haha stuff go brrr

This commit is contained in:
Bruno Rybársky 2021-09-03 17:47:38 +02:00
parent 9f0022c20a
commit 3108a50373
5 changed files with 698 additions and 1185 deletions

@ -123,173 +123,11 @@ NavMeshSettings:
debug: debug:
m_Flags: 0 m_Flags: 0
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--- !u!1 &111928595
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m_Layer: 0
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m_TagString: Untagged
m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_NavMeshLayer: 0
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
m_IsActive: 1
--- !u!114 &111928596
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
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m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
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--- !u!114 &111928597
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--- !u!4 &111928598
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--- !u!1 &312970532
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- component: {fileID: 312970534}
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--- !u!114 &312970533
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--- !u!114 &312970534
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--- !u!223 &312970535
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--- !u!224 &312970536
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m_Pivot: {x: 0, y: 0}
--- !u!1001 &631035917 --- !u!1001 &631035917
PrefabInstance: PrefabInstance:
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
@ -475,7 +313,6 @@ GameObject:
- component: {fileID: 963194228} - component: {fileID: 963194228}
- component: {fileID: 963194227} - component: {fileID: 963194227}
- component: {fileID: 963194226} - component: {fileID: 963194226}
- component: {fileID: 963194229}
m_Layer: 0 m_Layer: 0
m_Name: GoPro m_Name: GoPro
m_TagString: MainCamera m_TagString: MainCamera
@ -548,23 +385,6 @@ Transform:
m_Father: {fileID: 1250425538} m_Father: {fileID: 1250425538}
m_RootOrder: 0 m_RootOrder: 0
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
--- !u!114 &963194229
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rozdiel: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
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offsetx: 0
offsety: 0
chytene: {fileID: 0}
--- !u!1001 &1101692134 --- !u!1001 &1101692134
PrefabInstance: PrefabInstance:
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@ -755,140 +575,6 @@ MeshFilter:
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--- !u!1 &1451977359
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m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
serializedVersion: 6
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- component: {fileID: 1451977362}
- component: {fileID: 1451977361}
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m_Name: Text (TMP)
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--- !u!224 &1451977360
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m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
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m_RootOrder: 1
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--- !u!114 &1451977361
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m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
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m_Enabled: 1
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m_RaycastTarget: 1
m_RaycastPadding: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0}
m_Maskable: 1
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m_text: .
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--- !u!222 &1451977362
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--- !u!1 &1616481080 --- !u!1 &1616481080
GameObject: GameObject:
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
@ -1015,137 +701,3 @@ Transform:
m_Father: {fileID: 0} m_Father: {fileID: 0}
m_RootOrder: 3 m_RootOrder: 3
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
--- !u!1 &1813045425
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
serializedVersion: 6
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- component: {fileID: 1813045428}
- component: {fileID: 1813045427}
m_Layer: 5
m_Name: Text (TMP)
m_TagString: Untagged
m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_NavMeshLayer: 0
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
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--- !u!224 &1813045426
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m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
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m_GameObject: {fileID: 1813045425}
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--- !u!114 &1813045427
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--- !u!222 &1813045428
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m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 1813045425}
m_CullTransparentMesh: 1

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class Chytac : MonoBehaviour
Debug.Log(new Vector3(mover.zrot, 10f, mover.xrot)); Debug.Log(new Vector3(mover.zrot, 10f, mover.xrot));
if(Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")){ if(Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")){
caught = false; caught = false;
RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(transform.position, new Vector3(mover.xrot + offsetx, mover.zrot + offsety, 0f), 100); RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.SphereCastAll(transform.position, 30f, new Vector3(mover.xrot + offsetx, mover.zrot + offsety, 0f), 30f);
float mindist = 30f; float mindist = 30f;
foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits){ foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits){

@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ C:/Users/Bruno/Documents/Unity_Projects/Projektik
-logFile -logFile
Logs/AssetImportWorker0.log Logs/AssetImportWorker0.log
-srvPort -srvPort
27915 28835
Successfully changed project path to: C:/Users/Bruno/Documents/Unity_Projects/Projektik Successfully changed project path to: C:/Users/Bruno/Documents/Unity_Projects/Projektik
C:/Users/Bruno/Documents/Unity_Projects/Projektik C:/Users/Bruno/Documents/Unity_Projects/Projektik
Using Asset Import Pipeline V2. Using Asset Import Pipeline V2.
