Vanessa Dannenberg 5ea0208ffe Multiple related changes to string handling
1) Convert most formspec elements to use string.format(), when the
result would be more readable, or less messy, or at least makes the line
shorter, assuming it looked like it really needed it to begin with.

2) Convert all long `foo..","..bar..";"..baz..bleh..` types of excessive
string concatenation into tables that then get concated only once, when
their containing functions return the final formspec string.

3) In some places in the code, such tables were already being used, and
were named "formspec", while others were named "fs".  I settled on just
one name, "formspec", as it's more readable, if longer.

4) There was a mix of styles of adding items to those tables:

* Some places used line after line of `t[#t + 1] = foo/bar/baz`.
* Others places used the form `t[1] = foo, t[2] = bar, ...`.
* Still others used the form `t[n] = foo, t[n+1] = bar...`,
  with `n` being increased or reset every so often.

Most of them should now be of the third form, with a few of the second.
2021-03-09 15:04:11 -05:00

246 lines
7.4 KiB

local S = minetest.get_translator("unified_inventory")
local F = minetest.formspec_escape
local ui = unified_inventory
local hud_colors = {
{"#FFFFFF", 0xFFFFFF, S("White")},
{"#DBBB00", 0xf1d32c, S("Yellow")},
{"#DD0000", 0xDD0000, S("Red")},
{"#2cf136", 0x2cf136, S("Green")},
{"#2c4df1", 0x2c4df1, S("Blue")},
local hud_colors_max = #hud_colors
-- Stores temporary player data (persists until player leaves)
local waypoints_temp = {}
ui.register_page("waypoints", {
get_formspec = function(player)
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
local wp_info_x = ui.style_full.form_header_x + 1.25
local wp_info_y = ui.style_full.form_header_y + 0.5
local wp_bottom_row = ui.style_full.std_inv_y - 1
local wp_buttons_rj = ui.style_full.std_inv_x + 10.1 - ui.style_full.btn_spc
local wp_edit_w = ui.style_full.btn_spc * 4 - 0.1
-- build a "fake" temp entry if the server took too long
-- during sign-on and returned an empty entry
if not waypoints_temp[player_name] then waypoints_temp[player_name] = {hud = 1} end
local waypoints = datastorage.get(player_name, "waypoints")
local formspec = { ui.style_full.standard_inv_bg,
ui.style_full.form_header_x, ui.style_full.form_header_y,
local n=4
-- Tabs buttons:
for i = 1, 5 do
local sw="select_waypoint"..i
formspec[n] = string.format("image_button[%f,%f;%f,%f;%sui_%i_icon.png;%s;]",
ui.style_full.main_button_x, wp_bottom_row - (5-i) * ui.style_full.btn_spc,
ui.style_full.btn_size, ui.style_full.btn_size,
(i == waypoints.selected) and "ui_blue_icon_background.png^" or "",
i, sw)
formspec[n+1] = "tooltip["..sw..";"..S("Select Waypoint #@1", i).."]"
n = n + 2
local i = waypoints.selected or 1
local waypoint = waypoints[i] or {}
local temp = waypoints_temp[player_name][i] or {}
local default_name = S("Waypoint @1", i)
-- Main buttons:
-- note: the @1's in the set, arrow, and pencil tooltips are dummies.
local btnlist = {
{ "ui_waypoint_set_icon.png", "set_waypoint", "Set waypoint to current location@1" },
{ waypoint.active and "ui_on_icon.png" or "ui_off_icon.png", "toggle_waypoint", "Make waypoint @1", waypoint.active and "invisible" or "visible" },
{ waypoint.display_pos and "ui_green_icon_background.png" or "ui_red_icon_background.png", "toggle_display_pos", "@1 display of waypoint coordinates", waypoint.display_pos and "Disable" or "Enable" },
{ "ui_circular_arrows_icon.png", "toggle_color", "Change color of waypoint display@1" },
{ "ui_pencil_icon.png", "rename_waypoint", "Edit waypoint name@1" }
local x = 4
for _, b in pairs(btnlist) do
formspec[n] = string.format("image_button[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s;%s%i;]",
wp_buttons_rj - ui.style_full.btn_spc * x, wp_bottom_row,
ui.style_full.btn_size, ui.style_full.btn_size,
b[1], b[2], i)
formspec[n+1] = "tooltip["..b[2]..i..";"..F(S(b[3], b[4] or "")).."]"
