,0.5,0.5,0.5}},
-	tiles = {
-		{
-			name = "portalgun_powerwall1.png",
-			animation = {
-				type = "vertical_frames",
-				aspect_w = 16,
-				aspect_h = 16,
-				length = 0.2,
-			},
-		},
-	},
-after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack)
-		local name=placer:get_player_name()
-		minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("owner",name)
-		local p2=minetest.get_node(pos)
-		pos.y=pos.y+1
-		local n=minetest.get_node(pos)
-		if n.name=="air" then
-			minetest.set_node(pos,{name="portalgun:powerdoor1_2",param2=p2.param2})
-			minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("owner",name)
-		end
-	end,
-on_punch = function(pos, node, player, pointed_thing)
-		local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos);
-		if meta:get_string("owner")==player:get_player_name() then
-			minetest.node_dig(pos,minetest.get_node(pos),player)
-			pos.y=pos.y+1
-			local un=minetest.get_node(pos).name
-			if un=="portalgun:powerdoor1_2" then
-				minetest.set_node(pos,{name="air"})
-			end
-			pos.y=pos.y-1
-			return true
-		end
-	end,
-	mesecons = {conductor = {
-		state = mesecon.state.off,
-		onstate = "portalgun:powerdoor2_1",
-		rules = pgad_rules
-	}},
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:powerdoor1_2", {
-	description = "Power door",
-	inventory_image = "portalgun_powerwall.png",
-	groups = {mesecon=1,unbreakable = 1,not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-	paramtype = "light",
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	drawtype="nodebox",
-	alpha = 160,
-	node_box = {
-	type="fixed",
-	fixed={-0.5,-0.5,0.4,0.5,0.5,0.5}},
-	tiles = {
-		{
-			name = "portalgun_powerwall1.png",
-			animation = {
-				type = "vertical_frames",
-				aspect_w = 16,
-				aspect_h = 16,
-				length = 0.2,
-			},
-		},
-	},
-on_punch = function(pos, node, player, pointed_thing)
-		local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos);
-		if meta:get_string("owner")==player:get_player_name() then
-			minetest.set_node(pos,{name="air"})
-			pos.y=pos.y-1
-			local un=minetest.get_node(pos).name
-			if un=="portalgun:powerdoor1_1" then
-				minetest.node_dig(pos,minetest.get_node(pos),player)
-			end
-			pos.y=pos.y+1
-			return true
-		end
-	end,
-	mesecons = {conductor = {
-		state = mesecon.state.off,
-		onstate = "portalgun:powerdoor2_2",
-		rules = pgad_rules
-	}},
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:powerdoor2_1", {
-	description = "Power door",
-	inventory_image = "portalgun_powerwall.png",
-	groups = {unbreakable=1,mesecon=1,not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-	paramtype = "light",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	drawtype="airlike",
-	walkable = false,
-	pointable = false,
-	diggable = false,
-	mesecons = {conductor = {
-		state = mesecon.state.on,
-		offstate = "portalgun:powerdoor1_1",
-		rules = pgad_rules
-	}},
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:powerdoor2_2", {
-	description = "Power door",
-	inventory_image = "portalgun_powerwall.png",
-	groups = {unbreakable=1,mesecon=1,not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-	paramtype = "light",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	drawtype="airlike",
-	walkable = false,
-	pointable = false,
-	diggable = false,
-	mesecons = {conductor = {
-		state = mesecon.state.on,
-		offstate = "portalgun:powerdoor1_2",
-		rules = pgad_rules
-	}},
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:delayer", {
-	description = "Delayer (Punsh to change time)",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_delayer.png","portalgun_testblock.png"},
-	groups = {dig_immediate = 2,mesecon=1},
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	paramtype = "light",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	drawtype="nodebox",
-	node_box = {
-	type="fixed",
-	fixed={-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.4,0.5}},
-on_punch = function(pos, node, player, pointed_thing)
-		if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name())==false then
-			local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
-			local time=meta:get_int("time")
-			if time>=10 then time=0 end
-			meta:set_int("time",time+1)
-			meta:set_string("infotext","Delayer (" .. (time+1) ..")")
-		end
-	end,
-	on_construct = function(pos)
-			local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
-			meta:set_int("time",1)
-			meta:set_string("infotext","Delayer (1)")
-			meta:set_int("case",0)
-	end,
-	on_timer = function (pos, elapsed)
-		local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
-		if meta:get_int("case")==2 then
-			meta:set_int("case",0)
-			mesecon.receptor_off(pos)
-		end
-		if meta:get_int("case")==1 then
-			meta:set_int("case",2)
-			mesecon.receptor_on(pos)
-			minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(meta:get_int("time"))
-		end
-		return false
-	end,
-	mesecons = {effector = {
-		action_on = function (pos, node)
-			local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
-			if meta:get_int("case")==0 then
-				meta:set_int("case",1)
-				minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(meta:get_int("time"))
-			end
-		end,
-	}}
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:testblocks", {
-	description = "Trapblock",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png"},
-	groups = {cracky = 1,mesecon=2},
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	mesecons = {conductor = {
-		state = mesecon.state.off,
-		onstate = "portalgun:testblocks2",
-		rules = pgad_rules
-	}},
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:testblocks2", {
-	description = "Damage block",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_gravity.png"},
-	groups = {mesecon=2,not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-	drawtype="airlike",
-	pointable=false,
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	drop="portalgun:testblocks",
-	paramtype="light",
-	walkable=false,
-	mesecons = {conductor = {
-		state = mesecon.state.on,
-		offstate = "portalgun:testblocks",
-		rules = pgad_rules
-	}},
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:door_1", {
-	description = "Mesecon Door",
-	drop="portalgun:door_1",
-	drawtype = "nodebox",
-	node_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{-0.5, -0.5, -0.125, 0.5, 0.5, 0.125},
-		}
-	},
-	tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png"},
-	groups = {mesecon=1,cracky = 1, level = 2, not_in_creative_inventory=0},
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	paramtype = "light",
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing)
-	local p={x=pos.x,y=pos.y+1,z=pos.z}
-	if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(p).name].walkable then
-		return false
-	else
-		minetest.set_node(p, {name = "portalgun:door_2",param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
-	end
-	end,
-	mesecons = {effector = {
-		action_on = function (pos, node)
-	local p={x=pos.x,y=pos.y+1,z=pos.z}
-	minetest.swap_node(p, {name="portalgun:door_open_2", param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
-	minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="portalgun:door_open_1", param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
-	minetest.sound_play("portalgun_door", {pos=pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 5})
-		end,
-	}},
-after_dig_node = function (pos, name, digger)
-	minetest.set_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y+1,z=pos.z}, {name = "air"})
-	end,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:door_2", {
-	description = "Door 2-1",
-	drawtype = "nodebox",
-	drop="portalgun:door_1",
-	node_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{-0.5, -0.5, -0.125, 0.5, 0.5, 0.125},
-		}
-	},
-	tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png"},
-	groups = {mesecon=1,cracky = 1, level = 2, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-	sounds = wood_sounds,
-	paramtype = "light",
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	mesecons = {effector = {
-		action_on = function (pos, node)
-	local p={x=pos.x,y=pos.y-1,z=pos.z}
-	minetest.swap_node(p, {name="portalgun:door_open_1", param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
-	minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="portalgun:door_open_2", param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
-	minetest.sound_play("portalgun_door", {pos=pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 5})
-		end,
-	}},
-after_dig_node = function (pos, name, digger)
-	minetest.set_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y-1,z=pos.z}, {name = "air"})
-	end,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:door_open_1", {
-	description = "Door (open) 2-o-1",
-	drop="portalgun:door_1",
-	drawtype = "nodebox",
-	node_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{0.41, -0.5, -0.124, 1.41, 0.5, 0.125},
-		}
-	},
-	tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png"},
-	groups = {mesecon=1,cracky = 1, level = 2, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-	sounds = wood_sounds,
-	paramtype = "light",
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-after_dig_node = function (pos, name, digger)
-	minetest.set_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y+1,z=pos.z}, {name = "air"})
-	end,
-	mesecons = {effector = {
-		action_off = function (pos, node)
-	local p={x=pos.x,y=pos.y+1,z=pos.z}
-	minetest.sound_play("portalgun_door", {pos=pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 5})
-	minetest.swap_node(p, {name="portalgun:door_2", param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
-	minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="portalgun:door_1", param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
-		end,
-	}}
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:door_open_2", {
-	description = "Door (open) 2-o-1",
-	drawtype = "nodebox",
-	drop="portalgun:door_1",
-	node_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{0.41, -0.5, -0.124, 1.41, 0.5, 0.125},
-		}
-	},
-	tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png"},
-	groups = {mesecon=1,cracky = 1, level = 2, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-	sounds = wood_sounds,
-	paramtype = "light",
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-after_dig_node = function (pos, name, digger)
-	minetest.set_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y-1,z=pos.z}, {name = "air"})
-	end,
-	mesecons = {effector = {
-		action_off = function (pos, node)
-	local p={x=pos.x,y=pos.y-1,z=pos.z}
-	minetest.sound_play("portalgun_door", {pos=pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 5})
-	minetest.swap_node(p, {name="portalgun:door_1", param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
-	minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="portalgun:door_2", param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
-		end,
-	}}
diff --git a/powerball.lua b/powerball.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d495d6..0000000
--- a/powerball.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-stone_sounds = {}
-stone_sounds.footstep = {name="stone_walk", gain=1.0}
-stone_sounds.dug = {name="stone_break", gain=1.0}
-stone_sounds.place = {name="block_place", gain=1.0}
-glass_sounds = {}
-glass_sounds.footstep = {name="glass_walk", gain=1.0}
-glass_sounds.dug = {name="glass_break", gain=1.0}
-glass_sounds.place = {name="block_place", gain=1.0}
-wood_sounds = {}
-wood_sounds.footstep = {name="wood_walk", gain=1.0}
-wood_sounds.dug = {name="wood_break", gain=1.0}
-wood_sounds.place = {name="block_place", gain=1.0}
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:powerballspawner", {
-	description = "Power ball spawner" ,
-	tiles = {"steel.png","steel.png","steel.png","steel.png","steel.png","portalgun_powerballspawner.png"},
-	groups = {cracky=2},
-	sounds = glass_sounds,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	on_construct = function(pos)
-		minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(10)
-	end,
-	on_timer = function (pos, elapsed)
-		local dir=minetest.get_node(pos).param2
-		local v={x=0, y=0, z=0}
-		if dir==0 then v.z=-1
-		elseif dir==1 then v.x=-1
-		elseif dir==2 then v.z=1
-		elseif dir==3 then v.x=1
-		elseif dir==5 then v.y=-1
-		elseif dir==4 then v.y=1
-		else v.y = -1
-		end
-		local pv={x=pos.x+v.x, y=pos.y+v.y, z=pos.z+v.z}
-		portalgun.new=1
-		local m=minetest.add_entity(pv, "portalgun:powerball")
-		m:set_velocity({x=v.x*4, y=v.y*4, z=v.z*4})
-		return true
-	end,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:powerballspawner2", {
-	description = "Power ball spawner (spawn on activate)" ,
-	tiles = {"steel.png","steel.png","steel.png","steel.png","steel.png","portalgun_powerballspawner.png^[colorize:#aaaa0055"},
-	groups = {cracky=2,mesecon=1},
-	sounds = glass_sounds,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	on_place = minetest.rotate_node,
-	mesecons = {effector = {
-		action_on = function (pos, node)
-			local dir=minetest.get_node(pos).param2
-			local v={x=0, y=0, z=0}
-			if dir==0 then v.z=-1
-			elseif dir==1 then v.x=-1
-			elseif dir==2 then v.z=1
-			elseif dir==3 then v.x=1
-			elseif dir==8 then v.y=-1
-			elseif dir==4 then v.y=1
-			end
-			local pv={x=pos.x+v.x, y=pos.y+v.y, z=pos.z+v.z}
-			portalgun.new=1
-			local m=minetest.add_entity(pv, "portalgun:powerball")
-			m:set_velocity({x=v.x*4, y=v.y*4, z=v.z*4})
-		end
-	}}
-	hp_max = 1000,
-	physical = true,
-	weight = 0,
-	collisionbox = {-0.4,-0.4,-0.4, 0.4,0.4,0.4},
-	visual = "sprite",
-	visual_size = {x=1.1, y=1.1},
-	textures = {"portalgun_powrball.png"},
-	initial_sprite_basepos = {x=0, y=0},
-	is_visible = true,
-	makes_footstep_sound = false,
-	automatic_rotate = 0,
-	portalgun=2,
-	powerball=1,
-on_activate= function(self, staticdata)
-	if portalgun.new==0 then
-		self.object:remove()
-		return self
-	end
-	portalgun.new=0
-	local pos=self.object:get_pos()
-	self.sound=minetest.sound_play("portalgun_powerball", {pos=pos,max_hear_distance = 10, gain = 0.5})
-	minetest.sound_play("portalgun_powerballbonce", {pos=pos,max_hear_distance = 10, gain = 1})
-on_step= function(self, dtime)
-		self.timer=self.timer+dtime
-		if self.timer<0.2 then return self end
-		self.timer=0
-		local pos=self.object:get_pos()
-		for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 2)) do
-			if ob:is_player() or (ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().portalgun~=1 and ob:get_luaentity().wsc==nil and ob:get_luaentity().powerball~=1) then
-				ob:set_hp(0)
-			end
-		end
-		self.timer2=self.timer2+1
-		self.timer3=self.timer3+1
-		if self.timer3>=9 then
-			self.timer3=0
-			minetest.sound_stop(self.sound)
-			self.sound=minetest.sound_play("portalgun_powerball", {pos=pos,max_hear_distance = 10, gain = 0.5})
-		end
-		if self.timer2>40 then
-			minetest.sound_stop(self.sound)
-			self.object:set_hp(0)
-			return self
-		end
-		local v=self.object:get_velocity()
-		local nextn={x=pos.x+(v.x)/3, y=pos.y+(v.y)/3, z=pos.z+(v.z)/3}
-		local nname=minetest.get_node(nextn).name
-		if minetest.registered_nodes[nname].walkable then
-			if nname=="portalgun:powerballtarget" and mesecon then
-				mesecon.receptor_on(nextn)
-				minetest.get_node_timer(nextn):start(5)
-				self.object:remove()
-			end
-			self.object:set_velocity({x=v.x*-1, y=v.y*-1, z=v.z*-1})
-			minetest.sound_play("portalgun_powerballbonce", {pos=pos,max_hear_distance = 10, gain = 1})
-		end
-	end,
-	timer=0,
-	timer2=0,
-	timer3=0,
-	sound={}
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:powerballtarget", {
-	description = "Power ball target" ,
-	tiles = {"portalgun_powerballstarget.png"},
-	groups = {mesecon = 2,cracky=2},
-	mesecons = {receptor = {state = "off"}},
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	on_timer = function (pos, elapsed)
-		mesecon.receptor_off(pos)
-		return false
-	end,
diff --git a/scripts/buildingblocks.lua b/scripts/buildingblocks.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d301a78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/buildingblocks.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+local pgad_rules = {
+    {x = 1, y = 0, z = 0},
+    {x = -1, y = 0, z = 0},
+    {x = 0, y = 1, z = 0},
+    {x = 0, y = -1, z = 0},
+    {x = 0, y = 0, z = 1},
+    {x = 0, y = 0, z = -1}
+    "portalgun:testblock",
+    {
+        description = "Test block",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png"},
+        groups = {cracky = 1},
+        sounds = stone_sounds
+    }
+    "portalgun:apb",
+    {
+        description = "Anti portal block",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png^[colorize:#ffffffaa"},
+        groups = {cracky = 3, antiportal = 1},
+        sounds = stone_sounds
+    }
+    "portalgun:apg",
+    {
+        description = "Anti portal glass",
+        drawtype = "glasslike",
+        paramtype = "light",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        tiles = {"glass.png^[colorize:#ffffffaa"},
+        groups = {cracky = 1, antiportal = 1},
+        sounds = glass_sounds
+    }
+    "portalgun:hard_glass",
+    {
+        description = "Hard glass",
+        drawtype = "glasslike",
+        paramtype = "light",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        tiles = {"glass.png^[colorize:#ddddddaa"},
+        groups = {cracky = 1},
+        sounds = glass_sounds
+    }
+    "portalgun:testblocks",
+    {
+        description = "Trapblock",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png"},
+        groups = {cracky = 1, mesecon = 2},
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        mesecons = {
+            conductor = {
+                state = mesecon.state.off,
+                onstate = "portalgun:testblocks2",
+                rules = pgad_rules
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    "portalgun:testblocks2",
+    {
+        description = "Air block",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_gravity.png"},
+        groups = {mesecon = 2, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
+        drawtype = "airlike",
+        pointable = false,
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        drop = "portalgun:testblocks",
+        paramtype = "light",
+        walkable = false,
+        mesecons = {
+            conductor = {
+                state = mesecon.state.on,
+                offstate = "portalgun:testblocks",
+                rules = pgad_rules
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/button.lua b/scripts/button.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f82f7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/button.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+local pgad_rules = {
+    {x = 1, y = 0, z = 0},
+    {x = -1, y = 0, z = 0},
+    {x = 0, y = 1, z = 0},
+    {x = 0, y = -1, z = 0},
+    {x = 0, y = 0, z = 1},
+    {x = 0, y = 0, z = -1}
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+    "portalgun:button",
+    {
+        description = "Button",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_bu.png"},
+        groups = {cracky = 3, mesecon = 1},
+        paramtype = "light",
+        paramtype2 = "facedir",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        selection_box = {type = "fixed", fixed = {-0.2, -0.5, -0.2, 0.2, 0.85, 0.2}},
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        mesecons = {receptor = {state = "off"}},
+        on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker)
+            mesecon.receptor_on(pos)
+            minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(2)
+            minetest.sound_play("button_press", {pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 10, gain = 1})
+        end,
+        on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
+            mesecon.receptor_off(pos)
+        end,
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {
+                {-0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.25, 0.7, 0.25},
+                {-0.125, 0.5, -0.125, 0.125, 0.77, 0.125}
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/cake.lua b/scripts/cake.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd9ee71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cake.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+    "portalgun:cake",
+    {
+        description = "Cake",
+        groups = {dig_immediate = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 0},
+        paramtype = "light",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        selection_box = {type = "fixed", fixed = {-0.3, -0.5, -0.3, 0.3, 0, 0.3}},
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        tiles = {
+            "dirt.png^portalgun_cake1.png",
+            "dirt.png^portalgun_cake2.png"
+        },
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {
+                {-0.3125, -0.5, 0.375, 0.3125, -0.125, 0.4375},
+                {-0.3125, -0.5, -0.4375, 0.3125, -0.125, -0.375},
+                {-0.4375, -0.5, -0.3125, -0.375, -0.125, 0.3125},
+                {0.375, -0.5, -0.3125, 0.4375, -0.125, 0.3125},
+                {-0.375, -0.5, -0.375, 0.375, -0.125, 0.375},
+                {-0.25, -0.5, 0.4375, 0.25, -0.125, 0.5},
+                {-0.25, -0.5, -0.5, 0.25, -0.125, -0.4375},
+                {0.4375, -0.5, -0.25, 0.5, -0.125, 0.25},
+                {-0.5, -0.5, -0.25, -0.4375, -0.125, 0.25},
+                {0, -0.125, -0.0625, 0.0625, 0.1875, 0}
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/camera.lua b/scripts/camera.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..074172d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/camera.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name="stone_walk", gain=1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name="stone_break", gain=1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name="block_place", gain=1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name="glass_walk", gain=1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name="glass_break", gain=1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name="block_place", gain=1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name="wood_walk", gain=1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name="wood_break", gain=1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name="block_place", gain=1.0}
+minetest.register_node("portalgun:secam_off", {
+	description = "Security cam (off)" ,
+	tiles = {"portalgun_scam.png"},
+	drawtype = "nodebox",
+	walkable=false,
+	groups = {dig_immediate = 3},
+	sounds = glass_sounds,
+	is_ground_content = false,
+	paramtype = "light",
+	paramtype2 = "facedir",
+	node_box = {type="fixed",
+		fixed={	{-0.2, -0.5, -0.2, 0.2, -0.4, 0.2},
+			{-0.1, -0.2, -0.1, 0.1, -0.4, 0.1}}
+	},
+	on_place = minetest.rotate_node,
+	on_construct = function(pos)
+		minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("infotext","click to activate")
+	end,
+on_rightclick = function(pos, node, player, itemstack, pointed_thing)
+	minetest.set_node(pos, {name ="portalgun:secam", param1 = node.param1, param2 = node.param2})
+	minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(1)
+minetest.register_node("portalgun:secam", {
+	description = "Security cam",
+	tiles = {"portalgun_scam.png"},
+	drawtype = "nodebox",
+	walkable=false,
+	groups = {dig_immediate = 3,stone=1,not_in_creative_inventory=1},
+	sounds = glass_sounds,
+	is_ground_content = false,
+	paramtype = "light",
+	paramtype2 = "facedir",
+	drop="portalgun:secam_off",
+	node_box = {type="fixed",
+		fixed={	{-0.2, -0.5, -0.2, 0.2, -0.4, 0.2},
+			{-0.1, -0.2, -0.1, 0.1, -0.4, 0.1}}
+	},
+on_timer=function(pos, elapsed)
+		for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 10)) do
+			if ob:is_player() or (ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().itemstring==nil and ob:get_luaentity().portalgun==nil) then
+				if portalgun_visiable(pos,ob) then
+					local v=ob:get_pos()
+					if not ob:get_luaentity() then v.y=v.y+1 end
+					local s={x=(v.x-pos.x)*3,y=(v.y-pos.y)*3,z=(v.z-pos.z)*3}
+					local m=minetest.add_entity(pos, "portalgun:bullet1")
+					m:set_velocity(s)
+					m:set_acceleration(s)
+					minetest.sound_play("portalgun_bullet1", {pos=pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 15,})
+					minetest.after((math.random(1,9)*0.1), function(pos,s,v)
+					local m=minetest.add_entity(pos, "portalgun:bullet1")
+					m:set_velocity(s)
+					m:set_acceleration(s)
