x2048 f3b198e490 Return shadow_sky_body_orbit_tilt setting
Used as a default value when the game does not change the value via API (e.g. legacy server)
2023-03-24 12:34:21 +01:00

913 lines
32 KiB
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Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
Copyright (C) 2020 numzero, Lobachevskiy Vitaliy <numzer0@yandex.ru>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <cmath>
#include "sky.h"
#include <ITexture.h>
#include <IVideoDriver.h>
#include <ISceneManager.h>
#include <ICameraSceneNode.h>
#include <S3DVertex.h>
#include "client/tile.h"
#include "noise.h" // easeCurve
#include "profiler.h"
#include "util/numeric.h"
#include "client/renderingengine.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "camera.h" // CameraModes
using namespace irr::core;
static video::SMaterial baseMaterial()
video::SMaterial mat;
mat.Lighting = false;
mat.ZBuffer = video::ECFN_DISABLED;
mat.ZWriteEnable = video::EZW_OFF;
mat.AntiAliasing = 0;
mat.TextureLayer[0].TextureWrapU = video::ETC_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
mat.TextureLayer[0].TextureWrapV = video::ETC_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
mat.BackfaceCulling = false;
return mat;
static inline void disableTextureFiltering(video::SMaterial &mat)
mat.setFlag(video::E_MATERIAL_FLAG::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, false);
mat.setFlag(video::E_MATERIAL_FLAG::EMF_TRILINEAR_FILTER, false);
Sky::Sky(s32 id, RenderingEngine *rendering_engine, ITextureSource *tsrc, IShaderSource *ssrc) :
rendering_engine->get_scene_manager(), id)
m_seed = (u64)myrand() << 32 | myrand();
m_box.MaxEdge.set(0, 0, 0);
m_box.MinEdge.set(0, 0, 0);
m_enable_shaders = g_settings->getBool("enable_shaders");
m_sky_params = SkyboxDefaults::getSkyDefaults();
m_sun_params = SkyboxDefaults::getSunDefaults();
m_moon_params = SkyboxDefaults::getMoonDefaults();
m_star_params = SkyboxDefaults::getStarDefaults();
// Create materials
m_materials[0] = baseMaterial();
m_materials[0].MaterialType = ssrc->getShaderInfo(ssrc->getShader("stars_shader", TILE_MATERIAL_ALPHA)).material;
m_materials[0].Lighting = true;
m_materials[0].ColorMaterial = video::ECM_NONE;
m_materials[1] = baseMaterial();
m_materials[1].MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL;
m_materials[2] = baseMaterial();
m_materials[2].setTexture(0, tsrc->getTextureForMesh("sunrisebg.png"));
m_materials[2].MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL;
setSunTexture(m_sun_params.texture, m_sun_params.tonemap, tsrc);
setMoonTexture(m_moon_params.texture, m_moon_params.tonemap, tsrc);
for (int i = 5; i < 11; i++) {
m_materials[i] = baseMaterial();
m_materials[i].Lighting = true;
m_materials[i].MaterialType = video::EMT_SOLID;
m_directional_colored_fog = g_settings->getBool("directional_colored_fog");
m_sky_params.body_orbit_tilt = g_settings->getFloat("shadow_sky_body_orbit_tilt", -60., 60.);
void Sky::OnRegisterSceneNode()
if (IsVisible)
SceneManager->registerNodeForRendering(this, scene::ESNRP_SKY_BOX);
void Sky::render()
video::IVideoDriver *driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();
scene::ICameraSceneNode *camera = SceneManager->getActiveCamera();
if (!camera || !driver)
ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "Sky::render()", SPT_AVG);
// Draw perspective skybox
core::matrix4 translate(AbsoluteTransformation);
// Draw the sky box between the near and far clip plane
const f32 viewDistance = (camera->getNearValue() + camera->getFarValue()) * 0.5f;
core::matrix4 scale;
scale.setScale(core::vector3df(viewDistance, viewDistance, viewDistance));
driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, translate * scale);
if (m_sunlight_seen) {
video::SColorf suncolor_f(1, 1, 0, 1);
//suncolor_f.r = 1;
//suncolor_f.g = MYMAX(0.3, MYMIN(1.0, 0.7 + m_time_brightness * 0.5));
//suncolor_f.b = MYMAX(0.0, m_brightness * 0.95);
video::SColorf suncolor2_f(1, 1, 1, 1);
// The values below were probably meant to be suncolor2_f instead of a
// reassignment of suncolor_f. However, the resulting colour was chosen
// and is our long-running classic colour. So preserve, but comment-out
// the unnecessary first assignments above.