x = x - 1
n = n + 2
-- Waypoint's info:
formspec[n] = "label["..wp_info_x..","..(wp_info_y+1.1)..";"
if waypoint.active then
formspec[n+1] = F(S("Waypoint active")).."]"
formspec[n+1] = F(S("Waypoint inactive")).."]"
n = n + 2
if temp.edit then
formspec[n] = string.format("field[%f,%f;%f,%f;rename_box%i;;%s]",
wp_buttons_rj - wp_edit_w - 0.1, wp_bottom_row - ui.style_full.btn_spc,
wp_edit_w, ui.style_full.btn_size, i, (waypoint.name or default_name))
formspec[n+1] = string.format("image_button[%f,%f;%f,%f;ui_ok_icon.png;confirm_rename%i;]",
wp_buttons_rj, wp_bottom_row - ui.style_full.btn_spc,
ui.style_full.btn_size, ui.style_full.btn_size, i)
formspec[n+2] = "tooltip[confirm_rename"..i..";"..F(S("Finish editing")).."]"
n = n + 3
formspec[n] = string.format("label[%f,%f;%s: %s]",
wp_info_x, wp_info_y+1.6, F(S("World position")),
minetest.pos_to_string(waypoint.world_pos or vector.new()))
formspec[n+1] = string.format("label[%f,%f;%s: %s]",
wp_info_x, wp_info_y+2.10, F(S("Name")), (waypoint.name or default_name))
formspec[n+2] = string.format("label[%f,%f;%s: %s]",
wp_info_x, wp_info_y+2.60, F(S("HUD text color")), hud_colors[waypoint.color or 1][3])
return {formspec=table.concat(formspec)}
ui.register_button("waypoints", {
type = "image",
image = "ui_waypoints_icon.png",
tooltip = S("Waypoints"),
local function update_hud(player, waypoints, temp, i)
local waypoint = waypoints[i]
if not waypoint then return end
temp[i] = temp[i] or {}
temp = temp[i]
local pos = waypoint.world_pos or vector.new()
local name
if waypoint.display_pos then
name = minetest.pos_to_string(pos)
if waypoint.name then
name = name..", "..waypoint.name
name = waypoint.name or "Waypoint "..i
if temp.hud then
if waypoint.active then
temp.hud = player:hud_add({
hud_elem_type = "waypoint",
number = hud_colors[waypoint.color or 1][2] ,
name = name,
text = "m",
world_pos = pos
temp.hud = nil
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if formname ~= "" then return end
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
local update_formspec = false
local need_update_hud = false
local hit = false
local waypoints = datastorage.get(player_name, "waypoints")
local temp = waypoints_temp[player_name]
for i = 1, 5, 1 do
if fields["select_waypoint"..i] then
hit = true
waypoints.selected = i
update_formspec = true
if fields["toggle_waypoint"..i] then
hit = true
waypoints[i] = waypoints[i] or {}
waypoints[i].active = not (waypoints[i].active)
need_update_hud = true
update_formspec = true
if fields["set_waypoint"..i] then
hit = true
local pos = player:get_pos()
pos.x = math.floor(pos.x)
pos.y = math.floor(pos.y)
pos.z = math.floor(pos.z)
waypoints[i] = waypoints[i] or {}
waypoints[i].world_pos = pos
need_update_hud = true
update_formspec = true
if fields["rename_waypoint"..i] then
hit = true
temp[i] = temp[i] or {}
temp[i].edit = true
update_formspec = true
if fields["toggle_display_pos"..i] then
hit = true
waypoints[i] = waypoints[i] or {}
waypoints[i].display_pos = not waypoints[i].display_pos
need_update_hud = true
update_formspec = true
if fields["toggle_color"..i] then
hit = true
waypoints[i] = waypoints[i] or {}
local color = waypoints[i].color or 1
color = color + 1
if color > hud_colors_max then
color = 1
waypoints[i].color = color
need_update_hud = true
update_formspec = true
if fields["confirm_rename"..i] then
hit = true
waypoints[i] = waypoints[i] or {}
temp[i].edit = false
waypoints[i].name = fields["rename_box"..i]
need_update_hud = true
update_formspec = true
if need_update_hud then
update_hud(player, waypoints, temp, i)
if update_formspec then
ui.set_inventory_formspec(player, "waypoints")
if hit then return end
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
local waypoints = datastorage.get(player_name, "waypoints")
local temp = {}
waypoints_temp[player_name] = temp
for i = 1, 5 do
update_hud(player, waypoints, temp, i)
waypoints_temp[player:get_player_name()] = nil