mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 18:12:30 +01:00
New translation system, part 5: Items, part 1
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_anvils")
local MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 30
local MAX_WEAR = 65535
local SAME_TOOL_REPAIR_BOOST = math.ceil(MAX_WEAR * 0.12) -- 12%
@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ local function get_anvil_formspec(set_name)
"button[7,0.7;2,1;name_button;Set Name]"..
"button[7,0.7;2,1;name_button;"..minetest.formspec_escape(S("Set Name")).."]"..
@ -433,20 +435,20 @@ if minetest.get_modpath("screwdriver") then
local anvildef0 = table.copy(anvildef)
anvildef0.description = "Anvil"
anvildef0.description = S("Anvil")
anvildef0._doc_items_longdesc =
[[The anvil allows you to repair tools and armor, and to give names to items. It has a limited durability, however. Don't let it fall on your head, it could be quite painful!]]
S("The anvil allows you to repair tools and armor, and to give names to items. It has a limited durability, however. Don't let it fall on your head, it could be quite painful!")
anvildef0._doc_items_usagehelp =
"To use an anvil, rightclick it. An anvil has 2 input slots (on the left) and one output slot.".."\n"..
"To rename items, put an item stack in one of the item slots while keeping the other input slot empty. Type in a name, hit enter or “Set Name”, then take the renamed item from the output slot.".."\n"..
"There are two possibilities to repair tools (and armor):".."\n"..
"• Tool + Tool: Place two tools of the same type in the input slots. The “health” of the repaired tool is the sum of the “health” of both input tools, plus a 12% bonus.".."\n"..
"• Tool + Material: Some tools can also be repaired by combining them with an item that it's made of. For example, iron pickaxes can be repaired with iron ingots. This repairs the tool by 25%.".."\n"..
"Armor counts as a tool. It is possible to repair and rename a tool in a single step.".."\n\n"..
"The anvil has limited durability and 3 damage levels: undamaged, slightly damaged and very damaged. Each time you repair or rename something, there is a 12% chance the anvil gets damaged. Anvils also have a chance of being damaged when they fall by more than 1 block. If a very damaged anvil is damaged again, it is destroyed."
S("To use an anvil, rightclick it. An anvil has 2 input slots (on the left) and one output slot.").."\n"..
S("To rename items, put an item stack in one of the item slots while keeping the other input slot empty. Type in a name, hit enter or “Set Name”, then take the renamed item from the output slot.").."\n"..
S("There are two possibilities to repair tools (and armor):").."\n"..
S("• Tool + Tool: Place two tools of the same type in the input slots. The “health” of the repaired tool is the sum of the “health” of both input tools, plus a 12% bonus.").."\n"..
S("• Tool + Material: Some tools can also be repaired by combining them with an item that it's made of. For example, iron pickaxes can be repaired with iron ingots. This repairs the tool by 25%.").."\n"..
S("Armor counts as a tool. It is possible to repair and rename a tool in a single step.").."\n\n"..
S("The anvil has limited durability and 3 damage levels: undamaged, slightly damaged and very damaged. Each time you repair or rename something, there is a 12% chance the anvil gets damaged. Anvils also have a chance of being damaged when they fall by more than 1 block. If a very damaged anvil is damaged again, it is destroyed.")
