forked from Mirrorlandia_minetest/irrlicht
Remove other left-over build systems
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)/../..
IRRLICHT_LIB_PATH := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../lib/Android
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := Irrlicht
LOCAL_CFLAGS := -Wall -pipe -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -fstrict-aliasing
ifndef NDEBUG
LOCAL_CFLAGS += -fexpensive-optimizations -O3
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := ../../../include
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += ../zlib ../jpeglib ../libpng
Android/CIrrDeviceAndroid.cpp \
Android/CAndroidAssetReader.cpp \
Android/CAndroidAssetFileArchive.cpp \
Android/CKeyEventWrapper.cpp \
burning_shader_color.cpp \
C3DSMeshFileLoader.cpp \
CAnimatedMeshHalfLife.cpp \
CAnimatedMeshMD2.cpp \
CAnimatedMeshMD3.cpp \
CAnimatedMeshSceneNode.cpp \
CAttributes.cpp \
CB3DMeshFileLoader.cpp \
CB3DMeshWriter.cpp \
CBillboardSceneNode.cpp \
CBoneSceneNode.cpp \
CBSPMeshFileLoader.cpp \
CBurningShader_Raster_Reference.cpp \
CCameraSceneNode.cpp \
CColladaFileLoader.cpp \
CColladaMeshWriter.cpp \
CColorConverter.cpp \
CCSMLoader.cpp \
CCubeSceneNode.cpp \
CD3D9Driver.cpp \
CD3D9HLSLMaterialRenderer.cpp \
CD3D9NormalMapRenderer.cpp \
CD3D9ParallaxMapRenderer.cpp \
CD3D9ShaderMaterialRenderer.cpp \
CD3D9Texture.cpp \
CDefaultGUIElementFactory.cpp \
CDefaultSceneNodeAnimatorFactory.cpp \
CDefaultSceneNodeFactory.cpp \
CDepthBuffer.cpp \
CDMFLoader.cpp \
CDummyTransformationSceneNode.cpp \
CEmptySceneNode.cpp \
CFileList.cpp \
CFileSystem.cpp \
CFPSCounter.cpp \
leakHunter.cpp \
CGeometryCreator.cpp \
CGUIButton.cpp \
CGUICheckBox.cpp \
CGUIColorSelectDialog.cpp \
CGUIComboBox.cpp \
CGUIContextMenu.cpp \
CGUIEditBox.cpp \
CGUIEnvironment.cpp \
CGUIFileOpenDialog.cpp \
CGUIFont.cpp \
CGUIImage.cpp \
CGUIImageList.cpp \
CGUIInOutFader.cpp \
CGUIListBox.cpp \
CGUIMenu.cpp \
CGUIMeshViewer.cpp \
CGUIMessageBox.cpp \
CGUIModalScreen.cpp \
CGUIScrollBar.cpp \
CGUISkin.cpp \
CGUISpinBox.cpp \
CGUISpriteBank.cpp \
CGUIStaticText.cpp \
CGUITabControl.cpp \
CGUITable.cpp \
CGUIToolBar.cpp \
CGUITreeView.cpp \
CGUIWindow.cpp \
CGUIProfiler.cpp \
CImage.cpp \
CImageLoaderBMP.cpp \
CImageLoaderDDS.cpp \
CImageLoaderJPG.cpp \
CImageLoaderPCX.cpp \
CImageLoaderPNG.cpp \
CImageLoaderPPM.cpp \
CImageLoaderPSD.cpp \
CImageLoaderRGB.cpp \
CImageLoaderTGA.cpp \
CImageLoaderWAL.cpp \
CImageWriterBMP.cpp \
CImageWriterJPG.cpp \
CImageWriterPCX.cpp \
CImageWriterPNG.cpp \
CImageWriterPPM.cpp \
CImageWriterPSD.cpp \
CImageWriterTGA.cpp \
CImageLoaderPVR.cpp \
CIrrDeviceConsole.cpp \
CIrrDeviceFB.cpp \
CIrrDeviceLinux.cpp \
CIrrDeviceSDL.cpp \
CIrrDeviceStub.cpp \
CIrrDeviceWin32.cpp \
CIrrMeshFileLoader.cpp \
CIrrMeshWriter.cpp \
CLightSceneNode.cpp \
CLimitReadFile.cpp \
CLMTSMeshFileLoader.cpp \
CLogger.cpp \
CLWOMeshFileLoader.cpp \
CMD2MeshFileLoader.cpp \
CMD3MeshFileLoader.cpp \
CMemoryFile.cpp \
CMeshCache.cpp \
CMeshManipulator.cpp \
CMeshSceneNode.cpp \
CMeshTextureLoader.cpp \
CMetaTriangleSelector.cpp \
CMountPointReader.cpp \
CMS3DMeshFileLoader.cpp \
CMY3DMeshFileLoader.cpp \
CNPKReader.cpp \
CNullDriver.cpp \
COBJMeshFileLoader.cpp \
COBJMeshWriter.cpp \
COCTLoader.cpp \
COctreeSceneNode.cpp \
COctreeTriangleSelector.cpp \
CEGLManager.cpp \
COGLES2Driver.cpp \
COGLES2ExtensionHandler.cpp \
COGLES2MaterialRenderer.cpp \
COGLES2FixedPipelineRenderer.cpp \
COGLES2NormalMapRenderer.cpp \
COGLES2ParallaxMapRenderer.cpp \
COGLES2Renderer2D.cpp \
COGLESDriver.cpp \
COGLESExtensionHandler.cpp \
COgreMeshFileLoader.cpp \
COpenGLCacheHandler.cpp \
COpenGLDriver.cpp \
COpenGLExtensionHandler.cpp \
COpenGLNormalMapRenderer.cpp \
COpenGLParallaxMapRenderer.cpp \
COpenGLShaderMaterialRenderer.cpp \
COpenGLSLMaterialRenderer.cpp \
COSOperator.cpp \
CPakReader.cpp \
CParticleAnimatedMeshSceneNodeEmitter.cpp \
CParticleAttractionAffector.cpp \
CParticleBoxEmitter.cpp \
CParticleCylinderEmitter.cpp \
CParticleFadeOutAffector.cpp \
CParticleGravityAffector.cpp \
CParticleMeshEmitter.cpp \
CParticlePointEmitter.cpp \
CParticleRingEmitter.cpp \
CParticleRotationAffector.cpp \
CParticleScaleAffector.cpp \
CParticleSphereEmitter.cpp \
CParticleSystemSceneNode.cpp \
CPLYMeshFileLoader.cpp \
CPLYMeshWriter.cpp \
CProfiler.cpp \
CQ3LevelMesh.cpp \
CQuake3ShaderSceneNode.cpp \
CReadFile.cpp \
CSceneCollisionManager.cpp \
CSceneLoaderIrr.cpp \
CSceneManager.cpp \
CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS.cpp \
CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya.cpp \
CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse.cpp \
CSceneNodeAnimatorDelete.cpp \
CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyCircle.cpp \
CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyStraight.cpp \
CSceneNodeAnimatorFollowSpline.cpp \
CSceneNodeAnimatorRotation.cpp \
CSceneNodeAnimatorTexture.cpp \
CShadowVolumeSceneNode.cpp \
CSkinnedMesh.cpp \
CSkyBoxSceneNode.cpp \
CSkyDomeSceneNode.cpp \
CSMFMeshFileLoader.cpp \
CSoftwareDriver.cpp \
CSoftwareDriver2.cpp \
CSoftwareTexture.cpp \
CSoftwareTexture2.cpp \
CSphereSceneNode.cpp \
CSTLMeshFileLoader.cpp \
CSTLMeshWriter.cpp \
CTarReader.cpp \
CTerrainSceneNode.cpp \
CTerrainTriangleSelector.cpp \
CTextSceneNode.cpp \
CTRFlat.cpp \
CTRFlatWire.cpp \
CTRGouraud.cpp \
CTRGouraud2.cpp \
CTRGouraudAlpha2.cpp \
CTRGouraudAlphaNoZ2.cpp \
CTRGouraudWire.cpp \
CTriangleBBSelector.cpp \
CTriangleSelector.cpp \
CTRGouraudNoZ2.cpp \
CTRNormalMap.cpp \
CTRStencilShadow.cpp \
CTRTextureBlend.cpp \
CTRTextureDetailMap2.cpp \
CTRTextureFlat.cpp \
CTRTextureFlatWire.cpp \
CTRTextureGouraud.cpp \
CTRTextureGouraud2.cpp \
CTRTextureGouraudAdd.cpp \
CTRTextureGouraudAdd2.cpp \
CTRTextureGouraudAddNoZ2.cpp \
CTRTextureGouraudAlpha.cpp \
CTRTextureGouraudAlphaNoZ.cpp \
CTRTextureGouraudNoZ.cpp \
CTRTextureGouraudNoZ2.cpp \
CTRTextureGouraudVertexAlpha2.cpp \
CTRTextureGouraudWire.cpp \
CTRTextureLightMap2_Add.cpp \
CTRTextureLightMap2_M1.cpp \
CTRTextureLightMap2_M2.cpp \
CTRTextureLightMap2_M4.cpp \
CTRTextureLightMapGouraud2_M4.cpp \
CTRTextureWire2.cpp \
CTR_transparent_reflection_2_layer.cpp \
CVideoModeList.cpp \
CVolumeLightSceneNode.cpp \
CWADReader.cpp \
CWaterSurfaceSceneNode.cpp \
CWriteFile.cpp \
CXMeshFileLoader.cpp \
CXMLReader.cpp \
CXMLWriter.cpp \
CZBuffer.cpp \
CZipReader.cpp \
IBurningShader.cpp \
Irrlicht.cpp \
irrXML.cpp \
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := android_native_app_glue
$(call import-module,android/native_app_glue)
cp $< $@
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
APP_PLATFORM := android-10
APP_MODULES := Irrlicht
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