suncolor_f.r = 1;
suncolor_f.g = MYMAX(0.3, MYMIN(1.0, 0.85 + m_time_brightness * 0.5));
suncolor_f.b = MYMAX(0.0, m_brightness);
video::SColorf mooncolor_f(0.50, 0.57, 0.65, 1);
video::SColorf mooncolor2_f(0.85, 0.875, 0.9, 1);
float wicked_time_of_day = getWickedTimeOfDay(m_time_of_day);
video::SColor suncolor = suncolor_f.toSColor();
video::SColor suncolor2 = suncolor2_f.toSColor();
video::SColor mooncolor = mooncolor_f.toSColor();
video::SColor mooncolor2 = mooncolor2_f.toSColor();
// Calculate offset normalized to the X dimension of a 512x1 px tonemap
float offset = (1.0 - fabs(sin((m_time_of_day - 0.5) * irr::core::PI))) * 511;
if (m_sun_tonemap) {
u8 * texels = (u8 *)m_sun_tonemap->lock();
video::SColor* texel = (video::SColor *)(texels + (u32)offset * 4);
video::SColor texel_color (255, texel->getRed(),
texel->getGreen(), texel->getBlue());
m_materials[3].EmissiveColor = texel_color;
if (m_moon_tonemap) {
u8 * texels = (u8 *)m_moon_tonemap->lock();
video::SColor* texel = (video::SColor *)(texels + (u32)offset * 4);
video::SColor texel_color (255, texel->getRed(),
texel->getGreen(), texel->getBlue());
m_materials[4].EmissiveColor = texel_color;
const f32 t = 1.0f;
const f32 o = 0.0f;
static const u16 indices[6] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3};
video::S3DVertex vertices[4];
video::SColor cloudyfogcolor = m_bgcolor;
// Abort rendering if we're in the clouds.
// Stops rendering a pure white hole in the bottom of the skybox.
if (m_in_clouds)
// Draw the six sided skybox,
if (m_sky_params.textures.size() == 6) {
for (u32 j = 5; j < 11; j++) {
video::SColor c(255, 255, 255, 255);
// Use 1.05 rather than 1.0 to avoid colliding with the
// sun, moon and stars, as this is a background skybox.
vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-1.05, -1.05, -1.05, 0, 0, 1, c, t, t);
vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( 1.05, -1.05, -1.05, 0, 0, 1, c, o, t);
vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( 1.05, 1.05, -1.05, 0, 0, 1, c, o, o);
vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-1.05, 1.05, -1.05, 0, 0, 1, c, t, o);
for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
if (j == 5) { // Top texture
} else if (j == 6) { // Bottom texture
} else if (j == 7) { // Left texture
} else if (j == 8) { // Right texture
} else if (j == 9) { // Front texture, do nothing
// Irrlicht doesn't like it when vertexes are left
// alone and not rotated for some reason.