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 1481.88 ms, found 2 plugins. Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 246.04 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms. Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Initialize engine version: 2020.3.14f1 (d0d1bb862f9d) Initialize engine version: 2020.3.14f1 (d0d1bb862f9d)
[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/Resources/UnitySubsystems [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/Resources/UnitySubsystems
@ -31,3 +31,698 @@ Direct3D:
Vendor: Vendor:
VRAM: 10167 MB VRAM: 10167 MB
Driver: Driver:
Initialize mono
Mono path[0] = 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/Managed'
Mono path[1] = 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/MonoBleedingEdge/lib/mono/unityjit'
Mono config path = 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
Using monoOptions --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,embedding=1,server=y,suspend=n,address=
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Registering precompiled unity dll's ...
Register platform support module: C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/WebGLSupport/UnityEditor.WebGL.Extensions.dll
Register platform support module: C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/WindowsStandaloneSupport/UnityEditor.WindowsStandalone.Extensions.dll
Registered in 0.028626 seconds.
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 224.66 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 9.339 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (9341ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (243ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (0ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (2ms)
EndReloadAssembly (3779ms)
LoadAssemblies (241ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (2728ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (0ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (91ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (678ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (17ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (2ms)
RefreshPlugins (225ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (25ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (229ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (180ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (0ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (0ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.031693 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.94 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 4.477 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (4479ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (618ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (38ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (42ms)
EndReloadAssembly (3250ms)
LoadAssemblies (519ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (991ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (1ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (117ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (1446ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (56ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (394ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (947ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (11ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (34ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (20ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Worker process is ready to serve import requests
Launched and connected shader compiler UnityShaderCompiler.exe after 0.17 seconds
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.67 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1441 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 68.4 MB.
System memory in use after: 68.4 MB.
Unloading 19 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1875.
Total: 4.765400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.303400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.098900 ms MarkObjects: 4.173500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.187400 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Import Request.
path: Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs
artifactKey: Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
Start importing Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs using Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) -> (artifact id: '4c36109fd96855a1d4d4be3e1da91c32') in 0.401567 seconds
Import took 0.407407 seconds .
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.012222 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.61 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 3.324 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (3325ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (260ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (12ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (77ms)
EndReloadAssembly (2884ms)
LoadAssemblies (392ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (1006ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (3ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (127ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (942ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (22ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (332ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (564ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (7ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (15ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (18ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.94 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.1 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.1 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1878.
Total: 10.715700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.265600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.094000 ms MarkObjects: 10.216700 ms DeleteObjects: 0.137100 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Import Request.
Time since last request: 135.489677 seconds.
path: Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs
artifactKey: Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
Start importing Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs using Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) -> (artifact id: '54f129f3836eaa332dd65839e07366e0') in 0.011711 seconds
Import took 0.016473 seconds .
Received Import Request.
Time since last request: 1.793912 seconds.
path: Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs
artifactKey: Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
Start importing Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs using Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) -> (artifact id: '54f129f3836eaa332dd65839e07366e0') in 0.073950 seconds
Import took 0.080399 seconds .
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.013046 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.89 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 3.056 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (3056ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (336ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (20ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (119ms)
EndReloadAssembly (2426ms)
LoadAssemblies (287ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (939ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (1ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (112ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (778ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (67ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (242ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (439ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (12ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (15ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (0ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (17ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.62 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.1 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.2 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1881.
Total: 4.527600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.304000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.092400 ms MarkObjects: 4.015200 ms DeleteObjects: 0.112900 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.049529 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 13.44 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 50.039 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (50041ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (3009ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (117ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (690ms)
EndReloadAssembly (41703ms)
LoadAssemblies (3130ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (2ms)
SetupTypeCache (15214ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (10ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (2084ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (17087ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (374ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (20ms)
RefreshPlugins (21ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (4511ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (11829ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (119ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (211ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (320ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 9.41 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.1 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.2 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1884.