+					minetest.sound_play("portalgun_bullet1", {pos=pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 15,})
+					end, pos,s,v)
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		return true
+	end,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/checkpoint.lua b/scripts/checkpoint.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..645b703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/checkpoint.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+minetest.register_node("portalgun:autocheckpoint", {
+	description = "Checkpoint (teleports to here on death)",
+	tiles = {"portalgun_checkpoint.png"},
+	groups = {cracky = 3,not_in_creative_inventory=0},
+	paramtype = "light",
+	sunlight_propagates = true,
+	light_source = 5,
+	sounds = stone_sounds,
+	drawtype="nodebox",
+	node_box = {
+	type="fixed",
+	fixed={-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.4,0.5}},
+	on_construct = function(pos)
+		minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("infotext","Checkpoint")
+		minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(2)
+	end,
+	on_timer = function (pos, elapsed)
+		for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1.5)) do
+			if ob:is_player() then
+				local name=ob:get_player_name()
+				if checkpoints[name]~=nil then
+					local cp=checkpoints[name]
+					if cp.x==pos.x and cp.y==pos.y and cp.z==pos.z then
+						return true
+					end
+				end
+				portal_delete(name,0)
+				portalgun_portal[name]=nil
+				checkpoints[name]=pos
+				minetest.sound_play("portalgun_checkpoint", {pos=pos,max_hear_distance = 5, gain = 1})
+				minetest.chat_send_player(name, "<Portalgun> You will spawn here next time you die")
+			end
+		end
+		return true
+	end,
+	local name=player:get_player_name()
+	minetest.after(1, function(name)
+		if checkpoints[name]~=nil then
+			player:move_to(checkpoints[name])
+		end
+	end, name)
+	local name=player:get_player_name()
+	if checkpoints[name]~=nil then
+		checkpoints[name]=nil
+	end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/cubespawners.lua b/scripts/cubespawners.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e51e07e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/cubespawners.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+new = 0
+local ptgwsc = {
+    {"weightedstoragecube.png", "portalgun_presplat.png", "(blue)"},
+    {"weightedstoragecube2.png", "portalgun_presplat2.png", "(orange)"},
+    {"weightedstoragecube3.png", "portalgun_presplat3.png", "(yellow)"},
+    {"weightedstoragecube4.png", "portalgun_presplat4.png", "(green)"},
+    {"weightedcompanioncube.png", "portalgun_presplat.png", "(blue companion)"},
+    {"weightedcompanioncube2.png", "portalgun_presplat2.png", "(orange companion)"},
+    {"weightedcompanioncube3.png", "portalgun_presplat3.png", "(yellow companion)"},
+    {"weightedcompanioncube4.png", "portalgun_presplat4.png", "(green companion)"}
+for ii = 1, #ptgwsc, 1 do
+    minetest.register_node(
+        "portalgun:wscspawner2_" .. ii,
+        {
+            description = "Weighted storage cube spawner2 " .. ptgwsc[ii][3],
+            tiles = {"steel.png", "steel.png", "steel.png", "steel.png", "steel.png", ptgwsc[ii][1]},
+            groups = {cracky = 2, mesecon_receptor_off = 1, mesecon_effector_off = 1},
+            sounds = glass_sounds,
+            is_ground_content = false,
+            paramtype2 = "facedir",
+            mesecons = {
+                receptor = {state = "off"},
+                effector = {
+                    action_on = function(pos, node)
+                        local dir = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
+                        local v = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}
+                        if dir == 0 then
+                            v.z = -1
+                        elseif dir == 1 then
+                            v.x = -1.2
+                        elseif dir == 2 then
+                            v.z = 1.2
+                        elseif dir == 3 then
+                            v.x = 1.2
+                        elseif dir == 8 then
+                            v.y = -1.2
+                        elseif dir == 4 then
+                            v.y = 1.2
+                        end
+                        local pv = {x = pos.x + v.x, y = pos.y + v.y, z = pos.z + v.z}
+                        new = 1
+                        local m = minetest.add_entity(pv, "portalgun:wsc" .. ii)
+                        m:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = -10, z = 0})
+                    end
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    )
+    minetest.register_node(
+        "portalgun:wscspawner" .. ii,
+        {
+            description = "Weighted storage cube spawner " .. ptgwsc[ii][3],
+            tiles = {ptgwsc[ii][1]},
+            groups = {cracky = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 0},
+            paramtype = "light",
+            paramtype2 = "facedir",
+            sunlight_propagates = true,
+            light_source = 14,
+            sounds = stone_sounds,
+            drawtype = "nodebox",
+            node_box = {
+                type = "fixed",
+                fixed = {
+                    {-0.7, -0.5, -0.7, 0.7, -0.375, 0.7},
+                    {0.7, -0.5, -0.1875, 0.9, -0.4375, 0.1875},
+                    {-0.9, -0.5, -0.1875, -0.7, -0.4375, 0.1875},
+                    {-0.1875, -0.5, -0.9, 0.1875, -0.4375, -0.7},
+                    {-0.1875, -0.5, 0.7, 0.1875, -0.4375, 0.9}
+                }
+            },
+            on_construct = function(pos)
+                minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(5)
+            end,
+            on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
+                for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 40)) do
+                    if ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().wsc == ii then
+                        return true
+                    end
+                end
+                new = 1
+                local m = minetest.add_entity(pos, "portalgun:wsc" .. ii)
+                m:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = -10, z = 0})
+                return true
+            end
+        }
+    )
+end --  of for #
diff --git a/scripts/damageblock.lua b/scripts/damageblock.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57681dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/damageblock.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+local pgad_rules = {
+    {x = 1, y = 0, z = 0},
+    {x = -1, y = 0, z = 0},
+    {x = 0, y = 1, z = 0},
+    {x = 0, y = -1, z = 0},
+    {x = 0, y = 0, z = 1},
+    {x = 0, y = 0, z = -1}
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+    "portalgun:dmgblock_1",
+    {
+        description = "Damage block (hurts when not active)",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_powerwall.png"},
+        groups = {cracky = 1, mesecon = 2},
+        drawtype = "glasslike",
+        paramtype = "light",
+        alpha = 50,
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        walkable = false,
+        damage_per_second = 5,
+        mesecons = {
+            conductor = {
+                state = mesecon.state.off,
+                onstate = "portalgun:dmgblock_2",
+                rules = pgad_rules
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    "portalgun:dmgblock_2",
+    {
+        description = "Damage block",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_gravity.png"},
+        groups = {mesecon = 2, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
+        drawtype = "airlike",
+        pointable = false,
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        drop = "portalgun:dmgblock_1",
+        paramtype = "light",
+        walkable = false,
+        mesecons = {
+            conductor = {
+                state = mesecon.state.on,
+                offstate = "portalgun:dmgblock_1",
+                rules = pgad_rules
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/delayer.lua b/scripts/delayer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08df39d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/delayer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+local pgad_rules = {
+    {x = 1, y = 0, z = 0},
+    {x = -1, y = 0, z = 0},
+    {x = 0, y = 1, z = 0},
+    {x = 0, y = -1, z = 0},
+    {x = 0, y = 0, z = 1},
+    {x = 0, y = 0, z = -1}
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+    "portalgun:delayer",
+    {
+        description = "Delayer (Punsh to change time)",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_delayer.png", "portalgun_testblock.png"},
+        groups = {dig_immediate = 2, mesecon = 1},
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        paramtype = "light",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.4, 0.5}
+        },
+        on_punch = function(pos, node, player, pointed_thing)
+            if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) == false then
+                local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+                local time = meta:get_int("time")
+                if time >= 10 then
+                    time = 0
+                end
+                meta:set_int("time", time + 1)
+                meta:set_string("infotext", "Delayer (" .. (time + 1) .. ")")
+            end
+        end,
+        on_construct = function(pos)
+            local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+            meta:set_int("time", 1)
+            meta:set_string("infotext", "Delayer (1)")
+            meta:set_int("case", 0)
+        end,
+        on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
+            local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+            if meta:get_int("case") == 2 then
+                meta:set_int("case", 0)
+                mesecon.receptor_off(pos)
+            end
+            if meta:get_int("case") == 1 then
+                meta:set_int("case", 2)
+                mesecon.receptor_on(pos)
+                minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(meta:get_int("time"))
+            end
+            return false
+        end,
+        mesecons = {
+            effector = {
+                action_on = function(pos, node)
+                    local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+                    if meta:get_int("case") == 0 then
+                        meta:set_int("case", 1)
+                        minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(meta:get_int("time"))
+                    end
+                end
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/doors.lua b/scripts/doors.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dfbdc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/doors.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+local pgad_rules = {
+    {x = 1, y = 0, z = 0},
+    {x = -1, y = 0, z = 0},
+    {x = 0, y = 1, z = 0},
+    {x = 0, y = -1, z = 0},
+    {x = 0, y = 0, z = 1},
+    {x = 0, y = 0, z = -1}
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+    "portalgun:powerdoor1_1",
+    {
+        description = "Power door",
+        inventory_image = "portalgun_powerwall.png",
+        wield_image = "portalgun_powerwall.png",
+        groups = {mesecon = 1, unbreakable = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 0},
+        paramtype = "light",
+        paramtype2 = "facedir",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        alpha = 160,
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}
+        },
+        tiles = {
+            {
+                name = "portalgun_powerwall1.png",
+                animation = {
+                    type = "vertical_frames",
+                    aspect_w = 16,
+                    aspect_h = 16,
+                    length = 0.2
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack)
+            local name = placer:get_player_name()
+            minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("owner", name)
+            local p2 = minetest.get_node(pos)
+            pos.y = pos.y + 1
+            local n = minetest.get_node(pos)
+            if n.name == "air" then
+                minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "portalgun:powerdoor1_2", param2 = p2.param2})
+                minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("owner", name)
+            end
+        end,
+        on_punch = function(pos, node, player, pointed_thing)
+            local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+            if meta:get_string("owner") == player:get_player_name() then
+                minetest.node_dig(pos, minetest.get_node(pos), player)
+                pos.y = pos.y + 1
+                local un = minetest.get_node(pos).name
+                if un == "portalgun:powerdoor1_2" then
+                    minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "air"})
+                end
+                pos.y = pos.y - 1
+                return true
+            end
+        end,
+        mesecons = {
+            conductor = {
+                state = mesecon.state.off,
+                onstate = "portalgun:powerdoor2_1",
+                rules = pgad_rules
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    "portalgun:powerdoor1_2",
+    {
+        description = "Power door",
+        inventory_image = "portalgun_powerwall.png",
+        groups = {mesecon = 1, unbreakable = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
+        paramtype = "light",
+        paramtype2 = "facedir",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        alpha = 160,
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}
+        },
+        tiles = {
+            {
+                name = "portalgun_powerwall1.png",
+                animation = {
+                    type = "vertical_frames",
+                    aspect_w = 16,
+                    aspect_h = 16,
+                    length = 0.2
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        on_punch = function(pos, node, player, pointed_thing)
+            local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+            if meta:get_string("owner") == player:get_player_name() then
+                minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "air"})
+                pos.y = pos.y - 1
+                local un = minetest.get_node(pos).name
+                if un == "portalgun:powerdoor1_1" then
+                    minetest.node_dig(pos, minetest.get_node(pos), player)
+                end
+                pos.y = pos.y + 1
+                return true
+            end
+        end,
+        mesecons = {
+            conductor = {
+                state = mesecon.state.off,
+                onstate = "portalgun:powerdoor2_2",
+                rules = pgad_rules
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    "portalgun:powerdoor2_1",
+    {
+        description = "Power door",
+        inventory_image = "portalgun_powerwall.png",
+        groups = {unbreakable = 1, mesecon = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
+        paramtype = "light",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        drawtype = "airlike",
+        walkable = false,
+        pointable = false,
+        diggable = false,
+        mesecons = {
+            conductor = {
+                state = mesecon.state.on,
+                offstate = "portalgun:powerdoor1_1",
+                rules = pgad_rules
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    "portalgun:powerdoor2_2",
+    {
+        description = "Power door",
+        inventory_image = "portalgun_powerwall.png",
+        groups = {unbreakable = 1, mesecon = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
+        paramtype = "light",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        drawtype = "airlike",
+        walkable = false,
+        pointable = false,
+        diggable = false,
+        mesecons = {
+            conductor = {
+                state = mesecon.state.on,
+                offstate = "portalgun:powerdoor1_2",
+                rules = pgad_rules
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    "portalgun:door_1",
+    {
+        description = "Mesecon Door",
+        drop = "portalgun:door_1",
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {
+                {-0.5, -0.5, -0.125, 0.5, 0.5, 0.125}
+            }
+        },
+        tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png"},
+        groups = {mesecon = 1, cracky = 1, level = 2, not_in_creative_inventory = 0},
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        paramtype = "light",
+        paramtype2 = "facedir",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        is_ground_content = false,
+        after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing)
+            local p = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z}
+            if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(p).name].walkable then
+                return false
+            else
+                minetest.set_node(p, {name = "portalgun:door_2", param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
+            end
+        end,
+        mesecons = {
+            effector = {
+                action_on = function(pos, node)
+                    local p = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z}
+                    minetest.swap_node(p, {name = "portalgun:door_open_2", param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
+                    minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "portalgun:door_open_1", param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
+                    minetest.sound_play("portalgun_door", {pos = pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 5})
+                end
+            }
+        },
+        after_dig_node = function(pos, name, digger)
+            minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z}, {name = "air"})
+        end
+    }
+    "portalgun:door_2",
+    {
+        description = "Door 2-1",
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        drop = "portalgun:door_1",
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {
+                {-0.5, -0.5, -0.125, 0.5, 0.5, 0.125}
+            }
+        },
+        tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png"},
+        groups = {mesecon = 1, cracky = 1, level = 2, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
+        sounds = wood_sounds,
+        paramtype = "light",
+        paramtype2 = "facedir",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        is_ground_content = false,
+        mesecons = {
+            effector = {
+                action_on = function(pos, node)
+                    local p = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z}
+                    minetest.swap_node(p, {name = "portalgun:door_open_1", param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
+                    minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "portalgun:door_open_2", param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
+                    minetest.sound_play("portalgun_door", {pos = pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 5})
+                end
+            }
+        },
+        after_dig_node = function(pos, name, digger)
+            minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z}, {name = "air"})
+        end
+    }
+    "portalgun:door_open_1",
+    {
+        description = "Door (open) 2-o-1",
+        drop = "portalgun:door_1",
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {
+                {0.41, -0.5, -0.124, 1.41, 0.5, 0.125}
+            }
+        },
+        tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png"},
+        groups = {mesecon = 1, cracky = 1, level = 2, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
+        sounds = wood_sounds,
+        paramtype = "light",
+        paramtype2 = "facedir",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        is_ground_content = false,
+        after_dig_node = function(pos, name, digger)
+            minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z}, {name = "air"})
+        end,
+        mesecons = {
+            effector = {
+                action_off = function(pos, node)
+                    local p = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z}
+                    minetest.sound_play("portalgun_door", {pos = pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 5})
+                    minetest.swap_node(p, {name = "portalgun:door_2", param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
+                    minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "portalgun:door_1", param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
+                end
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    "portalgun:door_open_2",
+    {
+        description = "Door (open) 2-o-1",
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        drop = "portalgun:door_1",
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {
+                {0.41, -0.5, -0.124, 1.41, 0.5, 0.125}
+            }
+        },
+        tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png"},
+        groups = {mesecon = 1, cracky = 1, level = 2, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
+        sounds = wood_sounds,
+        paramtype = "light",
+        paramtype2 = "facedir",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        is_ground_content = false,
+        after_dig_node = function(pos, name, digger)
+            minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z}, {name = "air"})
+        end,
+        mesecons = {
+            effector = {
+                action_off = function(pos, node)
+                    local p = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z}
+                    minetest.sound_play("portalgun_door", {pos = pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 5})
+                    minetest.swap_node(p, {name = "portalgun:door_1", param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
+                    minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "portalgun:door_2", param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
+                end
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/editingtools.lua b/scripts/editingtools.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a39568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/editingtools.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+    "portalgun:pick",
+    {
+        --a pickaxe that can mine all blocks
+        description = "Portalgun Pickaxe",
+        inventory_image = "portalgun_pick.png",
+        tool_capabilities = {
+            full_punch_interval = 1.0,
+            max_drop_level = 3,
+            groupcaps = {
+                unbreakable = {times = {[1] = 1, [2] = 1, [3] = 1}, uses = 0, maxlevel = 3},
+                fleshy = {times = {[1] = 1, [2] = 1, [3] = 1}, uses = 0, maxlevel = 3},
+                choppy = {times = {[1] = 1, [2] = 1, [3] = 1}, uses = 0, maxlevel = 3},
+                bendy = {times = {[1] = 1, [2] = 1, [3] = 1}, uses = 0, maxlevel = 3},
+                cracky = {times = {[1] = 1, [2] = 1, [3] = 1}, uses = 0, maxlevel = 3},
+                crumbly = {times = {[1] = 1, [2] = 1, [3] = 1}, uses = 0, maxlevel = 3},
+                snappy = {times = {[1] = 1, [2] = 1, [3] = 1}, uses = 0, maxlevel = 3}
+            },
+            damage_groups = {fleshy = 1000}
+        }
+    }
+    "portalgun:ed",
+    {
+        description = "Entity Destroyer",
+        inventory_image = "portalgun_edestroyer.png",
+        range = 15,
+        on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
+            local pos = user:get_pos()
+            if pointed_thing.type == "node" then
+                pos = pointed_thing.above
+            end
+            if pointed_thing.type == "object" then
+                pos = pointed_thing.ref:get_pos()
+            end
+            local name = user:get_player_name()
+            if minetest.check_player_privs(name, {kick = true}) == false then
+                minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You need the kick privilege to use this tool!")