} else {// Back texture
driver->drawIndexedTriangleList(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
// Draw far cloudy fog thing blended with skycolor
if (m_visible) {
for (u32 j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-1, -0.02, -1, 0, 0, 1, m_bgcolor, t, t);
vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( 1, -0.02, -1, 0, 0, 1, m_bgcolor, o, t);
vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( 1, 0.45, -1, 0, 0, 1, m_skycolor, o, o);
vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-1, 0.45, -1, 0, 0, 1, m_skycolor, t, o);
for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
if (j == 0)
// Don't switch
else if (j == 1)
// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
else if (j == 2)
// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
// Switch from -Z (south) to +Z (north)
driver->drawIndexedTriangleList(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
// Draw stars before sun and moon to be behind them
if (m_star_params.visible)
draw_stars(driver, wicked_time_of_day);
// Draw sunrise/sunset horizon glow texture
// (textures/base/pack/sunrisebg.png)
if (m_sun_params.sunrise_visible) {
float mid1 = 0.25;
float mid = wicked_time_of_day < 0.5 ? mid1 : (1.0 - mid1);
float a_ = 1.0f - std::fabs(wicked_time_of_day - mid) * 35.0f;
float a = easeCurve(MYMAX(0, MYMIN(1, a_)));
//std::cerr<<"a_="<<a_<<" a="<<a<<std::endl;
video::SColor c(255, 255, 255, 255);
float y = -(1.0 - a) * 0.22;
vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-1, -0.05 + y, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, t);
vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( 1, -0.05 + y, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, t);
vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( 1, 0.2 + y, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, o);
vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-1, 0.2 + y, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, o);
for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
if (wicked_time_of_day < 0.5)
// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
driver->drawIndexedTriangleList(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
// Draw sun
if (m_sun_params.visible)
draw_sun(driver, suncolor, suncolor2, wicked_time_of_day);
// Draw moon
if (m_moon_params.visible)
draw_moon(driver, mooncolor, mooncolor2, wicked_time_of_day);
// Draw far cloudy fog thing below all horizons in front of sun, moon
// and stars.
if (m_visible) {
for (u32 j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
video::SColor c = cloudyfogcolor;
vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-1, -1.0, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, t);
vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( 1, -1.0, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, t);
vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( 1, -0.02, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, o);
vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-1, -0.02, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, o);
for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
if (j == 0)
// Don't switch
else if (j == 1)
// Switch from -Z (south) to +X (east)
else if (j == 2)
// Switch from -Z (south) to -X (west)
// Switch from -Z (south) to +Z (north)
driver->drawIndexedTriangleList(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
// Draw bottom far cloudy fog thing in front of sun, moon and stars
video::SColor c = cloudyfogcolor;
vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(-1, -1.0, -1, 0, 1, 0, c, t, t);
vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex( 1, -1.0, -1, 0, 1, 0, c, o, t);
vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex( 1, -1.0, 1, 0, 1, 0, c, o, o);
vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(-1, -1.0, 1, 0, 1, 0, c, t, o);
driver->drawIndexedTriangleList(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
void Sky::update(float time_of_day, float time_brightness,
float direct_brightness, bool sunlight_seen,
CameraMode cam_mode, float yaw, float pitch)
// Stabilize initial brightness and color values by flooding updates
if (m_first_update) {
/*dstream<<"First update with time_of_day="<<time_of_day
<<" time_brightness="<<time_brightness
<<" direct_brightness="<<direct_brightness
<<" sunlight_seen="<<sunlight_seen<<std::endl;*/
m_first_update = false;
for (u32 i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