local anvildef1 = table.copy(anvildef)
anvildef1.description = "Slightly Damaged Anvil"
anvildef1.description = S("Slightly Damaged Anvil")
anvildef1._doc_items_create_entry = false
anvildef1.groups.not_in_creative_inventory = 1
anvildef1.groups.anvil = 2
@ -454,7 +456,7 @@ anvildef1._doc_items_create_entry = false
anvildef1.tiles = {"mcl_anvils_anvil_top_damaged_1.png^[transformR90", "mcl_anvils_anvil_base.png", "mcl_anvils_anvil_side.png"}
local anvildef2 = table.copy(anvildef)
anvildef2.description = "Very Damaged Anvil"
anvildef2.description = S("Very Damaged Anvil")
anvildef2._doc_items_create_entry = false
anvildef2.groups.not_in_creative_inventory = 1
anvildef2.groups.anvil = 3
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_banners")
local node_sounds
if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_sounds") then
node_sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_wood_defaults()
@ -14,22 +16,22 @@ mcl_banners = {}
mcl_banners.colors = {
-- Format:
-- [ID] = { banner description, wool, unified dyes color group, overlay color, dye, color name for emblazonings }
["unicolor_white"] = {"white", "White Banner", "mcl_wool:white", "#FFFFFF", "mcl_dye:white", "White" },
["unicolor_darkgrey"] = {"grey", "Grey Banner", "mcl_wool:grey", "#303030", "mcl_dye:dark_grey", "Grey" },
["unicolor_grey"] = {"silver", "Light Grey Banner", "mcl_wool:silver", "#5B5B5B", "mcl_dye:grey", "Light Grey" },
["unicolor_black"] = {"black", "Black Banner", "mcl_wool:black", "#000000", "mcl_dye:black", "Black" },
["unicolor_red"] = {"red", "Red Banner", "mcl_wool:red", "#BC0000", "mcl_dye:red", "Red" },
["unicolor_yellow"] = {"yellow", "Yellow Banner", "mcl_wool:yellow", "#E6CD00", "mcl_dye:yellow", "Yellow" },
["unicolor_dark_green"] = {"green", "Green Banner", "mcl_wool:green", "#006000", "mcl_dye:dark_green", "Green" },
["unicolor_cyan"] = {"cyan", "Cyan Banner", "mcl_wool:cyan", "#00ACAC", "mcl_dye:cyan", "Cyan" },
["unicolor_blue"] = {"blue", "Blue Banner", "mcl_wool:blue", "#0000AC", "mcl_dye:blue", "Blue" },
["unicolor_red_violet"] = {"magenta", "Magenta Banner", "mcl_wool:magenta", "#AC007C", "mcl_dye:magenta", "Magenta"},
["unicolor_orange"] = {"orange", "Orange Banner", "mcl_wool:orange", "#E67300", "mcl_dye:orange", "Orange" },
["unicolor_violet"] = {"purple", "Purple Banner", "mcl_wool:purple", "#6400AC", "mcl_dye:violet", "Violet" },
["unicolor_brown"] = {"brown", "Brown Banner", "mcl_wool:brown", "#603000", "mcl_dye:brown", "Brown" },
["unicolor_pink"] = {"pink", "Pink Banner", "mcl_wool:pink", "#DE557C", "mcl_dye:pink", "Pink" },
["unicolor_lime"] = {"lime", "Lime Banner", "mcl_wool:lime", "#30AC00", "mcl_dye:green", "Lime" },
["unicolor_light_blue"] = {"light_blue", "Light Blue Banner", "mcl_wool:light_blue", "#4040CF", "mcl_dye:lightblue", "Light Blue" },
["unicolor_white"] = {"white", S("White Banner"), "mcl_wool:white", "#FFFFFF", "mcl_dye:white", "White" },
["unicolor_darkgrey"] = {"grey", S("Grey Banner"), "mcl_wool:grey", "#303030", "mcl_dye:dark_grey", "Grey" },
["unicolor_grey"] = {"silver", S("Light Grey Banner"), "mcl_wool:silver", "#5B5B5B", "mcl_dye:grey", "Light Grey" },
["unicolor_black"] = {"black", S("Black Banner"), "mcl_wool:black", "#000000", "mcl_dye:black", "Black" },
["unicolor_red"] = {"red", S("Red Banner"), "mcl_wool:red", "#BC0000", "mcl_dye:red", "Red" },
["unicolor_yellow"] = {"yellow", S("Yellow Banner"), "mcl_wool:yellow", "#E6CD00", "mcl_dye:yellow", "Yellow" },
["unicolor_dark_green"] = {"green", S("Green Banner"), "mcl_wool:green", "#006000", "mcl_dye:dark_green", "Green" },