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<RuleSet Name="Rules for Irrlicht" Description="Code analysis rules for Irrlicht15.0.vcxproj." ToolsVersion="15.0">
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<Rule Id="CA1004" Action="None" />
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<Rule Id="CA1006" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1007" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1008" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1009" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1010" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1011" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1012" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1013" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1014" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1016" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1017" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1018" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1019" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1020" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1021" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1023" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1024" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1025" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1026" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1027" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1028" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1030" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1031" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1032" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="CA1033" Action="None" />
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<Rule Id="C28286" Action="None" />
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<Rule Id="C28288" Action="None" />
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<Rule Id="C28290" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="C28291" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="C28300" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="C28301" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="C28302" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="C28303" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="C28304" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="C28305" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="C28306" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="C28307" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="C28308" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="C28309" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="C28350" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="C28351" Action="None" />
<Rule Id="C6326" Action="None" />
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
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LastUpgradeVersion = "0830"
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parallelizeBuildables = "YES"
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buildForProfiling = "YES"
buildForArchiving = "YES"
buildForAnalyzing = "YES">
BuildableIdentifier = "primary"
BlueprintIdentifier = "5E34C9F21B7F6E3400F212E8"
BuildableName = "libIrrlicht.a"
BlueprintName = "Irrlicht_OSX"
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@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
# Visual Studio 2010
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Irrlicht", "Irrlicht10.0.vcxproj", "{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
Release - Fast FPU|Win32 = Release - Fast FPU|Win32
Release - Fast FPU|x64 = Release - Fast FPU|x64
Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
Release|x64 = Release|x64
Static lib - Debug|Win32 = Static lib - Debug|Win32
Static lib - Debug|x64 = Static lib - Debug|x64
Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32
Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64
Static lib - Release|Win32 = Static lib - Release|Win32
Static lib - Release|x64 = Static lib - Release|x64
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release - Fast FPU|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release - Fast FPU|Win32.Build.0 = Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release - Fast FPU|x64.ActiveCfg = Release - Fast FPU|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release - Fast FPU|x64.Build.0 = Release - Fast FPU|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Static lib - Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Debug|x64.Build.0 = Static lib - Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32.Build.0 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64.Build.0 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release|Win32.Build.0 = Static lib - Release|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release|x64.Build.0 = Static lib - Release|x64
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
# Visual Studio 2012
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Irrlicht", "Irrlicht11.0.vcxproj", "{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
Release - Fast FPU|Win32 = Release - Fast FPU|Win32
Release - Fast FPU|x64 = Release - Fast FPU|x64
Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
Release|x64 = Release|x64
Static lib - Debug|Win32 = Static lib - Debug|Win32
Static lib - Debug|x64 = Static lib - Debug|x64
Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32
Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64
Static lib - Release|Win32 = Static lib - Release|Win32
Static lib - Release|x64 = Static lib - Release|x64
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release - Fast FPU|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release - Fast FPU|Win32.Build.0 = Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release - Fast FPU|x64.ActiveCfg = Release - Fast FPU|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release - Fast FPU|x64.Build.0 = Release - Fast FPU|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Static lib - Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Debug|x64.Build.0 = Static lib - Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32.Build.0 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64.Build.0 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release|Win32.Build.0 = Static lib - Release|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release|x64.Build.0 = Static lib - Release|x64
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
VisualStudioVersion = 12.0.30501.0
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Irrlicht", "Irrlicht12.0.vcxproj", "{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
Release - Fast FPU|Win32 = Release - Fast FPU|Win32