update(time_of_day, time_brightness, direct_brightness,
sunlight_seen, cam_mode, yaw, pitch);
m_time_of_day = time_of_day;
m_time_brightness = time_brightness;
m_sunlight_seen = sunlight_seen;
m_in_clouds = false;
bool is_dawn = (time_brightness >= 0.20 && time_brightness < 0.35);
video::SColorf bgcolor_bright_normal_f = m_sky_params.sky_color.day_horizon;
video::SColorf bgcolor_bright_indoor_f = m_sky_params.sky_color.indoors;
video::SColorf bgcolor_bright_dawn_f = m_sky_params.sky_color.dawn_horizon;
video::SColorf bgcolor_bright_night_f = m_sky_params.sky_color.night_horizon;
video::SColorf skycolor_bright_normal_f = m_sky_params.sky_color.day_sky;
video::SColorf skycolor_bright_dawn_f = m_sky_params.sky_color.dawn_sky;
video::SColorf skycolor_bright_night_f = m_sky_params.sky_color.night_sky;
video::SColorf cloudcolor_bright_normal_f = m_cloudcolor_day_f;
video::SColorf cloudcolor_bright_dawn_f = m_cloudcolor_dawn_f;
float cloud_color_change_fraction = 0.95;
if (sunlight_seen) {
if (std::fabs(time_brightness - m_brightness) < 0.2f) {
m_brightness = m_brightness * 0.95 + time_brightness * 0.05;
} else {
m_brightness = m_brightness * 0.80 + time_brightness * 0.20;
cloud_color_change_fraction = 0.0;
} else {
if (direct_brightness < m_brightness)
m_brightness = m_brightness * 0.95 + direct_brightness * 0.05;
m_brightness = m_brightness * 0.98 + direct_brightness * 0.02;
m_clouds_visible = true;
float color_change_fraction = 0.98f;
if (sunlight_seen) {
if (is_dawn) { // Dawn
m_bgcolor_bright_f = m_bgcolor_bright_f.getInterpolated(
bgcolor_bright_dawn_f, color_change_fraction);
m_skycolor_bright_f = m_skycolor_bright_f.getInterpolated(
skycolor_bright_dawn_f, color_change_fraction);
m_cloudcolor_bright_f = m_cloudcolor_bright_f.getInterpolated(
cloudcolor_bright_dawn_f, color_change_fraction);
} else {
if (time_brightness < 0.13f) { // Night
m_bgcolor_bright_f = m_bgcolor_bright_f.getInterpolated(
bgcolor_bright_night_f, color_change_fraction);
m_skycolor_bright_f = m_skycolor_bright_f.getInterpolated(
skycolor_bright_night_f, color_change_fraction);
} else { // Day
m_bgcolor_bright_f = m_bgcolor_bright_f.getInterpolated(
bgcolor_bright_normal_f, color_change_fraction);
m_skycolor_bright_f = m_skycolor_bright_f.getInterpolated(
skycolor_bright_normal_f, color_change_fraction);
m_cloudcolor_bright_f = m_cloudcolor_bright_f.getInterpolated(
cloudcolor_bright_normal_f, color_change_fraction);
} else {
m_bgcolor_bright_f = m_bgcolor_bright_f.getInterpolated(
bgcolor_bright_indoor_f, color_change_fraction);
m_skycolor_bright_f = m_skycolor_bright_f.getInterpolated(
bgcolor_bright_indoor_f, color_change_fraction);
m_cloudcolor_bright_f = m_cloudcolor_bright_f.getInterpolated(
cloudcolor_bright_normal_f, color_change_fraction);
m_clouds_visible = false;
video::SColor bgcolor_bright = m_bgcolor_bright_f.toSColor();
m_bgcolor = video::SColor(
bgcolor_bright.getRed() * m_brightness,
bgcolor_bright.getGreen() * m_brightness,
bgcolor_bright.getBlue() * m_brightness
video::SColor skycolor_bright = m_skycolor_bright_f.toSColor();
m_skycolor = video::SColor(
skycolor_bright.getRed() * m_brightness,
skycolor_bright.getGreen() * m_brightness,
skycolor_bright.getBlue() * m_brightness
// Horizon coloring based on sun and moon direction during sunset and sunrise
video::SColor pointcolor = video::SColor(m_bgcolor.getAlpha(), 255, 255, 255);
if (m_directional_colored_fog) {
if (m_horizon_blend() != 0) {
// Calculate hemisphere value from yaw, (inverted in third person front view)
s8 dir_factor = 1;
if (cam_mode > CAMERA_MODE_THIRD)
dir_factor = -1;
f32 pointcolor_blend = wrapDegrees_0_360(yaw * dir_factor + 90);
if (pointcolor_blend > 180)
pointcolor_blend = 360 - pointcolor_blend;
pointcolor_blend /= 180;
// Bound view angle to determine where transition starts and ends
pointcolor_blend = rangelim(1 - pointcolor_blend * 1.375, 0, 1 / 1.375) *
// Combine the colors when looking up or down, otherwise turning looks weird
pointcolor_blend += (0.5 - pointcolor_blend) *
(1 - MYMIN((90 - std::fabs(pitch)) / 90 * 1.5, 1));
// Invert direction to match where the sun and moon are rising
if (m_time_of_day > 0.5)
pointcolor_blend = 1 - pointcolor_blend;
// Horizon colors of sun and moon
f32 pointcolor_light = rangelim(m_time_brightness * 3, 0.2, 1);
video::SColorf pointcolor_sun_f(1, 1, 1, 1);
// Use tonemap only if default sun/moon tinting is used
// which keeps previous behavior.