["unicolor_cyan"] = {"cyan", S("Cyan Banner"), "mcl_wool:cyan", "#00ACAC", "mcl_dye:cyan", "Cyan" },
["unicolor_blue"] = {"blue", S("Blue Banner"), "mcl_wool:blue", "#0000AC", "mcl_dye:blue", "Blue" },
["unicolor_red_violet"] = {"magenta", S("Magenta Banner"), "mcl_wool:magenta", "#AC007C", "mcl_dye:magenta", "Magenta"},
["unicolor_orange"] = {"orange", S("Orange Banner"), "mcl_wool:orange", "#E67300", "mcl_dye:orange", "Orange" },
["unicolor_violet"] = {"purple", S("Purple Banner"), "mcl_wool:purple", "#6400AC", "mcl_dye:violet", "Violet" },
["unicolor_brown"] = {"brown", S("Brown Banner"), "mcl_wool:brown", "#603000", "mcl_dye:brown", "Brown" },
["unicolor_pink"] = {"pink", S("Pink Banner"), "mcl_wool:pink", "#DE557C", "mcl_dye:pink", "Pink" },
["unicolor_lime"] = {"lime", S("Lime Banner"), "mcl_wool:lime", "#30AC00", "mcl_dye:green", "Lime" },
["unicolor_light_blue"] = {"light_blue", S("Light Blue Banner"), "mcl_wool:light_blue", "#4040CF", "mcl_dye:lightblue", "Light Blue" },
local colors_reverse = {}
@ -192,9 +194,9 @@ end
minetest.register_node("mcl_banners:standing_banner", {
_doc_items_entry_name = "Banner",
_doc_items_image = "mcl_banners_item_base.png^mcl_banners_item_overlay.png",
_doc_items_longdesc = "Banners are tall colorful decorative blocks. They can be placed on the floor and at walls. Banners can be emblazoned with a variety of patterns using a lot of dye in crafting.",
_doc_items_usagehelp = [[Use crafting to draw a pattern on top of the banner. Emblazoned banners can be emblazoned again to combine various patterns. You can draw up to 12 layers on a banner that way. If the banner includes a gradient, only 3 layers are possible.
You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in the crafting grid—one needs to be emblazoned, the other one must be clean. Finally, you can use a banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top-most layer.]],
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Banners are tall colorful decorative blocks. They can be placed on the floor and at walls. Banners can be emblazoned with a variety of patterns using a lot of dye in crafting."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Use crafting to draw a pattern on top of the banner. Emblazoned banners can be emblazoned again to combine various patterns. You can draw up to 12 layers on a banner that way. If the banner includes a gradient, only 3 layers are possible.").."\n"..
S("You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in the crafting grid—one needs to be emblazoned, the other one must be clean. Finally, you can use a banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top-most layer."),
walkable = false,
is_ground_content = false,
paramtype = "light",
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_banners")
-- Pattern crafting. This file contains the code for crafting all the
-- emblazonings you can put on the banners. It's quite complicated;
-- run-of-the-mill crafting won't work here.
@ -17,99 +19,99 @@ local d = "group:dye" -- dye
local e = "" -- empty slot (one of them must contain the banner)
local patterns = {
["border"] = {
name = "%s Bordure",
name = S("%s Bordure"),
{ d, d, d },
{ d, e, d },
{ d, d, d },
["bricks"] = {
name = "%s Bricks",
name = S("%s Bricks"),
type = "shapeless",
{ e, "mcl_core:brick_block", d },
["circle"] = {
name = "%s Roundel",
name = S("%s Roundel"),
{ e, e, e },
{ e, d, e },
{ e, e, e },
["creeper"] = {
name = "%s Creeper Charge",
name = S("%s Creeper Charge"),
type = "shapeless",