Release - Fast FPU|x64 = Release - Fast FPU|x64
Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
Release|x64 = Release|x64
SDL-Debug|Win32 = SDL-Debug|Win32
SDL-Debug|x64 = SDL-Debug|x64
Static lib - Debug|Win32 = Static lib - Debug|Win32
Static lib - Debug|x64 = Static lib - Debug|x64
Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32
Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64
Static lib - Release|Win32 = Static lib - Release|Win32
Static lib - Release|x64 = Static lib - Release|x64
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release - Fast FPU|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release - Fast FPU|Win32.Build.0 = Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release - Fast FPU|x64.ActiveCfg = Release - Fast FPU|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release - Fast FPU|x64.Build.0 = Release - Fast FPU|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.SDL-Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = SDL-Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.SDL-Debug|Win32.Build.0 = SDL-Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.SDL-Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = SDL-Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.SDL-Debug|x64.Build.0 = SDL-Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Static lib - Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Debug|x64.Build.0 = Static lib - Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32.Build.0 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64.Build.0 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release|Win32.Build.0 = Static lib - Release|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release|x64.Build.0 = Static lib - Release|x64
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 14.00
# Visual Studio 14
VisualStudioVersion = 14.0.23107.0
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Irrlicht", "Irrlicht14.0.vcxproj", "{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
Release - Fast FPU|Win32 = Release - Fast FPU|Win32
Release - Fast FPU|x64 = Release - Fast FPU|x64
Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
Release|x64 = Release|x64
SDL-Debug|Win32 = SDL-Debug|Win32
SDL-Debug|x64 = SDL-Debug|x64
Static lib - Debug|Win32 = Static lib - Debug|Win32
Static lib - Debug|x64 = Static lib - Debug|x64
Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32
Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64
Static lib - Release|Win32 = Static lib - Release|Win32
Static lib - Release|x64 = Static lib - Release|x64
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release - Fast FPU|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release - Fast FPU|Win32.Build.0 = Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release - Fast FPU|x64.ActiveCfg = Release - Fast FPU|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release - Fast FPU|x64.Build.0 = Release - Fast FPU|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.SDL-Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = SDL-Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.SDL-Debug|Win32.Build.0 = SDL-Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.SDL-Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = SDL-Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.SDL-Debug|x64.Build.0 = SDL-Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Static lib - Debug|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Debug|x64.Build.0 = Static lib - Debug|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32.Build.0 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64.Build.0 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release|Win32.Build.0 = Static lib - Release|Win32
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release|x64
{E08E042A-6C45-411B-92BE-3CC31331019F}.Static lib - Release|x64.Build.0 = Static lib - Release|x64
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 15
VisualStudioVersion = 15.0.27004.2008
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Irrlicht", "Irrlicht15.0.vcxproj", "{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
Release - Fast FPU|Win32 = Release - Fast FPU|Win32
Release - Fast FPU|x64 = Release - Fast FPU|x64
Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
Release|x64 = Release|x64
SDL-Debug|Win32 = SDL-Debug|Win32
SDL-Debug|x64 = SDL-Debug|x64
Static lib - Debug|Win32 = Static lib - Debug|Win32
Static lib - Debug|x64 = Static lib - Debug|x64
Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32
Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64
Static lib - Release|Win32 = Static lib - Release|Win32
Static lib - Release|x64 = Static lib - Release|x64
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Release - Fast FPU|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Release - Fast FPU|Win32.Build.0 = Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Release - Fast FPU|x64.ActiveCfg = Release - Fast FPU|x64
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Release - Fast FPU|x64.Build.0 = Release - Fast FPU|x64
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.SDL-Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = SDL-Debug|Win32
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.SDL-Debug|Win32.Build.0 = SDL-Debug|Win32
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.SDL-Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = SDL-Debug|x64
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.SDL-Debug|x64.Build.0 = SDL-Debug|x64
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Static lib - Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Debug|Win32
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Static lib - Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Static lib - Debug|Win32
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Static lib - Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Debug|x64
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Static lib - Debug|x64.Build.0 = Static lib - Debug|x64
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32.Build.0 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|Win32
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64.Build.0 = Static lib - Release - Fast FPU|x64
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Static lib - Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release|Win32
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Static lib - Release|Win32.Build.0 = Static lib - Release|Win32
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Static lib - Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Static lib - Release|x64
{DD5C43CB-34A8-409B-9010-5A5A52787552}.Static lib - Release|x64.Build.0 = Static lib - Release|x64