if (m_sun_tonemap && m_default_tint) {
pointcolor_sun_f.r = pointcolor_light *
(float)m_materials[3].EmissiveColor.getRed() / 255;
pointcolor_sun_f.b = pointcolor_light *
(float)m_materials[3].EmissiveColor.getBlue() / 255;
pointcolor_sun_f.g = pointcolor_light *
(float)m_materials[3].EmissiveColor.getGreen() / 255;
} else if (!m_default_tint) {
pointcolor_sun_f = m_sky_params.fog_sun_tint;
} else {
pointcolor_sun_f.r = pointcolor_light * 1;
pointcolor_sun_f.b = pointcolor_light *
(0.25 + (rangelim(m_time_brightness, 0.25, 0.75) - 0.25) * 2 * 0.75);
pointcolor_sun_f.g = pointcolor_light * (pointcolor_sun_f.b * 0.375 +
(rangelim(m_time_brightness, 0.05, 0.15) - 0.05) * 10 * 0.625);
video::SColorf pointcolor_moon_f;
if (m_default_tint) {
pointcolor_moon_f = video::SColorf(
0.5 * pointcolor_light,
0.6 * pointcolor_light,
0.8 * pointcolor_light,
} else {
pointcolor_moon_f = video::SColorf(
(m_sky_params.fog_moon_tint.getRed() / 255) * pointcolor_light,
(m_sky_params.fog_moon_tint.getGreen() / 255) * pointcolor_light,
(m_sky_params.fog_moon_tint.getBlue() / 255) * pointcolor_light,
if (m_moon_tonemap && m_default_tint) {
pointcolor_moon_f.r = pointcolor_light *
(float)m_materials[4].EmissiveColor.getRed() / 255;
pointcolor_moon_f.b = pointcolor_light *
(float)m_materials[4].EmissiveColor.getBlue() / 255;
pointcolor_moon_f.g = pointcolor_light *
(float)m_materials[4].EmissiveColor.getGreen() / 255;
video::SColor pointcolor_sun = pointcolor_sun_f.toSColor();
video::SColor pointcolor_moon = pointcolor_moon_f.toSColor();
// Calculate the blend color
pointcolor = m_mix_scolor(pointcolor_moon, pointcolor_sun, pointcolor_blend);
m_bgcolor = m_mix_scolor(m_bgcolor, pointcolor, m_horizon_blend() * 0.5);
m_skycolor = m_mix_scolor(m_skycolor, pointcolor, m_horizon_blend() * 0.25);
float cloud_direct_brightness = 0.0f;
if (sunlight_seen) {
if (!m_directional_colored_fog) {
cloud_direct_brightness = time_brightness;
// Boost cloud brightness relative to sky, at dawn, dusk and at night
if (time_brightness < 0.7f)
cloud_direct_brightness *= 1.3f;
} else {
cloud_direct_brightness = std::fmin(m_horizon_blend() * 0.15f +
m_time_brightness, 1.0f);
// Set the same minimum cloud brightness at night
if (time_brightness < 0.5f)
cloud_direct_brightness = std::fmax(cloud_direct_brightness,
time_brightness * 1.3f);
} else {
cloud_direct_brightness = direct_brightness;
m_cloud_brightness = m_cloud_brightness * cloud_color_change_fraction +
cloud_direct_brightness * (1.0 - cloud_color_change_fraction);
m_cloudcolor_f = video::SColorf(
m_cloudcolor_bright_f.r * m_cloud_brightness,
m_cloudcolor_bright_f.g * m_cloud_brightness,
m_cloudcolor_bright_f.b * m_cloud_brightness,
if (m_directional_colored_fog) {
m_cloudcolor_f = m_mix_scolorf(m_cloudcolor_f,
video::SColorf(pointcolor), m_horizon_blend() * 0.25);
static v3f getSkyBodyPosition(float horizon_position, float day_position, float orbit_tilt)
v3f result = v3f(0, 0, -1);
return result;
v3f Sky::getSunDirection()
return getSkyBodyPosition(90, getWickedTimeOfDay(m_time_of_day) * 360 - 90, m_sky_params.body_orbit_tilt);
v3f Sky::getMoonDirection()
return getSkyBodyPosition(270, getWickedTimeOfDay(m_time_of_day) * 360 - 90, m_sky_params.body_orbit_tilt);
void Sky::draw_sun(video::IVideoDriver *driver, const video::SColor &suncolor,
const video::SColor &suncolor2, float wicked_time_of_day)
/* Draw sun in the sky.
