2024-02-04 10:21:56 +01:00

45 lines
1.7 KiB

function inlineLocalStylesFromHref($inputString) {
$basePath = '/path/to/your/local/files'; // Hardcoded base path
// Define the regular expression pattern to match <link> tags with href attribute for CSS files
$pattern = '/<link.*?href=["\']\/assets\/(.*?)["\'].*?rel=["\']stylesheet["\'].*?>/i';
// Use preg_replace_callback to replace matched link tags with inline styles
$outputString = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function($match) use ($basePath) {
// Extract the href attribute value
$href = $match[1];
// Get the content of the local CSS file
$cssContent = file_get_contents($basePath . '/assets/' . $href);
// Create an inline style tag with the CSS content
return "<style>\n{$cssContent}\n</style>";
}, $inputString);
return $outputString;
function inlineScriptFromSrc($inputString) {
$basePath = '/path/to/your/local/files'; // Hardcoded base path
// Define the regular expression pattern to match <script> tags with src attribute
$pattern = '/<script.*?src=["\']\/assets\/(.*?)["\'].*?>\s*<\/script>/i';
// Use preg_replace_callback to replace matched script tags with inline script
$outputString = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function($match) use ($basePath) {
// Extract the src attribute value
$src = $match[1];
// Get the content of the JavaScript file
$jsContent = file_get_contents($basePath . '/assets/' . $src);
// Escape the JavaScript content for inline use
$escapedJsContent = htmlspecialchars($jsContent, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
// Create an inline script with the escaped content
return "<script>\n{$escapedJsContent}\n</script>";
}, $inputString);
return $outputString;