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
SolutionGuid = {DF9BEF31-A6F9-42FD-9573-28F994828B0B}
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
# Irrlicht Engine 1.9.0
# Makefile for Linux
# To use, just run:
# make
# This will compile Irrlicht, create a static lib (libIrrlicht.a), and copy it
# into the subdirectory lib/Linux. That's all.
# If you want Irrlicht to be compiled as shared lib (, then run:
# make sharedlib
# make install
# If you want to compile in release mode run:
# make NDEBUG=1
# For cross-compilation for Win32 under Linux, just use the win32 targets. You have to set
# at least CXX, CC, and AR to the proper binaries.
# For compiling on MinGW you can run it with:
# make win32
# Or as MinGW by default has CC set to cc - but has no compiler by that name - you might have to do:
# make CC=gcc win32
#List of object files, separated based on engine architecture
IRRMESHLOADER = CBSPMeshFileLoader.o CMD2MeshFileLoader.o CMD3MeshFileLoader.o CMS3DMeshFileLoader.o CB3DMeshFileLoader.o C3DSMeshFileLoader.o COgreMeshFileLoader.o COBJMeshFileLoader.o CColladaFileLoader.o CCSMLoader.o CDMFLoader.o CLMTSMeshFileLoader.o CMY3DMeshFileLoader.o COCTLoader.o CXMeshFileLoader.o CIrrMeshFileLoader.o CSTLMeshFileLoader.o CLWOMeshFileLoader.o CPLYMeshFileLoader.o CSMFMeshFileLoader.o CMeshTextureLoader.o
IRRMESHWRITER = CColladaMeshWriter.o CIrrMeshWriter.o CSTLMeshWriter.o COBJMeshWriter.o CPLYMeshWriter.o CB3DMeshWriter.o
CSkinnedMesh.o CBoneSceneNode.o CMeshSceneNode.o \
CAnimatedMeshSceneNode.o CAnimatedMeshMD2.o CAnimatedMeshMD3.o \
CQ3LevelMesh.o CQuake3ShaderSceneNode.o CAnimatedMeshHalfLife.o
IRROBJ = CBillboardSceneNode.o CCameraSceneNode.o CDummyTransformationSceneNode.o CEmptySceneNode.o CGeometryCreator.o CLightSceneNode.o CMeshManipulator.o CMetaTriangleSelector.o COctreeSceneNode.o COctreeTriangleSelector.o CSceneCollisionManager.o CSceneManager.o CShadowVolumeSceneNode.o CSkyBoxSceneNode.o CSkyDomeSceneNode.o CTerrainSceneNode.o CTerrainTriangleSelector.o CVolumeLightSceneNode.o CCubeSceneNode.o CSphereSceneNode.o CTextSceneNode.o CTriangleBBSelector.o CTriangleSelector.o CWaterSurfaceSceneNode.o CMeshCache.o CDefaultSceneNodeAnimatorFactory.o CDefaultSceneNodeFactory.o CSceneLoaderIrr.o
IRRPARTICLEOBJ = CParticleAnimatedMeshSceneNodeEmitter.o CParticleBoxEmitter.o CParticleCylinderEmitter.o CParticleMeshEmitter.o CParticlePointEmitter.o CParticleRingEmitter.o CParticleSphereEmitter.o CParticleAttractionAffector.o CParticleFadeOutAffector.o CParticleGravityAffector.o CParticleRotationAffector.o CParticleSystemSceneNode.o CParticleScaleAffector.o
IRRANIMOBJ = CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraFPS.o CSceneNodeAnimatorCameraMaya.o CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse.o CSceneNodeAnimatorDelete.o CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyCircle.o CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyStraight.o CSceneNodeAnimatorFollowSpline.o CSceneNodeAnimatorRotation.o CSceneNodeAnimatorTexture.o
IRRDRVROBJ = CNullDriver.o COpenGLCacheHandler.o COpenGLDriver.o COpenGLNormalMapRenderer.o COpenGLParallaxMapRenderer.o COpenGLShaderMaterialRenderer.o COpenGLSLMaterialRenderer.o COpenGLExtensionHandler.o \
CD3D9Driver.o CD3D9HLSLMaterialRenderer.o CD3D9NormalMapRenderer.o CD3D9ParallaxMapRenderer.o CD3D9ShaderMaterialRenderer.o CD3D9Texture.o \
COGLESDriver.o COGLESExtensionHandler.o COGLES2Driver.o COGLES2ExtensionHandler.o COGLES2FixedPipelineRenderer.o COGLES2MaterialRenderer.o COGLES2NormalMapRenderer.o COGLES2ParallaxMapRenderer.o COGLES2Renderer2D.o CWebGL1Driver.o \
CGLXManager.o CWGLManager.o CEGLManager.o
IRRIMAGEOBJ = CColorConverter.o CImage.o CImageLoaderBMP.o CImageLoaderDDS.o CImageLoaderJPG.o CImageLoaderPCX.o CImageLoaderPNG.o CImageLoaderPSD.o CImageLoaderPVR.o CImageLoaderTGA.o CImageLoaderPPM.o CImageLoaderWAL.o CImageLoaderRGB.o \
CImageWriterBMP.o CImageWriterJPG.o CImageWriterPCX.o CImageWriterPNG.o CImageWriterPPM.o CImageWriterPSD.o CImageWriterTGA.o
IRRSWRENDEROBJ = CSoftwareDriver.o CSoftwareTexture.o CTRFlat.o CTRFlatWire.o CTRGouraud.o CTRGouraudWire.o CTRNormalMap.o \
CTRStencilShadow.o CTRTextureFlat.o CTRTextureFlatWire.o CTRTextureGouraud.o CTRTextureGouraudAdd.o CTRTextureGouraudNoZ.o \
CTRTextureGouraudWire.o CZBuffer.o CTRTextureGouraudVertexAlpha2.o CTRTextureGouraudNoZ2.o CTRTextureLightMap2_M2.o \
CTRTextureLightMap2_M4.o CTRTextureLightMap2_M1.o CSoftwareDriver2.o CSoftwareTexture2.o CTRTextureGouraud2.o CTRGouraud2.o \
CTRGouraudAlpha2.o CTRGouraudAlphaNoZ2.o CTRTextureDetailMap2.o CTRTextureGouraudAdd2.o CTRTextureGouraudAddNoZ2.o CTRTextureWire2.o \
CTRTextureLightMap2_Add.o CTRTextureLightMapGouraud2_M4.o IBurningShader.o CTRTextureBlend.o CTRTextureGouraudAlpha.o \
CTRTextureGouraudAlphaNoZ.o CDepthBuffer.o CBurningShader_Raster_Reference.o CTR_transparent_reflection_2_layer.o CTRGouraudNoZ2.o burning_shader_color.o
IRRIOOBJ = CFileList.o CFileSystem.o CLimitReadFile.o CMemoryFile.o CReadFile.o CWriteFile.o CXMLReader.o CXMLWriter.o CWADReader.o CZipReader.o CPakReader.o CNPKReader.o CTarReader.o CMountPointReader.o irrXML.o CAttributes.o
IRROTHEROBJ = CIrrDeviceSDL.o CIrrDeviceLinux.o CIrrDeviceConsole.o CIrrDeviceStub.o CIrrDeviceWin32.o CIrrDeviceFB.o CLogger.o COSOperator.o Irrlicht.o os.o leakHunter.o CProfiler.o utf8.o
