Add entity kill death messages

This commit is contained in:
2017-07-24 18:19:24 +02:00
parent b522c66af8
commit 47e2c019ad

@ -1,3 +1,123 @@
-- Death messages
local msgs = {
["arrow"] = {
"%s was fatally hit by an arrow.",
"%s has been killed with an arrow.",
["cactus"] = {
"%s was killed by a cactus.",
"%s was pricked to death.",
["fire"] = {
"%s has been cooked crisp.",
"%s felt the burn.",
"%s died in the flames.",
"%s died in a fire.",
["explosion"] = {
"%s was caught in an explosion.",
["lava"] = {
"%s melted in lava.",
"%s took a bath in a hot lava tub.",
"%s died in lava.",
"%s could not survive in lava.",
["drown"] = {
"%s forgot to breathe.",
"%s drowned.",
"%s ran out of oxygen.",
["void"] = {
"%s fell into the endless void.",
["suffocation"] = {
"%s suffocated to death.",
["starve"] = {
"%s starved.",
["murder"] = {
"%s was killed by %s.",
["mob_kill"] = {
"%s was killed by a mob.",
["falling_anvil"] = {
"%s was smashed by a falling anvil!",
["falling_block"] = {
"%s was smashed by a falling block.",
"%s was buried under a falling block.",
["fall_damage"] = {
"%s fell from a high cliff.",
"%s took fatal fall damage.",
"%s fell victim to gravity.",
["other"] = {
"%s died.",
mobkills = {
["mobs_mc:zombie"] = "%s was killed by a zombie.",
["mobs_mc:blaze"] = "%s was killed by a blaze.",
["mobs_mc:slime"] = "%s was killed by a slime.",
["mobs_mc:witch"] = "%s was killed by a witch.",
["mobs_mc:magma_cube_tiny"] = "%s was killed by a magma cube.",
["mobs_mc:magma_cube_small"] = "%s was killed by a magma cube.",
["mobs_mc:magma_cube_big"] = "%s was killed by a magma cube.",
["mobs_mc:wolf"] = "%s was killed by a wolf.",
["mobs_mc:cat"] = "%s was killed by a cat.",
["mobs_mc:ocelot"] = "%s was killed by an ocelot.",
["mobs_mc:ender_dragon"] = "%s was killed by an ender dragon.",
["mobs_mc:wither"] = "%s was killed by a wither.",
["mobs_mc:blaze"] = "%s was killed by a blaze.",
["mobs_mc:enderman"] = "%s was killed by an enderman.",
["mobs_mc:endermite"] = "%s was killed by an endermite.",
["mobs_mc:ghast"] = "%s was killed by a ghast.",
["mobs_mc:guardian_elder"] = "%s was killed by an elder guardian.",
["mobs_mc:guardian"] = "%s was killed by a guardian.",
["mobs_mc:iron_golem"] = "%s was killed by an iron golem.",
["mobs_mc:polar_bear"] = "%s was killed by a polar_bear.",
["mobs_mc:killer_bunny"] = "%s was killed by a killer bunny.",
["mobs_mc:shulker"] = "%s was killed by a shulker.",
["mobs_mc:silverfish"] = "%s was killed by a silverfish.",
["mobs_mc:skeleton"] = "%s was killed by a skeleton.",
["mobs_mc:stray"] = "%s was killed by a stray.",
["mobs_mc:slime_tiny"] = "%s was killed by a slime.",
["mobs_mc:slime_small"] = "%s was killed by a slime.",
["mobs_mc:slime_big"] = "%s was killed by a slime.",
["mobs_mc:spider"] = "%s was killed by a spider.",
["mobs_mc:cave_spider"] = "%s was killed by a cave spider.",
["mobs_mc:vex"] = "%s was killed by a vex.",
["mobs_mc:evoker"] = "%s was killed by an evoker.",
["mobs_mc:illusioner"] = "%s was killed by an illusioner.",
["mobs_mc:vindicator"] = "%s was killed by a vindicator.",
["mobs_mc:villager_zombie"] = "%s was killed by a zombie villager.",
["mobs_mc:husk"] = "%s was killed by a husk.",
["mobs_mc:zombiepig"] = "%s was killed by a zombie pigman.",
-- Select death message
local dmsg = function(mtype, ...)
local r = math.random(1, #msgs[mtype])
return string.format(msgs[mtype][r], ...)