Total: 34.221700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.294200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.110100 ms MarkObjects: 33.687000 ms DeleteObjects: 0.127900 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.007959 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.66 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 3.178 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (3178ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (381ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (9ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (111ms)
EndReloadAssembly (2521ms)
LoadAssemblies (402ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (848ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (1ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (208ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (849ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (15ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (267ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (537ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (9ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (20ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (0ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (25ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.77 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.2 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.2 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1887.
Total: 5.449100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.267800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.090500 ms MarkObjects: 4.974900 ms DeleteObjects: 0.113400 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.075211 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.75 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 24.514 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (24528ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (3474ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (220ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (1ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (908ms)
EndReloadAssembly (18173ms)
LoadAssemblies (3676ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (11706ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (67ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (1527ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (786ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (18ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (279ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (464ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (8ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (15ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (0ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (16ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.71 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.2 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.2 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1890.
Total: 4.615200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.324400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.101700 ms MarkObjects: 4.049800 ms DeleteObjects: 0.127300 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.016141 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 1.06 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 2.909 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (2909ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (284ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (12ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (116ms)
EndReloadAssembly (2428ms)
LoadAssemblies (257ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (881ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (2ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (112ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (832ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (13ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (258ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (513ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (8ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (37ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (21ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.62 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.2 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.2 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1893.
Total: 5.689700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.308700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.097100 ms MarkObjects: 5.146700 ms DeleteObjects: 0.135300 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.234628 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.69 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 10.176 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (10186ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (4511ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (86ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (1658ms)
EndReloadAssembly (3009ms)
LoadAssemblies (2752ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (961ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (2ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (191ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (771ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (14ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (246ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (487ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (8ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (13ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (0ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (13ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.74 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.2 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.3 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1896.
Total: 12.521800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.284900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.122100 ms MarkObjects: 10.925000 ms DeleteObjects: 0.187100 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.010942 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.72 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 3.207 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (3208ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (395ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (18ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (98ms)
EndReloadAssembly (2593ms)
LoadAssemblies (378ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (872ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (1ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (249ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (771ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (17ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (246ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (475ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (9ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (21ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (74ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.76 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.2 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.3 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1899.
Total: 4.654600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.330400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.119100 ms MarkObjects: 4.088500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.114700 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.138467 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.75 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 24.924 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (24977ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (5944ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (135ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (1253ms)
EndReloadAssembly (14636ms)
LoadAssemblies (5949ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (1ms)
SetupTypeCache (8856ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (2ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (142ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (1945ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (17ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (2ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (339ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (1552ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (13ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (21ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (932ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.66 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.2 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.3 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1902.
Total: 4.567700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.289700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.128100 ms MarkObjects: 3.977500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.170300 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.016318 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.64 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 4.459 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (4460ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (293ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (11ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (72ms)
EndReloadAssembly (3913ms)
LoadAssemblies (281ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (2611ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (2ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (96ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (706ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (14ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (237ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (432ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (8ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (13ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (14ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.87 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.2 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.3 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1905.
Total: 5.971900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.479400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.142000 ms MarkObjects: 5.166400 ms DeleteObjects: 0.181500 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
AssetImportWorkerClient::OnTransportError - code=2 error=End of file

@ -1,728 +0,0 @@
Using pre-set license
Built from '2020.3/staging' branch; Version is '2020.3.14f1 (d0d1bb862f9d) revision 13685179'; Using compiler version '192528614'; Build Type 'Release'
OS: 'Windows 10 Pro; OS build 22000.120; Version 2009; 64bit' Language: 'en' Physical Memory: 20335 MB
BatchMode: 1, IsHumanControllingUs: 0, StartBugReporterOnCrash: 0, Is64bit: 1, IsPro: 0
C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.3.14f1\Editor\Unity.exe
Successfully changed project path to: C:/Users/Bruno/Documents/Unity_Projects/Projektik
Using Asset Import Pipeline V2.
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 246.04 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Initialize engine version: 2020.3.14f1 (d0d1bb862f9d)
[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/Resources/UnitySubsystems
[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Users/Bruno/Documents/Unity_Projects/Projektik/Assets
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=0
Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 (ID=0x1916)
VRAM: 10167 MB
Initialize mono
Mono path[0] = 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/Managed'
Mono path[1] = 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/MonoBleedingEdge/lib/mono/unityjit'
Mono config path = 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
Using monoOptions --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,embedding=1,server=y,suspend=n,address=
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Registering precompiled unity dll's ...