IRRGUIOBJ = CGUIButton.o CGUICheckBox.o CGUIComboBox.o CGUIContextMenu.o CGUIEditBox.o CGUIEnvironment.o CGUIFileOpenDialog.o CGUIFont.o CGUIImage.o CGUIInOutFader.o CGUIListBox.o CGUIMenu.o CGUIMeshViewer.o CGUIMessageBox.o CGUIModalScreen.o CGUIScrollBar.o CGUISpinBox.o CGUISkin.o CGUIStaticText.o CGUITabControl.o CGUITable.o CGUIToolBar.o CGUIWindow.o CGUIColorSelectDialog.o CDefaultGUIElementFactory.o CGUISpriteBank.o CGUIImageList.o CGUITreeView.o CGUIProfiler.o
# Next variable is for additional scene nodes etc. of customized Irrlicht versions
emscripten: EMSCRIPTEN=1
#Compiler flags
CXXINCS = -I../../include
CXXFLAGS += -Wall -pipe -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti
#CXXFLAGS += -std=gnu++11 -U__STRICT_ANSI__
ifndef NDEBUG
CXXFLAGS += -std=gnu++11 -U__STRICT_ANSI__
ifdef NDEBUG
ifdef WASM
sharedlib sharedlib_osx sharedlib_win32: LDFLAGS += -lz -ljpeg -lpng
sharedlib sharedlib_osx: CXXFLAGS += -fPIC
sharedlib sharedlib_osx: CFLAGS += -fPIC
#multilib handling
ifeq ($(HOSTTYPE), x86_64)
#Linux specific options
staticlib sharedlib install: SYSTEM = Linux
sharedlib install: SHARED_LIB =
sharedlib: LDFLAGS += -L/usr/X11R6/lib$(LIBSELECT) -lGL -lXxf86vm
staticlib sharedlib: CXXINCS += -I/usr/X11R6/include
#OSX specific options
staticlib_osx sharedlib_osx install_osx: SYSTEM = MacOSX
staticlib_osx sharedlib_osx: IRROTHEROBJ += MacOSX/CIrrDeviceMacOSX.o MacOSX/OSXClipboard.o MacOSX/AppDelegate.o
staticlib_osx sharedlib_osx: CXXINCS += -IMacOSX -I/usr/X11R6/include
sharedlib_osx install_osx: SHARED_LIB = libIrrlicht.dylib
staticlib_osx sharedlib_osx: LDFLAGS += --no-export-all-symbols --add-stdcall-alias
sharedlib_osx: LDFLAGS += -L/usr/X11R6/lib$(LIBSELECT) -lGL -lXxf86vm
# for non-X11 app
#sharedlib_osx: LDFLAGS += -framework cocoa -framework carbon -framework opengl -framework IOKit
#Windows specific options
IRRLICHT_DLL := ../../bin/Win32-gcc/Irrlicht.dll
sharedlib_win32 staticlib_win32: SYSTEM = Win32-gcc
sharedlib_win32: LDFLAGS += -lgdi32 -lopengl32 -ld3dx9d -lwinmm -Wl,--add-stdcall-alias
#sharedlib_win32: LDFLAGS += -lSDL
#choose either -DIRR_COMPILE_WITH_DX9_DEV_PACK or -DNO_IRR_COMPILE_WITH_DIRECT3D_9_ depending if you need dx9
#sharedlib_win32 staticlib_win32: CPPFLAGS += -DIRR_COMPILE_WITH_DX9_DEV_PACK
staticlib_win32: CPPFLAGS += -D_IRR_STATIC_LIB_
#emscripten specific options
staticlib_emscripten: SYSTEM = emscripten
# You might want to disable features you don't need in Irrlicht here to reduce Irrlicht library.
# This can also help to reduce the .js size when compiling for emscripten.
# Note you can also disable the same features by modifying IrrCompileConfig.h which is slightly
# safer as you have then the same setting when compiling Irrlicht and your project (but needs
# modifying source-code while you can simply copy the Makefile and create your own settings)
# xml - use a lot, but also takes a lot of space. Check if you have any formats using it.s
# Get rid of encrypted zip files or bzip encrypted zip's or lzma encrypte zip's - or even all zip-file support.
# Disable mesh writers
# Disable image writers
STATIC_LIB = libIrrlicht.a
LIB_PATH = ../../lib/$(SYSTEM)
INSTALL_DIR = /usr/local/lib
# All target, builds Irrlicht as static lib (libIrrlicht.a) and copies it into lib/Linux
all linux : staticlib
emscripten: staticlib_emscripten
# Builds Irrlicht as shared lib ( and copies it into lib/Linux
sharedlib: $(LINKOBJ)
$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -shared -Wl,-soname,$(SONAME) -o $(SHARED_FULLNAME) $^ $(LDFLAGS)
mkdir -p $(LIB_PATH)
# Builds Irrlicht as static lib (libIrrlicht.a)
$(AR) rs $@ $^
# Copies static lib into ../../lib/($SYSTEM)
staticlib staticlib_osx staticlib_emscripten: $(STATIC_LIB)
mkdir -p $(LIB_PATH)
cp $^ $(LIB_PATH)
# Builds Irrlicht as dll (Irrlicht.dll) into ../../bin/Win32-gcc
all_win32 win32: sharedlib_win32
sharedlib_win32: $(IRRLICHT_DLL)
../../bin/Win32-gcc/Irrlicht.dll: $(LINKOBJ)
$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -shared -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,--out-implib,../../lib/Win32-gcc/$(STATIC_LIB)
# Copies static lib into /lib/Win32-gcc
staticlib_win32: $(STATIC_LIB)
cp $^ $(LIB_PATH)
# Builds Irrlicht as shared lib ( and copies it into /lib/MacOSX
sharedlib_osx: $(LINKOBJ)
$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -dynamiclib -Wl,-install_name,$(SONAME) -o $(SHARED_FULLNAME) $^ $(LDFLAGS)
# Installs Irrlicht if it was created as shared lib
install install_osx:
$(RM) -r $(INSTALL_DIR)/../include/irrlicht
mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DIR)/../include/irrlicht
cp ../../include/*.h $(INSTALL_DIR)/../include/irrlicht/
cd $(INSTALL_DIR) && ln -s -f $(SONAME) $(SHARED_LIB)
# ldconfig -n $(INSTALL_DIR)
ctags *.cpp ../../include/*.h *.h
# Create dependency files for automatic recompilation
# Create dependency files for automatic recompilation
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -MM -MF $@ $<
# Create object files from objective-c code
$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
-include $(LINKOBJ:.o=.d)
@echo "Available targets for Irrlicht"
@echo " sharedlib: Build shared library for Linux"
@echo " staticlib: Build static library Irrlicht.a for Linux"
@echo " emscripten: Build static emscripen library on Linux"
@echo " install: Copy shared library to /usr/local/lib"
@echo ""
@echo " sharedlib_win32: Build shared library Irrlicht.dll for Windows"
@echo " staticlib_win32: Build static library Irrlicht.a for Windows"
@echo ""
@echo " clean: Clean up directory"
