Move chat command handling code from C++ to Lua (#5528)

This commit is contained in:
2017-04-08 19:03:57 +01:00
committed by SmallJoker
parent fb4c730708
commit d4e9dd4643
2 changed files with 19 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -7,13 +7,22 @@
core.chatcommands = core.registered_chatcommands -- BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY
core.register_on_chat_message(function(name, message)
local cmd, param = string.match(message, "^/([^ ]+) *(.*)")
if not param then
param = ""
if message:sub(1,1) ~= "/" then
local cmd, param = string.match(message, "^/([^ ]+) *(.*)")
if not cmd then
core.chat_send_player(name, "-!- Empty command")
return true
param = param or ""
local cmd_def = core.registered_chatcommands[cmd]
if not cmd_def then
return false
core.chat_send_player(name, "-!- Invalid command: " .. cmd)
return true
local has_privs, missing_privs = core.check_player_privs(name, cmd_def.privs)
if has_privs then

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@ -2820,25 +2820,14 @@ std::wstring Server::handleChat(const std::string &name, const std::wstring &wna
// Whether to send line to the player that sent the message, or to all players
bool broadcast_line = true;
// Commands are implemented in Lua, so only catch invalid
// commands that were not "eaten" and send an error back
if (wmessage[0] == L'/') {
std::wstring wcmd = wmessage.substr(1);
if (check_shout_priv && !checkPriv(name, "shout")) {
line += L"-!- You don't have permission to shout.";
broadcast_line = false;
if (wcmd.length() == 0)
line += L"-!- Empty command";
line += L"-!- Invalid command: " + str_split(wcmd, L' ')[0];
} else {
if (check_shout_priv && !checkPriv(name, "shout")) {
line += L"-!- You don't have permission to shout.";
broadcast_line = false;
} else {
line += L"<";
line += wname;
line += L"> ";
line += wmessage;
line += L"<";
line += wname;
line += L"> ";
line += wmessage;