{ e, "mcl_heads:creeper", d },
["cross"] = {
name = "%s Saltire",
name = S("%s Saltire"),
{ d, e, d },
{ e, d, e },
{ d, e, d },
["curly_border"] = {
name = "%s Bordure Indented",
name = S("%s Bordure Indented"),
type = "shapeless",
{ e, "mcl_core:vine", d },
["diagonal_up_left"] = {
name = "%s Per Bend Inverted",
name = S("%s Per Bend Inverted"),
{ e, e, e },
{ d, e, e },
{ d, d, e },
["diagonal_up_right"] = {
name = "%s Per Bend Sinister Inverted",
name = S("%s Per Bend Sinister Inverted"),
{ e, e, e },
{ e, e, d },
{ e, d, d },
["diagonal_right"] = {
name = "%s Per Bend",
name = S("%s Per Bend"),
{ e, d, d },
{ e, e, d },
{ e, e, e },
["diagonal_left"] = {
name = "%s Per Bend Sinister",
name = S("%s Per Bend Sinister"),
{ d, d, e },
{ d, e, e },
{ e, e, e },
["flower"] = {
name = "%s Flower Charge",
name = S("%s Flower Charge"),
type = "shapeless",
{ e, "mcl_flowers:oxeye_daisy", d },
["gradient"] = {
name = "%s Gradient",
name = S("%s Gradient"),
{ d, e, d },
{ e, d, e },
{ e, d, e },
["gradient_up"] = {
name = "%s Base Gradient",
name = S("%s Base Gradient"),
{ e, d, e },
{ e, d, e },
{ d, e, d },
["half_horizontal_bottom"] = {
name = "%s Per Fess Inverted",
name = S("%s Per Fess Inverted"),
{ e, e, e },
{ d, d, d },
{ d, d, d },
["half_horizontal"] = {
name = "%s Per Fess",
name = S("%s Per Fess"),
{ d, d, d },
{ d, d, d },
{ e, e, e },
["half_vertical"] = {
name = "%s Per Pale",
name = S("%s Per Pale"),
{ d, d, e },
{ d, d, e },
{ d, d, e },
["half_vertical_right"] = {
name = "%s Per Pale Inverted",
name = S("%s Per Pale Inverted"),
{ e, d, d },
{ e, d, d },
{ e, d, d },
@ -117,126 +119,126 @@ local patterns = {
["thing"] = {
-- Symbol used for the “Thing”: U+1F65D 🙝
name = "%s Thing Charge",
name = S("%s Thing Charge"),
type = "shapeless",
-- TODO: Replace with enchanted golden apple
{ e, "mcl_core:apple_gold", d },
["rhombus"] = {
name = "%s Lozenge",
name = S("%s Lozenge"),
{ e, d, e },
{ d, e, d },
{ e, d, e },
["skull"] = {
name = "%s Skull Charge",
name = S("%s Skull Charge"),
type = "shapeless",
{ e, "mcl_heads:wither_skeleton", d },
["small_stripes"] = {
name = "%s Paly",
name = S("%s Paly"),
{ d, e, d },
{ d, e, d },
{ e, e, e },
["square_bottom_left"] = {
name = "%s Base Dexter Canton",
name = S("%s Base Dexter Canton"),
{ e, e, e },
{ e, e, e },
{ d, e, e },
["square_bottom_right"] = {
name = "%s Base Sinister Canton",
name = S("%s Base Sinister Canton"),
{ e, e, e },
{ e, e, e },
{ e, e, d },
["square_top_left"] = {
name = "%s Chief Dexter Canton",
name = S("%s Chief Dexter Canton"),
{ d, e, e },
{ e, e, e },
{ e, e, e },
["square_top_right"] = {
name = "%s Chief Sinister Canton",
name = S("%s Chief Sinister Canton"),
{ e, e, d },
{ e, e, e },
{ e, e, e },
["straight_cross"] = {
name = "%s Cross",
name = S("%s Cross"),
{ e, d, e },
{ d, d, d },
{ e, d, e },
["stripe_bottom"] = {
name = "%s Base",
name = S("%s Base"),
{ e, e, e },
{ e, e, e },
{ d, d, d },
["stripe_center"] = {
name = "%s Pale",
name = S("%s Pale"),
{ e, d, e },
{ e, d, e },
{ e, d, e },
["stripe_downleft"] = {
name = "%s Bend Sinister",
name = S("%s Bend Sinister"),
{ e, e, d },
{ e, d, e },
{ d, e, e },
["stripe_downright"] = {
name = "%s Bend",
name = S("%s Bend"),
{ d, e, e },
{ e, d, e },
{ e, e, d },
["stripe_left"] = {
name = "%s Pale Dexter",
name = S("%s Pale Dexter"),
{ d, e, e },
{ d, e, e },
{ d, e, e },
["stripe_middle"] = {
name = "%s Fess",
name = S("%s Fess"),
{ e, e, e },
{ d, d, d },
{ e, e, e },
["stripe_right"] = {
name = "%s Pale Sinister",
name = S("%s Pale Sinister"),
{ e, e, d },
{ e, e, d },