# Cleans all temporary files and compilation results.
.PHONY: all sharedlib staticlib sharedlib_win32 staticlib_win32 emscripten staticlib_emscripten help install clean
@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os, re, subprocess, tempfile, zipfile
import SCons.Errors
# === function for build environment object =========================================================================
# creating a resource file for suppress long-line-error
# @param env environment object
# @param sources list files (should be absoute path names)
def ResourceFile(env, list) :
(fd, resource) = tempfile.mkstemp(".res", text=True)
for i in list :
os.write (fd, "%s\n" % str(i).replace("\\", "\\\\"))
return env.get("TEMPFILEPREFIX", "") + resource
def zipbetter(target, source, env):
compression = env.get('ZIPCOMPRESSION', 0)
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(str(target[0]), 'w', compression)
for s in source:
if s.isdir():
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(str(s)):
for fname in filenames:
path = os.path.join(dirpath, fname)
if os.path.isfile(path):
zf.write(path, os.path.relpath(path, env.get("ZIPROOT", "")))
zf.write(str(s), os.path.relpath(str(s), env.get("ZIPROOT", "")))
# creates the global build object
# @return build object
def createEnvironment() :
directxdir = ""
if "DXSDK_DIR" in os.environ :
directxdir = os.environ["DXSDK_DIR"]
vars = Variables()
vars.Add(PathVariable("installdir", "install directory for the library", os.path.join("bin"), PathVariable.PathIsDirCreate))
vars.Add(EnumVariable("buildtarget", "type of the library", "shared", allowed_values=("shared", "static")))
vars.Add(EnumVariable("buildtype", "name of target build type", "release", allowed_values=("debug", "release")))
vars.Add(EnumVariable("platform", "build platform", "", allowed_values=("", "linux", "osx-library", "osx-framework", "win32-mingw", "win32-msvc", "win64-msvc")))
vars.Add(BoolVariable("package", "creates of the compiled library a package (header & binary) as a zip file", False))
vars.Add(BoolVariable("opengl", "build with Open GL support", True))
vars.Add(PathVariable("directxsdk", "directory of the Direct X SDK (joystick support is disabled by default)", directxdir, PathVariable.PathAccept))
# set the correct build toolkit (and a own process spawn)
env = Environment(tools = [], variables=vars)
env["ResourceFile"] = ResourceFile
if env["package"] :
zipbetter_bld = Builder(action = zipbetter, target_factory = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Entry, source_factory = SCons.Node.FS.default_fs.Entry)
env.Append(BUILDERS = {'ZipBetter' : zipbetter_bld})
if env["platform"] in ["linux", "osx-library", "osx-framework"] :
elif env["platform"] in ["win32-msvc", "win64-mvc"] :
elif env["platform"] in ["win32-mingw", "win64-mingw"] :
else :
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("platform is not set")
# check parameter
if env["buildtarget"] == "static" and env["platform"] == "osx-framework" :
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("static library can not be build with the an osx framework")
if env["buildtype"] == "debug" and env["platform"] == "osx-framework" :
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("debug library can not be build with the an osx framework")
# set constants and global values (directory names are relative to the SConstruct)
# read first Irrlicht SDK version from the file include/IrrCompileConfig.h
irrlichtversion = None
try :
configfile = open( os.path.join("include", "IrrCompileConfig.h"), "r" )
irrlichtversion ="#define(.*)IRRLICHT_SDK_VERSION(.*)",
except :
if irrlichtversion == None :
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("can not find Irrlicht SDK version in the configuration header")
env["irr_libversion"] ="\"", "").strip()
env["irr_libinstallname"] = "Irrlicht"
env["irr_osxframeworkname"] = env["irr_libinstallname"]
env["irr_srcexamples"] = "examples"
env["irr_srclibrary"] = os.path.join("source", "Irrlicht")
if env["buildtype"] == "debug" :
env["irr_libinstallname"] = env["irr_libinstallname"] + "Debug"
if "CXX" in os.environ :
env.Replace(CXX = os.environ["CXX"])
if "CC" in os.environ :
env.Replace(CC = os.environ["CC"])
if "CPPPATH" in os.environ :
env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = os.environ["CPPPATH"].split(os.pathsep))
if "CXXFLAGS" in os.environ :
env.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = os.environ["CXXFLAGS"].split(" "))
if "LIBRARY_PATH" in os.environ :
env.AppendUnique(CIBPATH = os.environ["LIBRARY_PATH"].split(os.pathsep))
if "LDFLAGS" in os.environ :
env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = os.environ["LDFLAGS"].split(" "))
return env
# creates a build object for the library,
# and sets the platform specific build data
# @param env build object
# @return cloned build object with library specific data
def getLibraryBuildEnvironment(env) :
envlib = env.Clone()
# define global options
envlib.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = ["include", envlib["irr_srclibrary"], os.path.join(envlib["irr_srclibrary"], "zlib"), os.path.join(envlib["irr_srclibrary"], "jpeglib"), os.path.join(envlib["irr_srclibrary"], "libpng")])
envlib.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES = ["IRRLICHT_EXPORTS"])
if envlib["buildtype"] == "debug" :
envlib.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES = ["_DEBUG"])
# define platform specific options
if envlib["platform"] in ["osx-library", "osx-framework"] :
libname = envlib["LIBPREFIX"] + envlib["irr_libinstallname"] + "." + envlib["irr_libversion"] + envlib["SHLIBSUFFIX"]
envlib.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = [os.path.join(envlib["irr_srclibrary"], "MacOSX")])
envlib.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ["-Wl,-framework,Cocoa", "-Wl,-framework,IOKit", "-Wl,-install_name,"+libname])
if envlib["buildtype"] == "debug" :
envlib.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["-Wall", "-g"])
elif envlib["buildtype"] == "release" :
envlib.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["-O3", "-fexpensive-optimizations"])
envlib.AppendUnique(CFLAGS = envlib["CXXFLAGS"])
elif envlib["platform"] == "linux" :
libname = envlib["LIBPREFIX"] + envlib["irr_libinstallname"] + envlib["SHLIBSUFFIX"] + "." + envlib["irr_libversion"]
envlib.AppendUnique(LIBS = ["Xxf86vm"])
envlib.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ["-Wl,--soname="+libname])