* driver: Video driver object used to draw
* suncolor: main sun color
* suncolor2: second sun color
* wicked_time_of_day: current time of day, to know where should be the sun in the sky
// A magic number that contributes to the ratio 1.57 sun/moon size difference.
constexpr float sunsize = 0.07;
static const u16 indices[] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3};
std::array<video::S3DVertex, 4> vertices;
if (!m_sun_texture) {
const float sunsizes[4] = {
(sunsize * 1.7f) * m_sun_params.scale,
(sunsize * 1.2f) * m_sun_params.scale,
(sunsize) * m_sun_params.scale,
(sunsize * 0.7f) * m_sun_params.scale
video::SColor c1 = suncolor;
video::SColor c2 = suncolor;
c1.setAlpha(0.05 * 255);
c2.setAlpha(0.15 * 255);
const video::SColor colors[4] = {c1, c2, suncolor, suncolor2};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
draw_sky_body(vertices, -sunsizes[i], sunsizes[i], colors[i]);
place_sky_body(vertices, 90, wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
driver->drawIndexedTriangleList(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
} else {
// Another magic number that contributes to the ratio 1.57 sun/moon size
// difference.
float d = (sunsize * 1.7) * m_sun_params.scale;
video::SColor c;
if (m_sun_tonemap)
c = video::SColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
c = video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
draw_sky_body(vertices, -d, d, c);
place_sky_body(vertices, 90, wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
driver->drawIndexedTriangleList(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
void Sky::draw_moon(video::IVideoDriver *driver, const video::SColor &mooncolor,
const video::SColor &mooncolor2, float wicked_time_of_day)
* Draw moon in the sky.
* driver: Video driver object used to draw
* mooncolor: main moon color
* mooncolor2: second moon color
* wicked_time_of_day: current time of day, to know where should be the moon in
* the sky
// A magic number that contributes to the ratio 1.57 sun/moon size difference.
constexpr float moonsize = 0.04;
static const u16 indices[] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3};
std::array<video::S3DVertex, 4> vertices;
if (!m_moon_texture) {
const float moonsizes_1[4] = {
(-moonsize * 1.9f) * m_moon_params.scale,
(-moonsize * 1.3f) * m_moon_params.scale,
(-moonsize) * m_moon_params.scale,
(-moonsize) * m_moon_params.scale
const float moonsizes_2[4] = {
(moonsize * 1.9f) * m_moon_params.scale,
(moonsize * 1.3f) * m_moon_params.scale,
(moonsize) *m_moon_params.scale,
(moonsize * 0.6f) * m_moon_params.scale
video::SColor c1 = mooncolor;
video::SColor c2 = mooncolor;
c1.setAlpha(0.05 * 255);
c2.setAlpha(0.15 * 255);
const video::SColor colors[4] = {c1, c2, mooncolor, mooncolor2};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
draw_sky_body(vertices, moonsizes_1[i], moonsizes_2[i], colors[i]);
place_sky_body(vertices, -90, wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
driver->drawIndexedTriangleList(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
} else {
// Another magic number that contributes to the ratio 1.57 sun/moon size
// difference.
float d = (moonsize * 1.9) * m_moon_params.scale;
video::SColor c;
if (m_moon_tonemap)
c = video::SColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
c = video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
draw_sky_body(vertices, -d, d, c);
place_sky_body(vertices, -90, wicked_time_of_day * 360 - 90);
driver->drawIndexedTriangleList(&vertices[0], 4, indices, 2);
void Sky::draw_stars(video::IVideoDriver * driver, float wicked_time_of_day)
// Tune values so that stars first appear just after the sun
// disappears over the horizon, and disappear just before the sun
// appears over the horizon.