{ e, e, d },
["stripe_top"] = {
name = "%s Chief",
name = S("%s Chief"),
{ d, d, d },
{ e, e, e },
{ e, e, e },
["triangle_bottom"] = {
name = "%s Chevron",
name = S("%s Chevron"),
{ e, e, e },
{ e, d, e },
{ d, e, d },
["triangle_top"] = {
name = "%s Chevron Inverted",
name = S("%s Chevron Inverted"),
{ d, e, d },
{ e, d, e },
{ e, e, e },
["triangles_bottom"] = {
name = "%s Base Indented",
name = S("%s Base Indented"),
{ e, e, e },
{ d, e, d },
{ e, d, e },
["triangles_top"] = {
name = "%s Chief Indented",
name = S("%s Chief Indented"),
{ e, d, e },
{ d, e, d },
{ e, e, e },
@ -270,9 +272,9 @@ mcl_banners.make_advanced_banner_description = function(description, layers)
-- Warn about missing information
if #layers == max_layer_lines + 1 then
table.insert(layerstrings, "And one addional layer")
table.insert(layerstrings, S("And one addional layer"))
elseif #layers > max_layer_lines + 1 then
table.insert(layerstrings, string.format("And %d addional layers", #layers - max_layer_lines))
table.insert(layerstrings, string.format(S("And %d addional layers"), #layers - max_layer_lines))
-- Final string concatenations: Just a list of strings
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_beds")
local reverse = true
@ -32,17 +33,17 @@ local function kick_player_after_destruct(destruct_pos)
local beddesc = "Beds allow you to sleep at night and make the time pass faster."
local beduse = "To use a bed, stand close to it and right-click the bed to sleep in it. Sleeping only works when the sun sets, at night or during a thunderstorm. The bed must also be clear of any danger."
local beddesc = S("Beds allow you to sleep at night and make the time pass faster.")
local beduse = S("To use a bed, stand close to it and right-click the bed to sleep in it. Sleeping only works when the sun sets, at night or during a thunderstorm. The bed must also be clear of any danger.")
if minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_bed_respawn") == false then
beddesc = beddesc .. "\n" .. "In local folklore, legends are told of other worlds where setting the start point for your next life would be possible. But this world is not one of them."
beddesc = beddesc .. "\n" .. S("In local folklore, legends are told of other worlds where setting the start point for your next life would be possible. But this world is not one of them.")
beddesc = beddesc .. "\n" .. "By using a bed, you set the starting point for your next life. If you die, you will start your next life at this bed, unless it is obstructed or destroyed."
beddesc = beddesc .. "\n" .. S("By using a bed, you set the starting point for your next life. If you die, you will start your next life at this bed, unless it is obstructed or destroyed.")
if minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_bed_night_skip") == false then
beddesc = beddesc .. "\n" .. "In this strange world, going to bed won't skip the night, but you can skip thunderstorms."
beddesc = beddesc .. "\n" .. S("In this strange world, going to bed won't skip the night, but you can skip thunderstorms.")
beddesc = beddesc .. "\n" .. "Sleeping allows you to skip the night. The night is skipped when all players in this world went to sleep. The night is skipped after sleeping for a few seconds. Thunderstorms can be skipped in the same manner."
beddesc = beddesc .. "\n" .. S("Sleeping allows you to skip the night. The night is skipped when all players in this world went to sleep. The night is skipped after sleeping for a few seconds. Thunderstorms can be skipped in the same manner.")