+                return itemstack
+            end
+            for ii, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 7)) do
+                if ob:get_luaentity() then
+                    ob:set_hp(0)
+                end
+            end
+            return itemstack
+        end
+    }
+--register command for admins to build a testblock at the players position
+    "testblock",
+    {
+        params = "",
+        description = "builds a testblock at the players position",
+        privs = {server = true},
+        func = function(name, param)
+            local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
+            local pos = player:get_pos()
+            minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "portalgun:testblock"})
+        end
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/fizzlers.lua b/scripts/fizzlers.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdd9b6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/fizzlers.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+    "portalgun:cplps1",
+    {
+        description = "Close player portal",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_gray.png"},
+        groups = {mesecon = 2, snappy = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 0},
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        is_ground_content = false,
+        mesecons = {
+            effector = {
+                action_on = function(pos, node)
+                    for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 6)) do
+                        if ob and ob:is_player() then
+                            portal_delete(ob:get_player_name(), 0)
+                        end
+                    end
+                    minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "portalgun:cplps2"})
+                    minetest.after(
+                        (2),
+                        function(pos)
+                            minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "portalgun:cplps1"})
+                        end,
+                        pos
+                    )
+                    return false
+                end
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    "portalgun:cplps3",
+    {
+        description = "Close player portal when player is near",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_gray.png"},
+        groups = {snappy = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 0},
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        is_ground_content = false,
+        --every 2 seconds, check if player is near and close portal if so
+        on_t = function(pos, elapsed)
+            for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 4)) do
+                if ob and ob:is_player() then
+                    minetest.sound_play("portalgun_close", {pos = pos, gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 10})
+                    portal_delete(ob:get_player_name(), 0)
+                end
+                --destroy all entities except players
+                if ob and not ob:is_player() then
+                    ob:remove()
+                end
+            end
+            local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
+            timer:start(2)
+            return true
+        end,
+        after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing)
+            local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
+            timer:start(2)
+        end
+    }
+    "portalgun:cplps2",
+    {
+        description = "Close player portal",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_gray.png^[colorize:#ffe85977"},
+        groups = {mesecon = 2, snappy = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        is_ground_content = false,
+        paramtype = "light",
+        light_source = 4
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/gravityuse.lua b/scripts/gravityuse.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18f6397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/gravityuse.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+portalgun_power = {}
+portalgun_power_tmp_power = 0
+function portalgun_gravity(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
+    local ob = pointed_thing.ref
+    local at = ob:get_attach()
+    if at and at:get_luaentity() and at:get_luaentity().portalgun_power then
+        ob:set_detach()
+        local target = at:get_luaentity().target
+        if target and target:get_luaentity() and (target:get_luaentity().itemstring or target:get_luaentity().wsc) then
+            target:set_velocity({x = 0, y = -1, z = 0})
+            target:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = -8, z = 0})
+        end
+        return itemstack
+    end
+    if not ob:get_attach() and (ob:is_player() or (ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().powerball ~= 1)) then
+        --if 4 blocks or closer to player
+        if vector.distance(ob:get_pos(), user:get_pos()) < 4 then
+            portalgun_power.user = user
+            portalgun_power.target = ob
+            if ob:is_player() then
+                portalgun_power.player = 1
+            end
+            local m = minetest.add_entity(ob:get_pos(), "portalgun:power")
+            ob:set_attach(m, "", {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0})
+            return itemstack
+        end
+    end
+    return itemstack
+    "portalgun:power",
+    {
+        hp_max = 100,
+        physical = false,
+        weight = 0,
+        collisionbox = {-0.2, -0.2, -0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2},
+        visual = "sprite",
+        visual_size = {x = 1, y = 1},
+        textures = {"portalgun_gravity.png"},
+        spritediv = {x = 1, y = 1},
+        is_visible = true,
+        makes_footstep_sound = false,
+        automatic_rotate = 0,
+        timer = 0,
+        time = 0.1,
+        portalgun_power = 1,
+        portalgun = 1,
+        lifelime = 100,
+        on_activate = function(self, staticdata)
+            if portalgun_power.user then
+                self.user = portalgun_power.user
+                self.target = portalgun_power.target
+                self.player = portalgun_power.player
+                portalgun_power = {}
+            else
+                self.object:remove()
+            end
+        end,
+        on_punch = function(self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir)
+            if self.target and self.target:get_attach() then
+                self.target:set_detach()
+                self.target:set_hp(0)
+            end
+        end,
+        on_step = function(self, dtime)
+            self.timer = self.timer + dtime
+            if self.timer < self.time then
+                return self
+            end
+            self.timer = 0
+            if self.target == nil or (not self.target:get_attach()) then
+                self.object:set_hp(0)
+                if self.sound then
+                    minetest.sound_stop(self.sound)
+                end
+            end
+            if self.player then
+                self.lifelime = self.lifelime - 1
+                if self.lifelime < 0 then
+                    self.target:set_detach()
+                    return self
+                end
+            end
+            local pos = self.user:get_pos()
+            if pos == nil then
+                return self
+            end
+            pos.y = pos.y + 1.6
+            local dir = self.user:get_look_dir()
+            local npos = {x = pos.x + (dir.x * 2), y = pos.y + (dir.y * 2), z = pos.z + (dir.z * 2)}
+            if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(npos).name].walkable then
+                return self
+            end
+            self.object:move_to(npos)
+            return self
+        end
+    }
+    "portalgun:power2",
+    {
+        hp_max = 100,
+        physical = true,
+        weight = 10,
+        collisionbox = {-0.35, 0, -0.35, 0.35, 1, 0.35},
+        visual = "sprite",
+        visual_size = {x = 1, y = 1},
+        textures = {"portalgun_gravity.png"},
+        spritediv = {x = 1, y = 1},
+        is_visible = true,
+        makes_footstep_sound = false,
+        automatic_rotate = 0,
+        timer = 0,
+        time = 0.025,
+        portalgun_power = 1,
+        portalgun = 1,
+        lifelime = 1000,
+        v = 0.3,
+        ltime = 0,
+        on_activate = function(self, staticdata)
+            if portalgun_power.user then
+                self.user = portalgun_power.user
+                self.target = portalgun_power.target
+                self.ltime = portalgun_power_tmp_power
+                portalgun_power = {}
+            else
+                self.object:remove()
+            end
+        end,
+        on_step = function(self, dtime)
+            local pos = self.object:get_pos()
+            local v = self.object:get_velocity()
+            local v2 = {x = v.x - self.v, y = (v.y - self.v) * 0.99, z = v.z - self.v}
+            if v2.x < 0.5 and v2.x > -0.5 then
+                v2.x = 0
+            end
+            if v2.y < 0.5 and v2.y > -0.5 then
+                v2.y = 0
+            end
+            if v2.z < 0.5 and v2.z > -0.5 then
+                v2.z = 0
+            end
+            self.object:set_velocity(v2)
+            self.ltime = self.ltime - self.v
+            if self.ltime < self.v or (v2.x + v2.y + v2.z == 0) then
+                self.lifelime = -1
+            end
+            local nexpos = {x = pos.x + (v.x * 0.05), y = pos.y + (v.y * 0.05) + 1, z = pos.z + (v.z * 0.05)}
+            if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(nexpos).name].walkable then
+                self.lifelime = -1
+            end
+            self.lifelime = self.lifelime - 1
+            if self.lifelime < 0 then
+                self.target:set_detach()
+            end
+            if self.target == nil or (not self.target:get_attach()) then
+                self.object:set_hp(0)
+                return self
+            end
+            return self
+        end
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/objectdestroyer.lua b/scripts/objectdestroyer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87a26e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/objectdestroyer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+    "portalgun:objdestroyer_1",
+    {
+        description = "Object destroyer (destroys on active)",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png^[colorize:#FF0000aa"},
+        groups = {cracky = 2, mesecon = 1},
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        mesecons = {
+            effector = {
+                action_on = function(pos, node)
+                    minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "portalgun:objdestroyer_2"})
+                    for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 5)) do
+                        if ob:get_luaentity() then
+                            ob:set_hp(0)
+                        end
+                    end
+                end
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    "portalgun:objdestroyer_2",
+    {
+        description = "Obj destroyer",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png^[colorize:#FF0000cc"},
+        groups = {cracky = 2, mesecon = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        drop = "portalgun:objdestroyer_1",
+        paramtype = "light",
+        light_source = 14,
+        mesecons = {
+            conductor = {
+                state = mesecon.state.on,
+                offstate = "portalgun:objdestroyer_1"
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/portalgun.lua b/scripts/portalgun.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..894c050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/portalgun.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+portalgun_portal = {}
+portalgun_portal_tmp_user_abort = 0
+portalgun_portal_tmp_user = ""
+local portalgun_timer = 1.2
+local portalgun_time = 0
+portalgun_lifelime = 1200 --deletes portals that not used after a while
+portalgun_max_rage = 100
+portalgun_max_use_per_secund_time = 4 --destroys the portal if excessive used
+portalgun_max_use_per_secund = 25 --4 & 25 is default = teleported (teleported 25 times in 4 sec)
+function portalgun_param2(pos, param2, r)
+    local pos2 = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}
+    if r then
+        if param2 == 0 then
+            pos2.x = pos2.x - 1
+        elseif param2 == 1 then
+            pos2.z = pos2.z + 1
+        elseif param2 == 2 then
+            pos2.x = pos2.x + 1
+        elseif param2 == 3 then
+            pos2.z = pos2.z - 1
+        end
+    else
+        if param2 == 0 then
+            pos2.x = pos2.x + 1
+        elseif param2 == 1 then
+            pos2.z = pos2.z - 1
+        elseif param2 == 2 then
+            pos2.x = pos2.x - 1
+        elseif param2 == 3 then
+            pos2.z = pos2.z + 1
+        end
+    end
+    return pos2
+local function portalgun_getLength(a) -- get length of an array / table
+    local count = 0
+    for _ in pairs(a) do
+        count = count + 1
+    end
+    return count
+function portal_delete(name, n) -- using set_hp & :punch instand of :remove ... no risk for crash if something attach it
+    if portalgun_portal[name] == nil then
+        return
+    end
+    if (n == 1 or n == 0) and portalgun_portal[name].portal1 ~= nil then
+        if n == 0 then
+            local pos = portalgun_portal[name].portal1:get_pos()
+            if pos ~= nil then
+                minetest.sound_play("portalgun_closeportals", {pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 20, gain = 1})
+            end
+        end
+        portalgun_portal[name].portal1_active = false
+        portalgun_portal[name].portal1:set_hp(0)
+    end
+    if (n == 2 or n == 0) and portalgun_portal[name].portal2 ~= nil then
+        if n == 0 then
+            local pos = portalgun_portal[name].portal2:get_pos()
+            if pos ~= nil then
+                minetest.sound_play("portalgun_closeportals", {pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 20, gain = 1})
+            end
+        end
+        portalgun_portal[name].portal2_active = false
+        portalgun_portal[name].portal2:set_hp(0)
+    end
+    if n == 0 then
+        portalgun_portal[name] = nil
+    end
+    function(player) -- 	deletes user the profile (saveing memory)
+        local name = player:get_player_name()
+        portal_delete(name, 0)
+        portalgun_portal[name] = nil
+    end
+    function(player)
+        local name = player:get_player_name()
+        portal_delete(name, 0)
+        portalgun_portal[name] = nil
+    end
+portalgun_on_step = function(self, dtime)
+    local name = self.user
+    if portalgun_portal[self.user] == nil then
+        self.object:remove()
+        return self
+    end
+    if
+        (self.project == 1 and self.use ~= portalgun_portal[self.user].portal1_use) or
+            (self.project == 2 and self.use ~= portalgun_portal[self.user].portal2_use)
+     then
+        self.object:remove()
+        return self
+    end
+    if portalgun_portal[name].lifelime < 0 then
+        portal_delete(name, 0)
+        return self
+    end
+    if portalgun_portal[name].portal1_active and portalgun_portal[name].portal2_active then -- makes lifetime equal when both is acive, or it will be half
+        portalgun_portal[name].lifelime = portalgun_portal[name].lifelime - 0.5
+    else
+        portalgun_portal[name].lifelime = portalgun_portal[name].lifelime - 1
+        return self -- abort when only 1 is active (saves cpu)
+    end
+    if portalgun_portal[name].timer > 0 then -- makes teleported stuff wont move back at same time (bug fix)
+        portalgun_portal[name].timer = portalgun_portal[name].timer - dtime
+        return self
+    end
+    if self.portal_max_use > 0 then -- makes teleported stuff wont move back at same time (bug fix)
+        self.portal_max_use_time = self.portal_max_use_time + dtime
+        if self.portal_max_use >= portalgun_max_use_per_secund then
+            portal_delete(name, self.project)
+            return self
+        elseif self.portal_max_use_time >= portalgun_max_use_per_secund_time then
+            self.portal_max_use_time = 0
+            self.portal_max_use = 0
+        end
+    end
+    local pos1 = 0
+    local pos2 = 0
+    local d1 = 0
+    local d2 = 0
+    if self.project == 1 then
+        pos1 = portalgun_portal[name].portal1_pos
+        pos2 = portalgun_portal[name].portal2_pos
+        d1 = portalgun_portal[name].portal1_dir
+        d2 = portalgun_portal[name].portal2_dir
+    else
+        pos1 = portalgun_portal[name].portal2_pos
+        pos2 = portalgun_portal[name].portal1_pos
+        d1 = portalgun_portal[name].portal2_dir
+        d2 = portalgun_portal[name].portal1_dir
+    end
+    -- portalgun_front_of_field should fix teleport through walls, but is not working in all directions
+    -- waiting with this issue
+    if pos2 ~= 0 and pos1 ~= 0 then
+        for ii, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos1, self.area)) do
+            if pos2 ~= 0 then --and portalgun_front_of_field(self.object,ob)
+                if
+                    (ob:is_player()) or
+                        (ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().portalgun ~= 1 and
+                            ob:get_luaentity().name:find(":text", 4) == nil)
+                 then
+                    if ob:get_attach() then
+                        ob:set_detach()
+                        ob:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = -10, z = 0})
+                    end
+                    --set velocity then teleport
+                    local p = pos2
+                    local x = 0
+                    local y = 0
+                    local z = 0
+                    local dis = 2
+                    if p == nil or p.x == nil then
+                        return self
+                    end
+                    if ob:is_player() then
+                        local v = ob:get_player_velocity()
+                        local player_name = ob:get_player_name()
+                        portalgun_power.user = player_name
+                        portalgun_power.target = ob
+                        local vv = {x = v.x, y = v.y, z = v.z}
+                        -- get the highest velocity
+                        dis = 2
+                        if vv.x + vv.y + vv.z <= 0.3 then
+                            if self.small == true then