// Also tune so that stars are at full brightness from time 20000
// to time 4000.
float tod = wicked_time_of_day < 0.5f ? wicked_time_of_day : (1.0f - wicked_time_of_day);
float day_opacity = clamp(m_star_params.day_opacity, 0.0f, 1.0f);
float starbrightness = (0.25f - fabs(tod)) * 20.0f;
float alpha = clamp(starbrightness, day_opacity, 1.0f);
m_star_color = m_star_params.starcolor;
m_star_color.a *= alpha;
if (m_star_color.a <= 0.0f) // Stars are only drawn when not fully transparent
m_materials[0].DiffuseColor = m_materials[0].EmissiveColor = m_star_color.toSColor();
auto sky_rotation = core::matrix4().setRotationAxisRadians(2.0f * M_PI * (wicked_time_of_day - 0.25f), v3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
auto world_matrix = driver->getTransform(video::ETS_WORLD);
driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, world_matrix * sky_rotation);
driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, world_matrix);
void Sky::draw_sky_body(std::array<video::S3DVertex, 4> &vertices, float pos_1, float pos_2, const video::SColor &c)
* Create an array of vertices with the dimensions specified.
* pos_1, pos_2: position of the body's vertices
* c: color of the body
const f32 t = 1.0f;
const f32 o = 0.0f;
vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(pos_1, pos_1, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, t);
vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex(pos_2, pos_1, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, t);
vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex(pos_2, pos_2, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, o, o);
vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(pos_1, pos_2, -1, 0, 0, 1, c, t, o);
void Sky::place_sky_body(
std::array<video::S3DVertex, 4> &vertices, float horizon_position, float day_position)
* Place body in the sky.
* vertices: The body as a rectangle of 4 vertices
* horizon_position: turn the body around the Y axis
* day_position: turn the body around the Z axis, to place it depending of the time of the day
v3f centrum = getSkyBodyPosition(horizon_position, day_position, m_sky_params.body_orbit_tilt);
v3f untilted_centrum = getSkyBodyPosition(horizon_position, day_position, 0.f);
for (video::S3DVertex &vertex : vertices) {
// Body is directed to -Z (south) by default
vertex.Pos += centrum - untilted_centrum;
void Sky::setSunTexture(const std::string &sun_texture,
const std::string &sun_tonemap, ITextureSource *tsrc)
// Ignore matching textures (with modifiers) entirely,
// but lets at least update the tonemap before hand.
m_sun_params.tonemap = sun_tonemap;
m_sun_tonemap = tsrc->isKnownSourceImage(sun_tonemap) ?
tsrc->getTexture(sun_tonemap) : nullptr;
m_materials[3].Lighting = !!m_sun_tonemap;
if (m_sun_params.texture == sun_texture && !m_first_update)
m_sun_params.texture = sun_texture;
m_sun_texture = nullptr;
if (sun_texture == "sun.png") {
// Dumb compatibility fix: sun.png transparently falls back to no texture
m_sun_texture = tsrc->isKnownSourceImage(sun_texture) ?
tsrc->getTexture(sun_texture) : nullptr;
} else if (!sun_texture.empty()) {
m_sun_texture = tsrc->getTextureForMesh(sun_texture);
if (m_sun_texture) {
m_materials[3] = baseMaterial();
m_materials[3].setTexture(0, m_sun_texture);
m_materials[3].MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL;
m_materials[3].Lighting = !!m_sun_tonemap;
void Sky::setSunriseTexture(const std::string &sunglow_texture,
ITextureSource* tsrc)
// Ignore matching textures (with modifiers) entirely.
if (m_sun_params.sunrise == sunglow_texture)
m_sun_params.sunrise = sunglow_texture;
m_materials[2].setTexture(0, tsrc->getTextureForMesh(
sunglow_texture.empty() ? "sunrisebg.png" : sunglow_texture)
void Sky::setMoonTexture(const std::string &moon_texture,
const std::string &moon_tonemap, ITextureSource *tsrc)
// Ignore matching textures (with modifiers) entirely,
// but lets at least update the tonemap before hand.
m_moon_params.tonemap = moon_tonemap;
m_moon_tonemap = tsrc->isKnownSourceImage(moon_tonemap) ?
tsrc->getTexture(moon_tonemap) : nullptr;
m_materials[4].Lighting = !!m_moon_tonemap;
if (m_moon_params.texture == moon_texture && !m_first_update)
m_moon_params.texture = moon_texture;
m_moon_texture = nullptr;
if (moon_texture == "moon.png") {
// Dumb compatibility fix: moon.png transparently falls back to no texture
m_moon_texture = tsrc->isKnownSourceImage(moon_texture) ?