local default_sounds
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- 3D bed
local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_beds")
local nodebox = {
bottom = {
@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ local nodebox = {
local colors = {
-- { ID, decription, wool, dye }
{ "red", "Red Bed", "mcl_wool:red", "mcl_dye:red" },
{ "blue", "Blue Bed", "mcl_wool:blue", "mcl_dye:blue" },
{ "cyan", "Cyan Bed", "mcl_wool:cyan", "mcl_dye:cyan" },
{ "grey", "Grey Bed", "mcl_wool:grey", "mcl_dye:dark_grey" },
{ "silver", "Light Grey Bed", "mcl_wool:silver", "mcl_dye:grey" },
{ "black", "Black Bed", "mcl_wool:black", "mcl_dye:black" },
{ "yellow", "Yellow Bed", "mcl_wool:yellow", "mcl_dye:yellow" },
{ "green", "Green Bed", "mcl_wool:green", "mcl_dye:dark_green" },
{ "magenta", "Magenta Bed", "mcl_wool:magenta", "mcl_dye:magenta" },
{ "orange", "Orange Bed", "mcl_wool:orange", "mcl_dye:orange" },
{ "purple", "Purple Bed", "mcl_wool:purple", "mcl_dye:violet" },
{ "brown", "Brown Bed", "mcl_wool:brown", "mcl_dye:brown" },
{ "pink", "Pink Bed", "mcl_wool:pink", "mcl_dye:pink" },
{ "lime", "Lime Bed", "mcl_wool:lime", "mcl_dye:green" },
{ "light_blue", "Light Blue Bed", "mcl_wool:light_blue", "mcl_dye:lightblue" },
{ "white", "White Bed", "mcl_wool:white", "mcl_dye:white" },
{ "red", S("Red Bed"), "mcl_wool:red", "mcl_dye:red" },
{ "blue", S("Blue Bed"), "mcl_wool:blue", "mcl_dye:blue" },
{ "cyan", S("Cyan Bed"), "mcl_wool:cyan", "mcl_dye:cyan" },
{ "grey", S("Grey Bed"), "mcl_wool:grey", "mcl_dye:dark_grey" },
{ "silver", S("Light Grey Bed"), "mcl_wool:silver", "mcl_dye:grey" },
{ "black", S("Black Bed"), "mcl_wool:black", "mcl_dye:black" },
{ "yellow", S("Yellow Bed"), "mcl_wool:yellow", "mcl_dye:yellow" },
{ "green", S("Green Bed"), "mcl_wool:green", "mcl_dye:dark_green" },
{ "magenta", S("Magenta Bed"), "mcl_wool:magenta", "mcl_dye:magenta" },
{ "orange", S("Orange Bed"), "mcl_wool:orange", "mcl_dye:orange" },
{ "purple", S("Purple Bed"), "mcl_wool:purple", "mcl_dye:violet" },
{ "brown", S("Brown Bed"), "mcl_wool:brown", "mcl_dye:brown" },
{ "pink", S("Pink Bed"), "mcl_wool:pink", "mcl_dye:pink" },
{ "lime", S("Lime Bed"), "mcl_wool:lime", "mcl_dye:green" },
{ "light_blue", S("Light Blue Bed"), "mcl_wool:light_blue", "mcl_dye:lightblue" },
{ "white", S("White Bed"), "mcl_wool:white", "mcl_dye:white" },
for c=1, #colors do
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_beds")
local pi = math.pi
local player_in_bed = 0
local is_sp = minetest.is_singleplayer()
@ -67,20 +69,20 @@ local function lay_down(player, pos, bed_pos, state, skip)
if bed_pos then
-- No sleeping if too far away
if vector.distance(bed_pos, pos) > 2 then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!")
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!"))
return false
for _, other_pos in pairs(mcl_beds.bed_pos) do
if vector.distance(bed_pos, other_pos) < 0.1 then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "This bed is already occupied!")
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("This bed is already occupied!"))
return false
-- No sleeping while moving. Slightly different behaviour than in MC.
if vector.length(player:get_player_velocity()) > 0.001 then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You have to stop moving before going to bed!")
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("You have to stop moving before going to bed!"))
return false
@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ local function lay_down(player, pos, bed_pos, state, skip)
-- Approximation of monster detection range
if def._cmi_is_mob and ((mobname ~= "mobs_mc:pigman" and def.type == "monster" and not monster_exceptions[mobname]) or (mobname == "mobs_mc:pigman" and ent.state == "attack")) then
if math.abs(bed_pos.y - obj:get_pos().y) <= 5 then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!")
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!"))
return false
@ -143,10 +145,10 @@ local function lay_down(player, pos, bed_pos, state, skip)
local def1 = minetest.registered_nodes[n1.name]
local def2 = minetest.registered_nodes[n2.name]
if def1.walkable or def2.walkable then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!")
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!"))
return false
elseif (def1.damage_per_second ~= nil and def1.damage_per_second > 0) or (def2.damage_per_second ~= nil and def2.damage_per_second > 0) then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "It's too dangerous to sleep here!")
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("It's too dangerous to sleep here!"))
return false
@ -162,14 +164,14 @@ local function lay_down(player, pos, bed_pos, state, skip)
-- Values taken from Minecraft Wiki with offset of +6000
if tod < 18541 and tod > 5458 and (not weather_mod or (mcl_weather.get_weather() ~= "thunder")) then
if spawn_changed then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "New respawn position set! But you can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.")
