2020-06-09 01:21:32 +01:00
-- Ported from Javascript by Starbeamrainbowlabs
-- Original source: https://github.com/sidorares/gaussian-convolution-kernel/
-- From
-- the code is taken from https://github.com/mattlockyer/iat455/blob/6493c882f1956703133c1bffa1d7ee9a83741cbe/assignment1/assignment/effects/blur-effect-dyn.js
-- (c) Matt Lockyer, https://github.com/mattlockyer
-- hypotenuse has moved to utils/numbers.lua
* Generates a kernel used for the gaussian blur effect .
* @ param dimension is an odd integer
* @ param sigma is the standard deviation used for our gaussian function .
* @ returns an array with dimension ^ 2 number of numbers , all less than or equal
* to 1. Represents our gaussian blur kernel .
] ] --
function worldeditadditions . conv . kernel_gaussian ( dimension , sigma )
if not ( dimension % 2 ) or math.floor ( dimension ) ~= dimension or dimension < 3 then
return false , " The dimension must be an odd integer greater than or equal to 3 "
local kernel = { } ;
local two_sigma_square = 2 * sigma * sigma ;
local centre = ( dimension - 1 ) / 2 ;
local sum = 0
for i = 0 , dimension - 1 do
for j = 0 , dimension - 1 do
local distance = worldeditadditions.hypotenuse ( i , j , centre , centre )
-- The following is an algorithm that came from the gaussian blur
-- wikipedia page [1].
-- http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gaussian_blur&oldid=608793634#Mechanics
local gaussian = ( 1 / math.sqrt (
math.pi * two_sigma_square
) ) * math.exp ( ( - 1 ) * ( math.pow ( distance , 2 ) / two_sigma_square ) ) ;
sum = sum + gaussian
kernel [ i * dimension + j ] = gaussian
-- Returns the unit vector of the kernel array.
for k , v in pairs ( kernel ) do
kernel [ k ] = kernel [ k ] / sum
2020-06-09 20:43:29 +01:00
return true , kernel
2020-06-09 01:21:32 +01:00