+                                vv.x = 1.4
+                            else
+                                vv.x = 2
+                            end
+                        end
+                        if vv.x + vv.y + vv.z == 0 then
+                            vv.x = 2
+                        end
+                        if vv.x < 0 then
+                            vv.x = vv.x * -1
+                        end
+                        if vv.y < 0 then
+                            vv.y = vv.y * -1
+                        end
+                        if vv.z < 0 then
+                            vv.z = vv.z * -1
+                        end
+                        if vv.x > vv.z then
+                            vv.a = vv.x
+                        else
+                            vv.a = vv.z
+                        end
+                        if vv.a < vv.y then
+                            vv.a = vv.y
+                        end
+                        portalgun_power_tmp_power = vv.a
+                        local m = minetest.add_entity(ob:get_pos(), "portalgun:power2")
+                        ob:set_attach(m, "", {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0})
+                        m:set_velocity(v)
+                        m:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = -10, z = 0})
+                        ob = m
+                    end
+                    if ob:is_player() == false then
+                        local v = ob:get_velocity()
+                        if v.x < 0 then
+                            v.x = v.x * -1
+                        end
+                        if v.y < 0 then
+                            v.y = v.y * -1
+                        end
+                        if v.z < 0 then
+                            v.z = v.z * -1
+                        end
+                        local vv = 0 -- get the highest velocity
+                        if v.x > v.z then
+                            vv = v.x
+                        else
+                            vv = v.z
+                        end
+                        if vv < v.y then
+                            vv = v.y
+                        end
+                        v.x = 0
+                        v.y = 0
+                        v.z = 0
+                        if d2 == "x+" then
+                            v.x = vv
+                        end
+                        if d2 == "x-" then
+                            v.x = vv * -1
+                        end
+                        if d2 == "y+" then
+                            v.y = vv
+                        end
+                        if d2 == "y-" then
+                            v.y = vv * -1
+                        end
+                        if d2 == "z+" then
+                            v.z = vv
+                        end
+                        if d2 == "z-" then
+                            v.z = vv * -1
+                        end
+                        ob:set_velocity({x = v.x, y = v.y, z = v.z})
+                    end
+                    if d2 == "x+" then
+                        x = 2
+                    elseif d2 == "x-" then
+                        x = -dis
+                    elseif d2 == "y+" then
+                        y = dis
+                    elseif d2 == "y-" then
+                        y = -dis
+                    elseif d2 == "z+" then
+                        z = dis
+                    elseif d2 == "z-" then
+                        z = -dis
+                    end
+                    local obpos = {x = p.x + x, y = p.y + y, z = p.z + z}
+                    portalgun_portal[name].timer = 0.2
+                    self.portal_max_use = self.portal_max_use + 1
+                    ob:set_pos(obpos, false)
+                    portalgun_portal[name].lifelime = portalgun_lifelime
+                    minetest.sound_play(
+                        "portalgun_teleport",
+                        {pos = portalgun_portal[name].portal1_pos, max_hear_distance = 10, gain = 30}
+                    )
+                    minetest.sound_play(
+                        "portalgun_teleport",
+                        {pos = portalgun_portal[name].portal2_pos, max_hear_distance = 10, gain = 30}
+                    )
+                end --end of set velocity part then teleport
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    "portalgun:portal",
+    {
+        -- the portals
+        hp_max = 10000,
+        visual = "mesh",
+        mesh = "portalgun_portal_xp.obj",
+        physical = false,
+        textures = {"portalgun_blue.png"},
+        visual_size = {x = 1, y = 1},
+        spritediv = {x = 7, y = 0},
+        collisionbox = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
+        timer = 0,
+        user = "",
+        project = 1,
+        portalgun = 1,
+        portal_max_use = 0,
+        portal_max_use_time = 0,
+        area = 2,
+        small = false,
+        get_staticdata = function(self)
+            return minetest.serialize(
+                {
+                    user = self.user,
+                    project = self.project,
+                    use = self.use
+                }
+            )
+        end,
+        on_activate = function(self, staticdata)
+            local data = minetest.deserialize(staticdata)
+            if data and type(data) == "table" then
+                self.user = data.user
+                self.project = data.project
+                self.use = data.use
+                if portalgun_portal[self.user] == nil then
+                    self.object:remove()
+                    return self
+                end
+                if
+                    (self.project == 1 and self.use ~= portalgun_portal[self.user].portal1_use) or
+                        (self.project == 2 and self.use ~= portalgun_portal[self.user].portal2_use)
+                 then
+                    self.object:remove()
+                    return self
+                end
+            elseif portalgun_portal_tmp_user ~= "" then
+                self.user = portalgun_portal_tmp_user
+                portalgun_portal_tmp_user = ""
+                self.project = portalgun_portal[self.user].project
+                if self.project == 1 then -- if inactivated then activated and another portal is created: remove
+                    self.use = portalgun_portal[self.user].portal1_use
+                else
+                    self.use = portalgun_portal[self.user].portal2_use
+                end
+            else
+                self.object:remove()
+                return self
+            end
+            if portalgun_portal[self.user] == nil then
+                self.object:remove()
+                return self
+            end
+            local d = ""
+            if self.project == 1 then
+                d = portalgun_portal[self.user].portal1_dir
+                self.object:set_properties({textures = {"portalgun_blue.png"}})
+            else
+                d = portalgun_portal[self.user].portal2_dir
+                self.object:set_properties({textures = {"portalgun_orange.png"}})
+            end
+            if d == "x+" then
+                self.object:set_yaw(math.pi * 0)
+            elseif d == "x-" then
+                self.object:set_yaw(math.pi * 1)
+            elseif d == "y+" then
+                self.object:set_properties({mesh = "portalgun_portal_yp.obj"}) -- becaouse there is no "setpitch"
+            elseif d == "y-" then
+                self.object:set_properties({mesh = "portalgun_portal_ym.obj"}) -- becaouse there is no "setpitch"
+            elseif d == "z+" then
+                self.object:set_yaw(math.pi * 0.5)
+            elseif d == "z-" then
+                self.object:set_yaw(math.pi * 1.5)
+            end
+            if d == "y+" then
+                local pos1 = {}
+                if self.project == 1 then
+                    pos1 = portalgun_portal[self.user].portal1_pos
+                else
+                    pos1 = portalgun_portal[self.user].portal2_pos
+                end
+                if portalgun_portal[self.user].y > 8 then
+                    pos1.y = pos1.y + 1
+                end
+                if portalgun_portal[self.user].y > 12 then
+                    pos1.y = pos1.y + 1
+                end
+                if self.project == 1 then
+                    portalgun_portal[self.user].portal1_pos = pos1
+                else
+                    portalgun_portal[self.user].portal2_pos = pos1
+                end
+            elseif
+                string.find(d, "y", 1) == nil and (portalgun_portal[self.user].x + portalgun_portal[self.user].z < 2.5)
+             then
+                self.area = 1.2
+                self.small = true
+                self.object:set_properties({visual_size = {x = 0.7, y = 0.7}})
+            end
+        end,
+        on_step = portalgun_on_step
+    }
+    ":",
+    {
+        description = "Portalgun",
+        range = 100,
+        inventory_image = "portalgun_gun0_rndr.png",
+        wield_image = "portalgun_gun0_rndr.png",
+        tool_capabilities = {
+            full_punch_interval = 0.5,
+            max_drop_level = 3,
+            damage_groups = {fleshy = 1}
+        },
+        on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
+            local node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under)
+            if node.name == "portalgun:button" then
+                --use the item normally
+                minetest.item_place(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
+            else
+                portalgun_onuse(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, 2)
+            end
+            return itemstack
+        end,
+        on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
+            --if pointing at turret then start breaking it
+            if pointed_thing.type == "node" then
+                local node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under)
+                if node.name == "portalgun:turretgun" or node.name == "portalgun:turretgun2" then
+                    minetest.remove_node(pointed_thing.under)
+                end
+            end
+            portalgun_onuse(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, 1)
+            return itemstack
+        end
+    }
+local function rnd(r)
+    return math.floor(r + 0.5)
+function portalgun_onuse(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, mode) -- using the gun
+    if pointed_thing.type == "object" then
+        portalgun_gravity(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
+        return itemstack
+    end
+    local pos = user:get_pos()
+    local dir = user:get_look_dir()
+    local key = user:get_player_control()
+    local name = user:get_player_name()
+    local exist = 0
+    local item = itemstack:to_table()
+    local ob = {}
+    ob.project = 1
+    ob.lifelime = portalgun_lifelime
+    ob.portal1 = 0
+    ob.portal2 = 0
+    ob.portal1_dir = 0
+    ob.portal2_dir = 0
+    ob.portal2_pos = 0
+    ob.portal1_pos = 0
+    ob.user = user:get_player_name()
+    if portalgun_portal[name] == nil then --	new portal profile
+        portalgun_portal[name] = {
+            lifelime = portalgun_lifelime,
+            project = 1,
+            timer = 0,
+            portal1_active = false,
+            portal2_active = false,
+            portal1_use = 0,
+            portal2_use = 0
+        }
+    end
+    if key.sneak then
+        portal_delete(name, 0)
+        return itemstack
+    end
+    pos.y = pos.y + 1.5
+    -- the project
+    for i = 1, portalgun_max_rage, 0.5 do
+        local nname =
+            minetest.get_node({x = pos.x + (dir.x * i), y = pos.y + (dir.y * i), z = pos.z + (dir.z * i)}).name
+        if minetest.registered_nodes[nname].walkable then
+            portalgun_portal[name].lifelime = portalgun_lifelime
+            if minetest.get_node_group(nname, "antiportal") > 0 then
+                minetest.sound_play("portalgun_error", {pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 5, gain = 3})
+                return itemstack
+            elseif minetest.get_node_group(nname, "proportal") == 0 then
+                minetest.sound_play("portalgun_error", {pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 5, gain = 3})
+                return itemstack
+            end
+            if
+                minetest.registered_nodes[
+                    minetest.get_node(
+                        {x = rnd(pos.x + (dir.x * i)), y = rnd(pos.y + (dir.y * i) + 1), z = rnd(pos.z + (dir.z * i))}
+                    ).name
+                ].walkable == false and rnd(user:get_pos().y) > rnd(pos.y + (dir.y * i))
+             then
+                portalgun_setportal(pos, name, dir, i, mode, "y+")
+                return itemstack
+            elseif
+                minetest.registered_nodes[
+                    minetest.get_node(
+                        {x = rnd(pos.x + (dir.x * i)), y = rnd(pos.y + (dir.y * i) - 1), z = rnd(pos.z + (dir.z * i))}
+                    ).name
+                ].walkable == false and rnd(user:get_pos().y) < rnd(pos.y + (dir.y * i))
+             then
+                portalgun_setportal(pos, name, dir, i, mode, "y-")
+                return itemstack
+            elseif
+                minetest.registered_nodes[
+                    minetest.get_node(
+                        {x = rnd(pos.x + (dir.x * i) - 1), y = rnd(pos.y + (dir.y * i)), z = rnd(pos.z + (dir.z * i))}
+                    ).name
+                ].walkable == false and rnd(user:get_pos().x) < rnd(pos.x + (dir.x * i))
+             then
+                portalgun_setportal(pos, name, dir, i, mode, "x-")
+                return itemstack
+            elseif
+                minetest.registered_nodes[
+                    minetest.get_node(
+                        {x = rnd(pos.x + (dir.x * i)) + 1, y = rnd(pos.y + (dir.y * i)), z = rnd(pos.z + (dir.z * i))}
+                    ).name
+                ].walkable == false and rnd(user:get_pos().x) > rnd(pos.x + (dir.x * i))
+             then
+                portalgun_setportal(pos, name, dir, i, mode, "x+")
+                return itemstack
+            elseif
+                minetest.registered_nodes[
+                    minetest.get_node(
+                        {x = rnd(pos.x + (dir.x * i)), y = rnd(pos.y + (dir.y * i)), z = rnd(pos.z + (dir.z * i) - 1)}
+                    ).name
+                ].walkable == false and rnd(user:get_pos().z) < rnd(pos.z + (dir.z * i))
+             then
+                portalgun_setportal(pos, name, dir, i, mode, "z-")
+                return itemstack
+            elseif
+                minetest.registered_nodes[
+                    minetest.get_node(
+                        {x = rnd(pos.x + (dir.x * i)), y = rnd(pos.y + (dir.y * i)), z = rnd(pos.z + (dir.z * i) + 1)}
+                    ).name
+                ].walkable == false and rnd(user:get_pos().z) > rnd(pos.z + (dir.z * i))
+             then
+                portalgun_setportal(pos, name, dir, i, mode, "z+")
+                return itemstack
+            end
+            minetest.sound_play("portalgun_error", {pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 20, gain = 3})
+            return itemstack
+        end
+    end
+    return itemstack
+function portalgun_setportal(pos, name, dir, i, mode, portal_dir)
+    local lpos = {x = pos.x + (dir.x * (i - 1)), y = pos.y + (dir.y * (i - 1)), z = pos.z + (dir.z * (i - 1))} -- last pos
+    local cpos = {x = pos.x + (dir.x * i), y = pos.y + (dir.y * i), z = pos.z + (dir.z * i)} -- corrent poss
+    if portal_dir == "y+" then
+        cpos.y = (math.floor(cpos.y + 0.5)) + 0.524
+    elseif portal_dir == "y-" then
+        cpos.y = (math.floor(cpos.y + 0.5)) - 0.524
+    elseif portal_dir == "z+" then
+        cpos.z = (math.floor(cpos.z + 0.5)) + 0.524
+    elseif portal_dir == "z-" then
+        cpos.z = (math.floor(cpos.z + 0.5)) - 0.524
+    elseif portal_dir == "x+" then
+        cpos.x = (math.floor(cpos.x + 0.5)) + 0.524
+    elseif portal_dir == "x-" then
+        cpos.x = (math.floor(cpos.x + 0.5)) - 0.524
+    end
+    if portal_dir == "x+" or portal_dir == "x-" then -- auto correct (place in center)
+        cpos.y = (math.floor(cpos.y + 0.5))
+        cpos.z = (math.floor(cpos.z + 0.5))
+    elseif portal_dir == "y+" or portal_dir == "y-" then
+        cpos.x = (math.floor(cpos.x + 0.5))
+        cpos.z = (math.floor(cpos.z + 0.5))
+    elseif portal_dir == "z+" or portal_dir == "z-" then
+        cpos.x = (math.floor(cpos.x + 0.5))
+        cpos.y = (math.floor(cpos.y + 0.5))
+    end
+    if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(cpos).name].walkable then
+        minetest.sound_play("portalgun_error", {pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 5, gain = 3})
+        return false
+    end
+    if string.find(portal_dir, "x", 1) or string.find(portal_dir, "z", 1) then -- auto correct (move from bottom / top)
+        local testpos1 = {x = cpos.x, y = cpos.y - 1, z = cpos.z}
+        local testpos2 = {x = cpos.x, y = cpos.y + 1, z = cpos.z}
+        if
+            minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(testpos1).name].walkable and
+                minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(testpos2).name].walkable == false
+         then
+            cpos.y = cpos.y + 0.5
+        elseif
+            minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(testpos2).name].walkable and
+                minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(testpos1).name].walkable == false
+         then
+            cpos.y = cpos.y - 0.5
+        end
+    end
+    portalgun_portal_tmp_user = name
+    portalgun_portal[name].x = pos.x - lpos.x
+    portalgun_portal[name].y = pos.y - lpos.y
+    portalgun_portal[name].z = pos.z - lpos.z
+    portalgun_portal[name].project = mode
+    if portalgun_portal[name].x < 0 then
+        portalgun_portal[name].x = portalgun_portal[name].x * -1
+    end
+    if portalgun_portal[name].z < 0 then
+        portalgun_portal[name].z = portalgun_portal[name].z * -1
+    end
+    if mode == 1 then
+        portal_delete(name, 1)
+        portalgun_portal[name].portal1_use = portalgun_portal[name].portal1_use + 1
+        portalgun_portal[name].portal1_dir = portal_dir
+        portalgun_portal[name].portal1_pos = cpos
+        portalgun_portal[name].portal1 = minetest.add_entity(cpos, "portalgun:portal")
+        portalgun_portal[name].portal1_active = true
+        minetest.sound_play("portalgun_portalblue", {pos = cpos, max_hear_distance = 20, gain = 1})