Register platform support module: C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/WebGLSupport/UnityEditor.WebGL.Extensions.dll
Register platform support module: C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/WindowsStandaloneSupport/UnityEditor.WindowsStandalone.Extensions.dll
Registered in 0.028626 seconds.
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 224.66 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 9.339 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (9341ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (243ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (0ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (2ms)
EndReloadAssembly (3779ms)
LoadAssemblies (241ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (2728ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (0ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (91ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (678ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (17ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (2ms)
RefreshPlugins (225ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (25ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (229ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (180ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (0ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (0ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.031693 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.94 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 4.477 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (4479ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (618ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (38ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (42ms)
EndReloadAssembly (3250ms)
LoadAssemblies (519ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (991ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (1ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (117ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (1446ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (56ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (394ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (947ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (11ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (34ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (20ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Worker process is ready to serve import requests
Launched and connected shader compiler UnityShaderCompiler.exe after 0.17 seconds
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.67 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1441 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 68.4 MB.
System memory in use after: 68.4 MB.
Unloading 19 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1875.
Total: 4.765400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.303400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.098900 ms MarkObjects: 4.173500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.187400 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Import Request.
path: Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs
artifactKey: Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
Start importing Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs using Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) -> (artifact id: '4c36109fd96855a1d4d4be3e1da91c32') in 0.401567 seconds
Import took 0.407407 seconds .
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.012222 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.61 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 3.324 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (3325ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (260ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (12ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (77ms)
EndReloadAssembly (2884ms)
LoadAssemblies (392ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (1006ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (3ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (127ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (942ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (22ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (332ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (564ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (7ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (15ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (18ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.94 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.1 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.1 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1878.
Total: 10.715700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.265600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.094000 ms MarkObjects: 10.216700 ms DeleteObjects: 0.137100 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Import Request.
Time since last request: 135.489677 seconds.
path: Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs
artifactKey: Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
Start importing Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs using Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) -> (artifact id: '54f129f3836eaa332dd65839e07366e0') in 0.011711 seconds
Import took 0.016473 seconds .
Received Import Request.
Time since last request: 1.793912 seconds.
path: Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs
artifactKey: Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b)
Start importing Assets/Scripts/Chytac.cs using Guid(443718008e90fbe4bae24d20d6ece588) Importer(815301076,1909f56bfc062723c751e8b465ee728b) -> (artifact id: '54f129f3836eaa332dd65839e07366e0') in 0.073950 seconds
Import took 0.080399 seconds .
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.013046 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.89 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 3.056 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (3056ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (336ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (20ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (119ms)
EndReloadAssembly (2426ms)
LoadAssemblies (287ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (939ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (1ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (112ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (778ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (67ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (242ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (439ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (12ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (15ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (0ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (17ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.62 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.1 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.2 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1881.
Total: 4.527600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.304000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.092400 ms MarkObjects: 4.015200 ms DeleteObjects: 0.112900 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.049529 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 13.44 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 50.039 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (50041ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (3009ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (117ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (690ms)
EndReloadAssembly (41703ms)
LoadAssemblies (3130ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (2ms)
SetupTypeCache (15214ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (10ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (2084ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (17087ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (374ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (20ms)
RefreshPlugins (21ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (4511ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (11829ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (119ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (211ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (320ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 9.41 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.1 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.2 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1884.
Total: 34.221700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.294200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.110100 ms MarkObjects: 33.687000 ms DeleteObjects: 0.127900 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.007959 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.66 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 3.178 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (3178ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (381ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (9ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (111ms)
EndReloadAssembly (2521ms)
LoadAssemblies (402ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (848ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (1ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (208ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (849ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (15ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (267ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (537ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (9ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (20ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (0ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (25ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.77 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.2 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.2 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1887.
Total: 5.449100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.267800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.090500 ms MarkObjects: 4.974900 ms DeleteObjects: 0.113400 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.075211 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.75 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 24.514 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (24528ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (3474ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (220ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (1ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (908ms)
EndReloadAssembly (18173ms)
LoadAssemblies (3676ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (11706ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (67ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (1527ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (786ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (18ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (279ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (464ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (8ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (15ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (0ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (16ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.71 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.2 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.2 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1890.
Total: 4.615200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.324400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.101700 ms MarkObjects: 4.049800 ms DeleteObjects: 0.127300 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.016141 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 1.06 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 2.909 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (2909ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (284ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (12ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (116ms)
EndReloadAssembly (2428ms)
LoadAssemblies (257ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (881ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (2ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (112ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (832ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (13ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (258ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (513ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (8ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (37ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (21ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.62 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.2 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.2 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1893.