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("New respawn position set! But you can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm."))
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.")
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm."))
return false
if spawn_changed then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "New respawn position set!")
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("New respawn position set!"))
mcl_beds.player[name] = 1
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
local S =minetest.get_translator("mcl_books")
local max_text_length = 4500 -- TODO: Increase to 12800 when scroll bar was added to written book
local max_title_length = 64
-- Book
minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_books:book", {
description = "Book",
_doc_items_longdesc = "Books are used to make bookshelves and book and quills.",
description = S("Book"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Books are used to make bookshelves and book and quills."),
inventory_image = "default_book.png",
stack_max = 64,
groups = { book=1, craftitem = 1 },
@ -50,15 +52,15 @@ end
local make_description = function(title, author, generation)
local desc
if generation == 0 then
desc = string.format("“%s”", title)
desc = S("“@1”", title)
elseif generation == 1 then
desc = string.format("Copy of “%s”", title)
desc = S("Copy of “@1”", title)
elseif generation == 2 then
desc = string.format("Copy of Copy of “%s”", title)
desc = S("Copy of Copy of “@1”", title)
desc = "Tattered Book"
desc = S("Tattered Book")
desc = desc .. "\n" .. core.colorize("#AAAAAA", string.format("by %s", author))
desc = desc .. "\n" .. core.colorize("#AAAAAA", S("by @1", author))
return desc
@ -81,8 +83,8 @@ local write = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
local formspec = "size[8,9]"..
minetest.show_formspec(user:get_player_name(), "mcl_books:writable_book", formspec)
@ -101,16 +103,16 @@ local read = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
local formspec = "size[8,9]"..
"textarea[0.75,0.1;7.25,9;;"..core.colorize("#000000", minetest.formspec_escape(text))..";]"..
minetest.show_formspec(user:get_player_name(), "mcl_books:written_book", formspec)
-- Book and Quill
minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_books:writable_book", {
description = "Book and Quill",
_doc_items_longdesc = "This item can be used to write down some notes.",
_doc_items_usagehelp = "Hold it in the hand, then rightclick to read the current notes and edit then. You can edit the text as often as you like. You can also sign the book which turns it into a written book which you can stack, but it can't be edited anymore.".."\n"..
"A book can hold up to 4500 characters. The title length is limited to 64 characters.",
_doc_items_longdesc = S("This item can be used to write down some notes."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Hold it in the hand, then rightclick to read the current notes and edit then. You can edit the text as often as you like. You can also sign the book which turns it into a written book which you can stack, but it can't be edited anymore.").."\n"..
S("A book can hold up to 4500 characters. The title length is limited to 64 characters."),
inventory_image = "mcl_books_book_writable.png",
groups = { book=1 },
stack_max = 1,
@ -134,11 +136,11 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function ( player, formname, fields )
local name = player:get_player_name()
local formspec = "size[8,9]"..
"field[0.75,1;7.25,1;title;"..core.colorize("#000000", "Enter book title:")..";]"..
"label[0.75,1.5;"..core.colorize("#404040", minetest.formspec_escape("by " .. name)).."]"..
"label[0.75,6.95;"..core.colorize("#000000", "Note: The book will no longer") .. "\n" .. core.colorize("#000000", "be editable after signing.").."]"..
"button_exit[0.75,7.95;3,1;sign;Sign and Close]"..
"field[0.75,1;7.25,1;title;"..core.colorize("#000000", S("Enter book title:"))..";]"..
"label[0.75,1.5;"..core.colorize("#404040", minetest.formspec_escape(S("by @1", name))).."]"..
"label[0.75,6.95;"..core.colorize("#000000", minetest.formspec_escape(S("Note: The book will no longer\nbe editable after signing."))).."]"..