+    else
+        portal_delete(name, 2)
+        portalgun_portal[name].portal2_use = portalgun_portal[name].portal2_use + 1
+        portalgun_portal[name].portal2_dir = portal_dir
+        portalgun_portal[name].portal2_pos = cpos
+        portalgun_portal[name].portal2 = minetest.add_entity(cpos, "portalgun:portal")
+        portalgun_portal[name].portal2_active = true
+        minetest.sound_play("portalgun_portalorange", {pos = cpos, max_hear_distance = 20, gain = 1})
+    end
+portalgun_front_of_field = function(ob, ob2)
+    local pos2 = ob2:get_pos()
+    return vector.distance(ob:get_pos(), pos2) > vector.distance(portalgun_pointat(ob), pos2)
+portalgun_pointat = function(ob)
+    local pos = ob:get_pos()
+    local yaw = ob:get_yaw()
+    if yaw ~= yaw or type(yaw) ~= "number" then
+        yaw = 0
+    end
+    local z = math.sin(yaw) * -0.1
+    local x = math.cos(yaw) * 0.1
+    return {x = pos.x + x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z + z}
diff --git a/scripts/portaltarget.lua b/scripts/portaltarget.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2787981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/portaltarget.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+local portaltarget_sig = {
+    {1, "portalgun_blue.png"},
+    {2, "portalgun_orange.png"}
+for ii = 1, #portaltarget_sig, 1 do
+    minetest.register_node(
+        "portalgun:portaltarget_" .. portaltarget_sig[ii][1],
+        {
+            description = "Portal target " .. portaltarget_sig[ii][1],
+            tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png^" .. portaltarget_sig[ii][2]},
+            groups = {mesecon = 2, cracky = 2},
+            mesecons = {receptor = {state = "off"}},
+            sounds = stone_sounds,
+            is_ground_content = false,
+            paramtype2 = "facedir",
+            paramtype = "light",
+            on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
+                for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 2)) do
+                    if
+                        ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().portalgun and
+                            ob:get_luaentity().project == portaltarget_sig[ii][1]
+                     then
+                        mesecon.receptor_on(pos)
+                        return true
+                    end
+                end
+                mesecon.receptor_off(pos)
+                return true
+            end,
+            on_construct = function(pos)
+                if not mesecon then
+                    return false
+                end
+                minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(2)
+            end
+        }
+    )
diff --git a/scripts/powerball.lua b/scripts/powerball.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b36de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/powerball.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+new = 0
+    "portalgun:powerball",
+    {
+        hp_max = 1000,
+        physical = true,
+        weight = 0,
+        collisionbox = {-0.4, -0.4, -0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4},
+        visual = "sprite",
+        visual_size = {x = 1.1, y = 1.1},
+        textures = {"portalgun_powrball.png"},
+        initial_sprite_basepos = {x = 0, y = 0},
+        is_visible = true,
+        makes_footstep_sound = false,
+        automatic_rotate = 0,
+        portalgun = 2,
+        powerball = 1,
+        on_activate = function(self, staticdata)
+            if new == 0 then
+                self.object:remove()
+                return self
+            end
+            new = 0
+            local pos = self.object:get_pos()
+            self.sound = minetest.sound_play("portalgun_powerball", {pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 10, gain = 0.5})
+            minetest.sound_play("portalgun_powerballbonce", {pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 10, gain = 1})
+        end,
+        on_step = function(self, dtime)
+            self.timer = self.timer + dtime
+            if self.timer < 0.2 then
+                return self
+            end
+            self.timer = 0
+            local pos = self.object:get_pos()
+            for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 2)) do
+                if
+                    ob:is_player() or
+                        (ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().portalgun ~= 1 and ob:get_luaentity().wsc == nil and
+                            ob:get_luaentity().powerball ~= 1)
+                 then
+                    ob:set_hp(0)
+                end
+            end
+            self.timer2 = self.timer2 + 1
+            self.timer3 = self.timer3 + 1
+            if self.timer3 >= 9 then
+                self.timer3 = 0
+                minetest.sound_stop(self.sound)
+                self.sound = minetest.sound_play("portalgun_powerball", {pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 10, gain = 0.5})
+            end
+            if self.timer2 > 40 then
+                minetest.sound_stop(self.sound)
+                self.object:set_hp(0)
+                return self
+            end
+            local v = self.object:get_velocity()
+            local nextn = {x = pos.x + (v.x) / 3, y = pos.y + (v.y) / 3, z = pos.z + (v.z) / 3}
+            local nname = minetest.get_node(nextn).name
+            if minetest.registered_nodes[nname].walkable then
+                if nname == "portalgun:powerballtarget" and mesecon then
+                    mesecon.receptor_on(nextn)
+                    minetest.get_node_timer(nextn):start(5)
+                    self.object:remove()
+                end
+                self.object:set_velocity({x = v.x * -1, y = v.y * -1, z = v.z * -1})
+                minetest.sound_play("portalgun_powerballbonce", {pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 10, gain = 1})
+            end
+        end,
+        timer = 0,
+        timer2 = 0,
+        timer3 = 0,
+        sound = {}
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/powerballspawner.lua b/scripts/powerballspawner.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7008591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/powerballspawner.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+new = 0
+    "portalgun:powerballspawner",
+    {
+        description = "Power ball spawner",
+        tiles = {"steel.png", "steel.png", "steel.png", "steel.png", "steel.png", "portalgun_powerballspawner.png"},
+        groups = {cracky = 2},
+        sounds = glass_sounds,
+        is_ground_content = false,
+        paramtype2 = "facedir",
+        on_construct = function(pos)
+            minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(10)
+        end,
+        on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
+            local dir = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
+            local v = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}
+            if dir == 0 then
+                v.z = -1
+            elseif dir == 1 then
+                v.x = -1
+            elseif dir == 2 then
+                v.z = 1
+            elseif dir == 3 then
+                v.x = 1
+            elseif dir == 5 then
+                v.y = -1
+            elseif dir == 4 then
+                v.y = 1
+            else
+                v.y = -1
+            end
+            local pv = {x = pos.x + v.x, y = pos.y + v.y, z = pos.z + v.z}
+            new = 1
+            local m = minetest.add_entity(pv, "portalgun:powerball")
+            m:set_velocity({x = v.x * 4, y = v.y * 4, z = v.z * 4})
+            return true
+        end
+    }
+    "portalgun:powerballspawner2",
+    {
+        description = "Power ball spawner (spawn on activate)",
+        tiles = {
+            "steel.png",
+            "steel.png",
+            "steel.png",
+            "steel.png",
+            "steel.png",
+            "portalgun_powerballspawner.png^[colorize:#aaaa0055"
+        },
+        groups = {cracky = 2, mesecon = 1},
+        sounds = glass_sounds,
+        is_ground_content = false,
+        paramtype2 = "facedir",
+        on_place = minetest.rotate_node,
+        mesecons = {
+            effector = {
+                action_on = function(pos, node)
+                    local dir = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
+                    local v = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}
+                    if dir == 0 then
+                        v.z = -1
+                    elseif dir == 1 then
+                        v.x = -1
+                    elseif dir == 2 then
+                        v.z = 1
+                    elseif dir == 3 then
+                        v.x = 1
+                    elseif dir == 8 then
+                        v.y = -1
+                    elseif dir == 4 then
+                        v.y = 1
+                    end
+                    local pv = {x = pos.x + v.x, y = pos.y + v.y, z = pos.z + v.z}
+                    new = 1
+                    local m = minetest.add_entity(pv, "portalgun:powerball")
+                    m:set_velocity({x = v.x * 4, y = v.y * 4, z = v.z * 4})
+                end
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/powerballtarget.lua b/scripts/powerballtarget.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac8fdfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/powerballtarget.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+    "portalgun:powerballtarget",
+    {
+        description = "Power ball target",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_powerballstarget.png"},
+        groups = {mesecon = 2, cracky = 2},
+        mesecons = {receptor = {state = "off"}},
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        is_ground_content = false,
+        on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
+            mesecon.receptor_off(pos)
+            return false
+        end
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/pressureplatforms.lua b/scripts/pressureplatforms.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af179d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/pressureplatforms.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+local ptgwsc = {
+    {"weightedstoragecube.png", "portalgun_presplat.png", "(blue)"},
+    {"weightedstoragecube2.png", "portalgun_presplat2.png", "(orange)"},
+    {"weightedstoragecube3.png", "portalgun_presplat3.png", "(yellow)"},
+    {"weightedstoragecube4.png", "portalgun_presplat4.png", "(green)"},
+    {"weightedcompanioncube.png", "portalgun_presplat.png", "(blue companion)"},
+    {"weightedcompanioncube2.png", "portalgun_presplat2.png", "(orange companion)"},
+    {"weightedcompanioncube3.png", "portalgun_presplat3.png", "(yellow companion)"},
+    {"weightedcompanioncube4.png", "portalgun_presplat4.png", "(green companion)"}
+for ii = 1, #ptgwsc, 1 do
+    minetest.register_node(
+        "portalgun:plantform1_" .. ii,
+        {
+            description = "Pressure platform " .. ptgwsc[ii][3],
+            tiles = {ptgwsc[ii][2], "cloud.png", "cloud.png", "cloud.png", "cloud.png", "cloud.png"},
+            groups = {mesecon = 2, cracky = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 0},
+            mesecons = {receptor = {state = "off"}},
+            paramtype = "light",
+            sunlight_propagates = true,
+            sounds = stone_sounds,
+            drawtype = "nodebox",
+            node_box = {
+                type = "fixed",
+                fixed = {
+                    {-0.7, -0.5, -0.7, 0.7, -0.375, 0.7},
+                    {0.7, -0.5, -0.1875, 0.9, -0.4375, 0.1875},
+                    {-0.9, -0.5, -0.1875, -0.7, -0.4375, 0.1875},
+                    {-0.1875, -0.5, -0.9, 0.1875, -0.4375, -0.7},
+                    {-0.1875, -0.5, 0.7, 0.1875, -0.4375, 0.9},
+                    {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.3125, 0.5}
+                }
+            },
+            on_construct = function(pos)
+                minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(2)
+            end,
+            on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
+                if not mesecon then
+                    return false
+                end
+                for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1)) do
+                    if ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().wsc == ii then
+                        local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
+                        mesecon.receptor_on(pos)
+                        minetest.set_node(
+                            pos,
+                            {name = "portalgun:plantform2_" .. ii, param1 = node.param1, param2 = node.param2}
+                        )
+                    end
+                    return true
+                end
+                return true
+            end
+        }
+    )
+    minetest.register_node(
+        "portalgun:plantform2_" .. ii,
+        {
+            description = "Pressure platform",
+            tiles = {ptgwsc[ii][2], "cloud.png", "cloud.png", "cloud.png", "cloud.png", "cloud.png"},
+            drop = "portalgun:plantform1_" .. ii,
+            groups = {mesecon = 2, cracky = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
+            mesecons = {receptor = {state = "on"}},
+            paramtype = "light",
+            sunlight_propagates = true,
+            light_source = 14,
+            sounds = stone_sounds,
+            drawtype = "nodebox",
+            node_box = {
+                type = "fixed",
+                fixed = {
+                    {-0.7, -0.5, -0.7, 0.7, -0.375, 0.7},
+                    {0.7, -0.5, -0.1875, 0.9, -0.4375, 0.1875},
+                    {-0.9, -0.5, -0.1875, -0.7, -0.4375, 0.1875},
+                    {-0.1875, -0.5, -0.9, 0.1875, -0.4375, -0.7},
+                    {-0.1875, -0.5, 0.7, 0.1875, -0.4375, 0.9}
+                }
+            },
+            on_construct = function(pos)
+                minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(2)
+            end,
+            on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
+                for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1)) do
+                    if ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().wsc == ii then
+                        return true
+                    end
+                end
+                mesecon.receptor_off(pos)
+                local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
+                minetest.set_node(
+                    pos,
+                    {name = "portalgun:plantform1_" .. ii, param1 = node.param1, param2 = node.param2}
+                )
+                return true
+            end
+        }
+    )
+end --  of for #
+    "portalgun:plantform_nu1",
+    {
+        description = "Pressure platform (player or cube)",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_presplat5.png", "cloud.png", "cloud.png", "cloud.png", "cloud.png", "cloud.png"},
+        groups = {mesecon = 2, cracky = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 0},
+        mesecons = {receptor = {state = "off"}},
+        paramtype = "light",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {
+                {-0.7, -0.5, -0.7, 0.7, -0.375, 0.7},
+                {0.7, -0.5, -0.1875, 0.9, -0.4375, 0.1875},
+                {-0.9, -0.5, -0.1875, -0.7, -0.4375, 0.1875},
+                {-0.1875, -0.5, -0.9, 0.1875, -0.4375, -0.7},
+                {-0.1875, -0.5, 0.7, 0.1875, -0.4375, 0.9},
+                {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.3125, 0.5}
+            }
+        },
+        on_construct = function(pos)
+            minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(2)
+        end,
+        on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
+            if not mesecon then
+                return false
+            end
+            for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1)) do
+                if ob:is_player() or (ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().wsc) then
+                    local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
+                    mesecon.receptor_on(pos)
+                    minetest.set_node(
+                        pos,
+                        {name = "portalgun:plantform_nu2", param1 = node.param1, param2 = node.param2}
+                    )
+                end
+                return true
+            end
+            return true
+        end
+    }
+    "portalgun:plantform_nu2",
+    {
+        description = "Pressure platform",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_presplat5.png", "cloud.png", "cloud.png", "cloud.png", "cloud.png", "cloud.png"},
+        drop = "portalgun:plantform_nu1",
+        groups = {mesecon = 2, cracky = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
+        mesecons = {receptor = {state = "on"}},
+        paramtype = "light",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        light_source = 14,
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {
+                {-0.7, -0.5, -0.7, 0.7, -0.375, 0.7},
+                {0.7, -0.5, -0.1875, 0.9, -0.4375, 0.1875},
+                {-0.9, -0.5, -0.1875, -0.7, -0.4375, 0.1875},
+                {-0.1875, -0.5, -0.9, 0.1875, -0.4375, -0.7},
+                {-0.1875, -0.5, 0.7, 0.1875, -0.4375, 0.9}
+            }
+        },
+        on_construct = function(pos)
+            minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(2)
+        end,
+        on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
+            for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1)) do
+                if ob:is_player() or (ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().wsc) then
+                    return true
+                end
+            end
+            mesecon.receptor_off(pos)
+            local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
+            minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "portalgun:plantform_nu1", param1 = node.param1, param2 = node.param2})
+            return true
+        end
+    }
+    "portalgun:planthole",
+    {
+        description = "Plathole (activate by any cube, 2 blocks under)",
+        tiles = {"cloud.png"},
+        groups = {mesecon = 2, cracky = 1},
+        mesecons = {receptor = {state = "off"}},
+        paramtype = "light",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {
+                {-1.5, -0.5, -1.5, 0.5, -0.25, -1.3},
+                {-1.5, -0.5, 0.3, 0.5, -0.25, 0.5},
+                {0.3, -0.5, -1.5, 0.5, -0.25, 0.5},
+                {-1.5, -0.5, -1.5, -1.3, -0.25, 0.5},
+                {0.5, -0.5, -0.9, 0.7, -0.375, -0.0625},
+                {-1.7, -0.5, -0.9, -1.5, -0.3125, -0.0625},
+                {-0.9, -0.5, -1.7, -0.0625, -0.375, -1.5},
+                {-1, -0.5, 0.5, -0.0625, -0.375, 0.7}
+            }
+        },
+        on_construct = function(pos)
+            minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(5)
+        end,
+        on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
+            local pos2 = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 2, z = pos.z}
+            for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos2, 1)) do
+                if ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().wsc then
+                    mesecon.receptor_on(pos)
+                    return true
+                end
+            end
+            mesecon.receptor_off(pos)
+            return true
+        end
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/signs.lua b/scripts/signs.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f2b942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/signs.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+local snuma = 1
+for ii = 0, 9, 1 do
+    if ii == 1 then
+        snuma = 0
+    end
+    minetest.register_node(
+        "portalgun:sign_numa" .. ii,
+        {
+            description = "Sign number (" .. ii .. ")",
+            tiles = {"portalgun_snum" .. ii .. ".png"},
+            drop = "portalgun:sign_numa1",
+            drawtype = "nodebox",
+            groups = {mesecon = 2, portalnuma = 1, dig_immediate = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = snuma},
+            sounds = wood_sounds,
+            is_ground_content = false,
+            paramtype2 = "facedir",
+            paramtype = "light",
+            light_source = 3,
+            node_box = {
+                type = "fixed",
+                fixed = {
+                    {-0.5, -0.5, 0.4375, 0, 0.5, 0.5}
+                }
+            },
+            after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack)
+                local param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
+                local pos2 = portalgun_param2(pos, param2)
+                if minetest.get_node(pos2) and minetest.get_node(pos2).name == "air" then
+                    minetest.set_node(pos2, {name = "portalgun:sign_numb1", param2 = param2})
+                    minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "portalgun:sign_numa0", param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
+                end
+            end,
+            on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
+                if not minetest.is_protected(pos, clicker:get_player_name()) then
+                    local iin = ii + 1
+                    if iin == 10 then
+                        iin = 0
+                    end
+                    minetest.swap_node(
+                        pos,
+                        {name = "portalgun:sign_numa" .. iin, param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2}
+                    )
+                end
+            end,
+            on_punch = function(pos, node, player, pointed_thing)
+                local param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
+                local pos2 = portalgun_param2(pos, param2)
+                local node = minetest.get_node(pos2)
+                if node and minetest.get_node_group(node.name, "portalnumb") > 0 then
+                    minetest.set_node(pos2, {name = "air"})
+                end
+            end
+        }
+    )
+    if snuma == 0 then
+        snuma = 1
+    end
+    minetest.register_node(
+        "portalgun:sign_numb" .. ii,
+        {
+            description = "Sign number",
+            tiles = {"portalgun_snum" .. ii .. ".png"},
+            drop = "portalgun:sign_numa1",
+            drawtype = "nodebox",
+            groups = {mesecon = 2, portalnumb = 1, dig_immediate = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
+            sounds = wood_sounds,
+            is_ground_content = false,
+            paramtype2 = "facedir",
+            paramtype = "light",
+            light_source = 3,
+            node_box = {
+                type = "fixed",
+                fixed = {
+                    {-1, -0.5, 0.4375, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5}
+                }
+            },
+            on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
+                if not minetest.is_protected(pos, clicker:get_player_name()) then
+                    local iin = ii + 1
+                    if iin == 10 then
+                        iin = 0
+                    end
+                    minetest.swap_node(
+                        pos,
+                        {name = "portalgun:sign_numb" .. iin, param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2}
+                    )
+                end
+            end,
+            on_punch = function(pos, node, player, pointed_thing)
+                local param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
+                local pos2 = portalgun_param2(pos, param2, true)
+                local node = minetest.get_node(pos2)
+                if node and minetest.get_node_group(node.name, "portalnuma") > 0 then
+                    minetest.set_node(pos2, {name = "air"})
+                end
+            end
+        }
+    )
+    "portalgun:sign1",
+    {
+        description = "Portal sign blue",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png^portalgun_sign1.png"},
+        inventory_image = "portalgun_testblock.png^portalgun_sign1.png",
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        groups = {snappy = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 0},
+        sounds = wood_sounds,
+        is_ground_content = false,
+        paramtype2 = "facedir",
+        paramtype = "light",
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, 0.45, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}
+        }
+    }
+    "portalgun:sign2",
+    {
+        description = "Portal sign orange",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png^portalgun_sign2.png"},
+        inventory_image = "portalgun_testblock.png^portalgun_sign2.png",
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        groups = {snappy = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 0},
+        sounds = wood_sounds,
+        is_ground_content = false,
+        paramtype2 = "facedir",
+        paramtype = "light",
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, 0.45, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}
+        }
+    }
+    "portalgun:sign_v",
+    {
+        description = "Sign V",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_v.png"},
+        inventory_image = "portalgun_v.png",
+        drop = "portalgun:sign_x",
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        groups = {mesecon = 2, snappy = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
+        sounds = wood_sounds,
+        is_ground_content = false,
+        paramtype2 = "facedir",
+        paramtype = "light",
+        light_source = 5,
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, 0.45, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}
+        },
+        mesecons = {
+            effector = {
+                action_off = function(pos, node)
+                    minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "portalgun:sign_x", param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
+                end
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    "portalgun:sign_x",
+    {
+        description = "Sign X",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_x.png"},
+        inventory_image = "portalgun_x.png",
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        groups = {mesecon = 2, snappy = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 0},
+        sounds = wood_sounds,
+        is_ground_content = false,
+        paramtype2 = "facedir",
+        paramtype = "light",
+        light_source = 3,
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, 0.45, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}
+        },
+        mesecons = {
+            effector = {
+                action_on = function(pos, node)
+                    minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "portalgun:sign_v", param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
+                end
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/toxicwater.lua b/scripts/toxicwater.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89b035a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/toxicwater.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+    "portalgun:toxwater_1",
+    {
+        description = "Toxic water",
+        drawtype = "liquid",
+        tiles = {"portalgun_toxwat.png"},
+        alpha = 190,
+        paramtype = "light",
+        walkable = false,
+        pointable = false,
+        diggable = false,
+        buildable_to = true,
+        is_ground_content = false,
+        drop = "",
+        drowning = 1,
+        damage_per_second = 20,
+        liquidtype = "source",
+        liquid_alternative_flowing = "portalgun:toxwater_2",
+        liquid_alternative_source = "portalgun:toxwater_1",
+        liquid_viscosity = 2,
+        liquid_renewable = false,
+        liquid_range = 3,
+        post_effect_color = {a = 200, r = 119, g = 70, b = 16},
+        groups = {water = 3, liquid = 3}
+    }
+    "portalgun:toxwater_2",
+    {
+        description = "Toxic water 2",
+        drawtype = "flowingliquid",
+        tiles = {name = "portalgun_toxwat.png", backface_culling = false},
+        special_tiles = {
+            {name = "portalgun_toxwat.png", backface_culling = true},
+            {name = "portalgun_toxwat.png", backface_culling = false}
+        },
+        alpha = 190,
+        paramtype = "light",
+        paramtype2 = "flowingliquid",
+        walkable = false,
+        pointable = false,
+        diggable = false,
+        buildable_to = true,
+        is_ground_content = false,
+        drop = "",
+        drowning = 1,
+        damage_per_second = 4,
+        liquidtype = "flowing",
+        liquid_alternative_flowing = "portalgun:toxwater_2",
+        liquid_alternative_source = "portalgun:toxwater_1",
+        liquid_viscosity = 2,
+        liquid_renewable = false,
+        liquid_range = 3,
+        post_effect_color = {a = 200, r = 119, g = 70, b = 16},
+        groups = {water = 3, liquid = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1}
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/turrets.lua b/scripts/turrets.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7c1a6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/turrets.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+    "portalgun:turretgun2",
+    {
+        description = "Sentry turret",
+        groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1},
+        drop = "portalgun:turretgun",
+        paramtype = "light",
+        paramtype2 = "facedir",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        tiles = {"portalgun_sentry_turret.png"},
+        drawtype = "mesh",
+        mesh = "turret2.obj",
+        selection_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {
+                {-0.3, -0.5, -0.3, 0.3, 1, 0.3}
+            }
+        },
+        on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
+            local p = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
+            local pos1 = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 0.5, z = pos.z}
+            local d
+            for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 10)) do
+                if
+                    portalgun_visiable(pos1, ob) and
+                        (ob:is_player() or
+                            (ob:get_luaentity() and (ob:get_luaentity().type or ob:get_luaentity().portalgun == nil)))
+                 then
+                    local a = ob:get_pos()
+                    if a.y < pos.y + 2 and a.y > pos.y - 1 then
+                        a = {x = math.floor(a.x), y = math.floor(a.y), z = math.floor(a.z)}
+                        if p == 3 and a.x > pos.x and a.z == pos.z then
+                            d = {x = 20, y = 0, z = 0}
+                            break
+                        elseif p == 1 and a.x < pos.x and a.z == pos.z then
+                            d = {x = -20, y = 0, z = 0}
+                            break
+                        elseif p == 2 and a.z > pos.z and a.x == pos.x then
+                            d = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 20}
+                            break
+                        elseif p == 0 and a.z < pos.z and a.x == pos.x then
+                            d = {x = 0, y = 0, z = -20}
+                            break
+                        end
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+            local m = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+            if d then
+                m:set_int("stop", 0)
+                minetest.add_entity(pos1, "portalgun:bullet1"):set_velocity(d)
+                minetest.sound_play("portalgun_bullet1", {pos = pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 15})
+                for i = 2, 5, 1 do
+                    minetest.after(
+                        i * 0.1,
+                        function(pos, d)
+                            minetest.add_entity(pos1, "portalgun:bullet1"):set_velocity(d)
+                            minetest.sound_play("portalgun_bullet1", {pos = pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 15})
+                        end,
+                        pos,
+                        d
+                    )
+                end
+            else
+                if m:get_int("stop") == 1 then
+                    minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "portalgun:turretgun", param2 = p})
+                    minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(0.2)
+                else
+                    m:set_int("stop", 1)
+                end
+            end
+            return true
+        end
+    }
+    "portalgun:turretgun",
+    {
+        description = "Sentry turret",
+        groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1},
+        paramtype = "light",
+        paramtype2 = "facedir",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        tiles = {"portalgun_sentry_turret.png"},
+        drawtype = "mesh",
+        mesh = "turret1.obj",
+        selection_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {
+                {-0.3, -0.5, -0.3, 0.3, 1, 0.3}
+            }
+        },
+        on_construct = function(pos)
+            minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(0.2)
+        end,
+        on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
+            local p = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
+            local pos1 = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 0.5, z = pos.z}
+            local d
+            for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos1, 10)) do
+                if
+                    portalgun_visiable(pos1, ob) and
+                        (ob:is_player() or
+                            (ob:get_luaentity() and (ob:get_luaentity().type or ob:get_luaentity().portalgun == nil)))
+                 then
+                    local a = ob:get_pos()
+                    if a.y < pos.y + 2 and a.y > pos.y - 1 then
+                        a = {x = math.floor(a.x), y = math.floor(a.y), z = math.floor(a.z)}
+                        if p == 3 and a.x > pos.x and a.z == pos.z then
+                            d = {x = 20, y = 0, z = 0}
+                            break
+                        elseif p == 1 and a.x < pos.x and a.z == pos.z then
+                            d = {x = -20, y = 0, z = 0}
+                            break
+                        elseif p == 2 and a.z > pos.z and a.x == pos.x then
+                            d = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 20}
+                            break
+                        elseif p == 0 and a.z < pos.z and a.x == pos.x then
+                            d = {x = 0, y = 0, z = -20}
+                            break
+                        end
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+            if d then
+                minetest.add_entity(pos1, "portalgun:bullet1"):set_velocity(d)
+                minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "portalgun:turretgun2", param2 = p})
+                minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(1)
+                minetest.sound_play("portalgun_bullet1", {pos = pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 15})
+                for i = 2, 5, 1 do
+                    minetest.after(
+                        i * 0.1,
+                        function(pos, d)
+                            minetest.add_entity(pos1, "portalgun:bullet1"):set_velocity(d)
+                            minetest.sound_play("portalgun_bullet1", {pos = pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 15})
+                        end,
+                        pos,
+                        d
+                    )
+                end
+            end
+            return true
+        end
+    }
+function portalgun_visiable(pos, ob)
+    if ob == nil or ob:get_pos() == nil or ob:get_pos().y == nil then
+        return false
+    end
+    local ta = ob:get_pos()
+    local v = {x = pos.x - ta.x, y = pos.y - ta.y - 1, z = pos.z - ta.z}
+    v.y = v.y - 1
+    local amount = (v.x ^ 2 + v.y ^ 2 + v.z ^ 2) ^ 0.5
+    local d =
+        math.sqrt((pos.x - ta.x) * (pos.x - ta.x) + (pos.y - ta.y) * (pos.y - ta.y) + (pos.z - ta.z) * (pos.z - ta.z))
+    v.x = (v.x / amount) * -1
+    v.y = (v.y / amount) * -1
+    v.z = (v.z / amount) * -1
+    for i = 1, d, 1 do
+        local node =
+            minetest.registered_nodes[
+            minetest.get_node({x = pos.x + (v.x * i), y = pos.y + (v.y * i), z = pos.z + (v.z * i)}).name
+        ]
+        if node.walkable then
+            return false
+        end
+    end
+    return true
+function portalgun_round(x)
+    if x % 2 ~= 0.5 then
+        return math.floor(x + 0.5)