Total: 5.689700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.308700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.097100 ms MarkObjects: 5.146700 ms DeleteObjects: 0.135300 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.234628 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.69 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 10.176 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (10186ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (4511ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (86ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (1658ms)
EndReloadAssembly (3009ms)
LoadAssemblies (2752ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (961ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (2ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (191ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (771ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (14ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (246ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (487ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (8ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (13ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (0ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (13ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.74 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.2 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.3 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1896.
Total: 12.521800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.284900 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.122100 ms MarkObjects: 10.925000 ms DeleteObjects: 0.187100 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.010942 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.72 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 3.207 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (3208ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (395ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (18ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (98ms)
EndReloadAssembly (2593ms)
LoadAssemblies (378ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (872ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (1ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (249ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (771ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (17ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (246ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (475ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (9ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (21ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (74ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.76 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.2 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.3 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1899.
Total: 4.654600 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.330400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.119100 ms MarkObjects: 4.088500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.114700 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.138467 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.75 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 24.924 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (24977ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (5944ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (135ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (1253ms)
EndReloadAssembly (14636ms)
LoadAssemblies (5949ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (1ms)
SetupTypeCache (8856ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (2ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (142ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (1945ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (17ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (2ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (339ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (1552ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (13ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (21ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (932ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.66 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.2 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.3 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1902.
Total: 4.567700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.289700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.128100 ms MarkObjects: 3.977500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.170300 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
Received Prepare
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.016318 seconds.
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.64 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in 4.459 seconds
Domain Reload Profiling:
ReloadAssembly (4460ms)
BeginReloadAssembly (293ms)
ExecutionOrderSort (0ms)
DisableScriptedObjects (11ms)
BackupInstance (0ms)
ReleaseScriptingObjects (0ms)
CreateAndSetChildDomain (72ms)
EndReloadAssembly (3913ms)
LoadAssemblies (281ms)
RebuildTransferFunctionScriptingTraits (0ms)
SetupTypeCache (2611ms)
ReleaseScriptCaches (2ms)
RebuildScriptCaches (96ms)
SetupLoadedEditorAssemblies (706ms)
LogAssemblyErrors (0ms)
InitializePlatformSupportModulesInManaged (14ms)
SetLoadedEditorAssemblies (1ms)
RefreshPlugins (1ms)
BeforeProcessingInitializeOnLoad (237ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (432ms)
ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes (8ms)
AfterProcessingInitializeOnLoad (13ms)
EditorAssembliesLoaded (1ms)
ExecutionOrderSort2 (0ms)
AwakeInstancesAfterBackupRestoration (14ms)
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.87 ms, found 2 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Unloading 1423 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 67.2 MB.
System memory in use after: 67.3 MB.
Unloading 14 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1905.
Total: 5.971900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.479400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.142000 ms MarkObjects: 5.166400 ms DeleteObjects: 0.181500 ms)
AssetImportParameters requested are different than current active one (requested -> active):
custom:framework-win-MediaFoundation: 216162199b28c13a410421893ffa2e32 ->
custom:video-decoder-ogg-theora: a1e56fd34408186e4bbccfd4996cb3dc ->
custom:container-muxer-webm: aa71ff27fc2769a1b78a27578f13a17b ->
custom:container-demuxer-webm: 4f35f7cbe854078d1ac9338744f61a02 ->
custom:container-demuxer-ogg: 62fdf1f143b41e24485cea50d1cbac27 ->
custom:video-encoder-webm-vp8: eb34c28f22e8b96e1ab97ce403110664 ->
custom:video-decoder-webm-vp8: 9c59270c3fd7afecdb556c50c9e8de78 ->
custom:audio-decoder-ogg-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
custom:audio-encoder-webm-vorbis: bf7c407c2cedff20999df2af8eb42d56 ->
AssetImportWorkerClient::OnTransportError - code=2 error=End of file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
Base path: 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data', plugins path 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.3.14f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines'
Cmd: initializeCompiler
Unhandled exception: Protocol error - failed to read magic number (error -2147483644, transferred 0/4)
Quitting shader compiler process