"button_exit[0.75,7.95;3,1;sign;"..minetest.formspec_escape(S("Sign and Close")).."]"..
minetest.show_formspec(player:get_player_name(), "mcl_books:signing", formspec)
@ -149,7 +151,7 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function ( player, formname, fields )
if book:get_name() == "mcl_books:writable_book" then
local title = fields.title
if string.len(title) == 0 then
title = "Nameless Book"
title = S("Nameless Book")
title = cap_text_length(title, max_title_length)
local meta = newbook:get_meta()
@ -184,11 +186,11 @@ end
-- Written Book
minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_books:written_book", {
description = "Written Book",
_doc_items_longdesc = "Written books contain some text written by someone. They can be read and copied, but not edited.",
_doc_items_usagehelp = [[Hold it in your hand, then rightclick to read the book.
description = S("Written Book"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Written books contain some text written by someone. They can be read and copied, but not edited."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Hold it in your hand, then rightclick to read the book.").."\n\n"..
To copy the text of the written book, place it into the crafting grid together with a book and quill (or multiple of those) and craft. The written book will not be consumed. Copies of copies can not be copied.]],
S("To copy the text of the written book, place it into the crafting grid together with a book and quill (or multiple of those) and craft. The written book will not be consumed. Copies of copies can not be copied."),
inventory_image = "mcl_books_book_written.png",
groups = { not_in_creative_inventory=1, book=1, no_rename=1 },
stack_max = 16,
@ -322,8 +324,8 @@ end
-- Bookshelf
minetest.register_node("mcl_books:bookshelf", {
description = "Bookshelf",
_doc_items_longdesc = "Bookshelves are used for decoration.",
description = S("Bookshelf"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Bookshelves are used for decoration."),
tiles = {"mcl_books_bookshelf_top.png", "mcl_books_bookshelf_top.png", "default_bookshelf.png"},
stack_max = 64,
is_ground_content = false,
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_bows")
-- Time in seconds after which a stuck arrow is deleted
local ARROW_TIMEOUT = 60
-- Time after which stuck arrow is rechecked for being stuck
@ -11,11 +13,11 @@ local mod_awards = minetest.get_modpath("awards") and minetest.get_modpath("mcl_
local mod_button = minetest.get_modpath("mesecons_button")
minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_bows:arrow", {
description = "Arrow",
_doc_items_longdesc = [[Arrows are ammunition for bows and dispensers.
An arrow fired from a bow has a regular damage of 1-9. At full charge, there's a 20% chance of a critical hit dealing 10 damage instead. An arrow fired from a dispenser always deals 3 damage.
Arrows might get stuck on solid blocks and can be retrieved again. They are also capable of pushing wooden buttons.]],
_doc_items_usagehelp = "To use arrows as ammunition for a bow, just put them anywhere in your inventory, they will be used up automatically. To use arrows as ammunition for a dispenser, place them in the dispenser's inventory. To retrieve an arrow that sticks in a block, simply walk close to it.",
description = S("Arrow"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Arrows are ammunition for bows and dispensers.").."\n"..
S("An arrow fired from a bow has a regular damage of 1-9. At full charge, there's a 20% chance of a critical hit dealing 10 damage instead. An arrow fired from a dispenser always deals 3 damage.").."\n"..
S("Arrows might get stuck on solid blocks and can be retrieved again. They are also capable of pushing wooden buttons."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("To use arrows as ammunition for a bow, just put them anywhere in your inventory, they will be used up automatically. To use arrows as ammunition for a dispenser, place them in the dispenser's inventory. To retrieve an arrow that sticks in a block, simply walk close to it."),
inventory_image = "mcl_bows_arrow_inv.png",
groups = { ammo=1, ammo_bow=1 },
_on_dispense = function(itemstack, dispenserpos, droppos, dropnode, dropdir)
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_bows")
mcl_bows = {}
local arrows = {
@ -95,10 +97,10 @@ end
-- Bow item, uncharged state
minetest.register_tool("mcl_bows:bow", {
description = "Bow",
_doc_items_longdesc = [[Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.
The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead.]],
_doc_items_usagehelp = [[To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.]],
description = S("Bow"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.").."\n"..
S("The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot."),
_doc_items_durability = BOW_DURABILITY,
inventory_image = "mcl_bows_bow.png",
stack_max = 1,
@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ end
-- Bow in charging state
for level=0, 2 do
minetest.register_tool("mcl_bows:bow_"..level, {
description = "Bow",
description = S("Bow"),
_doc_items_create_entry = false,
inventory_image = "mcl_bows_bow_"..level..".png",
stack_max = 1,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user