+    end
+    return x - 0.5
+function portalgun_ra2shoot(pos, ob)
+    local op = ob:get_pos()
+    local m = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+    local x = m:get_int("x")
+    local y = m:get_int("y")
+    local z = m:get_int("z")
+    local ox = portalgun_round(op.x)
+    local oy = portalgun_round(op.y)
+    local oz = portalgun_round(op.z)
+    if x == 1 and ox == pos.x and oz <= pos.z then
+        return true
+    end
+    if x == -1 and ox == pos.x and oz >= pos.z then
+        return true
+    end
+    if z == -1 and oz == pos.z and ox <= pos.x then
+        return true
+    end
+    if z == 1 and oz == pos.z and ox >= pos.x then
+        return true
+    end
+    return false
+    "portalgun:bullet1",
+    {
+        hp_max = 1,
+        --physical = true,
+        --collisionbox={-0.01,-0.01,-0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01},
+        pointable = false,
+        visual = "mesh",
+        mesh = "bullet.obj",
+        --yellow color as tiles
+        tiles = {"#color[yellow]"},
+        initial_sprite_basepos = {x = 0, y = 0},
+        portalgun = 2,
+        bullet = 1,
+        on_step = function(self, dtime)
+            self.timer = self.timer + dtime
+            self.timer2 = self.timer2 + dtime
+            local pos = self.object:get_pos()
+            local n = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(self.object:get_pos()).name]
+            if self.timer > 1 or (n and n.walkable) then
+                self.object:remove()
+                return
+            end
+            for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1.5)) do
+                if ob:is_player() then
+                    if ob:get_hp() > 2 then
+                        ob:set_hp(ob:get_hp() - 2)
+                    else
+                        ob:set_hp(0)
+                    end
+                    self.object:remove()
+                    return
+                end
+            end
+        end,
+        timer = 0,
+        timer2 = 0
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/warntape.lua b/scripts/warntape.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7debfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/warntape.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+    "portalgun:warntape",
+    {
+        description = "Warntape",
+        groups = {dig_immediate = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 0},
+        paramtype = "light",
+        paramtype2 = "facedir",
+        sunlight_propagates = true,
+        sounds = stone_sounds,
+        tiles = {"portalgun_warntape.png"},
+        walkable = false,
+        drawtype = "nodebox",
+        node_box = {
+            type = "fixed",
+            fixed = {
+                {-0.5, -0.5, 0.3125, 0.5, -0.4375, 0.5}
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/weightedstoragecube.lua b/scripts/weightedstoragecube.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56a8465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/weightedstoragecube.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+stone_sounds = {}
+stone_sounds.footstep = {name = "stone_walk", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.dug = {name = "stone_break", gain = 1.0}
+stone_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds = {}
+glass_sounds.footstep = {name = "glass_walk", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.dug = {name = "glass_break", gain = 1.0}
+glass_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds = {}
+wood_sounds.footstep = {name = "wood_walk", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.dug = {name = "wood_break", gain = 1.0}
+wood_sounds.place = {name = "block_place", gain = 1.0}
+new = 0
+local ptgwsc = {
+    {"weightedstoragecube.png", "portalgun_presplat.png", "(blue)"},
+    {"weightedstoragecube2.png", "portalgun_presplat2.png", "(orange)"},
+    {"weightedstoragecube3.png", "portalgun_presplat3.png", "(yellow)"},
+    {"weightedstoragecube4.png", "portalgun_presplat4.png", "(green)"},
+    {"weightedcompanioncube.png", "portalgun_presplat.png", "(blue companion)"},
+    {"weightedcompanioncube2.png", "portalgun_presplat2.png", "(orange companion)"},
+    {"weightedcompanioncube3.png", "portalgun_presplat3.png", "(yellow companion)"},
+    {"weightedcompanioncube4.png", "portalgun_presplat4.png", "(green companion)"}
+for ii = 1, #ptgwsc, 1 do
+    minetest.register_craftitem(
+        "portalgun:wscube" .. ii,
+        {
+            description = "Weighted storage cube " .. ptgwsc[ii][3],
+            inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube(ptgwsc[ii][1]),
+            on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
+                if pointed_thing.type == "node" then
+                    new = 1
+                    local m = minetest.add_entity(pointed_thing.above, "portalgun:wsc" .. ii)
+                    m:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = -10, z = 0})
+                    itemstack:take_item()
+                end
+                return itemstack
+            end
+        }
+    )
+    minetest.register_entity(
+        "portalgun:wsc" .. ii,
+        {
+            hp_max = 100,
+            physical = true,
+            weight = 5,
+            collisionbox = {-0.6, -0.6, -0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6},
+            visual = "cube",
+            visual_size = {x = 1.1, y = 1.1},
+            textures = {ptgwsc[ii][1], ptgwsc[ii][1], ptgwsc[ii][1], ptgwsc[ii][1], ptgwsc[ii][1], ptgwsc[ii][1]},
+            initial_sprite_basepos = {x = 0, y = 0},
+            is_visible = true,
+            makes_footstep_sound = true,
+            automatic_rotate = 0,
+            portalgun = 2,
+            wsc = ii,
+            on_activate = function(self, staticdata)
+                if new == 0 then
+                    self.object:remove()
+                    return self
+                end
+                new = 0
+            end,
+            on_step = function(self, dtime)
+                self.timer = self.timer + dtime
+                if self.timer < 1 then
+                    return self
+                end
+                self.timer = 0
+                self.object:set_acceleration({x = 0, y = -10, z = 0})
+                self.timer2 = self.timer2 + 1
+                if self.timer2 > 4 then
+                    self.timer2 = 0
+                    for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:get_pos(), 20)) do
+                        if ob:is_player() then
+                            return true
+                        end
+                    end
+                    self.object:set_hp(0)
+                end
+            end,
+            timer = 0,
+            timer2 = 0
+        }
+    )
+end --  of for #
diff --git a/stuff.lua b/stuff.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fdbfae2..0000000
--- a/stuff.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,606 +0,0 @@
-stone_sounds = {}
-stone_sounds.footstep = {name="stone_walk", gain=1.0}
-stone_sounds.dug = {name="stone_break", gain=1.0}
-stone_sounds.place = {name="block_place", gain=1.0}
-glass_sounds = {}
-glass_sounds.footstep = {name="glass_walk", gain=1.0}
-glass_sounds.dug = {name="glass_break", gain=1.0}
-glass_sounds.place = {name="block_place", gain=1.0}
-wood_sounds = {}
-wood_sounds.footstep = {name="wood_walk", gain=1.0}
-wood_sounds.dug = {name="wood_break", gain=1.0}
-wood_sounds.place = {name="block_place", gain=1.0}
-local snuma=1
-for ii = 0, 9, 1 do
-if ii==1 then snuma=0 end
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:sign_numa".. ii, {
-	description = "Sign number (" .. ii ..")",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_snum" .. ii ..".png"},
-	drop="portalgun:sign_numa1",
-	drawtype = "nodebox",
-	groups = {mesecon=2,portalnuma=1,dig_immediate = 3, not_in_creative_inventory=snuma},
-	sounds = wood_sounds,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	paramtype = "light",
-	light_source = 3,
-	node_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{-0.5, -0.5, 0.4375, 0, 0.5, 0.5},
-		}
-	},
-after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack)
-		local param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2
-		local pos2=portalgun_param2(pos,param2)
-		if minetest.get_node(pos2) and minetest.get_node(pos2).name=="air" then
-			minetest.set_node(pos2,{name="portalgun:sign_numb1",param2=param2})
-			minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="portalgun:sign_numa0", param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
-		end
-	end,
-	on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
-		if not minetest.is_protected(pos,clicker:get_player_name()) then
-		local iin=ii+1
-			if iin==10 then iin=0 end
-			minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="portalgun:sign_numa".. iin, param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
-		end
-	end,
-	on_punch = function(pos, node, player, pointed_thing)
-		local param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2
-		local pos2=portalgun_param2(pos,param2)
-		local node=minetest.get_node(pos2)
-		if node and minetest.get_node_group(node.name, "portalnumb")>0 then
-			minetest.set_node(pos2, {name = "air"})
-		end
-	end,
-if snuma==0 then snuma=1 end
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:sign_numb".. ii, {
-	description = "Sign number",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_snum" .. ii ..".png"},
-	drop="portalgun:sign_numa1",
-	drawtype = "nodebox",
-	groups = {mesecon=2,portalnumb=1,dig_immediate = 3, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-	sounds = wood_sounds,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	paramtype = "light",
-	light_source = 3,
-	node_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{-1, -0.5, 0.4375, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
-		}
-	},
-	on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
-		if not minetest.is_protected(pos,clicker:get_player_name()) then
-		local iin=ii+1
-			if iin==10 then iin=0 end
-			minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="portalgun:sign_numb".. iin, param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2})
-		end
-	end,
-	on_punch = function(pos, node, player, pointed_thing)
-		local param2=minetest.get_node(pos).param2
-		local pos2=portalgun_param2(pos,param2,true)
-		local node=minetest.get_node(pos2)
-		if node and minetest.get_node_group(node.name, "portalnuma")>0 then
-			minetest.set_node(pos2, {name = "air"})
-		end
-	end,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:turretgun2", {
-	description = "Sentry turret",
-	groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand=1,not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-	drop="portalgun:turretgun",
-	paramtype = "light",
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	tiles = {"portalgun_sentry_turret.png"},
-	drawtype = "mesh",
-	mesh="torret2.obj",
-	selection_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{-0.3, -0.5, -0.3, 0.3, 1,0.3},
-		}
-	},
-	on_timer=function(pos, elapsed)
-		local p=minetest.get_node(pos).param2
-		local pos1={x=pos.x,y=pos.y+0.5,z=pos.z}
-		local d
-		for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 10)) do
-			if portalgun_visiable(pos1,ob) and (ob:is_player() or (ob:get_luaentity() and (ob:get_luaentity().type or ob:get_luaentity().portalgun==nil))) then
-				local a=ob:get_pos()
-				if a.y<pos.y+2 and a.y>pos.y-1 then
-					a={x=math.floor(a.x),y=math.floor(a.y),z=math.floor(a.z)}
-					if p==3 and a.x>pos.x and a.z==pos.z then
-						d={x=20,y=0,z=0}
-						break
-					elseif p==1 and a.x<pos.x and a.z==pos.z then
-						d={x=-20,y=0,z=0}
-						break
-					elseif p==2 and a.z>pos.z and a.x==pos.x then
-						d={x=0,y=0,z=20}
-						break
-					elseif p==0 and a.z<pos.z and a.x==pos.x then
-						d={x=0,y=0,z=-20}
-						break
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		local m=minetest.get_meta(pos)
-		if d then
-			m:set_int("stop",0)
-			minetest.add_entity(pos1, "portalgun:bullet1"):set_velocity(d)
-			minetest.sound_play("portalgun_bullet1", {pos=pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 15})
-			for i=2,5,1 do
-				minetest.after(i*0.1, function(pos,d)
-					minetest.add_entity(pos1, "portalgun:bullet1"):set_velocity(d)
-					minetest.sound_play("portalgun_bullet1", {pos=pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 15})
-				end, pos,d)
-			end
-		else
-			if m:get_int("stop")==1 then
-				minetest.set_node(pos,{name="portalgun:turretgun",param2=p})
-				minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(0.2)
-			else
-				m:set_int("stop",1)
-			end
-		end
-		return true
-	end
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:turretgun", {
-	description = "Sentry turret",
-	groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand=1},
-	paramtype = "light",
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	tiles = {"portalgun_sentry_turret.png"},
-	drawtype = "mesh",
-	mesh="torret1.obj",
-	selection_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{-0.3, -0.5, -0.3, 0.3, 1,0.3},
-		}
-	},
-	on_construct = function(pos)
-		minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(0.2)
-	end,
-	on_timer=function(pos, elapsed)
-		local p=minetest.get_node(pos).param2
-		local pos1={x=pos.x,y=pos.y+0.5,z=pos.z}
-		local d
-		for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos1, 10)) do
-			if portalgun_visiable(pos1,ob) and (ob:is_player() or (ob:get_luaentity() and (ob:get_luaentity().type or ob:get_luaentity().portalgun==nil))) then
-				local a=ob:get_pos()
-				if a.y<pos.y+2 and a.y>pos.y-1 then
-					a={x=math.floor(a.x),y=math.floor(a.y),z=math.floor(a.z)}
-					if p==3 and a.x>pos.x and a.z==pos.z then
-						d={x=20,y=0,z=0}
-						break
-					elseif p==1 and a.x<pos.x and a.z==pos.z then
-						d={x=-20,y=0,z=0}
-						break
-					elseif p==2 and a.z>pos.z and a.x==pos.x then
-						d={x=0,y=0,z=20}
-						break
-					elseif p==0 and a.z<pos.z and a.x==pos.x then
-						d={x=0,y=0,z=-20}
-						break
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		if d then
-			minetest.add_entity(pos1, "portalgun:bullet1"):set_velocity(d)
-			minetest.set_node(pos,{name="portalgun:turretgun2",param2=p})
-			minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(1)
-			minetest.sound_play("portalgun_bullet1", {pos=pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 15})
-			for i=2,5,1 do
-				minetest.after(i*0.1, function(pos,d)
-					minetest.add_entity(pos1, "portalgun:bullet1"):set_velocity(d)
-					minetest.sound_play("portalgun_bullet1", {pos=pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 15})
-				end, pos,d)
-			end
-		end
-		return true
-	end
---giveitems register_chatcommand
-minetest.register_chatcommand("giveitems", {
-	description = "Give items to player",
-	privs = {give=true},
-	func = function(name)
-		local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
-		if player then
-			--clear inventory
-			player:get_inventory():set_list("main", {})
-			--GIVE turret
-			player:get_inventory():add_item("main", "portalgun:turretgun")
-			--give testblock
-			player:get_inventory():add_item("main", "portalgun:testblock")
-		end
-	end,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:warntape", {
-	description = "Warntape",
-	groups = {dig_immediate = 3,not_in_creative_inventory=0},
-	paramtype = "light",
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	tiles = {"portalgun_warntape.png",},
-	walkable = false,
-	drawtype = "nodebox",
-	node_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{-0.5, -0.5, 0.3125, 0.5, -0.4375, 0.5},
-		}
-	}
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:toxwater_1", {
-	description = "Toxic water",
-	drawtype = "liquid",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_toxwat.png"},
-	alpha = 190,
-	paramtype = "light",
-	walkable = false,
-	pointable = false,
-	diggable = false,
-	buildable_to = true,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	drop = "",
-	drowning = 1,
-	damage_per_second = 20,
-	liquidtype = "source",
-	liquid_alternative_flowing = "portalgun:toxwater_2",
-	liquid_alternative_source = "portalgun:toxwater_1",
-	liquid_viscosity = 2,
-	liquid_renewable = false,
-	liquid_range = 3,
-	post_effect_color = {a = 200, r = 119, g = 70, b = 16},
-	groups = {water = 3, liquid = 3},
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:toxwater_2", {
-	description = "Toxic water 2",
-	drawtype = "flowingliquid",
-	tiles = {name = "portalgun_toxwat.png",backface_culling=false},
-	special_tiles = {{name = "portalgun_toxwat.png",backface_culling=true},{name = "portalgun_toxwat.png",backface_culling=false}},
-	alpha = 190,
-	paramtype = "light",
-	paramtype2 = "flowingliquid",
-	walkable = false,
-	pointable = false,
-	diggable = false,
-	buildable_to = true,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	drop = "",
-	drowning = 1,
-	damage_per_second = 4,
-	liquidtype = "flowing",
-	liquid_alternative_flowing = "portalgun:toxwater_2",
-	liquid_alternative_source = "portalgun:toxwater_1",
-	liquid_viscosity = 2,
-	liquid_renewable = false,
-	liquid_range = 3,
-	post_effect_color = {a = 200, r = 119, g = 70, b = 16},
-	groups = {water = 3, liquid = 3, not_in_creative_inventory = 1}
-minetest.register_tool("portalgun:pick", {
-	--a pickaxe that can mine all blocks
-	description = "Portalgun Pickaxe",
-	inventory_image = "portalgun_pick.png",
-	tool_capabilities = {
-		full_punch_interval = 1.0,
-		max_drop_level = 3,
-		groupcaps = {
-			unbreakable = {times={[1]=1, [2]=1, [3]=1}, uses=0, maxlevel=3},
-			fleshy = {times={[1]=1, [2]=1, [3]=1}, uses=0, maxlevel=3},
-			choppy = {times={[1]=1, [2]=1, [3]=1}, uses=0, maxlevel=3},
-			bendy = {times={[1]=1, [2]=1, [3]=1}, uses=0, maxlevel=3},
-			cracky = {times={[1]=1, [2]=1, [3]=1}, uses=0, maxlevel=3},
-			crumbly = {times={[1]=1, [2]=1, [3]=1}, uses=0, maxlevel=3},
-			snappy = {times={[1]=1, [2]=1, [3]=1}, uses=0, maxlevel=3},
-		},
-		damage_groups = {fleshy = 1000},
-	},
-minetest.register_tool("portalgun:ed", {
-	description = "Entity Destroyer",
-	inventory_image = "portalgun_edestroyer.png",
-	range = 15,
-on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
-	local pos=user:get_pos()
-	if pointed_thing.type=="node" then
-		pos=pointed_thing.above
-	end
-	if pointed_thing.type=="object" then
-		pos=pointed_thing.ref:get_pos()
-	end
-	local name=user:get_player_name()
-	if minetest.check_player_privs(name, {kick=true})==false then
-		minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You need the kick privilege to use this tool!")