-- Select death message for death by mob
local mmsg = function(mtype, ...)
minetest.log("error", dump(mtype))
if mobkills[mtype] then
return string.format(mobkills[mtype], ...)
return dmsg("mob_kill", ...)
local last_punches = { }
local keep = minetest.setting_getbool("mcl_keepInventory") or false
if keep == false then
@ -40,70 +160,8 @@ minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player)
if message == nil then message = true end
if message then
local name = player:get_player_name()
-- Death messages
local msgs = {
["arrow"] = {
"%s was fatally hit by an arrow.",
"%s has been killed with an arrow.",
["cactus"] = {
"%s was killed by a cactus.",
"%s was pricked to death.",
["fire"] = {
"%s has been cooked crisp.",
"%s felt the burn.",
"%s died in the flames.",
"%s died in a fire.",
["explosion"] = {
"%s was caught in an explosion.",
["lava"] = {
"%s melted in lava.",
"%s took a bath in a hot lava tub.",
"%s died in lava.",
"%s could not survive in lava.",
["drown"] = {
"%s forgot to breathe.",
"%s drowned.",
"%s ran out of oxygen.",
["void"] = {
"%s fell into the endless void.",
["suffocation"] = {
"%s suffocated to death.",
["starve"] = {
"%s starved.",
["murder"] = {
"%s was killed by %s.",
["falling_anvil"] = {
"%s was smashed by a falling anvil!",
["falling_block"] = {
"%s was smashed by a falling block.",
"%s was buried under a falling block.",
["fall_damage"] = {
"%s fell from a high cliff.",
"%s took fatal fall damage.",
"%s fell victim to gravity.",
["other"] = {
"%s died.",
-- Select death message
local dmsg = function(mtype, ...)
local r = math.random(1, #msgs[mtype])
return string.format(msgs[mtype][r], ...)
if not name then
local node = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(player:getpos()).name]
@ -125,8 +183,63 @@ minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player)
msg = dmsg("cactus", name)
-- Other
msg = dmsg("other", name)
-- Killed by entity
if last_punches[name] then
-- Mob
if last_punches[name].hittertype == "mob" then
if last_punches[name].hittername then
msg = dmsg("murder", name, last_punches[name].hittername)
msg = mmsg(last_punches[name].hittersubtype, name)
-- Player
elseif last_punches[name].hittertype == "player" then
msg = dmsg("murder", name, last_punches[name].hittername)
-- Arrow
elseif last_punches[name].hittertype == "arrow" then
msg = dmsg("arrow", name)
-- Other reason
msg = dmsg("other", name)
if msg then
minetest.register_on_punchplayer(function(player, hitter)
if not player or not player:is_player() or not hitter then
local msg
local hittername, hittertype, hittersubtype, shooter
-- Player
if hitter:is_player() then
hittername = hitter:get_player_name()
hittertype = "player"
-- Mob (according to Common Mob Interface)
elseif hitter:get_luaentity()._cmi_is_mob then
if hitter:get_luaentity().nametag and hitter:get_luaentity().nametag ~= "" then
hittername = hitter:get_luaentity().nametag
hittertype = "mob"
hittersubtype = hitter:get_luaentity().name
-- Arrow
elseif hitter:get_luaentity().name == "mcl_throwing:arrow_entity" or hitter:get_luaentity().name == "mobs_mc:arrow_entity" then
hittertype = "arrow"
if hitter:get_luaentity()._shooter then
shooter = hitter:get_luaentity()._shooter
last_punches[player:get_player_name()] = { shooter = shooter, hittername = hittername, hittertype = hittertype, hittersubtype = hittersubtype }
minetest.after(1, function(playername)
last_punches[playername] = nil
end, player:get_player_name())