if envlib["buildtype"] == "debug" :
envlib.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["-Wall", "-g"])
elif envlib["buildtype"] == "release" :
envlib.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["-O3", "-fexpensive-optimizations"])
envlib.AppendUnique(CFLAGS = envlib["CXXFLAGS"])
elif envlib["platform"] in ["win32-mingw", "win64-mingw"] :
# for suppress the too-long-line error, we use a temporary file on the linker source list
envlib["SHLINKCOM"] = "$SHLINK -o $TARGET $SHLINKFLAGS ${ResourceFile(__env__, SOURCES.abspath)} $_LIBDIRFLAGS $_LIBFLAGS"
envlib["ARCOM"] = "$AR $ARFLAGS $TARGET ${ResourceFile(__env__, SOURCES.abspath)}"
# on MinGW we create a DLL, which can be used by other toolchains (we need the std-alias, the kill-flag and the out-implib option)
envlib.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ["-Wl,--add-stdcall-alias", "-Wl,--kill-at", "-Wl,--out-implib,"+envlib["LIBPREFIX"]+env["irr_libinstallname"]+envlib["LIBSUFFIX"]])
envlib.AppendUnique(LIBS = ["winmm", "gdi32"])
if envlib["buildtype"] == "debug" :
envlib.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["-Wall", "-g"])
elif envlib["buildtype"] == "release" :
envlib.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["-O3", "-fexpensive-optimizations"])
envlib.AppendUnique(CFLAGS = envlib["CXXFLAGS"])
elif envlib["platform"] in ["win32-msvc", "win64-msvc"] :
envlib.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["/analyze", "/Gd", "/GF", "/GR-", "/GS", "/Gy", "/Zl"])
envlib.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ["/VERSION:\""+envlib["irr_libversion"]+"\"", "/nologo"])
envlib.AppendUnique(LIBS = ["gdi32.lib", "user32.lib", "advapi32.lib"])
if envlib["buildtype"] == "debug" :
envlib.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["-Wall", "/MTd", "/RTC1", "/Zi"])
elif envlib["buildtype"] == "release" :
envlib.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["/GL", "/MT", "/Ox"])
envlib.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ["/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS", "/OPT:REF", "/LTCG"])
return envlib
# define Open GL support (OSX needs always the OpenGL framework)
# @param library environment
def configOpenGL(envlib) :
if not envlib["opengl"] :
if envlib["platform"] in ["osx-library", "osx-framework"] :
envlib.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ["-Wl,-framework,OpenGL"])
elif envlib["opengl"] and envlib["platform"] == "linux" :
envlib.AppendUnique(LIBS = ["GL"])
elif envlib["opengl"] and envlib["platform"] in ["win32-mingw", "win64-mingw", "win32-msvc", "win64-msvc"] :
envlib.AppendUnique(LIBS = ["opengl32"])
# define Direct X 9 support ( Direct X 8 is disabled by the SDK )
# @param library environment
def configDirectX(envlib) :
if os.path.exists(env["directxsdk"]) :
envlib.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = [os.path.join(envlib["directxsdk"], "Include")])
envlib.AppendUnique(LIBS = ["d3dx9"])
if "win32" in envlib["platform"] :
envlib.AppendUnique(LIBPATH = [os.path.join(envlib["directxsdk"], "Lib", "x86")])
elif "win64" in envlib["platform"] :
envlib.AppendUnique(LIBPATH = [os.path.join(envlib["directxsdk"], "Lib", "x84")])
else :
# creates a build object for the examples,
# and sets the platform specific build data
# @param env build object
# @return cloned build object with example specific data
def getExampleBuildEnvironment(env) :
envexamples = env.Clone()
if envexamples["buildtype"] == "debug" :
envexamples.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES = ["_DEBUG"])
# define platform specific data
if envexamples["platform"] in ["osx-library", "osx-framework"] :
if envexamples["buildtype"] == "debug" :
envexamples.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["-Wall", "-g"])
elif envexamples["buildtype"] == "release" :
envexamples.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["-O3"])
if envexamples["platform"] == "osx-framework" :
envexamples.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = [os.path.join(env["installdir"], "Irrlicht.framework", "Headers")])
envexamples.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ["-Wl,-framework,Irrlicht", "-Wl,-F"+env["installdir"]])
else :
if envexamples["buildtype"] == "debug" :
envexamples.AppendUnique(LIBS = ["IrrlichtDebug"])
elif envexamples["buildtype"] == "release" :
envexamples.AppendUnique(LIBS = ["Irrlicht"])
envexamples.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = [os.path.join(env["installdir"], "include")])
envexamples.AppendUnique(LIBPATH = [os.path.join(env["installdir"], "lib")])
elif envexamples["platform"] == "linux" :
envexamples.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = [os.path.join(env["installdir"], "include")])
envexamples.AppendUnique(LIBPATH = [os.path.join(env["installdir"], "lib")])
if envexamples["buildtype"] == "debug" :
envexamples.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["-Wall", "-g"])
envexamples.AppendUnique(LIBS = ["IrrlichtDebug"])
elif envexamples["buildtype"] == "release" :
envexamples.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["-O3"])
envexamples.AppendUnique(LIBS = ["Irrlicht"])
elif envexamples["platform"] in ["win32-mingw", "win64-mingw"] :
envexamples.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = [os.path.join(env["installdir"], "include")])
envexamples.AppendUnique(LIBPATH = [os.path.join(env["installdir"], "lib")])
envexamples.AppendUnique(LIBS = ["Irrlicht", "gdi32", "opengl32"])
if envexamples["buildtype"] == "debug" :
envexamples.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["-Wall", "-g"])
envexamples.AppendUnique(LIBS = ["IrrlichtDebug"])
elif envexamples["buildtype"] == "release" :
envexamples.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["-O3"])
envexamples.AppendUnique(LIBS = ["Irrlicht"])
elif envexamples["platform"] in ["win32-msvc", "win64-msvc"] :
envexamples.AppendUnique(CPPPATH = [os.path.join(env["installdir"], "include")])
envexamples.AppendUnique(LIBPATH = [os.path.join(env["installdir"], "lib")])
envexamples.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ["/nologo"])
envexamples.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["/analyze", "/Gd", "/GF", "/GR-", "/GS", "/Gy"])
envexamples.AppendUnique(LIBS = [ "user32", "gdi32", "opengl32"])
if envexamples["buildtype"] == "debug" :
envexamples.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["-Wall", "/MTd", "/RTC1", "/Zi"])