-		return itemstack
-	end
-	for ii, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 7)) do
-		if ob:get_luaentity() then
-			ob:set_hp(0)
-		end
-	end
-	return itemstack
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:cake", {
-	description = "Cake",
-	groups = {dig_immediate = 3,not_in_creative_inventory=0},
-	paramtype = "light",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	selection_box = {type = "fixed",fixed = { -0.3, -0.5, -0.3, 0.3, 0, 0.3 }},
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-tiles = {
-		"dirt.png^portalgun_cake1.png",
-		"dirt.png^portalgun_cake2.png",
-	},
-	drawtype = "nodebox",
-	node_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{-0.3125, -0.5, 0.375, 0.3125, -0.125, 0.4375},
-			{-0.3125, -0.5, -0.4375, 0.3125, -0.125, -0.375},
-			{-0.4375, -0.5, -0.3125, -0.375, -0.125, 0.3125},
-			{0.375, -0.5, -0.3125, 0.4375, -0.125, 0.3125},
-			{-0.375, -0.5, -0.375, 0.375, -0.125, 0.375},
-			{-0.25, -0.5, 0.4375, 0.25, -0.125, 0.5},
-			{-0.25, -0.5, -0.5, 0.25, -0.125, -0.4375},
-			{0.4375, -0.5, -0.25, 0.5, -0.125, 0.25},
-			{-0.5, -0.5, -0.25, -0.4375, -0.125, 0.25},
-			{0, -0.125, -0.0625, 0.0625, 0.1875, 0},
-		}
-	}
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:testblock", {
-	description = "Test block",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png"},
-	groups = {cracky = 1},
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:apb", {
-	description = "Anti portal block",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png^[colorize:#ffffffaa"},
-	groups = {cracky = 3,antiportal=1},
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:apg", {
-	description = "Anti portal glass",
-	drawtype="glasslike",
-	paramtype="light",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	tiles = {"glass.png^[colorize:#ffffffaa"},
-	groups = {cracky = 1,antiportal=1},
-	sounds = glass_sounds,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:hard_glass", {
-	description = "Hard glass",
-	drawtype="glasslike",
-	paramtype="light",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	tiles = {"glass.png^[colorize:#ddddddaa"},
-	groups = {cracky = 1},
-	sounds = glass_sounds,
-function portalgun_visiable(pos,ob)
-	if ob==nil or ob:get_pos()==nil or ob:get_pos().y==nil then return false end
-	local ta=ob:get_pos()
-	local v = {x = pos.x - ta.x, y = pos.y - ta.y-1, z = pos.z - ta.z}
-	v.y=v.y-1
-	local amount = (v.x ^ 2 + v.y ^ 2 + v.z ^ 2) ^ 0.5
-	local d=math.sqrt((pos.x-ta.x)*(pos.x-ta.x) + (pos.y-ta.y)*(pos.y-ta.y)+(pos.z-ta.z)*(pos.z-ta.z))
-	v.x = (v.x  / amount)*-1
-	v.y = (v.y  / amount)*-1
-	v.z = (v.z  / amount)*-1
-	for i=1,d,1 do
-		local node=minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(v.x*i),y=pos.y+(v.y*i),z=pos.z+(v.z*i)}).name]
-		if node.walkable then
-			return false
-		end
-	end
-	return true
-function portalgun_round(x)
-if x%2 ~= 0.5 then
-return math.floor(x+0.5)
-return x-0.5
-function portalgun_ra2shoot(pos,ob)
-		local op=ob:get_pos()
-		local m=minetest.get_meta(pos)
-		local x=m:get_int("x")
-		local y=m:get_int("y")
-		local z=m:get_int("z")
-		local ox=portalgun_round(op.x)
-		local oy=portalgun_round(op.y)
-		local oz=portalgun_round(op.z)
-		if x==1 and ox==pos.x and oz<=pos.z then
-			return true
-		end
-		if x==-1 and ox==pos.x and oz>=pos.z then
-			return true
-		end
-		if z==-1 and oz==pos.z and ox<=pos.x then
-			return true
-		end
-		if z==1 and oz==pos.z and ox>=pos.x then
-			return true
-		end
-		return false
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:secam_off", {
-	description = "Security cam (off)" ,
-	tiles = {"portalgun_scam.png"},
-	drawtype = "nodebox",
-	walkable=false,
-	groups = {dig_immediate = 3},
-	sounds = glass_sounds,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	paramtype = "light",
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	node_box = {type="fixed",
-		fixed={	{-0.2, -0.5, -0.2, 0.2, -0.4, 0.2},
-			{-0.1, -0.2, -0.1, 0.1, -0.4, 0.1}}
-	},
-	on_place = minetest.rotate_node,
-	on_construct = function(pos)
-		minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("infotext","click to activate")
-	end,
-on_rightclick = function(pos, node, player, itemstack, pointed_thing)
-	minetest.set_node(pos, {name ="portalgun:secam", param1 = node.param1, param2 = node.param2})
-	minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(1)
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:secam", {
-	description = "Security cam",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_scam.png"},
-	drawtype = "nodebox",
-	walkable=false,
-	groups = {dig_immediate = 3,stone=1,not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-	sounds = glass_sounds,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	paramtype = "light",
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	drop="portalgun:secam_off",
-	node_box = {type="fixed",
-		fixed={	{-0.2, -0.5, -0.2, 0.2, -0.4, 0.2},
-			{-0.1, -0.2, -0.1, 0.1, -0.4, 0.1}}
-	},
-on_timer=function(pos, elapsed)
-		for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 10)) do
-			if ob:is_player() or (ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().itemstring==nil and ob:get_luaentity().portalgun==nil) then
-				if portalgun_visiable(pos,ob) then
-					local v=ob:get_pos()
-					if not ob:get_luaentity() then v.y=v.y+1 end
-					local s={x=(v.x-pos.x)*3,y=(v.y-pos.y)*3,z=(v.z-pos.z)*3}
-					local m=minetest.add_entity(pos, "portalgun:bullet1")
-					m:set_velocity(s)
-					m:set_acceleration(s)
-					minetest.sound_play("portalgun_bullet1", {pos=pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 15,})
-					minetest.after((math.random(1,9)*0.1), function(pos,s,v)
-					local m=minetest.add_entity(pos, "portalgun:bullet1")
-					m:set_velocity(s)
-					m:set_acceleration(s)
-					minetest.sound_play("portalgun_bullet1", {pos=pos, gain = 1, max_hear_distance = 15,})
-					end, pos,s,v)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		return true
-	end,
---register command for admins to build a testblock at the players position
-minetest.register_chatcommand("testblock", {
-	params = "",
-	description = "builds a testblock at the players position",
-	privs = {server=true},
-	func = function(name, param)
-		local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
-		local pos = player:get_pos()
-		minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "portalgun:testblock"})
-	end,
-	hp_max = 1,
-	--physical = true,
-	--collisionbox={-0.01,-0.01,-0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01},
-	pointable=false,
-	visual = "mesh",
-	mesh = "bullet.obj",
-	--yellow color as tiles
-	tiles = {"#color[yellow]"},
-	initial_sprite_basepos = {x=0, y=0},
-	portalgun=2,
-	bullet=1,
-on_step= function(self, dtime)
-	self.timer=self.timer+dtime
-	self.timer2=self.timer2+dtime
-	local pos=self.object:get_pos()
-	local n=minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(self.object:get_pos()).name]
-	if self.timer>1 or (n and n.walkable) then
-		self.object:remove()
-		return
-	end
-	for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1.5)) do
-		if  ob:is_player() then
-			if ob:get_hp() > 2 then
-				ob:set_hp(ob:get_hp()-2)
-			else
-				ob:set_hp(0)
-			end
-			self.object:remove()
-			return
-	end
-	end
-	end,
-	timer=0,
-	timer2=0,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:sign1", {
-	description = "Portal sign blue",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png^portalgun_sign1.png"},
-	inventory_image = "portalgun_testblock.png^portalgun_sign1.png",
-	drawtype = "nodebox",
-	groups = {snappy = 3, not_in_creative_inventory=0},
-	sounds = wood_sounds,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	paramtype = "light",
-	node_box = {
-	type="fixed",
-	fixed={-0.5,-0.5,0.45,0.5,0.5,0.5}},
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:sign2", {
-	description = "Portal sign orange",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png^portalgun_sign2.png"},
-	inventory_image = "portalgun_testblock.png^portalgun_sign2.png",
-	drawtype = "nodebox",
-	groups = {snappy = 3, not_in_creative_inventory=0},
-	sounds = wood_sounds,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	paramtype = "light",
-	node_box = {
-	type="fixed",
-	fixed={-0.5,-0.5,0.45,0.5,0.5,0.5}},
diff --git a/textures/weightedcompanioncube.png b/textures/weightedcompanioncube.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a2225d
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/weightedcompanioncube.png differ
diff --git a/textures/weightedcompanioncube2.png b/textures/weightedcompanioncube2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2db7c72
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/weightedcompanioncube2.png differ
diff --git a/textures/weightedcompanioncube3.png b/textures/weightedcompanioncube3.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..040140d
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/weightedcompanioncube3.png differ
diff --git a/textures/weightedcompanioncube4.png b/textures/weightedcompanioncube4.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5285c5e
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/weightedcompanioncube4.png differ
diff --git a/weightedstoragecube.lua b/weightedstoragecube.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 05ab815..0000000
--- a/weightedstoragecube.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-stone_sounds = {}
-stone_sounds.footstep = {name="stone_walk", gain=1.0}
-stone_sounds.dug = {name="stone_break", gain=1.0}
-stone_sounds.place = {name="block_place", gain=1.0}
-glass_sounds = {}
-glass_sounds.footstep = {name="glass_walk", gain=1.0}
-glass_sounds.dug = {name="glass_break", gain=1.0}
-glass_sounds.place = {name="block_place", gain=1.0}
-wood_sounds = {}
-wood_sounds.footstep = {name="wood_walk", gain=1.0}
-wood_sounds.dug = {name="wood_break", gain=1.0}
-wood_sounds.place = {name="block_place", gain=1.0}
-local ptgwsc={
-for ii = 1, #ptgwsc, 1 do
-minetest.register_craftitem("portalgun:wscube" ..ii, {
-	description = "Weighted storage cube " .. ptgwsc[ii][3],
-	inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube(ptgwsc[ii][1]),
-on_place=function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
-	if pointed_thing.type=="node" then
-		portalgun.new=1
-		local m=minetest.add_entity(pointed_thing.above, "portalgun:wsc"..ii)
-		m:set_acceleration({x=0,y=-10,z=0})
-		itemstack:take_item()
-	end
-	return itemstack
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:wscspawner2_" .. ii, {
-	description = "Weighted storage cube spawner2 " ..ptgwsc[ii][3],
-	tiles = {"steel.png","steel.png","steel.png","steel.png","steel.png",ptgwsc[ii][1]},
-	groups = {cracky=2,mesecon_receptor_off = 1, mesecon_effector_off = 1},
-	sounds = glass_sounds,
-	is_ground_content = false,
-	paramtype2 = "facedir",
-	mesecons = {receptor = {state = "off"}, effector = {
-		action_on = function (pos, node)
-			local dir=minetest.get_node(pos).param2
-			local v={x=0, y=0, z=0}
-			if dir==0 then v.z=-1
-			elseif dir==1 then v.x=-1.2
-			elseif dir==2 then v.z=1.2
-			elseif dir==3 then v.x=1.2
-			elseif dir==8 then v.y=-1.2
-			elseif dir==4 then v.y=1.2
-			end
-			local pv={x=pos.x+v.x, y=pos.y+v.y, z=pos.z+v.z}
-			portalgun.new=1
-			local m=minetest.add_entity(pv, "portalgun:wsc" ..ii)
-			m:set_acceleration({x=0, y=-10, z=0})
-		end
-	}}
-minetest.register_entity("portalgun:wsc" ..ii,{
-	hp_max = 100,
-	physical = true,
-	weight = 5,
-	collisionbox = {-0.6,-0.6,-0.6, 0.6,0.6,0.6},
-	visual = "cube",
-	visual_size = {x=1.1, y=1.1},
-	textures = {ptgwsc[ii][1],ptgwsc[ii][1],ptgwsc[ii][1],ptgwsc[ii][1],ptgwsc[ii][1],ptgwsc[ii][1]},
-	initial_sprite_basepos = {x=0, y=0},
-	is_visible = true,
-	makes_footstep_sound = true,
-	automatic_rotate = 0,
-	portalgun=2,
-	wsc=ii,
-on_activate= function(self, staticdata)
-	if portalgun.new==0 then
-		self.object:remove()
-		return self
-	end
-	portalgun.new=0
-on_step= function(self, dtime)
-		self.timer=self.timer+dtime
-		if self.timer<1 then return self end
-		self.timer=0
-		self.object:set_acceleration({x=0, y=-10, z=0})
-		self.timer2=self.timer2+1
-		if self.timer2>4 then
-			self.timer2=0
-			for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:get_pos(), 20)) do
-				if ob:is_player() then
-					return true
-				end
-			end
-			self.object:set_hp(0)
-		end
-	end,
-	timer=0,
-	timer2=0,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:wscspawner"..ii, {
-	description = "Weighted storage cube spawner " ..ptgwsc[ii][3],
-	tiles = {ptgwsc[ii][1]},
-	groups = {cracky = 1, not_in_creative_inventory=0},
-	paramtype = "light",
-	paramtype2="facedir",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	light_source = 14,
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	drawtype="nodebox",
-	node_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{-0.7, -0.5, -0.7, 0.7, -0.375, 0.7},
-			{0.7, -0.5, -0.1875, 0.9, -0.4375, 0.1875},
-			{-0.9, -0.5, -0.1875, -0.7, -0.4375, 0.1875},
-			{-0.1875, -0.5, -0.9, 0.1875, -0.4375, -0.7},
-			{-0.1875, -0.5, 0.7, 0.1875, -0.4375, 0.9},
-		}
-	},
-	on_construct = function(pos)
-		minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(5)
-	end,
-	on_timer = function (pos, elapsed)
-		for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 40)) do
-				if ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().wsc==ii then
-					return true
-				end
-		end
-		portalgun.new=1
-		local m=minetest.add_entity(pos, "portalgun:wsc" ..ii)
-		m:set_acceleration({x=0,y=-10,z=0})
-		return true
-	end,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:plantform1_" ..ii, {
-	description = "Pressure platform " .. ptgwsc[ii][3],
-	tiles = {ptgwsc[ii][2],"cloud.png","cloud.png","cloud.png","cloud.png","cloud.png"},
-	groups = {mesecon = 2,cracky = 1, not_in_creative_inventory=0},
-	mesecons = {receptor = {state = "off"}},
-	paramtype = "light",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	drawtype="nodebox",
-	node_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{-0.7, -0.5, -0.7, 0.7, -0.375, 0.7},
-			{0.7, -0.5, -0.1875, 0.9, -0.4375, 0.1875},
-			{-0.9, -0.5, -0.1875, -0.7, -0.4375, 0.1875},
-			{-0.1875, -0.5, -0.9, 0.1875, -0.4375, -0.7},
-			{-0.1875, -0.5, 0.7, 0.1875, -0.4375, 0.9},
-			{-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.3125, 0.5},
-		}
-	},
-	on_construct = function(pos)
-		minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(2)
-	end,
-	on_timer = function (pos, elapsed)
-		if not mesecon then return false end
-		for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1)) do
-			if ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().wsc==ii then
-				local node=minetest.get_node(pos)
-				mesecon.receptor_on(pos)
-				minetest.set_node(pos, {name ="portalgun:plantform2_"..ii, param1 = node.param1, param2 = node.param2})
-			end
-			return true
-		end
-		return true
-	end,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:plantform2_"..ii, {
-	description = "Pressure platform",
-	tiles = {ptgwsc[ii][2],"cloud.png","cloud.png","cloud.png","cloud.png","cloud.png"},
-	drop="portalgun:plantform1_"..ii,
-	groups = {mesecon = 2,cracky = 1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-	mesecons = {receptor = {state = "on"}},
-	paramtype = "light",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	light_source = 14,
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	drawtype="nodebox",
-	node_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{-0.7, -0.5, -0.7, 0.7, -0.375, 0.7},
-			{0.7, -0.5, -0.1875, 0.9, -0.4375, 0.1875},
-			{-0.9, -0.5, -0.1875, -0.7, -0.4375, 0.1875},
-			{-0.1875, -0.5, -0.9, 0.1875, -0.4375, -0.7},
-			{-0.1875, -0.5, 0.7, 0.1875, -0.4375, 0.9},
-		}
-	},
-	on_construct = function(pos)
-		minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(2)
-	end,
-	on_timer = function (pos, elapsed)
-		for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1)) do
-			if ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().wsc==ii then
-				return true
-			end
-		end
-			mesecon.receptor_off(pos)
-			local node=minetest.get_node(pos)
-			minetest.set_node(pos, {name ="portalgun:plantform1_"..ii, param1 = node.param1, param2 = node.param2})
-		return true
-	end,
-end --  of for #
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:plantform_nu1", {
-	description = "Pressure platform (player or cube)",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_presplat5.png","cloud.png","cloud.png","cloud.png","cloud.png","cloud.png"},
-	groups = {mesecon = 2,cracky = 1, not_in_creative_inventory=0},
-	mesecons = {receptor = {state = "off"}},
-	paramtype = "light",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	drawtype="nodebox",
-	node_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{-0.7, -0.5, -0.7, 0.7, -0.375, 0.7},
-			{0.7, -0.5, -0.1875, 0.9, -0.4375, 0.1875},
-			{-0.9, -0.5, -0.1875, -0.7, -0.4375, 0.1875},
-			{-0.1875, -0.5, -0.9, 0.1875, -0.4375, -0.7},
-			{-0.1875, -0.5, 0.7, 0.1875, -0.4375, 0.9},
-			{-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.3125, 0.5},
-		}
-	},
-	on_construct = function(pos)
-		minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(2)
-	end,
-	on_timer = function (pos, elapsed)
-		if not mesecon then return false end
-		for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1)) do
-			if ob:is_player() or (ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().wsc) then
-				local node=minetest.get_node(pos)
-				mesecon.receptor_on(pos)
-				minetest.set_node(pos, {name ="portalgun:plantform_nu2", param1 = node.param1, param2 = node.param2})
-			end
-			return true
-		end
-		return true
-	end,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:plantform_nu2", {
-	description = "Pressure platform",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_presplat5.png","cloud.png","cloud.png","cloud.png","cloud.png","cloud.png"},
-	drop="portalgun:plantform_nu1",
-	groups = {mesecon = 2,cracky = 1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-	mesecons = {receptor = {state = "on"}},
-	paramtype = "light",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	light_source = 14,
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	drawtype="nodebox",
-	node_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{-0.7, -0.5, -0.7, 0.7, -0.375, 0.7},
-			{0.7, -0.5, -0.1875, 0.9, -0.4375, 0.1875},
-			{-0.9, -0.5, -0.1875, -0.7, -0.4375, 0.1875},
-			{-0.1875, -0.5, -0.9, 0.1875, -0.4375, -0.7},
-			{-0.1875, -0.5, 0.7, 0.1875, -0.4375, 0.9},
-		}
-	},
-	on_construct = function(pos)
-		minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(2)
-	end,
-	on_timer = function (pos, elapsed)
-		for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1)) do
-			if ob:is_player() or (ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().wsc) then
-				return true
-			end
-		end
-			mesecon.receptor_off(pos)
-			local node=minetest.get_node(pos)
-			minetest.set_node(pos, {name ="portalgun:plantform_nu1", param1 = node.param1, param2 = node.param2})
-		return true
-	end,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:planthole", {
-	description = "Plathole (activate by any cube, 2 blocks under)",
-	tiles = {"cloud.png"},
-	groups = {mesecon = 2,cracky = 1},
-	mesecons = {receptor = {state = "off"}},
-	paramtype = "light",
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	drawtype="nodebox",
-	node_box = {
-		type = "fixed",
-		fixed = {
-			{-1.5, -0.5, -1.5, 0.5, -0.25, -1.3},
-			{-1.5, -0.5, 0.3, 0.5, -0.25, 0.5}, 
-			{0.3, -0.5, -1.5, 0.5, -0.25, 0.5},
-			{-1.5, -0.5, -1.5, -1.3, -0.25, 0.5},
-			{0.5, -0.5, -0.9, 0.7, -0.375, -0.0625},
-			{-1.7, -0.5, -0.9, -1.5, -0.3125, -0.0625},
-			{-0.9, -0.5, -1.7, -0.0625, -0.375, -1.5},
-			{-1, -0.5, 0.5, -0.0625, -0.375, 0.7},
-		}
-	},
-	on_construct = function(pos)
-		minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(5)
-	end,
-	on_timer = function (pos, elapsed)
-		local pos2={x=pos.x,y=pos.y-2,z=pos.z}
-		for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos2, 1)) do
-			if ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().wsc then
-				mesecon.receptor_on(pos)
-				return true
-			end
-		end
-		mesecon.receptor_off(pos)
-		return true
-	end,
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:objdestroyer_1", {
-	description = "Object destroyer (destroys on active)",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png^[colorize:#FF0000aa"},
-	groups = {cracky = 2,mesecon=1},
-	sounds = stone_sounds,
-	mesecons = {effector = {
-		action_on = function (pos, node)
-			minetest.set_node(pos, {name ="portalgun:objdestroyer_2"})
-			for i, ob in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 5)) do
-				if ob:get_luaentity() then
-					ob:set_hp(0)
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	}}
-minetest.register_node("portalgun:objdestroyer_2", {
-	description = "Obj destroyer",
-	tiles = {"portalgun_testblock.png^[colorize:#FF0000cc"},
-	groups = {cracky=2,mesecon=1,not_in_creative_inventory=1},
-	sunlight_propagates = true,
-	drop="portalgun:objdestroyer_1",
-	paramtype="light",
-	light_source = 14,
-	mesecons = {conductor = {
-		state = mesecon.state.on,
-		offstate = "portalgun:objdestroyer_1",
-	}},