tsrc->getTexture(moon_texture) : nullptr;
} else if (!moon_texture.empty()) {
m_moon_texture = tsrc->getTextureForMesh(moon_texture);
if (m_moon_texture) {
m_materials[4] = baseMaterial();
m_materials[4].setTexture(0, m_moon_texture);
m_materials[4].MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL;
m_materials[4].Lighting = !!m_moon_tonemap;
void Sky::setStarCount(u16 star_count)
// Allow force updating star count at game init.
if (m_star_params.count != star_count || m_first_update) {
m_star_params.count = star_count;
void Sky::updateStars()
m_stars.reset(new scene::SMeshBuffer());
// Stupid IrrLicht doesnt allow non-indexed rendering, and indexed quad
// rendering is slow due to lack of hardware support. So as indices are
// 16-bit and there are 4 vertices per star... the limit is 2^16/4 = 0x4000.
// That should be well enough actually.
if (m_star_params.count > 0x4000) {
warningstream << "Requested " << m_star_params.count << " stars but " << 0x4000 << " is the max\n";
m_star_params.count = 0x4000;
m_stars->Vertices.reallocate(4 * m_star_params.count);
m_stars->Indices.reallocate(6 * m_star_params.count);
video::SColor fallback_color = m_star_params.starcolor; // used on GLES 2 “without shaders”
PcgRandom rgen(m_seed);
float d = (0.006 / 2) * m_star_params.scale;
for (u16 i = 0; i < m_star_params.count; i++) {
v3f r = v3f(
rgen.range(-10000, 10000),
rgen.range(-10000, 10000),
rgen.range(-10000, 10000)
core::CMatrix4<f32> a;
a.buildRotateFromTo(v3f(0, 1, 0), r);
v3f p = v3f(-d, 1, -d);
v3f p1 = v3f(d, 1, -d);
v3f p2 = v3f(d, 1, d);
v3f p3 = v3f(-d, 1, d);
m_stars->Vertices.push_back(video::S3DVertex(p, {}, fallback_color, {}));
m_stars->Vertices.push_back(video::S3DVertex(p1, {}, fallback_color, {}));
m_stars->Vertices.push_back(video::S3DVertex(p2, {}, fallback_color, {}));
m_stars->Vertices.push_back(video::S3DVertex(p3, {}, fallback_color, {}));
for (u16 i = 0; i < m_star_params.count; i++) {
m_stars->Indices.push_back(i * 4 + 0);
m_stars->Indices.push_back(i * 4 + 1);
m_stars->Indices.push_back(i * 4 + 2);
m_stars->Indices.push_back(i * 4 + 2);
m_stars->Indices.push_back(i * 4 + 3);
m_stars->Indices.push_back(i * 4 + 0);
void Sky::setSkyColors(const SkyColor &sky_color)
m_sky_params.sky_color = sky_color;
void Sky::setHorizonTint(video::SColor sun_tint, video::SColor moon_tint,
const std::string &use_sun_tint)
// Change sun and moon tinting:
m_sky_params.fog_sun_tint = sun_tint;
m_sky_params.fog_moon_tint = moon_tint;
// Faster than comparing strings every rendering frame
if (use_sun_tint == "default")
m_default_tint = true;
else if (use_sun_tint == "custom")
m_default_tint = false;
m_default_tint = true;
void Sky::addTextureToSkybox(const std::string &texture, int material_id,
ITextureSource *tsrc)
// Sanity check for more than six textures.
if (material_id + 5 >= SKY_MATERIAL_COUNT)
// Keep a list of texture names handy.
video::ITexture *result = tsrc->getTextureForMesh(texture);
m_materials[material_id+5] = baseMaterial();
m_materials[material_id+5].setTexture(0, result);
m_materials[material_id+5].MaterialType = video::EMT_SOLID;
float getWickedTimeOfDay(float time_of_day)
float nightlength = 0.415f;
float wn = nightlength / 2;
float wicked_time_of_day = 0;
if (time_of_day > wn && time_of_day < 1.0f - wn)
wicked_time_of_day = (time_of_day - wn) / (1.0f - wn * 2) * 0.5f + 0.25f;
else if (time_of_day < 0.5f)
wicked_time_of_day = time_of_day / wn * 0.25f;
wicked_time_of_day = 1.0f - ((1.0f - time_of_day) / wn * 0.25f);
return wicked_time_of_day;