envexamples.AppendUnique(LIBS = ["IrrlichtDebug"])
elif envexamples["buildtype"] == "release" :
envexamples.AppendUnique(CXXFLAGS = ["/GL", "/MT", "/Ox"])
envexamples.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = ["/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE", "/OPT:REF", "/LTCG"])
envexamples.AppendUnique(LIBS = ["Irrlicht"])
return envexamples
# runs the installation process
# @param env environment object
# @param lib build library object
# @param header headerfile list
def installLibrary(env, lib, header) :
install = []
if lib and type(lib) == type([]) :
lib = lib[0]
libname = str(lib).replace("']", "").replace("['", "")
if env["platform"] in ["linux", "osx-library"] :
if env["platform"] == "osx-library" :
versionname = libname.replace(env["SHLIBSUFFIX"], "") + "." + env["irr_libversion"] + env["SHLIBSUFFIX"]
elif env["platform"] == "linux" :
versionname = libname + "." + env["irr_libversion"]
install.append(env.Install( os.path.join(env["installdir"], "lib"), lib ))
for i in header :
install.append(env.Command( os.path.join(env["installdir"], "include", os.path.basename(str(i))), i, Copy("$TARGET", "$SOURCE")))
if env["buildtarget"] == "shared" :
install.append( env.Command(os.path.join(env["installdir"], "lib", versionname), os.path.basename(libname), "ln -s $SOURCE $TARGET") )
elif env["platform"] == "osx-framework" :
framework = os.path.join(env["installdir"], env["irr_osxframeworkname"]+".framework")
data = []
data.append(env.Install( os.path.join(framework, "Versions", env["irr_libversion"], "Libraries"), lib ))
for i in header :
data.append(env.Command( os.path.join(framework, "Versions", env["irr_libversion"], "Headers", os.path.basename(str(i))), i, Copy("$TARGET", "$SOURCE")))
# remove existing links and create new ones
install.append( env.Command(os.path.join(framework, "Irrlicht"), data, "rm -f $TARGET && ln -s "+os.path.join("Versions", env["irr_libversion"], "Libraries", os.path.basename(libname))+" $TARGET") )
install.append( env.Command(os.path.join(framework, "Libraries"), data, "rm -f $TARGET && ln -s "+os.path.join("Versions", env["irr_libversion"], "Libraries")+" $TARGET") )
install.append( env.Command(os.path.join(framework, "Headers"), data, "rm -f $TARGET && ln -s "+os.path.join("Versions", env["irr_libversion"], "Headers")+" $TARGET") )
install.append( env.Command(os.path.join(framework, "Versions", "Current"), data, "rm -f $TARGET && ln -s "+os.path.join(env["irr_libversion"])+" $TARGET") )
elif env["platform"] in ["win32-mingw", "win64-mingw", "win32-msvc", "win64-msvc"] :
install.append(env.Install( os.path.join(env["installdir"], "lib"), lib ))
for i in header :
install.append(env.Command( os.path.join(env["installdir"], "include", os.path.basename(str(i))), i, Copy("$TARGET", "$SOURCE")))
# create a package
if env["package"] :
nameparts = [env["platform"], env["buildtarget"], env["irr_libversion"], env["buildtype"]]
install = env.ZipBetter( os.path.join("bin", "irrlicht-"+"-".join(nameparts)+env['ZIPSUFFIX']), install, ZIPROOT=env["installdir"])
# ===================================================================================================================
# ===================================================================================================================
# === create build commands =========================================================================================
env = createEnvironment()
envlib = getLibraryBuildEnvironment(env)
envexamples = getExampleBuildEnvironment(env)
# === set the sources (we use similar structure of the Makefile) ====================================================
# get all header files (for later installation)
headers = Glob(os.path.join("include", "*.h"))
# library sources (libjpeg & bzip2 added manually, because not all files are needed)
libjpeg = [ os.path.join(env["irr_srclibrary"], "jpeglib", i) for i in ["jcapimin.c", "jcapistd.c", "jccoefct.c", "jccolor.c", "jcdctmgr.c", "jchuff.c", "jcinit.c", "jcmainct.c", "jcmarker.c", "jcmaster.c", "jcomapi.c", "jcparam.c", "jcprepct.c", "jcsample.c", "jctrans.c", "jdapimin.c", "jdapistd.c", "jdatadst.c", "jdatasrc.c", "jdcoefct.c", "jdcolor.c", "jddctmgr.c", "jdhuff.c", "jdinput.c", "jdmainct.c", "jdmarker.c", "jdmaster.c", "jdmerge.c", "jdpostct.c", "jdsample.c", "jdtrans.c", "jerror.c", "jfdctflt.c", "jfdctfst.c", "jfdctint.c", "jidctflt.c", "jidctfst.c", "jidctint.c", "jmemmgr.c", "jmemnobs.c", "jquant1.c", "jquant2.c", "jutils.c", "jcarith.c", "jdarith.c", "jaricom.c"] ]
libbzip2 = [ os.path.join(env["irr_srclibrary"], "bzip2", i) for i in ["blocksort.c", "huffman.c", "crctable.c", "randtable.c", "bzcompress.c", "decompress.c", "bzlib.c"] ]
srclibrary = Glob(os.path.join(env["irr_srclibrary"], "*.cpp")) + Glob(os.path.join(env["irr_srclibrary"], "libpng", "*.c")) + Glob(os.path.join(env["irr_srclibrary"], "lzma", "*.c")) + Glob(os.path.join(env["irr_srclibrary"], "zlib", "*.c")) + Glob(os.path.join(env["irr_srclibrary"], "aesGladman", "*.cpp")) + libjpeg + libbzip2
if "osx" in env["platform"] :
srclibrary.extend(Glob(os.path.join(envlib["irr_srclibrary"], "MacOSX", "*.mm")))
# sources of the examples
srcexamples = ["01.HelloWorld", "02.Quake3Map", "03.CustomSceneNode", "04.Movement", "05.UserInterface", "06.2DGraphics", "07.Collision", "08.SpecialFX", "09.Meshviewer", "10.Shaders", "11.PerPixelLighting", "12.TerrainRendering", "13.RenderToTexture", "15.LoadIrrFile", "16.Quake3MapShader", "17.HelloWorld_Mobile", "18.SplitScreen", "19.MouseAndJoystick", "20.ManagedLights", "22.MaterialViewer", "23.SMeshHandling", "24.CursorControl", "25.XmlHandling", "26.OcclusionQuery", "30.Profiling"]
if "win" in env["platform"] :
# ===================================================================================================================
# === build and install =============================================================================================
if env["buildtarget"] == "shared" :
lib = envlib.SharedLibrary(env["irr_libinstallname"], srclibrary)
elif env["buildtarget"] == "static" :
lib = envlib.StaticLibrary(env["irr_libinstallname"], srclibrary)
# build examples
examples = []
for i in srcexamples :
examples.append( envexamples.Program( os.path.join("bin", "examples-"+envlib["platform"], i.replace(".", "_")), os.path.join(env["irr_srcexamples"], i, "main.cpp")) )
installLibrary(env, lib, headers)
Alias("examples", examples)
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