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synced 2025-03-02 11:24:38 +01:00
Fix #1447
This commit is contained in:
@ -86,17 +86,23 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
time = time + dtime
-- Update jump status immediately since we need this info in real time.
-- WARNING: This section is HACKY as hell since it is all just based on heuristics.
for _,player in pairs(get_connected_players()) do
_ _ _
__ _ _ __ (_)_ __ ___ __ _| |_(_) ___ _ __ ___
/ _` | '_ \| | '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
| (_| | | | | | | | | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | \__ \
\__,_|_| |_|_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/
local controls = player:get_player_control()
name = player:get_player_name()
local name = player:get_player_name()
local meta = player:get_meta()
local player_velocity = player:get_velocity() or player:get_player_velocity()
local parent = player:get_attach()
local wielded = player:get_wielded_item()
local player_velocity = player:get_velocity() or player:get_player_velocity()
-- controls head bone
local pitch = - degrees(player:get_look_vertical())
@ -114,7 +120,7 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
player:set_bone_position("Arm_Right_Pitch_Control", vector.new(-3,5.785,0), vector.new(pitch+90,-30,pitch * -1 * .35))
player:set_bone_position("Arm_Left_Pitch_Control", vector.new(3.5,5.785,0), vector.new(pitch+90,43,pitch * .35))
-- when punching
elseif controls.LMB and player:get_attach() == nil then
elseif controls.LMB and not parent then
player:set_bone_position("Arm_Right_Pitch_Control", vector.new(-3,5.785,0), vector.new(pitch,0,0))
player:set_bone_position("Arm_Left_Pitch_Control", vector.new(3,5.785,0), vector.new(0,0,0))
-- when holding an item.
@ -127,38 +133,40 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
player:set_bone_position("Arm_Right_Pitch_Control", vector.new(-3,5.785,0), vector.new(0,0,0))
if controls.sneak and player:get_attach() == nil then
if parent then
local parent_yaw = degrees(parent:get_yaw())
player:set_properties({collisionbox = {-0.35,0,-0.35,0.35,1.8,0.35}, eye_height = 1.5, nametag_color = { r = 225, b = 225, a = 225, g = 225 }})
player:set_bone_position("Head", vector.new(0,6.3,0), vector.new(pitch, -limit_vel_yaw(yaw, parent_yaw) + parent_yaw, 0))
player:set_bone_position("Body_Control", vector.new(0,6.3,0), vector.new(0,0,0))
elseif controls.sneak then
-- controls head pitch when sneaking
player:set_bone_position("Head", vector.new(0,6.3,0), vector.new(pitch+36,0,0))
-- sets eye height, and nametag color accordingly
player:set_properties({collisionbox = {-0.35,0,-0.35,0.35,1.8,0.35}, eye_height = 1.35, nametag_color = { r = 225, b = 225, a = 0, g = 225 }})
-- sneaking body conrols
player:set_bone_position("Body_Control", vector.new(0,6.3,0), vector.new(0,0,0))
elseif get_item_group(mcl_playerinfo[name].node_head, "water") ~= 0 and player:get_attach() == nil and is_sprinting(name) == true then
elseif get_item_group(mcl_playerinfo[name].node_head, "water") ~= 0 and is_sprinting(name) == true then
-- set head pitch and yaw when swimming
player:set_bone_position("Head", vector.new(0,6.3,0), vector.new(pitch+90-degrees(dir_to_pitch(player_velocity)),player_vel_yaw - yaw,0))
-- sets eye height, and nametag color accordingly
player:set_properties({collisionbox = {-0.35,0,-0.35,0.35,0.8,0.35}, eye_height = 0.5, nametag_color = { r = 225, b = 225, a = 225, g = 225 }})
-- control body bone when swimming
player:set_bone_position("Body_Control", vector.new(0,6.3,0), vector.new(degrees(dir_to_pitch(player_velocity)) - 90,-player_vel_yaw + yaw + 180,0))
elseif player:get_attach() == nil then
-- sets eye height, and nametag color accordingly
player:set_properties({collisionbox = {-0.35,0,-0.35,0.35,1.8,0.35}, eye_height = 1.5, nametag_color = { r = 225, b = 225, a = 225, g = 225 }})
player:set_bone_position("Head", vector.new(0,6.3,0), vector.new(pitch, player_vel_yaw - yaw, 0))
player:set_bone_position("Body_Control", vector.new(0,6.3,0), vector.new(0, -player_vel_yaw + yaw, 0))
local attached = player:get_attach(parent)
local attached_yaw = degrees(attached:get_yaw())
player:set_properties({collisionbox = {-0.35,0,-0.35,0.35,1.8,0.35}, eye_height = 1.5, nametag_color = { r = 225, b = 225, a = 225, g = 225 }})
player:set_bone_position("Head", vector.new(0,6.3,0), vector.new(pitch, -limit_vel_yaw(yaw, attached_yaw) + attached_yaw, 0))
player:set_bone_position("Body_Control", vector.new(0,6.3,0), vector.new(0,0,0))
-- Update jump status immediately since we need this info in real time.
-- WARNING: This section is HACKY as hell since it is all just based on heuristics.
if mcl_playerplus_internal[name].jump_cooldown > 0 then
mcl_playerplus_internal[name].jump_cooldown = mcl_playerplus_internal[name].jump_cooldown - dtime
if controls.jump and mcl_playerplus_internal[name].jump_cooldown <= 0 then
pos = player:get_pos()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user